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Focus 2 Second Period 12 Jave

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January - March
Field: Languages and Communication
Subject: English X (FOCUS 2)
Period: 36 hours

Key Competences Learning Outcomes

The student:
 tells orally or in a written form an event he/she has heard or read in a logical and chronological order
 explains the meaning of new words and concepts using the proper vocabulary
 agrees or disagrees with an opinion, attitude or behaviour of his/her peers in class or school
 presents his/her work individually and independently using posters, symbols, pictures etc in implementing a task or activity
 makes effective use of different techniques and strategies in the learning process by classifying the information into known,
unknown or unclear
 values the importance of individual and group work for the development of community through examples from real life
 uses materials, different sources of information or technological tools in school and everyday life as a support for the academic
progress or career orientation
 respects the opinion of each member of the group by listening actively and makes decisions cooperating with them on the best
alternatives towards the accomplishment of a certain task
 uses his/ her IT skills and knowledge when preparing and presenting a task or project
 uses his/her portfolio as a tool to identify his/her strengths and weaknesses and also to set goals for the future learning and
career development
Subject Competences Learning Outcomes
The student:
 talks and describes houses, schools in different countries, jobs and work
 uses Present Perfect Tense correctly in talking about actions that started in the past and continue until now
 understands the main points in short emails, notices and adverts
 reads straightforward factual texts on subjects related to his/her field of interest with a satisfactory level of comprehension and
is able to find specific details when reading different articles
 follows short monologues or conversations provided the subject matter is familiar and the presentation clearly structured and
identifies specific details
 uses Present Continuous Tense correctly in talking about arrangements, intentions and spontaneous decisions
 uses the First Conditional correctly to talk about the possible results of an action
 uses relative clauses correctly to give more information
 communicates with reasonable accuracy in talking about imaginary situations using second conditional sentences
 uses modal verbs correctly to express obligation and permission
 has enough vocabulary to express his/her opinion and agrees or disagrees with other’s opinions
 makes and responds to suggestions
 asks for and gives advice about jobs and solving problems
 links a series of shorter, simple elements into connected, linear sequence of points and writes a story about an event on holiday
 writes a polite letter/email asking for information
 makes an application for a summer job.
Nr Topics Topics per hour Learning situations Methodologies and Assessment Resources
student’s activities

1. The Hobbit House -

Vocabulary and reading 1. Finding details
2. Grammar - Present Perfect,  pair work  observation  Student
WB exercises Students
3. Listening - Multiple Choice  describe the photos of  brain storming  oral book
4. WB, grammar exercises and different houses on the book  questions and assessment  Work book
extra activities and on the internet. answers  peer  Dictionary
5. Reading- Five Places to The teacher  gap filling assessment  CD
Visit  directs them towards finding
 group work  assessing  Internet
6. Grammar – Present details
12 hours Continuous & Future  assists them with new  matching exercises debate  Digital
Arrangements, WB vocabulary.  ELP participation platform
exercises The situation may go on the next  pre/while/ after  homework  Posters/
7. Speaking – Making class when students reading and writing assessment photos
suggestions  listen to people describing activities  self-  Extra
8. Writing a story, writing their rooms.
 multiple choice assessment materials in
focus  find the similarities and
9. Writing task exercises  checklist the student
differences among rooms (pair
10. Focus Review - work).  portfolio book
Reinforcement - Vocabulary assessment  ELP
and grammar, WB exercises 2. Making suggestions
11. Focus Review -
Reinforcement - Speaking In pairs students
and Writing, Extra activities  discuss about three different
12. Project (file the information activities they want to do in
taken from different sources London
& the conclusions  listen to the CD
formulated after processing  take down notes focusing on
the information, preparation, the expressions used for
organization and making, accepting or refusing
classification of the suggestions.
materials) In groups
 plan a walking day in
 search information for other
places to visit.

1. Education
systems  Pair work  observation  Student
1. Education - Reading &
Vocabulary Students  Brain storming  oral book
2. Grammar- First  brainstorm on the school  Questions and assessment  Work book
Conditional, WB exercises subjects all over world.
answers  peer  Dictionary
3. Listening - True/False  read the text on the book
4. WB and grammar and do the exercises.  Gap filling text assessment  CD
5 SCHOOL exercises, extra activities Teacher helps with the new  Group work  assessing  Internet
5. The man who moves vocabulary.
 Matching exercises debate  Digital
12 hours mountains - Reading  Ss do research at home
 Pre/while/ after participation platform
& Vocabulary  Ss bring to class
6. Grammar - Relative information on applying reading and writing  homework  Posters/
Clauses, WB exercises to British universities. activities assessment photos
7. Speaking - giving opinion  Ss define what a  Extra
 self-
and extra activity safe/comfortable/ nice etc
school is, using relative assessment materials in
8. Writing a letter of enquiry,
clauses in pairs.  checklist the student
Writing Focus
9. Writing Task  assessing book
2. Exam stress
10. Focus Review - witing an  ELP
Reinforcement, Grammar Exams are part of education
& vocabulary systems.
11. Focus Review - Listening,
writing, speaking
12. Project (The preparations
 discuss on how to
manage stress.
of the first versions and
 listen to some young
debate in small groups.) people giving advice
on how to manage
exam stress
 create their own
dialogues using the
expressions they have
1. Jobs
Teacher invites students to
1. What makes you happy in  think about their dream
profession  think-Pair-Share  observation  Student
your life - Reading &
 say why this profession is the  pair work  oral book
Vocabulary best for them (in pairs).
2. Grammar - Second  share their opinions with the  brain storming assessment  Work book
Conditionals, WB exercises whole class.
3. Listening - Multiple Chaise,  questions and  peer  Dictionary
 discuss on different kinds of
extra activities profession answers assessment  CD
4. Moneyless man - Reading & The teacher helps with new
Vocabulary  gap filling text  assessing  Internet
WORKING vocabulary. This situation may go
6 5. Grammar - Modal Verbs, on the next class when  group work debate  Digital
WB exercises  students get introduced to
 matching exercises participation platform
6. Speaking and roleplay - Conditionals
12 hours Asking for & giving advice  talk about imaginary situations  homework  Posters/
 pre/while/ after
7. Writing a letter/email of in their dream professions
reading and writing assessment photos
application  use expressions showing
8. Writing Focus. WB exercises obligation and permission. activities  self-  Extra
9. Written test assessment materials in
10. Focus Review -
2. Applying for a job
Reinforcement, Grammar &  checklist the student
 Students discuss on possibilities
vocabulary they have working part time. book
 test
11. Focus Review - Listening,  The teacher helps with
writing, speaking  ELP
information about young people
12. Project (preliminary working part time in other
evaluations from the teacher countries.
for the work done so far, the In groups students
final preparations)  discuss about the advantages
and disadvantages of working
part time.
 act dialogues giving or taking
advice on problems they might
have while working on the
writing class
 Students write an application

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