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KL 6 Challenge 1

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FIELD: Languages and Communication
Subject: English VI
Second period - 36 hours

Language Total
Class VI Culture Portfolio
grammar functions

40% 30% 20% 10%

36 hours
14 hours 11 hours 7 hours 4 hours
Key Competences Learning Outcomes

The student:
 listens carefully to the new information presented, asks and answers questions.
 follows the grammar rules.
 presents simple arguments when speaking about his/her likes and dislikes.
 uses different information resources.
 uses his/her European Language Portfolio (ELP) to document his/her own work and to set goals for the future.
 connects previously learned words and information with the new ones.
 works willingly in pairs and groups to solve problems.
 shows self confidence.
 uses IT skills in project presentations.

Subject Competences Learning Outcomes

The student:
 uses the simplest common expressions to talk about jobs, basic routines, likes/dislikes.
 expands learned phrases through simple recombinations of their elements to give directions and talk about places and free time.
 controls a narrow repertoire dealing with concrete everyday needs.
 uses simple present tense and present continuous tense correctly.
 writes a short report with reasonable phonetic accuracy , with words that are in his/her vocabulary.
 uses adverbs of frequency in simple sentences.
 writes a postcard using previously learned expressions.
Nr. Topics Topics per hour Learning situations and students Assessment Resources

1. Safety  group work  observation  studentbook

RISK 1. Cyber Safety; The teacher starts the  pair work  assessing  workbook
3 7 hours module with a
Reading & Listening  brainstorming answers  picture
brainstorming activity  questions and  assessing dictionary
“What does safety mean?” answers group work  CD
2. Grammar- Present by drawing a semantic  gap filling  assessing  Internet
Simple (questions); map and writing the word  matching home work  Digital
WB exercises safety exercises  using platform
3. The Adventure Park-  pre/while/after checklists  Posters,
Speaking reading  self- photos
in the cirlce and asking
questions “where/when/ activities assessment
4. Writing a report why should people be
5. Study Corner - safe?” at the far end of
Grammar exercises each line. This learning
situation goes on with the
following situations in the
6. Study corner coming classes.
7. Classroom 2. Safety at school
Language1 3. Cyber Safety
4. Safety at sports
In these learning
situations students bring
to class examples of
everyday dangerous
situations at school/
online/sports and the ways
of how to be safe and
handle these situations.

1. Get ready-places 1. My free time  group work  observation  studentbook

4 ABOUT 2. Free Time- Reading Teacher pairs the students  pair work  assessing  workbook
12 hours & Listening; a. student A is from  brainstorming answers  picture
Albania;student B from  questions and  assessing dictionary
3. Grammar-Adverbs; another country answers group work  CD
WB exercises; b. student A lives in our  gap filling  assessing  Internet
4. A Trip Back in Time- time(modern times) and  matching home work  Digital
Reading and travels back in time and exercises  using platform
Vocabulary meets someone who lives  Quiz checklists  Posters,
in the 50ies -they talk and photos
 Pre/while/after  self-
explain each other how
listening assessment
5. Grammar- some/any; they spend their free time activities  peer-
WB exercises and find similiarities and
6. Time out! Exercises differences. (students need
10, 11, 12 to do research in advance)

2. Directions
7. Going Out-Reading ,
Listening & Speaking Teacher presents a
8. Writing- A note wih situation where a student
Directions; WB pretends to be a foreigner
exercises in Tirana and asks for
directions. The other
student gives him/her
9. Across Cultures
directions .
10. Project

11. Study Corner

12. Grammar and WB

1. Get Ready-wether
2. Our Weather- 1. Weather Forecast  group work  observation  studentbook
THE Reading ;Vocabulary  pair work  assessing  workbook
WEATHER Students choose one
5 14 hours 3. Grammar- Present country and a season and  brainstorming answers  picture
Continuous; WB describe the weather for  questions and  assessing dictionary
exercises that country and season answers group work  CD
4. Tornado!-Reading with simple sentences.  gap filling  assessing  Internet
&Listening They also try to give a  matching home work  Digital
weather forecast as well. exercises  using platform
5. Grammar- Present They might use photos,  pre/while/after checklists  Posters,
Continuous pictures and audio. writing  self- photos
(questions/negatives), activities assessment
WB exercises 2. Greetings
 test
6. In the Country-
Students pretend to be on
Reading, Listening &
vocation and they send
greeting cards to their
family members or
7. Reinforcement-
Vocabulary and
Grammar exercises
8. Test
9. Writing a postcard
10. Study Corner& WB

11. Project
12. Time out! Exercises
13, 14, 15
13. Project-
14. Project
8 EXPEDITIONS 15. Get ready-Space
3hours Station- Reading;
(Unit 8) Speaking
16. Grammar- was/were;
WB exercises; Time
17. Charity Adventure-
Reading &Listening

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