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September - December
Field: Languages and Communication
Subject: English X (FOCUS 2)
Period: 42 hours

Key Competences Learning Outcomes

The student:
 takes part in discussions with his/her peers and teacher about topics of interest by asking and answering questions
 gathers information from different sources and presents it to the class in a form of a poster, speech, story etc
 takes actions to design, carry out a task or solve a problem giving his/her contribution as part of the group
 expresses his/her opinion about the behaviour of his/her friends in class or school
 uses dictionaries and other resources properly in implementing individual or group work
 makes use of learning strategies appropriate for his/her language level
 appreciates and respects the work of the group members he/she works with in designing and implementing a task or a project
 prepares a weekly or monthly learning plan
 practices his/her rights as a member of the community and society
 uses his/ her IT skills and knowledge when preparing and presenting a task or project
 uses his/her European Language Portfolio as a tool to identify his/her strengths and weaknesses and also to set goals for the future learning and career
Subject Competences Learning Outcomes

The student:

 reasonably and fluently sustains a straightforward description of people and talks about their personal qualities in a linear sequence of points
 describes a situation in a photo and speculates about what is happening
 communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar contexts and asks questions using present tense forms correctly
 understands clear standard speech and identifies specific details in monologues, conversations and radio programs
 follows in outline straightforward short talks on familiar topics provided these are delivered in clearly articulated standard speech and shows interests
in what somebody is saying
 gives a short, rehearsed presentation on a topic about technology, books, film and music
 gives detailed accounts of past experiences describing feeling and reactions and using the past simple and past continuous correctly
 finds specific details in stories about his field of interest, film descriptions and reviews
 talks about past states and repeated actions
 narrates a story
 makes comparisons using the comparatives and superlatives of adjectives
 writes emails or letters to friends talking about him/herself, thanking them, giving news, expressing sympathy or inviting them somewhere
Topics Topics per hour Learning situations Methodologies and Assessment Resources
student activities

1. Sports
 group work  observation  Student
1. Presenting the (ELP) Students in groups prepare quizzes
 brainstorming  assessing book
Portfolio to the students about sports.
 questions and answers  Workbook
 exchange the quizzes and do
and explaining B1 level them in groups. Teacher answers  assessing  Dictionary
helps with vocabulary.  gap filling group work  CD
and getting ready for
0 STARTER UNIT  they discuss about sports they  pair work  assessing  Internet
the European Day of like and why.  matching home work  Digital
8 hours  Next class students that are
Languages exercises  using platform
fond of sports or practice checklists  Posters,
2. Family, Present Tenses sports make presentations
 self- photos
about their personal
3. How we met, experiences.
assessment  ELP
Workbook exercises
2. Travel Competition
and grammar.
4. Mr. Bean - Past Tenses Students
 plan a competition with the
5. Experiences - Leisure best photos of their holidays.
activities  design an action plan
including the phases of the
6. Adventure & Travel competition, the jury, the
requirements, etc. this
7. Sport, Model Verbs
situation takes more than a
8. Food, Countable & class and it can be even a mini
Uncountable Nouns
 During the final phase of the
competition the students have
to describe the pictures, the
places, the feelings etc.
1. Volunteering  group work  observation  Student
1. Teenage dreams and
ambitions - Vocabulary  brainstorming  assessing book
2. Grammar - Present
 listen to dialogues between  questions and answers  Workbook
two young people talking 
1 3. Listening- Gap-Fill answers assessing  Dictionary
PERSONALITY about volunteering.
4. What are teenagers really  gap filling group work  CD
 talk about their
10 hours like? - Reading &
opportunities to volunteer  pair work  assessing  Internet
using their imagination.
5. Grammar - verb + inf/ing  matching home work  Digital
 start a campaign in school
6. Speaking - showing exercises  using platform
about volunteering.
Suggested topics: checklists  Posters,
7. Writing a personal
a) cleaning up the neighbour
email/letter  self- photos
b) in an orphanage
8. Focus review-
c) in an elderly home etc. assessment  ELP
Reinforcement, Grammar
and Vocabulary.
2. Teenagers and their free
9. Focus review-
Reinforcement, Reading,
Speaking and Writing Students
10. Project: (Project  design and fill questionaries
presentation and division
about their free time.
of students in groups,
 analyse the results and
responsibilities of each
make dialogues trying to use
member of the group and
expressions showing interest
the learning outcomes for
about the speaker. This
the project, ELP)
situation may be part of a
project as well.
1. Inventions
1. Digitals first-  group work  observation  Student
Vocabulary  list the greatest inventions of  brainstorming  assessing book
2. Grammar - Past Simple the century referring to the  questions and answers  Workbook
& Continuous information in the text as well. answers  assessing  Dictionary
3. Listening and Speaking  discuss about the inventions  gap filling group work  CD
4. WB, Grammar they cannot do without and  pair work  assessing  Internet
why?  matching home work  Digital
2 INVENTIONS exercises, extra
activities exercises  using platform
Role plays or debates may be part
10 hours 5. Houston -We Have a of this situation.
 project checklists  Posters,
Problem - Reading  pre/while/after  self- photos
6. Grammar - used to, 2. To be a scientist writing activities assessment  Additional
 peer materials in
WB exercises
Students assessment the book
7. Speaking - Telling a  listen to some young people  ELP
story on the audition CD
8. Writing an informal  take down notes why these
letter/email young people want to
9. Focus review - become scientists
 exchange their information.
 talk about their future plans.
grammar and Interviews with famous scientists
vocabulary. may be part of this situation.
10. Focus review -
Reinforcement, 3. Let`s tell a story
Reading, Speaking and
Writing  read and discuss the text
about Apollo 11
 listen to Ed`s story
 write their own story based
on the instructions given in
the text.

1. Knowing the artists

1. How writers write- Reading and
Vocabulary In pairs students  group work  observation  Student
2. Grammar- Present Perfect  write as many words as they  brainstorming  assessing book
WB exercises can think of about different
forms of art.  questions and answers  Workbook
3. Listening - Multiple choice
 read the materials in the book answers
4. Film Club Favourites -Reading  assessing  Dictionary
3 THE ARTS  talk about artists and different
5. Grammar - Degrees of  gap filling
forms of art. group work  CD
14 hours Teacher invites students to make up  pair work
6. Speaking - Describing a photo  assessing  Internet
interviews or roleplays with famous
7. Writing an informal letter/email artists.  matching home work  Digital
8. Focus review - Reinforcement. exercises
2. Street art  using platform
Grammar and vocabulary, WB
exercises  pre/while/after checklists  Posters,
Teacher asks students to
9. Focus review- Reinforcement reading and  self- photos
 have a look at the pictures in
reading, speaking and writing writing
the book and guess where these assessment  Additional
10. Written Test pictures might be.
11. Reading workbook, Movies activities materials in
 listen to a radio program about
12. Writing a puzzle about their street art.  test the book
favourite film Students give their own opinions
13. Project: (Choosing a project about this form of art or they can
subtitle for each group and the roleplay in real life like situations.
objectives we aim to reach.)
3. Describing a photo
14. Project and ELP (doing research
and gathering materials based on Teacher tells students to
the topic and learning outcomes)  bring to class photos and
 describe the photos they have
brought as well as the photos in
the text
 focus on predicting what might
happen next in that photo.

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