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Paper Pull Up and Muscle Up

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Journal of Physical Fitness, Medicine

& Treatment in Sports

ISSN: 2577-2945
Research Article J Phy Fit Treatment & Sports
Volume 5 Issue 4 - November 2018
Copyright © All rights are reserved by Jennifer K Hewit
DOI: 10.19080/JPFMTS.2018.05.555669

A Comparison of Muscle Activation during the

Pull-up and Three Alternative Pulling Exercises
Jennifer K Hewit*, Daniel A Jaffe and Todd Crowder
Human Performance Laboratory, Department of Physical Education, USA
Submission: October 24, 2018; Published: November 02, 2018
*Corresponding author: Jennifer K Hewit, Human Performance Laboratory, Department of Physical Education, USA

gravity Ronai and Scibek [4]. As the body and pulling motion
The pull-up is primarily an upper body exercise used to train
becomes more horizontal, it is reasonable to assume that the
the muscular endurance or muscular strength components of
muscle recruitment patterns will also be adjusted (e.g. increased
fitness. This challenging exercise requires the participant pull
rhomboid and middle trapezius activity). By keeping the motion in
their entire body weight from a dead hang using only their upper
the vertical direction, the same muscle groups will likely be used.
body musculature. Many individuals struggle with being able to
Therefore, exercises that do not maintain a vertically aligned body
complete one repetition (rep) as well as increasing the maximum
position throughout a vertical pulling motion will not be used as
number of reps they are able to complete. As a result, training
an alternative pulling exercise for this study (e.g. Baumgartner
for improved pull-up performance can be quite frustrating as
Modified Pull-up, suspended pull-ups, inverted rows, etc.). Finally,
an individual is often not able to assess how close they are to
when designing a periodized training program, it is important to
being able to complete a pull-up until they successfully do so.
be able to track and adjust the load of the exercises to ensure that
Being able to train for the pull-up through similar modified or
progress is being made and that plateaus can be minimized or
alternative exercises would assist with both progress tracking and
avoided all together Astrand [1] Bompa [2], MacIntosh [3].
assessment, as well as developing appropriate exercise-specific
periodized programs Astrand, Rodahl, Dahl and Stromme [1], In order to do this, the amount of weight being moved during
Bompa [2], MacIntosh, Gardiner and McComas [3]. the alternative exercise must be known and easily increased
(or decreased) as the training program progresses through
Exercises that are often used in training programs to improve
macrocycles. While suspension exercises are able to increase and
upper body pulling strength and muscular endurance include
decrease the load of the exercise, it is more difficult to determine
the seated lat-pulldown, assisted pull-up/chin-up machine,
the exact load being lifted when using elastic resistance bands,
Baumgartner Modified Pull-up, Band/partner-assisted pull-ups,
partner assistance, or other suspension devices. Additionally,
kipping pull-ups, suspended pull-ups, etc. Baumgartner and
pull-ups performed utilizing excessive lower body motion
Gaunt [4] Halet, Mayhew, Murphy and Fanthorpe [5], Johnson,
(i.e. kipping) integrate a greater amount of momentum when
Lynch, Nash, Cygan and Mayhew [6]; Ronai & Scibek [7], Snarr,
performing the pulling action than that of the traditional pull-
Casey, Hallmark and Esco [8], Snarr, Hallmark, Casey and Esco
up from a dead hang. As previous research has reported, the
[9]. While all of these exercises utilize the pulling motion, some
muscular demand of the upper body is significantly lower when
are likely more similar to the traditional pull-up exercise than
performing kipping pull-ups when compared to that of traditional
others. There appears to be three key features of interest when
pull-ups Snarr [8]. Therefore, exercises of this nature will also not
attempting to determine which of these alternative exercises
be used as alternative pulling exercises for this study (e.g. band/
might have the greatest transference to the traditional pull-
partner-assisted pull-ups, feet suspended pull-ups, kipping pull-
up. The first is the magnitude of muscle activation in the prime
ups, etc.). Considering these three key factors for comparison of
movers (i.e. latissimus dorsi, biceps brachii, trapezius, deltoid,
the alternative exercises with the pull-up, the exercises with the
erector spinae, rectus abdominis, etc. Dickie, Faulkner, Barnes
greatest transference potential appears to be the seated lat pull-
and Lark [10], Snarr [9]. Activating the main muscles used in the
down and assisted pull-up machine.
alternative pulling exercises to a similar extent as that of the pull-
up will result in maximal transference from the training program While the assisted pull-up requires the same body position of
and exercises to the exercise of interest; the body weight pull-up. the traditional pull-up from the hips up, the seated position of the
lat-pulldown may recruit the core stabilizing muscles (e.g. rectus
The second key feature of interest in the alternative exercise
abdominis, transverse abdominis, erector spinae, etc.) and hip
is pulling the body in the vertical direction, against the force of
flexors (e.g. iliopsoas and rectus femoris) to a lesser extent as a

J Phy Fit Treatment & Sportsl 5(4): JPFMTS.MS.ID.555669 (2018) 001

Journal of Physical Fitness, Medicine & Treatment in Sports

result of being supported in the seated position throughout the Methods

exercise. Performing the lat-pulldown from a kneeling position
Forty-one uninjured college-aged males (n = 28) and females
would create the neutral hip position that is more consistent with
(n = 13) participated in this study (see Table 1 for subject
the traditional pull-up (and assisted pull-up) exercise. Research
characteristics). All procedures were approved by the United
has recently begun to investigate the muscle activity of the lat-
States Military Academy Human Research Protection Program
pulldown when varying the hand grip width and technique Dickie
before commencing the study. Prior to participation, an informed
[10]; Lusk, Hale and Russell [11], Signorile, Zink and Szwed [12],
written consent was obtained from each subject. All testing took
Sperandei, Barros, Silveira-Junior and Oliveira [13]. However, to the
place in the USMA Human Performance Laboratory.
knowledge of the authors of this study, the activation magnitudes
Table 1: Subject characteristics by group, represented by the Mean
of the prime movers during alternative pulling exercises compared
to that of the BW pull-up has yet to be explored. Therefore, the
purpose of this study is to determine if the magnitudes of muscle u10 10+
activation in the prime movers of one of the alternative pulling
Males 3 25
exercises (i.e. seated lat-pulldown, kneeling lat-pulldown and
assisted pull-up machine) is more similar than the other two to Females 11 2
the magnitudes of muscle activation in the traditional body weight
Age (years) 20.9 (3.8) 22.6 (4.8)
pull-up. It was hypothesized that the seated lat-pulldown would
have the weakest correlation and smallest shared variance with Height (m) 1.63 (0.08) 1.74 (0.19)
the pull-up due primarily to a decrease in activation of the rectus
Weight (kg) 67.6 (9.1) 84.8 (11.9)
abdominis because of the seated position during the exercise.

Figure 1: EMG placement for the four muscle groups of interest, where TRAP = middle fibers of trapezius, LAT = latissimus dorsi, BI =
biceps brachii, and RA = rectus abdominis. Placement was standardized using the following measurements as described by Snarr [9]:
TRAP = 50% of the distance between the spinous process of the thoracic vertebrae and the medial border of the spine of the scapula, at
an angle perpendicular to the vertebral column; LAT = 4cm below the inferior angle of the scapula, and 50% of the distance between the
lateral border of the torso and the spinous process of the vertebrae, at an oblique angle towards the greater tubercle of the humerus; BI =
centered over the flexed muscle belly, vertically aligned with the upper arm; and RA = 50% of the distance between the xyphoid process
and naval, and 50% of the distance between the linea alba and ribs.

Upon arrival to the single testing session, the age, height, shoulders) was used for the LAT and BI, a seated row (pulling back
weight and max number of pull-ups performed in a single bout until the upper arms were in line with the torso) for the TRAP,
(self-reported) were recorded for each participant. Investigators and a resisted curl-up (arms placed across the chest, knees bent
then led the participants through a 5-minute standardized warm- to 90⁰; the participant curls up approximately 30⁰ off the ground
up which focused on shoulder and thoracic mobility. Wireless and is manually resisted at the shoulders) for the RA Konrad
surface electromyography (EMG) electrodes (Delsys, Inc., Natick, [14]. Following MVIC data collection, participants were allowed
MA, USA) were then placed on the right side of the body, centered to familiarize themselves with the 4 exercises. No more than 3
over the muscle belly of the latissimus dorsi (LAT), trapezius repetitions of each exercises were taken by any of the participants.
(middle fibers) (TRAP), biceps brachii (BI), and rectus abdominis
Participants performed 5 repetitions of each of the 4 exercises;
(RA) see in Figure 1. A 5-second maximum voluntary isometric
body weight (BW) pull-up (PU), seated lat-pulldown (sLP) at 80%
contraction (MVIC) was recorded for each of the four muscles; a
BW, kneeling lat-pulldown (kLP) at 80% BW, and assisted pull-
modified lat pulldown (i.e. supinated grip, shoulder width hand
up (aPU) at 20% BW deficit see in Figures 2-5 Johnson [6]. Hand
placement on bar, pulling down until the elbows are parallel to the

How to cite this article: Jennifer K H, Daniel A J, Todd C. A Comparison of Muscle Activation during the Pull-up and Three Alternative Pulling Exercises. J
Phy Fit Treatment & Sports. 2018; 5(4): 555669. DOI: 10.19080/JPFMTS.2018.05.555669.
Journal of Physical Fitness, Medicine & Treatment in Sports

placement was standardized across subjects as 1.5x bi-acromial PU, and finally, sLP. Participant 3 would perform aPU, PU, sLP, and
width Andersen, Fimland, Wiik, Skoglund and Saeterbakken finally kLP. Participant 4 would perform PU, sLP, kLP, and finally
[15]. The order of exercises was randomly assigned using a block aPU. Participant 5 would perform the exercises in the same order
randomization design. For example, Participant 1 would perform as Participant 1. A recovery period of 5 minutes was given to
sLP, kLP, aPU and finally PU. Participant 2 would perform kLP, aPU, subjects between each exercise.

Figure 2: The body weight pull-up (PU) shown in the starting position (A) and up position (B).

Figure 3: The seated lat-pulldown (s-LP) shown in the starting position (A) and up position (B).

How to cite this article: Jennifer K H, Daniel A J, Todd C. A Comparison of Muscle Activation during the Pull-up and Three Alternative Pulling Exercises. J
Phy Fit Treatment & Sports. 2018; 5(4): 555669. DOI: 10.19080/JPFMTS.2018.05.555669.
Journal of Physical Fitness, Medicine & Treatment in Sports

Figure 4: The kneeling lat-pulldown (k-LP) shown in the starting position (A) and up position (B).

Figure 5: The assisted pull-up (aPU) shown in the starting position (A) and up position (B).

Data Analysis groups of interest for the PU and each individual alternative
pulling exercise (sLP, kLP and aPU) for the two groups. Coefficient
For analysis, participants’ data were grouped based off of the
of determination (r2) was then used to determine the extent that
reported max pull-up number (i.e. under 10 reps (u10) and 10 and
the magnitude of activity in the respective alternative exercise
over reps (10+)). Raw EMG data were sampled at 2000 Hz using
explained the magnitude of activity in the PU. An alpha level of p ≤
a Butterworth filter with corner frequencies of 20-450Hz and a
0.05 was set for the level of significance for all statistical analyses.
slope of 12db/oct. Data was then smoothed using the root mean
Sigma Stat 4.0 for Windows (Systat Software, Inc., San Jose, CA)
square (RMS) Trigno software calculation (Delsys EMG Works
was used to perform all statistical analyses.
Analysis software). The peak EMG magnitudes were recorded
for the 5-second MVIC bout for each muscle and the 2nd, 3rd and Results
5th repetitions of each exercise. The peak magnitudes were then
Of the four muscle groups tested, the greatest (normalized)
averaged for the 3 repetitions. Mean peak magnitudes for each
magnitudes of muscle activity observed during the PU for the u10
muscle are represented as percentages of MVIC (%MVIC).
group were: RA (1.58 ± 0.94), BI (1.54 ± 0.52), LAT (1.20 ± 0.67),
Statistical Analysis and finally TRAP (0.93 ± 0.56) see Table 2. The k-LP was the only
Pearson correlation coefficients were used to determine the alternative pulling exercise observed to have the same activation
strength of the relationship of the activity in each of the 4 muscle pattern. In contrast, the 10+ group had the greatest magnitude of

How to cite this article: Jennifer K H, Daniel A J, Todd C. A Comparison of Muscle Activation during the Pull-up and Three Alternative Pulling Exercises. J
Phy Fit Treatment & Sports. 2018; 5(4): 555669. DOI: 10.19080/JPFMTS.2018.05.555669.
Journal of Physical Fitness, Medicine & Treatment in Sports

action in the BI (1.22 ± 0.45) followed by the RA (1.02 ± 0.75), variance of the muscles and exercises of interest were observed
LAT (0.96 ± 0.42) and finally the TRAP (0.74 ± 0.65). None of the in the RA between the PU and k-LP, and PU and s-LP (r2 = 0.81),
alternative pulling exercises were observed to have the same BI between the PU and s-LP, and PU and k-LP (r2 = 0.83 and 0.79,
magnitude of activation pattern as the pull-up. For the u10 Reps respectively), and the LAT between the PU and k-LP (r2 = 0.81).
group, Pearson Correlation Coefficient indicated very strong The correlational analysis for the 10+ Reps group revealed very
relationships between the magnitude of RA activity in the PU and strong relationships between the TRAP activity for the PU and aPU
both the s-LP and k-LP (r = 0. 90, p<0.001), as well as between BI (r = 0.95, p<0.001) as well as the BI activity for the PU and k-LP (r
activity in the PU and both the s-LP and k-LP (r = 0.91 and 0.89, = 0.85, p<0.001). Moderate to low relationships were observed for
respectively, p<0.001) and the LAT activity in the PU and k-LP (r all other magnitudes and exercises. The greatest shared variance
= 0.90, p<0.001) see Table 2. Moderate to low relationships in the was observed in the TRAP between the PU and aPU (r2 = 0.90)
TRAP were observed between the PU and all three alternative see Table 2.
exercises (r = 0.35 to 0.69, p = 0.01 to 0.221). The greatest shared
Table 2: Statistical analyses for each muscle during each exercise.

U10 Reps Group 1+0 Reps Group

R p-value R p-value

RA 0.90 0.81 <0.001* 0.49 0.24 0.01*

BI 0.91 0.83 <0.001* 0.81 0.66 <0.001*

PU vs s-LP LAT 0.86 0.74 <0.001* 0.73 0.53 <0.001*
TRAP 0.35 0.12 0.22 0.86 0.74 <0.001*
RA 0.90 0.81 <0.001* 0.57 0.32 <0.001*
BI 0.89 0.79 <0.001* 0.85 0.72 <0.001*
PU vs k-LP
LAT 0.90 0.81 <0.001* 0.75 0.56 <0.001*
TRAP 0.69 0.48 0.01* 0.56 0.31 <0.001*
RA 0.58 0.34 0.03* 0.57 0.32 <0.001*

PU vs aPU BI 0.83 0.69 <0.001* 0.76 0.58 <0.001*

LAT 0.08 0.01 0.80 0.60 0.36 <0.001*
TRAP 0.64 0.41 0.01* 0.95 0.90 <0.001*

Discussion and Conclusion replicated the order of activation pattern for the u10 Rep group
(from greatest to least active); RA, BI, LAT, and TRAP. This
This study sought to investigate whether muscle activation
indicates that as participants near their maximal effort during
patterns are similar between the traditional body weight pull-
both the PU and alternative pulling exercise, only the k-LP activate
up and various alternative pulling exercises often used to train
these four muscle groups to relatively the same extent as that
for improved performance in the pull-up. Of the four muscle
of the PU. This inference is further supported by the relatively
groups assessed, the RA was the most active muscle group for all
high shared variance between the PU and k-LP for the RA muscle
participants when performing the PU. High activation levels of the
group. Additionally, when performing the k-LP, participants were
core musculature are not surprising as this muscle group helps
pulling a load that was equal to 80% of their body weight. As a
to maintain a rigid body position throughout the PU. Previous
result, the participants were lifted off of the ground for a portion
research has supported this notion when assessing RA activity
of the pulling (concentric) phase of the movement, similar to the
during various other movements that require core stabilization
suspension aspect of the pull-up. Unfortunately, there is a lack of
(e.g. supine v-up, prone suspension exercises, push-ups, squats,
research in this area, and therefore it is difficult to determine if the
etc.) wherein, the RA are activated to a greater extent as the
data presented in the current study is an accurate representation
performance surface becomes less stable. Anderson and Behm
of a larger population. In contrast to the u10 Rep group, aside
[16], Cugliari and Boccia [17], Garg and Sharma [18], Snarr, Esco,
from the RA (most active for all exercises) none of the activation
Witte, Jenkins, & Brannan [19], Snarr, Hallmark and Esco [20]
patterns for the alternative pulling exercises for the 10+ Reps
Van den Tillaar and Saeterbakken [21]. The PU is performed
group replicated that of the PU see Figure 6. As only 5 reps were
while being suspended from a bar, and therefore requires greater
performed by each participant, those that self-reported to be able
stabilization of the core throughout the execution of the exercise,
to perform at least 10 reps would have performed at a submaximal
than would be required if performed from a solid base of support
level for each of these exercises. As such, it is likely that as the
(e.g. seated lat pulldown).
performance nears maximal effort, the activation patterns shift to
Of the three alternative pulling exercises, only the k-LP accommodate the more challenging load.

How to cite this article: Jennifer K H, Daniel A J, Todd C. A Comparison of Muscle Activation during the Pull-up and Three Alternative Pulling Exercises. J
Phy Fit Treatment & Sports. 2018; 5(4): 555669. DOI: 10.19080/JPFMTS.2018.05.555669.
Journal of Physical Fitness, Medicine & Treatment in Sports

Figure 6: Magnitude of muscle activity for each exercise for the u10 Reps group (left) and 10+ Reps group (right) represented as %MVIC.
Note: PU = Pull-up; s-LP = Seated Lat-Pulldown; k-LP = Kneeling Lat-Pulldown; aPU = Assisted Pull-up; RA = Rectus Abdominis; Bi =
Biceps Brachii; LAT = Latissimus Dorsi; TRAP = Trapezius.

The 3 alternative pulling exercises each had the second largest the RA should be emphasized in training programs as it was
activation from the LATS, followed by the TRAP and BI. As the 3 the most active muscle group assessed for the PU and k-LP (all
alternative pulling exercises were each performed at 80% of participants), and s-LP and aPU for submaximal efforts. While
BW, it is plausible that the activation pattern would shift more additional research is greatly needed, based off initial muscle
towards the BI if the load was set to 100% BW (i.e. to replicate activity and shared variance with the PU, the k-LP (at 80% BW)
the load of the pull-up). Unfortunately, the current study did not is the best alternative exercise to the traditional PU compared
account for this and there is a paucity of previously published to the s-LP and aPU. Current research by the authors of this
investigating both the muscle activation patterns as well as the article is aimed at investigating if muscle activation patterns
comparison of alternative pulling exercises. Previous studies change as participants reach temporary muscle failure in the
have focused primarily on EMG magnitudes when using different PU (i.e. potential compensational strategies or increased muscle
hand placements (e.g. narrow, wide, shoulder-width, etc.), hand effectiveness); as well as establishing normative data for males
grips (e.g. pronated, supinated, etc.) and movement techniques and females when performing these four exercises.
(e.g. behind the neck versus in front of the neck, PU with rings,
kipping PU, etc.) for the PU and lat-pulldown exercises Andersen
[15], Dickie [10], Lusk [11], Signorile [12], Snarr [8], Snarr [9], The authors would like to thank all the participants for their
Sperandei [13], Youdas [22]. This made it difficult to compare time and effort during data collection.
current EMG data to that of previously published data, specifically
with the k-LP variation. Additionally, while the current study
assessed the 4 muscles thought to be prime movers and prime 1. Astrand P, Rodahl K, Dahl H, Stromme S (2003) Physical Training
Textbook of Work Physiology; Physiological Bases of Exercise 4th ed.,
stabilizers in the PU (RA, LAT, BI and TRAP), previous research Champaign, IL, Human Kinetics, USA pp. 346-347.
has focused more on the use of shoulder muscles (e.g. deltoid,
2. Bompa T (2009) Periodization Theory and Methodology of Training
teres major, serratus anterior, etc.) to help stabilize the highly (5th ed.). Champaign, IL, Human Kinetics, USA.
mobile glenohumeral and scapulothoracic joints through such
3. MacIntosh B, Gardiner P, McComas A (2006) Muscle Training Skeletal
a challenging motion Andersen [15], Dickie [10], Signorile [12], Muscle Form and Function 2nd ed., Champaign, IL, Human Kinetics, USA
Snarr [8], Snarr [9], Sperandei [13], Youdas [22]. pp. 298-300.

However, the intention of the current study is to investigate 4. Baumgartner T, Gaunt S (2005) Construct Related Validity for the
Baumgartner Modified Pull-up Test. Measurement in Physical
the PU and alternative pulling exercises using a novel approach Education and Exercise Science 9(1): 51-60.
for future research to evolve from. Based solely off of muscle
5. Halet K, Mayhew J, Murphy C, Fanthorpe J (2009) Relationship of 1
activation patterns, it appears that the k-LP is the most similar repetition maximum lat-pull to pull-up and lat-pull repetitions in elite
to the PU for near maximal efforts. For submaximal training collegiate women swimmers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning
purposes, it is unclear which of the alternative training exercises Research 23(5): 1496-1502.
has the most similar activation pattern as the PU. It is plausible 6. Johnson D, Lynch J, Nash K, Cygan J, Mayhew J (2009) Relationship
that a different alternative pulling exercise might be better related of lat-pull repetitions and pull-ups to maximal lat-pull and pull-up
strength in men and women. Journal of Strength and Conditioning
to the PU when training sub maximally. It is clear, however, that
Research 23(3): 1022-1028.

How to cite this article: Jennifer K H, Daniel A J, Todd C. A Comparison of Muscle Activation during the Pull-up and Three Alternative Pulling Exercises. J
Phy Fit Treatment & Sports. 2018; 5(4): 555669. DOI: 10.19080/JPFMTS.2018.05.555669.
Journal of Physical Fitness, Medicine & Treatment in Sports

7. Ronai P, Scibek E (2014) The Pull-up. Strength and Conditioning down. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 28(4): 1135-
Journal 36(3): 88-90. 1142.
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14. Konrad P (2006) The ABC of EMG - A practical introduction to Surface Electromyographic Activation Patterns and Elbow Joint Motion
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15. Andersen V, Fimland M, Wiik E, Skoglund A, Saeterbakken A (2014)
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How to cite this article: Jennifer K H, Daniel A J, Todd C. A Comparison of Muscle Activation during the Pull-up and Three Alternative Pulling Exercises. J
Phy Fit Treatment & Sports. 2018; 5(4): 555669. DOI: 10.19080/JPFMTS.2018.05.555669.

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