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The Midthigh Pull Proper Application And.99605

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The Midthigh Pull: Proper Application and Progressions of a Weightlifting

Movement Derivative

Article  in  Strength and conditioning journal · December 2013


22 1,665

4 authors, including:

Brad H. DeWeese Ambrose J Serrano

East Tennessee State University United States Olympic Committee


Steven Keith Scruggs

University of South Carolina


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Block Periodization: Comparison of Muscle Physiology and Performance Outcomes from Either Relative Intensity or Repetition Maximum Training View project

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Exercise Technique

The Exercise Technique Column provides detailed

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Column Editor: Jay Dawes, PhD, CSCS*D, NSCA-


The Midthigh Pull:

Proper Application
and Progressions of
a Weightlifting Movement
Brad H. DeWeese, EdD, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, Ambrose J. Serrano, MA, CSCS, HFS,
Steven K. Scruggs, MA, CSCS, USAW, and Jarrod D. Burton, BS, USATF Level 1
United States Olympic Committee, Lake Placid, New York

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION multi-joint exercises that mimic the

here is evidence to suggest that second pull of their full clean and
T activities that involve higher
rates of force production, such
as the clean and snatch, are beneficial
snatch counterparts. In addition, the
MTP may play a role in improving
an athlete’s familiarity with the peak
REINFORCING THE DOUBLE KNEE for improving an athlete’s physical pre- power position (8,13,19,25), which oc-
BEND AND TRIPLE EXTENSION paredness (1–3,9,11,12,14–17,19–21). As curs after the double knee bend.
INVOLVED IN WEIGHTLIFTING a result, weightlifting movements and
MOVEMENTS. AS A RESULT, THESE their derivatives are popular weight- MUSCLES INVOLVED
PULLING MOVEMENTS ARE USED training activities that are prescribed
WITH THE PURPOSE OF MAKING AN by many sport performance practition-  Isometric actions of the following
ers. For this reason, coaches and athletes muscles are created for initial stabi-
alike should understand the proper tech- lization of the acetabulofemoral, gle-
nique of these exercises so that the trans- nohumeral, and radiohumeral joints:
LOAD STIMULUS IN THE PEAK fer of training effect is maximized. ∘ Erector spinae group (iliocostalis,
longissimus, and spinalis), deep spi-
THESE EXERCISES CAN BE USED AS TYPE OF EXERCISE nal muscles (rotators, interspinales,
A TEACHING MODALITY FOR THE The clean grip midthigh pull (CG- multifidus, and intertransversarii),
PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF MTP) and snatch grip midthigh pull rectus abdominis, transverse ab-
THE FULL CLEAN OR SNATCH. (SG-MTP) variations are complex, dominis, external obliques, internal

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Exercise Technique

obliques, quadratus lumborum, tri- essential when performing the full clean rack such that the bar is at the ath-
ceps brachii (long head), deltoid, and snatch. Moreover, the CG-MTP lete’s height. Regardless of stature,
subscapularis, latissimus dorsi, and SG-MTP aid in the strengthening the preferred angles of the peak
extensor carpi radialis, brachiora- of the musculature used in the execu- power position are approximately
dialis, trapezius, splenius capitis, tion of the weightlifting movements 60–708, 120–1308, and 140–1508 at
splenius cervicis, infraspinatus, from the power position. In addition, the ankles, knees, and hip, respec-
serratus posterior inferior, rhom- these pulling variations can serve as tively (8,13,19,21).
boid major, rhomboid minor, transitional exercises for learning the  The athlete should address the bar
and the supraspinatus. full weightlifting movements. This can on the platform with feet positioned
 Ascending portion of the clean and be achieved by integrating previously approximately hip width apart. The
snatch MTP variations: described partial movement derivatives bar should be situated at midthigh as
∘ Upper extremities—trapezius, sple- (4–6,10) into a progressive program. As well as sitting over the midfoot. The
nius capitis, splenius cervicis, levator such, these pulling movements accom- toes should be pointed outward
scapulae, rhomboid minor, rhomboid pany the short-to-long or partial-to-full slightly to maintain consistent foot
major, serratus posterior superior, range of motion approach to training positioning with other weightlifting
posterior deltoid, teres minor, teres these movements. derivatives (4–6,10).
major, erector spinae group (iliocos-  Once proper foot position has been
In the practical setting, the MTP can
talis, longissimus, and spinalis), deep be defined as a concentrically domi- acquired, the athlete should assume
spinal muscles (rotators, interspinales, nant movement that allows the ath- proper hand placement and grip.
multifidus, and intertransversarii), lete to ascend with a load that is The appropriate hand placement
rectus abdominis, transverse abdom- greater than they can pull from the for the exercise can be at clean
inis, external obliques, and internal floor. For this reason, the MTP var- width or snatch width, depending
obliques. iations can be used to enhance an on the variation being performed
∘ Lower extremities—quadriceps athlete’s rate of force development (10). The "hook grip" (fingers over
group (rectus femoris, vastus later- (RFD) and competitive preparedness thumb) should be used for both
alis, vastus medialis, and vastus in- through mechanical specificity (1–3). MTP variations.
termedius), gluteus maximus,  After the acquisition of proper hand
In addition to improving lifting per-
hamstrings group (biceps femoris, formance, based on the commonali- and grip placement, the athlete
semimembranosus, and semitendi- ties between an athlete’s position in should partially squat under the bar-
nosus), gastrocnemius, soleus, ti- these lifts and common sporting bell to attain the peak power position
bialis posterior, flexor hallucis movements (e.g., shot put, jump shot, through the proper joint angles as
longus, flexor digitorum, peroneus tennis serve, and bobsled start), these described above.
longus, and the peroneus brevis.  After the grip has been established,
exercises may also be beneficial for
developing athleticism (22). the athlete should position their
shoulders above or slightly ahead
BENEFITS OF THE EXERCISE Lastly, the MTP can serve as a potenti- of the barbell.
Sport specificity is a term commonly ating modality because of the overload  Next, the athlete should attempt
used to explain the degree to which stimulus that is a result of lifting a to internally rotate the shoulder (gle-
a given exercise transfers to the sport load that is greater than what can be nohumeral) joint to ensure a stable
setting. In other words, specificity can achieved through a weightlifting move- arm position for the active pulling
be referred to as the level of effective- ment from the floor (7). As such, the portion of this movement. Specifi-
ness an exercise has at improving an MTP can be used before athletic perfor- cally, this movement of the upper
athlete’s ability to execute a specific mance in an acute manner (i.e., a maxi- arm assists in keeping the elbow from
movement or task in their sport. The mum weightlifting attempt, sprint prematurely bending during the pull-
SAID principle (specific adaptations performance, or vertical jump). Further- ing phase. Telling the athlete to "turn
to imposed demands) is a term that more, the MTP’s limited range of the elbows out" can cue this arm
helps explain the relationship between motion allows for potentiation and position.
an athlete’s training choices and their training to occur with a lowered risk  Once this position has been
resultant gains in performance. The of injury as compared with the use of achieved, cue the athlete to "get
SAID principle suggests that the full weightlifting movements. their hips under the bar." To acquire
body’s neuromuscular system will this position, the coach should
adapt to the demands imposed upon instruct the athlete to push their
it (22). PREPARATION hips forward to make contact with
The CG-MTP and SG-MTP are exer- the barbell 3 quarters up the length
cises that provide an athlete the oppor-  The coach or athlete should set up of their thigh for clean grip and at the
tunity to reinforce positions that are technique boxes or position a power top of the thigh for the snatch grip.

2 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2013

Copyright ª Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 1. Front view of the starting
position for the clean grip
midthigh pull.

These locations on the thigh should

directly correlate to the position that
the athlete contacts the bar when
executing a full clean or snatch
(Figure 1).
 Furthermore, the athlete should be
advised to "sit on their heels" in
the starting position to achieve the
angles that define the peak power
position. This cue will also allow
for greater control and improved Figure 2. Lateral view of the starting Figure 3. Lateral view of the extension
position for the clean grip phase for the clean grip
bar speed as a result of a more force-
midthigh pull. midthigh pull.
ful push through the platform.
 Before the athlete begins to pull the
barbell from the static peak power presenting the bar higher on the
position, they should have the sen- thigh because of the wide hand spac-
sation of remaining tight in the torso ing. In addition, athlete anthropomet-
by inhaling deeply and bracing the ric differences, including arm length,
muscles of the midsection, which can create subtle changes in bar
will result in an inflated chest. Addi- placement on the thigh with this
tionally, the athlete should preserve lift.
the slightly or naturally concave cur-  The ascending portion of this lift
vature of the thoracic spine to main- should be done aggressively and suc-
tain the appropriate hip angle to cinctly. The athlete should remain
maximize the force produced into taut (i.e., braced trunk) through the
the platform. extension of the hips, knees, and
 Once the hips and heels are inline, ankles.
the athlete is ready to initiate  During the extension, the athlete
movement. Of note, this power should be instructed to shrug the
position is optimized by a flexed shoulders upward and slightly behind
knee angle ranging between 120 the ears.
and 1358.  The athlete should also be cued to
"pop" the shrug to maximize barbell
velocity (Figure 3).
EXECUTION OF THE MTP  In conjunction with the shrug, the
athlete should be taught to slightly
 Before triple extension, the bar flex the wrists in. This allows the
should be at hip height, which is barbell to stay closer to the athlete’s
noted by the vertical positioning body (Figure 4).
of the chest (Figure 2). Small differ-  Recall that the elbows should
ences in bar placement will be remain extended, "long and locked," Figure 4. Front view of the extension
present for the clean and snatch and have the appearance of being phase for the snatch grip
grips, with the snatch grip slightly rotated outward during the midthigh pull.

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Exercise Technique

application of force through the block, a sport performance profes- Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
platform. Premature bending of sional may use the MTP at a higher The authors report no conflicts of interest
the elbow (humeroulnar) joints pre- repetition range (3 3 10) coinciding and no source of funding.
vents the shrug from being fully with lighter to moderate loads
maximized. However, flexion of (80–100% of power clean or snatch Brad H. DeWeese is the head sport
the elbow joints immediately after maximum). The prescription of this physiologist at the United States Olympic
the shrug can occur as a result of exercise during this time can improve Training Center.
barbell velocity. an athlete’s technique for future, heavier
 Lastly, on the descent from full blocks, as well as enhance power-endur- Ambrose J. Serrano is the assistant
extension, there should be flexion ance abilities. However, the coach sport physiologist at the United States
at the knee when "landing" to should consider an athlete’s capabilities Olympic Committee Training Center.
absorb the load while returning before prescribing this exercise during
the weighted barbell back to the a higher volume phase as technique Steven K. Scruggs is a sport physiology
boxes or rack. The athlete should iso- could falter because of fatigue. intern at the United States Olympic
metrically contract the posterior mus- In addition, the CG-MTP and SG-MTP Committee Training Center.
culature to avoid any unnecessary
variations can be used in maximal
anterior pelvic tilt. Jarrod D. Burton is a sport physiology
strength as well as strength-power
 The athlete should take the time to intern at the United States Olympic
blocks through the incorporation of
fully reset and return to the power
reduced volumes (3 3 5–3 3 3) and Committee Training Center.
position before continuing the next
increased loads. Specifically, Comfort
et al (3) found that loads of 120–
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