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NIKE-The Program Forwards

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Hockey Training For Forwards
Outwork, outskate and outscore every team you face. Developed by veteran Gary
Roberts and trainer Matt Nichol, these drills will evolve your game and punish your


Earn the top spot on the roster by training hard during the season and throughout the
summer. Begin with a solid warm up then move on to the drills that strengthen the
areas of your game that need it most.




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Warm Up Sets Reps Rests Superset Page
Wall Squats 2 60-90s 3
OVERVIEW Glute Bridge Marching 2 60-90s 3
Glute Bridge 3 15-30s 3
Three Position Wall Stretch 6 each leg 3
Side Leg Lifts On Wall 5 each leg 4
Inch Worms 20 metres 4
Swiss & Med Ball Rotations 3 10 each side 30s 4
Wall Side Lunges 3 5 each direction 4
Rear Delt Lateral Raises 2 12-15 reps 4

WARM UP Wall Squat WARM UP Glute Bridge Marching

1. Start in a seated position with your 1. Lay flat on your back.

back and shoulder blades against a wall 2. Lift your midsection, resting your
and your knees bent at 90 degrees. weight only on your shoulders and
2. Extend your legs and slide your torso heels.
up the wall, hold, and return to first 3. Extend one leg at a time, kicking your
position. foot to the ceiling.
3. Complete 2 sets of 60-90 seconds. 4. Complete 2 sets of 60-90 seconds
Be an intimidating force on the ice by improving your overall body mobility and Build your power and speed by working your core and glutes, the most powerful
posture. muscles in the skating stride.

WARM UP Glute Bridge WARM UP Three Position Wall Stretch

1. Lay flat on your back. 1. Use a wall or a post for stability.

2. Lift your midsection, resting your 2. Kick your leg forwards, backwards and
weight only on your shoulders and sideways.
heels. 3. Each kick should get progressively
3. Hold for 15-30 seconds. higher.
4. Complete 3 sets. 4. Complete 6 reps for each leg.

Develop explosive stops and starts by adding power to your skating Improve your speed by increasing flexibility in the muscles specific to skating
stride with this drill. to help you achieve a lower skating position and a longer stride. 3
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WARM UP Side Leg Lifts On Wall WARM UP Inch Worms

1. Start in a seated position with your 1. From an upright position, bend at the
back up against a wall and your knees waist and touch the ground.
bent at 90 degrees. 2. Without bending your legs, “walk” your
2. Extend one leg and hold for 10 feet in to meet your hands.
seconds. 3. Without bending your arms “walk”
3. Repeat with your other leg. your hands out until you are in a bridge
4. Complete 5 reps for each leg. position again.
4. Complete for 20 metres and jog back
Maximize your agility by creating balance in the muscles surrounding the hip, Build overall body strength and stability and control play during to start.
enabling you to move laterally and change direction on a dime. battles in the corners.

WARM UP Swiss & Med Ball Rotations WARM UP Wall Lateral Lunges

This drill requires a Swiss ball and 1. Start in a seated position with your back
Medicine ball. up against a wall and your knees bent at
90 degrees.
1. Sit on a Swiss ball holding a medicine
ball at arm’s length. 2. Extend your leading leg and slide your
body up, using the wall as a guide.
2. Keeping your hands at eye level, pass
a medicine ball to your partner on 3. Complete 3 sets of 5 steps in each
one side and pick it up on the other, direction.
creating a circle around your head.
Increase stability and strengthen your core to land harder Increase the agility and strength of your hips and groin to have
3. Complete 3 sets of 10 reps in each
body checks and protect the puck. faster footwork on the ice.

WARM UP Rear Delt Lateral Raises

This drill requires a Swiss ball

1. Position the Swiss ball under your hips
and lean over the ball. You may need to
anchor your heels under a bar or have a
partner hold your feet.
2. With your arms behind your head, lift
your torso upwards and overextend,
hold, and return to first position.
Improve your posture and maximize your body checking strength 3. Complete 3 sets of 12-15 reps.
by working on your shoulders and lower back muscles. 4
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Base Drills Sets Reps Rests Superset Page
Med Ball Wood Chop 3 10-12 reps 30s 5
OVERVIEW Side Planks 2 5 reps 30s 5
Walking Lunges 3 20 metres 60-90s 6
Speed Play: Buildups 3 60 metres 60-90s 6
Pyramid Sprints 3 60 metres 60-90s 6
Horizontal Pull-Ups 3 20 metres 60-90s 6
Dumbbell Squat and Press 3 10-12 reps 30s 6
Skater’s Squats 2 10-12 reps 30s 6
One Arm Dumbbell Row 3 5 each direction 30s 7
Pause Push-Ups 2 12-15 reps 30s 7

BASE DRILLS Med Ball Wood Chop BASE DRILLS Side Planks

This drill requires a Medicine ball. 1. Begin in the push-up position. Roll onto
1. Start in a standing position with your one arm with your weight on your elbow
feet shoulder width apart. and lower leg.

2. Hold the med ball in two hands and raise 2. Extend your other arm straight out in a
it over your shoulder. “T” position, keeping your core straight
and your feet stacked on top of each
3. Bring the med ball down across your other.
body in a chopping motion, stopping at
your hip. 3. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Return
Build these muscles for a stronger shot and harder checks. Build a stronger core for greater stability on your skates. to first position and switch to your
4. From the bottom of your chop, raise the other arm.
ball over your other shoulder.
4. Complete 2 sets of 5 reps holding each
5. Chop down to your opposite hip to position for 5 seconds.
complete a figure eight.
5. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Return
6. Complete 3 sets of 10-12 reps. to first position and switch to your
other arm.
6. Complete 2 sets of 5 reps holding each
position for 5 seconds. 5
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BASE DRILLS Speed Play: Buildups BASE DRILLS Pyramid Sprints

This drill requires a field at least 60 This drills requires four cones.
metres long. 1. Set up four cones in a line, 20 metres
1. From a standing position, get up to apart.
speed with a steadily increasing 2. Sprint from the first cone to the second
pace. cone then jog back.
2. Begin with a 20 metre jog. 3. Sprint from the first cone to the third
3. Transition into a 20 metre run. cone then jog back.

Remember to keep your knees high with your arms and shoulders relaxed. 4. Then break into a full out sprint for the 4. Sprint from the first cone to the fourth
Increase your intensity with shorter periods of rest between each run. Time
Run against a teammate or time yourself to increase the intensity by trying last 20 metres. cone then jog back.
yourself or race a teammate to add another level of competition.
to beat your best time. Practising these bursts of speed with help forwards 5. Complete 3 sets of runs.
skate up ice during a rush and while back checking. 5. Jog back to your starting position.
6. Complete 3 runs.

BASE DRILLS Horizontal Pull-Ups BASE DRILLS Walking Lunges

This drill requires a squat rack. 1. Start with your hands on your hips or
1. Position the bar just above shoulder ears.
height and grip it like you were doing a 2. Lunge forward with a high step and
bench press. end with your knees at a 90 degree
2. Straighten your core in a plank with angle.
your heels touching the floor. 3. Follow with the opposite leg and travel
3. Pull your body up to the bar in a reverse 20 metres before jogging back to the
bench press. start.
Get the strength you need to win battles in the corners by building a stronger This drill helps with mobility by working your hips, legs and core. 4. Complete 3 sets.
4. Complete 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
back and arms. For increased difficulty, wear a weighted vest or elevate your
feet on a Swiss ball or bench.

BASE DRILLS Dumbbell Squat and Press BASE DRILLS Skater’s Squats

This drill requires two dumbbells. This drills requires four cones.
1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder 1. Start in a standing position with your
height. feet together.
2. Perform a squat. 2. Extend a leg behind you at a 45 degree
3. When you return to first position, use angle to end in a lunge position.
your momentum to press the dumbbells 3. Hold, and return to start position and
above your head. extend with the other leg.

By working your legs and shoulders simultaneously you build overall strength 4. Complete 3 sets of 10-12 reps. This drill mimics a skating stride to improve leg strength and stability for 4. Complete 2 sets of 10-12 reps.
and increase your coordination. 5. For building power, use a heavier rushes up ice and while back checking.
weight and do less reps and sets. For
increasing endurance, use a lighter
weight and do more reps and sets. 6
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BASE DRILLS One Arm Dumbbell Row BASE DRILLS Pause Push-Ups

This drill requires a dumbbell. 1. Start in a push-up position.

1. Place one arm and knee on a bench for 2. When you reach the down position
support and keep your back straight pause for 3 seconds before returning
and parallel to the ground. to the up position.
2. Lean over so the dumbbell hangs 3. Complete 3 sets of 12-15 reps.
straight from your arm and lift the
dumbbell to your chest. Squeeze with
your back muscles while keeping your
Build a stronger back and arms for more control of the puck and a harder shot. back straight. A stronger shot and a harder body check both start by building upper body
3. For building power, use a heavier strength. This chest and shoulder drill will get you there.
weight and do less reps and sets. For
increasing endurance, use a lighter
weight and do more reps and sets. 7
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Speed Gym Sets Reps Rests Superset Page
Reverse Lunge & Step-Up 3 6-8 reps 60-90s 8
OVERVIEW Med Ball Jump Squats 3 10-12 reps 30s 8
Med Ball Split Jump & Twist 3 10-12 reps 30s 9
Med Ball Side To Side Twists Med 3 10-12 reps 30s 9
Ball Wood Chop 3 10-12 reps 30s 9

speed DRILLS Reverse Lunge & Step Up speed DRILLS Med Ball Jump Squats

This drill requires a one metre This drill requires a medicine ball.
platform. 1. Start with your legs apart in a flex
1. Start one step behind the platform. position, holding the Med Ball above
your head.
2. Lunge backwards until your front leg
is at a 90 degree angle with your knee 2. Squat so your knees are at least 90
touching the ground. degrees.

3. Bring your back leg up to step onto the 3. Explode upward as high as you can,
platform and bring your anchored leg up keeping your legs open and ready to
A forward’s legs are the foundation of every shot, pass and body check they Build the explosive leg power needed to handle body transition to the next squat.
give. Use this drill to build leg muscles evenly by focusing on your hamstrings to a 90 degree angle. checks and power past defensemen.
and glutes throughout the drill. 4. Your raised leg now returns to first 4. Complete 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
position and you step off the platform
to first position.
5. Keep your arms in motion to mimic
a sprinter’s stance throughout the
6. Complete 3 sets of 6-8 reps for each
leg. 8
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speed DRILLS Med Ball Split Jump & Twist speed DRILLS Med Ball Side To Side Twists

This drill requires a med ball. This drill requires a medicine ball.
1. Start in a lunge position with one foot 1. Start in an upright sit-up position,
in front of the other and hold the med with your heels on the ground, holding
ball with both hands at one side of your the med ball at arm’s length in front
waist, opposite your lead leg. of you.
2. In one fluid motion, jump up and switch 2. Rotate it from one side of your body to
legs, coming down in a flex position and the other.
ending in a lunge with your opposite leg 3. Complete 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
Build the dynamic muscle power and explosive speed needed to get around forward. Boost your endurance, stability and reaction time by working
defenders. The full range of motion makes this drill more “sport specific” as your back and core.
3. When in mid-air, move the med ball to
there are multiple muscle groups activated.
your front and cross your body to your
opposite hip.
4. Complete 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

speed DRILLS Med Ball Wood Chop

This drill requires a medicine ball.

1. Start in a standing position with feet
shoulder width apart.
2. Hold the med ball in two hands and raise
it over your shoulder.
3. Bring the med ball down across your
body in a chopping motion, stopping at
your hip.
Simulate on-ice shooting and bodychecking movements with this drill,
while building a stronger upper body. 4. From the bottom of your chop, raise the
ball over your other shoulder.
5. Chop down to your opposite hip to
complete a figure eight.
6. Complete 3 sets of 10-12 reps. 9
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Speed Field Sets Reps Rests Superset Page
Get Up Sprint 5-7 runs 30s 10
OVERVIEW Ladder Crossover 6 3 each foot 30s 10
Agility Box Crossover 3 4 starts from the 60-90s 11
left and right side
Pyramid Sprints 60 seconds 11
Speed Play: Buildups 3 runs 60-90s 11

Speed Field DRILLS Get Up Sprint Speed Field DRILLS Ladder Crossover

1. Start on your stomach with your hands This drill requires a ladder or agility web.
at your shoulders, ready to push you up 1. Start at one end of the web beside the
to a standing position. first box.
2. Explode up to a sprinting position and 2. Step into the first box with your
sprint 15 metres. outside foot, crossing your body.
3. Complete 5-7 runs. 3. Next, bring your crossed foot to the
other side of the box and bring your
feet together on the other side.
Practise the sporadic and intermittent explosiveness needed during a game. Improve speed with quicker feet and rapid on-ice cross-
To increase difficulty, you can race a partner or vary the length of sprints and overs doing this drill. 4. Repeat the steps, alternating your feet
number of runs. until you reach the end of the web, and
jog back to start.
5. Complete 3 runs starting on each
foot. 10
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speed field DRILLS Agility Box Crossover speed field DRILLS Pyramid Sprints

This drill requires at least four This drills requires four cones.
SPARQ hurdles 1. Set up four cones in a line, 20 metres
1. Arrange the hurdles in a box apart.
formation. 2. Sprint from the first cone to the second
2. Stand outside the box and use a cone then jog back.
crossover movement to step inside 3. Sprint from the first cone to the third
the box. cone then jog back.
3. Uncross your feet by bringing one foot 4. Sprint from the first cone to the fourth
Build the on-ice speed forwards need to win battles to the puck. Increase
over to the other side of the box and cone then jog back.
your intensity with shorter periods of rest between each run. Time yourself
bring your feet together. or compete against a teammate to add another level of competition. 5. Complete 3 sets of runs.
4. Reverse the motion, by bringing your
other foot outside the rear of the
5. Plant your feet before sprinting out of
the opposite side of the box.
This drill builds the agility and quickness needed for forwards to change
direction at top speed. Concentrate on staying low and controlling your 6. Complete 6 sets and try to run each
arms throughout the drill. faster than the last.

speed field DRILLS Speed Play: Buildups

This drill requires a field at least 60

metres long.

1. From a standing position, get up to

speed with a steadily increasing
2. Begin with a 20 metre jog.
3. Transition into a 20 metre run.
Focus on the explosiveness of each step. Remember to keep your knees 4. Then break into a full out sprint for the
high with your arms and shoulders relaxed. Run against a teammate or last 20 metres.
time yourself and increase the intensity by trying to beat your times
with more explosive bursts. 5. Jog back to your starting position.
6. Complete 3 runs. 11
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Power Lower Body Sets Reps Rests Superset Page
POWER LOWER Med Ball Wood Chop 10-12 reps 30s 12
BODY Walking Lunges 6 20 m each leg 60-90s 12
OVERVIEW Skater’s Squat 3 10-12 reps 30s 13
Swiss Ball Hip Extension & 10-12 reps 13
Hamstring Curl
Swiss Ball Crunch 10-12 reps 30s 13

Power Lower Body DRILLS Med Ball Wood Chop Power Lower Body DRILLS Walking Lunges

This drill requires a medicine ball. 1. Start with your hands on your hips or
1. Start in a standing position with feet ears.
shoulder width apart. 2. Lunge forward with a high step and
2. Hold the med ball in two hands and raise end with your knees at a 90 degree
it over your shoulder. angle.

3. Bring the med ball down across your 3. Follow with the opposite leg and travel
body in a chopping motion, stopping at 20 metres before jogging back to the
your hip. start.
Put more power behind your shots and more strength into your checks with Maximize your mobility by working your hips, legs and core 4. Complete 3 sets.
this muscle building drill. 4. From the bottom of your chop, raise the to keep up with every opponent you face.
ball over your other shoulder.
5. Chop down to your opposite hip to
complete a figure eight.
6. Complete 3 sets of 10-12 reps. 12
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Power Lower Body DRILLS Skater’s Squat Power Lower Body DRILLS Swiss Ball Hip Extension & Hamstring Curl

1. Start in a standing position with your This drill requires a Swiss ball.
feet together. 1. Start with your heels on the ball.
2. Extend a leg behind you at a 45 degree 2. Your back should be off the ground with
angle to end in a lunge position. your weight on your shoulders.
3. Hold, and return to the start position 3. Roll the ball back to flex your hamstring
and extend with the other leg. and hold.
4. Complete 2 sets of 10-12 reps. 4. Roll the ball back to first position.
This drill mimics the natural skating stride to improve leg strength and Maximize the strength and stability in your hamstrings and glutes to make it 5. Complete 2 sets of 10-15 reps.
stability for rushes up the ice and back while checking. even harder for your opponents to knock you off the puck.

Power Lower Body DRILLS Swiss Ball Crunch

This drill requires a Swiss ball.

1. Position the Swiss ball in the small of
your back. Your feet should be flat on
the ground.
2. Balancing yourself on the ball,
overextend backwards and bring
yourself to a crunch position.
3. Return to the overextended position.
Build your on-ice stability by focusing on abdominal and core strength to
be dominant in the corners. 4. Complete 2 sets of 10-15 reps. 13
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Power Upper Body Sets Reps Rests Superset Page
POWER UPPER Pause Push-Ups 3 12-15 reps 30s 14
BODY Dumbbell Squat & Press 3 10-12 reps 30s 14
OVERVIEW Horizontal Pull-Ups 3 8-12 reps 30s 15
One Arm Dumbbell Row Build Power with more weight less reps.
Build endurance with more reps less weight.

One Leg Russian Deadlift 8-12 reps 30s 15

Power upper Body DRILLS Pause Push-Ups Power upper Body DRILLS Dumbbell Squat & Press

1. Start in a push-up position. This drill requires a Swiss ball.

2. When you reach the down position 1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at
pause for 3 seconds before returning to shoulder height.
the up position. 2. Perform a squat.
3. Complete 3 sets of 12-15 reps. 3. When you return to the first position,
use your momentum to press the
dumbbells above your head.

A stronger shot and bodycheck starts with the upper body By working your legs and shoulders simultaneously you build 4. Complete 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
strength you build with this chest and shoulder drill. overall strength and increase your coordination. 5. For building power, use a heavier
weight and do less reps and sets. For
increasing endurance, use a lighter
weight and do more reps and sets. 14
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Power upper Body DRILLS Horizontal Pull-Ups Power upper Body DRILLS One Arm Dumbbell Row

This drill requires a squat rack. This drill requires a dumbbell.

1. Position the bar just above shoulder 1. Place one arm and knee on a bench for
height and grip it like you are doing a support and keep your back straight
bench press. and parallel to the ground.
2. Straighten your core into a plank with 2. Lean over so the dumbbell hangs
your heels touching the floor. straight from your arm and lift the
3. Pull your body up to the bar in a reverse dumbbell to your chest. Squeeze with
bench press. your back muscles while keeping your
Get the strength you need to win battles in the corners by building a Build a stronger back and arms for more control over back straight.
stronger back and arms. For increased difficulty, wear a weighted vest or 4. Complete 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
the puck and a booming shot. 3. For building power, use a heavier
elevate your feet on a Swiss ball or bench.
weight and do less reps and sets. For
increasing endurance, use a lighter
weight and do more reps and sets.

Power upper Body DRILLS one-Leg Russian Deadlift

This drill requires a dumbbell.

1. Standing on one leg, grab the dumbbell
on the floor.
2. Pull up across your body, raising the
dumbbell over your head.
3. Reverse direction to finish just above
the floor at the outside of your ankle.

Build your on-ice stability by focusing on abdominal and core strength to 4. Complete 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
be dominant in the corners. 15
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Endurance Sets Reps Rests Superset Page
ENDURANCE 40 Metre Shuffle 2-5 20m each direction 60-90s 16
OVERVIEW Tennis Ball Suicides 4 runs 60-90s 16
Get Up Tag 3 runs then switch 30s 16
5 Cone Scramble 3 8-10 numbers 60-90s 17
Rabbit Runs 4 runs each 30s 17
Mirror Drill 4 runs then switch 17
Agility Box with Variable 20 Metre 2 runs 17

Endurance DRILLS 40 Metre Shuffle Endurance DRILLS Tennis Ball Suicides

1. Facing one direction, shuffle sideways This drill requires 5 tennis balls.
for 20 metres, without crossing your 1. Begin with a tennis ball in your hand,
feet. one at the start line, as well as one at
2. Return to the start by shuffling back in the 5, 10, and 15 metre marks.
the other direction. 2. Sprint to the ball at the 5 metre mark
3. Repeat 2-5 times. Try to run each faster with a ball in your hand.
than the last. 3. Switch the ball in your hand for the
one at the 5 metre mark and return to
Increase your lateral speed with this drill to get around defenders. Use this drill to build controlled acceleration and deceleration to always the start.
Concentrate on keeping your centre of gravity low and pushing with be in the best scoring position on the ice. To make this drill more com-
your outside leg. Challenge yourself by timing how long each rep petitive, time yourself and aim to beat your best time. 4. Switch the ball you picked up at the
takes, then try to beat your best time. 5 metre mark for the one at the start
and sprint to the next ball at the 10
metre mark.
5. Continue switching each ball between
the start and the 10, and 15 metre
Endurance DRILLS Get Up Tag 6. Complete 4 runs.
This drill requires a partner.
1. Lay down on your back with your head
touching your partner’s.
2. When your trainer indicates, get up.
3. Use explosive movements to catch your
opponent and tag them.
4. Complete 3 runs then switch to avoid
This head to head drill mimics the puck chases every forward wants to being tagged.
win. Practice your acceleration and deceleration using quick changes
of direction while avoiding your partner. Increase the level of competi-
tion by making the space smaller or adding more opponents. 16
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This drill requires 5 cones. This drill requires a partner.

1. Start in the middle of the 5 cones. 1. Stand behind your partner.
2. When your partner calls out a number, 2. The person in front acts as the leader
sprint to the corresponding cone and and sprints forward at varying speeds
touch it. for 20 metres.
3. Use the shuffle technique to return to 3. The person following runs when their
the middle cone and wait for the next partner runs and stops when they
number. stop.
Keep your knees bent to help acceleration and deceleration while facing Focus on accelerating and decelerating from various speeds to get past
forwards throughout the drill. Increase the intensity by doing 10 push-ups 4. Complete 3 runs of 8-10 numbers 4. Switch places and complete 4 runs
defensemen along the boards. Up the difficulty by increasing the dis-
every time you miss a cone or advance to the wrong one, this will keep you tance of the chase. Make sure to keep an arm’s-length between you and each.
on your toes. your partner. If you break that space do 10 push-ups before switching.

ENDURANCE DRILLS Mirror Drill ENDURANCE DRILLS Agility Box With Variable 20 Metre

This drill requires a partner. This drill requires 4 cones arranged

1. Stand facing your partner. as a 20 metre by 20 metre box.

2. Your partner acts as a leader and moves 1. Start by sprinting forwards 20

forward, backwards and side to side. metres.
3. Mirror each of your partner’s 2. Shuffle right 20 metres.
movements exactly. 3. Then backpedal 20 metres.
4. Switch places and complete 4 runs 4. Carioca 20 metres to the left, and
This drill will help you deke out defenseman next time you hit the ice. If each. carioca back.
Build explosive power and a stronger skating stride with this drill.
you’re leading, complicate your steps by adding crossovers, shuttles, Concentrate on keeping your centre of gravity low and pushing with 5. Sprint forwards 20 metres.
arm swings and head movements to throw off your opponent. your outside leg. To make this drill more competitive, time yourself
and aim to beat your best time. 6. Then shuffle left 20 metres.
7. And backpedal 20 metres to complete
the square.
8. Complete 2 runs. 17
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Defence Skills Reps Page
FORWARD Stickhandling (around cones, with a pipe, and Various controls for 30s each. 18
SKILLS over an obstacle.) Add the pipe and continue for 30s each.
Various controls over an obstacle for 30s each.
Shooting (accuracy and point shots.) At least 25 shots each 19
Passing 30s each drill 19/20


This drill requires four cones and a road 1. Slide a piece of pipe on your stick and
hockey ball. grip with your lower hand.

1. Control the ball in a figure eight 2. Concentrate on using your upper hand
formation, forward for 30 seconds then to control the ball through the cones.
backwards for 30 seconds. 3. Practice combining different types of
2. Practice different types of control by control with rollies, toe-drags and pulls
mixing rollies, toe-drags and pulls. around the cones.

3. Now add a third cone to create a 4. Complete a circuit of various controls

Add another layer of difficulty by changing the ball to something for 30 seconds each.
triangle. Stickhandle in and around it, smaller and more unpredictable like a golf ball or SPARQ Reaction
making sure to go in both directions ball.
using a variety of techniques for 30
seconds each.
4. Add in a fourth cone to create a box.
5. Stand in the middle and stickhandle in
and around the cones to focus on puck
control in tight spaces.
6. Then rate within the box as you
stickhandle to work on control in
7. Complete a circuit of various controls
for 30 seconds each. 18
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Skills DRILLS Stickhandle Over An Obstacle skills DRILLS Accuracy Shooting

This drill requires a piece of pipe or This drill requires a hockey net, practice
stick and two cones. balls and a stick.

1. Set up a piece of pipe or stick on top of 1. Begin by turning the net on an angle so
two cones, creating an obstacle that is there’s less net to shoot at.
half a metre wide, making sure the ball 2. From 3 metres away, practice wristers,
can fit underneath. snapshots and backhands for at least
2. Practice combining different types of 25 shots each.
control with rollies, toe-drags and pulls 3. Move back to 6 metres and practise
This will help you maintain control of bouncing pucks and avoid stick- around the obstacle.
checks on the ice. Strengthen your core by incorporating a side to side wristers, snapshots and backhands for
jump over a hurdle, landing on one foot and holding for 3 seconds per jump 3. Get creative and combine rolling the ball at least 25 shots each.
as you stickhandle. through or popping it up and over the 4. Move back again to 12 metres away to
obstacle as you move. practice wristers and shots.
4. Complete a circuit of various controls
for 30 seconds each.

skills DRILLS Point Shots skills DRILLS Passing

This drill requires a hockey net, practice This drill requires a stick, road hockey
balls and a stick. ball and a wall.

1. Begin by putting the net down so you’re 1. Standing 3 metres away from a wall,
shooting at the top of it. This smaller pass to yourself beginning on your
target will help you keep shots low and forehand, cradling the pass for 30
create more tip-in opportunities or seconds then switch to one-touching it
rebounds off the goalie’s pads. off the wall for 30 seconds.
2. From 6 metres out, practice snapshots 2. Work on your backhand for 30
To simulate game-time shooting, have a partner feed you passes to work for at least 25 shots. Strengthen your core and improve stability by standing on one leg seconds.
on one-timers. To increase the degree of difficulty, try standing on one or by stride jumping from foot to foot, this will mimic your skating
leg at a time to improve stability, wear a weighted vest while you shoot 3. Move back to about 12 metres out to stride. Increase the difficulty by using a SPARQ Reaction ball to 3. Then alternate giving and receiving
or tape pucks to the back of your blade to weight it down. This will give practice slapshots. vary the path of the passes. passes between your forehand and
you more power behind your shots. backhand for 30 seconds.
4. Increase the distance of your pass by
moving 6 metres away from the wall,
then 10 metres away. Work on forehand,
backhand and alternating passes from
these distances. 19
Visit to follow us on Twitter and Facebook and check out for all The Program’s drills and training tips from Matt and Gary.

Skills DRILLS touch Passes

This drill requires a partner, sticks and

road hockey ball.

1. Standing about 3 meters from your

partner with an obstacle between
you, use a forehand pass to get the
ball over or under the obstacle and
to your partner. Continue this for 30
Strengthen your core and improve stability by standing on one leg dur- 2. Switch to your backhand and repeat for
ing the drill. Increase the level of difficulty by reducing the size of the 30 seconds.
obstacle. You can do this drill alone by passing off a wall.
3. Increase your distance from the
obstacle to 6 and 10 metres and
complete the forehand and backhand
circuit. Continue passing for 30 seconds
each. 20
Visit to follow us on Twitter and Facebook and check out for all The Program’s drills and training tips from Matt and Gary.

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