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This study is to examine the assessment of cybercrime among Asaba youths, The data presentation and
analysis of this study was base on the analysis taken from the interview questions (questionnaire) which
was designed and administrated by researchers the responses gather through the questionnaire are
presented through a tabular form below and analyzed using simple percentages (%) this was possible
because the copies of questionnaire were administered personally to the respondents in their house or
hostel. this method helped in avoiding unnecessary delays ,

Therefore the finding and resumption tabulate below are based on the data gathered from these
four hundred (400) copies of the questionnaire that is being adequately filled and returned.

Data presentation depicted as follows:

Question one :

Table 1: Gender of respondents

Opinion. Frequency. percentage

Male 240. 60%

Female. 160. 40%

Total. 400. 100%


Table 1 shows that 240 respondents representing (60%) are male , while 160 respondents representing
(40%) are female.

Table 2 Age of respondents.

Opinion frequency percentages

Under 20. 50 1.5 %

21- 25. 150. 42.5%

25 - 30. 100. 35 %

30 - 40 60 1.8%
40 above 40. 1.4%

Total 400. 100

Source: field survey 2022 .

Table one shows that the greatest number of respondents where within the age bracket of 21-25 ,
representing (42.5 %) of total number of respondents, it is closely followed by the respondents within
the age bracket of 25-30 (38%) ,30-40 years representing (1.8 %,),40 above (1.4%) , and under 20 years
which represent (2.6%) of the population

TABLE 3 : Marital status of respondents

Opinion. frequency. percentage

single. 200 50%

Married. 140 35%

Divorced. 60. 15%

Total. 400. 100%


Table 3 shows that 200 respondents are single representing 50%,, 140 are married representing 35%,
while 60 representers were divorced which represent 15%

Table 4 : Educational Qualifications of Respondents

Opinion frequency. Percentage

FSLC 20 1.5%

WAEC. 80. 24%

NCE. 100. 25%

ND, HND, BSc. 200. 50%

Total 400 100%


Table 4 Shows that 20 Respondents representing 5.5% have first school leaving certificate, 80
respondents representing 24% have WAEC , 100 respondents representing 25% have NEC, while 200
respondents representing 50% ND, HND BSc.

Table 5: Occupation of Respondents

Opinion. Frequency. percentag

civil servant. 40 8%

students 210. 50%

trader 80. 20%

self employed 70. 22 %

Total. 400. 100%


the above table showed that 40 respondents representing 8% were civil servant, 210 respondents
representing 50 %are students,80 respondents representing 20% are traders , while 70 respondents
representing 22% are self-employed

Table 6. Are you aware of Cybercrime popularly known as Yahoo ?

Opinion. frequency. percentage

Agree. 180 35%

Strongly agree. 240. 65%

Disagree. 0. 0%

Strongly disagree. 0. 0%

Total. 400.

Table 15 reveal that 244 respondents representing (61%) said the extent of Cybercrime among Asaba
youths is a large extent, 160 respondents representing (26.5%)

said to an extent, while 50 respondents representing 12.5% said no impact

Table 16 What is the assessment of Asaba residents on the effect of Cybercrime

Opinion frequency. Percentage

High 250. 62.5%

Low. 120. 30.5%

No impact. 30. 7%

Total. 400. 100%


Table: 16 reveal that 250 respondents representing (62.5%) said that the assessment of Asaba
residents on the effect of Cybercrime high, 120 respondents representing ( 30.3%) said that the
assessment of Asaba residents on the effect of Cybercrime is low , while 30 respondents representing
(7%) said it have no impact on the residents

Table 17 How effective is Cybercrime influencing the behavior of Asaba youths ?

Opinion frequency. percentage

Effective. 140. 35%

very Effective. 200. 50%

No Effect 60. 15%

Total. 400. 100%


Table 17 shows that 140 respondents representing (35%) indicated is Effective in influencing the
behavior of Asaba youths, 200 respondents representing (50%) said it is very effective, in influencing
their behavior, while 50 respondents representing (15%) said it is not Effective

Table 18 What Gender involve in Cybercrime the more ?

Opinion frequency. percentage

Male. 250. 62.5%

Female. 100. 25%

both. 50. 12.5%

Total. 400. 100%


Table 18 reveal that 250 respondents representing (62.5%) Male involved more on Cybercrime, 100.
respondents representing (25%) said female, while 50 respondents representing (12.5%) both


In this section the data collected from the survey on the " ASSESSMENT OF CYBERCRIM USAGE AMONG
ASABA YOUTHS" , would be discussed. this section attempt to answer the research questions formulated
in chapter one

when the respondents were asked about their asissment of Cybercrime usage among Asaba youths,
majority of the respondents agreed that it have effect on the residents, this is because a good number of
the people knowledge of what Cybercrime is about

In relation to this, The News Africa (2010) Cybercrime is a phenomenon on that is threatening the
economy of many nations , it's categories and nature are endless and the same hold true for the
Nigerian experience.

according to finding Cybercrime scamming activities among other are , email fraud, social media fraud,
banking fraud, ransomware attacks, cyber espionage, identity theft, clickjacking, and spyware .,

According to KPMG (2011) there are two billion internet users and over five billions mobile phone
connections worldwide. The sumantee online living report (2009) provide insight into rapidly changing
technology internet usage and it's social impact on the youths.

The innovation of technology brought about the spread of Cybercrime among the youths especially the
undergraduate, unemployment have been the key factor for the spread of cybercrime.on the effect of
Cybercrime among Asaba youths, the results eariler stated that Cybercrime scamming activities have
high influence on the behavior of Asaba residentsThe implementation is that Cybercrime have tarnish

the image of Asaba youths, and the global scale deter foreign investment and reduce confidence in the
global economy.

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