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“Problems and Challenges Faced By Women Entrepreneurs – A Study With Reference

To Mangalore”
Project Stream: A
Project reference number: 43S_MBA_015

Department of Business Administration

Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management

Name of students:
1. Name: Sujit Chandrashekar Hegde
USN No.: 4SF18MBA82
Email id:
Mobile No: 7019040790

2. Name: Deeksha B
USN No.: 4SF18MBA19
Email id:
Mobile No.: 8971668169

3. Name: Sachin Hegde

Email id:
Mobile No.:7899968735

4. Name: Veeresh Ratod

USN No.: 4SF18MBA86
Email id:
Mobile No.: 9741773693

Name of Project Guide:

1. Name: Ms. Suchithra
Email id:
Contact No.: 8904483725

Keywords: Women entrepreneurs - Challenges- Problems –Weaknesses-Threats- Entrepreneurship

- Mangalore


India has shown strong growth in female entrepreneurship over the past couple of years and
more women are pursuing their careers in this direction and continuing to make notable
progress in entrepreneurial landscape. With the constant evolution in the Indian startup
ecosystem, more and more women are pursuing the company dream and succeeding in their

In India, because of culture & traditions, women are supposed to perform household activities
& take care of family because of these reasons women entrepreneurship is very low. But due
to the widespread of education and social awareness during last three decades now women
are showing interest in starting their own venture. Hence there is a considerable growth of
women entrepreneurs. Now a day’s in Indian women are willing to accept challenges &
assume responsibility in economic social, political group. Generally, they engage them in tiny
or small cottage industries but recent study show women have been starting ventures in all
the sector equivalent to men.

Women Entrepreneurship

Women entrepreneurs are said to be encompassing one-third of total entrepreneurs

worldwide. Entrepreneurship traditionally has been defined as process of designing,
procuring, launching and running a new business. An Entrepreneur has been defined as a
person responsible for collecting resources, applying them, taking a calculated risk and
making profits. An entrepreneur controls all factors of production – human resource, financial
and material- to exploit the opportunities to convert them into business. Entrepreneurship
starts with entrepreneurial mindset and nurtures with entrepreneurial eco system which
includes government program, policy, non-governmental support, public and private
organizations, small business advocacy, associations and small business friendly laws.

Objectives of the study:

1. To explore the challenges of women entrepreneurs.
2. To study the women entrepreneurs Difficulties and Problems in Mangalore city.
3. To make recommendations.

Research Methodology:

The data required for the study is collected from both primary and secondary sources.

The primary data was collected through personal interview method & through Google forms
by mailing to respondents. In addition, the direct contact and discussion with the women
entrepreneurs in Mangalore. The secondary data is collected from both print and electronic
media like books, journals, periodicals, conference paper, working paper, blogs and websites.
Sample size: 161 women entrepreneurs.


Marital status of the responses

Particulars No. of responses Percentage

Married 82 51%
Unmarried 79 49%
Total 161 100%
Table no.1: Marital status of the responses
Marital Status





Married Unmarried


Graph no.1: Marital status


From the above table and graph, we understood that out of the total responses 51% that is 82
are married and 49% that is 79 are unmarried.

Age group of the respondents

Particulars No. of responses Percentage

Below 25 57 35.7%
25-30 35 21.7%
31-40 27 16.6%
41-50 28 17.2%
51 and above 14 8.9%
Total 161 100%
Table no.2: Age group of the responses
40.00% 35.70%
25.00% 21.70%
20.00% 16.60% 17.20%

Below 25 25-30 31-40 41-50 51 and above


Graph no.2: age group of the respondents


From the above table and graph, we understood that out of the total responses from the
survey, 35.7%respondents are under energetic age group of below 25, 21.7% respondents
comes in the age group of 25-30, 16.6% respondents comes in the age group of 31-40 while
17.2% respondents from the survey comes in the age group of 41-50 and 8.9% respondents
comes in the age group of 51 and above.

Educational background of the responses

Particulars No of respondents Percentage

Primary 34 21.0%
SSLC 37 22.9%
Graduate 59 36.9%
Post-Graduate 31 19.1%
Total 161 100%
Table no.3: Educational background of the responses
Educational background
40% 36.90%
25% 21.00%
Primary SSLC Graduate Post-Graduate


Graph no.3: Educational background of the responses


From the survey, we understood that out of the total responses, 21% of the respondents have
the educational background with primary, while 22.9% of the respondents have done SSLC,
36.9% have completed graduation and 19.1% of the respondents have done post-graduation
from the survey to become an entrepreneur.

Form of organization of the enterprise

Particulars No of respondents Percentage

Sole proprietor 47 29.5%
Joint family 53 32.7%
Partnership 30 18.6%
Pvt. Ltd 22 13.5%
Cooperative 9 5.9%
Total 161 100%
Table No.4: Form of organization of the enterprise
Form of organization
35.00% 32.70%


10.00% 5.80%

Sole proprietor Joint family Partnership Pvt. Ltd Cooperative


Graph no.4: Form of organization

From the above table and graph, we observed that 29.5% out of the respondents, women
entrepreneurs started as a sole proprietor while form of the organization of 32.7% is joint
family, 18.6% are partnerships, 13.5% are private limited and 5.8% are cooperative.

Occupation of women entrepreneurs before becoming entrepreneurs.

Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

House wife 36 22.3%
Student 55 34.4%
Employment 45 28.0%
Family Business 15 9.6%
Social Worker 10 5.7%
Total 161 100%
Table No. 5: Occupation of women entrepreneurs before becoming entrepreneurs.
Occupation of women entrepreneurs before
becoming entrepreneurs
25.00% 22.30%

15.00% 9.60%
10.00% 5.70%
House wife Student Employment Family Social Worker


Graph no.5: Occupation of women entrepreneurs before coming entrepreneurs


From the above table and graph, it is observed that out of the total respondents 22.3% are
house wives, 34.4% are students, 28% are employed while 9.6% are running family business
and 5.7% are social workers.

Reasons for starting the enterprise

Particulars No. of respondents percentage

Unemployment 30 18.5%
Dissatisfying jobs 41 25.5%
Use of ideal fund 31 19.7%
Use of technical skill 40 24.8%
Leisure time on hand 19 11.5%
Total 161 100%
Table no.6: Reasons for starting the enterprise

Graph no.6: Reasons for starting the enterprise

Reasons for starting the business
10.00% 18.50% 25.50% 19.70% 24.80% 11.50%
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From the above and graph, we observed that many reasons have made the women to start a
business by themselves. Out of the total respondents, 18.5% respondents were unemployed,
25.5% respondents had dissatisfying jobs, 19.7% respondents started a business to use their
idle fund while 24.8% women started to use their technical skill by starting up a business and
11.5% of the respondents start their business to use their leisure time on hand.

Opponents to the idea of starting the enterprise

Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

Husband 41 25.5%
Parents 35 21.7%
In-laws 42 26.1%
Relatives 43 26.7%
Total 161 100%
Table no.7: Opponents to the idea of starting the enterprise

Graph no.7: Opponents to the idea of starting the enterprise

30.00% 25.50% 26.10% 26.70%
25.00% 21.70%
Husband Parents In-laws Relatives



From the above data, we observed that, women had many opponents before becoming an

Out of the total respondents, we found that 25.5% respondents agreed that they had
opponents from their husband before starting the enterprise, 21.7% are parents while 26.1%
were in-laws and 26.7% were relatives.

Various weaknesses of the women entrepreneurs

Particulars No of respondents Percentage

Lack of in-depth knowledge 24 14.9%
No idea of business 26 16.1%
Lack of mobility 26 16.1%
Idea generation is less 28 17.4%
No calculated risk 27 16.8%
Delay in getting loan 30 18.7%
Total 161 100%
Table no.8: Weaknesses of the women entrepreneur
Graph no.8: Weaknesses of the women entrepreneurs

20.00% 18.70%
17.40% 16.80%
18.00% 16.10% 16.10%
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From the survey, we found that there are weaknesses to the women entrepreneurs while
running the business.16.1% of the respondents have stated that when they did not have proper
idea about the business. 14.9% lack of in-depth knowledge regarding its marketing and
manufacturing and 16.8% calculating the risk is very important in a business when it does not
happen, it becomes a problem to the entrepreneur mainly to run a business. 16.1% mobility is
a weakness for them being entrepreneurs they could not move freely due to some reason.
18.7% of the respondents said that sometimes getting a loan from the bank and other sources
would be difficult that would be a greatest problem as finance is very important and it acts as
a pillar.

17.4 % of the respondents stated that idea generation is very important to run a business and
to be able for that women should innovate and satisfy the customers else it is also a problem
to the women entrepreneurs.

Threats for women entrepreneurs

Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

Shortage of capital 30 18.6%
Big unit competition 42 26.1%
Less demand 35 21.7%
Giving up due to family obligation 28 17.4%
Obsolescence of product and 26 16.2%
Total 161 100%
Table no.9: Threats for women entrepreneur

Graph no.9: Threats for women entrepreneurs

25.00% 21.70%
20.00% 17.40% 16.20%



Shortage of Big unit Less demand Giving up due Obsolescence
capital competition to family of product and
obligation technology



From the above table and graph, all the respondents agreed that they have threats being
Out of the total respondents, 18.6 % respondents said that they had shortage of capital to run
a business. Capital is very important to start as well as to run the enterprise.

26.1% of the respondents said that they are facing competition from other enterprises of the
same field.

21.7% agreed that they have less demand on their products because of competition.
Innovation is very important to satisfy the customers.

17.4% of the respondents quit the business just because family obligation.

16.2% faced obsolescence of product and technology used to manufacture a product should
be good and technically strong so that they can produce innovative products else it would be
a threat for the entrepreneurs to be stable in the market.

Problems faced by women entrepreneurs

Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

Social problems 47 29%
Government problems 29 18.1%
Financial problems 49 30.3%
Marketing problems 36 22.6%
Total 161 100%
Table no.10: Problems faced by women entrepreneurs

Graph no.10: problems faced by women entrepreneurs

Problems faced by women entrepreneurs
29.00% 30.30%
25% 22.60%
Social problems Government Financial problems Marketing problems



From the above table and graph, we found that out of the total responses, 29% of the
respondents stated that they have social problems being an entrepreneur, 18.1% of the
respondents stated that they have Government problems as there are large official formalities
in availing help while 30.3% of the respondents says that they have financial problem and
22.6% of the respondents stated that they have marketing problem as it is very important to
satisfy the customers for getting profit.

Financial problem faced by women entrepreneurs

Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

The lack of encouragement by financing agencies 37 23%
in extending loans or credit
Harsh or hard repayment rule 48 29.8%
No specific Governmental policy to create an 39 24.2%
awakening in generating extra income
Lack of capital to start the business 37 23%
Total 161 100
Table no.11: Financial problem

Graph no.11: financial problem

Financial Problem
30% 23.00% 24.20% 23.00%


Analysis and Interpretation:

From the survey, we observed that women have a financial problem as an entrepreneur.
Finance is very important to set up and run any kind of business. So owner must be stable in

Out of the total respondents, 23 % respondents said that they have problem from financial
agency as they are not encouraging them in extending loans or credits.

29.8% of the respondents say that most of the financial agencies have harsh and hard rules
repayment rule though they do not have enough profit for the repayment.

24.2% of the women entrepreneur say that there are no specific Governmental policy to get
some additional financial benefits for them grow in the society.

23 % of the respondents have capital problems to start and run a business.

Domestic and social commitment problems faced by women entrepreneur.

Particulars No. of respondents Percentage
Objections by 28 17.4%
Dual kind of duties 30 18.6%
In different attitude of the 29 18.0%
Non cooperation 28 17.4%
Limited liberty to women 26 16.1%
Domination 20 12.5%
Total 161 100%
Table no.12: Domestic and social commitment problems

Graph no.12: Domestic and social commitment problems

Domestic and Social

Commitment problems
17.40% 18.00% 17.40%
20.00% 16.10%
16.00% 12.50%
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From the above table and graph we observed that, women have many social and domestic
problems being entrepreneur.

17.4 % of the respondents said that they had objections during launching of a project by their
husband/family. 18.6 % of the respondents said that they have to maintain family as well as
business so it is also a problem as well as challenge for them. 18% of the respondents are in
different attitude and 17.4% non-cooperation from their family. 16.1 % have limited liberty in
the society and 12.5 % of the respondents says that still there is a domination policy in the

Problems coming in the way of professional/social/occupational mobility of women


Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

Multiple duties 49 30.4%
Limited resources 46 28.6%
Lack of self confidence 31 19.2%
Pre-requisite of stability/security 35 21.8%
responsible for creating certain
Total 161 100%
Table no.13: Professional/social/occupational mobility of women entrepreneurs

Graph no.13: Professional/social/occupational mobility of women entrepreneurs

Professional/Social/Occupational Problems

25.00% 21.80%




Multiple duties Limited resources Lack of self Pre-requisite of
confidence stability/security
responsible for
creating certain



Out of the total respondents, 30.4 % of the respondent’s states that Women have to do
multiple duties like maintaining the family as well as enterprise so it would be a problem for
her being entrepreneur as she could not give more concentration on her business. So it is a
serious problem in reaching a goal.

28.6 % of the respondents states that limited resources also a problem for them to run a
business which could be financial, technology, product or labour also.

19.2 % of the respondents state that self-confidence is very important for being an
entrepreneur. Lack of confidence also leads to loss in business.

21.8% of the respondent’s states that pre-requisite of security also creates the problem while
running a business.

Problems in availing Government help

Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

A large number of official 61 37.9%
Delaying tactics by the 39 24.2%
Discrimination 28 17.4%
Unnecessary Govt. 33 20.5%
Total 161 100%
Table no. 14: Problems in availing Government help

Graph no.14: Problems in availing Government’s help

Government Problem
40.00% 37.90%


20.00% 17.40%




A large number of Delaying tactics by Discrimination Unnecessary Govt.
official formalities the Govt. interference


From the above table and graph, we observed that women entrepreneurs are facing many
problems while availing Government’s help to set up and run the business.

37.9 % of the respondents says that official formalities are more in availing Government’s
help which is time consuming.

24.2% of the respondents says that Government department makes delay in procedure for
getting loan or any other process.

17.4% of the respondents states that there are possibilities of discrimination between male
and female.

20.5 % of the respondents says that interference of the government can be seen.

Marketing problems faced by women entrepreneurs

Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

Competitive challenges 41 25.5%
Inadequate information about 37 23.0%
changing market forces

Challenges posed by the 24 14.9%

availability of fake/spurious
products with the same label
Lack of encouraging response 28 17.39%
from the customer

Delay in collection of payment 17 10.5%

Lack of adequate publicity in the 14 8.8%
midst of competitive market
Total 161 100%
Table no.15: Marketing problems

Graph no.15: Marketing problems

Marketing Problems
30.00% 25.50% 23.00%

20.00% 14.90% 17.39%

10.50% 8.80%



From the above graph it was revealed that 25.5%ofwomen entrepreneurs faced competitive
challenges .23 % told us about inadequate information about changing market forces. 17.39%
said about lack of encouraging response from customers. 10.5% faced delay in receipt of
payment towards credit sales. 8.8% felt about lack of publicity of their products.

Majority faced competitive challenges and advertising of their products. Marketing a

product and customer satisfaction is a biggest problem as well as a challenge to the
entrepreneurs. Networking as well as communication is very important to get a space in the

Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

marital status 161 1 2 1.5093 0.50147

age group 161 1 5 2.4224 1.35388
educational background 161 1 5 2.7329 1.33584
form of orgaisation 161 1 5 2.3354 1.19344
Occupation before 161 1 5 2.4037 1.10893
becoming entrepreneurs
Opponents to the idea of 161 1 4 2.5466 1.14537
starting the enterprise?
The reasons for 161 1 5 2.8571 1.30794
compelling enterprise
various weaknesses 161 1 6 3.6087 1.7109
various threats 161 1 5 2.8634 1.3486
problems faced 161 1 4 2.4596 1.13465
financial problems 161 1 4 2.472 1.08433
domestic and social 161 1 6 3.3354 1.65055
commitment problems
Problems 161 1 4 2.323 1.12696
Problems in availing of 161 1 4 2.205 1.15714
the Government's help?
Marketing problems 161 1 6 2.913 1.62554
faced by women
Valid N (list wise) 161
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Interpretation: From the above table, the highest score was 3.6087 was gained by various
weaknesses followed by 3.3354 domestic and social commitment problems. Marketing
problems faced by women entrepreneurs scored 2.913. Various threats scored 2.8634.
Reasons for compelling enterprises scored 2.8571. The lowest score was made by problems
in availing Govt. help which amounted to 2.205. Others scored 2.5466, 2.472, 2.4596, 2.323
related to opponents to the idea of starting the business, financial problems, problems faced
and problems of professional mobility.

Case Processing Summary

N %
Cases Valid 161 98.8
Excluded 2 1.2
Total 163 100.0
a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the

Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
.930 15

What are the
Who were the problems
Which were opponents to faced by
the reasons the idea of What were the woman What were the
for compelling starting the various entrepreneurs various
enterprise? enterprise? weaknesses ? threats
** **
Which were the reasons Pearson Correlation 1 .032 .263 .306 .301**
for compelling Sig. (2-tailed) .691 .001 .000 .000
enterprise? N 161 161 161 161 161
Who were the opponents Pearson Correlation .032 1 .091 .123 .049
to the idea of starting the Sig. (2-tailed) .691 .253 .120 .540
enterprise? N 161 161 161 161 161
What were the various Pearson Correlation .263** .091 1 .930** .922**
weaknesses Sig. (2-tailed) .001 .253 .000 .000
N 161 161 161 161 161
** **
What are the problems Pearson Correlation .306 .123 .930 1 .936**
faced by woman Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .120 .000 .000
entrepreneurs? N 161 161 161 161 161

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .540 .000 .000

N 161 161 161 161 161

What are the

What were problems
the domestic coming the
What were and social way of What are the
the financial commitment professional/ marketing
problems problems occupational What are the problems
faced by faced by mobility of problems in faced by
woman women women availing of the women
entrepreneur entrepreneur entrepreneur Government's entrepreneurs
s? ? s? help ? ?
** ** **
What were the financial Pearson 1 .955 .949 .924 .949**
problems faced by Correlation
woman entrepreneurs? Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000
N 161 161 161 161 161
What were the domestic Pearson .955** 1 .946** .942** .954**
and social commitment Correlation
problems faced by Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000
women entrepreneur? N 161 161 161 161 161
** ** **
What are the problems Pearson .949 .946 1 .960 .954**
coming the way of Correlation
professional/occupation Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000
al mobility of women N 161 161 161 161 161
What are the problems Pearson .924** .942** .960** 1 .957**
in availing of the Correlation
Government's help ? Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000
N 161 161 161 161 161
** ** ** **
What are the marketing Pearson .949 .954 .954 .957 1
problems faced by Correlation
women entrepreneurs? Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000
N 161 161 161 161 161
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

From the above table , it was revealed that the reasons for compelling enterprises is positively correlated with various
weaknesses ,problems faced and various threats faced by Women entrepreneurs at 0.263 ,0.306 and 0.301.respectively
at0.01 level of significance and at 0.032 with opposition to the idea of starting business at 0.05 level of significance.
The opponents to the idea of starting a business are positively correlated with other constructs at 0.032, 0.091, 0.123 and
0.049 at 0.05 level significance.
With regard to various weaknesses other constructs like reasons for compelling enterprise weaknesses faced and various
threats are positively correlated at 0.263, 0.930 and 0.922 at 0.01 level of significance

With respect to problems faced it is positively related to the opponents to the idea of starting
a business at 0.123 at 0.05 level of significance and positively correlated with other
constructs at 0.306, 0.930 and 0.922 at 0.01 level of significance.
Regarding various threats it was positively correlated at 0.049 with the opponents to the idea
of starting business. It is positively related to other constructs at 0.301, 0.922 and 0.936 at
0.01 level of significance.
Regarding financial problems it is positively correlated with constructs like domestic social
commitment, professional mobility, availing Govt. help and marketing problem at 0.955,
0.949,0.924 and 0.949 respectively at 0.01 level of significance.
With respect to domestic social commitment, it is positively correlated with other constructs
at 0.955, 0.946, 0.942 and 0.954 respectively at 0.01 level of significance.
Regard to professional and occupational mobility, it is positively correlated with other
constructs at 0.949, 0.946, 0.960, and 0.954 at 0.01 level of significance.
Regarding availing Government help it is positively correlated with other constructs at 0.924,
0.942, 0.960 and 0.957 respectively at 0.01 level of significance.
With respect to marketing problems it is positively correlated with all other constructs at
0.949, 0.954, 0.954 and 0.957 at 0.01 level of significance.


Findings are the data or information which are discovered by doing survey or by an inquiry.
Following are the information which we have collected and analyzed are summarized. We
found the data from the survey is based on the method that is descriptive statistics as well as
correlation that we have adopted to prepare a report.

 From the study, we found that women has many problems to set up as well as to run
the business like social problems, financial problems, government problems,
marketing problems.
 As per descriptive statistics, it was found that the highest score was 3.6087 was
gained by various weaknesses followed by 3.3354 domestic and social commitment
problems. Marketing problems faced by women entrepreneurs scored 2.913. Various
threats scored 2.8634 reasons for compelling enterprises scored 2.8571. The lowest
score was made by problems in availing Govt. help which amounted to 2.205. Others
scored 2.5466, 2.472, 2.4596, 2.323 related to opponents to the idea of starting the
business, financial problems, problems faced and problems of professional mobility.

 As per Pearson’s Correlation Co-efficient, With respect to problems faced it is

positively related to the opponents to the idea of starting a business at 0.123 at 0.05
level of significance and positively correlated with other constructs at 0.306, 0.930
and 0.922 at 0.01 level of significance.
 Regarding various threats it was positively correlated at 0.049 with the
opponents to the idea of starting business. It is positively related to other
constructs at 0.301, 0.922 and 0.936 at 0.01 level of significance.
 Regarding financial problems it is positively correlated with constructs like
domestic social commitment, professional mobility, availing Govt. help and
marketing problem at 0.955, 0.949, 0.924 and 0.949 respectively at 0.01 level
of significance.

 With respect to domestic social commitment, it is positively correlated with

other constructs at 0.955, 0.946, 0.942 and 0.954 respectively at 0.01 level of
 Regard to professional and occupational mobility, it is positively correlated
with other constructs at 0.949, 0.946, 0.960, and 0.954 at 0.01 level of
 Regarding availing Government help it is positively correlated with other
constructs at 0.924, 0.942, 0.960 and 0.957 respectively at 0.01 level of
 With respect to marketing problems it is positively correlated with all other
constructs at 0.949, 0.954, 0.954 and 0.957 at 0.01 level of significance.


During the survey, many of the women entrepreneurs spilled the beans about their
problems and challenges. Many problems which they had faced had immediate solutions.
But they were not aware of the same. In conclusion, we may say that an awareness program
has to be conducted by the Government departments or through Chamber of Commerce or
District Industrial Centers. Many entrepreneurs faced financial problems. But they were not
aware of the various schemes of the Government under which finance could be obtained from
banks or other financial institutions. A training on risk management and marketing of their
products is of utmost important. Social issues can be managed. Seminars or annual gathering
of women entrepreneurs where individual issues can be discussed and solutions can be found.

The scope is restricted to women entrepreneurs in Mangalore city municipal area. It was
found from the study that most of the women entrepreneurs were not aware of the
Government schemes meant for women entrepreneurs. We must make a further study as to
the reasons for the same. Secondly, majority are not knowing how to prepare business plan
to get financial assistance from the financial institutions. Thirdly marketing of their products.
An indepth research is required to study the demand and supply blocks. Further a study has
to be made towards how to organize conferences specifically meant for women
entrepreneurs to discuss their problems and difficulties. The study should be done by a
committee specially meant for the same. For this committee representatives may be chosen
from chamber of commerce, Govt.department, financial institutions, representatives from the
women entrepreneurs, the author and students.

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