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The Promise

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*The Promise*

*By: Nicola Nyathi*


She screams in agony as the

blood flows down her legs. The
servants come running in .

Not again this can't be

happening .I can't move I'm
stuck l know we have lost the
baby and there is nothing we
can do about it .
Nyoni the family seer also
comes running in .Just one look
at Thembi and he shakes his
head .

*Thembi*: baba Nyoni please

please ......

She pleads

Nyoni tells the servants to go

out .
*Him*: My Prince my
condolences .

No no no no

*Me*: There must be something

that you can do .

*Him*: I'm sorry but we have

lost the baby .
*Me*: you are just standing
there Nyoni ,you have to do
something !

*Him*: My Prince you out of

everyone know that the
ancestors are against this
marriage they will continue to
kill your seeds .You know what
to do .Find your choosen one .

*Me*: This is absurd !!!

I leave them there and run out
the palace .The servants know
better than to follow me when
I'm like this .I run till l reach the
forest .That's when my body
starts transforming .

My nails turn to claws .My feet

to paws .A tail grows .I'm now
on all four .The mane grows
and l roar .
Birds from the neighboring
trees fly away .

I'm frustrated and a kill is what

will make me better .l love
Thembi with all my
heart .Nyoni should really stop
with his chosen one
nonsense .We have gone
through a lot with Thembi .l
met her on my first year in
varsity .We have been
inseparable even since .So what
if she's a few years older than
me ? The most important thing
is the love we share .

A pack of deers is drinking by

the water . I target one of
them .l need blood that's what
will calm me down .

I attack chase it for a few miles

then catch it .l sink my teeth
into it's neck and feed on its
blood .It's after l feel my heart
beat go back to normal that l
leave it for the scavengers .

I hear a melodic voice

singing .The direction of the
voice is coming from the river .l
go back that way wanting to see
the owner .
There she is drawing water
from the river .What happened
to the borehole ? What the hell
is she doing in this forest ? This
is royal property .

I roar getting her attention .She

looks up she really is beautiful l
give her that .Her skin so
flawless .
Instead of her running away
when our eyes met .She stands
up straight .

*Her*: easy easy big boy easy

ngonyama .wow l have never
seen a golden lion before .l
won't hurt you take it easy .

Is she nuts ?I'm the one who

should be saying that to her not
the other way round .
I bare my teeth at her .

*Her*: okay fine king of the

jungle you don't want to play let
me go I'm leaving see?

She says taking her bucket full

of water and placing it on her
head . She turns walks away
balancing it so perfectly . I'm
watch her walk away .Damn the
woman is blessed with them
curves .

Shit what's going on l shouldn't

be admiring another woman I'm
married me especially after l
just lost my baby .

Let me go back to the palace to

comfort my wife .We will get
over this l know we will .This is
our fourth miscarriage .l think
we need to find another seer
someone who can help cause
ain't nothing that's going to
separate me from my wife .


Why me ? Why me?

It's the question l always ask
myself .Why do his ancestors
hate me so much?

I love my husband so much and

he loves me too . His parents
adore me a lot l don't really
know what's wrong with the
underground gang honestly .
I'm now in my chambers after
the maidens have cleaned my
womb up .Here in this palace
everything is done traditional no
doctors are allowed in
here .Which makes me
wonder .What if my condition
needs medical attention and has
got nothing to do with the
damned ancestors ?

I really thought this one was

going to survive ,it was the first
one to reach six months .I was
planning to go baby shopping
next week .

I'm hurt no lie .like this can't be

happening to me again .I'm
going to be the talk of the
kingdom again . People are
going to make fun of me the
crowned Princess . I'm not even
sure if the King and Queen will
accept this .My husband needs
an heir and I'm failing to give it
to him .

*Me*: oh God just one child

one child is what l ask of you .

My tears just flow down my

face .Why is my life so sad ? Is
love enough to keep my
husband by my side ?
Speak of the devil . He comes in
with his torn clothes .l don't
even want to know what he was
doing till he torn his clothes .He
does it whenever he's hurt .

*Me*: babe I'm so so sorry l

tried being careful l was eating
healthy l was .....

*Him*: shhhh love don't blame

your self it's not your fault l
love you okay and that's all that
matters okay .

I nod as he embraces me .They

say it's darkest before dawn I'm
still waiting for my dawn .


*King*: son you know l always

respect your decisions but I'm
starting to get worried .

*Queen*: l personal think you

are both causing yourselves
unnecessary pain .
Dad looks at her and whispers
something to her .

*Him*: What is your next plan .

I just stare at the walls it's really

starting to sink in that l lost
another baby again .

*Queen*: dear come here .

She says opening her arms for
me .l don't need a second
invite .There's nothing like a
mother's love .

*Her*: it's okay baby it's going

to be okay you have our full
support okay sorry for being
insensitive it's just that you are
the crown prince that's why we
were concerned but take your
time then come up with
something you need an heir my
prince .

*Him*: My King the elders are

here to see you .

He acknowledges mom's
presence and ignores me .

*King*: Are you not going to

greet the Crown prince?
He chuckles .

*Him*: wow now I'm supposed

to be the one to greet my
younger brother cause the
ancestors chose him to be the
crowned prince.

*Queen*: Njabulo behave

yourself !
He bows mockingly at me and
leaves us .

*King*: I'm going to talk to him

son ,let me go to that meeting .

*Queen*:l think you should

consider taking a second wife .

*Me*: no your majesty that

won't do l love my wife l would
rather die childless .
*Queen*: Nonsense!!! That
won't happen not when I'm still
alive !!!

*Me*: but mom.....

*Queen*: leave my presence

Smangaliso .

We are now in our chambers

with my husband .

*Me*: My King l don't

understand why you are letting
our son suffer for your mistakes
The look he gives me .

*Me*: it's cause of your stupid

promise that he is suffering like

*Him*: I'm still your husband

don't talk to me like I'm your
mate .
*Me*: the truth hurts l know l
hate how Thembi has to suffer
she's a good person she doesn't
deserve the hurt the promise is
making her go through .

*Him*: Nyoni did tell Smanga

that he needs to find his chosen
one he doesn't want so what
should l do .
*Me*: Tell him the truth that
you are the one that made a
blood promise his seed is dying
Ngonyama .

I know I'm talking to myself ,

Ngonyama won't explain to
Smanga the importance of
looking for that girl .

The melodious voice is what

leads me to the forest again .

There she is sitting on a rock

singing .It's weird how the
beasts of this forest seem to
draw closer to her .
Our eyes met as l also draw
closer to her .

She stands up and bows down .

*Her*: king of the jungle

Ngonyama .

I wonder if she really knows

who l am or she's just
respecting me in this form cause
I'm known as the king of the
jungle .

*Her*: so you won't say

anything or you just don't talk
to strangers ?

She asks standing up .

Is she expecting an answer?

I see her concentrating on a deer
which looks like it's talking .

She nods .

*Her*: You are right he's rude .

Are they talking about me?

Wait she talks to animals?

*Her*: Where's your wife
Benjo she likes this part .

She says to a squirrel as she

continues with her
song .Somehow her singing
calms me down .That bitterness
in me seems to slowly fade
away who is this woman?

*Her*: oh shit guys she's calling

for me .
She hurries away .The way she
looked so frightened .l wonder
who was calling for her .

As soon as she disappears into

the trees the other animals run
away from me for a moment l
had forgotten that I'm the
predator and they are the prey .
Let me go back to the palace
I'm not hungry anyways.


*Me*: My lord you called for

me .

*King*: Nyoni Nyoni Nyoni....

*Me*: your majesty .

*Him*: my son is going

through a lot cause of a stupid
mistake l made years back .

Is he talking about the promise ?

*Him*: so as my seer what do

you advice me to do ?
*Me*: there are two solutions
my lord .

His attention is on me .

*Me*: option one we look for

the girl force him to marry her
I'm sure.....

*Him*: no that won't do my son

loves his wife l don't want to
force him to do anything l love
him .

Talk about people who spoil

their last borns .So now the
kingdom has to dance to
Smanga's tune .

*Him*: and the second option ?

*Me*: find the girl and kill her

that way you will be free from
the promise and your son's kids
will be preserved .

*Him*: What are you waiting

for?Why are you still here ?
Bring me that girl's head it's a
royal order .

Hawu why is he ordering me as

if he is the one who came up
with the idea .
*Him*: You are still here?

He barks .

I quickly bow down almost

falling .

I rush out of the palace l got a

mission to run .Where do l
begin searching for her ? Is she
still in this village ?

I place the drink on his table .

He crocks his eyebrow at me .

*Him*: and this ?

*Me*: l brought you a drink my

Prince .
He mockingly laughs at me .

*Him*: so you and your

husband are trying to kill me ?

I take the glass and take a sip .

*Me*: There's nothing in this

drink I'm just being nice we are
in laws Prince Njabulo they
shouldn't be this hate between
us .
He just nods and takes the
drink .

*Him*: umm thanks l guess .

He says scratching his head .l

smile and leave him .

I'm trying to get closer to him .l

got no choice but to seduce him
and sleep with him .The thought
of it hurts me but what hurts
most is the haunted look on my
husband's face every time we
loss the baby .

Not only that I'm told the Queen

was suggesting that Smanga
should take a second wife now
that's something I'm not going
to allow . There is no way in
hell I'm going to share him .
It's a baby they want and a baby
they will get .


I run so fast till l reach our

compound .

*Me*: Ma!!!
I expect a slap as l approach my
aunt .

*Her*: Noma go call Masiziba .

She says her eyes so red .

*Me*: okay umm let me first

greet khulu ( grandpa)
The look she gives me .l run to
call the Masiziba of it without
greeting my grandfather .

*Masiziba*: Gloria I'm here .

She says with me following

behind her .

I wonder why neighbors start

entering the compound one by
one .
*Me*: aunty what is going on?

*Her*: go prepare tea for the

neighbors .

Why is she being nice ?

*Someone*: Noma I'm so sorry

for your lost .
What are is she talking about?

*Her*: we know how much you

loved your grandfather .

*Me*: what are you talking


*Her*: I'm sorry l didn't know

that you didn't know ,your
grandfather is dead Nomalanga .
No no no .

I fall to the ground and the

ground shakes .

*Calm down*

A voice whispers .

How could l ? He was my

everything .
*Voice*: you will kill all these
people if you don't control
yourself .

My heart is in pieces no it's not

possible he was okay this
morning he wasn't sick so l
don't understand how he
suddenly died .
And my aunt how can she be so
cruel why didn't she tell me
herself that we lost
him ,imagine l was busy
humming happy songs all this
while it's now as if l was
celebrating his death or
something I'm sure the
neighbors were gossiping about
me .

The lady that told me helps me

to stand up .
*Her*: ummm are you okay ?

I nod .

*Her*: what was that ?

*Me*: what was what ?

*Her*: you fell down and the

ground shook .
*Me*: it was just a coincidence
there's nothing to it .

*Her*: I'm not stupid okay and l

did hear the voice .

I look at her , who is she come

think of it l have never seen her
in this village though .
*Her*: l can help you discover
how you are ,what you are
really made off .Imagine you
might be capable of doing
amazing things and who knows
you might be powerful enough
to run this kingdom and the
neighbouring kingdoms .

What is she talking about?

*Me*: excuse me l just lost my
grandfather can l at least mourn
him in peace.

*Her*: okay fine I'm being

insensitive sorry let me leave l
will visit you again do think
about my proposal you got
noone l can be your everything
give you the love you never
received l know your aunt
abuses you she treats you like
you some piece of shit l can
erase all those bad memories
and we start new ones all you
have to do is discover your
powers your full potential .

I just look at her trying to

comprehend what she's saying .

*Her*: okay I'm leaving don't

get angry you might kill us all
it's not your fault that your
grandfather is late.
She goes behind a hut .l follow
her l want to ask her her name .l
can't find her .

*Me*: hey did you see a lady

wearing a long red dress that
just went behind that hut .

*Him*: there's no lady who was

dressed in red .
*Me*: the one l was talking too.

*Him*: Noma are you okay ?

You were just standing by
yourself so what are you talking

I think I'm going insane l swear

there was a lady l was talking
too maybe grandpa's death is
making me lose it .

It's after the funeral the

neighbors have left .

*Me*: hey you wake up lazy

girl .

I say poking her with my foot .

She's sleeping on the
floor .They are enough beds but
no she doesn't deserve to sleep
on one .

She yawns as she opens her

eyes and stretches her arms .

*Her*: good morning aunty .

*Me*: what's so good about this
morning ? Stand up and start
packing your stuff .

*Her*: pack my stuff?

*Me*: yes I'm giving you an

hour to get out of my property
my father left everything to me
and nothing for you so help me
dear by disappearing from my
property .
*Her*: but aunt where do you
expect me to go you know l
have noone you are the only
relative l have .

I fold my arms .

*Me*: and how is that my

*Her*: grandpa just passed and
this is what you are doing to
me . What did l ever do to your
aunt? What did l do to you for
you to hate me like this ?

She says tears streaming down

her face . Mnx she's wasting my
time .She should just pack and
leave .She's the reason why l
strangled dad a few days ago he
was going to change his will
leave everything to her . I didn't
know that he owned a mine l
couldn't let this rubbish get it .

*Me*: hurry up and stop asking

me stupid questions get out of
my property .I'm giving an
hour .

I leave her there . Her tears

don't move me shame .

He's by the orchard .

*Me*: oh hie my prince l
thought of getting myself an
apple l didn't know you would
be here .

Lies l knew he was here it's no

secret how Njabulo loves this
orchard .

*Him*: oh

*Me*: yah let me get one .

I stand on my tiptoes trying to
get an apple that's a bit high up
on the tree .

I purposely trip on myself just

like l guessed he catches me .

*Him*: I'm sorry you should

have asked me to get it for you .

I'm still in his arms l don't move.

Fake tears start flowing .Well l
got a lot of tears l can cry
whenever l feel like it .

*Him*: what are you okay ?

*Me*: l l think l hurt my ankle .

He helps me sit down inspects

my ankle.
*Him*: I'm sure it's just a strain
l will umm give you something
to make you feel better .

I continue to cry .

*Him*: hey shhhh

He says wiping my tears .

*Him*: don't be such a baby .

I pout looking at him still
crying .

There's just that moment when

we stare at each other .

That's what l wanted .

He clears his throat and

scratches his head trying to
looking away from me .
I hug him .

*Me*: thank you for catching

me my injury could have been
worst .

The way I'm holding on unto

him has his breathing rate
changing .
He must be affected by me . I'm
sure his now attracted to me .

I thought it was going to be

hard seducing Njabulo but it
seems like l won't have to sweat
a lot .

*Him*: where are you going
young lady?

*Me*: to the city.

I say getting into the car . I

borrowed some coins from
Mazisiba just enough to get me
to the city.

I don't know if l will be able to

get a job there .l only got
O'level .l never proceeded to A
level even after passing with
flying colors because of my
aunt .

The taxi fills up and it takes

off .l don't know what the city
holds for me but there's nothing
else let for me in this village
just bad sad memories .
My plan is to look for a job then
we will see from there what l
will do . I miss my grandfather
so so much it hurts a lot . I wipe
a few stray tears . Sometimes l
wonder why l was even born
my life has been nothing but a
painful experience .

What the hell is going on ?

*Mum*:come in dear we were
waiting for you .

I slowly walk into the room .

I sit down .

*Mum*: my Prince these are

Princess' from different
kingdoms .

They are about ten of them .

*Mum*: ain't they beautiful
dear .

*Me*: mum what is this about ?

*Her*: I'm giving you options

dear ,you need a second wife .

I stand up .
*Me*: this is ridiculous l won't
sit here and listen to this
nonsense.l love my wife okay
I'm not taking a second wife !!

I leave her calling me back she

has taken it too far .

*Me*: can you believe it!

I say to my wife . She's just
from the shower she's applying
lotion to her long sexy legs.

*Her*: so she clearly doesn't

want me here anymore.

She says her voice full of

*Me*: that's not it she said
second wife meaning you will
still be the crown princess .

She stops and looks at me .

*Her*: does that mean you are

considering it?

*Me*: no I'm just trying to

explain to you . My mom has no
problem about you she's
worried about the kids issue .

She just keeps quiet .

*Me*: what if we get a

surrogate ?

*Her*: what difference will it

make ? We are still going to
lose the baby cause your
ancestors have rejected my
eggs .

*Me*: babe.....

She gets into the blankets and

switches off her side lamp .

I honestly don't know what to

do anymore .
*Me*: I love you l meant every
word at the altar l will be right
by your side through it all cause
l love you .

She just covers her head with

the blankets l guess she doesn't
want to talk to me anymore .

I just sit in the bed holding my

head I'm so fucken stressed.


For the past few days l have

been hoping to see her but she
hasn't been around l wonder
why .

The forest doesn't have that

calming it had when she was
around .
Thembi is mad at me cause of
the surrogate thing .l don't even
know why l suggested it .I'm
just trying to make my wife feel
loved .

Like l mean if she gets the child

my parents won't be so hard on
her .

*Me*: Makhosi where are you

He checks the coast before he
says what he wants to say .

*Him*: I'm on a quest to sort

this thing out for you crown
prince .

*Me*: what thing ?

*Him*: l have already said a lot

but all you should know is that
if l became successful you will
be able to have children .The
ancestors won't spill your seeds
blood .

*Me*: And how are you going

to do that ?

He checks the coast again .

*Him*: Your majesty the less
information you know the
better .

He whispers .

*Me*: At least tell me where

you are going .

*Him*: The ancestors are

leading me to the city .
I wonder what it is that he will
do and why he's been secretive
about it.

*Me*: if you need anything.....

*Him*: l will call let me go if

your father sees me here he will
kill me .
Well maybe l just shouldn't
worry a lot about it l mean he's
trying to help me .

*Her*: Crown prince !

I roll my eyes .She's not my

favorite person .l can't say l hate
her but l can safely say l don't
like her .l turn .

*Me*: What ?
She weighs me . If this woman
wasn't my brother's wife her
body would have been feasted
on by the scavengers at the
forest .

*Her*: Well l should be asking

you that question ?
*Me*: Thuba I'm a busy person
say what you want to say l ain't
your friend .

*Her*: your problem is you

think you are all that .

She says folding her arms .

Calm down l tell myself .

*Me*: let me leave before l do
something that l will regret .

*Her*: Well I'm just wondering

why your wife is spending so
much time with my husband
lately .

I roll my eyes .

*Me*: Aiboo is that what's

making you sour ? It's no secret
how friendly Thembi is .My
wife is so social have you never
seen her spend time with dad l
never heard mom complain .

*Thuba*: Smanga you should

do something about it tell her to
stay away .What if they fall in
love and cheat on us ? These
things happen .

*Me*: you worry too much .

*Her*: my gut is never wrong
you out of everyone knows that .

*Me*: Thuba .....

*Her*: if you had listened to me

she would be alive .

*Me*: you blaming me is not

fair at all .
I say feeling tears in my
eyes .I'm not going to cry in
front of a woman it's just that
she hit a nerve .

*Her*: is that what makes you

sleep at night ? Telling yourself
that it ain't your fault heeh?

My mouth runs dry.

*Her*: even being a Ngonyama
didn't help did it ? You couldn't
even transform .

She whispers .You can hear the

hurt in her voice . She's the only
person who knows about my
power .

*Me*: please ......

*Her*: you know what fine do
whatever you want you never
listen to me anyway l was never
good enough for you isn't ?

She says wiping her tears .

*Me*: Thuba it's not like that .

*Her*: Am l lying ? I have

always been there for you
Smanga but what did you do
when you came from
University ? You brought a wife
with you .......

We never talked about that

ever ,why is she bringing it up
years later ?

*Me*: it's been years why are

you bringing it up now ?

She chuckles wiping her tears .

*Her*: cause l thought marrying
your brother will make me feel
better .l thought you be hurt
when you see us happy every
other day but no you just don't
care you never did. You sold
me lies make me put my life on
hold moreover took my best
friend from me!!!

The way her eyes are so red

now .
I can't do this with her she can't
be blaming me for my sister's
death .

*Her*: what ? You want to do

what you do best ? Run away?

I just give her one last look and

run to my that one place that
will make me feel better .

He looks at my CV then at me .
*Him*: l don't have anything l
can give you young lady my
hands are tied .

It can't be last night l slept

under a bridge .l have been
looking for a job all morning
from shop to restaurants noone
needs me .

I put my hands together .

*Me*: please give me
something , anything .

*Him*: l got nothing for you in

my shop .

He says one hand playing with

the tooth pick in his mouth the
other with his potbelly .

*Me*: anything please .

He looks like he's thinking .

*Him*: l got a friend of mine

whose wife is looking for a
nanny ......

Eish l wanted to work on his

shop not at some house as help
but then come think of it that
means accommodation and food
will be provided meaning l will
be able to save some coins and
who knows apply for a course at
a college .

*Me*: please talk to him .

*Him*: okay give me your

number l will call you

I don't have a phone .

*Me*: l will wait for you till

you talk to him .
He shruggles his shoulders .

*Him*: go sit outside l will talk

to him later he's in a meeting
right now .

*Me*: thank thank you .

I'm so grateful l hope all goes

well .

So much money ! How rich was

my father ? I'm thinking of
going to live in the city l mean
it's not like l can't afford it .

Besides life here has been hard

with Noma not around .l have to
go fetch water , firewood cook
on the fire ,sweep the yard do
the dishes wash my laundry
yooh it's too much l can't cope .l
will have to buy a house over
there and look for a maid who
will take care of everything .

Will have to do my hair my

nails l can't believe I'm soon
about to live the life I see on
TV .

*Me*: how is it going?

*Him*: l haven't found her
yet ,you know how big
Bulawayo is but don't worry l
will find her soon my lord .

*Me*: you have to as soon as

Thembi heals they will start
trying for a baby again that girl
has to be dead by then .
*Him*: but my lord you didn't
even give me a name or a
picture or something that will
make me find her quicker .

*Me*: She has a necklace that

necklace is the bond that's tying
her to Smanga .

*Him*: but my king a lot of

women wear necklaces here.
*Me*: don't worry you will see
it it's not an ordinary necklace
you will see it .

*Him*: and the name ?

*Me*: l have forgotten but wait

let me think will tell you when l
remember the rest the ancestors
have to help you Nyoni please
hurry .


The guy from the shop is
driving me to my new job .

We enter this big yard wow I'm

impressed this house is huge.

The door opens .A bloody sexy

guy comes out from it . Just
from the step you can tell he
knows he's hot .
*Shopkeeper*: Ngonyama here
she is l can't stay l have got to
run back to my shop .

*Him*: okay thank you dude .

The shopkeeper gets into his car

and drives away .

He doesn't say anything to me

he walks back into his house l
guess l have to follow him .
He closes the door after l enter
that's when l notice the royal
bracelet .

*Him*: so you don't greet ?

*Me*: umm l ....

I'm never the one to run out of

words .l play with my fingers
staring at the floor .
He stands in front of me and
lifts my head up with his finger
making stare straight at his
eyes .

*Him*: Name? Age?

*Me*: Nomalanga Bande

twenty two .

He let's go .
*Me*: Are you umm... Are you
a prince ? I noticed the bracelet
and umm the shopkeeper called
you Ngonyama ,from the
village l come from Ngonyama
is our king .

*Him*: Do l look like a person

you should be that comfortable
with asking me personally
I shake my head.

*Him*: it's Prince Njabulo and

young lady whatever you see in
here stays in here whatever is
said in here stays in here ,you
take information out you are
dead okay ?
He gives me a Colgate side
smile as if he didn't just threaten
to kill me .

A woman comes down the

stairs carrying a baby .

*Her*: babe is this the new

nanny ?

*Him*: yeah .You are happy

now ?
She nods .

*Her*: yes thank you

*Him*: okay l have to get back

to the village now .

*Her*: but you just got here

She whines .

He kisses her .Why am l feeling

a little jealous ?

*Him*: you know l can't stay

away from the village for long l
have to be by dad's side proving
myself that I'm worthy of that
throne .
*Her*: sometimes l wonder if
it's that or you just want to stay
close to your wife .

*Him*: you know l don't love

that woman it's you l love .

*Her*: then divorce her and

marry me .
*Him*: baby you know you are
not of royal blood but l promise
you l will make a plan for you .

*Her*: but Njabulo you always

say that we have three kids
together and they do need their
father's love .

*Him*: l will sort it out don't

worry .
He kisses her again .The way
jealous is eating me ! I need to
control myself this guy is
married and he also has a small
house l deserve better but the
way he's so handsome he's
doing things to me .

I clear my throat and they let go

of each other .lt's like they had
forgotten that I'm here .
*Her*: I'm sorry my name is

She says stretching out her

hand .

I shake it .

*Me*: it's nice to meet you .

She gives me a smile

*Her*: likewise ,come with me
let me show you the kids you
will be taking care of . Bye
babe .

We climb up the stairs .

*Me*: you ain't going to see

him drive off ?

I whisper .
*Her*: it hurts less

She says holding onto the

banner .

Yooh it must be hard being her .

She opens her nursery and my

mouth is on the floor .
Like no ways the kids look like
they are just a few months apart
all of them .

She puts down the baby she's

carrying who's the youngest .

*Her*: you just take care of

them nothing else you don't
clean you don't cook just watch
the kids okay is that going to be
I shake my head no .

*Her*: perfect

Yeah great it's like taking care

of triplets yooih l wonder if the
Prince's wife knows about this

*Me*: what's this nonsense that

I'm hearing ?

She gives me a bored look as

she removes her earrings .

*Me*: I'm talking to you!

*Her*: and how should l know
what you are talking about?

*Me*: you are getting out of

hand is that a way to talk to
your husband?

*Her*: what have you heard

that has got you so worked up ?
*Me*: l hear you are
introducing princesses to the
crown prince .

*Her*: well someone has to do

something .

*Me*: I'm taking care of it l

sent Nyoni to find that girl.....

*Her*: l won't have my son

marry a peasant l thought about
it maybe we are blaming the
ancestors for nothing maybe it's
Thembi who's not woman
enough to carry a baby full
term .

*Me*: but if Nyoni....

*Her*: l told you l don't want a

peasant in my palace tell Nyoni
to abort the mission .
I'm trying to explain to her that l
want the girl dead but she keeps
on cutting me. Well let her suit
herself we will see who can
give Smanga his happy ending
at the end of the day .

I remove my shoes as l enter the
incense filled hut .l cough a bit .

The old woman stands up and

bows .

*Her*: it's such an honor to

have you here crown
prince ,what did l do to deserve
your visit .
*Me*: it's okay stand up I'm
here for your services .

*Her*: But Nyoni is the royal

seer you might put my life in
danger your majesty you know
that it is against the law for you
to consult any other seer .

*Me*: don't worry no one will

here about this . I will protect
you you have my word .
*Her*: what can l do for you ?

She asks with her old hoarse

voice .

*Me*: I'm looking for a girl .A

very beautiful lady with the
most melodious voice l have
ever heard l used to meet her at
the forest but the past few days
she hasn't been around .
Somehow her presence calms
me down l really need to see her
cause I'm afraid l might lose
control of myself .

*Her*: she's your other

half ,your missing piece.

*Me*: no you got me wrong

that's not what l meant l got a
wife I'm happily married the
only reason why I'm looking for
this girl is cause she calms me
down not cause l like her or

*Her*: she's the woman that

your ancestors have approved
of .She's the one that will carry
your seed no other woman will
be able too and l suggest you
stop trying to fall pregnant with
Thembi the next pregnancy
might kill her the fallen
Ngonyama's are now angry they
don't understand why their bride
is not at home .

This woman is nuts seems like l

wasted my time .l stand up .

*Me*: Thank you Makhosi .

*Her*: remember what l said .

I just nod and go out of her hut
my heart so heavy with
emotion .

I arrive at the palace .What is

she doing by the gate ?

I try to ignore her as l enter but

she pulls my hand and leads me
to a store room .

She locks us inside .

She points to the two men who
are inside .

*Her*: l know that will make

you feel better .

*Me*: No no no no......

I say holding my head I'm

getting a headache.
*Her*: They don't deserve to
live they are rapist both of
them . He raped his wife almost
killed her .

She say pointing at one of the

guys .

*Her*: and her rape a six month

old baby killing her in the
process .They don't deserve to
live .
*Me*: No .....

I say shaking my head . The

headache is getting stronger .

*Her*: do what you have to do .

She opens the door and locks

me inside with the men .
She must have told them this is
their last day on earth they look
scared .

No no l hold my head that's

when l see visions of them
doing their shit .Him tearing the
poor baby's pussy it wailing its
lungs out till it gave up the
ghost . Him tying his wife up
beating her up and having his
way with her .
That makes my blood boil .

I go knock at the door .

*Me*: Thuba please please

open this door .

I know she's on the other side

waiting for me to do it .

*Me*: it's been years since l

touched human's blood Thuba
please you don't want me to
start now I'm begging you .
Ngonyama wants to come up
Thuba l can't keep it inside any
longer please open the door I'm
begging you please .....

She doesn't reply .

I lean on the door trying so hard

to keep Ngonyama inside .
These are human beings for
goodness sake this is not the
forest .

*Me*: Thubaaaaa....

It's too late he's out .l leap at

them and tear their bodies apart
to pieces their blood splashes on
the wall .
He doesn't even greet me he just
goes to the bathroom and locks
it .

I look at the bloody footsteps

that he left on the white
carpet .What the hell .

*Me*: babe are you hurt ?

I ask quickly tying my robe

around me .
I don't know why my heart is
beating fast .

*Me*: Smanga !

I hear him sob . What's wrong

what the hell happened ?

Did he found out that Njabulo

and l kissed today .Damn that
man is a great kisser , thinking
of that kiss gives me butterflies
l should be embrassed of myself
something is wrong with my
husband and I'm busy thinking
of his brother's kiss .

*Me*: babe I'm going to get

your parents .

He ignores me and continues

sobbing l so wish he hadn't
locked the bathroom door that
way l could sit by his side and
comfort him .

I open the door and bump into

Thuba .

*Her*: where you off too?

*Me*: to call the king ...

*Her*: in a robe you want to

seduce him ?
*Me*: get out of my way

I hiss she thinks cause she grow

up here with the late princess
she's better than me .

*Her*: don't worry about him

he will be okay .

How did she know ?

I act confused .

*Me*: what you talking about .

She chuckles

*Her*: really as old as you are

you are going to play dumb.
Leave Smanga alone he will be
just fine it's his first kill after so
many years .
She says smiling .

*Me*: First kill what you

talking about .

Why has my breathing rate


She shows me a picture . I get

nuesetic .
*Me*: what what animal did
that ?

She laughs .

*Her*: the animal you slept

with every night .

*Me*: no
There's just no way Smanga
would have done that . Tear
people's body's into pieces .

*Her*: you don't believe me

okay fine l have just sent you
the picture you ask him
tomorrow what the picture
means you and l know that your
hubby is a bad lier ....
She says laughing going her
way .

Who are those people l can't

even recognize them . No it
can't be Thuba just wants to get
on my nerves but the blood on
the carpet ?

I go back inside there is no way

I'm calling the king now .l will
just wait for Smanga to explain
himself but I'm so scared ......

*Him*: two dollars forty .

I give him the money .

I'm buying some food by the

shops .
*Me*: did a young lady by
chance happen to look for a job
here ?

He gives me a bored look .

*Him*: a lot of young ladies

come here looking for jobs .

*Me*: she has a weird necklace

and who knows maybe you
refered her to someone else .
*Him*: next you are wasting
my time .

He seems like he knows

something .

*Me*: please l will give you

some money .

*Him*: no amount of money is

worth disclosing the
information to you the prince
doesn't want people in his
business and since she's now
working for him she's now his
business .l have already said a
lot fuck off.

I go wondering what potbelly

meant .is she working for a
prince ? Which prince from
which kingdom ?
I didn't know this task was
going to be this difficult to
make matters worse the
ancestors ain't clear about her
where abouts they give me a
clue whenever they feel like and
right now they are just quiet
yooh l don't know what to
do .Worst case l don't have a
name or a picture .How can the
King do this to me though ?
I get into the car and eat my
buns and soft drink that's my
supper l wasn't even given any
money for food.Even transport
money all the expenses of this
journey are on me imagine .

I'm done with my meal .l pull

my seat down and sleep well l
will continue my search
tomorrow .
Who on earth is sobbing and
why is my heart bleeding for
that person ?

I'm trying to sleep but l keep

hearing the painful sobs .

*Voice*: talk to him my

lady ,comfort him .

Comfort who ?
I go to the kitchen to pour
myself some water . I need to
think straight.l keep hearing
voices in my head .

*Her*: l thought you would

never come .

*Me*: it's you again .

*Her*: sorry l just left the other
day . Here is the water you
need .

How did she know l was thirsty ?

I ignore the glass she's holding
out to me take another and open
the tap but no water comes out .

She laughs.
*Her*: how funny mother
nature herself can't get water
from the tap .

She claps her hands and laughs

holding her tummy someone
please tell me what's funny .

*Her*: you see how weak you

are ? You are the most powerful
being on earth but then no you
don't know the amount of power
you possess you need to be
trained my lady .

She's the second person to say

*my lady* to me this evening .

*Her*: don't allow the tiny

voices in your head to confuse
you . You are not responsible
for someone you don't have to
comfort anyone it's just you and
you alone you should do you .
*Me*: that sounds selfish .

She giggles .

*Her*: oh cute you are our

mother after all you care about
all man kind but don't worry l
will lift that weight off your
shoulders .
She says leaning against the
sink .

*Me*: who are you ?

*Her*: that's not the question

you should be asking ,the
question should be who can l
be . Ain't you tired of being
alone of having noone ,granpa
is dead and you can't even
mourn him properly cause the
way you hurt is so deep you
might destroy everything that
ain't fair don't you think . You
don't even have an idea on who
your biological parents are .

*Me*: l don't know who you

are but you seem to know a lot
about me fuck off you hear me.

*Her*: wow she has grown guts

she couldn't even talk back to
her aunt but she can talk back to
me .

*Me*:leave me

*Her*: listen honey calm down


*Me*: l said leave

She suddenly disappears .

She is confusing me a lot the
things she says just confuse me
and l don't understand a thing
that she is saying .

I open the tap and surprisingly

the water comes out .Who is she?

I thought she would be asleep
she's up her eyes wide open .

*Her*: hie

I just showed I'm dropping

water all over her carpet and
she's saying nothing about it
shit l have messed up .
I sit on the bed by her side she
doesn't complain about me
dripping water on the bed .

*Me*: honey

I take her hand into mine she

quickly removes it .

*Me*: I'm sorry l locked myself

in the bathroom .
*Her*: for two whole hours
Smanga and you were sobbing
not only that look at that you
left bloody footsteps there ,care
to explain and while you on it
explain this picture .

I exhale

*Me*: l don't want to talk about

it's all on Thuba okay .
She folds her arms crocks her
eyebrow .

*Her*: explain babe help me

understand .

*Me*: l need to sleep got a big

day tomorrow .

*Her*: Yooh when you think

you know someone !!!
*Me*: it goes both ways babe
there are rumors l heard l hope
it's just rumors and it's not true .

She opens her eyes .

*Her*: what are you talking

about ?

I get into the blankets and

switch off my side lamp .
I wonder what game Thuba is
playing how could she do that
to me ?

*Her*: babe good night and I'm

sorry l know you hurt being put
in a corner .

I keep quiet .

Weird how hearing her voice

telling me to calm down
everything will be okay made
me feel better .

Maybe I'm going crazy how can

someone l don't know where
she is talk to me.

*Thembi*: l love you Smanga l

really do and l will do anything
to be with you forever till death
do us part .
I turn and face her and touch
her face .

*Me*: l killed two rapists today

I'm not proud of what l did l
don't want to kill human beings .

I wipe the tears that flow on her

face .

*Her*: Smanga l ummm ....l

don't know what to say I umm
Her lip trembles .

*Her*: all l know is that l love

you and l will always do .

*Me*: no matter what l do ????

*Her*: l will be right here right

by your side babe .l won't go
away cause l love you don't
ever forget that .
She snuggles closer to me .

What more can l want l got an

understanding wife .

Whatever game Thuba is

playing is dangerous she knows
my weakenesses l wonder if she
wants to take her revenge now .
What pushed her? Why did she
wait till now ?

*Me*:l love you more ,

goodnight love .

I kiss her forehead and let sleep

take over.



I have bathed the kids they are

now asleep .
*Me*: Thobile is it okay if l
take a walk the kids are all
asleep .

She is drinking wine this

early .She has her legs up high
in the couch .

*Her*: just a walk Nomalanga l

don't want to look for you okay .
I nod .

She sits up straight .

*Her*: no baby girl don't just

nod l need you to understand
how important your job is those
kids are Ngonyama's they are
royalty they are next in line to
their father to get the throne so
you have to understand the
importance of your job .
*Me*: l understand now can l
take that walk ?

*Her*: yah yah whatever don't

take the whole day though .

I do take the walk .l want to

clear my mind this is when l
miss the forest that's where my
mind is clearer .
It's after l take a corner that l
feel a cold metal of the small
part of my back .

*Him*: shhh

He says closing my mouth with

his hand .

I know l should be panicking

and all but Surprisingly I'm
calm .
He takes me into the car
blindfolded .We drive for a bit
and arrive whereever we are
going , he pushes me out of
car .He opens a door .l hear him
pulling a chair and he makes me
sit .

He removes the blindfold .

Ncoah he's cute .
*Him*: you try to scream l will
kill you .

I nod .

He removes the tape

*Me*: hie

He looks at me .
*Him*: wow nice voice and
you are beautiful but that's not
why you are here .

We are in a stinky backroom .

I put my leg over the other .

*Me*: why am l here ?

*Him*: l was sent to kill you ...

I lean forward .

*Me*: you would have done me

a huge favor dude my life ain't
worth living .

He scratches his head .

*Him*: l can't kill you .

*Me*: cause I'm beautiful?

*Him*: no killing you would

have me face the wrath of the
ancestors .

He stands up and starts pacing

around the room .

*Me*: sit down you are giving

me a headache .
Listen to me telling my
kidnapper what to do .

*Him*: l don't know what to do

l can't kill you but l was given a
royal order to kill you .

Why does Prince Njabulo want

me dead ?ls it cause l come
from the same village as him ?
Is he now scared that l will tell
people he has another family?
*Him*: now l don't know what
to do with you .

*Me*: well you can umm keep

me here till you decide .

He just gives me a look goes

out locking the door behind
him .
I won't even try to escape l can't
believe Njabulo is trying to kill
me to think l had a silly crush
on him mnx bloody idiot l so
hate him right now .


*Mum*: l feel like you are

avoiding me .
*Me*: l am

I won't waste my time lying to

her .I'm mad at her .

*Her*: Smanga your best

interests are in my heart .

*Me*: your majesty please ....

The royal council comes in .

*Me*: what are you doing here?

He ignores me and sits down.

I wonder what he is doing here

with his wife if I'm not
mistaken dad was supposed to
start my training lessons today .

The king comes in and

everyone stands up .
*King*: you can take your
seats .

*Njabulo*: all protocol

observed my wife and l had a
proposal that's why we called
you all here .

*Me*: l see everyone is here

besides the crown princess let
me first send someone to call
her before we proceed with
whatever this is .

*Thuba*: With all due respect

my Prince the crown princess
can not be in our presence .

*Me*: why is that ?

*Queen*: she's unclean she

recently lost a baby so she can't
show her face here .
What ?

I want to answer back but dad

raises his hand as a way of
silencing me .

*King*: may we proceed

without any disturbances this
time .

He says looking at me .
*Njabulo*: we thought of
introducing a new holiday .

I clap once .

*Queen*: Smanga !

*Me*: what so this is the most

important thing that my unclean
wife couldn't listen to?
*Dad*: Smanga !

*Me*: help me understand .

*Royal councilor*: the crown

prince is proving to be
irresponsible ,he let's his
emotions control him .l don't
think he is fit to run this
kingdom .
*Queen*: you have to

*Other councilor*: l agree with

him l see the crown prince unfit
to run the kingdom ,just look at
his behaviour .

I see the other councilors

nodding their heads and
Njabulo having a secret smile .
*Me*: The ancestors are the
ones who chose me .

*Dad*: the ancestors can make

mistakes l have told you more
than once to behave yourself
and you are failing to do that .

*Royal councilor*: l suggest we

take a vote .

*Me*: A vote?
*Councilor*: yes those in favor
of dethroning the crown prince
raise your hands.

*Me*: You know there is no

need l don't want to run your
stupid kingdom anyways .

With that l stand up leave the

room .
*Her*: don't break my door
please .

She says sitting on the bed busy

polishing her toe nails .

I throw myself on the bed .

*Her*: babe whatsup

She says putting her nail polish

aside .
*Me*: you remember you never
wanted to live here when we got

*Her*: yah but you said we had

to l have seen that you are the
future king so you have to ......

*Me*: pack your stuff

everything of yours we are
going to the city
*Her*: but the kingdom?

*Me*: l just got dethroned they

wanted to have a vote l made
things easier for them by giving
up the seat on my own .

*Her*: what no babe you can't

make decisions when you are
this angry .listen get your ass
back there and apologize honey
l don't know what made you
mad but humble yourself love
I'm sure they will reconsider
besides the ancestors are the
ones that chose you .

*Me*: I'm tired of them

disrespecting you ,you know
why you weren't called to that
meeting ? It's cause you are
unclean according to them I'm
so fucken tired okay they want
to control my life .Let's just go
live our lives far from them .We
now have no pressure of having
babies we will just adopt we
will ...babe pack okay I'm
telling the guards to prepare our
cars .

*Her*: babe.....

*Me*: please love just pack .

She nods stands up and goes to
the closet .

I'm done with them just want to

live my life in peace .


Her smile as she hands me a

glass of champagne .
*Me*: no how could you open
it without me .

I say taking the glass from her .

*Her*: Cause l got over excited

though I'm scared what if this is
nothing but a sweet dream .

I pull her by her waist closer to

me .l have put the glass down .
*Me*: it's real we are the crown
prince and princess now ,come
on love the throne was
rightfully ours .

Even though l don't understand

what went down during the
meeting today I'm happy l
gained the throne .
*Me*: but babe tell me how did
you know that something good
is going to happen today .

She told me we have to propose

a meeting with the council
today cause something good
was going to happen .

She smiles
*Thuba*: it was just a feeling
love nothing more .Don't
overthink the throne is yours
now there's nothing noone can
do not even your parents you
saw how the council has your

*Me*: how much did it cost

you ?
*Her*: just gave each of them a
piece of farming land and some
money .

Then Thobile wants me to

divorce such a woman . I don't
love Thuba but she's a woman
that l need in order to became
more successful in life ,look at
how she has gotten me the
throne .
*Me*: did l tell you how much l
love you .

*Her*: you don't say it enough .



The guards carry our bags and

we follow behind them .l keep
checking the date thinking that
just maybe today it's fool's day
Smanga has always fooled me
every first of April.
The Queen comes running to
us .Wow never thought l would
see the day the Queen runs .

*Her*: sonny please listen to

me .....

*Smanga*: nothing is left for

me here .
*Her*: but these are your

*Him*: the same people that

see me unfit to rule over them .

She looks at me and gives me a

hot slap . Every one is shocked
noone was expecting it .

My water works just break .l

have never ever been hit before .
I hold my cheek and look at
Smanga l honestly don't like the
eye he is giving his mother .

*Smanga*: what the hell was


His voice there's something

about it that makes it sound
creepy .
I see the Queen taking a few
steps back from him .

I hold his hand .

*Me*: I'm...l....I'm okay

The guards open the door for

us and we get into the car .

I check my phone there's a

message from the Queen .
*When that car goes through
that gate l won't ever forgive
you ,you have taken my son
away from me ,you have made
him turn his back on his
people ,turn his back on his
throne ,l won't forgive your
barren ass Thembi . If that car
drives through that gate
consider me your enemy .This
marriage that you value so
much will end in tears l will
personally make sure of it and l
will bring my son back home
mark my words whatever
witchcraft that you are using on
him won't save you I'm telling

I read and delete the

message ,block the Queen's
number .
I lay my head on Smanga's
chest and let sleep take over me .

*Me*: she won't do anything to

you she doesn't know how her
powers work .

The sangoma l am seeing

shakes his head .

*Me*: and they say you are the

best .
*Him*: if it was something else
l would have gladly done it for
you .You can't honestly ask me
to attack Nomalanga do you
know what harm that might do
on mankind!!!

*Me*: l tell you l raised her she

won't do anything to you why
are you such a coward ????
*Him*: Call me a coward or
whatever you want to call me
but my answer is still no ,l
won't risk it.

He is the tenth person l have

seen today .

Everyone is scared of attacking

Noma .l want her to suffer she
stole the most precious thing
that one thing l was supposed to
inherit from my mother but no
my mother left it to her .

I will just find a way to make

her suffer . My heart is not at
ease knowing that where ever
she is ,she's living her best life .


This girl it's been hours and she

is still not here .
His car parks at the garage . Oh
my God he didn't say he was
coming today .

I quickly hide my wine bottles

and go put some make up and
some sexy lingerie .

*Him*: babe babe .....

He calls down stairs .

*Me*: coming

I have my heels on I'm looking

hot if l must say .

I catwalk down the stairs with

him watching me with this
hunger in his eyes .
*Me*: l wasn't expecting
you ,you were just here
yesterday .

*Him*: yeah but l thought l

should come tell you in person
instead of just sending a
message .

I smile biting my bottom lip .

*Me*: l hope it's good news .

He clears his throat .

*Him*: let's sit .

He says sitting himself on the

couch .l go sit on his lap he
pushes me aside .What's going

*Me*:And then ?
*Njabulo*: Thobile l love you
and all but this won't work ,l
have decided to work on my
family .

*Me*: what does that mean?

*Him*: it means I'm now

putting my wife and my
daughter first I'm working on
them .
*Me*: what about me and your
three sons Njabulo what about
us . Okay let's keep our
arrangement the way it is there
is no need for us to break up l
won't force you to marry me
again l promise I'm satisfied
with who l am to you please
Njabulo don't don't break up
with me .

He stands up .
*Him*: I'm so sorry Thobile
that it has come to this . Don't
worry l will take care of you
and our sons financial you will
continue leaving this fancy all
you have to do is take care of
my boys .

With that he goes out .Not me

following him and holding onto
his leg crying all the way to his
car .
*Him*: Thobile leave my
leg .....

I don't let go .

*Him*: Thobile!

He then kicks me and l fall

down .He gets into his car and
drives off .
My life couldn't get any
worse .We don't chose who we
love .l just wonder why my
heart had to fall for a bloody
bastard like him.

Njabulo has given me nothing

but numerous heartbreaks but
no my heart won't give up on
him it will continue to
unconditional love him .
I pick myself up and go drown
myself in alcohol hoping that
Noma will be back soon she has
to see to the boys l don't have
the energy .

The door opens he gets in

carrying a lot of stuff .He puts it
on the table and goes back to
get more .

*Him*: You have been in that

chair since l left ?

I nod .
Like what else could l have
done in this tiny room .

*Him*: l thought you would

have run away jumped through
the window .

The window is wide open and it

has no burglar bars .
Was that his plan? For me to
run away so that l won't be his
problem since he can't kill me .

*Me*: what have you got there ?

I ask standing up .

*Him*: some food stuff and

some blankets .
*Me*: so we are going to stay
here ?

*Him*: no l will get a better

place .

*Me*: ohhh

I say opening some tinned food

and helping myself to it .

*Me*: where do you work ?

*Him*: I'm a royal seer .

So he personally knows Njabulo

is that why he sent him to kill
me .

*Me*: ain't you a bit umm

young for that ?

*Him*: Are you mocking my

gift ?
*Me*: No it's just that well I'm
sure the royal council consists
of old men who hardly bath and
l don't see them listening to
whatever you have to say .

*Him*: whether they like or not

I'm the best in that village .

*Me*: so you are rich .

He chuckles

*Him*: if l was l was going to

own a mansion in that
neighborhood l took you from .

*Me*: so how did you land

your job?

*Him*: my late father was the

one the royal seer l just took
over after his death cause of my
gift .

*Me*: you are the son of Nyoni

the Great ?

He nods .

Wow Nyoni his father was the

greatest seer there ever was in
the history of the village that's
how he gained the name Nyoni
the great .

*Me*: ohh okay

*Him*: l bought gas ,you will

be using the gas stove .

*Me*: okay so what do you

want to do with me ?
*Him*: l have got no idea ,the
person who sent me called to
ask if you were dead or not l
told him l haven't found you
yet . I can't kill you even if l
was going to be given a million
dollars .l hoped you would have
run away so that l have a great
excuse since you seem not to
want to go l will help you .

Well where else can l go ? How

do l know when l leave this
place Prince Njabulo won't send
other people to kill pretty me .

*Me*: Help me with what?

He scratches his head .

*Him*: On how to use your

powers ,you are a very powerful
being and you have to be
careful you don't just have to
trust anyone people might
befriend you wanting to use
your power for evil .

*Me*: how do l know you are

not one of those ?

*Him*: My lady I'm not forcing

you to take my lessons if you
feel like you don't want my help
that's okay with me l have got
nothing to lose . I'm just
missing the village that's all .
He says taking some blankets
and spreading them on the
floor .He looks a bit sad .

*Me*: Do you have a family

there ?

*Him*: it's just me l haven't met

a lady who understands me you
know .
*Me*: I don't blame them ladies
who would want to get married
to a seer .

He throws a pillow at me .

*Him*: shut up and get into the

blankets .

My eyes pop out

*Me*: you are cute and all but
dude no there is just no way in
hell I'm sleeping with you.

*Him*: sies man when did you

even get there ? I was preparing
the blankets for you I'm
sleeping in my car l don't want
to be killed by a lion yooh ....

He says getting out and locking

me inside .
What does he mean he doesn't
want to be killed by a lion ?

It's amazing how strangers seem

to know a lot about me when l
hardly know anything about
myself .I wonder what power it
is that l have that make people
interested in me ?
Let me sleep just hope
tomorrow will be a better day .l
wonder if my aunt misses me .
Strangely l miss her ,she's the
only family l have .Why is she
being hard on me shouldn't she
be on my corner since we only
got each other?

*Me*: love you Gloria hope

you are safe .
I whisper to no one in particular
as l let sleep take over me .



To this day l still wonder what

went down three months ago
when Smanga got dethroned .

I honestly don't know why l was

so mad at him that particular
day .
I just seemed to be irritated by
his childish behavior but l swear
l didn't want him to be

Yes l love Njabulo my son but l

don't think he has a pure heart
to run this kingdom .

I'm sure there's a reason why

the ancestors chose Smanga and
not him.
I'm at my daughter's graveyard
thought of her today . She was
my first born the pride of my
youth ,my little princess .

Tears just stream down my face

as l put them flowers on her
gravestone .

*Me*: hey girl .....

Her life was cut short .She was
such an amazing soul loved this
kingdom with her whole heart .

At just twelve she had started

developing this place .

*Me*: the palace doesn't feel

like a home anymore ,your
mom ain't even talking to me
she's is blaming me for
Smanga's dethronement but we
all know l can't change what the
royal council has decided and
guess what the Smanga of it
ain't answering my calls l miss
him so much . On the other
hand your crush has
disappeared l don't even know if
he is alive or not . People are
talking I'm afraid l have to find
another seer but dear you know
how these things work it's hard
to find a trustworthy loyal
person these days .A lot is
happening and l feel like l can't
take it anymore . Anyways l
don't want to bore you with my
stories love continue to rest in
peace my princess.

I say kissing her gravestone .

The guard helps me to stand up .

We go back to the palace .


I knock at the door and this

woman opens . She's carrying a
baby on her hip two are each
holding onto her legs .

Her hair looks messy she has

eye bags l wonder when was the
last time that she slept .
Her eyes pop out as she looks at
me .

*Me*: Hie

*Her*: ehmmm l ummm how

can l help you ?

*Me*: May l at least get in?

She opens the door for me and

leads me to the lounge .
*Me*: I'm here for some of my
certificates .

*Her*: l don't understand ....

*Me*: oh sorry my name is

Smangaliso Ngonyama this is
my brother's house l believe you
are his house keeper right .
She looks at her kids first before

*Her*: oh yeah sure so the

certificates ?

*Me*: they are in his study .

*Her*:let me get them for you .

She says standing up and her

boys following her .
There's is just something about
them boys but l can't place what
it is .

I decide to just wander around

the house it's been long since l
was last here.

Even though Njabulo and l don't

get along he always had me use
me his house before l bought
one for myself .

I open the door to some guest

room .

The peace that l feel as l enter

the room .

There's a picture of that girl l

met at the forest three months
ago on the dressing table l
wonder what it is doing here .

I pick it up and suddenly my

heart starts beating fast .What's
going on ?

I drop the picture and

scream .I'm getting a
headache .l hold my head as l
start to see things that don't
make sense .
I see her walking down the aisle
with l believe her dad and l
waiting for her with this
ridiculous smile on my face .

How come this doesn't make

any sense .

*Her*: oh here you are l

wondered where you had
disappeared to .Are you okay ?
*Me*: This room who is using
it ?

*Her*: it was umm the nanny I

mean umm ehhh one of the
house helps you know to help
around with the chores she errrh
ran away and left her things .

*Me*: when was this ?

*Her*: three months back .

*Me*: Did she say who she was?

*Her*: Nomalanga Bande .

Nomalanga who is she ?

*Me*: Did she leave you her

Okay l don't even know what it
is l want to do with her
number .l should just take my
certificates go back home to my
lovely wife .

*Her*: No she didn't have a

phone ,but why are you asking
me all these questions?
*Me*: it's nothing sorry she's a
friend l last saw her years back
so l wanted to .....

*Her*: ohhhhh l see , should l

make you something to eat .

*Me*: oh no thank you let me

be on my way .lt was nice
meeting you ehhhh ummm

*Her*: Thobile
*Me*: Thobile ...

I say giving her a smile .

They walk me out with the

boys .

I get into my car and they wave

at me .
Man there is something about
those boys l can't place .

*Her*: What's taking you so
long are you getting cold feet ?

I shake my head no .

*Servant*: use words!!!

I jump a little did he have to


*Me*: No
The woman stands up from her
throne and crawls to me. Yes
that's right crawls to me she's
half snake half human .

*Her*: you seem to be getting

cold feet .

She whispers to my ear .

I feel my neck hairs erecting
and my body shivering .

*Her*: I don't like people who

don't keep their promises they
make me mad .Do you want me
to get mad?

I shake my head no .

The eye the servant gives me .

*Me*: No l will get to it .

*Her*: please do

She says wrapping her tail

around me .

*Her*: otherwise.....

Impressive he has set the scene

Them rose petals on the bed and
on the floor . It champagne
bottle on the table . Them
strawberries with the yoghurt by
the side .Soft music playing on
the speakers.

I see he came with

handcuffs ,whips and different
sex toys .
I see all this in just a single
glance .

Something in me tells me to go
back home and keep on trying
with my husband .

It's been three months and

dololo .l ain't falling pregnant at
all .
Went to them doctors told me
there's nothing wrong with me .

I even booked an appointment

with a specialist from India he
found nothing wrong with me .

Seems like Smanga's ancestors

are still at it . I wonder why
though like come on he was
dethroned do we still need to do
the chosen one shit ?
Smanga is understanding and
supportive but l know he is a
man and every man's wish is to
have kids .I'm sure there is a
time when love won't be enough
to close that gap of not having a

I don't want a situation where

he will make babies with other
women .
*Him*: take of that coat
already .

He says biting his bottom lip .

I see he also came with a pack

of condoms . He wants to play it
safe .l will just have to make
him forget to use them .
Smanga I'm so sorry love but
I'm doing this for us . You want
us to adopt l can't do that .l don't
see myself raising another
woman's child no it can never
be me .

It's not like the child won't be

your blood anyways .


It's his cologne that hits my

nostrils . The scent gets my
little pathetic heart excited . I
feel butterflies in my stomach
just from excitement damn l
didn't realize that l missed him
so much .

I then look up l smile at him

before l could even stop myself .
Him: heyy

The boys run to him when they

hear his voice ,they were so
concentrating on their cartoons
that they didn't see him come in .

He picks them up kissing the

two of them .The youngest is
sleeping in his nursery.
Him: Why don't you guys go
play upstairs with your new
toys I want to talk to mummy .

I got this ridiculous smile on my

face .l so wish l could also jump
on him ,kiss him tell him how
much l missed him and how
happy I am to see him but no l
will control myself .

Him: you're good?

He asks sitting himself on the
couch .

I nod.

Me: Your brother was here .

Him: Smanga?

Me: yeah
Him: what did he want ?

Me: his certificates .

Him: did he see the boys ?

Me: yeah

He scratches his head .

Him: what did he say?

Me: about what ?

Him: the boys .....

Me: well nothing .

He crocks his eyebrow .

Him: And you didn't tell him

Me: No .He assumed l was your

house help .l love you Njabulo l
wouldn't want you to have
unnecessary fights with your
family cause of me .

Him: so you said nothing?

Me: I didn't say anything .l love
you l don't want to cause drama
in your life l just wonder why
you are doing the things you do
to me .Why do you hate me so
much when all l have ever given
is love?

My eyes well up with tears as l

ask him .
Him:l don't hate you l love you
a lot but l just can't be with you .

Me: why ....

I whisper my lips trembling .

Him: Cause you can't give me

what l want?

Me: What????
Him: listen there ain't nothing
that means so much to me than
the kingdom and soon I'm going
to be a king. You are soft way
too soft to be beside me when l
run it so l can't risk it cause l
might lose everything.

Me: you ain't making sense .

I say wiping my tears with my
hands .

Me:But isn't it your brother


He chuckles

Him: so you see him once and

already you are team Smanga!
Me: just wondering why you
hate him so much.....

Him: l don't hate him it's just he

had to be given my kingdom

Me: I'm sure there must be a


I cut him .
He chuckles again

Him: There was no bloody

reason just that he is my parents
favorite after Fikile's death . My
parents have never loved me at

Me: but there is no parent who

hates their child look at you you
want nothing to do with me but
you are here to see your sons.
Him: Do you know the pain of
being a middle child?

Me: Wait you didn't even call

where you here to see your sons
or you were here to see your
new side chick .

Him: Thobile!

He warns.
Me: no tell me l know you you
are busy giving me excuses on
why you can't be with me when
you know that l have been
replaced .

Him: l won't explain myself to

you .Besides what's this ,why
are you taking Smanga's side is
he that handsome that you now
want him .
Me: what ! I'm not a bloody
whore like you are!!!!!!!

It's after it lands on me that l

realize that he just threw a
punch on me .

I touch my bleeding nose and

sadly laugh .
Me: woow the truth hurts
right !!!

He pulls me by my hair and

starts hitting me punching me
and kicking me .

I fall on the floor crying ,

screaming and spitting out
blood .
I have never seen him this angry
before .

Me: Njabulo I'm so sorry please

please stop......

My pleas fall on deaf ears he

continues .

I'm in pain l can't move . l try

begging but words fail me .

Him: concentrate
He is crazy he wants me to
grow a forest in some bare land
that he bought .

It's just soil and rocks in here .

Me: but Nyoni .....

He gives me a bored look .

Takes a cloth spreads it on the

ground .
Him: I'm sleeping wake me up
when you are done .

What do you know he actually

sleeps .

Me: Nyoni .... Nyoni....

No reply ehh this guy .

For the past three months he's
been trying to "coach" me but
dololo nothing is happening .

I even doubt l own some powers

cause every task that he gives
me l fail it .

Yesterday l was told to create a

cloud .The sky was blue and
clear . Nothing happened l
couldn't do it .
He says problem is I'm
distracted .

I'm not l think he's got the

wrong person .

Apparently I'm supposed to

own some nature powers .

But one thing that l know for

sure is that l can talk to animals .
Whenever I'm at a place that
has animals nearby they draw to
me .

How do l do it .l try
concentrating but nothing is

We have been living in a flat in

town . He seems like he's not
going back to the village .He
says they will behead him if he
goes back without killing me .

I really can't say l can't do what

l want its just that he limits me
because he says if people sense
who l am they might take me
and use me .

Our relationship has grown .I

see him as a big brother just that
sometimes he is annoying .
Me: Nyoni.....

One thing about him he's a deep

sleeper .

Her: he isn't capable of helping

you l am .

I turn and there she is the lady

in red .Does she have one dress ?
She just appeared out of
nowhere she really is creepy .

Me: you again ?

Her: he doesn't understand your

powers let me help you .

Me:I'm not interested leave me

please .

She laughs .
Her: you are wasting time with
this guy come let me help you .

Me: no you certainly can't be

trusted .

Her: and you trust him ? Ask

him where your parents are. He
knows you long for them but he
ain't saying nothing ,you trust
such a man ?
Me: they are alive?

She laughs again .

Her: Shame shame poor you

and to think he has all the
answers but he ain't telling you
a thing .

Me: there must be a reason .

Nyoni: reason what reason?

He's up .

The lady has disappeared again .

Me: l failed .

Him: I got an appointment with

that lady let's go .
He consults people in our
apartment that's how we get
money .

Me: l wonder if there really is

nothing going on between the
two of you she's forever in that
room of yours.

I say helping him fold his cloth .

Him: mnx shut up .

Me: you like her don't you?

Him: I'm not having this

conversation with you .

He says walking to the car .l

wonder if he saw the lady in
red .

I wonder if there is some truth

in what she said does Nyoni
really know the whereabouts of
my parents if so why isn't he
saying anything to me ?

Him: Are you coming or not?

He calls out starting the car .

I run l will just have to ask him

later I'm sure he must have a
reason for keeping such a thing
from me .
I stop after a while . She's no
longer crying .

Me: stand up .

She doesn't move .

Me: Thobile don't get me angry

stand up .

She quiet she just lays there

I touch her but l get no reaction .

I shake her dololo .

Me: Thobile

Okay I'm starting to panic

I feel for her pulse negative the

woman ain't breathing at all .
What do l do ?

I first go upstairs the boys are

busy with their toys .

Me: don't go anywhere okay

stay here .

They nod.
I lock them up in their room l
don't want a situation where
they will see their lifeless
mother .

I go back downstairs she's still

in the same position that l left
her in .

This can't be happening .

What do l do ?
Did l just kill a human being ?

I can't turn myself in it will ruin

my chances of being King .

I call that one person who l

thought l would never ever ask
help from .
But whether l like it or not he's
the only person who can help
me .

He arrives thirty minutes later .

Him: Njabulo this better be

good l was cuddling with my
wife .

The bitch so she went to sleep

with him after sleeping with me .
He yells opening the front door .

Me: I'm here in the lounge .

Him: Holy shit what the fuck .

Me: dude shit ain't holy

Him: you have time to joke

what the hell happened here ?
Me: l lost it okay l need help .

The eye that he gives me .I'm

sure he was expecting an
answer like "l found her like
this" but l can't lie to him cause
if l do he might want to involve
the police.

Him: but why it cause

she let me into your house ?
He has this guilty look on his
face he's now blaming himself
for Thobile's death .

Me: little brother this has got

nothing to do with you

I say holding his shoulder .

Me: she is ....she was my baby

mama and we fought .
Him: the boys........

Me: I'm so sorry but l ......l

didn't mean any of this to
happen Smanga .....

I say tears flowing down my

face .

Yes l might be everything else

but I'm not a murderer .
He has his face on his hands .

Him: Njabulo ........

Me: l don't want to go to jail

little brother .

He takes his phone .

I shake my head .
He just can't .

Him: is this the police l would

like to turn myself in l just
killed a woman .

He looks at me I'm shocked

what on earth is he doing ? I
thought he will help me hide the
body or something .
He gives them the address .

Thirty minutes later we hear

them sirens outside .

We haven't spoken I'm scared l

don't know what to say .

The door busts open as the cops

fill the room .
One officer: which one of you
made the call ?

He stands up .

Him: l did l killed my girlfriend

just found out she was cheating
on me

The officer looks at his wedding

Him: yeah it's complicated l
was cheating on my wife cause
she couldn't fall pregnant .l
have three kids with the
deceased .

No this must be a dream what is

Smanga doing?

I hear the sound of the

handcuffs clicked over his
wrists .
No no no ...

I follow them as they put him

on their van .

There is a team that has taken

Thobile's body .How the fuck
do l explain this to the rents .

First things first l will have to

get him a lawyer .
Wait Smanga will have to rot in
jail l mean this will work to my
advantage .l can now get the
kingdom without competition.

I love my brother but l love the

throne more and besides he did
this to himself.


It's the roar l hear from the

holding cells that has me
preparing to go over there .

*Nyoni*: where are you going?

I look up I'm tying up my
sneakers .

*Me*: you won't understand .

*Him*: try me ....

He will think I'm crazy .

I exhale .
*Me*: Nyoni I am hearing a
roar coming from the police
station like how can l just sit
here I have to help them l don't
understand how a lion is in
there l can speak to animals

He takes his jacket.

*Me*: and where are you going?

*Him*: who's going to drive
you ?

He has a point .

We drive to the police station.


*Her*: And then?

She says looking at the boys .

*Her*: who are those ?

*Me*: Your husband's kids.....

*Her*: What do you mean?

*Me*: he will explain himself

to you when he gets out of
Her eyes are all popped out it's
like they will fall from her face .

*Her*: Prison ....... Njabulo you

ain't making sense.

*Me*: Here are their bags don't

mistreat my nephews otherwise
you will have me to deal with.

She has her hand on her mouth .

Well phase one done now
people will know Smanga as the
boys father . He's the one who
started this anyways so I'm just
going with the flow .

It's been a long exhausting day .

*Thuba*: wow what an hour !!!

She says getting into the car as
soon as l park it in the palace .

She should not start with me .l

had told her l will be gone for
an hour .

She opens the little gift bag l

had bought for Thembi l forgot
to give it to her .

*Me*: you like it ?

Will just have to pretend that
it's hers .

*Her*: it's not my style but well

it's the thought that counts ,
funny thing it's more of
Thembi's style .

She says giving me an eye .

I show no expression. She
suspects that there is more to
our relationship but well she
doesn't have proof .

*Me*: l need to see the

parents ,where are they?

*Her*: in their
chambers ,whatsup?
I have decided to tell them
cause one way or another they
are going to hear about
Smanga's arrest so l figured it
will be best if they hear it from
like the good son I'm supposed
to be .

*Me*: l will tell you let me see

them first .

She nods .
*Her*: you are going to be king
soon .

What does she mean ?Yes I'm

now a crown prince but l don't
see dad stepping down any time
soon it's like he's waiting for
Smanga to come begging for
the throne little does he know
that that's the last thing on
Smanga's mind .
*Me*: what do you mean.

*Her*: leave it to me

She says with a cocky smile .

It's no secret in this kingdom
how we hate to be disturbed
when we are in our chambers .

Yeah fine we ain't doing

anything but once in a while
you have to get some quietness
and peace far away from the
maddening crowd .
The Queen rolls her eyes as she
puts away the magazine she was
reading .

*Her*: it better be good .

She says to me as she opens the

door .

*Her*: Njabulo

She folds her arms .

*Njabulo*: your majesty

He comes in and sits down .

*Him*: I'm afraid l have got

some bad news .

Even since Smanga left all we

have been receiving in this
village is bad news .
*Him*:l won't beat about the
bush l will just say it as it is .
Smanga is in jail for murder .

*Queen*: Whatttt!!!!

*Me*: it can't be! Smanga

wouldn't hurt a fly .

He chuckles
*Him*: seems like we don't
know him that well .

My wife holds her chest as she

tries to balance herself with the
dressing table .

*Me*: Who? who did he kill?

I'm sure it was self defense it
any of this is true .

*Him*: wait for it ....

*Queen*: Njabulo talk we ain't
here for your stupid games .

*Him*: He killed his baby

mama ,they had three kids

I laugh .

*Me*: Smanga can't have

kids ,for a moment l bought
your story but it doesn't make
sense at all .

*Njabulo*: My King I'm telling

you what l know Smanga is in
prison cause he killed his baby
mama wether you believe it or
not that's your own problem as
for me l will try get my baby
brother a good lawyer ,excuse
me .
He says standing up and leaving
us .

*Me*: it can't be true

I say to my wife .

*Her*: Ngonyama why would

Njabulo lie about something
like this ?
*Me*: we both know he can't
have kids .......

*Her*: with any other woman

but his chosen one ,the girl of
the promise does that ring a
bell !!!!

She yells .

She has just aged in two

minutes .
She pours herself a glass of
water and sits down .

Is it possible that he found

her ?But why keep it a secret?

*Her*: l want my son out of

that prison do everything you
can to get him out.
*Me*: Well if that's the case he
has to face justice he can't kill a
human being and get away with
it cause he's my son .

*Her*: you are unbelievable!!!

*Me*: Don't get me wrong l

love my son a lot but justice has
to be served ,he killed
someone's else child . The only
thing l will do for him is take
my grandchildren and raise
them myself l won't have
peasants raise oNgonyama .

Shock is what is written on her

face .


*Mama*: your own flesh and

blood ,the human being you
gave birth too , how could you
be so cruel ?

I wake up panting.

Why did l dream of her ?

I light the candle on my

bedside .That's right I'm still at
the village.
I can't get hold of the money my
father left . All the accounts
need Nomalanga's signature can
you believe that .

Seems like the old man was two

steps ahead of me .

I rub the sleep from my

eyes .I'm now scared of going
back to sleep ,what if l dream of
my mother again .
Instead of her enjoying her
death with her husband she
wants to torment me .

I hate being reminded that

Noma is my daughter no l don't
want to be reminded of it .

Tears stream down my face .

How can she say I'm wicked
when she knows how Noma
came to being .

I get out of the sheets and go to

the kitchen .

I might as well start the spring

cleaning l always planned to
do ,it will keep my mind off
things .
Mnx some people should just
remain dead and not interfer
with our lives that moment I'm
starting to slowly heal she just
had to remind me .


The resemblance is there you

can't miss it .As much as l don't
want to believe the evidence is
right in front of me .
I feel like drowning them all but
no I'm not that kind of a person
and besides they are just kids l
can't punish them for their
parents sin.

*Him*: want mummy

He says pulling my dress .

I give him a hot slap and he
wails .

Idiot he can't talk about his

bitch of a mother to me .

The other two just look at

me ,I'm sure scared that they
will also receive slaps .

Why not ?
I got get a slipper and start
beating them up including the
baby of it

They all wail .

*Me*: shut up !!!!.

I say beating them .

They hush sniffing and wiping

their tears .
I take them put them in a tub
full of cold water .

I bath them as they are still

sniffing l guess it must be
painful but who cares .I'm sure
their pain doesn't amount to the
pain I'm feeling right now .

I get them dressed and go put

them in bed.
*Him*: hungry.....

*Me*: sleep idiot ,I'm not about

to give you any of my food .

I switch off the light and leave

them there .

I hope they die of hunger .



The police officer opens the

cell .

*Him*: someone is here to see

you .
Who l wonder .Did Njabulo
send someone or maybe he has
already gotten me a lawyer ?

You might wonder why l did

what l did .

One it's cause l love my brother .

Two cause he has got a lot to

lose ,he's now the Crown prince
l know how much the kingdom
means he can't run it with a
criminal record over his head .

The officer handcuffs me and

pushes as we walk to some
office .

They stand up as we get in .

I thought he was dead well

that's what l heard.
*Me*: Nyoni.....

*Nyoni*: Ngonyama....

He says bowing to me .

*Him*: how are you my Prince ?

That's one question l can't

answer .l can't believe Njabulo
hasn't brought me a lawyer. I
mean he should be trying to get
me out since I'm in here for
him .

And Thembi where is she? Our

parents? Did Njabulo just keep
quiet about my arrest.

Well all in all I'm glad she's

here . I feel calm I wonder what
her story is .
Nyoni asks the officer to
excuse us .

*Nyoni*: Ngonyama this is


*Me*: Her ?

Nyoni rolls his eyes as l sit

down .
*Her*:Nyoni where is the you
know what .....

She says completely ignoring

me .

*Nyoni*: this is him .

She laughs holding her tummy .

*Her*: ahhh Nyoni how can

you say that a person is .......
*Nyoni*: This is the great
Ngonyama .

*Her*: l don't have time for

this .

She says standing up and

leaving .

*Me*: And that?

*Him*: is your chosen one .

*Me*: stop with the chosen one

shit I'm a married man and
besides I'm no longer the crown
prince l guess it's of no
significance whether I'm with
my chosen one or not .

*Nyoni*: why are you stubborn ?

*Me*: get me out of here ......

I know he must know why I'm
here cause he hasn't asked me
twenty questions .

Sometimes l wonder if Nyoni is

just a seer he knows way too
much for a seer .

*Nyoni*: The only person who

can get you out is
Nomalanga ,you are in for a big
crime you know how gender
based violence is a serious
crime in our country but why
did you take the blame for
Njabulo forgive me for saying
this my prince but that was
stupid of you .

Noone will understand ,

Njabulo is the only sibling l
have got left .l watched my
sister die and there was nothing
l could do about it l won't watch
my brother suffer irregardless of
all he has done to me he is still
my mother's son .

*Me*: How can she help me?

All l need is a fucken good
lawyer talk to my father .

*Him*: l can't l was given a

royal order to kill Noma so that
you break free from the chosen
one shit and be able to have
kids with Thembi but l just can't
kill Noma l can't ....

I'm shocked I mean l know that

dad was doing it out of love but
that's just cruel .

*Me*: when my emotions are

running all over the place she's
the only thing that can calm me
down .
*Nyoni*: look at that smile .

*Me*: you are reading too

much into it so what now ?

*Him*: when l get home will

try to talk to Noma and she will
get you out .

*Me*: you leave together!

I say hitting the table .l feel my
anger surfacing just the thought
of them in one place gets me so
angry .

Nyoni stands up .

*Him*: it's not what you think

Ngonyama we are not in a
relationship we just live
together cause l .....
He can't finish cause I'm now
strangling him .

He's struggling for breath trying

to free himself from my tight

*Her*: you stop it right now !

She says so quietly but with so

much authority .
When did she get here?

I find myself leaving Nyoni's

neck and sitting down on the
floor .

Why am l even sitting on the

floor ? Who is this woman ?

I try speaking but what comes

out is a growl ,wait when did l
change my form ?
*Her*: l don't like that don't you
ever and l mean ever put your
hands on Nyoni again

I find myself beating my tail on

the floor .

*Her*: Good boy .

Nyoni is rubbing his neck and
has this smirk on his face l feel
like tearing his head off .

*Noma*: Are you okay ?

Nyoni nods .

*Nyoni*: erase the memories of

the officers regarding his crime .
*Noma*: but you know l have
failed every test you have given
me what makes you think that l
can pass this one ?

*Nyoni*: with him around

failure is not an option .

He says pointing to me with his

head .

*Her*: what do l do ?

Is my life safe l wonder .I'm not

dumb l can see that this guy
looks like Njabulo though he's
hotter .

He drives quietly he's not

saying anything .
So he didn't want me driving
with Nyoni ,for the why l don't
know .

*Me*: this is not the way to the

apartment .

I say breaking the silence .

He gives me a look .l find

myself sinking into my seat .
He makes me shy .

Well l did manage to erase the

officers memories concerning
the crime .

I can't believe Thobile is dead

just like that . She wasn't a bad
woman at all she was really
nice . I wonder why everyone
that's close to me has to die am l
a curse of some sort ?
This car would do with some
music the silence is deafening.

I prefer this guy in the lion form

where l can control him and all
when he's human he kind of
intimidates me .

I just look out the window as

we drive . There's no much to
see it's really late anyways .
He hoots at this gate and it
opens we drive through .

Where is Nyoni ? Wasn't he

suppose to follow behind ?
What happens when we find
Njabulo inside will they kill me .

He opens the door for me .

*Him*: let's go ...

I first look behind me don't
know why then l step out the
car .

I follow him as he enter the

mansion .

We find this beautiful slim

woman sitting by the lounge .
They are wet tissues full of
mascara lying around her and
she is still crying .

Smanga almost runs to her side

and embraces her .

As soon as she sees it's him she

wails .

Okay awkward I'm just standing

there .
She holds onto him for dear life
crying her eyes out .

*Him*: it's okay babe I'm here

now let's go sleep will explain
everything tomorrow ,okay
love ?

She nods wiping her tears as she

stands up that's when she
notices me .
*Her*: who is she ?

*Smanga*: the boys nanny .

Nanny ? What boys?

*Her*: ohhh

Is all she says as she weighs me .

*Smanga*: you will use one of
the guest rooms I'm sure the
boys will be happy to see you .

Is he talking about his brother's


*Me*: Can l see them before l

go to bed ?

*Her*: No need you will see

them tomorrow .
I don't like her tone I'm sure
she's going to be a pain in my
ass .

I wonder if Smanga will be

paying me .l don't like living of
Nyoni .

I'm shown to my room by

Smanga .
*Him*: umm l ehhh thank you
for what you did for me .

*Me*: it was nothing

I say looking at my feet .

*Him*: l will be forever

grateful so how much do you
want to be paid for taking care
of my sons ?
Ohh so it's official he just hired
me but why didn't he ask if l
needed the job or not .

*Me*: As much as you can .

*Him*: sure will pay you thirty

thousand then .

I look up all amazed is he

*Me*: USD or Bond

He chuckles

*Him*: Do l look like a bond

person ? I'm paying in USD just
take care of those kids and
make sure they are well . Treat
them like your own .l know this
is not fair but please be their
mother figure since theirs is
deceased .
*Me*: okay

Who would say no to thirty

thousand a month for looking
after kids I'm sure some of the
government employees don't
gain that much a month .

*Him*: goodnight

He says closing the door.

There was a wedding band on
his finger so that means that
lady is his wife.

The thought of him going to bed

with her has me feeling some
type of way but will just ignore
it .

I can't into my blankets .lt's

been a fucken long day.

*Him*: Crown Princess

*Me*: your majesty

*Him*: come in .

I get into his study followed by

two maidservants.

*Me*: Your majesty l happened

to notice your absence at
breakfast so l thought to myself
let me prepare my father
something to eat .
I see him smile at the mention
of father .

*Him*: That was so thoughtful

of you my daughter .

I signal to the servants and they

set up the table .

*Me*: if you must know my

lord l prepared the meal myself .
*Him*: then it's worth eating .

Wow so he's going to eat it at

least everything is going
according to plan .

I seat myself down .

*Me*: I'm so sorry about

Smanga I'm sure you must be
He picks up his fork .

*Him*: Before you came in l

was talking to him he called
he's out of prison .

*Me*: He's out on bail?

He shakes his head chewing.

*Him*:; Out as in out there is

no case .
How is that possible?

Shit l can't have Smanga out

that means l have no time l sure
hope this plan works .

*Me*: That's great news .

I say with the fakest smile ever.

He nods chewing .

*Me*: l wonder how Thembi

will manage taking care of the
boys l mean she has no
experience with kids .

*Him*: they got a nanny.

*Him*: l must show you their
pictures they look a lot like
Njabulo than Smanga .

You can't miss the joy in his

voice .These are his first
grandsons l only got a daughter .

He gives me his phone. They

really are more of Njabulo than
Smanga but well it's
understandable these people are
brothers they are one person
just that Njabulo is a few shades
darker .

*Me*: Ncoah so cute .

*Him*: Yes l will just have to

find a way to make Smanga
come back here l can't have my
little Ngonyama's growing up in
the city .They have to grow up
here so that they know who they
are .

*Me*: l agree l will talk to the

crown prince I'm sure he will
try to reason with his brother .

*Him*: That will make me

happy my daughter .

He says putting his hand over

mine .
Only if he knew he won't live
long enough to see that happen .

*Me*: let me leave you to your

breakfast l have to meet with
the village ladies .

*Him*: ohhh is that so ?

*Me*: Yes I'm thinking we

should do build an orphanage or
something the number of kids
without parents is increasing .

His face lights up .

*Him*: That was Fikile's

dream ,I'm sure she's smiling
down on you .l can't believe I'm
saying this but l think this
kingdom needs you more than it
needs that slay queen Thembi .
I smile for real this time .His
words touched me .

*Me*: Thank you l will take my

leave .

He nods as l and my servants

get out .

I just hope Smanga's son won't

be a problem in my life
otherwise l will have to
eliminate them


Ever since Noma left l have

never swept my yard .l will do
so today l can see the neighbors
stares as they pass by my
compound mnx l don't know
why they don't mind their own
business .

I take the broom ,tie a doek on

my head .

No my eyes must be deceiving

me .

There under his favorite tree is

my father smoking his pipe .
I drop the broom and scream
my lungs out .

Neighbors come running in.

*One*: MaBande what's wrong ?

*Other*: Whatever is the matter

talk to us !

I point to the tree .

*Me*: Can't....can't you
you .....see him....can't you see

I saying pointing to the tree

with a trembling finger.

*Them*: What do you

mean ,there's nothing
there .Come sit down .
They sit me down . One of them
prepares me tea .

I hear them whispers among

themselves talking about my
dirty plates .They should wash
them if they have a problem
with them mnx .

*One*: Here you go it will calm

down your nerves . It's must be
hard on you ,your father's death
l mean .

I nod .

The other puts her hand over

my shoulder.

*Her*: it's going to be

okay ,where is Noma?
*Me*: l don't know she ran
away she also stole some
money from me that ungrateful
child .

They shake their heads .

*One*: We didn't see her

father at the funeral ,what's his
name again ? Yah Senzo .
Hearing his name has my eyes
welling up with tears .

*Me*: you know how busy my

brother is . He is actually out of
the country I'm sure by the time
he comes back the first place he
will visit is this place .

Lies lies l didn't even inform

him . He doesn't know that our
father is dead .
I don't want anything to do with
him .l hate him ,wish he was
dead he ruined my life .

*Her*: So did you tell him that

his daughter ran away ?

Can they just stop asking

questions about that jerk .
I feel my chest closing in. The
more they talk about him the
more those memories start
flooding back .

*Me*: I'm so sorry l just want

to lie down.

I say standing up .
*Them*: it's okay sorry for
being insensitive if there's
anything you need just tell us.

*Me*: thank you .

I almost run to my hut bang the

door and just cry . This can't be
happening to me all l want is to
forget is that too much to ask
for .

She throws some clothes at me .

I pick them up .

*Her*: That's your uniform .

She says pointing at them with

her manicured hand .
*Me*: uniform ?

I ask confused.

*Her*: yes l thought you should

have one since you can't dress
properly . That dress is way too
tight and it is short are you
trying to seduce my husband
with those yellow thighs ?
She's exaggerating the dress is
not too tight neither is it short
just that it shows off my curvey
body .

*Me*: but these ....

I say holding up the uniform .

It's the mother of long big
dresses l tell you I'm sure I'm
going to trip and fall on it .
She folds her arms over her
chest .

*Her*: If you got a problem

there is the door .

Mnx that's why she has got

small boobs l wonder if Smanga
enjoys holding them.

*Her*: you have a problem ?

*Me*: no

*Her*: no what?

*Me*: no ma'am .

*Her*: it's Princess Thembi

Smanga Ngonyama to you .

Yooh she expects me to say all

that ,it's a mouthful .
*Me*: No Princess Thembi
Smanga Ngonyama ma'am there
is no problem .

*Her*: l thought so now go


She says clapping her hands.

I take the dress drag myself to

my room.
What is he doing here?

I clear my throat .

*Him*: oh sorry l was using

your shower l think there is
something wrong with our taps .

He's in nothing but a towel

wrapped around he's waist .
Damn that v line . He's looking
sexy with water dripping off his
body .

*Me*: umm l ummm ....

I don't know what to say I'm

staring and I'm trying so hard
not too .

He walks closer to me .
He pulls up my face with his
finger .

*Him*: Like what you see?

He says with a smirk on his

face .

Before l could answer Thembi

calls out for me downstairs.
*Her*: Nomalanga Bande!
What's taking you so long get
your ass down here can't you
hear the baby is crying ?

*Me*: coming!!!!

I run back downstairs without

changing l know l won't hear
the end of it but l needed an
excuse to get out of that
room ,Thembi really did save
me .
[6/8, 22:25] Nicky❤🔥: *Nine*


Thembi has drama shame .So

she said l should buy my own
groceries ,she told me l and the
kids should not touch her food
yooh this is a clap once
situation how can she be so evil
these are her brother in law kids.

He opens the door .

*Him*: l missed your crazy self

come in .

I get in with the boys .

*Him*: l see we got visitors ,hie

boys .
They hold onto me being shy .

*Him*: What are their names.

*Me*: This is Mqabutho he is

three ,this is Nqobizitha he is
two then this is Nkosiyabo he is
nine months .

*Him*: ONgonyama abahle .

He bows down to them . Nyoni
can be extra sometimes .

*Him*: But why are you

traveling with them .

*Me*: heeeh you won't believe

it so Thembi said l should go
buy my own groceries well
since l was hungry l told her I'm
off to the shops not her asking
me who l was leaving the kids
with . At least she gave me the
money and l was driven here by
one of her drivers .

That has Nyoni cracking up .

What's so funny ? He's crazy
this one .

*Me*: l wanted to get some of

my clothes.
*Him*: you don't have to work
there l can take care of you .

*Me*: l know but please l don't

want to be a pest and besides
Smanga asked me to be a
mother to these kids .

*Him*: wow what a smile and

you are blushing .

He's crazy I'm not blushing .

*Me*: l wonder why she hates
Njabulo's kids is she that close
with Njabulo's wife?

*Him*: She was told it was

Smanga's kids Njabulo thinks
he is clever by giving them to
Smanga not knowing it will
affect him later on in life .
*Me*: yooooh the family seems
to have drama .

*Him*: Too much

He says looking sadly at the


*Him*: a ceremony has to be

done for them tell Smanga that .
I smile at least l now have an
excuse to talk to him .

*Nyoni*: He will be a great

leader .

He says looking at Nkosiyabo.

*Me*: But Mqabutho is the

eldest .
*Him*: The ancestors have
rejected him .

*Me*: Why? That's not fair it's

his birthright .

*Him*: Mqabutho will cause

distruction .

No l will raise him to be a better

man than that .l think to
myself .
*Nyoni*: you can't play with
fate anyways l shouldn't be
telling you this l tend to talk to
much .

*Me*: ls that why Nkosiyabo

has the Ngonyama imprint like
Smanga but the others don't .

The way his eyes are popped

*Him*: Ehh how did you see
Smanga's imprint in less than
twenty four hours you guys
have already gotten into each
other's pants !!!

*Me*: Nyoni l won't explain

myself to you I'm an adult .

*Him*: so he has already

broken your virginity ?
How does he know I'm a
virgin .Nyoni is creepy .

*Me*: Who ? Me a virgin ?

I clap once .

*Me*:No I'm not a virgin ahhh .

I say laughing .
He doesn't say anything he just
opens the fridge and takes out
some food stuffs .

*Him*: Are you guys hungry ?

He says asking the boys and

they nod .

He prepares us all a meal .

We are now are the grocery
stores buying our grocery .

I bump into a man with my

trolley .

*Him*: The fuck !

He curses as he turns .
The moment he does time
stands still . Is it possible that
someone hardly ages .

I have never met him but l have

seen his pictures being burnt by
aunt Gloria .

*Him*: You should watch

where you are going!

He snaps .
*Me*: baba???

I say tears glistening in my

eyes .

The guy laughs .

*Him*: baba ? Who me? Are

you nuts I'm hardly twenty five .
He shakes his head and walks
away .

I swear l thought it was him .I'm

so disturbed.

I finish shopping and just go

home .

Find Thembi at the lounge

eating some salads.
*Me*: How do you expect that
bastard baby to grow when all
you do is eat salads .

I just blubber without thinking .

What am l talking about?

The shock on her face . She

suddenly stands up coming
close to me .

*Her*: What did you say ?

I shake my head .

*Me*: Don't worry about it l

don't know what I'm saying I'm
sorry .

I run to my room and lock

myself up .

I know her number by heart .

There's a landline in my room .
I dial the number .

It rings for a while then she

picks up .

*Her*: Hello ....

*Me*: Aunty

I hear her cursing .

*Her*: Nomalanga what do you
want from me can't l live my
life in peace .

*Me*: I'm your niece the only

family you have got why are
you treating me like this l ....l
miss you aunt .
*Her*: if you don't tell me why
you called me I'm dropping this
call .

*Me*: l think l saw my father

today .

I hear some shuffling on her


*Her*: What did you say? You

don't have a father you hear me ?
Who is feeding you that
nonsense ?

What nonsense is she talking


*Me*: I once saw you burning

some pictures the guy in them
pictures l met him today .

*Her*: Noma you are losing

your mind l don't know how
many times I'm supposed to tell
you that your parents died in a
car crash . Stop with this
nonsense !

She drops the call .l try calling

again but it rings unanswered .

I throw myself to the floor and

just weep .
*Her*: l told you l can be your
everything .

*Me*: go away

The lady in red laughs .

*Her*: l can give you all the

love you deserve .

*Me*: go awayyyyy...
She disappears . Who on earth
is she ?

The door opens .

*Him*: l thought l would find

you here .

When did he get back .

*Me*: Smanga

He crocks his eyebrow .

*Him*: just like that you're

calling me Smanga am l your
mate ?

*Me*: what you prefer


What the hell is wrong with me?

That's got him tongue tied .

*Me*: what did you want ?

*Him*: I'm taking the boys

out ,we are going to the
park ,my wife said l should take
you with since it's ehmm your
job to look after them.

*Me*: sure l will be right there .

*Him*: Are you okay ?

*Me*: yeah

*Him*: No you are not l can

feel it what's wrong ?

*Me*: l said l will be right there.

He lifts his hands up as a way of

*Him*: l did try . I wish there

was a way l could calm you
down just like you always do .

I have no idea what he means

by that .

*Me*: Nyoni gives me hugs

that works all the time .
*Him*: Nyoni hugs you!

Okay why is he raising his

voice .

*Me*: it's no big deal they are

just hugs .

*Him*: Nyoni shouldn't touch

you the next time he does he
will be dead l tell you and it's
not a threat it's a warning .

He storms out of the room .

What's his problem ? Nyoni
gives the best hugs ever .


The betrayer calls . I just

answer .
*Me*: wow you calling means
you know I'm out of prison but
you didn't even bother to come
check on me dear brother .

*Him*: Smanga get your ass

here it's about dad .

The seriousness on his voice

scares me .

*Me*: what's wrong ?

*Him*: l can't say over the
phone please come right now .

The urgency in his voice has me

taking my car keys and running
to it car .

The walk with the boys and

Noma will have to wait my dad
is more important .
I picjed up Nyoni at his
apartment . To say he's stressed
is an understatement .

Which gets me scared Nyoni

never gets stressed like ever .

*Me*: Do you think everything

is alright?

I ask driving at a fast speed .

*Him*: The elders aren't
showing me anything let's just
keep him in our prayers .

He says with a heavy voice .

The palace gates open as l drive

through .

Nyoni is out of the car before l

have even parked it .
I follow .

The servants escort us to his

chambers .

We find Thuba , Njabulo and

mom there .

Mom hugs me .

*Nyoni*: My King ....

He's lying on his bed looking so
fragile .

*Him*: Nyoni my friend you

are alive .

He says weakly smiling.

*Me*: baba
He's breathing heavily .

*Him*: Smangaliso Ngonyama

my son .

*Me*: what is wrong with him ?

Mom is a crying mess .

*Her*: we don't know .

*Me*: call a doctor ,no Njabulo
check on your father !

Mom holds me .

*Her*: he can't ...

*Me*: what do you mean he

can't he's a qualified doctor he
owns a hospital you can't tell
me he has forgotten how to
diagnose a patient .
*Nyoni*: What law?

*Mom*: the king can't be

treated by a medical
doctor .Nyoni is there
something you can do ?

*Me*: Njabulo let's talk .

He walks out with me

*Me*: Are you okay?

The way he looks so lost even

that day l found a dead body in
his house he didn't look like
this .

*Him*: I'm so lost l feel so

helpless one minute he was
okay then the next....
He wipes a few tears . The last
time l saw Njabulo cry was at
Fikile's funeral .

*Me*: So what do we do ?

He shruggles.

*Him*: l did suggest that we

take him to the hospital to hell
with the damn ancestors but he
refused he said if it's his time
it's his time you know how he
is .

He exhales and pushes the wall .

*Him*: Damn Smanga l love

that guy l really do .l should
have been a better son .

*Me*: His not yet dead there

must be a solution.
He sadly smiles .

*Him*: You are in denial come

on let's go receive our blessings.

He pushes me inside the


He calls me to come stand by
his side . He his hand over
mine .

*Him*: l need you to be strong

for this kingdom Ngonyama .

*Me*: Don't say that dad you

are not dying not today

He coughs .
*Him*: l leave this kingdom in
your hands my people are your
people take care of my land my
son .

*Me*: Dad you are talking to

the wrong son .

*Him*: l never raised you to be

a weak man Ngonyama fight for
what's yours.
*Me*: Dad........

He pulls me closer to him and

whispers to my ear .

*Him*: My son don't make the

same mistakes l made l trusted
and married a snake .Look for
your chosen one and marry her
that way you will be stronger .
They have succeeded in killing
me but don't you worry l will
always be there for you in spirit
Ngonyama .

With that he gives up the ghost .

*Mum*: No no no

She cries out coming to the

bed .She shakes him.

*Her*: Your majesty?

Ngonyama ? Babe ?
She throws herself to the floor
and breaks down .

Njabulo tries to comfort her but

she pushes him away .

*Nyoni*: Gather the villagers l

will have to make the
announcement .

He says to the servants

His voice is heavy and full of
pain .l know he is trying to act
strong for us .

*Me*: l can't do this.....

I run to the forest .l don't know

how to feel . Dad said a lot of
things l didn't understand .

Why can't l live a normal

peaceful life like other human
beings. Why does it have to be
one thing after another?


I close his eyes .Thuba and the

Queen are busy crying . Smanga
has disappeared Njabulo is
sitting at a corner has got his
head over his knees .
I didn't expect this to happen at
all. How could the ancestors
hide it from me ?

And the cause of death they are

not saying anything .

*Me*: take the royal family to

their chambers .

I say to the servants .

Since I'm the royal seer I'm
temporary in charge of the
Kingdom till we crown our new
king .

I'm told that the villagers have

gathered around the square area .

I go over there to address them .

*Me*: People of Ngonyama it

is my greatest regret to .......
*Queen*: Stop right there
Nyoni !

She commands as she comes to

stand next to me .

*Her*: What the hell do you

think you are doing?

What is she saying by tradition

we have to declare a mourning
period because we lost our
leader .

I whisper to her .

*Me*: They have the right to

know .

*Her*: And who made you in


*Me*: I'm the royal seer .

*Her*: Are you ?

She folds her arms expecting an

answer .

Her eyes are red and swollen

that has the villagers whispering
amongst themselves .

*Me*: What is that supposed to

mean your majesty ?
*Her*: Nyoni you disappeared
for three full months now you
want to come tell us what to do .

*Me*: your majesty ....

She places her finger on my lips

as a way of shutting me up .
*Her*: No Nyoni we replaced
you the current royal seer is
the one in charge .

I have been replaced?

*Me*:And who's that ?

*Her*: Noone so I'm next in

line that means I'm in charge .
Now excuse me l want to
address the villagers .
I have never seen anything like
this before . What is going on ?

*Her*: People of Ngonyama.......

She tells them about the King's

passing and all declares the
mourning period .

I go look for Njabulo .

*Me*: Crown Prince .

I bow down .

Thuba comes in .

*Her*: Nyoni may you please

go back to whatever hole you
were hiding in this kingdom
doesn't need you .

What is she talking about .

*Me*: Heeeh

*Her*: The Queen has ordered

that you leave the village with
immediate effect otherwise you
might be beheaded .

*Me*: Reason being ?

*Njabulo*: You abandoned Dad
he wouldn't be dead if you were
always by his side.

*Me*: Are you blaming me for

the King's death?

*Thuba*: Out Nyoni the

Queen's orders .

I take my stuff and get out .I'm

escorted by two guards .
One attendant comes running to
us .

*Him*: The Queen says don't

bother coming to the funeral .

What's going on? I just nod and

take my ass out .l can't believe I
won't be able to see the King to
his resting place .

The kids are asleep we are

seated at the cinema with
Thembi eating popcorns
watching a romantic movie .

*Thembi*: Are you crying ?

She asks throwing a popcorn

into her mouth .
*Me*: it's just that ....the guy is
a jerk .

I say wiping my tears .

She giggles .

*Her*: you are such a baby it's

just a movie .

*Him*: ladies
We look up .

He looks like he's been hit by a

train .

He's clothes are torn .His hair is

dusty and has some tree leaves
on it .

Thembi stands .
*Her*: babe ....

She cups his cheeks .

*Her*: whatever is the problem

my Prince .

He seats his dirty self on the

white couches.

*Him*: The King is late .

*Thembi*: Nooooooooo.....

She cries out .

*Me*: My condolences your

highness .

He ignores and pulls his wife

into a tight hug .
Okay this is my cue to leave .

I decide to go check on the

children .

My mouth is on the floor as l

see Nkosiyabo .

He is literally floating in the

air .He's in a sitting position
though cross legged .
The other two are dead asleep .

What should l do ? Should l call

Smanga? He's grief stricken he
will think I'm trying to seek
attention .

*Me*: Nkosi..........

He opens his eyes .

*Me*: Baby come to mummy.

I say opening my arms to
him .I'm scared no lie .

He smiles and shakes his head .

He points to the wall .l look and

it's written .....

*Don't worry about me I'm fine

just mourning my grandfather,
please leave*
I nod though I'm a bit freaked
out . I will have to tell Nyoni
about this .

I decide to leave closing the

door behind me just hoping
against hope that Thembi and
Smanga won't decide to check
on the kids .
I'm now in my room .I'm
finding it hard to sleep and it's
close to midnight .I'm just
staring at the ceiling.

The door opens .

Damn why didn't l lock it .

Even if it's dark l can recognize

that handsome frame .
He gets into my blankets. Is he
mad ?

*Me*: What are .....

*Him*: shhhhh MaBande l just

want to sleep.

He spoons me five minutes later

he's is asleep . I also feel my
eyelids getting heavier . I let
sleep take me just hoping
Thembi won't find us like this
in the morning .


I couldn't sleep at the palace last

night that's why l went to the
city .

I hoot and hoot but noone takes

action . Why are the guards not
opening the palace gates for me .
*Thembi*: What is wrong with
them? It's not like they can't
recognize your car .

She says dabbing her eyes with

them tissues. She's taking dad's
passing badly they got along so
well .

*Me*: l don't know.

I get out of my car press the
intercom .

*Voice*: hello

*Me*: Thuba please tell the

guards to open the gate for me l
have been here for the past
twenty minutes .

*Her*: They are following the

Queen's orders .
*Me*: Queen's orders?

*Her*: Yes you are banished

from the kingdom Smanga .

My ears must be playing tricks

with me .

*Me*:What ? Thuba this is not

the time for your tricks open the
damn gates !!!
No answer .

I get back into the car .

*Thembi*: Are they opening

the gates?

I shake my head no .
*Me*: Thuba said l have been
banished from the kingdom .

I hit the steering wheel .

*Me*: l don't know what the

fuck that means .

She holds my hand .

*Her*: let's wait I'm sure there

must be an misunderstanding .
I decide to call Mom .

*Me*: Your majesty your

guards are refusing to open the
gates for me .

*Her*: Smanga l don't want to

see your face here sonny .

*Me*: Mum?
She laughs .

*Her*: Mum me? I'm not your

mother .Since your dad is late
what else is left for you in this
kingdom ? .Just go Smanga you
loved the city life better
anyways .

*Me*: mom you ain't making

sense please open the gates for
me I just want to mourn dad this
has got nothing to do with the
throne l don't want it .


She drops the call on me .

I just bury my head into my

wife's boobs and cry .l don't
know what's going on but it
seems like l won't be able to
mourn my dad .


I'm greeted by the dirty yard

first . Did she move out?

But then there is smoke coming

from the summer kitchen.

*Me*: Aunty?
I call out .

She comes out from one of the

huts .

She looks like she's been

wrestling with demons .

*Her*: who are those ?

*Me*: Mqabutho , Nkosiyabo
and Nqobizitha they are princes .

She bows a bit .

The respect this village has for

the royal family .

*Her*: How come you have

them did you kidnap them ?

*Me*: what no I'm their nanny .

*Her*: ohhhh

*Me*: are you okay ?

*Her*: Our King is late how

can l be and rumor says Nyoni
the royal seer has been banished
from the kingdom .

*Me*: What ?
She takes the kids and puts
them in one hut gives them my
old toys to play with .

We are now sitting under the

tree which used to be my
father's favorite .

When we came to the village

with Smanga l first asked to
come see aunt they said they
will be here for a month since
they will be in mourning so
afterwards l have to go with the
boys to the palace l can't believe
I will live in the palace for a
whole month .

I thought my aunt will chase me

away amazingly she's being
nice .

*Her*: l can't believe the King

passed without fulfilling the
promise he made to your
grandmother .

*Me*: What promise ?

*Her*: it doesn't matter now

what's the use of talking about
he's late now isn't it .l was just
so focused on my grief that l
never really paid attention to
you that l punished you for
someone else's sin for that I'm
so sorry Noma.

She says tears falling from her

eyes .

*Me*: Aunty.......

Smanga's car enters the yard

before l could say what l want
to say .
As soon as my aunt recognizes
the royal plates she drops to the
ground .

Smanga gets out of the car and

comes to us .

*Him*: ma'am please stand up .

*Her*: My Prince .
I see the neighbors peeping
through their windows. I'm sure
my aunt is going to be the talk
of the village that she has been
visited by the royal family .

*Her*: My condolences .

*Him*: Thank you ma'am .I'm

sorry I'm here to steal your
niece we have to be back on the
road .
*Her*: You are going back to
the city already ? What are the
funeral and all ?

*Him*:It seems like l have been

banished from the kingdom .

*Her*: First it was Nyoni now

you this kingdom is falling
apart and to think it hasn't even
been twenty four hours since
Ngonyama gave up the ghost .

*Him*: You seem not to be

surprised that l was banished .

*Her*: there is nothing

surprising there my prince it
just became clearer that the
Queen was pretending to love
you that's cause you are not her
biological son .
*Him*: that's what she said how
am l not her biological son l
mean I'm the youngest .

*Gloria*: l really don't know

the story just the villager's

*Him*: what are they ?

She exhales .
*Her*: Your highness it's not
my place to say .

*Him*: Tell me that's a

command .

*Her*: Rumor has it that the

king cheated with Nyoni's
mother you are the result of the
affair .
I have my hand over my mouth .

Shock is written over Smanga's

face .

*Her*: The Queen forgave the

King and raised you as
hers .Whoever was heard
talking about the affair was
killed that's why you never
heard anything .
*Smanga*: Noma the kids let's
go .

With that he goes back to the

car looking defeated .

I hurry up and take the boys .

*Me*: Bye aunty .

She gives me a hug .

That's new .

*Her*: Take care we will talk

some day when you are not
busy . Don't be a stranger .

*Me*: l will visit .

*Dad*: Anyone at home ?

Not Bongiwe and l racing each

other downstairs .

I reach him first and crush him

into a tight hug .

Bongiwe follows bumping into

us .

*Her**: Daddy we missed you .

*Mum*: l always knew he was
the favorite .

*Me*: that's not true my

beautiful mother .

That has her smiling .

It's after mom and Bongiwe my

twin sister have go to the
kitchen that l ask Dad about
what's bothering me.

*Me*: Dad remember you once

showed me a picture of your
mother .

He knows nestling his whisky .

*Me*: Well the other day l met

a lady that looks exactly like her
at the supermarket .
*Him*: Really .

He says uninterested .

*Me*: Weird thing she called

me *dad*

*Him*: Hmmmm

*Me*: Dad say something .

*Him*: what do you want me to
say ?

*Me*: Anything .....

*Him*: You met a woman that

is supposedly looks like your
grandma and she called you
dad . What do you want me to
say ? You are just thinking too
much there's nothing to it .
With that he stands up and go
join the ladies in the kitchen .

I follow

*Me*: l want to go see

grandfather how come we have
never met him .

*Bongiwe*: that's a brilliant

idea l mean we are twenty five
and we have never actually
gone to our village why ?

*Dad*: I don't want to hear

about this nonsense ever again
noone is going anywhere ! I will
be in the study .

He storms off .

*Bongiwe*: And that ?

She asks handing mom the
knife .

*Mom*: My babies listen your

father had a fall out with his
family that's why we never visit
over there okay . So just drop
the issue .

*Bongiwe*: But mom .....

*Her*: Drop it let this be the
last l hear of it.

I wonder what the fall out was

about .


*Me*: Do you want to break

down my door !
I yell going to open it .

It's Smanga .

*Me*:Your highness.

He pushes me aside and let's

himself in .

*Him*: When were you going

to tell me ?
*Me*: That l was banished
from the kingdom ? After the
funeral .

*Him*: I'm not talking about

that .

Then what is he talking about?

The promise perhaps?

*Me*: then what my Prince ?

*Him*: When were you going
to tell me that we are brothers .

I didn't expect that

*Him*: you are shocked l

know ?

*Him*: You could have said
something .

*Me*: There was nothing l

could say . I mean you are the
reason why I'm an orphan so it's
easier to think of as the Prince
of our land than a brother .
*Him*: What ?

*Me*: The moment Nyoni the

Great found out about your
parents affair he tried to kill the
king but he was caught in the
act he got beheaded . Then my
mom died giving birth to you .
Thinking of you as a brother
pains me cause of you I'm an
*Him*: Is that why you never
said anything ?

*Me*: Well it was a royal

command that everyone in the
Ngonyama kingdom should not
say anything .

He looks hurt.
*Me*: Close the door behind
you when you leave .

I go to my bedroom and lock

myself inside .

It's such an emotional day for

me . First the king's passing
then the Queen's drama now
Smanga has found out the truth .
It's just too much for one
person .

He might think I'm shutting him

out it's just that l don't know
how to deal with this . It's
something l knew but never
paid attention to it .

And besides l have never seen

him as a brother so l don't know
how to treat him as one
[6/15, 18:39] Nicky❤🔥:


*Grandma*: He needs you now

more than ever . You are
stronger together the sooner you
realize that the better .

*Me*: Gogo what do you mean ?

*Her*: His is yours to love .

I wake up .

What was the dream about ?

I go check on the kids first

before going downstairs

There's is commotion .
*Thembi*: Where do you all
think you are going?

The royal stuff have packed

their bags .

*One*: The Queen has ordered

us back to the palace .

*Thembi*: What ???

*One*: Yes she has sent a car
for us so we are leaving .

Even them royal bodyguards

have their stuff packed .

They all go out and get into the

sent car.

Thembi is left defeated.

*Her*: l don't understand .

She cries .

I embrace her rubbing her back .

*Me*: everything is going to be

okay .

*Her*: You are wrong it's about

to get worse .l will have to find
new stuff .The Queen will get
what's coming to her l tell you
the Ngonyama ancestors don't
play my dear .l will go lie
down .

*Me*: May l take a walk ?

*Her*: yeah sure

She says climbing up the stairs .

I wonder what Smanga must be
going through if Thembi is
broken like this .


The little girls are crying

begging for their lives .

There must be around thirteen ,

fourteen .
Their are tied up with black
ropes .

*Me*: Five is all you got ?

The servant nods .

*Him*: Yes your majesty l

believe they're friends l picked
them up by the riverside they
were drawing water .
*Me*: Are you all virgins ?

They all nod crying .

Perfect .

They are just what l need .

*Me*: Lock the doors .

The servant locks the door .

*Me*: Untie them .

He does .

They look at me l guess trying

to figure out what l want to do
with them.

*Me*: You are free to go .

*One*: But you locked the
doors .

*Me*:Did l ?

I ask changing my form .

*One*: Inyoka!!!! (Snake)

She screams .
They all start running around
the room bumping into each
other trying to get out of the
room .

Just what l want l love energetic

prey .

Let me feast on them virgins l

need to strengthen myself .
Just in case Smanga might want
to fight me .l know that he's the
golden lion .

Mnx these ancestors have got

favors imagine if it was Njabulo
who had the power l was going
to be unstoppable .


I bump into him by the gate .

He really really looks bad .

*Him*: Where are you going?

*Me*: I'm taking a walk l want

to clear my mind .

*Him*: l know just the place

come with me .
We get into the car and he
drives .

*Me*: Where are we going?

*Him*: To the first place l met

you .

Didn't we meet at the police

I just relax on the seat
wondering where he's taking
me .

I don't know what to say to him

so l just keep quiet.

*Him*: There's just something

about you that calms me down .
I look at him trying to
understand what he's talking
about .

*Him*: You are my safe place

if you weren't around l think l
would go crazy .

He puts his hand on mine and

drives with one .
I'm amazed that we are at the
village .

We drive to the forest .

It's off limits for the villagers

but me being me have always
came here .

It's my grandmother that

introduced it to me .
This is where she gave the
amulet . From that day l could
speak to animals .

He steps out of the car and

opens the door for me .

He takes my hand and we go

together hand in hand.
We go by the river and sit on
the rocks just watching the river
flow .

I have my head over his chest as

if we are lovers of some sort .

I must be embrassed of myself .

That moment Thembi starts
being nice to me l go behind her
back and do things with her
husband .
*Smanga*: What things are you
doing with me ?

He asks kissing my forehead .

Before l go answer all the beasts

of the forest come and surround
us .
You might think I'm lying to
you but l swear these animals
are bowing down to us .

*Me*: Guys what is going on .

*Elephant*: We came to pay

our respect .

He says blowing his trumpet .

Smanga looks at me and
whispers to my ear .

*Him*:What's going on ?

I whisper back .

*Me*: They said they are here

to pay their respects .

He smiles a bit .
Shame poor soul l really can't
imagine what his father's death
is doing to him and those
revelations that the Queen ain't
his mama.

*Deer*: You are stronger

together ,both of your
Kingdoms will prosper when
you two are together .
Both of our kingdoms what
kingdom do l have ?

Smanga pulls me closer to him .

*Him*: Promise me one thing

MaBande .

*Me*: What Ngonyama wami

omuhle ?(handsome)
*Him*: That no matter what
you will always be here ,right
by myself .That when it gets
tough you won't walk away .

For the kids sake l won't l will

stand by his side . That's what
Thobile would have wanted ,
irregardless of everything she
was a good woman she just
made a bad choice when it came
to Njabulo .
*Me*: I promise.

I say giving him my pinky

finger .

He chortles as we make a pinky

promise .

We are now getting back into

the car when he decides to grace
us with his presence .
*Him*: The last time l heard
you were banish from this
kingdom .

He says looking at Smanga .

*Smanga*: I'm leaving Njabulo .

*Him*: It's crown prince soon

to be king of this kingdom .
*Smanga*: Yeah sure tell that
to someone who actually cares
bro .

*Him*: And you ? I had heard

you disappeared .

*Me*: ummn l ehmmm yah ......

I scratch my head .
Why am l suddenly
stammering ? This guy
intimates me .

*Smanga*: She's none of your

business .

*Njabulo*: l met her first .

*Smanga*: You are married .

He snarls at him .
*Him*: So are you dear brother .

*Me*: You never visit your

kids .

They both look at me .

I want to know the kids come

first to me .
*Him*: They died to me that
moment Thobile took her last

*Me*: Come-on l know they

might remind you of her but
why punish them ? Why deny
them the chance of growing up
with their father .
*Him*: They have a father
alright l gave them to my
brother .

I don't think he knows that they

don't share the same mother .

I think Njabulo doesn't

completely hate Smanga l don't
know how to explain it he's just
maybe jealous of the guy .
*Smanga*: We should find a
lawyer then sign them over to
me . I will be their father by
law ,you can't take them away
from me when they are older
after l have raised them .

*Him*: Sure thing you do just

that .

*Smanga*: Just do me a favour .

*Njabulo*: What ?

*Him*: When dad is being

taken to his final resting place
may you please film the whole
thing and send it to me.

Suddenly his expression

changes and he pats Smanga's
shoulder .
*Him*: l will make sure dad's
funeral streams live little
brother .

*Smanga*: Thank you .

He says getting into the car .

*Me*: Prince Njabulo l don't

understand you one minute you
are hot one minute you are cold.
He raises his eyebrows .

*Him*: What ?

*Me*: One minute you are nice

to Prince Smanga the other you
are cold why?

He doesn't answer he just turns

away followed by his servants .

*Me*: Kakubekuhle
kubemhlophe bantu
abadala .(talking to ancestors)

*Her*: Makhosi

She says clapping her hands .

I wrap her her herbs and hand

her to them .
*Me*: Bath with these in a
running stream and all doors are
going to open . You will get the
job .

*Her*: Ngiyabonga( thank you)


She says with tears falling from

her eyes .

She stands up and leaves .

I'm trying to distract myself by
seeing clients .

This thing of what's going on in

the Ngonyama kingdom is not
seating well with me .

I open my bedroom door and l

get the shock of life as l see
baby Nkosiyabo sitting of my
bed .
I bow down face down on the
floor .

*Me*: My Prince.......

*Him*: Your brother needs

you . You can't hold it against
him he didn't chose to be born
the way he was born .
This guy so he won't tell me to
stand up .

*Me*: But my prince l.......

*Him*: No Nyoni you know he

is nothing without you . You are
meant to be his advisor his royal
seer .

*Me*: but l also got my own

life .....
*Him*: Fulfil your
purpose ,you were born to be
his protector .

Sucks being me l tell you .


The palace is full .Them

relatives are here . Even my
family .
*Mum*: But my Queen how
could you want to hold
Ngonyama's funeral tomorrow .

*Queen*: Queen Sophie l will

run my kingdom the way l see
fit the king is going to be buried
tomorrow .

*Mum*: Noone is denying that

but then you should remember
that this is a very traditional
family everything has to go
according to the Ngonyama's
traditions otherwise you feel the
wrath of the ancestors.

*Queen*: Your majesty please

save your speech for someone
who actually cares we are
burying my husband not yours
so do you dare come tell me
what to do in my kingdom .
With that she stands and walks
away followed by her
attendants .

My mom claps once .

*Her*: Is this the same woman

that we married you to? I swear
she was the most humblest
sweetest person l have ever met .
*Me*: Your highness it's just
grief speaking she just lost the
most important person of her
life .

Mom shakes her head .

*Her*: No l smell trouble this is

not how things are done .

Can she shut up already .

Burying the king tomorrow will
be an advantage to me that
means by next week Njabulo
will be crowned King and l will
be his Queen .

Life has never been sweeter .

*Mom*: And were is the royal

seer l understand he's the one
that should be.......
I cut her .

*Me*: My Queen l have to

check on the crown prince we
will talk later .

I say leaving her .

Who the hell does she think she

is coming here telling us what
to do this is not her kingdom .
*Her*: Wait for me l also want
to see his highness Smanga .

*Me*: Dear mother the crown

prince is Njabulo not Smanga .

*Her*: But......

I leave her there shocked .

Shame she is so behind shame .

Someone has to make it their
job to update her on the current
[6/17, 18:22] Nicky❤🔥:

*Three weeks later*

I run to the bathroom again and
vomit like crazy .

Smanga comes to me rubbing

sleep off his eyes .

*Him*: Babe are you okay ?

You keep saying it's a stomach
bug ,babe I'm taking you to a
doctor this ain't normal .
*Me*: babe it's just a bug I'm
good .

I say looking up from the toilet

seat .

He strips naked as he gets into

the shower .

I don't remember the last time

he touched me .
He says he's in mourning l
understand but for how long .

I'm scared to go to the doctor

honestly .

*Him*: Ain't you joining me ?

He says taking his head out of

shower .

*Me*: Coming.....
We have drifted apart . Instead
of us finding comfort in each
other since we both lost the
King we are growing apart .

He's not the same Smanga that

was madly in love with me .

He's not the same Smanga who

would send me ten thousand
texts when he was away from
me .

I get into the shower . Nothing

happens it's like he's no longer
attracted to my body .

I even steal a glance at his

member dololo it's not up and
ready for action .
After showering we both go to
our respective closets and dress
up .

We then go downstairs .

*Noma*: Good morning ....

She says chowing on her food .

We are served our food . We
got new stuff after the royal
stuff left .

*Noma*: l think Mqabutho is

coming down with flue .

Smanga's face changes

instantly .

The way he loves those bastards

of his . And to think to this day l
haven't gotten a proper
explanation as to how they
came to being .

Not that l care l don't want

anything to do with them it's
easier to ignore their presence .

*Smanga*: Are you sure ?

*Her*: Yeah but don't worry l

got everything under control.
She says smiling at him .

I'm not a fool this woman digs

my man and she's a threat to my
marriage .

*Me*: Well if he's coming

down with flue what are you
doing here ? Get up go nurse
him .
She quickly stands up ,she's
now a little scared of me

Serves her right .

I beat her up the other day when

l got into her room and all l
could smell was Smanga's
cologne .

*Smanga*: Was that necessary ?

Even the tone he uses on me
nowadays has changed .

Where is my Smanga ?

*Me*: She just said the kid is

sick so she has to nurse it .

*Him*: Nurse it? It Thembi?

What have the poor boys done
to you that you hate them so
much ?
Is that a serious question?

*Me*: l just lost my appetite

let's go .

And the fact that he called me

by my name . It's now my new
norm .He hardly says babe
nowadays .
We drive in silence . Something
that has never happened before .
We always had something to
say to each other .

Did he found out about Njabulo

why the sudden change .

Speaking of Njabulo even since

that day he called me at the
hotel he has never said anything
to me ,he hasn't contacted me
not that l care anyways l just
wanted his sperm .

*Receptionist*: My Prince the

doctor is waiting for you .

We take the elevator to the

doctor's office .

He knocks and we get in .

After telling the old creepy guy
my symptoms he makes me
take a pregnancy test .

Smanga is just seated browsing

through his phone .

After a while the doctor

demands our attention .
*Him*: Congratulations Mr and
Mrs Ngonyama you are five
weeks pregnant.

Shit is all my mind could say.

Yes all l have ever wanted was
a baby of my own . But what's
the use of bringing it into a
shattering marriage . I'm not
sure where l stand with this guy
anymore what if he decides that
he has had enough of me . What
will l do then with this baby ?
I look at him . His expression is
unreadable .

*Doctor*: You guys don't seem

to be happy what's the problem .

*Smanga*: What's the use we

are just going to lose the
pregnancy again .

The doctor stares at him .

*Doc*: What do you mean ?

*Me*: We have had four

miscarriages doctor we don't
have kids .

Smanga looks at me .

*Him*: We don't have kids?

And the kids we left at home ?
Are those not kids?
*Me*: Oh please Smanga you
can't expect me to call your
bastards mine !!!

I raise my voice at him . That's

something l have never done he
pushed me .

He stands up .
*Him*: Thank you doctor for
you time .

*Doc*: l thought we should first

take some tests on her majesty
so that we find out what was
causing the miscarriages so as
to avoid one during this
pregnancy .

*Him*: There is no need doc

we are traditional people we
shouldn't have come here in the
first place .

He picks up his phone and car


He goes out without saying

anything to me . I mumble a
thank you to the doctor and run
after Smanga
By the time l reach him he has
started the car was this guy
honestly going to leave me here ?

We drive to an apartment .

He still hasn't said anything to

me .

Before he knocks the apartment

door opens .
There stands Nyoni in only a
towel wrapped around his waist .
His locks are hanging free .
Wow damn l don't remember
the last time l got some .

*Smanga*: Bhudi( brother)

Nyoni scoffs .

*Him*: l prefer Nyoni come in .

We sit on the couches .

Someone tell this guy to get

dressed he's not doing me any
justice .


All l want is a relationship with

my brother is that too much to
ask for?
I have been trying for the past
three weeks but it seems like the
guy wants nothing to do with
me .

I'm hurt by the fact that he

doesn't want me to call him
brother .

I was expecting him to be a

better person than Njabulo but
yoooh . Maybe I'm the problem
maybe I'm not lovable as a
brother .

*Nyoni*: Let me get dressed

how can l help you your
majestys .

Thembi clears her throat .

*Her*: By first getting dressed

Nyoni .
She says with her authoritive
voice .

I used to find that sexy once

upon a time . How she could be
so strong and commanding .
How she could stand her
ground .

But l suddenly just don't like it

when she does that especially to
Noma and surprisingly Nyoni
too .

He stands up and goes dresses

up .

I'm annoyed by her no lie .

The way she treats the kids as if

they are some strangers we
picked up at the roadside .
To be honest l wanted to tell her
the truth that they are not mine
but since l don't know what she
will do when she finds out their
are Njabulo's l will rather say
they are mine .

Nyoni comes back .

*Him*: Can l serve you guys

something to eat ?
I know he knows this is not a
social visit otherwise he
wouldn't have waited for us by
his door .

*ME*: Can we get down to

business ?

He leads us to a room . It feels

like his old hut back at the
*Him*: Shoes

He gives a cold stare to Thembi .

He's not really nice when he

gets all ancestral .

She removes her shoes l know

she doesn't want to but there's
nothing she can do about it .
We now sitting on the grass
mats as quiet as fuck .

*Nyoni*: l see a baby five

weeks old .

*Me*: is it going to survive?

*Nyoni*: Yes

That's a first Nyoni has always

told is from the first pregnancy
that our babies weren't going to
survive .

*Me*: How is that possible ? I

thought that the ancestors were
against us having children
together .

*Nyoni*: They are not not

saying anything . The only
reply is time will tell .
I hold Thembi's hand and smile
at her .

It must be the pregnancy

hormones that make her
annoying .

I know that l love her .

*Me*: This is what we always

wanted .
She nods with tears glistening
in her eyes .

*Her*: It feels like a dream

Smanga l can't believe our baby
is going to survive .

I embrace her . This is all l have

ever wanted l should be excited
as fuck but l don't know why
something in me tells me that
there's is something wrong .
Something is not adding up .

I just ignore the feeling .

I will just have to live in the
moment and be happy . Maybe
this is my father blessing us
knowing veery well how much
we wanted children.l will just
have to be grateful .

*Maid*: Ma'am you have a
visitor .

Okay so l don't know why

Smanga asked all the stuff in
this house to call me Ma'am
when I'm just one of them .

*Me*: A visitor ?

She nods .
I put Nkosiyabo on his cot he
just fell asleep in my arms .

I go downstairs and right there

seating on the couch is the guy l
met at the shops the other day .

I'm suddenly so nervous . What

is he doing here ?

I clear my throat .
He stands up . He's pretty tall .

*Him*: Hie ....

He warmly smiles at me

*Me*: Ummm is it really

you ?Dad? I mean you should
be older.
I say seating my ass down . I
don't trust my feet I'm suddenly
feeling a bit weak .

He also seats .

*Him*: Do you think I'm Senzo

Bande ?

*Me*: Ain't you ?

Why are tears suddenly
clouding my eyes ? Like come
on he doesn't have to know that
his absence affected me a lot .
When he left me at the mercy of
his sister's abuse.

*Him*: I'm not.....

The tears freely fall .

*Him*: But I'm his son Bongani
Bande .

Oh so he has another family

besides me . Is that why he left
me at the village because he
was taking care of his other
family .

*Me*: How did you find me ?

Why is my voice breaking ?

The guy comes sits next to me
and hugs me .

I just lay my head on his

shoulder and sob.

He keeps rubbing my back

telling me that everything will
be okay .

She falls asleep .

I love her l know for sure that

she's my sister .

I did something that l thought l

would never do in my entire
life .

I went to consult a seer about

her .
She the seer didn't tell me a lot
just that we were of the same
blood and where l could find
her .

I don't care who her mother is

how she came into being she's
my little angel
Though l know this will hurt
mom l mean it's quite obvious
that Noma is younger than us .

I wonder if Bongiwe will accept

her just like l have .

She really is unpredictable.

A woman and a man come in .

The man doesn't look so happy
to see me .

*Him*: And who the hell are

you ?

He looks like he wants to kill

me l tell you .

*Me*: I'm sorry I'm her brother

Bongani Bande.....
His facial expression changes at
once .

*Him*: I'm so sorry l didn't

know umm are you comfortable
did the stuff treat you good ?
Were you served food?

*Me*: yes thank you

I'm amazed why the sudden
change of heart cause l said I'm
her brother .


*Njabulo*: Mother it's been

three weeks when I'm l getting
crowned ?

She gives him a bored look .

*Her*: Njabulo not now

She's been avoiding this topic . I

kept the end of my deal but
she's failing to deliver .

*Him*: But my Queen you

know that the village can't stay
without a leader since I'm the
crown prince.......
*Her*: Njabulo l said not now
can't l mourn your father in
peace why do you have to be so
annoying ,your father's body
hasn't even decomposed but no
you are already thinking of his
throne .

Heh she's mourning someone

she killed ?
*Him*: whether you are
mourning or not the law is the
law .

She stands up from her throne .

*Her*: The law you say .....

*Him*: Yes
*Queen*: What does the law
say about the crowning of the
king .

She looks at us .

I don't know .

Njabulo gives her a defeated

look .
*Her*: That's right come to me
with him now leave my
presence .

Njabulo leaves l follow behind

him .

*Me*: What do you have to do ?

I ask as we reach our chambers .

*Him*: l have to look for Nyoni
he's the royal seer .

*Me*: But he was banished

from the kingdom .

*Him*: We should have

thought of that before banishing
him l don't think he will want to
come crown me that go back to
the city since he's banished .
Why am l getting the feeling
that the Queen played me?


*Me*: coming ......

I go open the door .

What is she doing here ? And

why is she wearing a coat when
it's this hot?
*Me*: You are back .

She gives me a weird smile

*Her*: Relax it's just me ,l left

Smanga at home .

*Me*: Do you want to consult

about the baby your highness ?
She pushes the door open .

She locks it after she gets in

She approaches me

I don't know why I'm moving

backwards .l hit the wall .

She puts her arms around my

neck and smashes her lips onto
mine .
I push her and slap her so hard
that she falls .

She stands up .

*Her*: Come on Nyoni l know

you want it more than l do .

She says unbuttoning her coat .

*Me*: Mnx get the fuck out of
my house l don't do skinny
bonny bitches like you .

*Her*: Nyoni

I pull her by her hand and take

her out of my apartment .

I close the door afterwards as l

curse .
Heeh wonders never cease .

[6/21, 14:10] Nicky❤🔥:



I just stare at her as she

continues to go on and on with
her story. I have even forgotten
half of the story already .
Her crocodile tears don't move
me .

*Me*: Are you done?

*Her*: Nyoni please you have

got to come back to the village .

I don't even know how she

found me .

There's a knock on my door .

I open .

This sexy looking lady comes

in .

*Her*: Hie sorry is this Nyoni's

place ?

I nod .
*Me*: You need help ?

*Her*: Yeah l.....

*Me*: shhhh not here.

I look at Thuba .

*Me*: Your highness please if

you will excuse me l got some
business to take care of .
*Her*: Nyoni are you seriously
kicking me out of your place ?
Me your crown princess? Your
soon to be Queen?

*Me*: The last time l checked l

was banished from the so called
kingdom so get out !

I raise my voice at her .lt shocks

her I'm known as a collected
person it's just that I'm tired of
hearing about the Ngonyama

She signals to her servants to

pack up her stuff .

*Her*: You will regret treating

me like this Nyoni mark my
words .

I close the door after her.

Then turn to my guest .

*Me*: Sorry about that may we ?

I say leading her to my work

place .


I'm crying uncontrollable .

I shouldn't have come here to
consult .

Not knowing the truth was

better . How could he? He's
supposed to be my father .

The sexy seer hands me them

tissues .
*Me*: I'm so sorry l didn't
mean to ummm.....

*Him*: it's okay take your time

sweetheart .

Sweetheart ? Why is that

making me smile?

*Me*: Is that a nickname you

give to all your customers ?
He scratches his head giving me
a side smile .

Is he nervous?

*Him*: No it's just you . Do

you have a problem with that ? I
don't want to make you feel
uncomfortable ....

*Me*: No not at all .

*Him*: relax then let me
prepare something for you to
eat .

He's trying to make me feel

better . I'm hurt no lie l don't
think l will ever see my father
the same way.

I'm just wondering why he

would do such a thing to me .
I'm his only daughter his
princess . Why???

I'm still silently sobbing as the

seer cooks .

I don't have an appetite but then

the guy seems to know his way
around the kitchen. It smells
heavenly in here .

*Him*: Come ....

I go sit at the kitchen island he
dishes up for me .

*Him*: You know what?

He says taking my hand into

his .

*Him*: It's not the end of the

world .
*Me*: Nyoni you don't
understand ....

*Him*: Make me understand .

The tear works start again .

*Me*:it's every woman's dream

to have kids of their own . What
hurts most is that l wasn't born
like this .l wasn't born barren
Nyoni .
Saying it hurts a lot .

*Me*: And to think my

husband left me because we
couldn't have kids ....

He comes over to my side and

sits besides me .

*Me*: l shouldn't be stressing

you with my stories.....
He places his finger on my lips .

*Him*: shhh

I look at his eyes he stares right

back .

His eyes there is just something

about them that draws me to
him .
I nervously smile . Truth be told
I'm finding this guy very
attractive .

*Him*: A beauty like you

shouldn't cry .

He says wiping my tears .

I don't really know who started

it but what l can tell you right
now is l have never been kissed
like this before .

Our tongues communicate .

I can feel his body heat . I'm

aroused as much as he is.

He picks me up and puts me

onto of the table .
Look at me wrapping my arms
around his neck .

A tiny little voice says *Girl

you hardly know this guy*.

I ignore it . Only if it knew how

much l need this .

This past few months have been

emotional straining .
Not my ex husband always
bringing women at what used to
be our house . Have sex with
them . He used to make me
watch them and would spit the
words *if feels so damn good to
sleep with a real woman and not
a barren bitch*

As his fingers move over my

body he's awakening feelings l
had forgotten exist .
My heart rate has accelerated.

He stops .

*Me*: ummm why did you

stop ?

Don't tell me this guy will leave

me hanging like this .
*Him*: I don't want you to feel
like I'm taking advantage of you
like umm l will just ...

He says wanting to walk away .

I pull him back to me .

Lock my legs around his waist

and we continue from where we
left off .

He puts them pillows behind

my back .

*Him*: relax babe l don't want

you to stress .

I have this ridiculous smile on

my face .

Damn l love being pregnant .

*Me*: but babe I'm just a few
weeks pregnant .

*Him*: we are not taking any

chances this time ,you have to
carry this baby full term .

I pout and he pecks me .

Okay so maybe just maybe my

marriage ain't doomed after all .
The brother to Noma spent the
night here .

No guys come on I'm not

crushing on him I'm just
informing you . I'm not a bitch
you know .

*Him*: Is there anything else

you need ?
*Me*: just a kiss and I'm good .

He chuckles as he pecks me .

Just wish Noma was here to see

all this love I'm receiving .

I just can't help but think that

she is the chosen one the royal
family was talking about .
I mean look ever since Smanga
met Noma he has changed .

I exhale rubbing my so not

visible bump .

I take my phone and dial a

number .

*Her*: l had forgotten l have a

daughter .
*Me*: My Queen you know
that l love you it's nothing
personal it's just that life has me
by the balls .

*Her*: Language ! See why l

didn't want you to school at the
city .

She's being dramatic this one .

*Me*: Mom don't worry I'm .....

*Her*: You are a princess
Thembi you have to behave like
one .

Then she wonders why l never

call her .

*Her*: Now tell me why

weren't you checking up on
your mother ?
*Me*: Your highness I'm
having marital problems .

*Her*: Is Smanga cheating?

*Me*: worse than that ! He has

three kids .

*Mom*: What????

I start crying .
*Me*: He just came with them
one day never explained
anything to me and I'm
expected to just accept them .
Mom and he takes me for a fool
he brought his baby mama with
him and she's posing as their
nanny .

That's the only explanation .

Like the way Nomalanga loves
those kids they are hers .

I don't know why I'm only

seeing it now .

So that means she really is his

chosen one cause Nyoni had
said Smanga can only have kids
with his chosen one .
*Mom*: And you are only
telling me this now ? I told you
that Ben 10 of yours was too
good to be true .

*Me*: Mum what do l do?

*Her*: l didn't raise you to be a

weakling fight for your
marriage . Do whatever it takes .

*Me*: But mah......

She honestly can't be suggesting
that .....

*Her*: You know that's what l

did look at me your father and l
are happy .

*Me*: But your majesty I might

be everything else but a murder .

She scoffs .
*Her*: My Princess sometimes
happiness comes at a price . At
the end of the day its your
choice you do what you see fit
but let me tell you one thing
you will grow old alone and
miserable you know how baby
mama's are .

She has a point .

*Me*: Okay thank you l know
what to do .

With those kids and Noma on

my way l will never be happy .

I will have to kill them sooner

than later .

I have to prepare and a good

environment for my unborn
baby .

*Bongani*: Three more points

man is what we need to win that
cup .

He says sipping on his beer .

*Me*: l know right hopefully

the wolves won't be a problem
next week .
He shakes his head .

*Him*: Damn man l hate that

team .

We laugh .

*Noma*: Are you guys hungry ?

She says coming in into lounge .

*Me*: No and you bhudi
Bongani ?

*Him*: We're good angel .

She giggles . I admire their

relationship .

She stands up .
*Her*: let me leave you to it
then .

She walks away .I'm watching

her behind .

Bongani clears his throat .

I snap out of it .
*Him*: Hopefully Stevens
won't mess up like he did last
time ....

*Me*: That guy annoys the hell

out of me .

I thought he was going to say

something about me checking
out his sister . At least he didn't
he's a nice guy very calm and
collected . And yes I'm the one
who begged him to spend the
night last night .

*Him*: what's in this disc ?

It's the one that Njabulo sent to

me .l haven't watched it yet .
Maybe cause I'm still in denial .

Maybe cause I'm still expecting

him to call me and tell me it
was a prank he's alive and well .
*Me*: It's umm a recording of
my dad's funeral .

*Him*: umm sorry I didn't

know .Are you okay? My dad
and l don't get along sometimes
but l can't imagine life without
him .

*Me*: I'm taking it one day at a

time .
*Him*: yeah ?

*Me*: l haven't watched it .

*Him*: Should we play it ?

*Me*: You want to watch it

with me ?
*Him*: Yeah sure anything for
you .

Guess l have gained a friend

never had one before .


She comes in .

*Me*: A simple task and you

can't do it.
*Her*: My lady you know she's
stubborn .

*Me*: Come on you are

supposed to be more
convincing .

*Her*: I'm trying okay it's just

that Noma seems to be cleverer
than l thought .
*Me*: You are supposed to
hurry up before she meets up
with Smanga .

She clears her throat and starts

playing with the hem of her red
dress .

*Me*: What am l missing ?

*Her*: umm they already live

together .
*Me*: What??

I feel my anger surfacing.

*Her*: My Queen l....l.....

She stammers .

*Me*: Listen to me make sure

Noma is team us by the end of
the week we can't let them mate
with Smanga otherwise all our
plans will be ruined . Do you

*Her*: yes ...yes my Queen .

*Me*: Failure to do so l will

take that red dress .
*Her*: No your majesty you
can't do that l will came with
Noma l promise .

Music to my ears .

Noma is the final touch .


My body welcomes him . It's

been fucking long .
A mourn escapes as he
increases his pace .

Feel my walls tightening around

his dick .

*Him*: Oh fuck

He groans as we come together

at the same time .
He falls besides me . We ended
up taking it to his room .

I brush his locks off his face

*Me*: That was amazing Mr

Seer it's the best I've ever had .

I hope I'm not sounding like a

bitch right now

*Him*: Really ...

He's sweaty .

*Me*: Yeah

*Him*: it umm was my first....

He whispers .

What do l say to that ? Like am

l supposed to believe a guy that
good but then why would he lie
about something like this .


I say kissing him and getting

over him sliding myself over his
length ...
[6/21, 14:10] Nicky❤🔥:

Feeling so sad he's leaving .

*Me*: Don't you want to spend

another night bhudiwakhe ?

I say tightly hugging him

*Him*: You should come over

this weekend at my place okay .
*Me*: l can't go anywhere
without the kids .

*Him*: l didn't say don't bring

them .

*Me*: Okay we will come .

I'm sure Smanga is going to

agree . Hopefully he won't want
to come with . He's behaving as
if Bongani is his brother and not
mine .

He gets into his car and drives

off .

*Him*: You feel like crying

right .

I turn

*Me*: Smanga .
*Him*: l already miss him .

I roll my eyes .

*Me*: He's my brother not

yours so you sir have to stay in
your lane .

He steps closer to me .
*Him*: JJ will kill you dearest
sharing is caring .

I step closer to him too . He's

quite tall I'm now looking up at
him .

*Me*: Not when it comes to

Bongani we might share
everything else .
He wraps his hands around my
waist .

*Him*: Is that so ?

He asks staring down at me .

*Her*: And what the hell is

going on here?

Talk about kill joy .

Smanga immediately leaves me .

*Him*: You are supposed to be

resting .

*Thembi*: So that you play

happy families with your baby

She shouts .
Baby mama ??

Smanga approaches her

*Him*: Thembi don't be

dramatic ,you are stressing the
baby .

The baby???

*Her*: Yes
She says evily smiling at me .

Did l say that out loud ?

*Her*: We are five weeks

pregnant .

She rubs her stupid flat tummy .

Why am l suddenly so sad .

I get inside the house and go
lock myself up in my bedroom.

What kind of game is Smanga


I mean his actions towards me

are a sign that he has feelings
for me . Sometimes he even
spends the night here .
What is the meaning of this ?

I honestly thought they were

having problems because for the
past few weeks you could feel
the tension between them .

I honestly can't expect them to

break up just like that . Those
people have been married for
years .
I'm not blowing things out of
proportion but l refuse to be
played by a man . I'm too young
for this shit .

I pack my clothes put them in a

monarch .

I have been spending my money

wisely .
I still have more than enough to
rent a place .

Like he always does he just

busts into my room .

He holds my hand .

*Him*: What are you doing?

*Me*: Leave my hand .

*Him*: MaBande ....

I continue packing my stuff .

Your girl now has clothes and

all that .

I zip the monarch .

Match to the kids room and start
packing their stuff too .

Smanga has followed me here .

*Him*: Noma please talk to

me ....

*Me*: I'm sick and tired of

being a spare wheel clearly l
don't mean that much to you .
You are just using me.
*Him*: That's not true l....

Go to the drivers quarters .

*Me*: Mr Kyle please start the

car .

*Smanga*: Start the car where

are you going?
*Me*: Somewhere far away
from you and I'm taking the
kids with .l expect my money
every month end .

*Him*: You are not taking my

kids anywhere .

*Me*: I'm so not going to leave

them with that go for nothing
wife of yours .
*Him*: That's my wife you are
talking of .

That statement hurts a lot .

Thembi will always come
first .Like come on this people
have history they have been
together through thick and thin .

*Me*: And what am l to you ?

He avoids my eyes .
*Me*: Answer me what am l to
you ?

*Him*: I'm so sorry if l lead

you on Noma but there has
never been a day that l said l
like you .....

I wipe my tears .
*Me*: Actions speak louder
than words Smanga . Why are
you making things difficult for
us . Come on man we love each

*Him*: Noma ......

Mr Kyle's seems to be enjoying

the drama we brought to his
room .
*Me*: Mr Kyle please the car .

He nods and takes the keys .

*Smanga*: You are taking my

car ?

*Me*: It's not like you have

one .
I'm helped by some of the
servants to pack our stuff into
the car .

The boys and l get inside .

*Smanga*: Boys l will come

visit okay .

*Mqabutho*: okay ...

They look so sad it's as if they
understand what's going on .

*Him*: Noma.....

I close the window .

*Me*: Mr Kyle let's go .

We drive off .

A beautiful car parks into my

yard .

At least today l decided to

sweep it .

A woman comes out of it . I

don't recognize her till she is
closer to me .
She takes off her sunglasses .

*Her*: Gloria .....

She pops her gum in my face .

*Her*: I will say this

once .Keep your brat away from
my family you won't like the
consequences .

What is she talking about ?

*Me*: Angela what are you
talking about?

She caresses my face with her

long nails .

*Her*: l don't know what you

guys named that inbred of
yours . I have been told my son
is meeting up with her l don't
like that at the end of the day
the truth will come out and it
will destroy my family . So if
your brat means so much to you
you will tell her to stay away .

Why is Noma meeting up with

Senzo's son ?

Is it the same guy she told me

about the other time ?
It's the only explanation cause l
remember how the twins took
after their father .

*Me*: The truth ?

I laugh in disbelief . So she

knows what really happened
and she's still with that bastard .

*Me*: Woman nothing stays

hidden forever .
*Her*: You better make sure it
does .l would hate to have her
blood on my hands .

Shes says that getting into her

car and driving off .

She must feel real threatened by

Noma to drive all the way from
the city to come tell me this.
It's time a put my bitterness
away and step and be a mother
I'm supposed to be to Noma .

It's never to late to do good .

I will first start by telling the

truth . I was that close the other
day before the prince came .

After that l will let her have her

inheritance . My dad worked his
ass off for her it's time she
enjoys her grandfather's blood
and sweat .

I dial her number . She sent it to

me the other day . Guess she
bought a phone .

*Her*: Aunty ....

Is she crying ?
*Me*: Baby how are you ?

*Her*: I'm okay just umm

boyfriend stuff nothing l can't
handle .

*Me*: l want to see you .

*Her*: Will come over next

I hear a loud crash from the
background .

*Me*: Hello hello .....

Noma !!!!! Noma!!!!!

Silence .

Oh no it can't be what l think it

is . Don't tell me my girl has
been involved in a car accident .
It can't happen not when l want
to make things right with her


One of the members of the royal

council Sibanda has requested
to see me .

*Me*: Baba Sibanda

He bows .
*Him*: Your highness .

*Me*: Umm is everything

alright .

*Him*: No ....

I scratch my head .

*Me*: ohhh
*Him*: Your highness our
crops are failing our livestock's
are dying even some of our
water sources are running dry .

This is worse than l thought and

guess what Nyoni ain't here to
assist us .

*Me*: l will talk to the Queen

about it .
He scoffs .

*Him*: Since when has the

kingdom been run by a woman ?
You and your brother are

*Me*: I'm still your Prince don't

talk to me that way .

He bows .
*Him*: Forgive me your
lordship it's just that l think the
wrath of the ancestors is upon
us cause we are not obeying the
laws they left for us .

*Me*: it is no secret that Nyoni

has been banished from the
kingdom according to the law
he has to crown me.
*Him*: Is that what the Queen
told you ?

*Me*: Isn't it so ?

*Him*: it is but then we can

replace Nyoni .

That's when she decides to

grace us with her presence.

*Her*: Replace Nyoni ? How?

Sibanda just stares at his shoes .
He didn't even greet her .At
least she didn't notice it .

*Me*: Mum the kingdom needs

a royal seer . Things are just
falling apart .

She sadly laughs .

*Her*: Of course they are
Ngonyama is dead noone will
ever be like him.

She says tears glistening in her

eyes .

I'm such a dick getting my

mother upset .

*Sibanda*: So what do you

suggest we do ?
*Her*: You all now finding a
new royal seer will be difficult .
Ever since this kingdom was
born the Nyoni family has
always been our seers .
Amazingly their gift is passed
down from generation to
generation .

*Me*: Shit ......

This is so messed up .l wonder
why didn't she think it through
before banishing Nyoni now
things are falling apart.

Everyone stares at me even the

servants .

*Me*: Forgive my language it's

just that this is so frustrating .
*Her*: Don't worry I'm sure l
will find a seer .

*Sibanda*: With all due respect

ma'am l think that's the job of
the royal council .

The eye she gives him .

*Her*: Just cause you said with

all due respect doesn't make
your statement less
disrespectful .

*Him*: Forgive me your

highness .

*Her*: Get out of my sight!!

A lady in a red dress comes

running into our courts . There
is just something about her that
keeps my eyes glued to her .
*Queen*: crown prince?

*Me*: Yeah ?l mean my Queen .

*Her*: Excuse us .

I almost trip and fall as I'm

stealing glances at the woman
in red .

I can't take it . The pain l feel in

my heart it's as if it's breaking
into two .

I take her hand into mine .

I shouldn't have let her leave

now look where it got us .
Should have told her the truth .
That l love her but I'm scared to
exploit it . It's not right l made a
vow before God and before man
that l will love Thembi for the
rest of my life . And I'm a man
of my word .

All those tubes connected to her

scare me .

*Me*: Please wake up ....

She's in a coma .

The doctor comes in .

*Him*: Mr Ngonyama may l

have a word .

I stand up .

*Me*: How are they ?

He loudly inhales .

*Him*: We tried everything in

our power .

No no......

*Me*: Doc ....

*Him*: I'm sorry but only

Nkosiyabo survived . We all
wondering how he did it's a
miracle .

*Me*: And Kyle?

I ask my voice breaking .

The doctor shakes his head .

*Him*: He didn't make it .

I can't have lost my two sons
just like that .

*Me*: Aaaaaarghh

The doctor jumps .

*Him*: Did did you just roar?

He nervously asks quickly

getting out the door .
I throw to myself to the floor
and just cry .


*Me*:No l need her alive !!!!

*Her*: l don't know what

happened . A truck just
appeared out of nowhere and
crushed into them .
*Me*: Stop playing with the
hem of your red dress it annoys
me .

*Her*: l get nervous around

you .

*Me*: is that so?

I signal to the guards to go out .
I shut the doors and windows
with a clap .

I change to my snake form .

*Me*: You said l make you


I ask crawling to her .

I wrap myself around her .

Hissing into her ear .

*Me*: Pull up your dress .

She obeys .

She can't take it off otherwise

she will die . This dress is the
one giving her the powers she
To how that came to be is a
story for another day .

My tongue plays with her clit

and she loses herself .

I fuck her with my long tongue

till l see her vibrating and
coming all over my mouth .

I change back to my human

form .
*Me*: Clean yourself up .

She does so embrassed with


She collects herself .

*Me*: So what do we do about

Noma ?
*Her*: l have an idea

Should have fucked her earlier .

*Her*: l mean we all know that

Noma ain't the one that posses
the power it's the amulet she
wears .

*Me*: Listening
*Her*: let's steal it then we will
be home and dry .

Sounds good .


The way he is holding her hand .

Is what makes me not regret this

not even a tiny little bit .
*Me*: Babe ....

He looks up . His eyes are

bloodshot .

*Me*: How's she

I say holding his shoulder .

*Him*: She's in a coma .

*Me*: And the boys ?

*Him*: Only Nkosiyabo

survived he's fighting for his
life .

Will have to find a doctor that

will finish the job for me . I hate
half done things .
Not Gorilla , Glorious whatever
her name is running into the
ward . She really is an older
version of Noma . That tiny
nose and pink lips . Eish even
those curves .

*Her*: What the hell happened ?

*Smanga*: I wanted to call you

but couldn't l didn't know what
to say . I haven't even called her
brother .

He says wiping away some

tears .

Shame my man shading tears in

front of women . I really made
the right decision . I was going
to lose my marriage to this brat .
*Him*: A truck crushed into
them . I lost my two sons and
the driver mah....

Not Glo whatever embracing

him .

Well they should save their

tears . Nkosiyabo and
Nomalanga are yet to join the
deceased .
Date: Jun 21, 2022

*Fourteen continuation*


To hell with Angela my

daughter deserves all the love
and support she can get .

*Him*: Hello
He sounds like someone who
was sleeping .

*Me*: Hie I'm your aunt

Gloria ....

*Him*: Oh sorry hello Noma

did tell me about you .

She talks about me and l have

been nothing but evil to her.
*Me*: Please come to Angel's
Hospital .

*Him*: why what happened are

you okay ?

*Me*: It's Noma she's in a

coma .

*Him*: l will be right there .

I just hope my girl survives all
this .

*Me*: Mama l know l haven't

been a great person but please
just save my daughter .....

I silently murmur just hoping

that she heard me .

*Doctor*: Ma'am hie l meant to

*Me*: yeah ....

*Her*: The necklace on Noma's

neck .

*Me*: what about it ?

*Him*: We failed to remove it .

I had forgotten about it . It's the
other reason why l couldn't
stand Noma .

Instead of the amulet being

passed down to me it went
straight to her .

I never got the chance the be

mother nature like my fore
mother's before me . It's a
generational thing .
*Me*: Don't worry about there
are some things doc that science
can't explain .

*Him*: You are one weird

family ...

He mumbles to himself walking

away .

*Me*: Don't break my door .

Before l even open l know that

it's Smanga he's the only person
who knocks like he's crazy .

Bongiwe goes open for him .

She hasn't left yet .

She's only in my T shirt and I'm

enjoying the sight .
*Smanga*: I couldn't get hold
of you .

That's cause l had switched of

my phone .Didn't want to be
disturbed .

*Bongiwe*: Hie ....

It's when he notices her

presence even though she's the
one who opened the door for

*Him*: Oh so you two are busy

fucking when you know that
your sister is fighting for her
life .

Bongiwe gives him a confused

look .

No he can't possibly know .

*Her*: What are you talking

*Him*: About Nomalanga duh

how many sisters do you have?
Bongani said he's going to
check on her .

She starts breathing heavily and

balances herself on the table .
I help her sit down .

*Her*: So so.... It's true what

Bongani said dad did cheat on
mum ?

She worships her father and it's

hurting her that he ain't the
angel she thought he was .

*Her*: And and and now l

won't get to seeee her .....
Smanga seats his ass down .

*Him*: Don't say that she will

have to survive otherwise l
won't be able to live with

I'm not stressing cause l know

she will wake up . She can't die
yet unless someone messes up
with her fate.
I'm just not ready to see her
when she wakes up .

*Bongiwe*: Are you her

husband ?

She asks looking at his wedding


*Him*: umm l umm....

*Me*: No he ain't . Let's umm
go to the hospital .

Will just have to face her l

know she will be heart broken
but there's nothing l can do
about it

Bongiwe goes to get dressed .

*Smanga*: Honestly thought

you were gay....
He whispers .

I playful hit his shoulder .

*Me*: She's my chosen one

though l hated the fact that she
had to first go through hell
before we met .

*Him*: Sometimes l don't

understand half of the things
you say but l love you all the
same brother .

I hug him .

*Me*: Dude sorry I've been a

dick it's just that it's hard on me
no lie but well we can't change
who we are right?

His smile priceless .

*Him*: You the only family l
got man that's all l wanted for
you to acknowledge me .


*Lady on TV*: This is what is

happening live . Animals
around the world are out of
control . Some have even
attacked their keepers .As I'm
speaking some zoos are empty .
What's shocking is that it's a
global thing it's happening all
around the world . Trees are just
falling on their on ,grass is just
drying up infact a lot of crops .
Water sources are running dry .
We all wonder what is going on?
Is this the end of the world?

I switch off the TV .

I look at Noma . She looks so
lifeless. What happened ? Why
couldn't she protect herself?

I look at the amulet around her

neck .

If Noma dies without passing it

on to someone it will be the end
of the world .
She's just on a coma but already
there's chaos .

*Me*: Babe you need to wake

up . I need you the world needs
you .

A guy comes in the

resemblance is there.
My heart rate increases it's like
seeing him again after so many
years .

*Him*: Hie I'm Bongani ...

He says stretching out his hand .

I can't shake it my mouth has
run dry .

The memories just flood back .l

can't do this .
I just run out of the room .

Tears flowing down my cheeks .

Who am l kidding l haven't
healed yet .

*Voice*: Close all the doors!!!!!

Someone shouts .
*Voice*: All the main doors

People are running around

screaming .

*Me*: What's going on ?

I ask a woman beside me .

*Her*: l don't know where they

came from but it's bad it's seems
like all the beasts on the field
want to get into this hospital .

Shit they are here for Noma .

OMG what do l do ? What if
they are the ones who can wake
her up ?

A woman screams as some

frogs enter through the
windows .

Smanga has refused to leave

that brat's side .

*Me*: l paid you so much

money .You told me they will
be dead within an hour what is
going on?

*Him*: I have never seen

anything like this before .Their
bodies are rejecting the poison l
put .

*Me*: You expect me to

believe that?

*Him*: Holy shit .

*Me*: Ain't nothing holy about

He points to the ground . I have
never seen so many ants before
in my whole entire life .

Like they start crawling unto

the doctor .

He screams as he tries to shake

them off .
There's a loud thud as he falls to
the ground .His eyes are wide
open and lifeless .

I run out the office .l can't

believe l witnessed ants killing
a whole grown ass man.

I bump into Smanga .His with

Nyoni and a female version of
Bongani .
Shit with Nyoni here non of my
plans will work . How will l kill
those two?

*Nyoni*: My princess

He slightly bows . I'm so

embrassed no lie just wondering
what's going on in that brain of
his .
If Smanga wasn't here was he
going to greet me?

*Me*: Nyoni....

It's the disgust in his eyes that

answers me .

*Bongiwe*: It's chaotic babe

where are all the animals
coming from?
She asks looking at Nyoni .

Babe ?


Compared to her she makes me

look bony and skinny . This
woman is so thick and lovely .
Sometimes l wonder how does
one have so much flesh yet
manage to have a tiny waist and
a flat tummy .

Nyoni just smiles down at her .

*Him*: Don't worry everything

will be okay.

They walk of to Noma's Ward

is it me or this lady literally
ignored me .
I follow behind them .

*Me*: Hey I'm Smanga's wife ..

Why am l even greeting her?

It's supposed to be the other
way round .

She just weighs me from head

to toe and clicks her tongue .
What am l missing here? Does
she hate me cause of her sister
or Nyoni told her what


She's crying carrying two

babies on her arms . What's
weird is that she's crying blood .

*Me*: Thobile?
I call out to her . Shes wearing a
pure white dress that's getting
stained by her bloody tears .

She doesn't answer me she

continues crying till she just
fades away .

I wake up startled . When did l

even fall asleep .
I get freaked out when l see her
in the room .

*Me*: And and........

*Her*: Was just watching over

you .

What's that supposed to mean?

*Me*: Had a weird dream .

*Her*: it was a message , two
of your eldest sons have joined
their mother .

What is she talking about ? She

can't possibly know about the
kids l have with Thobile.

*Her*: l know about them and l

know you are responsible for
her death .
*Me*: How ?

I know you all think I'm a jack

ass but l was saving my
marriage it doesn't mean l loved
my boys any less ..

I feel my heart shattering . No

parent has to bury their kids . It
was one thing having them
being raised by Smanga but

*Her*: Your sister in law she

planned the whole accident .
She felt threatened by the kids
so she decided to get them out
of her way .

A fool that's what l am . Was

busy thinking about my ass that
l didn't think about the kind of
situation l was putting Smanga
under .

The tears involuntary fall .My

sons oh God my two sons.......


Things are getting out of hand

this was not the deal at all . I'm
the one who's supposed to be
the Queen not Njabulo's mother .
*Him*: You can't start such a
war crown princess you will be
the first to die .

*Me*: Just do as l say!

Well will just have to kill her

too . Njabulo and l need that
throne .
The witch doctor gives me the
herbs I'm supposed to used on
the Queen . Will just have to
drive her crazy .

I enter our chambers .

*Me*: And who were you

talking to ?

He looks around and just

shruggles .
*Him*: Where are you from ?

Tempted to tell him but he

won't agree l know he will
choose his mom over the
throne .

*Me*:Are you crying?

*Him*: My brother just lost his

two sons .
He says sighing heavily .

*Me*: Well that's good news .

*Him*: Excuse me ?

*Me*: The fewer the people

fighting for the throne the
better .
He stands up .

*Him*: You are so

unbelievably .

Walks away .


It's her cold fingers l feel

around my neck that have me
waking up.
I sit up and see them all looking

I remove the drips connecting

me to the hospital machinery .

And walk out of my yard .

Smanga is at my heels though

he looks a bit shaken .
I open the door and there he is.
My little warrior who saved my
life .

I place my two fingers on his

chest and he wakes up .

Smanga's is so amazed .

I pick him and carry him .

That's when the doctors come in
wanting to check on us .

*Me*: Leave us we're okay l

just want to go home .

They first argue and all but l

stand my ground .

Gloria throws herself at me

she's a crying mess .
*Me*: I'm okay aunty please
don't cry .

*Smanga*: We are going back

to our house .

And who's our ? Him and

Thembi ?

I haven't let anyone hold

Nkosiyabo .
*Me*: Renting an apartment .

*Nyoni*: Can we talk ?

He lied to me .

I ignore him .

Just hug my brother still tightly

holding Nkosiyabo to my chest .
*Her*: Hie pumpkin

Hayboo a whole grown me a

pumpkin .

She sounds nervous .

I hug her .

*Me*: I just need personal

space .
I say to everyone in the room .

Smanga looks down .

*Me*: When l get okay l will

talk to you guys but as for now l
need my space .

Nyoni can't even look at me in

the eyes .
Bongani gives me an
understanding nod .

My sis whose name l don't

know look like she just wants to
bust out crying .

I walk out the hospital room

with my little warrior .

He immediately transports us to
the apartment .
I know they will all lose their
minds looking for me at the
hospital .
Date: Jun 25, 2022



So last night l dreamt of this

place . I hope it's the right place .
I have been a dreamer since l
was a kid .

Sometimes when someone gets

sick l would dream of the
medication they could use and
guess what they did get well
again .

I'm nervous really cause l don't

know what to say to her .
What if she doesn't like me .
Truth be told she hardly paid
attention to me three days ago .

I knock and wait .

She opens the door . I'm still not

used to her beautiful innocently
looking face . She really does
look a lot like that Gloria chick
who Bongani says is our aunt .
*Her*: Don't you know the
meaning of l need space ?

What did l tell you . She leaves

me standing there . The door is
still open l guess I'm supposed
to get in .

Her hair is a mess ,she's just in

some pyjamas and slippers .
*Her*: Forgive the untidiness
I'm usually clean .

The sink is upside down . Dirty

pots and plates are just scattered
there .

Don't get me started on her

living room .

*Me*: How are you?

That's when her flood gates just
bust .

*Her*: I so hate Nyoni right

now he lied to me . Made me
believe that Mqabutho and his
brother were going to grow up
and be men . He knew he saw
this he could have told me .

I put her head on my shoulder

and she just let's it all out .
*Her*: I'm too young to be
burying my kids this ain't right
sisi this just ain't right no
mother has to bury her children.

I think l have an idea of what

she's going through .

I find myself crying with her .

Her sobs are so heartbreaking .
*Her*: How do l get over this?

*Me*: One day at a time

pumpkin don't rush it
sweetheart .

I say rubbing her back .

*Me*: Everything will work out

just fine and you know what?

She shakes her head no.

*Me*: I'm going to be right
here every step of the way .

*Her*: let's umm clean .

She says smiling through her

tears . I guess she wants to try
forget about it .

So this is me with my little

princess cleaning her place up .
I don't even want to know how
she came into being cause I'm
sure that might break my heart .

I'm just going to focus on us.

All l ever wanted was a little
sister and here she is . A best
friend my own flesh and blood .

The place is sparkling after an

hour .
*Her*: Thank you for coming
I'm feeling a bit better .

*Me*: That's what sisters are

for . Where is the baby l want to
see him .

*Her*: His not here he had

duties to perform .
What duties does a seven month
old baby have ?

*Me*: Duties?

*Her*: Yeah you wouldn't

understand just take it like
that .I'm sure he will be back
soon .

We now sitting on the couch

and it's a bit awkward .
We're not used to each other .

*Her*: So you're married ?

*Me*: Recently divorced .

I exhale ....

*Me*: Couldn't take it anymore

the guy was a dick .
*Her*: I'm sorry .

*Me*: Don't worry it happens

to the best of us .But then I'm
not single .

*Her*: You move fast .

She says with a smirk .

*Me*: Not really but the guy is

*Her*: Shut the front door !!!!!

Why is she screaming ?

*Me*: Well the relationship is

still new so yaah....

*Noma*: And she's

blushing ,oh wow
She looks so happy for me.

*Her*: Nyoni is a great guy like

honestly you are in good hands .

That statement just leaves me

feeling somehow .

*Her*: So have you guys you

*Me*:I'm not about to discuss
my sexual life with you ....

*Her*: Come on

She whines .

*Me*: Okay yeah we have but

I'm not telling you the details ....

*Her*: How big is he?

What kind of question is that?

*Me*: I'm starving let's go

cook .

We go to the kitchen .

*Her*: Still waiting for an

She says chopping the
vegetables .

You can't miss the hurt that's in

her eyes but I'm glad I'm
keeping her occupied we all
know grief tends to make
people do stupid things.

I'm sure she has to see

someone .
*Me*: Well he really is big l
could feel him in my womb .

The smile that's on her face . I

swear this one is naughty .

*Her*: you okay?

Mentioning my womb has made

me sad . I can't believe l won't
be able to make kids of my
own .
*Me*: Well dad sacrificed my
womb ....

*Her*: What?

*Me*: Yeah l don't know why .

Please I'm not telling you this
so that you hate on the guy it's
just that l need someone to talk
too .
She nods .

*Me*: So l can't have kids that's

the main reason why my
marriage ended .

*Her*: That's something that

can be sorted .

She says smiling . What does

she mean ?
She walks over to my side and
places her hand on my lower
abdomen .

She closes her eyes .

A bright light shines through

the room . I also close my eyes
cause it's soo so bright .

I feel like something is moving

inside of me .
I feel like I'm being made whole
again .

It's after a while that she says

*Her*: It's okay open your

eyes ...

I do
What just happened?

*Noma*: All is good now ,you

now have to be careful no
unprotected sex .

*Me*: Are you saying my

womb is healed ?

*Her*: Yeah ... It took a coma

to make me realize who l really
was .
She sadly says tears glistening
in her eyes .

*Her*: if l had known earlier l

was going to change a lot about
my life but we are here now
ain't nothing l can do to change
the past .
I wonder if the past is the
accident . Could she have done
something to save the deceased?


*Me*: A simple task just a

simple task and you failed. I
trusted you with my kids lives
damnit Smanga .

He looks worn out .

*Him*: Just leave me alone
Njabulo l wasn't the one driving
the damn truck . Accidents
happen all the time .

He says pouring himself some

whiskey .

*Him*: I already know l fucked

up don't be on my case .
*Me*: I'm told your wife
planned the accident .

*Him*: Och Njabulo that's just

so low of you . I know the boys
weren't her favorite but Thembi
wouldn't do something like that
She's a good woman .

*Me*: I'm going to investigate

Smanga and l will come up with
answers .
*Him*: Whatever . I have a lot
going on right now and my wife
is pregnant l don't need your
drama .

*Me*: Pregnant?

He nods.
*Him*: Five weeks . We
consulted with Nyoni and yep
the baby will survive .

The baby will survive ???

Does that mean it is mine?

*Me*: Woow l must be a scorer

He just gives me a look .

*Him*: Just go Njabulo will
call you about the funeral
arrangements .

He doesn't get it does he .

*Me*: Fine

He sounds so weak .I'm sure he

hasn't eaten or slept for the past
three days .
I bump into her as I'm about to
walk out of their house .

I pull her by her arm .

*Me*: What game are you


*Her*: leave me alone

She spits yanking her arm off

*Me*: I want my baby l want to

raise my own seed .

*Her*: Fuck off . And what will

you say to Thuba? Just stay in
your lane .

*Me*: Do you have Noma's

number .
Surprisingly she gives it to me .

I dial her number .

*Her*: hello .....

*Me*: Hey it's Njabulo ...

*Her*: What do you want ? If

you want to see Nkosiyabo you
might as well go fuck yourself
cause that ain't happening .
*Me*: it's Smanga he ain't
himself .

*Her*: Tell Thembi what do

you want me to do about it ? I'm
not his wife .

*Me*: But you might be the

one .
*Her*: The guy feels nothing
for me he told me I assumed
that we were a thing .

*Me*: Listen Smanga is my

only brother I might not be able
to express it but l love that guy .

*Her*: You have a funny way

of showing it .
*Me*: I'm serious .I wouldn't
want anything to happen to him .

*Her*: it was nice chatting with

you .

She drops the call . I hope she

does something . He seems to
like her a lot .I'm sure he will
listen to her when she tells him
to eat and sleep .

Besides the red puffy eyes she

looks amazing .

She comes in pushing Nkosi's

pram .

She sits down .

I first talk to the little man who

seems happy to see me .
I bow .

*Me*: Ngonyama omuhle .

His smile priceless .

I'm sure this one is going to be

trouble .

*Me*: How are you ?

She sighs .

*Her*: Find myself talking to

them ...It just feels so funny
seeing him alone .

She says staring at Nkosiyabo .

*Her*: Sometimes l find myself

dishing up for them , preparing
their baths taking out the
clothes they are supposed to
wear .

I hold her hand .

*Me*: Noma.....

This is worse than l thought . I

thought was the only one going
through a lot .
It must really be hard on her . I
mean she spent most of her time
with them .

*Me*: Thanks for calling me . I

don't know how to say this but
without you l know no peace .

She looks aside and wipes a

tear .

*Her*: Don't please.....

She says her lip trembling .

*Her*: Njabulo asked me to

check up on you . He said you
weren't yourself .


Out of everyone l didn't expect

him to care about my wellbeing .
*Her*: Please order he just sent
a message now .

She shows me the message

*Hey sorry to bother you again

Noma but then l wanted to ask
one last favor from you . May
you please make sure that my
brother eats and gets enough
sleep he looks like a zombie .
Please am really worried about

If l didn't know his number by

heart l would say she's lying .

That's touching coming from

him .

I order for all of us . Funny how

this feels like family the three of
us instead of my wife and our
unborn child .

---*Fifteen continuation*


*Me*: l made your favorite....

I say with a smile as l bring him

a tray with his supper .
*Him*: Since when do you


*Him*: Let me guess . Your

first time right?

I nod .
*Him*: The smell ain't even
appetizing what more the taste .
And those veggies were you
butchering them?

He stands up .

*Him*: Good night wasn't

hungry anyways .

I wipe away some tears .

Like the time l spent at the
kitchen . I even cut my fingers
and lost a nail in the process .

Then he does me like this .

Instead of my marriage getting

better it's getting worse . He
now doesn't even sleep in our
room . If he's not at the boys'
room he's at Noma's like who
does that?
I feel like he's trying to be
closer to them in a way .

*Me*: Hey Sipho here's some

food .

I say giving it to our garden

boy .

He wriggles his nose and has

this disgusted look on his face.
*Sipho*: No ma'am thank you
but l had already eaten .

He says walking away .

I throw the food away .Ever

since Njabulo came here
Smanga hasn't been worrying
about the pregnancy.
He ain't taking care ofe like he
used to . Now l wonder what
did Njabulo say to him ?


It's the notification on my bank

account that has my mouth on
the floor .
*You have received $7.5
million from Njabulo

Like why on earth would he

send me so much money ?

*Him*: Hello

*Me*: l think you made a

mistake there is money you sent
on my bank account .
*Him*: Don't worry please use
it to take care of my son .

Ummm what?

*Me*: Oh ?

*Him*: is it not enough?

*Me*: No it is l don't know
what to say .

*Him*: Cool

He drops the call .

I don't know what to say l

wasn't expecting this .
My relationship with my
siblings is blossoming . I really
do love them .

But I'm nervous about tonight .

Like they want me to meet their

parents .

I would love to l have so many

questions l need to ask . Like
why did they leave me at the
village with Aunt Gloria and
my grandparents?

Why did they only take the

twins with ? All those years l
suffered didn't they ever think
of me ?

Nkosiyabo cries .

I go get him. He's one weird

kid l tell you . One minute he's a
baby the other he's this
powerful being .

*Me*: Someone is hungry .

I feed him . There's not a day

that l don't think about my boys .
We buried them earlier this
morning . A tiny little
ceremony . The attendents were
Smanga ,Njabulo my siblings
and l.
It was a heartbreaking moment
but it is what it is . I don't know
if l will be able to move on from

Sometimes l find myself

hallucinating seeing them
playing with their toys hearing
their giggles .
Nkosiyabo has fallen asleep in
my arms. Wonder how he is.
Let's not lie to each other he
knows what is going on . I'm
just hoping he's not blaming
himself .

I retire to bed taking my baby

with . These days l don't put
him in his cot l sleep with him
I'm scared l might lose him to .
*Next morning*


Things have gone back to

normal around the globe except
at the Ngonyama kingdom .

*Me*: There's is nothing l can

do Njabulo .
He scratches his head he really
is stressed .

*Him*: But what should l do ?

People come crying to me
telling me about their failing
crops their dying livestock like
what should l do Nyoni ?

I shruggle .
*Me*: Worse will happen if the
true crown prince doesn't
ascend on his throne .

He scratches his head .

*Me*: You're not a bad person

Njabulo that much l know .

*Him*: Nyoni you don't know

anything about me .
*Me*: The only reason why
you resent Smanga is cause of
iNgonyama right?

He looks down .

*Him*: it doesn't make sense

I'm the only male in my family
who wasn't given the gift of
iNgonyama now l passed my
inabilities to my sons that's why
they died .
*Me*: It's not your fault that
your sons died it was their fate .

He has this haunted look on his

face .

*Him*: Why why ?

*Me*: Listen the person who

has all the answers is your
mother .
*Him*: It's not like she will tell
me anything .She has changed a
lot dad's death messed her up so
bad she's a totally stranger .

He has no idea she's the one

who killed him .

*Me*: They are a lot of things

you don't know Njabulo and it's
not my place to tell you .
*Her*:Hey baby are you

She shouts getting into my

apartment . She now has her
own key.

Njabulo gives me a weird look

as Bongi comes sit onto my lap
giving me a kiss .
He clears his throat .

*Him*: Hello I'm still here.....

*Me*: Sorry this is my woman

Bongiwe ,babe this is ummm
Prince Njabulo his highness .

*Her*: Your highness nice to

meet you .

He nods .
*Him*: Likewise

Not her putting her one hand

into my pants and stroking my
member .

What is she doing ? Njabulo is

right here .

*Me*: ummm l my prince

ehmmm yah I will call you.....
He stands up still giving me the
weird look .

*Him*: okay l will be going

back to the village tomorrow
tonight will sleep at Smanga's
place .

I'm going to tear someone's

pussy today . She's crazy how
can she make me loss my cool
like that in front of Njabulo .

She giggles in excitement as l

pick her up ....


*Him*: So it's true?

His voice is so full of hurt .

We entangle from each other .

*Njabulo*: Dude ummm listen l

just came here and she threw
herself at me I'm sorry .

He heavily sighs .

*Him*: who's the father of the

baby brother?
*Njabulo*: it's mine ....

Tears just fall down .

*Njabulo*: it it happened the

day l killed Thobile after that l
swear Smanga I didn't touch
your woman ever again till now .

Njabulo looks down .

*Smanga*: You're my brother
out of everyone Njabulo you
did me like this? I ....l trusted
you around her . Thuba did tell
me but no l dismissed it cause
despite it all l trusted you .

*Njabulo*: I'm sorry

bafo( brother) please forgive
me .
*Me*: Smanga babe l can

I say trying to touch him.

It's the teeth that he bares at me

that have me tripling and falling
to the ground and trying to get
away from him.

Njabulo has this scared look on

his face .
*Him*: Xola Ngonyama xola
baba ( begging for forgiveness )

I scream as Smanga changes

into a grown as golden lion .

He roars as he approaches us . I
hit the wall there is noway to
run .

What the hell is going on?

Is this way he had bloody
footsteps the time we were at
the palace ? Is there some truth
in what Thuba said?

Njabulo pees on himself .

He's crying . I'm busy

screaming hoping that the
neighbors will here me .
I can't die not today not like
this .

*Me*: All l ever wanted was to

give you a baby . I hated to see
the disappointment in your eyes
every time l lost the baby . You
would shut me out love . I did it
out of love . I wanted us to have
a family of our own .

He roars .
The hairs on my neck erect and
l shiver .

Njabulo has his face covered

with his hands . Guess his
saying his last prayers .

Should l also start saying mine?

Is this how my life ends?
I shouldn't have jumped to
Njabulo's bed . Should have
been satisfied with the love my
husband gave me . He never at
once made me doubt his love
for me but then foolish me
wanted more . I let people's
words and comments get to me .

Marriage is between two

people . The moment you let
outsiders dictate your marriage
it ends .
I was lucky had found a guy
who loved me with all my
imperfections even though my
family rejected he stood by me
showered me with love .

Even gave up his throne for me .

I'm now seeing it . Sleeping
with Njabulo wasn't worth it at
all and now I might die for it .
This is my last words to you all .
Be satisfied with what you have
never get greedy cause
sometimes it won't be worth it
at all.*Fifteen continuation*


*Me*: l made your favorite....

I say with a smile as l bring him

a tray with his supper .
*Him*: Since when do you


*Him*: Let me guess . Your

first time right?

I nod .
*Him*: The smell ain't even
appetizing what more the taste .
And those veggies were you
butchering them?

He stands up .

*Him*: Good night wasn't

hungry anyways .

I wipe away some tears .

Like the time l spent at the
kitchen . I even cut my fingers
and lost a nail in the process .

Then he does me like this .

Instead of my marriage getting

better it's getting worse . He
now doesn't even sleep in our
room . If he's not at the boys'
room he's at Noma's like who
does that?
I feel like he's trying to be
closer to them in a way .

*Me*: Hey Sipho here's some

food .

I say giving it to our garden

boy .

He wriggles his nose and has

this disgusted look on his face.
*Sipho*: No ma'am thank you
but l had already eaten .

He says walking away .

I throw the food away .Ever

since Njabulo came here
Smanga hasn't been worrying
about the pregnancy.
He ain't taking care ofe like he
used to . Now l wonder what
did Njabulo say to him ?


It's the notification on my bank

account that has my mouth on
the floor .
*You have received $7.5
million from Njabulo

Like why on earth would he

send me so much money ?

*Him*: Hello

*Me*: l think you made a

mistake there is money you sent
on my bank account .
*Him*: Don't worry please use
it to take care of my son .

Ummm what?

*Me*: Oh ?

*Him*: is it not enough?

*Me*: No it is l don't know
what to say .

*Him*: Cool

He drops the call .

I don't know what to say l

wasn't expecting this .
My relationship with my
siblings is blossoming . I really
do love them .

But I'm nervous about tonight .

Like they want me to meet their

parents .

I would love to l have so many

questions l need to ask . Like
why did they leave me at the
village with Aunt Gloria and
my grandparents?

Why did they only take the

twins with ? All those years l
suffered didn't they ever think
of me ?

Nkosiyabo cries .

I go get him. He's one weird

kid l tell you . One minute he's a
baby the other he's this
powerful being .

*Me*: Someone is hungry .

I feed him . There's not a day

that l don't think about my boys .
We buried them earlier this
morning . A tiny little
ceremony . The attendents were
Smanga ,Njabulo my siblings
and l.
It was a heartbreaking moment
but it is what it is . I don't know
if l will be able to move on from

Sometimes l find myself

hallucinating seeing them
playing with their toys hearing
their giggles .
Nkosiyabo has fallen asleep in
my arms. Wonder how he is.
Let's not lie to each other he
knows what is going on . I'm
just hoping he's not blaming
himself .

I retire to bed taking my baby

with . These days l don't put
him in his cot l sleep with him
I'm scared l might lose him to .
*Next morning*


Things have gone back to

normal around the globe except
at the Ngonyama kingdom .

*Me*: There's is nothing l can

do Njabulo .
He scratches his head he really
is stressed .

*Him*: But what should l do ?

People come crying to me
telling me about their failing
crops their dying livestock like
what should l do Nyoni ?

I shruggle .
*Me*: Worse will happen if the
true crown prince doesn't
ascend on his throne .

He scratches his head .

*Me*: You're not a bad person

Njabulo that much l know .

*Him*: Nyoni you don't know

anything about me .
*Me*: The only reason why
you resent Smanga is cause of
iNgonyama right?

He looks down .

*Him*: it doesn't make sense

I'm the only male in my family
who wasn't given the gift of
iNgonyama now l passed my
inabilities to my sons that's why
they died .
*Me*: It's not your fault that
your sons died it was their fate .

He has this haunted look on his

face .

*Him*: Why why ?

*Me*: Listen the person who

has all the answers is your
mother .
*Him*: It's not like she will tell
me anything .She has changed a
lot dad's death messed her up so
bad she's a totally stranger .

He has no idea she's the one

who killed him .

*Me*: They are a lot of things

you don't know Njabulo and it's
not my place to tell you .
*Her*:Hey baby are you

She shouts getting into my

apartment . She now has her
own key.

Njabulo gives me a weird look

as Bongi comes sit onto my lap
giving me a kiss .
He clears his throat .

*Him*: Hello I'm still here.....

*Me*: Sorry this is my woman

Bongiwe ,babe this is ummm
Prince Njabulo his highness .

*Her*: Your highness nice to

meet you .

He nods .
*Him*: Likewise

Not her putting her one hand

into my pants and stroking my
member .

What is she doing ? Njabulo is

right here .

*Me*: ummm l my prince

ehmmm yah I will call you.....
He stands up still giving me the
weird look .

*Him*: okay l will be going

back to the village tomorrow
tonight will sleep at Smanga's
place .

I'm going to tear someone's

pussy today . She's crazy how
can she make me loss my cool
like that in front of Njabulo .

She giggles in excitement as l

pick her up ....


*Him*: So it's true?

His voice is so full of hurt .

We entangle from each other .

*Njabulo*: Dude ummm listen l

just came here and she threw
herself at me I'm sorry .

He heavily sighs .

*Him*: who's the father of the

baby brother?
*Njabulo*: it's mine ....

Tears just fall down .

*Njabulo*: it it happened the

day l killed Thobile after that l
swear Smanga I didn't touch
your woman ever again till now .

Njabulo looks down .

*Smanga*: You're my brother
out of everyone Njabulo you
did me like this? I ....l trusted
you around her . Thuba did tell
me but no l dismissed it cause
despite it all l trusted you .

*Njabulo*: I'm sorry

bafo( brother) please forgive
me .
*Me*: Smanga babe l can

I say trying to touch him.

It's the teeth that he bares at me

that have me tripling and falling
to the ground and trying to get
away from him.

Njabulo has this scared look on

his face .
*Him*: Xola Ngonyama xola
baba ( begging for forgiveness )

I scream as Smanga changes

into a grown as golden lion .

He roars as he approaches us . I
hit the wall there is noway to
run .

What the hell is going on?

Is this way he had bloody
footsteps the time we were at
the palace ? Is there some truth
in what Thuba said?

Njabulo pees on himself .

He's crying . I'm busy

screaming hoping that the
neighbors will here me .
I can't die not today not like
this .

*Me*: All l ever wanted was to

give you a baby . I hated to see
the disappointment in your eyes
every time l lost the baby . You
would shut me out love . I did it
out of love . I wanted us to have
a family of our own .

He roars .
The hairs on my neck erect and
l shiver .

Njabulo has his face covered

with his hands . Guess his
saying his last prayers .

Should l also start saying mine?

Is this how my life ends?
I shouldn't have jumped to
Njabulo's bed . Should have
been satisfied with the love my
husband gave me . He never at
once made me doubt his love
for me but then foolish me
wanted more . I let people's
words and comments get to me .

Marriage is between two

people . The moment you let
outsiders dictate your marriage
it ends .
I was lucky had found a guy
who loved me with all my
imperfections even though my
family rejected he stood by me
showered me with love .

Even gave up his throne for me .

I'm now seeing it . Sleeping
with Njabulo wasn't worth it at
all and now I might die for it .
This is my last words to you all .
Be satisfied with what you have
never get greedy cause
sometimes it won't be worth it
at all.


She drinks the drink l poisoned

and finishes it all not a single
drop left .

*Me*: You must have been

thirsty your majesty .
She nods smiling at me .

*Her*: Yeah where's my son .

*Me*: He went to the city to

bury his brother's bastard sons .

*Her*: Oh .....
Okay l put too much of the
poison l expect her to drop dead
any minute from now .

*Her*: I'm starting to get

worried things are falling apart
in this kingdom .

A servant comes .
*Him*: You highness the
village has been infested with
locusts !!!

He really is sweating wonder

how far he ran .

*Me*: What?

Like this has never happened

before in the Ngonyama
kingdom .
*Him*: They are all over the
fields I'm afraid by the time
they leave they won't be
anything left !

This is bad .

*Queen*: Okay l have heard

you get out of my presence !
She raises her voice a bit . She
looks worried . Who wouldn't
be things that have never
happened before are happening
when she's on the throne people
are beginning to whisper saying
she's provoking the ancestors .

*Him*: But my Queen people

are ........
I didn't see how it happened .
All l see is the guy on the floor
with his intestines out of his
stomach blood just gushing out .

I swallow . What the hell


She looks at me .

*Her*: Why you just standing

there tell someone to come
clean up this mess and the next
time you try to kill me with
poison you will be like him ....

She says pointing to the guy

with her head .

I hurry out so scared what was l

I tell the servants to go clean up
the mess as l run and lock
myself in my chambers .

*Me*: Fuck

I scream smashing the mirror on

the dressing table . Why ain't
any of my plans working ? I
deserve this l have to be a
Queen of this kingdom . What if
that demon mother of Njabulo
doesn't die what will happen to
me .

I bandage my hand l have cut

myself with them mirror
glasses .

As l bandage a memory comes

to me .

I think I was around twelve

when l had cut my hand .
Smanga was the one who
bandaged it . He was smiling
down at me telling me to stop
being naughty . That's when he
kissed my forehead and told me
he loves me l must always take
care of myself .

I smile at the reminisce .

I have been playing this all

wrong .
I'm trying to go against the
ancestors that's was so stupid of
me thinking that l will win
against them .

If you can't beat them you better

join them .

Smanga here l come babe it's

been long l still love you . I
have always had . I'm going to
make you king and I'm going to
be your Queen .


It's the young lion cub that

appears in front of me out of
nowhere that has me peeing on
myself . What's going on in this
It the cub roars at Smanga
bearing it's tiny teeth at him .

Does it think it can save us ?

Smanga roars back and l

tremble .

The cub slowly walks towards

Smanga .
Smanga changes to his human
form and the cub disappears.

*Njabulo*: Thank you

Ngonyama for sparing my life ...

He says bowing down to

Smanga .

Isn't he thanking him too fast ?

Smanga just looks at him and
goes upstairs .

I follow him .

He has his closet open he's

packing his clothes .

*Me*: Babe please can we talk

can we sort this issue out like
adults .
He just keeps quiet and
continues with what he is doing .

*Me*: I am sorry Smanga l

really am let's work things out .

*Him*: When Nyoni call me

and told me that the baby ain't
mine l couldn't believe it cause l
trusted you ..... If it was
something else maybe l would
have forgiven you .
*Me*: But l was doing it for us .

*Him*: Us? Thembi US?

What did you say when l
suggested that we get a
surrogate? How was this about
us when you made the decision
alone? We were supposed to be
partners damnit .l loved you l
really did and you do me like
this? Turned my back on my
people on my family ,on my

His voice breaks

*Him*: l turned my back on my

father Thembi cause of you for
you Thembi for
youuuuu ......but this is the
thank you l get ? Right fine you
wanted to get pregnant for
us .What about what l saw in
the kitchen ? Were you also
doing it for us?

*Me*: l.....l....l

*Him*: Move out of my way

you stink of pee

The hurt

I don't move an inch

It's the look he gives me that
has me moving .

*Me*: where are you going ?

I call out to him .

He ignores me . Shit l played

this all wrong it came and bit
me right in the ass . Took out a
huge chunk .

I think my palms are sweating .

I'm so so so nervous . like hello

this is my first time meeting my
parents .

The door opens before l even......

*Him*: Princess

He says kissing my cheeks .

I laugh Bongani is crazy


He takes Nkosi and we get in.

We first take the sleeping Nkosi

into his room before going to
the dining room.
The stares l get as l enter the
dinning room .

I expect them rents to run to me

hug me and all but no they don't
do any of that .

Instead the woman l expect is

my mom gives Bongiwe a hot
slap .
*Her*: This!!!!

She shouts pointing at me .

*Her*: Is the expected guest .

She's the one l was slaving for
in the kitchen? This thing !!!!!

The hurt .

*Bongani*: Mom ......

*Her*: Don't mom me get her
out of my house right now !

Bongiwe stands up .

*Her*: You can't treat her like

this she's a Bande! She's one of
us !

She receives another slap

*The mom of it*: Don't you
ever say that again that thing is
not one of us .....

Bongani takes my hand and

walks out with me .

We now in the car . I'm in shock

l don't know what to say . I'm
not even crying so much hate
from a person who's supposed
to be my mother or maybe she
ain't like that would be the only
explanation .

It's after a while that Bongiwe

comes carrying Nkosi .

*Me*: Bongi I'm so sorry l....

*Bongiwe*: Pumpkin what are

you sorry for?

*Me*: You got slapped ....

*Bongani*: Get in hun

He says to Bongiwe .

She does and we drive out the

yard .

*Bongiwe*: See me coming

here again!!!
*Me*: No sisi she's your mom
don't stop coming here for me....

Bongani puts his hand over

mine .

*Him*: You have been alone

for the past twenty two years ....
We are here now we are your
family and if the rents don't
want to be part of it well there's
nothing we can do about that .
*Bongiwe*: It's us against the
world baby sis just the three of
us ...

She says slightly smiling

*Nkosi*: Baaa baaa.....

We all chuckle
*Bongiwe*: I mean the four of
us sorry kkkkkk

What did l do to deserve these

people in my life .They love me
so unconditionally .

I wonder why their parents don't

want me . The father of it didn't
even look at me he was busy on
his phone .
Know what guess l shouldn't
even worry about them

Let me focus on my siblings

and my baby

Should also focus on getting


I'm still trying to come up with
a plan on how to get to Smanga
when he calls .

No man like Smanga is calling

me .

Maybe l shouldn't get

excited .Like Njabulo is still at
the city maybe he asked to use
his brother's phone .
*Me*: Hello

*Him*: You were right

His voice sounds offish . He

sounds like he's been crying or
something .

*Me*: My Prince....

*Him*: Like Thuba l caught

them on the act .
*Me*: What are you talking

*Him*: Njabulo and Thembi......

What the fuck !

Why on earth would Njabulo

cheat on me with that Thembi
*Me*: What!!!

I mean it's one thing wanting to

cheat on someone maybe l
wasn't even going to do it . How
could Njabulo do this to me?

Two brothers making a fool of

me cause of Thembi . What
does she have that l don't?

*Smanga*: There's more ....

I seat myself down .

*Him*: They are five weeks


Lord kill me now .

*Me*: Smanga......

I start sobbing .
*Me*: What ever did l do to
that man to deserve this kind of
treatment ? Why did he do that
to me?

*Him*: Njabulo didn't tell me

his reasons but Thembi says she
wanting to get pregnant .

This is a clap once situation .

*Me*: l can't deal with this it's
better if l die .

*Smanga*: No Thuba what are

you talking about?

*Me*: Clearly I'm not woman

enough for Njabulo I would
rather just die he can't
disrespect our marriage like
this .
*Smanga*: Noo Thuba listen to

*Me*: There is nothing to listen

to he didn't just cheat he left
evidence he left his seed inside
of her how am l supposed to
live with that ? How am l
supposed to get over it ? It's
better if I'm dead I won't have to
go through this heartbreak l
won't have to see them raise
their bastard child .
I start sniffing .

*Him*: Listen don't do


*Me*: Smanga

*Him*: Come to the city and

we talk about this .
Exactly what l wanted to be
close to him .

*Me*: Smanga l don't

know .....l don't think there's
anything to talk about .

*Him*: Please just come

please ....

*Me*: okay........
I drop the call . Mnx who could
Njabulo do this ? At least he has
given me a good enough reason
to divorce his ass and marry my
Smanga .

Wow surely the ancestors are

looking out for me.



*Me*: Coming!!!!

Hebantu l wonder who's

banging my door like a mad
person. I'm sure neighbors are
know thinking that l didn't pay
my rent or something .
I'm going to kill someone
nhasi( today)

Why on earth would Bongiwe

tell him where l am ?

The next thing he will be

coming to visit whenever and
how will l get over him ?

*Me*: Hieee....
I greet trying to keep a straight
face . It's hard with this man l
feel like just jumping unto him
and giving him a big fat hug
and numerous kisses .

*Him*: May we come in .

That's when l notice the lady

he's with .

I fake smile opening the door.

They sit down and what do you

know the lady puts her head on
Smanga's shoulder.

Wonders never cease .

Can you believe the nerve of

this guy . Bringing his side
chick at my place .
*Me*: Is this a social visit ?

*Him*: l want to ask for a favor.

I fold my arms crock an


*Him*: May ummm may you

please allow her to stay with
you for a while .
*Her*: What!!!

*Smanga*: your highness l

don't trust you on your own
please it's up until you get
better .....

*Her*: But Smanga

She whines pouting .

Mnx just feel like breaking her
neck who the hell does she
think she is !

*Me*: Smanga can we talk?

He stands up and we go to my
room .

I close the door and make the

room soundproof with my
powers don't want the bitch to
eavesdrop .

*Me*: You're now bringing

your girlfriends to my place
knowing very well how l feel
about you?

He scratches his head

*Him*: That's Njabulo's wife

she ain't my girlfriend ...We just
found out Thembi and Njabulo
have been sleeping together and
they are having a baby .

*Me*: You are still not

explaining why l have to stay
with that thing that's at my
dinning .

*Him*: MaBande......
*Me*: No Smanga I'm sorry but
the last thing l need is drama in
my life .

*Him*: She says she wants to

kill herself she's suicidal but l
can't stay with her cause she
kinda have them feels for me

*Me*: She's not your

responsibility Smanga if she
wants to kill herself cause she
got cheated on let her go ahead
with it . She's not the first
person to get cheated on .
Problem with you you want to
make people's problems yours
she's just going to use you .

*Him*: But Noma....

*Me*: No thank you l would

have loved to help but l can't
live with a she devil how do l
know that my baby will be safe
l don't trust that woman .

He gives me a look l don't

understand .

*Him*: And who are you to

judge ?
*Me*: I'm the very reason you
are breathing right now l die
you die with .

He laughs mockingly.

*Him*: Problem is you think

you are all that !

*Me*: What's that supposed to

*Him*: You have forgotten
where you come from cause
you now have a place of your
own and you are gaining money
through babysitting you now
think you are better than
everyone just yesterday you
were a nobody a nonentity . No
wonder why your parents don't
want you .......

*Me*: What have my parents

got to do with anything Smanga?
Don't try make me feel bad. I
don't want that skank in my
place let her go back to where
she came from .

He sighs in disbelief .

*Him*: And If she kills herself ?

*Me*: She won't . Smanga don't

you see what is happening this
lady is trying to use you she's
hurt and she wants to get back
to your brother by being with

*Him*: I don't want her blood

being in my hands l already
have my sister's .....

He says looking down .

Oh so that's the story ,that's way

he feels responsible for her .
*Me*: I will make sure she
doesn't kill herself okay if she
dies it won't be cause of suicide.

He just looks at me .

*Me*: Her death wasn't your

fault get over it ...

*Him*: It's easy for you to

say ....
*Me*: Smanga

*Him*: Let me go tell Thuba to

go back to the village l can't
stay with her .

I hold his hand .

*Me*: Why are you ignoring

the feelings you have for me ?
I don't even know where that
question comes from .

He stares down at me .

*Him*: l don't want to be hurt

look what Thembi has done to
me . I have nothing to offer you
I'm also infertile . You deserve
a better man Noma .

*Me*: But it's you that l want.....


The emotion that was on her

face . It's was so real and pure .
I just left her standing there in
her room . I don't know what is
wrong with me . Yes l do want
to be with her but it's like
something is stopping me .
She puts her hand over mine l
remove it .

I'm driving her back to the

palace .

*Her*: Smanga l need support

from someone l know . But it's
okay if you don't want to stay
with me l can go live with that
friend of yours .
*Me*: She refused .

She starts crying .

*Me*: Thuba not now please l

don't have time for this . I also
got my own problems l can't be
babysitting an old woman like
you . Your daughter needs her
mother . All l can do for you is
hook you up with one of the
best therapist in the country.
*Thuba*: What's the use of
living when you all hate me .
Smanga if you take me back to
that village l will kill myself.

*Me*: Go ahead .

I step on the accelerator . The

faster we arrive the better.
Thuba is being a nuisance .
What do you know she opens
the car's door .

*Me*: What are you doing?

*Her*: Smanga drive back to

the city otherwise I'm going to
jump .

The wind rushes in I'm driving

at a fast speed . When she
jumps she won't survive .
I ignore her .

She tries to jump but the door

suddenly bangs and closes on
its own .

I lock the doors . Will just have

to drop her off at the palace l
don't think l will be able to
stand her .

*Me*: What do you mean the

house is sold ?

I ask the agent that's on my door

step .

*Her*: Here are the

papers ...How soon can you
move out ?
Wow just wow ! How can
Smanga do this to me .

*Me*: Next week.

*Her*: Next week!

She exclaims

*Her*: I'm giving you two

hours .
She turns on her heel and walks
away .

I pack my stuff and leave .l will

just book a hotel room for now
cause like there's no way in hell
I'm going back to my parents
palace .

*Receptionist*: Ma'am the

system is rejecting your card .
*Me*: It must be the network
try this one .

I say handing her the other one .

*Her*: I'm sorry but it seems

like your cards have been
blocked .

I feel like screaming .

I can't believe Smanga is doing
this to me . Is he seriously not
coming back to me?

I just have to put my pride aside

and go back home .


*Her*: Are you even listening

to me.
*Me*: Mom when am l getting
crowned ?

*Her*: l did tell you that


*Me*: Just cut it out this was

your plan all along isn't ?

She walks up to me .
*Her*: Baby don't be like that I
don't want this your father's
shoes are too big for me to fill .

She's lying to me .

*Me*: whatever

*Her*: Njabulo.....

I leave her presence . I honestly

don't know what to do with
myself anymore it seems like
my life is crumbling right
before my eyes .

*Voice*: Remove your shoes .

I do and enter the hut .

*Me*: Makhosi l need help I

want to take what's rightfully

He looks so peaceful sleeping in

my arms .

*Noma*: You guys seem to get

along so well .

I smile .

*Me*: The Prince is a peaceful

child .
*Her*: Yeah

I go put him in his cot . I arrived

this morning in the city .

*Her*: He didn't wake up?

*Me*: No he's still asleep .

Listen sweetie there's something
l need to tell you .
She sits up straight.

*Her*: Sounds so serious is

everything okay?

*Me*: Yes umm ....

Lord where do l start ?

*Me*: How was the dinner you

had with ehhm your parents .
She scoffs .

*Her*: They hate me especially

the mother of it like yoh aunty
she was spitting venom . You
know it's kind of sad cause l
thought l would build a
relationship with them without
an questions asked .

She deeply inhales.

*Her*: Like the way l get along
with my siblings .

*Me*: That's cause umm it's

complicated .

She comes sit next to me.

*Her*: What do you mean ?

*Me*: Don't hate me after what
l will tell you .....

*Noma*: I can't hate anyone

even if l tried you know that ...

Yah cause of the amulet.

*Me*: l had gone back home

for holidays . I had had the
privilege to go to boarding
school you do know you
grandpa had some money right ?

She nods I'm sure wondering

what this has to do with
anything .

*Me*: So umm as expected my

parents were waiting for me .
Please may l have a glass of
water .
She quickly comes with it and l
gulp it down .

*Me*: I was excited to see my

brother it had been long he
umm lived here in the city
married and had twin babies .

I wipe a tear .

*Noma*: Aunty why are you

crying what happened ?
*Me*: l got into the compound
and greeted your grandparents .
I was so happy to see my
brother so l threw myself at him
in excitement . You know him
being the only sibling l had l
was so happy to see him .After
the greetings l went to my hut to
get off my uniform . My mom
called out telling me her and
dad were going to get some
mealie meal . It was after about
ten fifteen minutes when he
opened the door . I was only
half dressed l didn't even think
of covering myself with
something l mean this guy used
to bath me when l was
younger .He had gift bags with
him . I opened them and jumped
in excitement the clothes he had
bought for me !

It feels like I'm reliving that

moment . Tears are now just
streaming down my face . I
know l now look like a mess .
Noma doesn't say anything she's
still listening to me . Helping
me wipe my tears here and
there .

*Me*: To this day l still don't

know how it happened but
l.....ummm the next thing l felt
his lips onto mine l pushed him
away told him it wasn't right
like the guy was my brother and
l was still a virgin . That
somehow got him angry and he
hit me and stripped me off the
remaining clothes l had on me .
He throw me on the bed and
had his way with me . I did try
to push off me but l failed .
Tried screaming out for help
noone came.

*Noma*: Aunty I'm I'm so

sorry .
She says her eyes glistening
with tears .

*Her*: I'm so sorry

*Me*:He left me like that in my

hut .l didn't move or anything .
Your grandparents found me
like that asked me what
happened. I told them
everything . Thought they
would take me to the hospital
but no they didn't want people
asking questions .

*Noma*: What???

*Me*: Senzo went back to the

city . Three weeks later l started
vomiting and getting sick . My
father was panicking but no not
mama she told him everything
was okay .
I blow my nose .

*Me*: My body started

changing and l started getting
fat . It was after my tummy
started growing that it dawned
on me that l was pregnant .

*Noma*: OMG ....

The shock on her face.

*Me*: Dropped out of school
and gave birth nine months later
to triplet girls . The other two
died just one of them survived .
I hated the kid cause she used to
remind me of the misfortune
that happened to me . I used to
wish that she had died with the
others .

*Noma*: Aunty
Her eyes are now so red .

*Her*: Where is your daughter

where is my cousin .

She doesn't get it does she ?

*Me*: She's sitting right next to

me ......


I'm kneeling down naked in the

grasslands . Luckily not a soul
is in sight .

The baby wails as the granny l

went to see picks it up .
She cuts off its head with no
emotion on her face .

She pours the baby's blood all

over my body . I can't believe
we just killed a baby for its
blood .

I wanted us to attack my mother

but she said it was impossible
because apparently she's a
powerful witch .
I find that hard to believe but
then l want this throne it's the
only thing l have left .

Thuba wants to leave me she

says she's taking my daughter
with . Not that l care I mean
Thembi is carrying my seed .

*Her*: Come with me ....

I follow her .

*Her*: You have to wash off

here .

*Me*: Why ?

*Her*: Cause this stream is

flowing that means it will flow
away with your bad luck .

Sounds good to me .

I'm in this beautiful forest the

view is so breath taking .
There's also a waterfall here.

All the fallen Ngonyama's seem

to be here .
I kneel down before them
suddenly feeling so small in
their presence .

Dad comes up to me .

*Him*: Ndodana( son)

*Me*:baba (dad)

*Him*: l asked you to take care

of my kingdom how come I
always hear my people's voices
crying out in pain ?

*Me*: l ....l.....l

*Him*: And your chosen one ?

Why ain't you marrying her ?

*Me*: Baba.....

*Him*: I made a promise to her

family that you guys will get
married when you grew older
and the ancestors accepted it .

*Me*: But why?

He looks away

*Him*: That doesn't matter son .

The more you try to fight this
the more complicated your life
will be . Please do as l say .
I wake up .

It was a dream it felt so real .

I hear a knock . Who's it it's just

past one am

I go open and she comes in .

*Her*: Smanga....
She's sobbing l wonder what
happened to her .

*Me*: What's umm what's

wrong ?

*Her*: Please just hug me .

I embrace her . I wonder what's

wrong the way she's crying
unsettles me .
*Me*: Hey...

I lift her face up wanting to ask

what's the matter.

I don't , I feel myself being

drawn to her eyes.

I look at her lips why are they

suddenly appetising .
I find myself capturing them .
She first hesitates but eventually
kisses me back .


I can't read his aura there's just

something off about him .

*Me*: Your highness what's

going on I'm hearing rumors
that Thuba is leaving you .
He takes in a deep breath .

*Him*: And how is it any of

your business my Queen?

*Me*: My Prince I'm your

mother I'm concerned about
your well-being.
He ignores me and leaves the
servants running after him .
What has changed about him ?

*Her*: Your majesty you

called .

*Me*: I thought you had

everything under control ?

*Her*: Ma'am the Ngonyama

ancestors have decided to
support him l know can't mess
with his mind.

She says fiddling with her red

dress .

No why ain't my plans going


*Me*: If you can't mess with

his mind anymore that means he
will be together with Noma !
*Her*: I'm sorry but you know
that my powers are limited .

*Me*: What do we do ?

I say sitting on my throne

holding my head .

If we can't mess with Smanga's

head anymore that means he
will come for his kingdom .
*Her*: Well look at the bright
side ...

She must not bore me .

*Her*: Well if Smanga and

Noma have an offspring it will
be more powerful it will hail
from two kingdoms imagine the
power it will possess . Imagine
if we can manipulate it .
She's onto something.

*Me*: Bring me liver .....

*Her*: Fresh?

I nod . That's the only thing that

will make me feel better . The
lady in red's plan feels so
farfetched what if they decide
not to have a child ? What if
they have it ten years later ?

That won't stop them coming

for me . Am l strong enough to
hold them of?


I bath Nkosiyabo . There is

something about this baby that
just calms me down .
I dress him up .

I don't know where Noma is .

She ran away yesterday after l
told her the story behind her
birth .

*Him*: Aunty hie ...

I guess he has a key .

*Me*: Bongani....

I try faking a smile .

The resemblance is just too

much for me to handle . I feel
my heart beat escalating .

*Him*: Are you okay you

suddenly look pale ?

*Me*: I'm I'm good

He comes closer .

*Him*: Where's Noma ?

*Me*: She.....she....visit ......

My vision starts getting blurry.

Let me go lie down .
I take a step then fall. The last
thing l hear is Bongani shaking
me then lights out .


I steal a kiss and she opens her

eyes .

I find myself smiling .

*Me*: Good morning mami.

*Her*: babakhe

I chuckle.

She snuggles closer to me .

*Her*: We are dating right?

She innocently asks .

I don't respond .

*Her*: Smanga you know

you're replaceable right? Don't
take me for granted I ain't
desperate . They are a lot of
guys l can date .And don't you
ever forget I might be your
chosen one but you're not mine .

I can't imagine her with anyone

*Me*: Listen mami l don't
know what was going on with
me but that's no excuse for
treating you the way l did . I
love you l really do ever since l
first laid my eyes on you I've
been in denial please forgive me
for all the pain that I've caused
you .l promise you l will never
ever break your heart again
cause you're mine to love .
*Her*: I hope you mean every
word you just uttered right now .

She says standing up going to

the bathroom .

I follow her .

I just poured my heart out to her

and she stands up as if l didn't
say anything .
She's looking at the mirror
sobbing .

I put my arms around her waist

and place a peck on her neck .

*Me*: Mami what's wrong ? Is

cause of what l said .

She shakes her head .

*Her*: I'm a product of
rape ....I'm an inbred my father
raped my mother . Gloria is my

She says her bottom lip

trembling .

*Me*: Babe......

I don't know what to say this is

so painful . Who does that ?
I hug her and she just let's it all
out . That bastard of a father
doesn't deserve to live. But l
don't think Noma and the twins
will ever forgive me if l kill
their father .

Her phone rings . We go

together to the bedroom .

*Her*: It's my brother .

She says slightly smiling .

*Her*: Bhudi .....

*Bongani*: Please come to the

hospital it's aunty Gloria ....

She drops to the floor and just

wails .
I don't know what to do .l don't
know how to comfort her .

So l change to Ngonyama and

snuggle closer to her .
*Eighteen (continuation)*


We walk into the hospital hand
in hand .

The stares we get I'm guessing

cause people know Smanga as
Thembi's husband .

Bongani is sitting besides

Gloria .
She's connected to them
machines and has on an oxygen
mask .

He stands up as soon as he sees .

He first looks at our hands
before he greets us .

*Him*: Hie ....

*Me*: What happened ?

*Him*: She just collapsed the
doctors are saying she's had a
panic attack .

I exhale it must be cause of the

resemblance Bongani has with

*Me*: Please excuse us?

The way his eyes pop out .

*Me*: Please l will tell you
everything right now you are
causing more harm being here .

*Bongani*: What are you

saying ? Am l not family

*Smanga*: It has got to do with

you looking like your father
your aunt and dad are not in
good terms.
*Him*: Ohhh.....

He places a kiss on my forehead.

I see Smanga folding and

unfolding his fist . I see
someone is jealous.

*Bongani*: Okay l understand

lil sis take care of yourself okay
l will call neh .
I nod .

He leaves .

*Smanga*: You're ready?


*Me*: What?
He walks to the other side of the
bed .

He stretches out his arms and

looks at me .

I walk to the other side and also

stretch out mine . What are we

He closes his eyes l do the

same .
I feel some of my energy
leaving me .

What's going on ?

*Smanga*: Hie

I open my eyes aunty Gloria is

awake .
She removes the oxygen mask .

*Her*: What what happened?

She asks .

*Smanga*: You had a panic

attack mah but don't worry
everything will be alright .

Why is Smanga looking at me l

don't have anything to say to
her .l don't know what to say to

She looks at me with tears

glistening in her eyes .

I'm also blinded by mine .

She tries to hold my hand .

I can't do this l leave the room .

All the memories of her ill
treating me just flood back . She
used to hit me for no apparent
reason. Sometimes she wouldn't
even give me food . The
heartbreaking words she said to
me .....l just can't.

I'm packing my daughter's
clothes .

We are leaving this palace . We

are going to the city . There's is
just no way that Smanga will let
his niece sleep on the streets so
l know he will take us in .

*Servant*: My princess come

She whispers to my ear . See

I follow her .

There she is. The servants

follow her with her bags . The
bloody bitch.

Njabulo has this ridiculous

smile on his face as he
welcomes her arms open .
Feel like puking they disgust
me .

They hug each other and kiss.

*Me*: What is going on ?

*Her*: Oh hie your

highness are still here?
*Me*: What's that supposed to

*Njabulo*: Didn't you send me

divorce papers I'm getting a
new wife what's a king without
one ?

No no no what are they talking

about .
*Me*: I'm not going anywhere
I'm not divorcing you I was
angry and hurt cause you
betrayed me but l love you so l
have decided to stay .......

I'm not about to lose another

man to Thembi .

Before he says anything a

servant calls him aside .
I follow Thembi as her servants
wheel her bags to her chambers .

*Me*: What game are you

playing at your highness?

She chuckles .

*Her*: That's the question l

should be asking you . I mean
one minute you were leaving
but as soon as you heard
Njabulo has married me you
want to stay you're so pathetic .

*Me*: I'm pathetic? You should

watch your tone . You might be
older than me but I'm still
Njabulo's first wife .

She claps once .

*Her*: You can't compete with

me .
She says rubbing her tinynyana
bump .

*Her*: I'm guessing you now

want in because the Queen is
stepping down in two days .

Stepping down? What's going

on ? Why am l not up to date?
*Me*:l don't know why you are
so excited .I'm the crown

She laughs shaking her head .

*Her*: l don't care about the

throne and besides I'm the one
carrying the heir .

She says with a huge ass smile .

I feel like slapping her but l will
hold myself . I'm so frustrated .


I'm in disguise . A big scarf

covering my head and huge
sunglasses .

One of his bodyguards opens

the door for me and l get into
the car .
He has a cat sitting on his lap .

He's busy brushing in with his

hand .

*Him*: What can l do for you?

*Me*: l need a girl to get killed .

*Him*: Is that why you
requested to talk to me
personally ?

Why is his cold voice turning

me on?

I give him the picture .

*Him*: What did this innocent

looking girl do to you ? Why
does she deserve to die? What
am l getting from this deal?l
hate people who waste my

*Me*: Look what she has

around her neck .

He looks at it .

*Him*: JamJam bring me my

glasses .
He says with a little excitement
in his voice .

He wears the glasses and holds

the picture up . He rotates it at
all angles to get a clearer view .

He whistles .

*Him*: Is that the amulet ? The

one that controls the world?
I nod .

*Him*: Consider her dead .

He says evily smiling .

*Him*: Imagine the things l

would do when l get my hands
on that amulet .

I really don't care what he does

about it l just want that bitch
dead she's tearing my family
apart l don't remember the last
time l spent time with my twins .

That inbred has to die.


*Me*: Why are you quiet ?

We are snuggled up on the

couch watching a movie .
*Her*: umm it's nothing .....

I kiss the top of her nose .

She giggles .

*Her*: I'm I'm pregnant .....

I jump up running around the
apartment screaming my lungs
out .

*Bongiwe*: Babe babe are you


I stop running around . I'm now

even sweating .

I think of what she just said and

start jumping up and down .
I take my phone .

*Him*: Bhudi......

*Me*: Bafo l got a woman


*Him*: Bongiwe is going to cut

your balls off!!
*Me*: l mean l got her
pregnant .

*Him*: wow I'm so happy for

you so when are you marrying

Umm marriage .I start

scratching my head .

*Me*: Smanga we just umm .....

*Him*: Marry that woman
money ain't a problem l will
help you pay the bridal price .

*Me*: umm okay ....

He drops the call .

Bongiwe just looks at me with a

smile on her face .
*Her*: When should my family
expect a letter from the Nyoni

See izinto zikaSmanga

Now l have to part with money

cause l got super sperms .

Mom has the palace gates
closed and the guards guarding
them with huge ass guns.

There is march out there .

People have got posters and and

shouting onto of their voices .

*Them*: Let the Queen step

down we want the crown prince
to be crowned King it's been
long overdue!!!!!

The royal council is mad. We

are sitting around the throne
room .

*Sibanda*: Your majesty you

need to step down with
immediate effect!

The look she gives him .

*Her*: l did say l will step
down in two days!

The other councilors start

shaking their heads .

*Her*: You all know that in

order for him to be crowned
Nyoni has to be present .

I chuckle .
Wow that baby blood really did
work .

*Sibanda*: it's either that or the

people crown him . The people
have spoken give them their

It makes people love me .

She stands up .
*Her*: l don't see the point of
this meeting .

She walks away .

*Sibanda*: Just step down

nicely otherwise you won't like
the consequences .

He calls out .
*Me*: Gentleman excuse me .

*Them*: No problem your

majesty and don't you worry we
will make you King .

Music to my ears .

Something smells nice in here .
Funny l didn't even hire help on
my new house .

It's just normal place nje not

that big .

I go to the kitchen . Then she is

cooking with headphones on .

She's only on my shirt .

I hug her from behind and place
a peck on her neck . She smiles
nice guess she first showered .

*Me*: How are you ?

I whisper to her ear .

*Her*: I'm okay....

Her voice is down but this the
most angelic sound l have ever
heard .

She switches off the stoves .

*Me*: You are done already?

I whine l wanted to watch her

cook . Her moving up and down
in the kitchen in that shirt .
*Her*: Yep and mister stop
having dirty thoughts about
me ....

*Me*: Oh you can now read

minds ?

I ask with a smile .

She pulls my hand .

We seem to be going to the
bedroom . Is she giving me the
cookie ?

She makes me sit on the bed

and disappears to the bathroom .

Maybe she's going to put on

some lingerie .

She comes back she's still on

that shirt .
She comes sits next to me .

*Her*: We are now one

Smanga you agree .

I nod l love her .

*Her*:give me your arm .

She cuts my wrist with a razor .

She sucks the blood that comes
out .

Her eyes turn golden and she

starts behaving like a person
who's having fits . It must be
the Ngonyama blood doing that
to her . After she has calm down
her eyes turn back to normal .
She smiles and gives me the
razor blade .

I cut her wrist and suck her

blood .

*Her*: Smanga........

I have fallen on the floor . I feel

my head spinning . I growl out .
She's there holding my hand
through out it all .

I calm down after a few . I feel

different l can actually feel her
love for me . The hurt she's
going through cause of the
Gloria scandal . The pure love
she has for Nkosiyabo and her
siblings . I can feel everything
even her very own heart beat .
She helps me stand .

*Her*: We are now one

Smanga there's no going back .
I die you die with you die l die
with our hearts have combined
we now share a heart .

Sounds scary but l love her

that's all that matters .
I pull her closer to me and just
kiss her .*Eighteen



We walk into the hospital hand

in hand .
The stares we get I'm guessing
cause people know Smanga as
Thembi's husband .

Bongani is sitting besides

Gloria .

She's connected to them

machines and has on an oxygen
mask .
He stands up as soon as he sees .
He first looks at our hands
before he greets us .

*Him*: Hie ....

*Me*: What happened ?

*Him*: She just collapsed the

doctors are saying she's had a
panic attack .
I exhale it must be cause of the
resemblance Bongani has with

*Me*: Please excuse us?

The way his eyes pop out .

*Me*: Please l will tell you

everything right now you are
causing more harm being here .
*Bongani*: What are you
saying ? Am l not family

*Smanga*: It has got to do with

you looking like your father
your aunt and dad are not in
good terms.

*Him*: Ohhh.....

He places a kiss on my forehead.

I see Smanga folding and
unfolding his fist . I see
someone is jealous.

*Bongani*: Okay l understand

lil sis take care of yourself okay
l will call neh .

I nod .

He leaves .
*Smanga*: You're ready?


*Me*: What?

He walks to the other side of the

bed .
He stretches out his arms and
looks at me .

I walk to the other side and also

stretch out mine . What are we

He closes his eyes l do the

same .

I feel some of my energy

leaving me .
What's going on ?

*Smanga*: Hie

I open my eyes aunty Gloria is

awake .

She removes the oxygen mask .

*Her*: What what happened?

She asks .

*Smanga*: You had a panic

attack mah but don't worry
everything will be alright .

Why is Smanga looking at me l

don't have anything to say to
her .l don't know what to say to
She looks at me with tears
glistening in her eyes .

I'm also blinded by mine .

She tries to hold my hand .

I can't do this l leave the room .

All the memories of her ill

treating me just flood back . She
used to hit me for no apparent
reason. Sometimes she wouldn't
even give me food . The
heartbreaking words she said to
me .....l just can't.


I'm packing my daughter's

clothes .

We are leaving this palace . We

are going to the city . There's is
just no way that Smanga will let
his niece sleep on the streets so
l know he will take us in .

*Servant*: My princess come


She whispers to my ear . See


I follow her .
There she is. The servants
follow her with her bags . The
bloody bitch.

Njabulo has this ridiculous

smile on his face as he
welcomes her arms open .

Feel like puking they disgust

me .

They hug each other and kiss.

*Me*: What is going on ?

*Her*: Oh hie your

highness are still here?

*Me*: What's that supposed to


*Njabulo*: Didn't you send me

divorce papers I'm getting a
new wife what's a king without
one ?

No no no what are they talking

about .

*Me*: I'm not going anywhere

I'm not divorcing you I was
angry and hurt cause you
betrayed me but l love you so l
have decided to stay .......
I'm not about to lose another
man to Thembi .

Before he says anything a

servant calls him aside .

I follow Thembi as her servants

wheel her bags to her chambers .

*Me*: What game are you

playing at your highness?
She chuckles .

*Her*: That's the question l

should be asking you . I mean
one minute you were leaving
but as soon as you heard
Njabulo has married me you
want to stay you're so pathetic .

*Me*: I'm pathetic? You should

watch your tone . You might be
older than me but I'm still
Njabulo's first wife .

She claps once .

*Her*: You can't compete with

me .

She says rubbing her tinynyana

bump .
*Her*: I'm guessing you now
want in because the Queen is
stepping down in two days .

Stepping down? What's going

on ? Why am l not up to date?

*Me*:l don't know why you are

so excited .I'm the crown

She laughs shaking her head .

*Her*: l don't care about the
throne and besides I'm the one
carrying the heir .

She says with a huge ass smile .

I feel like slapping her but l will

hold myself . I'm so frustrated .

I'm in disguise . A big scarf
covering my head and huge
sunglasses .

One of his bodyguards opens

the door for me and l get into
the car .

He has a cat sitting on his lap .

He's busy brushing in with his

hand .
*Him*: What can l do for you?

*Me*: l need a girl to get killed .

*Him*: Is that why you

requested to talk to me
personally ?

Why is his cold voice turning

me on?
I give him the picture .

*Him*: What did this innocent

looking girl do to you ? Why
does she deserve to die? What
am l getting from this deal?l
hate people who waste my

*Me*: Look what she has

around her neck .
He looks at it .

*Him*: JamJam bring me my

glasses .

He says with a little excitement

in his voice .

He wears the glasses and holds

the picture up . He rotates it at
all angles to get a clearer view .
He whistles .

*Him*: Is that the amulet ? The

one that controls the world?

I nod .

*Him*: Consider her dead .

He says evily smiling .

*Him*: Imagine the things l
would do when l get my hands
on that amulet .

I really don't care what he does

about it l just want that bitch
dead she's tearing my family
apart l don't remember the last
time l spent time with my twins .

That inbred has to die.


*Me*: Why are you quiet ?

We are snuggled up on the

couch watching a movie .

*Her*: umm it's nothing .....

I kiss the top of her nose .

She giggles .

*Her*: I'm I'm pregnant .....

I jump up running around the

apartment screaming my lungs
out .

*Bongiwe*: Babe babe are you

I stop running around . I'm now
even sweating .

I think of what she just said and

start jumping up and down .

I take my phone .

*Him*: Bhudi......

*Me*: Bafo l got a woman

*Him*: Bongiwe is going to cut
your balls off!!

*Me*: l mean l got her

pregnant .

*Him*: wow I'm so happy for

you so when are you marrying
Umm marriage .I start
scratching my head .

*Me*: Smanga we just umm .....

*Him*: Marry that woman

money ain't a problem l will
help you pay the bridal price .

*Me*: umm okay ....

He drops the call .

Bongiwe just looks at me with a
smile on her face .

*Her*: When should my family

expect a letter from the Nyoni

See izinto zikaSmanga

Now l have to part with money

cause l got super sperms .

Mom has the palace gates

closed and the guards guarding
them with huge ass guns.

There is march out there .

People have got posters and and

shouting onto of their voices .
*Them*: Let the Queen step
down we want the crown prince
to be crowned King it's been
long overdue!!!!!

The royal council is mad. We

are sitting around the throne
room .

*Sibanda*: Your majesty you

need to step down with
immediate effect!
The look she gives him .

*Her*: l did say l will step

down in two days!

The other councilors start

shaking their heads .

*Her*: You all know that in

order for him to be crowned
Nyoni has to be present .
I chuckle .

Wow that baby blood really did

work .

*Sibanda*: it's either that or the

people crown him . The people
have spoken give them their

It makes people love me .

She stands up .

*Her*: l don't see the point of

this meeting .

She walks away .

*Sibanda*: Just step down

nicely otherwise you won't like
the consequences .
He calls out .

*Me*: Gentleman excuse me .

*Them*: No problem your

majesty and don't you worry we
will make you King .

Music to my ears .

Something smells nice in here .
Funny l didn't even hire help on
my new house .

It's just normal place nje not

that big .

I go to the kitchen . Then she is

cooking with headphones on .

She's only on my shirt .

I hug her from behind and place
a peck on her neck . She smiles
nice guess she first showered .

*Me*: How are you ?

I whisper to her ear .

*Her*: I'm okay....

Her voice is down but this the
most angelic sound l have ever
heard .

She switches off the stoves .

*Me*: You are done already?

I whine l wanted to watch her

cook . Her moving up and down
in the kitchen in that shirt .
*Her*: Yep and mister stop
having dirty thoughts about
me ....

*Me*: Oh you can now read

minds ?

I ask with a smile .

She pulls my hand .

We seem to be going to the
bedroom . Is she giving me the
cookie ?

She makes me sit on the bed

and disappears to the bathroom .

Maybe she's going to put on

some lingerie .

She comes back she's still on

that shirt .
She comes sits next to me .

*Her*: We are now one

Smanga you agree .

I nod l love her .

*Her*:give me your arm .

She cuts my wrist with a razor .

She sucks the blood that comes
out .

Her eyes turn golden and she

starts behaving like a person
who's having fits . It must be
the Ngonyama blood doing that
to her . After she has calm down
her eyes turn back to normal .
She smiles and gives me the
razor blade .

I cut her wrist and suck her

blood .

*Her*: Smanga........

I have fallen on the floor . I feel

my head spinning . I growl out .
She's there holding my hand
through out it all .

I calm down after a few . I feel

different l can actually feel her
love for me . The hurt she's
going through cause of the
Gloria scandal . The pure love
she has for Nkosiyabo and her
siblings . I can feel everything
even her very own heart beat .
She helps me stand .

*Her*: We are now one

Smanga there's no going back .
I die you die with you die l die
with our hearts have combined
we now share a heart .

Sounds scary but l love her

that's all that matters .
I pull her closer to me and just
kiss her .


I'm looking at this Nyoni

representative . He must be
mistaken I sacrificed Bongiwe's
womb .
*Him*: So we want to make
things right marry your
daughter . I know this is not
how things are done but I'm the
only family that Nyoni has .

He's shirt is a bit unbuttoned at

the top.

He's phone falls and he picks it

up. That's when l see it the
Ngonyama imprint.
I'm already on my knees
bowing down.

*Him*: And then ?

*Me*: Your majesty forgive me

for my inhospitality l didn't
know .

*Him*: Stand up don't pretend

to be an honorable man if it
wasn't for my brother l wouldn't
even be here. If it wasn't cause l
love your kids you would be six
feet under .

I swallow what is he talking


*Him*: l know what you did to


He spits on my face.
*Him*: You disgust me .

*Me*: I'm I'm so sorry please

forgive me .

I say rubbing my hands together

crying . Don't judge me I'm
scared for my life . Legend has
it that the Ngonyama family
actually do turn to real lions . I
don't want to find out how true
that is .

*Him*: You are apologizing to

the wrong person . So when
should l come for the lobola

*Me*: You have to pay it to the

ex husband's family .
I did want the money but l don't
want to deal with this guy let
them go there it's how things
are done anyways .

He stands and fixes himself .

*Me*: l will umm l will walk

you out your majesty .

He steps closer to me . He puts

his hand over my chest it
suddenly turns to a paw with
claws . I'm shaking .

*Him*: Do the right thing make

things right with your daughter
and her mother .

I feel a warm liquid flowing

down my legs .
With that he leaves . I should
get myself cleaned up and look
for that woman who's my sister .


We come together . I roll off her

sweating . That was one heavy
session .

*Me*: You're okay ....

I ask trying to catch my breath .
She has energy for days .

She nods and gets up .

She puts on her underwears

then her red dress .

*Me*: You're leaving .....

*Her*: I have to leave before

your mom starts looking for me .
*Me*: After she steps down
tomorrow you will be the
Queen you won't have to
answer to her .

She smiles .

*Her*: I can't wait ....

*Me*: But what if she does
something to stop me being
crowned .

*Her*: She won't l promise let

me leave before she suspects
something .

She does her disappearing


Thembi comes in .
*Her*: Hey why are you naked .

*Me*:l had a feeling you would

drop by .

I say standing up going to her .

I kiss her and push her to the

bed .
Will just have to shut her up
and need my baby to be born
safely .

The lady in red says she's

carrying a boy .


*Her*:Pumpkin it's been long .

She says hugging me

*Me*: I missed you

I hug her tighter .

*Bongani*: Oh come sit down .

We laugh .

We sit and look at the menus .

Surprisingly we all order the
same thing at the same time .

*Me*: Umm l called you here

cause l got something to tell
you .

*Bongiwe*: I also got news but

start .

I inhale this is harder than l

thought .
*Me*: Umm it's about Gloria
and your father .

*Her*: What bout them?

*Me*: I'm not telling you this

so that you start hating on your
father but l think you deserve to
know what's going on because it
concerns you . I won't beat
around the bush l will tell you
as it is . Your father raped
Gloria and I'm the result .

Bongani hits the table .

*Him*: What!!!

*Me*: Calm down .

*Him*: Don't tell me to calm

down he's a monster the person
I've called dad for the past
twenty five years he he's a
bloody motherfucker .

*Bongiwe*: Twinnie ....

She tries to hold her hand . He

yanks it off and leaves .

We run after him but we don't

catch him . He bangs his car's
door and drives off .
Bongiwe hugs me with tears
falling down her face .

*Her*: lil sis I'm so so sorry .

*Me*: it's okay...

*Her*: Nothing is okay . I

wonder what is wrong with
dad . First he sacrificed my
womb now this this is
unforgivable Noma l want
nothing to do with him
anymore .

*Me*: babe......

*Her*: no Noma no.....

Maybe telling them wasn't such

a good idea after all.

I hope noone has seen that I'm
not at the palace .

There she is the solution to my


I could have sent someone but

then l only got one day left so l
better do this myself .
I approach them they are in the
parking lot .

I go for the city so that things

became easier for me .

I put the gun on the small part

of her back .

*Me*: Shhhhh you scream I'm

going to kill you .
*Bongiwe*: Noma

She calls to her sister her voice

trembling .

*Me*: Listen to me Noma you

have to come with me both of
you . You do something stupid
I'm going to kill and there's
noway in hell that you can save
her . I'm a snake l infect her
with poison she dies nature's
rules .

*Her*: What do you want from

me ?

The boldness !

*Me*: Get into the fucken car .

She does l push the sister inside.

I tie them with magical ropes
that she can't break .

I'm in luck she's in pain so she's

weak .

*Me*: Guards drive to the


Well Njabulo the throne is mine

sonny I'm going to use Noma .
As long as l have the sister l
know she will do anything for

*Lady in red*

I rush to the dungeon.

*Queen*: Took you so long see

what l have for you !
She evily smiles at me.

I play with the hem of my dress .

*Me*: Your majesty but how?

*Her*: That doesn't matter what

matters is that we have the most
powerful being in the world .

*Me*: Don't you think it's

I whisper to her.

*Me*: This is suicide ....they

had a blood exchange with
Smanga he will come for his

*Her*: Let's worry about

Smanga when he decides to
pitch up right now let's work
with her fast .
I don't know about this I'm
scared l don't think kidnapping
Noma was a good idea at all .


Ever seen a seven month old

baby standing up and starting to
pace around the room . It
looking like it's in deep thought .
I'm scared no lie I've never seen
anything like this .

He goes to the bedroom .

*Nkosiyabo*: Given me warm

clothes to wear it's a bit chilly
outside .

I have followed him to Noma's

He gives me a look that
says ,"lady didn't you hear what
l just said"

I take his clothes

*Him*: So you expect me to

dress myself up?

Says a baby that's walking and

talking .
I dress him up l just think that
I'm dreaming.

I tie his shoes and he just

vanishes into thin air .

I hear a knock l fly to the door

maybe it's Nkosi l wonder what
trick he's playing .

*Him*: Hie......
I try close the door but he
blocks with his foot .

I feel myself dizzy this can't be


I seat myself on the couch

taking breathing exercises .
That's what my therapist says l
should take deep breaths.
He comes seats opposite me . I
keep hoping that maybe this is
nothing but a bad dream .

He hasn't changed at all just

grew older .

He clears his throat .

*Him*: I hate the fact that I'm

making you this way .
I take the water jar on the table
and just gulp down the water in
it .

*Him*: Gloria .....

I try looking at him but l fail .

I'm blinded by tears. The
memories just come flooding
back why why did he do that to
me ? Why did he destroy my
life ?
*Me*: C...a...n c...a....n .........

I want to kick him out but l

can't even utter a full sensible

*Him*: sisi.....

*Me*: You lost the right to call

me that the moment you forced
yourself on me!!!!
I shout.

*Me*: I trusted you......

Tears stream down . My heart

breaks all over again .

*Me*: Why ? Why did you do

that to me? How could you!!!?
He just keeps quiet and looks
down .

*Me*: You destroyed my life

Senzo you destroyed me ....
You broke me to this day l
haven't picked up the pieces .

He still keep quiet looking at his

shoes .
*Me*: I hate you ! I hate what
you did to me! I hate the parents
for taking your side!

*Him*: is that the reason why

you killed them?

I stand up and go stand by the

window .

*Me*: l was angry and bitter

but l know that's no excuse .
I wonder how he knows I'm the
one who killed the parents .

*Him*: I'm so sorry . I'm sorry

for taking advantage of you .
I'm sorry for everything that l
did that day . You're my sister
my one and only and l love you .
I know right now you don't
even believe but since that day
l ....I did that to you I haven't
slept peaceful . I'm haunted by
your screams and cries . I wish l
could turn back time so that we
undo the past . I honestly don't
know what came over me.

I steal a glance and see him

wiping his tears .

*Him*:I really am sorry from

the bottom of my heart . I hope
that you will find it in your
heart to forgive me . I will
understand if you don't want
anything to do with me
afterwards but l beg of you
please forgive me .

I'm wiping my tears with the

sleeves of my blouse.

*Me*: It's it's not easy

and .....and Noma is always a
reminder of .....of.....
I blow my nose .

*Him*: I'm sorry .....


It can only be one person who

knocks like he's mad.

I open the door .

He pushes his way in .

*Him*: Why the hell dont l

have my own key !

Okay why is he shouting .

I lean on the counter and fold

my arms .
*Me*: What's up ?

*Him*: What's going on with

you Nyoni is it me or you no
longer see things ?

*Me*: You the reason Smanga

my heart is clouded with hurt
and anger ,the ancestors don't
associate themselves with such .

I say pouring myself a drink .

*Smanga*: l thought we were
over this Nyoni .

*Me*: You don't get it do you?

I say smashing the glass l was

just carrying against the wall .

*Me*: it's so hard not to blame

you ......look at you you had a
softer life than mine l .....
He comes next to me and holds
my shoulder .

*Smanga*: Nyoni when l didn't

know you were my biological
brother l always treated you like
one ,l love you please don't
blame for for our parents sins .
And please don't forget that dad
always took good care of you
Nyoni please please forgive
I seat on the stools and just cry .
I miss my parents no lie l just
wish things could have been
different .

*Him*: Don't you see that

you're destroying my life l need
you Nyoni and you know that
please don't do this to me . You
are supposed to be my protected
you're supposed to help Noma
discover who she really is .
He exhales

*Him*: Nyoni please can we

get over our parents sins and
focus on us . Soon you are
going to be a father do you want
your child to grow up in such an
environment ?

*Me*: l just miss them so

*Him*: l know l understand l
miss dad like crazy and at least
you knew mom l don't.......

I look at his eyes the pain that's

there! I'm such a jerk .

*Me*: I'm sorry for blaming

you it ain't your fault .
We give each other a brotherly
hug . This time l really am over
it l won't pretend .

*Me*: l need to go for

cleansing .

*Him*: How long ?

*Me*: About three days .

He runs his hand over his hair
in frustration.

*Him*: okay fine do what you

have to do but please get back
here as fast as you can l can't
leave you we need to go back to
the village .

*Me*: Why what's up ?

He shakes his head .

*Him*: l see you really do need
that cleansing .
I will tell when you are back or
rather your ancestors will do
after your cleansing . I need you
l can't do it on my own .

I wonder whatsup .

*Me*: leave me....

I say to the maidservants after

they have prepared my bath for
me .

They leave .

I take out the little rolled up

paper from my gown's pocket .
Pour the contents into my
bathing water .

I strip naked and get into the

water . This is the only way l
will be able to keep Njabulo.

We all know that he doesn't like

me much but these herbs are the
ones that make him tolerate me.
It will up until l find a plan to
get back together with Smanga .

That guy loved me with his all l

will just have to find a way to
rekindle that love.


I don't even know what he's

doing here. What if the Queen
senses his presence and attacks
him .

*Me*: Go back to Gloria

Nkosiyabo ....

He shakes his head .

Bongiwe gives me the "have

you lost it" eye .
Nkosiyabo is invisible . This kid
keeps amazing me on a daily
basis .

*Him*: I'm not here for

you ,you got dad I'm here for
her .

He says referring to Bongiwe.

Makes sense she's pregnant got
no powers and well Nyoni is
noway to be seen .

I wonder what the Queen wants

with us.

*Bongiwe*: Are we supposed

to eat this?

I laugh .
*Me*: I'm sorry my friends
can't carry plates .

Some rodents have dragged

bread from wherever they got it.

It's now dusty and all .

*Me*: thank you guys .

They smile at me and disappear .

I'm sure they are so proud of
themselves saying it's a job well
done .

*Me*: Don't worry sis Smanga

will be here anytime soon .

She exhales .

*Her*: l hope so cause I'm

hungry .....
She says looking at the bread
brought in by the rodents .

She comes in.

*Her*: My Queen how can l

help you .....

She says bowing down .

*Me*: Get away what do you

want from me?
She plays with her red dress's
hem .

*Her*: l want to help her

majesty .l did tell you l wanted
to help you discover who you
are . It's just that you don't trust
me .
I give her a bored look .
Bongiwe has this freaked out
look written all over her face.

I'm sure it's the fact that the lady

in red appeared out of nowhere .

*Me*: Get lost ....

*Bongiwe*: please before you

do bring me something to eat .
*Lady in red*:but my lady you
are mother nature. You can
make edible fruits out of
nothing .

I don't trust this woman but my

sister really is hungry .

Can l make it with my hands

tied with this magical rope.

*Focus , concentrate*
I remember Nyoni's words.

Bongiwe likes apples and


That's what l concentrate on . A

few minutes later they appear .

*Bongiwe*: is it safe to eat

They removed her ropes . I
guess they knew she can't help
me with mine .

She takes the fruits and eats

them .

The lady in red smiles .

*Her*: Stick with me and you

will discover more things about
yourself .
She says disappearing .

*Bongiwe*: How can a person

be creepy yet beautiful at the
same time?

She asks munching on her

fruits .

I shruggle . She hasn't even

offered me one imagine!

*Sibanda*: My lord people are

disappearing from the gates .

He says as if l can't see that .I'm

panicking but l ain't showing it .

I wonder if the baby's blood is

losing its effect .
*Me*: leave my presence!!!

He goes out .

I decide to go see the old witch .

I enter the scary looking hut .

*Me*: I'm panicking people are

now going back to the houses
they are no longer protesting .
*Her*: I'm seeing your mom
having the most powerful being
in her custody ....

*Me*: No that can't happen ....

*Her*: Don't panic she just

signed her death wish .

*Me*: Who's this powerful

*Her*: Nomalanga Bande.......



*Three days later*

My mom is still Queen . She
hasn't stepped down .

And the people l was putting

my trust on they just
disappeared .

*Her*: Your visits are

becoming constant ....
*Me*: The baby blood is losing
its effect so l brought something

I go to my car to get the twin

babies l stole or rather my
trusted guards stole for me .

She looks at the wailing babies

then at me .
*Her*: Are you being serious
right now?

*Me*: Please perform the ritual

again l brought two babies so
that this thing lasts for long .

*Her*: The only thing that will

last forever is....

She says smoking from her pipe.

*Her*: Your son's blood. He's
powerful he's a Ngonyama .
Pure hearted no ounce of hate in
his soul .

I look at her as if she has grown

horns on her head .

Yes l don't live with Nkosi well

that's cause he reminds me of
his mother but l love my son l
can't kill him for the throne.
But then the lady in red did say
Thembi is carrying a boy
child ....


He comes in . He rushes to his

room . Opens a monarch and
throws all of his clothes into it .

*Me*: Hie
I greet leaning on the doorframe
of his bedroom .

*Him*: Hey

He says rushing to the bathroom

taking all his toiletries .

*Me*: Are you moving out?

*Him*: We are or maybe
should l say l am not coming
back here ....

*Me*: I'm lost...

He just comes back from the

*cleansing of it* starts packing
saying stuff like he's not coming
*Him*: We are going to the

Oh he should have just said so .

*Me*:Did it work ?

I say referring to the cleansing .

*Him*: Yes asshole now move

out of my way ,my wife and
unborn triplets need me .
*Me*: We are having triplets.

I smile at him.

He just shakes his head and

continues his packing .

*Me*: So what will we name

them? Scooby Doo , Sponge
Bob and Spiderman...
He gives me a weird look


Bongani is here . Today I'm a

bit calmer his presence ain't
affecting me that much or is it
cause l have met the devil
himself .

Senzo left his card said l should

call him when "I'm ready"
He really must be out of his
fucken mind . So cause he
apologized he expects life to
just go back to normal .

He expects us to have the

normal brother sister
relationship and be one happy
*Bongani*: So you didn't see

I shake my head no for the

hundredth time.

*Him*: Where could they be

their phones are off . I went to
check them up at Nyoni's place ,
Smanga's and nothing dololo .
I exhale .I'm worried about
them it's like they just
disappeared .

*Him*: Where's Nkosi ?

Why why is he asking about

that creepy baby . Like he can
decide to appear when he wants
to and demands food
Like have you ever seen a baby
who's just beginning teething
eating roasted meat?

And Bongani just stands up and

goes to the nursery .

I follow him l hope he's in

there . The day he disappeared l
went to report to the police they
came back with me to this
apartment only to find
Nkosiyabo in the kitchen trying
to crawl around .

What did l tell you ? He's in his

cot sleeping peacefully . If l had
opened my big mouth he would
have thought I'm crazy like the
police man l had come with that
day .

*Bongani*: He's asleep ...

He whispers to me . We back to
the kitchen . He really is so
worried about his sisters .

But what l know is they're safe

like nature is still intact so that
means Noma is alive and well .


The palace gates open . The

driver drives through .
She's there waiting for us by the
doors with her numerous

The body guard comes open the

door for me .

I approach her and make a

bowing gesture .

*Me*: Your highness.....

She smiles .

*Her*: oh please the honor is

mine . It really is a surprise that
the mayor decided to grace our
small village with his
presence ....

I slightly smile at her busy

patting my cat .
We follow her into the palace .

*Her*: The servants will show

you to your chambers I'm sure
you guys want to rest it's been a
long drive ....

*Me*: Yes we are not in a hurry

to leave . The city can be too
much sometimes my Queen .

She nods .
*Her*: If you will excuse me l
got duties to take care of .

She leaves .

The servants show us to our

chambers .

I call a meeting in mine . The

bodyguards come
*Me*: Gentleman you all know
why we are here . We need to
find this girl .

I say showing them

Nomalanga's picture .

*Me*: I believe she's being held

captive here . You bring her to
me alive . If you fail take this
amulet and bring it to me. Do
you understand?
*Them*: Yes sir ...

Angela has been bothering me .l

hope this job gets done quick .

I can't wait to get my hands on

that amulet .

We are having lunch . It's just
the four of us . I heard we have
visitors but I'm told they
requested for their food to be
taken to their chambers .

Noone is saying anything .

I look around the table and just

realize that this is all my fault .
We used to be a happy family
though Njabulo was a little
bitter but we were happy .

I look at the seat reserved for

the King and for the first time
since l killed him l miss that
man .

He was a good person . He was

like a second father to me but
then l really don't know what
came over me .

I was jealous of Smanga's

relationship with Thembi .
Everything l did just had an
effect on their marriage now
look we now sharing a husband
and none of us has Smanga .
Greed can really blind you .
Sometimes you end up making
drastic decisions .

You can feel the tension around

the table . Njabulo looks like he
wants to kill the Queen or
something .

Thembi has this silly smirk on

her face cause Njabulo chose to
sit next to her .
I'm busy lost in my thoughts
that l almost miss the servant
announcing their presence .

A glass falls .

I look at the Queen she didn't

did she?

I lift my eyes and look at them .

I stand up throw myself at his
arms .

*Me*: oh my goodness l missed

you so much .

I feel some hands pushing me

off and a slap lands on my
cheek .

*Thembi*: Have you no shame

Thuba .
*Njabulo*: Guards take these
men away the last time l
checked they were banished
from the kingdom !

The guards try to hold them but

they just drop down dead .

*Smanga*: I'm not here for

games . Let's sit down and talk
like civilised people ........

*twenty (continuation)*

*Season finale*


My cat leads me to the

dungeons .
I cast a sleeping spell on the
guards so they don't bother me .

I've never seen such beauty in

my life before. The picture I
have didn't do her any justice.

The lady with her holds the bars

of the dungeon .
*Her*: oh my gosh Mr Mayor
please get us out of here .

She whispers l guess scared that

someone might hear her .

I call two of my body guards .

They open the dungeon .

The lady helps Noma stand up .

I see her hands are tied with a
magical rope .
We take them to our chambers .


I hope Smanga and Nyoni don't

see how I'm shaking.

But I'm not going down without

a fight .
*Me*: Smanga you were
banished what do you want ?
You do know don't you that this
is a criminal offence you could
be hanged . Smanga l raised you
l love you l wouldn't want you
to die .

He chuckles

Nyoni claps his hands .

*Nyoni*: What a speech !

*Smanga*: Cut the act dear step

mother ,sit down !

His voice is so cold .

I sit down .

*Nyoni*: Sorry Smanga but I'm

worried about my wife can l see
What wife?

*Me*: Are you accusing me of

something dreadlocks?

*Nyoni*: Bongiwe sister to

Noma does that ring a bell?

I release a breath .
*Me*: l don't know what you
are talking about.

I keep a straight composed face .

*Nyoni*: let's do this the easy

way no need for hard feelings
give us our women give us the
throne .

Njabulo laughs out loud .

*Njabulo*: over my dead body.

The look Smanga gives him .

*Njabulo*: I'm not intimidated

by you dear brother . While we
are at it I thought l should tell
you that as soon as we get done
with this nonsense l need full
custody of my son I'm taking
my son .
*Me*: What son ?

*Thuba*: Njabulo what are you

talking about?

*Nyoni*: You really must be

out of your mind so today you
remember that Nkosiyabo is
your baby?
*Thembi*: Wait wait slow
down ,did you say Nkosiyabo is
Njabulo's baby?


He's struggling to breath .

*Him*: Son .......

please.....l ....c...a...n.explain ....

He really is gasping for air .

I tighten my grip.

*Me*: Who could you?

I ask tears streaming down my


*Me*: the world is a better

place without you ...
All that anger of him raping
Gloria just surfaces .

*Me*: Noma had to live a very

painful life cause of an ass like

*Him*: S..o...n

He says trying to loosen my

grip .
I got into Bongiwe's room cause
I'm missing her so much .

I saw her diary read it thought

maybe I might find a clue about
where she is .

I found out that my dad was the

one who sacrificed her womb
what kind of animal does that ?
*Me*: And what you did to my
twin sister is just unforgivable .
Do you know the pain she went
through during her marriage.

All those memories of her

coming back home crying cause
of the abuse her husband out her
through just surface .

*Me*: Dad I'm so sorry but l

can't let you live you have
caused enough pain in this
family .

I further more tighten my grip .

I see the life seep out of his eyes.

He drops to the ground lifeless .

I look at his corpse and it sinks

in l killed my father.
Like most people the first thing
l do is go find my mom .

I go upstairs.

Before l enter l hear that she's

on a phonecall.

I eavesdrop.

*Her*: No no l said kill

Nomalanga not Bongiwe ....
*Her*: What do you mean she
will be a witness Mike don't
you dare touch my daughter just
kill Noma l will make sure
Bongiwe never says anything
about you .....

I open the door she jumps as

she lays her eyes on me .
*Her*: okay bye l will call you
back .

She says dropping her call .

*Her*: Son your eyes are

bloodshot why are you crying?

*Me*: I heard everything you

just said . Are you the one who
has my sisters kidnapped ?
*Her*: Son l can explain.....

*Me*: I've been worried sick

about them but no you the one
who had them kidnapped!!!!

*Her*: l...l just wanted Noma

dead okay listen l will make
sure that Bongiwe comes back
here alive okay .
*Me*: Are you listening to
yourself? You want to get my
sister killed . Why do you hate
her so much ?

*Her*: She's a curse every

inbred is .

I look at her .
*Me*: You know about dad
raping Gloria and you did
nothing about it ?

She folds her arms across her

chest .

*Her*: Gloria deserved it she

always thought so highly of
herself . All the money your
father made would go to her. He
would buy her clothes send her
to school do everything for her
as if she didn't have parents .
After the rape your father
focused on us so l guess she
needed to be raped to get out of
our lives she.....

I pick the vase that's on the

dressing table and smash it into
her head before she finishes her
sick explanation .
She drops down blood gushing
out of her head .

*Me*: Mom!!

I check her pulse she's gone.

Fuck what was l thinking why

did l let my anger get the best of
me .
I just killed both of my parents
today. What kind of animal am
l ? What will l tell the girls ?

I go to the garage to get some

petrol .

I pour it all over the house .

Light a match stick and throw it
inside .
I drive away fast as the house
catches fire tears streaming
down my face it wasn't
supposed to go this way .


My ears must be deceiving me .

Did Njabulo just say Nkosiyabo

is his son? Does that mean the
brothers two were his sons?
It's now starting to make sense.

No wonder he cried so much at

the funeral .

I mean look the first time he

brought them to my house he
threatened me .

I let out a shaky breath .

I'm the fool. Like how would l
think there were Smanga's kids
when noone could carry kids for
him besides his chosen one.

It's just that with the way that

bitch loved the kids l
thought ......

I just assumed nonsense .

This guy loved me and he never
at once cheated on me but what
did l do l ......

I look at him his face is

unreadable .

Seems like his not liking what

Njabulo is saying .
Yena vele why would he
demand his son after so many
months .

I don't know what to say . I'm

so ashamed of myself my heart
is so broken . I killed innocent
babies for what?

I feel my tears falling down as l

think of the way that l treated
them .
The way l used to beat them
starve them and all ,all for what?

When l really look at it that's

what destroyed my
marriage ,my cold heart towards
those kids .

I try looking back at my life to

see where l went wrong what
made me lose my way .
I remember Smanga and l were
madly inlove there wasn't a
thing this guy couldn't do for
me .

I'm sure if he still meet his

chosen one and married her he
would have never made me feel
unloved cause even though his
ancestors had chosen someone
else for him his heart had
chosen me.
Why didn't l ever think of it that

Why did l want to find a

solution outside my marriage?

I thought deceiving him will

make us happy it just brought
more problems to marriage .
Something that has to be built
from trust and love not deceit .
I'm so heartbroken right now its
like l can hear the blood of
those babies screaming.

I hold my stomach as l feel a

sharp pain cut through .

No no it can't be happening
That one thing that made me
lose my marriage can't be gone.

I feel the warm liquid flowing

down my legs and l know l
don't need to be told .

My baby is gone.
*Season finale*

*Twenty one*

It's the way that she screams

that makes my heart bleed for

I run to her side .

*Me*: Thembi wait....

I don't even know what am

saying .
Njabulo pushes me away and
holds Thembi.

*Njabulo*: Don't you dare lose

my baby Thembi.....

*Nyoni*: it's useless you should

tell the maidens to help help
clean she's lost the baby . A life
for a life.
*Njabulo*: What the fuck are
you talking about?

*Nyoni*: She's the one who had

your sons killed .

*Smanga*: What do you mean?

*Nyoni*: she's the one who

planned the accident.

*Smanga*: unbelievable!
Smanga looks so hurt .

Njabulo is strangling her.

*Him*: How could you?

The Queen pushes Njabulo

away from Thembi .
*Queen*: princess Thuba help
her to her chambers .

Why am l the one who's

supposed to help the murderer ?

I get the servants to pick her up .

We are a very traditional family
no Western medicine is used in
this palace so we call the
midwives who come help clean
her womb .
I go and shut myself up in my
chambers .

What's this kind of life that I'm

living .

How could Njabulo make a fool

of me like that ?
So he had not one but three kids
with a woman he met at the
city .

Whatever did l do to these

brothers that they always chose
other women over me?

Am l not good enough ?

Am l ugly?
I don't know what is wrong with
me .......

Tears fall down my face as l

just look at my life and see how
pathetic it is .

Like if we ever move on from

this drama what does life hold
for me?

What will l do afterwards ?

Will l ever be able to live with

Seems like I've been forcing

things l've been forcing myself
on people . They won't ever
genuinely love me .

You might say what about my

parents . Those people never
really have been there they were
always too busy l doubt if they
even love me that's why l spent
most of my days at this palace .

Fuck it who am l kidding life

won't ever be the same . Life
has nothing to offer .

I look at my messy face on the

mirror .

I chuckle .
The Ngonyama brothers never
appreciated you honey .

I open the dressing tables'

drawers .

Take out all the pills l hide in

there . Since Nyoni left l could
sneak in things like these.

I swallow every pill l find .

I feel myself getting drowsy . I
take a razor blade and cut my
wrists with a shakey hand .

What can we say I wasn't loved

enough and l couldn't take it
anymore . All l ever wanted all l
ever yearned for was for some
love was for someone who
actually gave a damn about me.
It's a shame l never got any of
that .


She doesn't even look scared or

anything she's just calm .

The sister is eating as if this is

the first time she has ever seen
food .
*Me*: You must have been
hungry .

*The sister*: it's been three

days imagine.

Noma refused the food l offered

her . Which was a bummer
cause l wanted to drug her .

*Me*: Nice amulet ...

She just stares at me not saying

*Me*: Where did you buy it?

She just keeps quiet . I look at

the sister expecting her to
answer she just shruggles .

*Me*: l don't want to hurt you

I'm just trying to make a
conversation .
She just flaps her eyelashes at
me . This woman is so beautiful
man .

*Me*: come on I'm asking an

innocent question here .

*Noma*:shut up

Her voice angelic.

*Me*: Don't you want to talk to

*Her*: Stop pretending you and

l both know you just want the
amulet .

Bongiwe wipes off her smile .

*Her*: You son of a bitch!

Okay the mood changed so fast .

She stands up and gives me one
hell of a slap .

*Her*: You ain't going to touch

my sister ,you hear me?

She says holding me by the

collar .

I place my hand over her chest

she drops down .
*Noma*: Nooooo!

*Me*: I've slowed down her

heart now give me that amulet!

I'm done playing the nice guy

card . I'm here for serious
business . Don't know why
Angela's phone ain't going
through .
She should know that I'm
getting the job done .

There's some shouting as some

dreadlocked man marches into
the chambers .

*Me*: The fuck....

He punches me. The

bodyguards hold him he just
throws them off.
*Him*: You had the guts to
touch my woman !

Oh so the sister is this psychic's

woman .

He kneels before her checking

her pulse.

*Him*: What did you do to her

you demon?
He says tears glistening in his
eyes .

I would have done worse but l

don't know I feel like my
powers are being restricted is it
cause of Noma's presence ?

It must be the amulet . If it can

do that imagine the power l will
possess . I will literally run the

I point my stuff at him . He's

now floating in the air.

Shouting and yelling . He really

is angry but what can he do.
He's just a seer nothing special .

*Noma*: Put him down ......

She's still tied with the magical
rope there ain't much that she
can do .

I'm tired of begging her I'm

killing her . I pick up a sword
and throw it straight at her chest.

I expect her to fall down but

instead a woman in a red dress
drops just in front of her .
The sword has pierced through
her heart .

She bleeding from her mouth .

*Noma*: No no lady in red no...

*Lady in red*: You never

trusted me my Queen l told you
l wanted to help you discover
who you were but you never
trusted me. I was a loyal servant
to you l befriended your
enemies so that l may be two
steps ahead of them. I'm glad
though that l managed to save
my lady's life l hope that my
death was not in vain .

Noma screams Nooooo

As the lady in red gives up her
ghost .

*Her*: You did not .

She suddenly gets so angry .

*Me*: Umm let's talk this

through ....

*Her*: Put him down at this

very moment ....

Her voice thunders

I'm not doing that . The guy is
crazy .

*Her*: I said put him down!!

The ground shakes at her voice .

But no I'm not going down
without a fight .

I see the amulet glow as Noma

gets more angry .
The magical rope that's tying
her hands breaks .

My eyes pop out .

*Me*: impossible!

The next thing the guy drops

down even though I'm not the
one controlling it .

Okay this is my cue to run .

It's like she read my mind cause
all the doors and windows shut .

*Her*: l told you to shut up you

should have just listened!!

It's like many people spoke at

once .

A plant grows from the floor .

I'm still shocked looking at it
when suddenly the branches
pull to the plant itself .

It wraps around me as l scream .

What was l thinking taking on
this mission.

I'm suffocating l can't breath .

The plant keeps wrapping
around me and squeezing me
inside .
This can't be how l die.

*Noma*: Fool .....

I can taste the blood in my

mouth .

After Nyoni ran cause there was
something wrong with Bongiwe.

I was left with Njabulo and the

Queen .

Njabulo is still emotional over

his baby . He's sitting down on
the floor crying .

*Him*: How come l keep on

losing the people l love ?
As much as am angry this guy
is my brother and l feel his pain .

*Queen*: Come on man up l

didn't raise you to be a
weakling .

He stands up .

*Him*: Fuck you

He walks away .

*Me*: Just give me my throne

we both know dad left it for me
and the ancestors chose me too .

She laughs .

*Her*: Who says rules can't be

broken and changed ? Smanga
I'm the Queen of iNgonyama
kingdom deal with it .
*Me*: How is it a Ngonyama
kingdom when a Ngonyama is
not the one running it .This
kingdom is going to perish
under your rule don't you see it ?
Don't be selfish I'm never going
to strip you off the title of
Queen mother even though you
have recently changed l know
deep down that the kind woman
l used to call Mom still exists .
She laughs.

*Her*: Don't you get it that was

just an act . Smanga l don't
know what language you
understand better but I'm not
going anywhere (angiyi
ndawo) .....

I don't like violence . What is

this woman doing to me . I don't
want to fight her.
Njabulo storms in again
carrying a letter. His clothes are
bloody . He's carrying a gun .

*Him*: Is it true mom what's

written in this letter? Is it true?

*Her*: whose blood is that and

what are you talking about?
*Him*: Thuba killed herself
this is her suicide note

He snuffles.

*Him*: there's a part where she

says she's sorry for helping you
kill the king....

Tears run down his face .

*Him*: is it true mom did you
kill my father?

*Queen*: it was for the good of

the kingdom son ....

*Njabulo*: what ....

He let's out a breath of disbelief

*Him*: You're so wicked .

He shots her thrice .

She falls down .

He screams crying.

I go to his side comforting him.

I'm also heartbroken. How
could Thuba and the Queen do
this to us .

I'm busy comforting Njabulo

when l hear a hissing sound .

I look and it's the Queen she has

changed into a hideous snake.

*Njabulo*: what on earth....

I push him behind me.

She slides to us hissing .

I lost my sister to an animal . I

won't lose my brother to a snake.

I change to my form and roar.

Shielding Njabulo away from
She attacks l shield him . I jump
to her trying to get a grip on
her .

She slides off .

I roar at her bearing my teeth at

her .

She shows me her tongue .

*Her*: You are going to die
today Smanga.....hahaha

Creepy .

I jump onto her again this time l

manage to scratch her with my
claws .

She gets angry slides so fast and

bites me on my neck .
*Her*: I'm going to finish you
off .

*Noma*: No you don't !!!!!

She thunders .

*Snake*: impossible ! Lady in

red where are you l need help .

*Noma*: She's dead ...

Noma sits down and starts
singing. Why ain't she helping
me fight?

*This is your fight Ngonyama*

I hear her voice in my head .

Her singing reminds me of the

first time l met her by the river .
But this time it ain't calming me
down it's healing me.

I feel the poison the Queen

injected on me fading of .

I leap at the snake . She tries

fighting off but this time my
grip is stronger .

She screams as l tear off her

head .
*Njabulo*: Fuck is she dead .

He asks

*Me*: I hope so ....

He does the unexpected.

He runs to me and crushes me

into a hug .
*Him*: I'm sorry for everything
l put you through but l love you
Smanga l really do l love you so
much bro .

I hug him back .

*Me*:l love you more big bro .

Noma looks at us smiling . Her
eyes are a bit greenish wonder

*Me*: Where's Nyoni?

She looks down.

I panic .

*Me*: Noma .....

She leads us to the chamber .

Bongiwe is just lying there with

her eyes closing ,Nyoni
kneeling beside her crying .

*Njabulo*: What happened ?

*Noma*: So guy he slowed

down her heart she's dying .
*Me*: Babe come here .

We hold our hands together and

heal her .

She coughs and opens her eyes .

*Her*: where's that sick bastard

who wanted to touch my sister .

We all chuckle at least we won .

*Final season*

*Three months later*


He knocks at my door .

*Me*: Coming!
I put on my earrings and run to
the door .

*Him*: Woow you look

amazing but you do know don't
you that it ain't your wedding?

*Me*: come on I'm sure Noma

looks breath taking she's still
not mad at me that l refused to
be her bridesmaid right?
He shakes his head.

*Him*: Nope she understands.

He opens the car's door for me

he's such a gentleman .

I get in . He runs to his side and

starts driving .
*Him*: l hope we're not late
those two sisters of mine would
eat me .

I love the relationship he has

with his sisters . We met at
therapy three months ago .

He was going through the shock

of killing his parents and you all
know l was going through a lot .
We kicked it off his a nice guy
really .

Well what can l say therapy has

helped a lot ,I've healed from all
the things l was going through .

Smanga and l are good there are

no bad vibes between us .

Shocker I'm now besties with

the Bande sisters. Well it
started when Bongani
introduced me as his girlfriend l
thought you know there were
going to be bad vibes and all
but nah they are over that they
are lovely people .

We're going to Noma's and

Smanga's white wedding .

They had the traditional one

three months back when they
were crowned King and Queen
of the Ngonyama kingdom.

*Bongani*: I can't wait to see

how our little princess looks
like .

*Me*: I'm sure she's stunning .

Well Njabulo's daughter is

under my custody after losing
Thuba Njabulo just dumped her
on me . I wonder what's wrong
with that guy always dumping
his kids on people .

He said to me it was till he got

back to his feet it's three months
later but dololo he hasn't said
anything about her .

*Me*: How do you feel about

giving your sister away ?
He chuckles he's going to walk
her down the aisle .

*Him*: l already gave her away

now she's stuck at that village .

I moved to the city with my

man .like come on it was
getting a little weird me living
at the palace .
*Me*: They make the best
couple .

He smiles at me .

*Him*: Nah we do .

He says kissing me .
I hope we won't crush

Bongiwe is a crying mess .

*Her*: oh my God Noma you

look amazing mtase.

She blows her nose with the

tissues ruining her make up . It's
those triplets she's carrying that
make her crazy .

Noma smiles .
*Her*: I'm so happy .....

She says looking herself at the

mirror . So she really bothered
Smanga about the white
wedding . You all know how
they really don't matter much to
royal families but no she said
she ain't going to be the only
woman at this age who didn't
have a white wedding .
*Me*: I'm so proud of the
woman you have became
daughter ....

We have talked about and she's

has forgiven me . We now have
a tight mother daughter bond .

Well there was a bit of a tension

amongst the siblings when they
found out about the deaths of
Senzo and Angela but then they
sorted out their issues .

As for me l was like *Good

riddance to rubbish* I'm glad
that mother fucker is dead .

*Her*: Mom please don't make

me cry .....

My heart warms up it's the first

time she has called me that .
*Me*: Bongiwe please fix
yourself up you know you're the
best girl please don't ruin this
wedding for us .

She picks her pregnant self up

sulking and fixes herself up .

I'm blown away as l set my eyes
on her . Wooow
She's amazing .

With every step that she takes

I'm reminded of all the stuff we
went through together . I'm
grateful to God that this woman
never gave up on me .

Bongani is walking her down

the aisle . I'm reminded of this
vision. I saw it that time l went
to look for my certificates at
Njabulo's house the vision
never made sense then .

He hands her over to me after

threatening me .

Nyoni is my best man and

Njabulo my bride groom .
It really took a lot for me to
convince them especially
Nyoni .

I love how my relationship with

my brothers is going so well .

Nyoni is back at being the

powerful seer the Ngonyama
kingdom has ever seen with
Bongiwe beside him he's
unstoppable .
The village is back to it's
original riches . It's blossoming
and the people are happy .

They are good to us and we are

good to them . I'm sure my
father is smiling down at me
wherever he is .

Noma is an amazing Queen ,she

has discovered her full potential
and she's keeping the world at
balance .

Though it's creepy how she's

has a forest room inside the
palace . Relax only small
animals leave in there and well
I'm not allowed to hunt in there
whenever l feel like meat .

*Me*: You look beautiful my

Queen .
She scoffs .

*Her*: As if there was a day l

didn't my lord .

We say our vows and all . We

had a wonderful wedding and
my lady is happy what more can
l ask for .
We are now in our chambers .
We can't go to our honeymoon
as of yet you know royal duties .

*Me*: What are you doing?

*Her*: I want to get off this

dress .

*Me*: I'm the one removing it

tonight .
Her eyes pop out . What ? She
thought she's going to die a
married virgin .

I draw her closer to me .

I stare down at her .

*Me*: I love you MaBande

*Her*: I love you more

Ngonyama yami .
*Voice*: thank you son for
fulfilling my promise to the
Bande family . Her grandfather
saved my life and l made a
blood promise to him that l will
let his granddaughter marry you
even though she was a peasant .
Thank you Ngonyama l can
now finally rest in peace .
*Me*: l love you most
Nomalanga Bande ,the wife of
the promise .

I say capturing her lips .

*The end*


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