My Gangster Life
My Gangster Life
My Gangster Life
It is 22:00, outside
Ngonyama Holdings two men
are talking over a phone.
Guy: “my inside man said, her
car is been here for days now.
Because her boyfriend has
been fetching and dropping
her at work”
Man: “do you trust that
inside man of yours?”
Guy: “yes, I do and he gave
me the access card to the
stuff parking, so I will just
jump over the wall and see if
the car is still here”
The guy jumped and went
straight to stuff parking
Guy: “it is here bozza yam,
Lamborghini her favourite
Man: “okay great, now plant
that bomb and it will
activate 20 minutes after
the car is on and there is no
way she is going to survive
that bomb because it will
automatically close the doors
when it is on, that it how
smart it is designed”
Guy: “done, but you do know
that she is dangerous right
and if she dies her gang will
hunt you down”
Man: “I know and I am not
scared of them, they can’t
just kill my brother Kwanele
and walk around like nothing
happened. They even took all
his money even though we
couldn’t see who took it but
I know they took it”
Guy: “well rest in peace in
advance, because you are
going to need it when we
can’t find your body”
Man: “why do you exclude
yourself? We are in this
together. Now get out
before someone sees you”
The guy jumped and went
back to his car.
I am Qhawekazi Ngonyama,
daddy’s princess. I was
working in London as Flight
attendant and Qhawe works
as Pathologist, so I decided
to resign with an immediate
effect when my father told
us he is going on a business
trip. As much as I didn’t
know anything when it comes
to handling or running a
business but Dineo, Lindo and
Lebo they are teaching me
few things, I even applied
for a short course surely it
will improve my knowledge.
I wish I could go to the
funeral with Lindo and her
friends but this company
cannot operate without me.
I decided to call Qhawe to
check up on him, his phone
just rings and he doesn’t
answer it, I called him with
the telephone, he answered
at the second ring.
Qhawe: “Mr Ngonyama
speaking, how may I help
Qhawekazi: “hey twin”
He kept quiet for a second.
Qhawe: “ufunani you
He is angry at me, I mean I
didn’t do anything.
Qhawekazi: “I was just
checking up on you, I don’t
like the way things ended at
family meeting. Lindo is just
a nice person just give her
the change and you will see
what I am talking about”
Qhawe: “Lindo is nothing but
a predator she is going to
milk dad all his money and the
will be no money for our
children’s legacy”
Qhawekazi: “have you seen
the house she lives in? Have
you seen the cars she uses?
No. That woman is
independent she doesn’t
demand anything to anyone,
she spends her own money.
Speaking of legacy why don’t
you build yours since you
decided not to help me with
this company, you’ve grown
balls right? Build your own
Qhawe: “watch your mouth
when you are talking to me,
you are blindfolded by her
smile she is a snake”
Qhawekazi: “watch my
mouth because I am scared
of you? I was never scared
of you brother and I will
never. I just wish that
snake can bite you and die”
I didn’t mean the last words
but he is just a naïve this
Qhawe: “oh ufuna ngife
Qhawekazi your whole twin
brother dead? It’s fine but
there won’t be a single day
where I believe that Lindo is
a good person”
Qhawekazi: “kill yourself
when you get time, bye”
I hanged up, I regret calling
him mxah.
I decided to take my beauty
sleep since I don’t have much
to do.
I decided to sleepover
tonight since she is leaving
tomorrow I am going to miss
her, Vuyolwethu is sleeping in
one of the guestrooms we
even bought her the sleeping
pills so that she can sleep
peacefully without worrying
about darkness or if anything
might appear out of
I came out of bathroom and
found my beautiful woman
sleeping peacefully, I just
got under the covers naked
since I don’t like wearing
pyjamas when I am sleeping.
I pulled her closer to my
chest and cuddle, the next
thing lights off.
I just woke up in my man’s
arm, I turned and saw him
sleeping he looks so cute
when he is sleeping. I decided
to pull myself out of his arms
but he hold me harder.
Busani: “where are you
Me: “to take a shower and
get ready for the trip”
Busani: “I almost forgot, you
may go. But give daddy a
I kissed him and rushed to
the bathroom I don’t want
them to come banging at the
door telling me to finish up. I
quickly took a shower and got
out rapping a towel around
my body I can’t be walking
around naked. I got out and
found him sleeping, I lotion
my body and went to my
closet and wore black maxi
dress with sandals, tied my
braids into a bun I will wear
a doek when we are half way
to Matatiele.
Busani: “you look so
He said with his sleepy voice.
Me: “thank you, you are
sleeping the whole day?”
Busani: “yes, since I am a
new guard of this house for
2 days”
Me: “you will clean since I’ve
given Nosipho off for 2 days”
Busani: “the way you left it
you will find it like that, you
will clean when you get back”
I just looked at him without
saying anything.
Busani: “ngiyadlala babe I
will clean I promise, let me
get out of this bed and take
the bag downstairs”
He came out of the covers
and he is naked, I just feel
my haven being wet. If I let
him I will be late.
Me: “can you…wear
Busani: “you don’t like my
sexy body huh?”
He came closer to me and
hold my wrist, and kissed my
neck so gently.
Me: “the bag”
Busani: “oh”
He continue kissing me and
busy playing with my nipples.
I just can’t control the
feeling but I am going to be
late, I pulled out of him and
walked to the door.
Me: “bag”
Busani: “okay fine, I guess I
am not getting morning
He wore his clothes and took
the suitcase and walked out,
I followed him.
Banzi: “finally you decided to
show up we were already
going and leave you here”
Me: “going to where you don’t
I just laughed. We loaded my
bag inside the car,
Vuyolwethu and Anathi are
already in the car waiting for
me and Banzi. I turned
around and gave Busani a
hug and whisper to him.
Me: “sorry about what
happened upstairs”
Busani: “just know that
there are many rounds
waiting for you” I am going
to die when I get back.
Me: “I love you, bye. Take
care of my house if I find
anything dirty you are dead”
Busani: “I love you too have
a nice trip, we will kill each
other. Bye-bye”
He didn’t say that right?
Banzi got inside and start
the car.
Banzi: “bye bafo”
Busani: “bye”
Off we go to Cape Town
International Airport.
Busani was sending me lot of
messages asking if I am still
Vuyolwethu: “tell him you are
not dead”
Me: “who?”
Vuyolwethu: “Busani, I can
see by the smile that it is
him. I think we are holding a
candle because our royals are
busy touching each other in
front seats”
Anathi: “we can hear you”
Vuyolwethu: “and I don’t
care” I just laughed.
Me: “when do you decide to
Vuyolwethu: “me? Date? I
don’t want to be controlled by
man telling me that I should
stop drinking and focus on my
career and life, hell no”
Banzi: “there is no controlling
is trying to change how you
act or behave”
Vuyolwethu: “I don’t want
anyone trying to change me I
love this single life is
Me: “I once said that
remember? Bekha manje I
have found the love of my
She just kept quiet like she
is trying to digest what I’ve
just said to her.
Vuyolwethu: “maybe when I
met your gang I will feel in
love with one of them”
I know that they are all
handsome but I don’t want
them to hurt my friend
because they’re all players,
except Numbers, because he
never dated anyone. And the
man of the match when it
comes to cheating is, Sticks,
he is ‘don’t be fooled by my
suits, because I will hurt
you’. So I have to lie.
Me: “I don’t think you will
date one of them, they are
restricted when it comes to
dating my friends and I am
also restricted when it comes
to dating their friends”
Anathi: “why?”
Banzi just looked at her.
Anathi: “don’t look at me like
that I am just asking I
won’t even want to date one
of them”
Me: “because your lives might
be in trouble when things go
wrong, and I can’t afford to
lose another friend because
of my dirty business”
Vuyolwethu: “okay I
understand, but still I want
to meet them”
Me: “you will soon”
She turned to her window
with a smile, I just hope she
doesn’t think what I am
In Johannesburg-Houghton,
where Lindokuhle was born.
Tlotliso: “Good morning mom”
Nomeva: “Good mor…what
happened to your face this
Tlotliso: “oh this? I slipped
this morning and hit my
study table with my face”
Novema: “be careful next
time, let me get you some
pills and ice”
Tlotliso: “no mom it’s not
that bad. Who is
She was shocked like how
does he know her?
Nomeva: “Lindokuhle was
just a girl we used to live
with but unfortunately she
died 13 years ago, now eat
your breakfast before you go
to school”
He looked at her not
convinced about what she
Tlotliso: “I am not hungry
and change of plans I am not
going to school today”
He walked out of the kitchen
while Nomeva was still
shouting, walk in Lindo’s old
bedroom and locked himself
inside, he took out his phone
and searched Lindokuhle
Dlamini since he knew her
surname when he was busy
reading her old letters she
used to write.
‘Lindokuhle Dlamini, she is a COO
of one of the biggest holdings in
Cape Town called Ngonyama
Holdings owned by Benginkosi
Nyomana. She is now a new
shareholder of the well-known farm
in Matatiele that was owned by her
late friend Bongani Ntlebi. She is
being accused so many times for
hijacking, being a drug dealer and
killing people but no one found a
valid proof for all of that.’
Tlotliso: “so my mother is
lying about her death. I’ve
been my father’s punching
bag for years he said no one
will believe me if I don’t
believe him I should ask
Lindo what happened to her
after he raped her, like my
whole father is treating me
like this. I won’t tell my
mother it’s clear she won’t
believe me if she didn’t
believe my sister. One day I
will be with you sis. I hope
the baby my mother is
carrying right now doesn’t
fall on that monster’s hands”
He opened Lindo’s side
drawer and took out those
many letters and read them
Nomeva: “Tlotliso o hokae?
Ntate wa hao o batla ho bua
le wena (Tlotliso where are
you? Your father wants to
talk to you)”
He just kept quiet and hide
himself inside the wardrobe.
I woke up next to my
handsome man still sleeping,
I slept over his place last
night, when I was about to
get out of the bed he pulled
Busani: “babe, where are you
Me: “to take a shower, I
want to go to the mall to
buy grocery”
Busani: “I will go with you”
We got out of the bed and
walked straight to the
bathroom and took a long
shower together.
When we’re done we wore
matching Adidas t-shirts and
Adidas tracksuit, I fixed my
He took his car keys and we
walk out, he doesn’t have any
helper cleaning his house I
guess he doesn’t want anyone
disturbing his peace.
We got inside his car and off
we got to V&A Waterfront
We just went to Woolworths
only and our last stop was at
Mugg and Bean to crap some
We walked out busy sipping
our coffee when we were
busy walking to parking lot,
I see familiar walk as this
person approach I notice
that he is Xhaba, Xhaba my
ex fiancé.
He is walking towards me I
am so pissed I don’t wanna
lie. Then he stand in front of
me and greet Busani.
Xhaba: “Mr Ngwenya and
Miss Dlamini”
Busani: “Xhaba”
Oh they know each other, I
even notice that there is no
ring on his finger, trouble in
paradise so early.
Me: “sho Xhaba”
Xhaba: “I didn’t know that
you are dating with Lindo”
Me: “haibo, o ne o batla re
advertise, hore o be o tsebe
or re etseng? Bua. (Did you
want us to advertise it, so
that you can know or what
should we do? Talk)”
Xhaba: “oh my bad, I just
wanted to see if you are still
Me: “you can see I am fine
thank you, bye”
He walked away.
Busani: “so you know the
Me: “yeah he is my ex fiancé”
Busani: “fiancé?”
Me: “yes he left me at our
wedding day”
Busani: “I didn’t know, but I
promise I won’t do the same
thing he did”
Me: “I know babe, now
enough about Xhaba. Let’s go
home and please drop me at
my house I have work to do”
We arrived at the parking lot
and loaded the grocery inside
the car, I just love his car
more than my cars.
He dropped me off and when
I get inside I see several
missed calls from unknown
number, I used my Truecaller
and they belong to Mr
Khumalo, I last I check that
is Xhaba’s surname where did
he get my numbers so quick?
He is up to something. I
took out my grocery and place
things where they belong
when I was busy with the
grocery I hear my phone
ringing and it is the same
numbers, I decided to pick it
Me: “ufunani Xhaba? (What
do you want Xhaba?)”
Xhaba: “I want you
Lindokuhle, I want you to be
my wife and I promise I
won’t mess up this time”
Me: “ain’t you supposed to be
cuddling with your wife or
Xhaba: “she divorced me last
I just laughed at him.
Me: “but you deserve it and
I don’t even feel sorry for
Xhaba: “I know I am the
last person you want in your
life but I miss us Lindo, and
I am willing to do anything
to get you back”
I will put him on my To-Do
list, because I know he will
do something that will push
me to kill him.
Me: “don’t try anything
stupid if you don’t want to
He doesn’t know that I am a
Xhaba: “like I said I am
willing to do anything, I can
even take a bullet for you”
Me: “good bye Xhaba and stop
I hanged up.
I know he is just saying it he
won’t do anything he is just a
mayor, he is not someone I
have to trace his movements
and things he is up to or he
is really up to something, I
will just wait and see what
he is willing to do.
I guess you are wondering
how a whole gangster dated
a Mayor, so we first met at
University before Vuyolwethu
and Anathi became my
friends he was my first lover
I was going to say my virgin
breaker if that bustard
called my step father didn’t
rape me. So he was doing his
second year and I was doing
my first year when we
started dating, he showed
me around there and there
we even went on couple dates
we were known as beautiful
couple in WITS so he
proposed at my graduation
day it was beautiful I don’t
want to lie, but still he broke
my heart at our wedding day
when he just left without a
valid reason I only received a
text message from him
saying ‘I’m sorry’ and I don’t
why did he even chose to be a
Mayor while he was studying
Computer Science specialised
in IT. As for the lobola
negotiations my gang
pretended to be my uncles
but except for Sticks he
pretended to be my father
and I told them that my
mother died, and Xhaba’s
uncles they were convinced
about that even Xhaba was
convinced, they had to be
convinced because we did a
makeover to them so that
they can look old.
Enough about Xhaba, I have
work to do. So I changed into
‘Saturday Clothes’ and took
my GTI keys, I went
straight to the Lounge.
I found them busy talking
and laughing.
Me: “hey gents”
Them: “bozza yama bozza”
Me: “we have big delivery to
do, to one of our buyers Mr
Aldo Rossi”
Numbers: “from Italy?”
Me: “yes, so he wants two
full bags with 3 different
drugs. Angel dust, Amyl
nitrate and CAT. You still
remember that he gave us
fake diamonds last year and
we just made him think he
won? So now it is our turn to
strike, we are going to place
bricks at the bottom of each
bag then the drugs on top to
cover those bricks, we are
placing those bricks because
drugs do make the bags to
be heavy. Ra utlwana? (Are
we clear?)”
Them: “sho bozza”
Sticks: “he thought we’ve
forgot about it kanthi nix
(but no) we are about to
make him taste his own
Me: “exactly, so we will meet
his guys at harbour probably
they are coming with their
Cheese boy: “to fetch bricks”
we just laughed.
Spitjo: “we must be prepared
for when he attack us”
Me: “he started it then he
will end it, we must show him
who we really are. Now let’s
work guys”
We started working and
placed those bricks in a right
way and drugs on top and zip
the bags.
I am Vuyolwethu Ngozo, I
am 28 years old but I am
the older one. I am from
Tsakane-Gauteng, I still
remember the day my world
shattered into a million
pieces. My mother, the
person I loved and trusted
most, abandoned me, leaving
me in the care of my siblings.
They were too young to
understand, too young to
take on the responsibility of
raising me. I was just a
teenager, lost and alone,
trying to make sense of the
chaos that had become my
life. My mother had chosen to
leave us, to start a new life
with a new husband, without
even a glance back. The pain
of her departure still lingers,
a constant ache that refuses
to subside. I felt unwanted,
unloved, and unworthy. My
siblings did their best to fill
the void, but they were
struggling with their own
emotions, their own sense of
abandonment. I was left to
navigate the treacherous
water of adolescence on my
own, searching for a sense of
belonging, for a sense of self.
But the scars of that day
remain, a reminder of the
fragility of love and the
power of abandonment.
So I was in grade 6 when my
life took a huge turn, I
started being a mother,
father and a sister at the
same time.
I am Tlotliso Motaung,
I'm trapped in a nightmare
that I can't wake up from.
My father, the person who's
supposed to love and protect
me, is the one who hurts me
the most. His words cut
deeper than any physical
blow, making me feel
worthless and small.
But I'm too scared to tell my
mother. I'm afraid of what
might happen if I speak out.
Will she believe me? Will she
stay with him despite what
he's done? Because she didn't
believe Lindokuhle, so am I
to be believed?
I feel so alone, like I'm
carrying this heavy secret
that's crushing me. I put on
a mask to hide the pain, to
pretend that everything is
okay. But it's not okay. It's
far from okay.
I wish I had the courage to
speak up, to tell my mother
the truth. But fear holds me
back, fear of what might
happen if I dare to reveal
the secrets that are
suffocating me.
So I suffer in silence, hoping
that one day I'll find the
strength to break free from
this prison of fear and speak
the truth that's been
silenced for far too long.
I’ve searched Sis Lindo
through many social media
platform but no luck, maybe
she is antisocial or she
doesn’t use her names.
I just hate it when my
mother is going away for
funeral, I know she
sometimes works night shift,
I know from the day she
goes to the day she return
back my father will beat me
for no reason. Now she is
gone to one of her friend’s
funeral, even though she is
Dad: “hobaneng o sa hlatswa
dijana? O re mang a
dihlatswe? Nna? Tswa ka
dikobong tseo ke direkileng ka
tjhelete yaka o ilo hlatswa
dijana (Why didn’t you wash
the dishes? You expect who
to wash them? Me? Get out
of the blankets I bought
with my money)”
It is 23:00 but he says I
have to wash the dishes at
this time.
Me: “o tla hlolwa keng?
(What will stop you?)”
I said that with my low
Dad: “wareng? Tlotliso wa
nkarabisa (what did you say?
You are back speaking with
He didn’t even hear what I
He took out my baseball bat,
in my toys basket. He come
closer to me busy tapping
the bat in his hand.
He remove the blankets off
me, and I am wearing a t-
shirt only because it is hot.
The next thing I hear the
sound of my bones, the sound
of bones snapping was the
only thing piercing through
my screams. My tears don’t
even tell him to stop, he
continue beating me all over
my body until I feel like I am
covered in blood.
Dad: “ha o qeta ho itlhakola o
tswe ka mona o ilo hlatswa
dijana ha ke tlo kgutla hape
(When you are done wiping
yourself get out of this room
and go and wash the dishes,
I won’t come back again)”
He walked out, he is not even
showing any remorse.
I got out of bed and my
white t-shirt is covered in so
much blood.
My body is so painful, I can’t
even stand straight.
I took off my shirt and
throw it into my laundry,
then changed my stained
covers. Went to my bathroom
and took a shower, this
water just makes this
wounds to be more painful. I
rapped the bandage around
them, wear clean t-shirt
with night wear pant.
We have dishwasher in this
house but he wants me to
wash them with my hands.
I walked out slowly because
my body hurts so much. When
I arrive in the kitchen I find
him washing the same dishes
he said I must wash.
Dad: “ha kare o hlape, kapa
ke tjholo jwalo? Bona jwale ke
nna a hlatswang dijana eseng
wena (I didn’t say you must
bath, or did I say so? Look
now I am washing the
dishes not you)”
I didn’t point a gun on his
head to wash them.
He took out the glass he was
washing and throw it to my
direction, but I managed to
duck then it just hit the tiles
and shattered everywhere.
Everything he sees, he use
it, what's only left for him to
use is gun and shoot me.
Dad: “oh o se o hodile jwale?
O monna wena? Phutha
galase tseo, ha ke batle le ho
bona kgalase nyana fatshe
(oh you’ve grown up? You are
the man? Pick up those
glasses, I don’t want to see
a piece of it on the floor)”
I am only 13 but I feel like
I am dying, I feel like he is
not my father he is just
someone who was forced to
raise me.
I took a small broom and
sweep the glasses that are
all over, throw them into the
I did report him to the police
last month but the police
believed everything he said
since I don’t have a proof
that he is abusing me.
Dad: “Tle ke bone kgalase
nyana fatshe moo, ke tlo
bontsha tosa le madinyana a
yona (if I see glasses, you
will know me)”
To say I am traumatized
will be understatement.
Dad: “tsamaya o ilo robala
pele o ntena (go and sleep
before you bore me)”
I just walked to Lindo’s room
maybe I will feel better
when I read her letters or
It’s either he was abused or
his father was abusing his
mother, there is no way a
normal human being can be
like this, he is a real monster
and what annoys me is that
my mother doesn’t see all
that, she is being blinded by
his ‘love’.
I’ve cried before more than
I do now, but now I just told
myself that ‘there is no time
to cry now Tlotliso, you got
this man’.
I randomly picked a letter
inside her drawer.
‘(11 June)
My life have been nothing but shit
ever since I turn 14, my step father
raped me every day when my
mother is gone. He took my
innocence in me, my dignity. I know
I am not her daughter, but I don’t
deserve what he did to me. Every
time when I close my eyes I see him
on top on me raping me taking my
innocence away from me.
What hurts the most to this thing
happening in my life right now, is
that my own mother doesn’t believe
me, she just chose to believe Lefa
over me. I should be calling him dad
but after what he did to me he
deserve to be called by his name, I
will never ever in my life forgive him.
I just hope when Tlotliso grow up
doesn’t experience what I’ve
I thank God for giving me someone
who I can rely on, someone who
understand me, a shoulder to cry
on, best friend; I want to grow old
with Bongani, I want us to
experience the feeling to having
grandchildren together, people
turned their backs on me but he
decided to stay behind and be my
soul friend.
I don't know how to be okay, I really
wish that I did, I just wish that I don't
wake up the following day and leave
this cruel world, yes I've thought of
killing myself multiple times but I've
never done it.
My father is really a
monster, I just hate him. I
just hope they are still
friends, because she wrote
about him in every letter
how they became friends,
things they enjoyed doing the
I walked out of her room to
mine. I get in and throw my
painful body on the bed and
soon as my head hits the
pillow I am gone.
I don’t know what time was
it, but I hear my father’s
voice from distance calling
me, I was so tired to even
open my eyes.
Dad: “ha o utlwi ntse ke o
Me: “huuh?”
He splashed cold water on my
bed I got up really quickly.
Then I see ice cubes on my
bed, I get it why this water
is so cold. He is even holding a
20 litre basket, I feel like I
was swimming or something.
Dad: “Tsoha (wake up)”
He walked out, I look at my
side watch and it is 04:00
AM. WTF. Unbelievable, I am
waken up to my beauty sleep
with cold water. I’ve been
changing this sheets many
times, I took them out. Not
only my blankets are wet,
even my bed. I decided to let
it dry out before covering it.
My name is Benginkosi
Ngonyama but my real
surname is Nhlabatsi not
Ngonyama so I run away
from Eswatini when Qhawe
and Qhawekazi where 2/3
years old when Banzi's
father, my brother, wanted
to sacrifice with my twins, so
I had to run away with
them before he kills them.
When I get to Cape Town I
changed Qhawekazi's name
from Nomvula to Qhawekazi
while Qhawe's name from
Sibusiso to Qhawe. I also
changed their age, what
they know is that they are
27 years old while they are
actually 31 years old. I know
one day their destiny will find
them and I have to tell
them the truth.
As I sat in the small café in
my house, sipping my coffee,
I couldn't help but think
about the journey that had
brought me here. I had to
tell Qhawe and Qhawekazi I
was going on a business trip
to France, but the truth
was far from it. I had come
to see a renowned oncologist,
seeking treatment for the
My little princess,
Qhawekazi, walked in, her
bright smile a ray of
sunshine in the midst of my
darkness. The only person
who can control rain, but she
doesn't know the real reason
behind that.
Qhawekazi: "dad, I'm so glad
I could meet you here. How's
the business trip going?"
I took a deep breath,
knowing I had to tell her the
Me: "Kazi, sit down. I need to
talk to you about something."
She looked concerned, but sat
down beside me.
Qhawekazi:"What is it, dad?"
I took her hand, trying to
find the right words.
Me: "I didn't go to France for
business, Sophie. I went for
a treatment."
Her eyes widened in shock.
What do you mean?"
I swallowed hard, trying to
hold back tears.
Me: "I have brain tumor,
Kazi I was diagnosed 2
weeks before i went to
France, and I went to see a
specialist in France."
Her face crumpled, and she
threw her arms around me.
Qhawekazi: "Oh, Papa, why
didn't you tell me? I would
have come with you!"
I hugged her tightly, feeling
a mix of emotions.
Me: "I didn't want to worry
you, Kazi. I wanted to
protect you."
We sat there for a moment.
Finally, she pulled back, her
eyes shining with tears.
Qhawekazi: "We'll face this
together, dad. We'll get
through it."
I hugged her again.
I take about 2 hours to
arrive at Club Paradise, I
went to the VIP section and
ordered bottle of Hennessey
and ice. I drink what I drink
when I am going through
I like the fact that they are
playing the songs of my
favorite piano artist
Guy: "mind if i join you?"
When I was about to finish
my glass, I turn around to
see who is talking to me. I
see my boss, Sticks, Mr
Mbambo, the most sexy boss
I've ever seen. Oh my
goodness, my boss is actually
asking me if he can join me at
the club?! I'm trying to play
it cool, but inside I'm totally
freaking out! He's always
been confident and
charismatic, but this is on a
whole other level. He's
standing in front of me, his
piercing brown eyes sparkling
with a hint of mischief, and
his chiseled features looking
even more chiseled in the dim
light of the office. His dark
hair is perfectly messy, and
his tailored suit is fitted in
all the right places. I'm
trying to process what's
happening, but my brain is a
jumbled mess of excitement
and nerves. I mean, this is
my boss, the guy who's
always been off-limits... and
yet, here he is, asking to join
me for a night out.
He flashes me that
devastating smile, and I
know I'm in trouble. This is
going to be an interesting
Me: "ye...Mr Mbambo, you can
join me"
I never thought I will be
this close to him. He smells so
good and his deep voice
always make me wet.
Vuyolwethu snap out, he is
your boss.
He pulled a seat and sit
facing me.
Sticks: "stop calling me Mr
Mbambo, you can call me
Sticks. A whole bottle alone?"
I just like to be professional.
Me: "Yeah, I can finish it
alone, but you can join me. And
you trouble in Paradise?
What are you doing here? You
don't seem to be a party
animal like me"
He took a glass and fill it,
without ice.
Sticks: "yes, I am not a
party animal but those cases
we are dealing with, can lead
you here to release stress"
Lucky me I am only dealing
with family issues not
murder cases or anything
major. Basically I am a
family lawyer.
Me: "okay, I understand"
He look at me for a while and
smile as he return back to
his drink.
Sticks: "this drink is not
strong enough, let's go and
grab few shots"
I took my bag and follow
Sticks: "20 shots please"
I am going to reach the
parking lot crawling. They
bring them on a tray.
10 shots down my throat.
Sticks: "refill"
What is going with him, this
is more to what he said.
Me: "how are we going to get
home drunk?"
Sticks: "I came with my two
drivers, the other one will
take your car to your place,
chill and drink"
My knees are feeling weak.
Another 10 shots down my
Sticks: "refill and add another
10 shots, don't worry they're
on me"
He take out a cheque from
his pocket, I only see many
zeros. I've never seen anyone
paying with cheque in a club
before. He hand it to the
15 shots down my throat. My
head is feeling heavy, I know
when I am feeling like this I
am drunk, I guess we are
both drunk because he is
singing louder than everyone.
He pulled me to the dance
floor. This dress is exposing
my butt, but since I am
drunk I worry less.
Feels like the world is
spinning around and around.
They play Orlando Hangover
by Monwa & Sun.
We just screamed, old songs
do wonders to the club. I will
be the one singing it
Sticks: "let's go"
He can't even balance
himself, while I feel like I
can crawl than to walk.
We walked out busy singing
and laughing. I don't even
know why are we laughing
but we are laughing.
We arrived in the parking lot
and walk to him car. His
driver open the door for us, I
throw myself in.
Driver: "ma'am your car keys"
I hand him my bag.
Me: "just check it in that
bag. Mowbray apartments in
Rentberry please"
Just laid my head to the
window, next thing lights off.
I wake up, I couldn't even
open my eyes. My head feels
so heavy, my body hurts. As
I open my eyes slowly I
notice that I am in my room.
How did I get here? I looked
to the other side of the bed,
I see someone sleeping facing
opposite direction, i can't see
his face. Did I came to my
apartment with a man? I
lift the covers up and we are
both naked. Now i get it why
my p***y hurts like this.
WTF!!!! I shake him to wake
up, as he turns around slowly,
I notice that he is my boss.
What have I done?!
Sticks: "where I'm I??"
Me: "I should be asking you
how you ended under my
He open his eyes, as he look
around. When he notice me
looking at him he panic. He
lift the covers.
Sticks: "Vuyolwethu
Vuyolwethu, don't tell me we
had sex yesterday"
Me: "according to how things
are right now, then yes we
Sticks: "I only remember
walking out of the club with
Me: "we fucked each other
we can't ignore that, we had
fun last night at Club
Paradise and we ended up in
this situation"
He got out the bed and took
his clothes on the ground. He
dress facing me naked. He is
really gifted in many ways.
Sticks: "stop drooling. This
was the mistake that will
never happen again, we did
what we did because of
alcohol. Let's just pretend
like it didn't happen"
I won't say I understand
because I don't understand.
Sticks: "have a nice day Miss
I think he tries to remind
me that we can never date.
Me: "bye"
I am more than
disappointed, I've never
experienced this in my life.
I hear my phone vibrating
under my pillow, and how did
it get under my pillow?
I see Lindo's name on my
Lindo: "yes, bitch. Where have
you been? We've been trying
to call you and your phone
just went straight to
I wonder how she will react
after knowing that I had
sex with one of her gang.
Me: "I was at Club Paradise
just to release stress, and
how was it meeting your in
Lindo: "party animal.
Speaking of which, Busani's
second mother looks like you
but she is Sbongile not
Last person I want to hear
about, I just hate her.
Me: "she is not what you
think she is if she is
Lindo: "okay. Found new man
at the club?"
If I tell her Sticks just
rejected me right now she
will be flabbergasted.
Me: "no, I didn't find anyone
I was just clubbing alone. I
saw something on Tik Tok
about a lady who was at a
club, so she met someone she
knows there and they had
fun together until they are
both drunk when they get to
the lady's house they had sex
while they are under the
influence of alcohol, so when
they wake up the guy just
regret what they did but
the lady doesn't. I am glad I
didn't experience that"
I know when she knows the
truth she will link it to this
fake news I told her.
Me: "I am also glad you
didn't, because you can't
handle another heartbreak.
Let me wake up before
Busani's sister that hates
me for no reason come in our
room and wake me up"
They hate her already? But
you can't expect everyone to
love you. Right?
Me: "just teach her the
lesson, kiss Khloe for me."
Lindo: [chuckles] "i will kiss
her. I don't want the whole
family to hate me"
Me: "Lindo I know don't force
anyone to love her"
Lindo: "Vuyolwethu bye-bye
before you try to convince
She hang up but she knows
I am telling her the truth.
Atleast she got me
distracted from what
I got out of my bed, I
walked to the bathroom to
wash his scent off my body.
This apartment smells like
I am finally back to my
house. It was good spending
2 weeks with them and I did
love his family, except
Nelisiwe. I haven't seen
Bab'Ngonyama, he will say
I've neglected. But I will go
and see him tomorrow or I
will see him at work.
As was busy doing Khloe her
hair in our room, I hear
several messages on his
phone. I don't really touch
his phone but this time I
did. Luckily he is still taking a
When I open it the first
thing I see is 'we miss you'
from unknown number. They
said curiosity killed a cat
right? It rather kill me,
because I open those
messages. I see 'our son is
growing very well' our son?
Then I see 'I am on my way
to your new house with your
son, so that you can spend
time with him again' Again?
I am going to kill someone
I dialled that number on my
Truecaller, then It written
Keketso Georgia Pita. Who is
He walks out of the
bathroom, I place his phone
on the bed. I decided to go
downstairs to keep myself
busy with Khloe while
waiting for her.
As I was busy watching
cartoons with Khloe the door
just open the door without
knocking. That must be her,
she walk in with a chubby
baby boy. Okay, she is
testing me early in the
Keketso: "Yeah wena, where
is Busani?"
Yeah wena to me? Wow.
Me: "don't call me 'wena'
uzonya fast"
Keketso: [chuckles] "is that a
Me: "I don't do threats
darling, threats are for
those who are weak. That is
the promise"
Busani walk into the lounge
busy fixing his shirt.
Busani: "Keketso what are
you doing here? I told you, I
don't want to see you. Just
move on and accept the fact
that we divorced. And if you
came her claiming that he is
my son. Mxah, you are
wasting your time, because I
am holding DNA results
stating that I am not the
father. You thought I
wanted to spend a day with
him that day? No, I didn't.
Now leave, and stop
harassing my wife before she
does something she will
Divorced? DNA results? But
luckily he is not his son. He
throws those papers to her.
Keketso: "why don't you tell
her the full meaning of GG
Cigarettes? Did he tell you
that the other G in GG
means Georgia? My second
name. I doubt he did that"
So I am helping him to run a
business that is named after
his ex wife?
Busani: "babe, I was going to
tell you but I didn't know
If she didn't come, that
means I was going to be in a
dark place forever.
I decided to leave Khloe
there with them and walk
Vuyolwethu: "earth to
Lindokuhle Ngwenya"
I didn't hear her, knocking if
she did, since she has access
card of my house.
Me: "hi"
Vuyolwethu: "are you okay?
You seem to be on the other
side of the world alone. While
Khloe is playing alone"
It's not like she is crying or
Me: "Busani's ex was here,
commanding things from
Busani. Did you know that
she owns GG Cigarettes?
She even accused Busani
with a son, but Busani
proved her wrong with DNA
Vuyolwethu: "we do deal with
whores right? And speaking
of ex I have a letter for you
from your one and only ex
Xhaba, security gave it to me
to give it to you. You will
have to forgive me because
I've read it. So it goes like
this 'My dearest Lindokuhle,
my love for you is a tempest
that rages on, unstoppable
and unrelenting. Like a
shipwrecked sailor, I am lost
without you, my guiding star.
My every waking moment is
consumed by the fire that
burns within me, a flame
that flickers with the hope
of our reunion. I know that
I wronged you, my love, but
I swear to you, on the very
fabric of my being, that I
will fight for us, for our love,
until the end of time itself.
No obstacle shall stand in our
way, no challenge shall daunt
me, for I am driven by the
power of my devotion.
Yours sincerely, Xhaba' hmmm
advantage of having an ex
who is well educated"
Let's just call this day, Ex
Day. I don't know what he
want from me, I don't love
him anymore. And how did he
know my new address?
Me: "Keketso and Xhaba,
really ruined my day"
Vuyolwethu: "it's just a
letter that smells so good, if
he came into your house and
demanded things that are
above you, then we will say
he ruined it. If he wasn't
your ex I was going to grap
him. But I don’t remember
signing a contract saying I
must not date your ex"
I gave her a dead stare.
Vuyolwethu: [chuckles] "Just
kidding, let me play with my
niece while you are digesting
Ngimthathephi uVuyolwethu
bakhithi? Everything is a
joke to her, except my
background. But the minute
you mention man did this,
man did that, she
automatically laugh at you.
Khloe really loves her. I
decided to go and cook for
lunch. And make vegetable
soup for Busani because I
heared him coughing last
As I was busy cooking I
smell his cologne, he touch my
wrist busy placing a kiss on
my neck. He has that thing
that makes me to want
more of him, every single day.
Busani: "babe, I am so sorry
about what happened in the
morning. I didn't know how
to tell you"
I really forgave him, I mean
everybody has or have their
own reasons why they hide
something from someone,
maybe not to hurt that
person or people around.
Me: "okay"
Busani: "I will GG to LK"
I didn't force him to change
Me: "okay. Are you having a
flu? Because I heard you
coughing in the morning"
Busani: "it's getting worse
every minute"
I regret kicking him out in
the morning, now he is
getting worse because of me.
Me: "I've made vegetable
soup. I will call Cheese boy to
examine your flu"
He placed a kiss on my neck
as he walk to where Khloe
and Vuyolwethu are.
We arrived after 3 hours, as
Numbers change to Waiter's
uniform that he got from
I take a deep breath as I
walk inside the lounge. When
I walk to them their faces
Mom: "where is Tlotliso?"
Me: "No, hello my daughter?
He is coming"
Only if she knows that he is
not coming.
I took my seat opposite to
them, I see Numbers
walking to us holding an iPad,
I guess they use them to
take orders.
Numbers: "is there anything
you want to order?"
Lefa: "yes, Hennessey
without ice and oysters make
them spicy"
Mom: "orange juice and sushi"
I hope they are holding
wallets because I am not
going to pay.
Me: "I don't want anything I
am fine"
Numbers: "okay, your orders
will be served"
Lefa: "o se o hodile(You've
He is busy drooling down on
Me: "yeah, and we don't
speak Sesotho in fancy places
we only speak English or
Afrikaans you will choose"
Lefa: "mhmmm"
He give me a disgusting look.
Mom: "when is Tlotliso
coming? We want to go"
Me: "just be patient"
Numbers and another waiter
bring their order.
Numbers: "enjoy"
He is good at this acting
Them: "thank you"
I just looked at them for a
Me: "Lefa why did you abuse
your son?"
But Tlotliso don't look like
him, my mother has to tell us
the truth.
Mom: "he didn't abuse him,
Tlotliso made up that story
like you did"
So she still believe me, even
her son?
Me: "Unbelievable, Lefa have
you noticed that you don't
look like Tlotliso? Mom is he
father? Just shave the devil
and tell us the truth"
She coughs so hard, before
she talks.
Mom: "yeah he is not his
father, Tlotliso's father is
dead, he was a pastor in a
church I attended"
Lefa: "what? You made me
raise the child that is not
He deserves it.
Mom: "I didn't know how to
tell you"
I watch Lefa enjoying his
poisoned food, luckily it will
take 2-3 hours to kill him.
Me: "I don't know Tlotliso will
handle that, it will break
Mom: "I know that is why I
didn't tell anyone about it, let
me go to the ladies"
Me: "your eyes you show you
the way to it"
She is just shocked.
Me: "Now it's just me and
you. Just tell me anything
you want to tell me, anything
I don't know"
He is sweating, I guess the
poison is slowly working.
Lefa: "what I know is that
your father is still alive"
Me: "where does he live?"
Lefa: "in Hammanskraal,
block B. He leaves in a double
story, house number 345"
So when people are dying,
they just talk the truth?
Me: "his name?"
Lefa: "Mandla Dlamini, what
did you put in my food? I am
feeling weak"
Me: "me? I was sitting here
with you when they took and
gave you your order"
My mother walks back to us.
Mom: "babe are you okay?"
Lefa: "yes, I am fine. I think
I need fresh air"
He walks out leaving us.
Mom: "we've been waiting for
an hour now, where is
Me: "he is not coming, and
your precious husband is
going to die anytime, it will
depend how strong his lungs
She wanted to get up but I
stopped her.
Me: "sit down. I got you a
home sweet home where you
will start a new life without
him and without us"
I see a smile on her face.
Mom: "really?"
Me: "yes, in Weskoppies
that's where you belong"
Mom: "Weskoppies? I am not
crazy Lindokuhle, only crazy
people go there not me"
Her crocodile tears don't
shake me.
Me: "just Imagine saying
that to them, do you think
they will believe you?
Because all they will say is
'Sister Petunia bring the
injection she is starting' and
when you try to explain that
you are not crazy, they will
be like 'you see those people
in here? They also said that'
then they inject you until you
go crazy, because you will.
There is no way you will be
living with crazy people and
don't be like them."
Two male nurses walk in, as
they strap her.
Mom: "I am not CRAZY!!!!"
Nurse1: "o se a thomile"
Me: "Send my regards to your
new family. I love you Mom."
They walk out with her busy
kicking and shouting.
Mom: "I AM NOT CRAZY!!!"
My name is Nomeva
Motaung-Dlamini, and I am a
failed protector. I am a
mother who failed to believe
her children when they
needed me most. I am a
mother who turned a blind
eye to the suffering of my
own flesh and blood. And for
that, I deserve to be here,
in this mental health facility,
seeking help and trying to
make amends.
I remember the day
Lindokuhle came to me, tears
streaming down her face, and
told me she was raped by her
step father. My husband. My
partner. I didn't believe her.
I thought she was lying,
making it up for attention. I
accused her of being
dramatic, of trying to ruin
our happy family.
And then my son, Tlotliso
came to me, his eyes haunted
by the secrets he kept for so
long. He told me he had been
abused by his father for
years. I didn't believe him
either. I thought he was
exaggerating, making excuses
for his own behavior.
But now I see the truth. I
see the pain in my children's
eyes, the scars on their souls.
I see the damage I did by
not believing them, by not
protecting them. And I am
consumed by guilt and shame.
I don't know if my children
will ever forgive me. I don't
know if I can ever forgive
myself. But I hope that by
seeking help, by confronting
my own failures, I can start
to make amends. I can start
to heal. And maybe, just
maybe, I can learn to be the
mother my children deserve.
I deserve whatever is
I am meeting up with
Vuyolwethu in a minute, she
said she has something to
tell me regarding Lindokuhle
and her dodgy business.
I just waited for her until
she shows up.
Vuyolwethu: "hey"
She is so beautiful.
Me: "hi Vuyo"
She took her seat as she
place her order.
Vuyolwethu: "you are not
recording me right?"
Why would I do that?
Because I am no longer a
detective, I got suspended.
Me: "yes, I am not"
Waiter bring her wine.
Vuyolwethu: "thank you. Even
if you are recording me, I will
die with you. So to make this
matter short, i have some
information regarding Lindo,
I know you've been wanting
justice for your brothers and
your father so I will like to
help. So I know everything
about her from where did
she kill your brother to
where she get her drugs and
people she works with. How
your father died, Detective
Moloi helped her with that.
So if you want all that, you
will find it in her safe, that
is inside her house…"
How am I going to do that?
Me: "how am I going to do
Vuyolwethu: "who said I'm
done talking? Nxa. Let me
finish talking and stop being
too forward. You will use this
access card to open her back
door, since is consist of many
security access, so access
card will be the easy way.
When you get inside, you will
walk to a room with white-
black door, it is the only
different door downstairs
just that I am not good
with directions so you will find
your way to it, then when you
get there use the same card
to open that door then when
it opens you will use the pin
behind that card to open the
safe then you will see many
documents with every
information you need even
the one you didn't expect to
find, don't touch the wall i
don't where did they place
the sensor but don't touch
the wall. And don't worry
about security i will handle it"
Did she just snitch on her
Me: "why are you doing all
Vuyolwethu: "because I want
freedom, I want to be free
from Lindo's world where she
rules us and demands things
we cannot give her. I want
to live my own life knowing
that there won't be shit
about Lindo that is following
me. She also asked me to lie
to you about her so that you
can back off with your
investigations. Hope that
piece of information you will
get, will help you to send her
to jail for good this time.
Even if you try to tell her
that i told you, know that i
will kill you with my bare
hands. Have a nice day."
She walks out, leaving her
wine like that without
drinking it.
I think justice will be served
for my brothers. I ordered a
bottle of wine just to
celebrate this victory alone.
After 10 months
I've been through hell and
back, fought for every scrap
of food and every moment of
safety. I didn't become a
gangster overnight, it was a
slow-burning fire that
consumed me, fueled by the
desperation and resilience
that grew inside me with
each passing day. I
remember the first time I
had to fight for myself, the
first time I had to choose
between my life and someone
else's. It was a brutal
awakening, a harsh reality
check that left me shaken
but unbroken.
From that day on, I knew I
had to rely on myself, on my
wits and my fists, to survive.
I built a reputation, brick by
brick, of being fearless and
formidable. I earned the
respect of my peers and the
fear of my enemies.
But it wasn't easy. There
were times when I wanted
to give up, when the pain
and the struggle seemed too
much to bear. Times when I
wondered if it was all worth
it, if the life I was living
was the life I truly wanted.
But something inside me
refused to let go. A spark of
defiance, a flame of
determination that burned
brighter with each passing
day. And so I kept going,
kept fighting, kept pushing
forward no matter what.
And that's how I became a
gangster. Not overnight, but
over years of blood, sweat,
and tears. Over years of
hard-won battles and
harder-won lessons. I am
what I am today because of
what I've been through, and
I wouldn't change a thing.
In the darkest depths of
trauma and loss, l found the
strength to rise up again.
From the ashes of pain and
suffering, l emerged a
phoenix of resilience and
courage. Despite the scars of
rape and the heartbreak of
losing my unborn child, l
refused to be defined by my
tragedies. Instead, l found
love and support in the arms
of a devoted husband, the
embrace of loyal friends, and
the empowerment of my own
inner queen. I transformed
my suffering into a
testament of hope and a
beacon of light for others.
My story is a reminder that
even in the darkest
moments, there is always a
way forward, always a
chance to heal, and always an
opportunity to rise anew. I
am a queen, a warrior, and a
shining example of the human
spirit's capacity to overcome,
to thrive, and to reign
supreme. Strong woman is a
force of nature, unbreakable
and unshakeable. I am a
rock, a shelter, and a safe
haven. I have weathered
the storms, battled with my
enemies, and emerged
victorious every time. With a
heart of gold, a spirit of fire,
and a will of steel, l have
conquered the impossible,
shattered the glass ceiling,
and paved the way for
others to follow. I am a
symbol of hope, a beacon of
light, and a reminder that
strength and beauty are not
mutually exclusive. In a world
that often seeks to break
me, l remain unbroken. In a
society that tries to silence
me, l refused to be quiet. I
am a strong woman, and l will
not be defeated. I will rise, l
will thrive, and l will reign
From bottom to top, I made
it out alive.