Null 8
Null 8
Null 8
that is why she made a decision that she will look for a wife
for my husband and that is how i joined the family. She
actually chose me for her husband. I have been married to
this man for twenty-two years. Unfortunately two years ago
Valeria the mother of the boys and the first wife my sister
wife died. It was sad because she was actually a nice woman.
Well educated and a woman who put this family on the map
when she became the deputy president of the country. Yes
we are talking about a famous worthy woman here. A
woman who changed my entire life. I will always be grateful
to her but i am used to this life now. How am i expected to
just forget it and start afresh away from a house i lived in for
22 bloody years? That will happen over my dead body.
My mother’s love for my father is the reason we are caught in
these webs of lies deceit and betrayal. Our family was always
a peaceful family until my mother started getting sick. I
believe if my mother never got sick we wouldn’t be in this
mess today. My mother’s love for our father was bigger than
the love she had for us. I am not saying she never loved us
she did but her love and trust for our father really clouded her
judgement because now what started as a way to save the
family from the parasite is now ruining our lives.
Me: Bro my wife is black but Summer is a city girl you know
her; she wouldn’t accept this. Polygamy is not what she
signed up for
Me: Man after i had this talk with you that night. I went to
bed and immediately i fell asleep and mom visited me
I stood up
I am lying when i say i don’t know the girl but i am not ready
to get into that right now and i don’t think my brother would
be happy to hear this that is why i am not going to say
Sihlwele: Dude mom doesn’t want you to have a second wife
Me: That is what i thought too but how can mom risk us
losing the mansion and the business she worked so hard for?
Then refuse to let me marry someone who is going to help us
save it?
Sihlwele stood up
Sihlwele: I know i don’t know why she is not mad at dad for
giving you big brother an ultimatum! Or maybe she wants
you to be patient? Maybe you two will have a child? You
said the doctor says Summer is healthy and ready to
Sihlwele: What?
I looked at my brother
Me: Today i will take my wife to the doctor and i will get
He laughed
If you are talking about the luckiest woman in the world you
are talking about Nomzuzu. I was just an ordinary woman at
university when i met my husband who was a professor there.
When i met him
Me: Little bro your arms are strong; you are squeezing a life
out of me!
He laughed
Sihlwele: Good luck man i have to go to my room
If you are talking about the luckiest woman in the world you
are talking about Nomzuzu. I was just an ordinary woman at
university when i met my husband who was a professor there.
When i met him he was just my professor. The day i met
him i never really thought he would be my husband because
he was a well-known man because of his wife. This man was
married to a deputy president of the country. Valerie was a
deputy president of the country who was loved by many
South Africans. When she became deputy president everyone
just knew she was going to be our next president but things
never worked like that because of cancer. Her cancer
changed my life. I don’t think if she never had cancer i would
be here today as this powerful woman that i am today. The
cancer she had was very aggressive that she had to resign
from office. She sat down and she couldn’t perform her
duties as a wife that she herself suggested that her husband
finds a second wife. One of the reasons she insisted on my
husband to get a second wife was because of the number of
children they promised each other to have. My husband
wanted more children and together they have two boys
Ndlalifa and Sihlwele.
One day Valerie had a speech at our campus and she saw me
and how i was interacting with her husband. She said she
liked that i carried myself with respect and she was impressed
that i didn’t give up on my dream of getting a degree. I was
going to be a nurse then and i furthered my studies and i am
a matron now. She saw i was older than all the students so
she invited me over for dinner. I was so happy and honoured
to be invited to deputy president’s mansion. Yes they lived in
this mansion that we have today. Let me take you through
the mansion. The mansion is the biggest mansion i have ever
seen. It was like she knew she wouldn’t be the only wife. The
mansion has two homes in one. When you walk in the front
door. You see two staircases. One from left and one from
right. One from left lived the kids back then and it was
another home but dinner was had downstairs in their huge
dining table. When i became the wife the side that was used
by the boys was mine and my family and the boys went to be
with their mother. We still had dinner and breakfast together
as we still do until this day. This home is my home now. I
gave birth to my children here. My first born son Onele and
my daughter who lives at boarding school were born here.
This is the only home they know of and that is not going to
change anytime soon but this house is not big enough for all
of us. The boys have to move out i mean the two of them
have wives. I don’t know why they don’t move out because
they are successful along with their wives. They don’t belong
Onele: oh Boy
They looked at us
I looked at Astrid
Me: Didn’t you call every single bedroom in this house and
told them breakfast was ready?
Mzwanele: Nomzuzu…
Me: Well i guess we have to wait for the other brother as well!
Me: The food is ready isn’t it!? they will be going on and on
about cold breakfast when they decided to stay upstairs with
their wives in my house!
Sihlwele: Dad she has been married to you for how many
years? 22? And yet she still doesn’t get that we are not just
any family?
Me: But you know if you don’t go the hotel will suffer and
you know your mother in law is a very active ancestor. She
will shout at me
She blushed
Summer: stop
Me: I love you and i will tell you what happens
Uncle: You know i am always here for you and your brother.
What is this about?
I exhaled
Me: I want you to interpret a dream for me
Me: Thank You friend i appreciate the support you and your
husband are giving us
Marybeth: I wish he could take time off or resign. Your
husband is a smart man with two degrees. He is overworking
maybe that is why you are struggling to conceive. If he
doesn’t work too much maybe you will be able to conceive
Me: I don’t think that his work is affecting our sex life. My
husband and i sex is no problem. We have good sex it
doesn’t matter if he is tired even on a day he was too
exhausted the next day in the morning we have sex
Me: Poor woman. She never knew what she was bringing to
her family
Marybeth: Talk about a devil in a dress. That woman is
Me: Marybeth
She stopped walking she was looking the other way i know
she is probably rolling eyes i don’t care. She turned around.
Me: After work i want you Summer and i to have a girls pre
dinner out
Me: Friend?
She smiled
Me: Okay
Onele: Hi mom
I smiled at Sanele then looked at his friend
Me: I see
I looked at Onele
I smiled
Me: That is not what i am asking you and you know it!
He looked down
Me: You know you are not allowed to have friends and you
know there is no son of mine who is going to Soweto! Are
you crazy?
He took his school bag then dragged his feet to the door
Me: Onele
Me: I want you to get rid of that friend! We told you kids
that you are not ordinary. You are not allowed to have
friends! Find a girlfriend son! You can entertain her at the
house. There is pool and everything. You are 21 now
I shook my head
Me: Kids!
Uncle: Did i stop being your son when the love of your life
Me: Exac…
Uncle: Son you have to make sure you get that woman out of
Me: That is why i got you here. Uncle i think i am the one
with a problem and i went to see a doctor. I will only get the
results tomorrow and when i find out that i cannot have
children it is going to be a problem. I was so in denial and
naïve about being the one with a problem that i was thinking
of getting a second wife
Uncle: Son you are so lucky. I miss that feisty girl. My sister
was like that she was very feisty. Seeing her cancer so
aggressive and destroying her like that it was never fun to see.
This cancer made her so weak. She was never herself again
Me: I know. So uncle what does this mean?
Me: But she doesn’t want us to lose the house too! What was
she thinking leaving the house to dad?
Uncle: Your mother loved your father. She knew what she
was doing. She wanted to show her husband how much she
loved him but brother in law betrayed her that is why my
sister wants you to fight. Don’t be sad that she doesn’t want
you to marry another woman. You should be happy don’t
tell me you want to bring another woman into your and
Summer’s life
Me: Of course not! My wife completes me but if getting a
second wife mean saving my home then i will be forced to
Me: Uncle don’t say that how am i going to save the house
and the businesses if i cannot have an heir?
Uncle: Then you have nothing to worry about. I will see you
Me: Okay…
Uncle: Keep well son
Me: Ahhh baby. You know how much i love you. My love
for you isn’t only for the good times i am here for the bad as
well. I meant every word in my vows
Marybeth chuckled
Marybeth: We will just have to hear her out i don’t trust her
I exhaled
Marybeth: Bye
Me: Uncle you know how unhappy i get when you come
Uncle: Son you vaccinated me why are you worried?
Uncle: I know that you told me everything the last time i was
I exhaled
Me: Let’s sit
Me: Yeah
Uncle: Your brother is waiting for the results and i think he is
He stood up smiling
Uncle: Good now tell your brother i will come over for
dinner after dinner i will speak with you and your brother in
I don’t know why i thought my mother would be nice to my
friend. Mom has been so upset these days and the reason for
that is because of my brothers. She wants them to move out
of the house. I grew up having them around to be honest i
don’t want them gone and the fact that they lived in this
house before my mother was married by my dad makes this
not so easy. I am not going to lie i think my mother is being
selfish. My brothers and i have a good relationship and all
the fighting with her is affecting me and i don’t know why
mom don’t want to see that this is getting in-between me and
my brothers’ relationship. When she provokes them they get
mean and sometimes i get offended by the things they say
because she is still my mother but because mom is always
initiating this i don’t really get mad but i just wish for a
moment she could think about me.
Me: Whatever!
I walked away. Geez this guy will make these girls laugh at
me. i am 21 and i still have to get permission from my mom
to go out. That is embarrassing and that idiot decides to tell
They smiled. I know very well they are faking those smiles. I
just insulted them this morning at breakfast they cannot just
forget that. They think i am stupid.
I smiled at her. She is such a fake bitch this one because her
man is the hardest and is the one who wants me out of that
I like the white girl she doesn’t pretend much. I like that she
is straight forward she is not fake
Me: I guess you want us to get into it before eating all this
beautiful food Summer prepared here
Me: You are right and there is a reason i brought you here
They looked at me in anticipation
Me: When you are married you become one wouldn’t you
guys agree?
Summer: Oh Totally!
Me: What your husband owns is yours and what you own is
Summer smiled
Summer: Why?
I chuckled
Me: Don’t act like you don’t know what i am talking about.
The house!
They looked at each other then looked down
I looked at Marybeth
Me: Sweetie you are a white woman and when you turn a
certain age your family gets you a place to stay. Do you
really want to live in a house that You will always bump into
your father in law every minute? Ndlalifa and Sihlwele are
not twins. It is time to cut the umbilical cord now and get
themselves their own houses. Don’t you need privacy? Just
you your husband and your daughter? I mean the rules going
to eat breakfast even when you are not hungry That must
bore you. Don’t you get tired of getting complaints about
being late?
Summer chuckled
Me: You don’t show that you are grown-ups! What are you
still doing living with your father in law! grown-ups have
their own homes!
Marybeth: Neither am i
Me: Oh it will!
I looked at Summer
Me: You are going to leave that house come winter next
Summer laughed
Me: You don’t look like a girl who can bear children
Me: oh… i apologise for all this food i didn’t eat why don’t
you put all of this in my husband’s tab?
Me: What is his is mine. You try that with those brats you
married to
I walked out and slammed the door hard
Me: Clementine it’s been such a long time It’s Nomzuzu
I rolled my eyes
I cannot believe the things that woman said to me. Despite
her desperation to remain at my mother in law’s house but i
didn’t expect her to be so insensitive. This is a family thing.
As a family member and a woman i expected her to be
understanding. I didn’t think a woman would be the first
person who is making fun about my struggle to conceive. I
am a very respectful woman who doesn’t like conflict and the
fighting at the house is not sitting well with me. And with
that being said you would expect me to be one who doesn’t
want to initiate anything to make the family fight but how
can i keep quiet about what she said? My husband and
Nomzuzu jump on each other every day and i hate to be the
one who is going to be the reason they fight but she deserves
to go to bed angry like she left for work this morning. I am
going to tell my husband. There is no way i am keeping this
to myself.
I smiled
Me: Yes i am okay
Ndlalifa: Summer
Me: Please!
Ndlalifa: What? Baby she made you cry! She insulted you. I
cannot let her get away with this!
Me: Then what is the point babe? This morning you put her
in her place you always do every day does she change? No!
We ruined breakfast please let us not ruin dinner too!
Me: I would never ask you to do that! She will leave when i
have this child and i want us to prove her wrong! We are
going to be parents baby. Whether she likes it or not and at
this moment i feel like my mission is to humiliate her when
she has to leave because i am pregnant. It is not about my
baby anymore. For me it is all about humiliating Nomzuzu!
I sat on the English arm below our bed and lifted my leg
Me: Please
He smiled
Ndlalifa: Yes mam
Me: Me too
Ndlalifa: Ouch
Onele: Dad?
Mzwanele: My chauffer will take you and bring you back at
Me: What!?
Me: You two will say that to your kids! Honey made a
decision! Nine it is!
Me: And you didn’t think i had to know that someone was
joining us for dinner?
Sihlwele: Uncle!
Ndlalifa: When you met our mother where was she living?
He looked at Ndlalifa
I raised my hands
Me: Sorry
Ndlalifa: Dad can you answer the question?
Sihlwele: Alone not with you. She was living in this house by
Me: Girl did you marry into this family to turn this family
against each other!?
Summer: Father that is not the only thing she said! She said i
will never have a child she said i am a failure and because of
that we are going to lose this mansion because of me!
Me: Shut up grown-ups are talking! Which side are you on!?
I swallowed hard
Me: See?
Marybeth: But that doesn’t mean you didn’t say the awful
things you said to Summer and ask asking them to move out!
Me: Honey what i said was in fact i didn’t say i asked how
they feel about our living arrangement. I was just trying to be
friends with them. I didn’t know i was talking with snakes!
Summer: I cannot believe you!
Mzwanele looked at me
Me: These people are trying to get rid of me! This is a ploy
against me! honey can’t you see this is their plan since they
are failing to give you grandchildren!?
Me: You won this round but you are not going to win this
Onele: Mom!
Me: I am fine
Ndlalifa walked in
Ndlalifa: I am sorry
Me: I just cannot believe she did that! How can she deny
Ndlalifa: Dad just walked out on us. He sees through her.
She used the words fail again and that made dad believe you
He walked out on her
Uncle: Son…
I looked at uncle
Me: Yes uncle?
I opened the door. I saw him sitting on the chair inside of our
walking closet. I cleared my throat. He looked up then
continued taking off his socks.
Me: I kn…
He rudely interrupted me
Me: Like i said my love i was angry and when all of us are
calm. I will apologize to her and our son
Mzwanele: No one is
I smiled
Mzwanele: I went to see the work they are doing our house is
coming along very well
I swallowed hard.
Sihlwele: Uncle you are not saying what i think you are
saying right now!?
Me: What!?
Me: Uncle
Me: Uncle i understand you are old but there are modern
ways to make this work. All my brother needs to do is to
ejaculate in a cup and give the sperm to us
I swallowed hard
Uncle: This is not a joke boys and you don’t see me laughing.
Both of you need to make a sacrifice for this to work
Sihlwele: What!?
He said looking at me
you need to think about how much your mother mean to all
of you and the legacy she left you and you will lose if you
make the wrong decision and before i go…
We looked at him
I was walking up to the bedroom when i bumped into my
husband looking a bit strange like he was conflicted. Uncle
just left i wonder why he is like this.
Me: O-kay?
Ndlalifa: I love you
He kissed me
Ndlalifa: I am great baby
Me: Look i will tell you okay. It’s just that this is hard
because it involves you and i am not ready to put you
through that emotional rollercoaster i am going through just
by thinking about it. She looked at me in shock.
Dad: Son i also apologize for her that was wrong and she
knows it. what do you guys say?
Summer: Well…
Me: My wife and i will forgive her when we feel like she is
being genuine and wasn’t forced by the fact that you were
upset at her dad.
Dad: Son…
Dad: You are right son. You can take your time.
I put my hand on top of my wife’s hand and kissed her cheek.
She smiled and looked down.
Nomzuzu: So?
Sihlwele: The timing is not right dad; we will just make sure
when we do we make it a big ceremony
Me: Yes?
Doctor: Mr Vatshula you have to come
He sighed
He turned
Mzwanele: Yes sweetheart?
Mzwanele: Now that you are saying it. I find it strange that
he speaks to the boys about this and exclude me. That was
I looked up at him
Me: Yeah can you give me a minute to take it?
I swallowed hard
Me: Look uncle i will call him and ask him to call you
I saw her walking down she came back 15 minutes after she
left. She forgot some documents. This is helping me to talk to
her before she goes to work when she left i didn’t see her
Mom: Son
Me: Mom
Me: Mom how do you think i feel when you are fighting
with my brothers?
Mom: Sorry?
Me: Mom how do i defend you when you are wrong? Mom i
get offended when they say things that are not nice to you. I
feel hurt.
Mom: Then tell them to be nice to me
Mom: You are a child of a second wife. You will get nothing
if i do not fight for what is rightfully yours! You idiot!
Me: Mom what is mine?
Me: Just keep doing this when i get tired of all of it you will
lose me. I am tired of feeling like i have a crazy mother
Me: Mom that is what they think when you start all this
drama. I feel like i am a son of an unstable person. I am not
insulting you…
Me: I love you so much baby but i wish i could give you a
child. It is your dream to be a mother of my child
I pulled her into a hug and hugged her tight. After almost a
minute she broke the hug
Summer: What?
Summer: What!?
She had both her hands on her mouth with her eyes popped
Summer: Oh my God!
Me: I was suggesting like getting his sperm but uncle says
you have to sleep together and it is the only way
Summer: I cannot believe this
She ran to the door and unlocked the door and ran out
leaving the door open
Me: Summer!
When i got to the door she already disappeared down the
stairs. I put my hands on my head
Me: Shit!
I saw her walking out of a ward when she saw me she paused
attempting to walk back in trying to avoid me.
She looked at me
Me: Yes you are! If you were not cowards you would’ve told
me you were not going to do it. You were not brave enough
to tell me you were not going to do to my face because you
are cowards!
Me: Marybeth!
Me: When it is said and done. Let’s say that girl do get
pregnant which will be never! Ha ha ha
I laughed then stopped quickly
Me: What do you think you and Sihlwele will benefit from
that? Ndlalifa and Summer are the heirs sweetheart what
about you and your husband?
Me: You and Sihlwele are just their bitches! You will benefit
nothing! My advice to you is to just stay out of it because it is
not your battle to fight!
Marybeth: That is where you are wrong step mom
I swallowed hard
Marybeth: What is that giggle of yours? Hihihihihi
She made a silly giggle walking away. I bit my lower lip hard
Me: Bitch!
Me: That will not be necessary man the doctor gave me the
tests results on the phone
Me: That is the same answer i gave her yesterday but that
wasn’t enough she wasn’t backing down this morning that i
saw myself telling her
Me: She ran off man. After this briefing i have to go check on
Sihlwele: Fuck i hate this whole thing obviously i am sorry
man i know this must be hard as it is for all of us but for you
it must be harder because you want children
Me: Me too
Sihlwele: This is crazy man. You need to find your wife.
Sihlwele: Sure
maybe he thought Nomzuzu was taking his sister’s place. I
loved Valerie a lot and she knew that.
Me: Maybe?
Buzumzum: Maybe if your wife didn’t say what she said
when i walked in maybe you could’ve been a part of the
Me: What?
I swallowed hard
She looked at me
Venduka: Ouch someone is in a bad mood. Sorry for trying
to kiss you.
Me: stop!
She looked at me. She could see i was serious. She took her
hand off me. I looked out the window. i cannot even look at
her. I am ashamed. I am not this kind of a guy. I am not a
jerk but what i am about to do will paint me as a stereotype
and i am not a stereotype. I have had a serious relationship
with one woman and that woman is my wife. I don’t play
Venduka: What is going on Vatshula?
Me: No i don’t.
Venduka: What?
Me: I am married
Venduka: But i am good for you Baby you love making love
She looked at me
Venduka: Why me? Why did you sleep with… no why did
you choose to sleep with me when you Were mad at your
I looked at her
Me: Before you go no one can know about what has been
happening between u…
She slapped me so hard in the face then jumped off the car
and walked away leaving me holding where she slapped me.
Me: Drive to my hotel man
I am at my wife’s job and i have been trying to call her they
say she said she was going to be late for work today. Her
phone is off i don’t know what to do right now. I hope she
doesn’t go tell Marybeth this. I know they are friends but that
would ruin everything. I am torn right now. I really don’t
know what to do. I cannot have children of my own and that
is killing me. Knowing that i can never have a mini me is
breaking my heart and instead of trying to get used to that
and heal from it i have this big task of accepting what i
should do but also at the same time i also have to this big ask
i have to ask My brother and i don’t even know my wife will
accept this and asking her to do this is not fair at all. What do
i do? The truth is i don’t know but another thing that i know
is whatever the decision is…
Worker: Sir?
Oh shit i thought out loud
I smiled
Me: Thank you
She walked out and closed the door. I dragged a chair and sat
down. My phone rang i closed my eyes then opened them
and took it out. I looked at the caller ID. It was my brother
calling. I answered
Me: Bro
Me: Yeah
Me: Mom trusted her husband to take care of us. Mom was
wrong to do that but we all make mistakes she followed her
heart and we are here to right her mistakes.
I sighed. I stood up
Me: I don’t know what i am saying…
I scratched my head
Me: Fuck!
I apologised to my husband
Clementine: I did and she is so excited. She says she has seen
your son in University. She will be happy to be in his home
because she always wanted to introduce herself as his
mother’s childhood best friend’s daughter
I rolled my eyes
I smiled
Me: Anyway i wanted to ask for your banking details. I will
send you some money. I want your daughter to look like a
dream. And you of course
Clementine: I see
Me: You know what that means right?
Clementine: I don’t.
Me: That means you have to go to the mall and buy good
quality clothes not fong kongs (fake clothes)
Clementine: Okay
I hung up. My husband called me. I smiled then answered
Me: Sweetheart?
Me: And?
I swallowed hard
Ntosh: How can you cry for a man you were not dating. Just
this past weekend you spent it with that soccer player and
you were excited about him too!
Me: You guys will not understand. We are talking about
Thee Ndlalifa Vatshula here. Press secretary and a son of a
former deputy president!
Lisa: Friend you are gorgeous but not his wife. Summer is…
Ntosh: Friend it breaks my heart that he was even arrogant
when he was dumping you. I just hate that you had no
communication on social media because if you did you
would get at that arrogant jerk by going to the press
Lisa: Oh Boy!
Ntosh: Think what?
Me: That son of a bitch lied and said he didn’t enjoy having
sex with me! He told me he loved his wife and only her! why
the hell was he with me if he loved his wife?
Lisa: You are not going where i think you are going?
Me: If he thinks i am going to go through this alone he has
another thing coming! I will make sure he is not happy with
her when she finds out i have been sleeping with him!
I ran out
Mom looked at me
It was like she was asking me to cry hard i just let it all out.
When left my apartment in a hurry going to the police i left
my friends in my apartment and when i came back i found
them there which sucked because i was a bit of a mess my
hair was all over the place and my face was bruised and the
fingers were drawn in my face. I didn’t want them to see that
but i had to go in and obviously they wanted to know what
I chuckled
Lisa: she asked that after she heard the whole story?
Me: No!
I swallowed hard
Me: Stella
Me: No we shouldn’t!
Ntosh: why?
Lisa: Oh shit!
Ntosh: Oh My God!
Us: What!?
I gulped my drink
Me: Stella knew me from the get go. She knew who i was
because of social media and she said she saw me at a club
over the weekend
Me: I know and yes it was and the reason i saw Jumbo was
because i knew Vatshula would never choose me
Ntosh: Oh sorry sweetie
She hugged me
Ntosh: Lisa play her Little Mix – Told you so. We need it
I am so tired today and i don’t want to have any headache at
the dinner table but i know i will i mean i put my step mother
in her place at work. It is going to be awkward. As much as
having my husband there will make me feel safe but i feel like
without Summer i will feel lonely. I feel like even when we
are not saying anything at the table but in spirit and with our
energies we just love each other and support each other. She
is like my blood sisters. Knowing that she will not be here i
will not lie it sucks big time. When Zuzu bash us we don’t
care when we are both present but being the only outsider it
is going to suck.
When i walked in. I saw Astrid getting busy at the kitchen.
Thank God my step mother in law is not here and i don’t
remember seeing her car when i left work. I am not sure if
she is home or not.
I smiled
She smiled.
Me: Let’s hope she stays this time. She is too old to be doing
Astrid laughed
Me: I missed her too. I cannot wait to see my baby girl. Wait
so if Georgina is here that means my husband is home
Me: Hi baby
He attempted to talk
Me: Hey it is okay as long you are drinking here at the house
but i want you to see a shrink at work tomorrow
He kissed me
Sihlwele: Well
Me: Lazy kid. Baby i had a long one too let me go take a
quick shower and get ready for dinner
I kissed him
I took his bag and walked up the stairs. He headed to the bar.
Being a doctor is hard. I feel bad for my husband. God i
don’t know how i will survive this place without my sister in
law. I miss Summer already.
Yes i made a decision. If my wife agrees i am down with the
plan. In our family you have to make sacrifices for family.
This is the biggest sacrifice. To be honest i don’t know how
to feel with myself. I have the worst position in this family
and that position and its responsibility might tear our family
apart but we all know that when you are in my position you
have to do what is best for family. My father is lost and as an
heir i have to correct him
Me: Bro you have to slow down because if you get too drunk
you might spill the beans
Me: She is at her mom’s and she is going to be there for God
knows how many days. She just needs time away from me
Me: Okay.
My daughter is in University. She has told me a lot about my
friend’s son Onele. I never thought we would actually meet
nor did i think i would be having dinner with them at their
house. It is such an honour. When i found out that my friend
was marrying former deputy president’s husband. I was so
happy for her. I never not once felt envious. I was just happy
for her. I am not going to lie she feels like a stranger right
now. We haven’t been in contact in suck a long time. It has
been two decades. I am surprised she had my number.
Nomzuzu to me is a stranger because she is not that young
woman anymore. She lives with famous people. I see her in
magazines alongside her husband. When she got married to
her husband. Her family moved to a suburb. They now live
in NorthCliff so we completely lost contact. I know that they
moved to NorthCliff because i taught some of the kids in her
family the family that still lives here in Soweto the cousins.
So tomorrow is like i am meeting a celebrity when in actual
fact i will be meeting my childhood friend.
Bokang: Oh Nice
She looked at me
Bokang: Again?
Me: Yes and this time she sent us money. 10K baby!
Me: You know what? i didn’t think it that way now that you
are saying it….
Bokang: I know i wasn’t born when she got married but the
way you talked about her shows you were best friends why
weren’t you invited to her wedding?
I chuckled
Me: You are actually right! let me call her and ask for her
account number…
I laughed
Bokang: Savage?
Me: Well i don’t know what that word mean but whatever it
means i think it is a right word to describe you
Me: Who is this girl and what did you do with my daughter?
Me: Yeah…
I feel like after what happened with Stella and Venduka i owe
my brother the truth and if i want him to trust me and be
open to helping me i have to come clean to him about what i
did behind my wife’s back and i hope he won’t be mad and
what i did will not affect his decision to help me get an heir. I
am not trying to pressure him to agree to this. I am willing to
give him all the time he needs as long as he knows that we
are running out of the time. I hope the amount of time he
will take to give me an answer won’t be longer; he has to
think about the fact that i am running out of time. My father
said a pregnancy or a baby will change things so i don’t care
how long it takes as long my wife will get pregnant before the
I smiled
Me: Of course. Anyway there is something i want to tell you
He exhaled
Me: She won’t because i ended things when i found out that i
couldn’t have kids i ended that… it wasn’t even a
relationship. I was just sleeping with her that is why
yesterday after finding out i had to meet her and end things
Me: Stella asked to meet when i met her at the park she was
with this girl and she told her everything not knowing she
was our cousin
Sihlwele: Dude you need to pay this girl off. That is the only
way to shut up these groupies
Me: I doubt she will make that mistake. Your cousin gave
her a beating i didn’t see coming
Me: I doubt she would do that. This bitch said she was doing
that because i hurt her she didn’t know Stella knew her and
she knows who she is sleeping with
Sihlwele: This girl wanted to ruin your life when you are not
even the only dude she is sleeping with?
Me: These girls are crazy man
Me: Not at all dad what’s up? I haven’t seen you in a while
coming this side
He smiled
We laughed
Mzwanele: I also love you boys too. I love you so much and
i am so proud of you for all you have achieved. You never
had an easy and normal childhood. I never thought you
would be what you are today. I am proud of you
I laughed
Me: yeah
Me: It is not
Mom: well just answer maybe he will just tell you without
you asking
Me: Honestly i don’t want to know mom
Mom: At this point we know the only chance you get to have
your husband’s blood’s child is by divorcing this man and
marry someone else and honestly that wouldn’t be hard for
you baby. You are beautiful
I stood up massaging the sides of my forehead with my
Mom: You are too young for all of this. I feel really bad for
you. I wish i knew what you should do but just know that i
will support any decision you take
I turned and looked at mom
Me: I am so conflicted
Mom: And he knows you are
Me: Where is Summer? I didn’t see her last night and this
morning she is not joining us for breakfast
I looked at Sihlwele
Me: I am joking i guess it is because my family don’t live at
Soweto anymore i didn’t really have anything that needed
me there and i was really busy with my studies and i started
work and marrying into this family i had to be seen less in
Onele: I can sit and have dinner for 30 minutes i will have to
leave for the party tonight and before i forget can you help
me with some cash mom. I need to buy an outfit
Me: Son it is not an event; it is a party. You have a lot of
Onele smiled
Onele: Thank you so much bro
Ndlalifa looked at me
I exhaled
Me: Please stress that part. I know money would make him
go to the mall right away!
We just parked our car in parking at our favourite restaurant
when we saw one of the influencers. This girl recently won
miss Soweto. I hear the pageant is a big deal in Soweto and it
brings so many opportunities. We know her because we go to
the same university. Well i just finished so i can say used to
go with her. Lisa and Ntosh are still in University doing their
final year. They know her well but i have seen her in campus
when i was still a student at Wits and we also meet in
conferences for influencers.
Ntosh: Bokang!
Lisa: You seem like you are in a hurry. Miss Soweto duties?
Bokang: To be honest i don’t know whether it is something
related to that or…
Bokang hugged us
Me: I hear what she says about going there but there is
something i cannot shake off and i have been thinking about
it all night last night
I see my brother is not shutting down the idea so for him to
see i am serious about this i had to visit him at the hospital
and test. What he said was on my mind all morning. I want
him to sleep with my wife when i have been sleeping with her
and Venduka at the same time with no protection. That is
not fair and i would hate if i took any STIs from Venduka but
i remember the first time we had sex she wanted to use
protection which i refused i doubt she is sleeping with all
these boys without protection. As much as she is a whore she
is also a responsible whore.
I walked in.
Sihlwele: You don’t seem this happy to see me. The comrade
was my mother too you know?
Molefe: He is
We laughed
We smiled at him
He smiled
Sihlwele: Thank you old man. It is good to hear that about
our mother
Sihlwele: Right!
Me: I know bro that is why i want to test and i want you to
do it.
He looked at me surprised
Sihlwele: Oh?
Sihlwele: You said you didn’t come here to talk about this!
Me: Yeah you are right. I came here to test and that is what i
am going to do with your help
Me: You have to answer his calls because if you don’t he will
show up at the mansion
Me: YO
Me: I just wanted to get myself outfit for the party man
Me: I told you i am coming but i will first have dinner with
my family and our guests then leave
Sakhe: Sure
Running home was the best decision i have ever made. I
don’t care what my husband Sihlwele and uncle think about
it. I mention them because they are the only ones who know
what is going on and know that i ran away. I needed to speak
to my mother. Everyone can agree that you would never
make such a decision without your parents’ approval.
Agreeing to it or not i had to speak to my mother and i don’t
regret doing so. If i didn’t speak to my mother i wouldn’t
have known that saying no could potentially be the end of
my marriage my mother opened my eyes and kind of
influenced my decision making and because of that now i
know what to expect and i have to accept things as they are.
If i say no i have to remember that i will not only say no i
will also be asking for a divorce because let’s face it. Even if
he respects my decision and decides to stay with me. He will
hate me and i will not have any idea that he hates me
because he will be hiding it and that is not healthy for any
kind of a relationship.
I laughed
Me: You can imagine how it is like living with her under one
Me: It is crazy uncle and to be honest if you let her walk all
over you she literally walks all over you
I sipped my tea.
Uncle: I am surprised to see you here not one of the boys and
that makes me feel proud of how strong you are. Ndlalifa
never made a mistake by taking you as his wife. You are
brave and your visit shows how respectful you are of his
family and our culture
I cleared my throat
I looked at him
I nodded my head
Me: That is why i am here. Uncle the main purpose of all this
is to have a child that is a Vatshula blood a child that is going
to prevent mother in law’s legacy from being taken by Zuzu
Me: Uncle you have lived longer than i have and we can both
agree that nothing stays hidden forever. When that time
comes this family will be torn apart you and i know that
Uncle: Family stick together no matter what. My nephews
have an unbreakable bond
Me: a bond that could be broken just like that! we are talking
intimacy here uncle
Me: Okay.
He said with a big smile on his face. His accent was different
and strong. He is probably a guy from Africa.
Nomzuzu: We…
Mom: The last time i saw her was when she was dating
another guy when she got married i never saw her again
Me: Even your best friend who lived next door to your
Lady: The dinner is ready you may all go to the dining table
I looked at mom
Me: Mom
She said yelling he was a bit far. Moose came with the
envelope. The brothers seemed to be enjoying the show
judging by how they couldn’t stop smiling. Even the white
beautiful wife of Sihlwele was entertained. Moose gave it to
Sihlwele laughed
Ndlalifa: Can you stay for the night? i need you at breakfast
as well
Some laughed. Onele his dad and the witch didn’t laugh. I
am going to enjoy tonight. I can feel it.
Me: I didn’t know your daughter’s age but you knew when
my son was born so it looks like i am not the stalker between
the two of us.
Mzwanele: Honey!
He looked at Clementine
Mzwanele: Forgive my wife. I think she is overwhelmed by
all of this
I looked at her
I looked at Clementine
I stood up
Me: Sorry family. I was the one who said everyone should be
at their best behaviour and i was the one who broke that and
no one can blame me when visitors themselves don’t seem to
Me: Little girl i am not your age! You are not going to speak
while i am talking! Maybe you do that in Soweto but this is
my house! This is Sandton you have to carry yourself with
class i don’t know why i thought you would be different by
now! You want to know why i never invited your mother!?
She had no class!
Bokang: Okay but she hasn’t told us why she invited us!
Me: I wanted to make up for the past but clearly you came
here to fight me so i want you to stay in my past! I don’t ever
want to see you again!
Me: Me?
Me: You can find any girl you want! That one doesn’t
deserve you
Onele: Did you bring that girl here for me?
Me: Of course not! But i could see how you looked at each
Onele: Don’t confuse being star struck with love mom there
is a difference between the two
I looked at him.
Me: I would never expect you to get less besides this… all of
this is ours. You will never move out
Sihlwele: Good then now you better talk to your wife
I exhaled
Me: Yeah
Uncle stopped the car. We saw a tall man who seemed like a
sangoma walking fast to our car
Uncle: That is him let’s meet him half away. His name is
We got out of the car and walked to this man. He didn’t look
happy at all to see us
Uncle: Makhosi!
Uncle: Makhosi….
Uncle: Makhosi…
Uncle: Makhosi!
Uncle: You have a lot to think about just drive home makoti
Onele did raised his concerns to his mom about her always
embarrassing him and making him feel bad because of how
she behaves but his mother doesn’t seem to understand him.
Tonight she took it to another level when she ruined her own
dinner. She didn’t only embarrass only herself but she
embarrassed her son too by behaving like that in front of
Onele’s school mate. So this party came at a perfect time for
Onele. He seems excited to be at Sakhe’s house tonight. We
see him with a drink looking like he was enjoying himself. To
him this was an escape from all the drama that happened at
The tent was packed. People could barely hear each other.
Music was loud and they were all dancing except for Onele
who was just standing smiling at everyone who was dancing.
We see Pam walk in with Sakhe talking.
Pam: So what did your buddy get you? i saw him giving you
a big present
Sakhe: i think i will check the gift tomorrow. I put it in my
Sakhe: We can open it after the party but now i have to greet
Onele: Okay i think i should leave i don’t know why you are
offended by what i said when you know my family so well
and how my mom is.
Sakhe: Dude you are looking down on us and our girls! That
is fucked up man! In fact fuck you cheese boy! get the fuck
out of my home and my kasi (township)
Sakhe: what?
Pam: You men are so naïve! Onele is into you not girls!
Sakhe: Into what? What the fuck are you talking about?
Sakhe walked out of the tent pam followed him Sakhe was
thinking he snapped out of it then turned and looked at Pam
The man didn’t want to talk to us. He didn’t even want us to
step into his house. He wanted us gone. You could tell that
he didn’t want us to stay another minute in his house. If he is
really legit then he is really good at what he does. What
uncle said to me made sense. He said us city people don’t
really care about that tittle. Everyone get something but in
rural areas and people who believe in traditions and all they
believe that an heir is the first boy child. So for my husband
to know that and don’t want to do what is expected to be
done to get there it would indeed make him a hypocrite.
Maybe that is why i feel like my husband is not too against
this. Maybe he knows that this is something he should do but
it sucks that this whole thing is affecting all of us.
Anyway i just got off the call. I called uncle asking him if he
arrived safe. I was not okay with leaving him there but i am
glad he suggested this because i kind of cleared my head
driving in silence.
Mom: So he is home safe?
Me: Yes. I didn’t expect him to ask me to leave him there but
i saw him taking a taxi.
Mom: This decision is very important for that old man honey
I smiled
Mom smiled
Mom: I know.
I laughed
Me: No more of that my baby. I thought that woman
Me: She was always selfish. She loved attention and she was
jealous. She wanted to be the centre of attention. If the light
is on someone else she would be mad at that person all day
Me: You know what i mean baby. I mean she has a famous
family that makes her famous what she does affect the entire
family. I thought Maybe fam would change her.
Bokang: Not her she looks like the greedy type but her ego is
her weakness. As greedy as she is giving away 10K to us was
nothing because she wanted to prove a point.
Me: OH the look on her face when i told her we didn’t need
her money; it was priceless
Me: Yeah and that poor man i could tell he was disappointed
but he didn’t want to show us that.
Bokang: And i was like no sir not until we throw her money
in her face
Bokang: Yes you said Onele looked like someone but you
didn’t know who. What was that about?
I smiled
Me: Oh that!
Bokang: Are you sure about that? Mom it seems like you are
hiding something
Last night was not supposed to end like that i don’t know
why someone would invite you to their party and treat you
like that. This guy was very mean to me. Sakhe knows me. I
told him about my life. Coming from the family that i come
Me: Hello
Sakhe: Onele…
I hung up
I looked at the table and i caught Zuzu rolling her eyes why
am i surprised.
I looked at my husband.
Ndlalifa: I am good.
Me: I am sorry
Ndlalifa: I am sorry
Me: This is hard and i know this is hard for you too
Me: And she is the only friend i talk to when i have problem
and now…
Ndlalifa: Yeah
Me: I know
Lisa: You should actually feel bad because the girl was
invited by you but you had to leave
Ntosh: You said you know what to do to get the truth. The
last time you said that it failed. We want the whole plan so
that we kill it now if it is not going to work
Lisa: But she does Saturdays and you do week days how will
that work?
Me: I will enjoy every moment. By the end of the show i will
make sure we are best friends
Lisa: This sounds like fun but be careful. Her husband will
not like that a bit
Lisa: Be careful babe. You are half Asian you don’t get so
many opportunities if you mess up and your dirty laundry
comes out no one will want to be associated with a girl who
sleep with married men. Play your game just to get answers
not to expose him because things might not go the way you
want. Some scandals never put you at the top. There is only
one Kim Kardashian babe. Keep that in mind. That is a free
advice from your friend
Ntosh raised her hand
I swallowed hard
Me: I know
Ntosh: Good
She hugged me. Lisa joined in. I love them because they
check me out they don’t always say go for it. When i am
wrong i am wrong. These are my real friends.
Marybeth: Sure
Marybeth: After the falling out with your former best friend
did you call and apologise to her?
Mother: Out of all the things you would do with your life
you decide to fall pregnant when i am trying so hard to keep
you in University! I have worked hard to make sure you have
clothes to wear at that school! how are we going to feed a
child when i have to feed you!?
Me: Mam i understand you are angry with your daughter but
you can yell all you want in my office it is soundproof. You
don’t have to embarrass this sweet girl like this! Come on
Mother: We are going home
it is selfish of her to be pregnant now
Summer: I was?
Me: And you are the best wife any man could ask for
Summer: Oh stop
Summer: Here we go
She looked at me
Summer: I think i am
I looked at the door
Me: Come in
Me: I have the same fears bro but uncle says we shouldn’t
focus on anything else. He said we should focus on why we
are doing this. Besides this will be a once off thing.
Summer: We are not here for that now and this is not your
fault. Your father gave you guys ultimatum that could risk
you losing your home. You didn’t make yourself this way
Sihlwele: This needs someone who is strong and please guys
if any of us cannot handle this please see someone
Me: Yeah
Summer stood up
Me: Already?
Summer looked at me
Me: I am sorry
Summer: Baby we will do this when you want us to we are
not going to do this if…
Sihlwele: Sure
I looked at him
Sihlwele: Yep
Me: Yeah…
Sihlwele: Sure
I wiped my tears.
Me: Come on man. You’re a big bo…
I rolled my eyes
Bongane: You are still angry with me for what i did to your
So let’s get into it. This man was my boyfriend back in the
day but he was a thief and i believe he still is judging by how
he looks. I am sure he has been in and out of prison. He stole
my uncle’s car with his gangster friends and what he did
made my uncle hate him and what he did forced me to make
hard decisions that were necessary at the time and they still
are. Those decisions were to protect me from my family and
disappointment. I didn’t want to disappoint them by telling
them the thief who stole from us is… maybe i shouldn’t say
I looked at him
Me: You didn’t only steal from my uncle. You stole from me
too! I would sneak you into my house and you stole things
from my house remember that!?
He smiled
Me: Nice try! Like you said! It was a long time ago! I am not
that girl anymore
Me: That will never happen and you know what i promised
you those years ago i can still do it now so forget it!
Me: Are you still talking only about my daughter or you are
also talking about another child that doesn’t know you are
their daddy?
He swallowed then looked away
I looked away
Me: She is in University. She cannot lose focus and you are
not even a man a child would be proud of!
Bongane: Why is that? Because i don’t have the education
you have?
He swallowed hard
Me: Liar!
Bongane: I hate being accused of things i don’t know about!
Me: Well whatever she is paying you i will make sure she
triples it when she pays me to shut me up!
I looked at her it’s like she has a lot to tell me about her.
Marybeth: You
Me: Me?
Marybeth: She has this idea that you lied when you said your
aunt was sick
That snake! I have to be careful. If she could snoop and come
up with something she would ruin everything for us. We
have to be extra careful. I pretended like i was in shock and
disappointed in her insensitivity. Marybeth cannot know that
i lied to her too.
I looked at Marybeth
Me: She smelt a rat?
Marybeth: They haven’t. She was her best friend and she
never invited her to her wedding
What will happen when they have had sex already? what am
i going to be like? I am going to lose my mind like i am right
at this moment. I am very lucky to have the woman that i
have. She is a blessing. Not everyone would agree to do this.
She is a strong woman and i have to be strong for her too. I
need to stop being selfish.
Me: Fuck!
Me: bro
i am the perfect person you should talk to
He faintly smiled.
I nodded my head
Sihlwele: You know you still can change your mind right?
I turned and looked at him
Me: What?
Me: No i am fine.
Sihlwele: You don’t seem fine
Me: I just told you i am fine! Why can’t you take my word
for it?
Sihlwele: Bro being all worked up will not help. I can see you
are not okay and we cannot do this if you are like this
because nothing good will come out of this
I faked a smile
Me: You had your moment to deal with it why can’t you
give me a chance to deal with it?
Uncle: Nephew
Me: I hope it is
I swallowed hard
Uncle: what?
Me: What if they fall in love?
Today has been a drag. I don’t have any line. Having one
friend sucks. I regret having only one Friend. If i knew Sakhe
was an ass i wouldn’t have focused on our friendship. I am
really bored right now. I have been studying and i could do
with fresh air but i cannot go anywhere. I cannot go to the
mall i am not a child.
Me: Come!
Me: He is downstairs?
He smiled
He swallowed hard
Sakhe: Bro you can’t even offer me a drink?
Me: Don’t lie! You were not drunk when i left your house
after you kicked me out!
Sakhe: I am sorry man it’s just that i didn’t like what you said
Me: I still stand by what i said. I don’t date just any girl
Sakhe: Okay i get it. Let’s find you a girl of your calibre then?
How about that?
Me: Moose!
Moose came from the kitchen running.
I smiled
Me: Follow me
Me: Get the fuck out of my house before i threw you out bra
Moose: Sir?
I was still with this woman and her daughter. I told them
about my plan. I told them that i want her daughter to seduce
my son so that he could sleep with her. After two or three
weeks she will tell him she is pregnant. I want my husband to
give my son the legacy already. I want him to see that
Ndlalifa cannot have children. I want to humiliate that son of
a bitch. I want everyone to see that he is a failure. I want to
take the mansion. These boys are too old to be living with
their father. When they are out there in their small house my
husband built for them they will thank me when they are
enjoying the freedom. The mansion is mine and this boy
better sleep with this naïve girl and make her a wife.
Mother: Pamela this woman says she can send us 150K Now!
that is a lot of money! I am sure this boy is a loser and
besides you were talking abortion
Me: Exactly!
Pamela: We are in business
Pamela: Anything
Me: When you start seeing my son. You cannot see your
little boyfriend. You will be his forever!
Pamela: Looking at you i am sure your son is handsome. I
don’t mind.
She looked at her mother. Her mother took out her phone
and showed me the account number. I sent the money.
Me: It might reflect a bit later though
Pamela: okay
They smiled
I smiled they walked to the door and made their way out.
When i heard the door closes I stood up and smiled.
Bongane: Clementine!
M: She knows?
Bongane: i am afraid she does
I did as he said
Sihlwele: Damn
I felt his warm tongue teasing my genitalia
Mom: And if he likes you that will mean things will be great
for our family. That woman mentioned that her husband is
working in parliament
We didn’t get her name i don’t know why she didn’t tell us
and we didn’t take her number i mean she is the one who
needs us so i believe she will call soon.
One day my wife is going to find out what i did and things
will get ugly i want to make sure when we get there she
doesn’t hate me enough to leave me. I will work as hard as i
can to give her attention. I believe if i do that She will not
notice that i am being distracted. The mistakes people make
when they are cheating are changing and acting differently. I
am not a cheat but i believe a woman would never suspect a
thing if you make them happy and that is what i intend to do.
We were still making love in the shower she came just from
me rimming her. I felt her legs shaking i stood up and put my
hand on her small waist my right hand directed myself to her
wet pussy. I rubbed it with my head she was moaning so
loud thank God the room has sound proof. I inserted myself
the head was in the head was in i took it out and teased her
again she grabbed it and shoved it in then screamed while
throwing her ass back at me. i started moving fast and hard
with both my hands on her waist hitting it from the back.
I said grabbing her neck turning her head so she could look at
me while i am fucking her hard
About three months later after i ended the thing that was
going on between Bongane and i i realised i was pregnant
and i thought he was my husband’s son. I didn’t know until
he was a teenager. I started seeing his real father in him and i
remember the day i noticed i was conflicted because all along
i thought he was Vatshula through and through. It was
heart-breaking for me. I remember crying alone and beating
myself up about it. My husband doesn’t know this boy isn’t
his and I am willing to make sure he never finds out. Onele
would hate me and we would lose everything and i cannot
afford that. I didn’t spend all these years with this man only
to be stripped away everything. I am his living wife and i
deserve to be rewarded for it.
After i hung up on Bongane i had to call him again and talk
about this. I would be damned to let this woman ruin this for
me. She cannot be mad at me for not inviting her to my
wedding. I didn’t owe her that she is not my sister. She is not
going to mess up my life. I will not let it Happen. I have to be
honest though.
Bongane: I should be asking you that! how did she find out
about your son?
Me: I invited her and her daughter over for dinner because i
wanted her daughter to date my son but i changed my mind
she is a hooligan like her mother!
Me: You are the thug here! Don’t act like you don’t know
what i mean. That woman is coming back with a childhood
silly rage and she is determined to ruin my life. She has to die
and you have to do it!
Me: You are an idiot! This affects you too Bongane! The
money i send you every month will not come in if the truth
comes out!
Bongane: Then make sure it doesn’t come out because i will
not kill the mother of my daughter
I kicked my desk
Me: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Me: You will close that door behind you if you know what is
good for you!
I really hope this visit will not backfire on me. I feel like i
have a lot on my shoulders and i feel like it is a crime at my
age to have all of this on my shoulders. I am young and i
should be enjoying my life as a young married woman but i
can’t because i am about to sleep with my brother in law with
my husband knowing. The future of my marriage is hanging
on the balance at this moment. I am afraid but i am a big girl.
I think i can do this. I have to think about the love of my life
at this point. I don’t see my life without this man and if
anyone thinks i am not doing this for myself too then they
don’t know how we feel about each other. I am doing this for
me too because i don’t want to lose him. i cannot keep
saying i love him but when the going gets tough i easily give
up. I am in this relationship for the long haul.
Me: When i came with uncle i thought maybe you had a talk
about this visit that is why you did what you did
Sitshingitshani: Let me tell you something about
Sitshingitshani Mrs Vatshula…
He smiled at me
Me: Oh My God.
I smiled
I looked up
Sitshingitshani: I will not tell you my reasons but you are not
going to tell anyone either!
Me: What?
Me: When?
I turned around
I took out a few hundreds and threw them on the floor then
ran out crying.
I smiled at him.
Ndlalifa: It is Saturday
Me: That doesn’t apply at the hotel babe. Guests come in and
out of the hotel
I walked away
Ndlalifa: Make love to me
We are too young for this bullshit! I cannot let him do this to
us. He walked passed me
Mzwanele: What?
He smiled
I faked a smile
Me: We will see about that
They looked at each other all giddy. What is going on? Love
is in the air this evening
Me: Did she tell you she insulted me at work?
Sihlwele: What?
Marybeth exhaled.
Mzwanele: Didn’t Summer say her aunt was not okay but
she wasn’t too serious when they went to see her? why would
you assume that she lied to us?
Me: Honey her husband said she wasn’t going to be home for
few days and it was barely two days and she was back and
the first thing she did when she arrived was take her husband
to talk. I was just voicing my concerns and since she and
Marybeth are close. I was just trying to reach out using her
hoping this girl would talk to her sister in law and find out
what is going on
Marybeth: Oh stop!
Mzwanele: Didn’t Summer say her aunt was not okay but
she wasn’t too serious when they went to see her? why would
you assume that she lied to us?
Me: Honey her husband said she wasn’t going to be home for
few days and it was barely two days and she was back and
the first thing she did when she arrived was take her husband
to talk. I was just voicing my concerns and since she and
Marybeth are close. I was just trying to reach out using her
hoping this girl would talk to her sister in law and find out
what is going on
Marybeth: Oh stop!
Astrid came to us
I looked at my family
Me: Oh Yes
He played his tongue on my clitoris
Me: Oh baby
He broke the kiss i looked at his dreamy eyes i felt him enter
Me: Oh yes!
He went in and out slowly for a beautiful for quiet some time
then minutes later He upped the pace
My wife is the sweetest but don’t ever think you can walk all
over her. Between Summer and Marybeth you would think
Summer would be the one who is able to put Zuzu in her
place but it is the opposite. My wife checks that woman.
What she called her is hilarious. I couldn’t stop laughing in
the living room. I wanted to piss Zuzu off with my laugh. I
decided to stay out of it because i don’t enjoy disrespecting
this woman in front of Onele. I knew my wife got it that is
why i didn’t say a word.
Onele: What she is doing right going up there that is not cool.
Mom don’t respect my brothers and you dad!
Dad looked at me
Me: Sometimes you get tired of doing the same thing every
day dad. Talking to Zuzu is a waste of time because she
doesn’t listen. She will apologize then tomorrow do the same
thing. One can take so much. I am just happy my wife is able
to defend herself from her
I laughed
Dad: Now!
Onele: She saw it if she didn’t she was going to defend herself
when dad asked to talk to her in private
Me: Bro is right. She barged in and caught them having sex
Me: Bab…
Mzwanele: Hey!
That was unexpected! I was shocked to hear him hey me. He
said that giving me a hand indicating that i should shut up
Mzwanele: When people are late you start eating. You have
never went up there to invade my sons’ privacy!
Me: Baby this is ridiculous. Why am i restricted in my house!
Me: My love?
He looked away
Me: I am….
Me: Mom do you know why dad was upset with you?
Mom: I am not here to talk about your father
Me: Mom you barged in you didn’t knock. That is not cool!
Mom: Okay fine! I am sorry. It will not happen again!
I could tell she kind of felt bad. I hope she really feels bad.
She sat on my bed.
Me: Okay
Mom: I said i wanted to talk to you
I sat up straight
Mr: But she says you are the one who had a problem and
who didn’t even invite her to your wedding
Mom: Because she was a terrible friend. Son i don’t trust her
and her daughter please promise me you will stay away from
them. Clementine’s mom was rumoured to be a witch. I
don’t want them to kill my only baby boy
Me: Mom i didn’t know them until you brought them here
what would i want from them?
Mom: Son the girl goes to the same university. Since she saw
you here she might want to get closer to you. Shut her down
please my boy that will be the only thing i will ever ask of
I looked at her i could see her pleading eyes. She has nothing
to worry about. I don’t talk with everyone. I see that girl at
events in campus. I hardly see her around unless there is
something going on.
I am so hungry
She smiled
Marybeth: You welcome
Me: Baby!
He tried to lift his head then laid back on the pillow. He had
his eyes closed
Me: Please brush your teeth and come eat. I will be at lounge
with Marybeth eating
Me: I will
He smiled so widely
Me: Oh okay
Me: Moose you go to the security and tell them to first ask
me if i want to speak to someone before they let them in!
I faked a smile
Me: Imagine if it wasn’t you? They have to do this in the
future! To answer your question don’t be silly. I want to see
Clementine: So…
Me: As if you ever lost your memory when the first thing you
did when you left was mansion was to go see…
She laughed
Me: Stop!
Me: No!
Clementine: Inviting us here was the best thing you have ever
done i mean it from the bottom of my heart when i say that
Clementine: He what?
I started crying hard
Clementine: Oh My God!
She hugged me. My eyes widened i didn’t hug her back for a
little moment then i put my hand on her back and started
pretending like i was crying with a huge smile on my face.
She will not get a chance to blackmail me now that she
thinks i was raped by that man.
Marybeth: She left all of us sitting and waiting. She said she
wanted to drag you two down. They stopped her but she
didn’t listen you know her
Me: That woman didn’t knock. She opened the door and saw
us having sex. She turned around and closed the door when
she saw us
Marybeth: Oh no! i am sure brother in law was livid
Me: She has no shame! She said that in front of her husband?
Marybeth: She is a joke! Before that she told the family that i
said she was a rat that is how everything started when i was
defended she stood up and furiously walked up the stairs
saying she was getting you guys
Marybeth: I get you but you have a lot on your plate now.
You working at the hotel and trying to be a mom i think your
show is enough until you have a child
I faintly smiled at her
Me: Mom today is Sunday the party was Friday night why
ask now?
Mom: So?
Mom: Really?
Mom: You will like her! she is not over the top. She is kind
and grounded. She is perfect you deserve someone humble.
You are a sweet boy
I smiled at her
After i had a nice breakfast his wife made i had to go see him
at the hospital just to talk about this. I was bored anyway at
home and i didn’t want to start drinking so early.
Sihlwele: Dude you work with them why do you act like you
hate politics?
he threw them in a dustbin. He opened the door and walked
in. I walked in after him.
Me: I started that job to impress mom just to show her that i
had interest in politics
Me: You know mom wanted a lot out of me. The pressure
was too much
Sihlwele: Are you saying you want to quit your job?
Me: Hell no. i enjoy it now but what happened with that girl
really scared me. If she saw someone else not Stella i was
going to ruin the reputation of the president’s team and that
is not a good look
Me: Bro you are about to do this with my wife. I don’t know
your status
Sihlwele: When? When she was 14? Dude i dated this girl
when she was 15. Besides we tested together before we were
negative and we haven’t cheated on each other
Me: I will never discuss my personal life like that man you
know it
I looked at him
Me: Okay i am leaving
He laughed at me.
Me: Yeah i will do that hopefully she and your wife are not
busy spending quality time together
Me: i am so happy you are back babe. Being here when your
parents are home is terrifying
Me: How?
Me: The fact that he dodged the question just shows he has
something to hide
Sakhe: Pam stop with this nonsense! Onele is not gay! You
are messing with my head
Me: What?
Me: babe….
Me: Okay babe why don’t you test him so that you can see
that i am not lying
He looked at me
Sakhe: Test him how?
I smiled at him
Me: Babe you will not kiss him you will just lean for the kiss
when he leans forward to kiss you that is when you will get
your answer
Me: Baby try so that you can see what his problem is Trust
me he wouldn’t have a friend in Soweto if he looked down
on Soweto people
Sakhe turned and looked at me
Me: So…?
He looked at me i walked closer to him and put my hand on
his chest
Bokang: And where did you disappear to? You look like you
are on a holiday in an island somewhere
I laughed
Me: Can you stop what you are doing i need to talk to you
I exhaled
Me: My ex-boyfriend
Bokang: What?
Me: Baby you are right why would she hide this from her
husband? Why would she make the man believe he is the
I smiled
Bokang smiled
Me: OH no! Now that i know they betrayed me i want
nothing to do with both of them! They had sex behind my
back Me and the guy broke up about three years after
Nomzuzu got married meaning she was having sex with him
while i was in the picture
She smiled
Bokang: I just cannot believe how evil that woman is
Bokang: I Feel bad for Onele and seeing him after learning
about this i don’t know how i will look at him
Me: baby even if you didn’t hear this you were still going to
feel that way Friday was a real mess
Bokang: Do me a favour
Me: What is that?
I smiled
Dad: Go ON!
I smiled
Dad: You wouldn’t get your funds and on top of that i would
cut you off financially
Me: Hello?
Caller: Bro…
Me: Do we really?
I hung up
I sipped my water
Marybeth: You two need to lock the door when you have sex
we don’t want to see what happened yesterday happen again
Ndlalifa: What happened yesterday?
Me: Oh flip!
Me: Baby you remember when we were having sex the door
opened and closed?
Ndlalifa: You said it was nothing
Me: Well it wasn’t nothing. Your step mom opened the door
Me: She opened the door and closed it after she saw what we
were doing
Ndlalifa: What?
Marybeth: She has this theory that when Summer left it was
because you guys have problems. When she said this whole
thing going between you smells a rat i said she is the rat so
she told father and i told them why i said that i told them that
first she attacked summer with hateful words at the hotel
then denied it in front of everyone that is why i called her a
rat when father didn’t seem to be on her side she walked up
upset saying she was getting you. When she walked down
she was asked where you guys were she said you were having
sex Onele asked how does she know that and asked if she
opened the door without knocking she looked down that is
when father got upset and asked them to go talk in the
Me: Your father dealt with her babe you don’t have to do
Ndlalifa: No baby i have to talk to my father about this. That
woman cannot step her foot this side of the house. I don’t
trust her. It is no secret that she hates us!
Me: Okay.
Was this woman lying to me when she said she was raped?
Did she really get raped by Bongane or she is lying? this
woman knew him because he was dating me. Why would
Bongane force himself onto her? She was a very loud and
confrontational person back in the day there is no way she
was raped and never said anything. I think she is lying. After
speaking to my daughter i started seeing red flags in what she
told me. Nomzuzu lied. This woman is many things but she
cannot lie about something like this or would she? I have an
idea of how i am going to approach this. I have to be very
smart first of all Bongane is getting monthly allowance from
that woman so he might defend her that is why i am going to
make sure that my approach is not only smart but it is careful
so that he tells me more information before i tell him what
she said.
Me: i am sorry it’s just that going there i was hoping it wasn’t
true but when you started lying it made me angry because
those years ago you and i were in a relationship and i know
exactly how you looked like back then and i didn’t know
how you looked like now and when i saw that boy i saw my
Bongane: I know.
Me: So i feel like you owe me the truth when did you guys
start having an affair?
He smiled
Me: And please tell me the truth this time i am tired of all the
lies. I feel like you owe me the truth. We have a child too
Me: But in an illegal way you and i were dating you and her
were sleeping behind my back!
Bongane: I am joking yeah you are right and i am sorry
Me: Wow
I looked out the window. I don’t know whether i feel like this
because i was played for a fool or because i just realised that
a woman cried fake tears in my arms trying to manipulate me
accusing a man who was prepared to stay without knowing
his son just to make sure that whore stays married to that
wealthy man. What a piece of work she is!
Bongane: I am sorry.
Me: it’s okay. It was years ago. You have a 21-year-old why
would i be mad about that
I looked at him
Bongane: What!?
Judging by the way he said “what” that doesn’t look good.
He is as shocked as i was when i heard her say it.
Me: She said you raped her and that is why she hasn’t been
talking to me.
Me: She said i reminded her of her rapist that is why she cut
ties with me
Bongane: This bitch is lying! Do you know that she asked me
to kill you?
Me: And i don’t want you to lose that money but i want to
know about this killing me thing when how?
Bongane: i called her after you left she was shocked then
hung up on me. After few minutes she called me back asking
me to kill you saying if this comes out i will no longer get this
money from her
I must say that is a relief some thug would’ve done just that. I
am glad Bongane is not anyone’s pushover
Me: I am sure she didn’t know we have a daughter together
Me: When i went there today that is when she explained why
she invited us she said she wanted to make things right with
me. All of that was a lie!
I chuckled
Me: You proved to me that you still care about me and our
daughter when you said no to killing me so i cannot mess
things up for you
Bongane: Thank you. I don’t deserve that though
Me: At least you gave me the truth! That is all i want and the
reason you don’t know your daughter is not because you
didn’t want to i didn’t want you too and you respected that
and i appreciate you but Bongane…
He looked at me
Me: You might not be the killer and even if you are you are
not the only hitman in Gauteng what if she hires someone
else to kill me?
Bongane: I recorded her and i told her i did and i said if you
die i will bring the recording forward so she wouldn’t dare!
Me: Please
Me: She treated me bad for so long. i will deal with that
woman but again i will not mess up your hustle.
Bongane: I don’t want to know what you are going to do
I chuckled
Me: Okay.
Stella: I have seen you two at the club before. I just want to
know if this is official. Are you guys dating?
I don’t know if i can answer that first of all we haven’t talked
about it and it would be interesting if this came from him not
me and what if i say we are dating then Stella say what were
you doing with my cousin? What would be my answer to
that? I cannot answer i looked at Jumbo and smiled at him.
Jumbo: No
My eyes widened did this man just said we are not dating?
What are we doing?
Stella: You need to figure out what it is you are doing with
her. You have to be clear about what you want from her
I am not going to stand here and listen to this girl try to ruin
my relationship. I walked away. He ran after me. I smiled.
Thank God he left her
Jumbo: Clearly you and that girl know each other what did
she mean by that?
Me: About what baby?
I answered
Me: Hey
Me: i had to say something so that she could let this go!
She walked away i bit my lower lip. Who goes to the outside
hot tube in winter? They are enjoying my house too much.
They must move out.
Me: Damn it!
i will still not be mad at mom. Like i said she had her
reasons and i am sure she will provide me with them when i
drop the bombshell on her.
I kind of carefully asked her what the man stole from
granduncle and she told me it was a car and still she didn’t
suspect anything. when she left i didn’t waste time. I took
some cookies and went to see my granduncle. I know this old
man is going to tell me everything about that man. I didn’t
want to ask mom the man’s name she was going to be
suspicious and try by all means to prevent me from finding
him. i really hope i will not regret not following mom to that
man’s house.
I laughed
Me: It is the first Rule uncle don’t forget why you are here
I laughed
Me: Bye
Zuzu: When i was talking on the phone outside what did you
I walked
I walked away
Zuzu: Summer?
Nomzuzu: You know that having sex all the time will not
make you pregnant right?
She swallowed
Me: Why don’t you focus on giving my mother in law the
son she asked you to give her husband?
Me: Hi hi hi hi hi
Bongane: Talk
Me: Right!
Bongane: I am serious
Me: You are the only person who can help me! One of my
son in law’s wives is going to be a problem. She knows about
Me: I am desperate!
Me: Oh My God!
Bongane: You cannot kill this girl. If the truth has to come
out then it should
Me: It can’t!
Bongane: So you would rather go to jail than be humiliated
but still have a job do you want to ruin your life? Don’t be
stupid! Your husband is a public figure and your step sons
are loved if you hire a hitman who happens to like them what
if they go tell them? Your husband would divorce you and
take everything you think you own.
I swallowed hard
Now that my daughter knows where i went i feel like she
doesn’t have to even ask. I have to tell her what is going on
and how things went with Bongane. I was not prepared for
what this man told me. i didn’t know that Nomzuzu would
even want to kill me. I knew she hated me for no reason but
trying to get me killed? I didn’t expect that. All those years
ago this woman didn’t hate me for something i did. She
hated me because she felt guilty for what she did to me and
for her to feel better she decided to hate me s. that she doesn’t
feel worse or like the traitor she is. I never thought all those
feelings of anger and hatred i had for her would come back
after so many years. I am going to deal with this woman. I
really hope this is going to work or if it is not working i will
have no choice but to expose her and hurt her son. Trust me
that is the last thing i want to do right now. I just want what i
want and i pray in fact she better pray and pray hard that it
works because it will be in her best interest that my plan
works or else she will be in hell.
Bokang: Mom!
I looked at her
Me: You heard what i wanted you to hear that woman wants
to kill me
Bokang: I wanted to hear more
Bokang: Mom you need to tell her that you don’t want to
hurt her son and disclosing this will do just that she will not
kill you!
Me: You are right. I need to tell her but that man said he
threatened her not to do it so I don’t think he will
Bokang: Are you sure you don’t love this man mom?
Me: You know your mother has no time for love more
especially now that she knows a woman she hates so much
was trying to get her murdered!
Bokang: Mom what are you going to do about that?
I smiled at my daughter.
Me: I will make sure she regrets the day she ever met your
Me: She is not going to kill me now that i know what she
was planning. I will have no mercy on her life. I will make
her beg for my forgiveness
Me: Oh!
Me: Oh My God!
Me: Yeah?
He hugged me
He kissed me
Me: Yeah
I looked at them
Lisa: I agree with Ntosh. Let’s just wait and see his action
Ntosh: You know what? Maybe you should talk to him about
making it public changing you statuses his response will
show if he sees something with you
Lisa: Again Ntosh is right. I feel like you will get your clarity
I stood up then walked to the kitchen they followed me.
I took the bottle of wine i took the glass then looked at them
before pouring
I swallowed hard
Ntosh: Amen
Ntosh: Get the message girl. The man is done with you
I sat on the high chair defeated. How could he do this to me?
I get it he doesn’t see a wife in me but this? Tears fell down
Marybeth: So babe?
Me: Thanks babe. Hopefully you will have a great day too
Marybeth: Your mother in law
I laughed
Me: Yeah
Marybeth: That is sweet babe but you don’t have to. I am not
scared of her besides Summer will…
She paused
Me: She must be on radio as we speak
She was sitting in front of the mirror. I kissed her cheek from
I laughed
Mzwanele: Boy sit down
He chuckled
I swallowed hard
Ndlalifa: i was looking the other way the next thing i heard
was a door shut when i asked my wife who was that she said
no one. She didn’t want to upset me. She only told me
Me: i am so sorry for what i did. I didn’t see you at dinner so
i thought i should go up and check on you guys i know i
should’ve knocked. I am very sorry
They laughed
Me: Excuse me
Me: Hi
Clementine: I know you lied bitch!
I swallowed hard
Me: Clem…
Clementine: It’s on bitch! ….. (tu tu tu tu tu)
He laughed
Him: No problem
Me: Oh let me not waste your time then okay there is a guy i
want you to find for me
He laughed
Him: No it’s just that all Ndebele people with that name it is
usually Bongane not Bongani
Me: Well i want you to use both names. Back in the day i
think around late nineties until 2002? He was arrested for
stealing my grand uncle’s car. It looks like they were asked
by someone who was in the running for local election as my
granduncle. Back then he was dating Clementine
Molokomme. My grand uncle is Goodwill Molokomme.
Bongane was a trouble boy at the time. That is all i know.
Him: When i find him?
Him: Okay i will come back to you before the end of the
We shook hands
I smiled
He laughed. I closed the door then let out a sigh of relief then
leaned at the door.
Me: He will find him then what Bokang?
Me: Onele!
I cleared my throat
Venduka: Thank you for the warm welcome girl! You know
what? I think they love me because they relate to me. I am
one of them
Everyone laughed
I laughed
We laughed
Me: We don’t have enough time girl! today show was jam
packed. Get to it babe
Venduka: Correct
Me: The second one now that the man is in this relationship
with this other woman and is happy why they cannot leave
their wives?
Me: Okay guys the lines are open call us on 0853212341. The
lines are uzzing caller you are on air
Me: Okay thank you caller. We have Greg from Cape Town
on line two Greg you are on air please help us brother
Greg: Yes and some men cheat because they are not used to
being with one person
Christie: Me too
He looked at me
I laughed
Now i get why some evil people kill bitches like her. She is
provoking me. She is trying to get my attention or to ruin my
marriage. I cannot afford to lose my wife. She is my world i
cannot afford for her to find out that i cheated when i am
making her do this today. This wouldn’t be fair to her. This
bitch doesn’t see how much trouble she is trying to put me in.
Sihlwele: Bro
He laughed
Sihlwele: Dude i am just listening to your wife’s show. I am
at home remember
Sihlwele laughed
Me: Bro that bitch is trying to ruin my life. That topic. It was
about what i did to her!
Sihlwele: We usually don’t roll like that but right now i feel
like intimidation is the only way to make that bitch back off
Sihlwele: Buy your wife coffee and take it to her right now!
When you get there just give that bitch an intimidating look
then leave
Sihlwele: After that you should plan to see her later and put
an end to this. Maybe she has something she needs give it to
He hung up
Me: Dad
Dad: My wife collapsed at work
Me: what?
Dad: I hope so
Me: Who called you?
Dad: Yeah….
I wonder what is wrong with that one. Is she pregnant? at her
age? Anyway i hope she is okay because whatever happens to
her will affect my father. As much as i don’t like her the man
i care about loves her so i don’t wish death upon her. I need
to text my brother. Venduka can wait my family comes first.
Mzwanele: Sweetheart
He ran to me
Me: Honey i am fine!
Doctor: We did some tests some of them will take time but
what we have so far is that her high blood pressure was the
cause and she didn’t eat anything
Mzwanele: Boys as you can see nothing serious can you wait
for us outside?
I looked at them
Me: No! my son and i we are in a good place but i will talk to
him about this
I smiled
I smiled
They laughed. He kissed his wife that ten seconds of kiss felt
like an hour. They finally broke it off. He gave me a death
stare while hugging his wife. He broke the hug and looked at
Ndlalifa: But you can get anything you want at the restaurant
downstairs. All on me
He looked at Summer
Producer: It is almost twenty to nine usually at that time we
play a classic any five years or old song we can play?
Me: Bitch how do you know it’s wonderful you don’t even
know the bloody song (Whispering)
the floor
I smiled at her
My phone rang
Me: Excuse me
Me: Venduka?
Caller: Bitch what the fuck do you think you are doing?
Me: Stella?
Stella: So the beating i gave you was not enough?
I exhaled
Me: Stella i started working last week. I work with Carly not
her! She was standing in for her
Stella: Then what the hell was that about? The cheating topic
and that song?
I swallowed hard
Stella: Keep at it bitch i swear i will ruin your life and when i
am done with you no one will like a single picture on your
I don’t know what just happened on this show but one thing i
know for sure is that something was wrong with Venduka
and everything she said and she did when she got air time
was showing all of us that she took everything to heart. All
the things she said defending the side chicks makes me
suspicious and i am glad the listener in fact not one but many
listeners picked up that she might be a mistress or she was
screwed by the married man. Something was just wrong and
i am going to talk to the guys and find out what they think
about it.
Me: I just hope the station manager didn’t listen to that show
because if he did i don’t think he would hire her to host any
show. She can’t control her emotions at all
Me: She said she is going somewhere. She didn’t want to eat
with us.
Me: Wow
Dineo: Tomorrow it is going to be so awkward
Me: Yeah
I need to stay out of other people’s business. Thank God i
might not see this girl again. I am never at this building week
days and i am also not looking forward to what i am about to
do at the hotel at 11am.
I smiled
Me: Dude those kicks. I wanted them for so long. Thank you
so much
I hugged him. He just tapped my back two times i moved my
head back and looked at him trying to kiss him. He looked
Caller: …..
Caller: …
Onele: Okay i am on my way no i am not busy
He hung up
I faked a smiled
Me: Yeah
that is low and it shows that she is a cheap bitch that is not
worthy of anything serious with anyone.
Me: That is what you do to people who don’t seem like they
use their heads. When i approached you i told you i just
wanted physical. I never said i loved you. That day i came
here to tell you that we should stop instead of a appreciating
me not just ghosting you what do you do? You are trying to
cause problems for me? What is this?
She attempted to say something. I gave her a hand i am not
done talking
Me: i thought we were both adults. Girl you are pretty you
can have any dude you want and by the look of things you
have been busy. Why do you want to hurt me for ending a
sexual relationship with you and you expect me to trust you
to get in my car without being searched after all the stunts
you pulled?
Venduka: I am sorry
I turned and looked at her this girl didn’t argue she just said
sorry? I couldn’t believe my ears.
Venduka: I am sorry that i caused that stunt on radio. It
backfired on me People are calling me a home wrecker on
Facebook and Twitter and i don’t blame them. I was
unprofessional to do that and i feel like i need to tell you why
i did what i did
I looked at her i don’t want to hurt this girl. i really don’t but
i feel like the truth is what she needs right now.
Me: Okay. The reason i chose you was because i knew you
are not the girl i would leave my wife for
Venduka: Wow!
Me: I chose you because you are not my type and if i wasn’t
married. I wouldn’t go for you at all
Venduka: Okay!
She furiously grabbed the door and opened it I could tell she
couldn’t wait to get away from me
She slammed the door hard then walked away. I let out a
sigh of relief.
Me: That went well.
Today is the day i have been looking forward to. I just got to
the hotel and i checked If things are running well and so far
everything is running smooth. I honoured my husband’s wish
and to be honest i agree with him. I have to be supper wasted
to do this. I don’t want to remember sex but in most cases
people who have drunk sex do remember it i wish to blackout
honestly. The sangoma and uncle said we should go with this
with our minds open and tell ourselves why we are doing this
and keep reminding ourselves why we are doing this and i
think i will do that and so far people know how much i love
my husband and how far i can go to make sure we stay
together and i am not going to fall for his brother. I will not
have physical touch with him. I am sure you are asking how
is that possible when we will have sex well to answer you i
guess we will have to wait and see.
I smiled
Me: Trying to be
Ndlalifa: I am sorry babe and please make this as quick as
Sihlwele: Hi
Me: Hey
I started drinking again.
Me: Trying to get drunk you better do the same too. I don’t
want to remember and that goes for you too!
Me: I hear Porn Hub has good videos to get you aroused you
are not going to kiss me
I sat down
Me: Tell me about it
Me: Tweeted!
I hope they got the message. Now i have to get out of the car.
I walked out of my car and walked to the house. I saw my
friends standing outside.
Ntosh: What the hell girl? We have been looking for you all
over Johannesburg
Me: You shouldn’t have gone there; you know i live here
Lisa: We called after we saw what you did on the show. Girl
you made it obvious that you were hurt by that married man!
Ntosh: I cannot believe that you did that. Was that your
plan? Girl that Lydia girl saw through all that topic.
Me: Oh no one suspected anything until someone who
knows something called and told everyone that i was a home
Ntosh: Venduka you are my friend but i agree with her that
was a stunt girl and i thought your plan was to befriend
Summer and find out what has been going on in her marriage
not try to ruin her marriage!
Me: I know i messed up
Ntosh: What if the damage has been done? What if they are
planning to hurt you?
Ntosh: What?
Lisa: why?
Me: He said he was going through something that is why he
used me. I asked him if he wasn’t married would he had a
thing with me he said i wasn’t his type that he wouldn’t even
have looked at me
Ntosh: He didn’t!?
Me: You are welcome Vatshula. Thank you for seeing me.
To be honest i didn’t think you would want to see me
He took his
He laughed
Mzwanele: Let’s wait for the coffee. These look and smell
Me: If you were not such a nice man i would say it was your
fault but you don’t look like a man who is controlling. You
look like a humble and kind man
He smiled
Mzwanele: Do you think you will ever forgive her? She really
feels bad but when she is in a corner she snaps i do apologise
for her and what she did throwing you guys out
Me: I am afraid i can’t. I will have to see you like this. The
last time i was at your house things didn’t go well. You are
an amazing man like i said i wouldn’t want to be at your
house and behave like that again now that i feel like i know
you a bit
Me: What!?
Me: I doubt
Mzwanele: Why? She does seem to care like i said she just
acts impulsively when she is cornered. She didn’t mean that
I shook my head no
Me: Will you call me and ask me to come back here when
you’ve talked to her?
I stood up
Me: I have to go
Me: I have to go
Me: She will not be happy to know that i came to see you. I
am very curious to know how you will approach this
I smiled
Me: Well if you say so
I opened the door and walked out and closed it. I stood there
for three seconds then walked away smiling. Good to know
that he will not call and tell me what happened i love that he
will call me to meet here again. I need a new outfit that will
show my ass more. I could see him checking me out a
minute ago.
Me collapsing today was a big scare. I hope there is nothing
wrong with me. I really pray that it is just stress for
everything that has been happening. Ever since i woke up i
have been thinking about what could Clementine possible do
to me and the only thing that comes to mind is her exposing
me. My son cannot know that i lied about who his father is.
My husband cannot know that he is not my son’s father.
Seeing them at breakfast this morning joking about the kiss
Onele gave me made me rather sad I feel like if i wasn’t
thinking about how many people know i would love seeing
them talk to each other like that but now i feel like i am
waiting for that bad day the day where my secret will come
out and ruin our lives. For such a long time i have believing
in my own lie.
I faked a smiled
Me: The call i got in the morning i ended up not eating i just
took my treatment on an empty stomach i fainted because i
took medication without eating
I looked at my phone
Me: You know your father and i don’t hide anything from
each other
Onele: i was trying my luck mom i was trying to change the
family traditions but i failed so…
Me: I am glad you didn’t fight it your father cannot get heat
from your brothers and from you too and i promise you.
There will never be drama caused by me at dinner or at
breakfast ever again
Onele: Okay
Me: I really am
Me: Baby your mom is crazy but not that crazy my health
comes first and i feel great
Like i said drinking ponchos it just makes you hot and that is
exactly what it did to me. I don’t want to lie i was wasted
and Sihlwele started drinking too. We were not talking at all.
We just said down and started drinking. After about almost
an hour of drinking. I saw Sihlwele turn and look at me. i
started getting nervous. I hope he is not going to do what i
think he is going to do.
Sihlwele: It is time.
Me: Here
Me: Well If you are not afraid of your wife seeing the site
you visited then knock yourself out
Me: I cannot look at you and you are not going to look at me
I opened the door of the closet and took two T.Shirts from
there. There are random clothes in our suite. They belong to
anyone who decide to come here
Me: I will blind fold you and you will do the same to me.
Sihlwele: Okay?
I took one t-shirt and covered his eyes and tied it at the back.
I walked to the bed. I threw myself on it then untied my rope.
I was left naked. I covered my face with a T. SHIRT too and
tied it at the back of my head. I searched for the lubricant i
applied it on me then i took a deep breath i could feel tears
threatening to come out. I kept breathing trying to calm
Me: You are not allowed to speak at all. What you will do is
crawl up to me. Your upper body cannot come to my face. I
want you to…
I scrawled down
Me: You know what? You don’t have to climb the bed. Just
do it i will be laying at the bottom of the bed and you will
Me: Damn you didn’t get time to watch i covered your face
Sihlwele: I am ready
Once he said that my heart started beating fast. I got really
scared. He started searching for me. He got hold of my thigh.
I swallowed hard I felt his penis throbbing and touching my
thigh tears just fell out of my eyes. He touched me. I felt him
gently force himself in. I locked my lips together trying not to
cry out loud. He finally entered me. Once he entered me. He
upped the pace as soon as possible. He went in and out fast i
was silently crying.
Sihlwele: I am sorry
Me: He…
My voice broke i cleared my throat
Ndlalifa: What? Babe you are crying and this is my fault. Did
he hurt you?
Me: I am…
Marybeth: Clementine
I smiled.
She giggled
Me: Oh i didn’t come here to see her but since she had an
incident i guess i need to see how much damage or maybe
suffocate her with a pillow i am sure i will be helping many
She started laughing
Nomzuzu: Clementine?
I didn’t say anything. I walked closure to her
Me: Nothing!
Me: That is a lie and you know it! you and i were never
friends! And i didn’t come here to talk about our fake
friendship. I came here to let you know that i will not reveal
your secret
Nomzuzu: Oh Thank…
I raised my index finger
she jumped a little
Me: That is a lie and you know it! you and i were never
friends! And i didn’t come here to talk about our fake
friendship. I came here to let you know that i will not reveal
your secret
Nomzuzu: Oh Thank…
I raised my index finger
Me: I am not doing this for you I am doing this for your son
and as far as what you did to me?
I put my hands on her bed breathing heavily looking at her in
the eye
Me: I don’t believe you and there is nothing you can say that
would change my mind.
I laughed
Me: Friend? You call everything you’ve done to me all these
years being a friend?
I opened the door and walked out leaving her acting crazy
asking me what i will do. I want her to keep guessing.
I don’t know why i did this. Why did i ask my wife to do this?
She is probably angry with me right now and i cannot blame
her i have no right to after what i had her do. I haven’t
spoken to my mother in law in a long time and i feel like after
my wife went home i should’ve had a talk with her mother
but i didn’t and i feel worse now because i have to call her
and involve her when things are not going well when i
should’ve spoken to her prior to this day and hear what she
had to say. I guess i didn’t want something negative that will
make me guilty for doing this but it looks like that didn’t
work because now i feel like shit.
Me: Oh wow…
Nomzi: What?
Nomzi: Okay
I closed my eyes
Me: Sure
Uncle: You have a strong wife there. She is very strong trust
me she will come around; she is just feeling bad for now but
she will come around.
Me: She can’t even look at me. She doesn’t want to see me.
Uncle: It will get better. Things will be better the second time
Me: The second what?
Me: What?
No! i cannot force them to do this again. This is torture to
everyone. This has to work. I looked up
Sakhe: Sure
Me: Did you tell your girl what i said at your party?
Sakhe: Yeah she saw us man
Me: You don’t hide shit from her! Yeah i know that!
I felt him grab my hand. I turned around and looked at him
Me: I know that but i am your guy you cannot tell her
everything we talk about. You should remember that “Bros
before whores” Code
Me: Sure you are right but can what we discuss stay between
He still had my hand
Me: Okay
I guess i should just say okay because if i let this go on we
will fight again.
He walked away
Sakhe: Shit!
Me: What the fuck is going on? First you think i am not
attracted to girls the next thing you try to kiss me?
Me: I knew that girl never liked me and you are an in idiot to
listen to her! She hates me!
Sakhe: Funny she says the same about you. She thinks you
don’t like her because you are jealous of us and you want me.
Sakhe: Well you need to stay away from each other and you
must respect my friendship
Me: Babe you are so naïve. You literally went to this guy’s
house and asked him if he was into girls or not of course now
he will be careful around you!
Sakhe: Then if that is the case then why did you convince me
to go through with this?
Me: Okay i will stay away from him but i come first!
I raised my hands
Now that i feel like the Ndlalifa chapter is closed. I needed to
see my boyfriend and talk to him. I do like Jumbo and i will
grow to love him. I wouldn’t be with him if i didn’t feel
anything for him. I am feeling him so bad and i want us to
grow as a couple. I am getting in this with open mind. I want
to be open to loving him. He is a good looking man. He is
not that bad in English but he is that typical South African
soccer player. I feel like we could have a successful marriage
and we would have a good life because they get paid a lot
and more especially him he is like the top player in his team.
We need to talk and i will tell him about my insecurities.
Meeting Ndlalifa made me feel more insecure. That man
bluntly said if he wasn’t married he wouldn’t even look at me.
That is an insult to a woman. That is like destroying their
self-esteem. Somehow i regret pushing the truth out of him.
Sometimes the truth do more damage than good. I feel like
shit now and i have to talk to a boyfriend who asked me to
come over to talk about the radio show that was a complete
disaster. I don’t know what to expect. I am planning a future
in this car and i might be walking into a man who wants to
end things because of what i said.
Anyway i got out of the car and locked it. i went to the door
and rang the bell. He opened the door for me. I perked his
lips then walked in.
I exhaled
He looked at me
Jumbo: I am sorry
Me: How?
Jumbo: After we made our relationship official today when
you were defending yourself on twitter you said you are
dating “This guy” You didn’t tell them who i am. Many
people know me. I find it strange that you didn’t mention my
name if i wasn’t your dirty secret too
Jumbo: I would say let’s take a selfie now and post it but
people would say you are trying so hard to make them
believe you are not seeing a married man
I looked at him then laid my head on his shoulder.
Jumbo: Well you will have to get used to it babe because you
are famous…
He brushed my arm
Jumbo: I cannot wait for them to know about us
Me: Me too
then i give up and Ndlalifa will have to forgive me. I cannot
do this anymore. I don’t know how i am going to look at
Sihlwele after what we did. I am just a bit happy that we
didn’t look at each other at all. Hell i don’t know how i am
going to look at his wife. This is probably the worst thing i
have ever done in my life. I will never forget this and i swear
if Ndlalifa would ever do me wrong after this i would kill
him. I did all this because i love him. He is not allowed to
love anyone else anymore after what he made me do.
Mom: Hi sweetie
I broke down. She hugged me tight
Me: Mom i just had sex with his brother! How is he going to
be like with him? How am i going to look at him and his
Mom: I just don’t want him to think he can control you and
you can do whatever he asks of you. I don’t want you to be
in a relationship like that. i don’t want you to be submissive.
Your voice should matter too in your marriage. He has to
respect what you say you cannot let him think he is in charge.
This is team work. That is how you make marriage work
Me: I know mom but my husband respects me. He doesn’t
force me to do anything i don’t want to do
Me: Yeah…
I stood up
Me: I can’t
I sighed
Me: So i don’t want to give her any more reason to suspect
anything and i don’t want to make Marybeth suspicious too
and think i am hiding things from her
I looked at mom
Me: i asked him to not speak i blind folded him and i did too
so we didn’t see each other when we were having sex
Me: I am not doing this again i don’t care who says what.
Anyway i opened the door for him. He smiled then walked in.
I closed the door. We walked to the living room.
Him: Oh nice
What the hell is going on here? What is this boy doing here?
First of all my daughter is not dating anyone as far as i know
and as far as i know she is not allowed to see anyone until
she is done with her rein. For me to see a man come out of
my house that is not a good look because this girl never
mentioned any boy to me. I expect her to tell me she is seeing
someone before she can talk about visits.
Man: Okay
He looked at me
Bokang: Mom!
Me: You are Miss Soweto you should check your emails!
Me: Baby you said i should let her know that i will not do
anything so i went to tell her that then i found her sleeping on
a hospital bed
Bokang: what? What is wrong with her?
Me: They say it was high blood pressure she fainted. I don’t
buy it i feel like the pressure she is under makes her strategic
Me: And the fact that she knows she will not be able to kill
me is bothering her
I haven’t received a call from my wife i don’t know maybe as
a husband i need to make the move and go see her even
though she doesn’t want to see me? But at the same time i
feel like that would be a selfish move. I cannot tell her what
to do all the time. I feel like after all i have asked her to do i
owe her the space she needs. I just hope that will not cause
tension in the house and make people ask questions. I feel
like right now the only thing i can do is keep texting her and
tell her that i am there for her and if she needs me i am a
phone call away. I pray she comes home though. I don’t
know if i want to lie again about why she didn’t come home.
My step mother will be more suspicious and no one wants
Me: You know what? Why don’t you take my briefcase and
go put it upstairs? I will go join my brother i will eat the
lunch at the bar
Moose: Okay sir leave your briefcase on the sofa
Me: Bro
Onele: Yo
Sihlwele: Yeah?
I am also into real estate. I buy old houses i renovate them
and sell them and some rent them out.
Me: Sure and this will help us forget our problems for a little
Me: I know.
Zuzu: Okay?
Me: What was the real reason that woman from Soweto and
her daughter were here?
She started getting angry. I know her she’s like this when she
gets in a defensive mode
Me: Baby i know you didn’t bring that family here for that
I saw my sons walking to the living room from the bar.
Nomzuzu stood up smiling
Them: Good
Me: Is he okay?
Me: Beats me
What the hell was that? did this girl demand to see me at the
hotel right now? Who the hell does Summer think she is? I
am her mother in law. Why does she think she can disrespect
me like this just because she has something on me? what the
hell is wrong with this girl? She is going to annoy me. Maybe
i will not get rid of one dog. Someone wants to see who i
really am. What could possibly be so pressing that this girl
would want me to go there when i just got home from work?
i really pray this girl doesn’t want to tell everyone what she
knows. She cannot do this to me. I just cannot think of
anything she would want to talk to me about except what she
knows about me or did my son go to the hotel and spend
more money on his ridiculous dates with boys?
Me: damn it that’s it!
Me: Son you spent more than 5K when you didn’t even have
a date! How can you do that to me? How can you waste so
much money and have the audacity to put it in my tab when
i know for a fact that you didn’t have a date or did you have
a date?
I swallowed hard
Onele: Why are you so desperate for me to be in a
relationship? Why now specifically?
Me: I am…
Onele: Tell me the truth mother! Why would you go as far as
invite your enemy’s daughter to date me why the desperation?
I want the truth!
Onele: Please!
Me: I think you don’t see the bigger picture here! If the
Ndlalifa (heir) fails to give your father an heir you will have
all of this! You will step up and be a Ndlalifa! Why don’t you
want to do this for your mom!
Onele: So this is about you not me?
Onele: Mama V!
Me: So am i so am i bro
Ndlalifa: What is going on? Uncle has never spoke like that
with us
Me: I know Let’s go see Summer
Me: Yeah
She said wiping her tears. I hope she didn’t agree to this why
did she wipe her tears like that? If she did agree then i feel
sorry for her because i am about to ruin whatever they had
Ndlalifa: A push?
Me: I was in shock man. I told him i will never do that again.
He was upset but he told me that i will do it because he will
speak to Summer and he kind of believed that Summer
would say yes
Ndlalifa: i love and respect uncle but i will not stand for this.
I will not let him control our lives. It is done. If our ancestors
want to help. They had a chance. It is time to prove
themselves. We are not going down that road again!
Me: I am just happy you told him where to get off. He kind
of scared me when he said you would agree.
Ndlalifa: I cannot believe this!
Me: Great!
Summer: I will tell you guys later; she will not feel good
knowing you are here i don’t want us to gang up on her
Me: let’s go bro. I don’t have time for her drama. I don’t
even want to know what she did. This week is very important
to our family
Me: Bye
Ndlalifa: Thank you for not doing it. I don’t think i was
going to focus that meeting needed my undivided attention
Me: Yeah…
Me: yeah
After work today i was not myself. I was very disappointed
and down. I decided to go spend the day with my mother. I
knew i wouldn’t get through today without seeing her. I am
disappointed at how the manager handled things. I am
disappointed at the station for choosing What Stella said over
me. Listeners didn’t think that of me until that bitch called.
Now i am a home wrecker. This is draining. When Carly
said they were not having a topic i thought she was lying but
it turns out she wasn’t Indeed they were talking to a political
analyst but i am not going to lie. Tomorrow is going to be so
hard. I hope the listeners are going to ask for me to be
brought back on air. I am too gorgeous to be making coffee
for these guys.
Me: I am afraid it is
Me: what?
I looked down
Ntosh: Don’t get me started with the article Stella wrote on
Ntosh: Oh no all your plans are always dumb that is why you
are in this sticky situation.
I rolled my eyes
Me: You are being annoying right now. Do you want to hear
this or not?
Me: Okay! How about when it is time for topic one of you
call and say they want me back. I am innocent girls
I looked at Lisa
Ntosh: Do what the boss say you should do! Playing dirty
will not get you anywhere babe
I swallowed hard
Ntosh: I know you don’t want to hear this but maybe all
these things are happening to you because you allowed a
married man into your life knowing he was married then on
top of that you tried to mess up with his life when he was
trying to do right by his marriage.
I looked away
Me: I know…
Lisa: You have a man who loves you. Cherish that and let
things flow
Ntosh: Lisa is right and you also need to trust your boss they
know how good you are
They hugged me
Zuzu: Okay.
Me: Yes! so don’t come here and act like i have a problem
with you when you clearly have a huge problem with the
four of us!
Zuzu: Wh…
Me: The fact that you think i would poison you it just shows
that it is what you would do to me
Zuzu: What?
Me: Yes! If you can give it be able to take it. You just
indirectly called me a witch. I think you are the witch!
She chuckled
Zuzu: First your friend calls me a rat and you sitting there
looking at me and call me a witch
I sat up straight
Me: Why don’t you bring it up at dinner? I am sure they will
be interested to know how we got to that
I chuckled
Me: I believe at home we all have jobs that pay and this
Me: I love my jobs and they pay me well and i do all of them
Zuzu: I am sure
Me: Anyway the money made here is doing a lot for us in the
family so hearing that one of us has been threatening one of
our employees that gives the family a bad name
Me: Yes i saw it and i feel like whatever Onele does is none
of our business and i don’t have to go around telling people
about it.
Nomzuzu: You are right it is not a game but one thing you
should know is my son might be gay but one jump of his
sperm he would make a woman pregnant just like that
She said snapping her hand
She turned
Me: Onele is not interested in any girl so make sure there is
no girl who comes out of nowhere claiming to be a baby
mama of Onele’s like you said i won! But you seem to be
confused about the day i won and it is time to tell you!
Me: That too but i am interested to see how dad and Zuzu
will behave after the talk i had with dad at work. Dad has to
respect his wife in front of us. I told him he has to do it at
least this week. I just hope he knows how to pretend
I smiled
Me: i hear you babe but when dad said something so mean to
her at breakfast everyone but you felt sorry for her
Summer: I did tell you guys earlier that the woman Zuzu
found for Onele didn’t arrive but he found someone else and
spent time with that person at the suite just after Zuzu left. So
your step mother went back to the hotel today to check who
he took to the suite. I guess she was upset by the bill. She saw
the person and asked the head of security to send her the
guest picture…
Me: Don’t worry i am here for you but Zuzu has to know
that she cannot threaten our workers like that and she is not
allowed to ask them to share such information
Summer: Don’t worry. I spoke to her. We dealt with it.
Please don’t bring it up
Me: Okay
I turned around.
Me: Hi Stella
Stella: how?
Me: Can you believe it? she said i am doing all this because i
want to ruin their marriages and then i will die and leave
them with this mess
Me: what?
Stella: i am not saying she didn’t. the emotions must be high
right now. She cannot enjoy doing this. She didn’t mean to
speak to you like that but i have a question for you dad…
Me: yes?
Stella: Yesterday they just had sex why did you decide to go
do this today?
Me: what?
Stella: Dad you are not talking to people from the 80s here.
These are young people. I am even surprised they went
through with this. It was not fair of you to go see them the
next day and push this. They respected you to do it. What
you should’ve done was wait until she finds out if she is
pregnant or not if she is not i was going to understand if you
pushed for them to have sex maybe at least one time a week
which i don’t think they will want to do anymore
Stella: Big time dad. I feel like you were too excited that you
saw yourself doing things the wrong way. I am sure Summer
didn’t mean to speak to you like that and i am sure she will
apologise. You just have to understand that it was hard for
her to do this. I am your daughter and i am looking you in
the eye right now. I wouldn’t do something like that
I looked down
Me: I would say no to you. They respected you and did it.
You should be proud instead of being angry. Put yourself in
their shoes. This is not easy.
Stella: If they don’t want to do it. You know you tried. It’s
fine. At the end of the day Uncle Mzwanele is not stupid. I
feel like whatever he does will be what is right. He knows
whose house that is and we all know that is not Nomzuzu’s
house and you can fight that with my cousins
I smiled
Stella: I just don’t want you to fight with Aunt V’s children
I laughed
I smiled at her.
Marybeth: So hun…
I smiled at Marybeth
Marybeth: At breakfast it was show down. What are you
expecting at dinner?
I shook my head
Marybeth: what?
Me: when she went to the security office she said Rhiphiliza
must send her the photo of that man
Me: In things she shouldn’t be. So when she noticed that she
called the head of security and threatened to fire him if he
doesn’t send the real photo. The poor man came to me
Me: Exactly! so i called her there i told her that what she did
was wrong and sending people personal details of our guests
is not right and it could affect the reputation of the hotel
Marybeth: What did she say?
Me: she didn’t care much about what i said what she cared
about was shaming my marriage
Marybeth: Again?
what she cared about was shaming my marriage
Marybeth: Again?
Me: She said oh so you saw that Onele was with a man i said
yes she said it must make me happy that Onele won’t make
any girl pregnant then she said i guess you win
Me: Yeah she said one jump on Onele’s sperm would make a
girl pregnant
Me: Not everything but i did tell him that she is not the sweet
person he sees all of that is an act. I couldn’t tell him
everything without revealing Onele’s secret
Marybeth: Oh yeah
Me: And i knew if i told him exactly what she said He was
going to go hard on her at dinner. I am just exhausted
Marybeth: I understand
Marybeth: I felt bad for Zuzu but after what you told me i
don’t feel anything for her if anything i want father to see her
for who she is
Me: Oh he is seeing it.
Me: Mom…
Mom: Shut up!
Mom: Was this your idea? How can you still make this about
your mother!?
Me: Mom!
Me: You didn’t wait for me to finish! Did you have to do that?
This was not their decision!
Mom: Son
Me: You disgust me!
Mom: Son!
Moose opened the door i grabbed the door from him and
slammed it hard behind me. I ran to my car i got in and
drove off.
I have been beating myself up asking myself if what i did was
the right thing to do. I am a married man. I cannot go on a
sleepover date with another woman but because of how my
wife has been behaving i thought that was the right thing to
do and i feel like i don’t know what i feel for my wife
anymore. I told myself the dinner will give me clarity about
whether or not i still want to go to a date with Clementine
but after what just happened a minute ago. Now more than
ever that decision was the best decision for myself. The last
time i ever felt safe warmth and love was when my wife was
still alive and yesterday i somehow felt that with Clementine.
I felt respected loved and cared for. Clementine didn’t have
to say anything just being around her gave me that security
just by being there. my wife made me feel something
Nomzuzu has failed to give me.
We were still at dinner. The boys walked up. Onele just left. I
was left with my daughter in laws and this woman.
Nomzuzu: Honey…
Ndlalifa: I tried with her dad! I tried to be civil with her but
she makes it hard for us!
Me: She makes it hard for me!
Sihlwele: We know she hates our mother but can’t you say
what you feel about her when we are not sitting right across
the table?
Me: Even if you are not there! She cannot have anything
nasty to say about my wife! She is who she is because of my
wife! When we took her she was a poor girl who couldn’t
even hold a fork and knife!
I heard Nomzuzu clear her throat. Good she heard me. I
stood up
Me: Turn around and walk down those stairs or i swear i will
make you
She looked at me
Me: what?
Jordan: We can do this tomorrow or any other day. I will be
here for six months. Your family needs you. Your brothers
have to see that you are against what your mom said. Find
out how they are doing and sleep at home.
I perked his lips then ran to the door. I grabbed the door
handle then looked at him
I have been looking at the time. I am not getting any text that
says the car is outside. I kept looking at the time sitting in the
living room. I haven’t told my daughter that i am going to a
hotel with Vatshula. I will tell her when i am in a car to the
hotel. I know my daughter wouldn’t approve of this but i
don’t care at this point. I have feelings for this man. A
revenge is starting to become real feelings. I knew i liked him
and i knew i would go all the way with him. I knew i
wouldn’t say no to having sex or dating him while he is with
her and now that is not revenge at all. It is real feelings but it
is kind of a cherry on top that i will be hurting that bitch at
the same time.
I smiled at her
Me: I am patient
Bokang: Right! If i didn’t know better i would say you are
going on a date
Bokang: No i don’t know you mom. You are not too old.
You can still date. Women older than you are still going out
with guys
I exhaled
Me: Go to bed
Me: Go away
Me: Hey
Me: Okay
I chuckled
Me: You don’t know what you are talking about. Goodbye!
Come lock the door
I opened the door and walked out. I saw a black SUV at the
gate. I walked to it. The driver who was wearing a suite
opened the door for me
Me: Sent.
I sighed as i saw the driver get in and drove off. I turned and
looked at my house. I smiled then looked at the road
thinking about Vatshula.
I smiled
Me: Our plans are not changed. Mom doesn’t call the shots
here. This is not about her. I wanted this you didn’t force me
to do this. I am sorry she was insensitive about…
Sihlwele: It is not your fault…
Dad: You are not to be blamed for any of this. Her actions
are hers alone. What she does or say cannot get between you
boys. You are brothers and i want you to stand together as
one and love each other.
Sihlwele looked at me
Me: She has this sick idea that you will fail to have a child
and i am going to step in and take this mansion and kick you
guys out
Dad: Oh this woman!
I need someone to clear up something for me. What was so
wrong with what i said? Why people don’t like to hear the
truth? A Day ago these boys told us that they have decided to
have my son’s birthday a month later after the actual
birthday. I was understanding and i thanked them for being
so considerate. Today they come back with a different story.
Telling us about a fundraiser. My son’s birthday will be a
fundraiser dedicated to a woman who died on my son’s
birthday which resulted to my son not celebrating his day.
when will my son ever celebrate his birthday without making
everything about Valerie? It is my life i am always compared
to that woman. My son’s birthday it is about her. What does
these people want from my son? He is also so stupid to see
that he is being played by those boys. My son sacrificed a lot.
This was going to be his time to finally celebrate his day but
no Valerie’s children had to make it about them and their
Me: Honey i…
He gave me a hand then headed to the closet.
Me: June 9th is Valerie’s day. What about my son? The day
they picked for him they made it about her! Why can’t our
son be happy?
Mzwanele: No you want what is fair for you. You don’t care
what everyone thinks as long everyone does what you want!
Me: Where are you going? Are you going to see Clementine?
I sat down
Marybeth: Yeah…
Astrid: Madam?
When i got to the hotel this man was not here i was nervous
because i didn’t know what to expect. You never know when
it comes to Nomzuzu. I wouldn’t know if she made him get
closer to me so she could kill me. I might think i know the
connection we have together only to find out it is not
reciprocated and the hard truth is He has been with
Nomzuzu for 22 years. I cannot say he is loyal to me and i
wouldn’t expect him to be. She is his wife after all. When i
said i felt like he was flirting with me on the phone it was not
in my head indeed he was flirting with me because when i
got here i saw a romantic setting. Anyway it didn’t take long
for him to arrive. We enjoyed dinner over a conversation. I
could tell he was not himself and that worried me because i
didn’t know what was in his head. I was not sure whether he
was regretting doing this to his wife or what but i like him so
i will pretend like i am not seeing all this but i don’t know if i
will pretend for longer. He has to tell me what is bothering
Me: This was a lovely dinner. I have never been treated like
this before
I smiled
Me: Oh?
He is himself but he doesn’t look like he is here. I wonder
what is bothering him?
Me: I do too…
I shook my head no
Me: I went there to apologise for how i carried myself. I
respect you as a leader and a successful man and being in
your presence was great for me but the first impression was
not good so i thought since we could potentially be friend
yes i am but i also want this man. I have feelings for him
Me: This….
I said looking around the room smiling and giddy like a
teenager in love.
I shook my head no
Me: I went there to apologise for how i carried myself. I
respect you as a leader and a successful man and being in
your presence was great for me but the first impression was
not good so i thought since we could potentially be friend i
should introduce myself in a proper way
Me: I don’t know but i like it and i feel bad because you are
married to my fr…
I cleared my throat
He smiled
Mzwanele: Why do you feel bad when she did the same to
Mzwanele: Here
I looked at him
Him: take it
I took it and opened it. I took out papers. The first one was
about me. I looked at him
I cleared my throat
I looked down
Me: So you don’t think what i did keeping him away from
her was a bad idea?
He looked down
Me: Kids?
I said with my eyes popped out. i looked at him in shock.
What else does this man know?
I faintly smiled
He looked at me
Him: Yes?
He exhaled
Mzwanele: I have known you for how long? and already you
seem to know me
I giggled
I smiled
Me: You trust me?
He chuckled
Mzwanele: Let’s just say it looks like when you came into
our lives you came to reveal Nomzuzu’s true colours
Me: I am so sorry that was not my inten…
Mzwanele: I had to see her for who she is once you came
into our lives her true colours just came out
Me: Maybe they were always there you just ignored them?
Mzwanele: Sure
I took my wine
Me: Oh my God! When was this? Years ago and does your
wife know that you…
I sipped
Me: What!?
Mzwanele: Yeah
I don’t know how many drinks my husband had but what i
know is i cannot sleep without telling him this secret. I have
been keeping it for weeks and i feel like it is not fair to keep
this from him. He got upset at dinner and he stormed out
with his brother and when they came down all they did was
drink. Even after we had dinner they didn’t come sit with us
and watch tv. They stayed at the bar until we went to bed
without talking to them. Valerie topic is a very sensitive topic
and Summer and i know better than going to them and keep
nagging them when they are thinking about their mother. On
Mother’s birthday we leave the brothers alone. On the day
she died which is Onele’s birthday we also leave them alone
because we know how they feel. They were close with their
mother and when she died they felt like they are alone and
their father forgot their mom and focused on Nomzuzu The
same woman who doesn’t seem to care about their mother at
all and i feel like tonight she really showed them how much
of a bitch she can be. I don’t think my husband and his
brother will ever speak to her again. She just ruined her
marriage and made things worse for her. I feel like she will be
walking on egg shells in this mansion from hereon.
Me: I am sorry
Me: I am pregnant
I laughed
Me: I am not going to push for them to sleep again but would
it be bad to ask for Sihlwele’s sperm since they will not sleep
together again?
He exhaled
Me: If you are saying that it clearly means even the baby she
is carrying is a mistake
Sitshingitshani: A baby is never a mistake
I started thinking
Sitshingitshani: Her telling you she is not the only sick one in
the family
Me: What?
I looked at him
Me: Please tell me my brother in law is not dying
I sat down
Sitshingitshani: Buzumzum!
Summer: Yeah and thank God i do! i kind of knew this was
going to happen
Me: Sit
Bokang: What?
Me: When Nomzuzu got married she and i were not on good
Bokang laughed
Bokang: What?
Me: Yes and i rejected her right away. She got angry i don’t
know maybe embarrassed because she left my house after i
said no i was not gay. She left didn’t want to speak to me
then weeks later she was said to be marrying her professor
Bokang: So when she got married you were not on speaking
Me: Yes. I didn’t have a problem with her but she got upset
or embarrassed that i didn’t feel the same so she decided to
stop talking to me
Me: I don’t know Bokang. Do you think if she was gay she
would’ve settled for a man and have children?
Bokang: Maybe she is bisexual
Me: I cannot believe after what she did back then she came
here today confronted me about sleeping with her husband
then kissed me when she knew i didn’t want it
Bokang: Wow what did she want to achieve with the kiss
because i know for a fact she knew you were not a lesbian
Bokang: How? when she didn’t make sure you knew they
were having sex?
Me: i don’t know i think she was just trying to manipulate
me to leave her husband
Me: She is desperate. She knows she is going to lose him for
me that is why she is fighting hard to keep him
Bokang: i support you. You should. You don’t want his wife
to beat you into it. I cannot believe she is bisexual but mom
why did you take this long to tell me?
Me: I know
I knew it. i didn’t know for sure i would find this old man
here but i knew since he seemed suspicious he was going to
get to the bottom of it but i didn’t think he was not going to
waste time at all. I cannot believe he is here to find out what i
meant. This man is unbelievable and he would do anything
to make sure he is not in the dark. I really didn’t expect to see
him here. I am in shock.
Uncle: Makoti
Me: So you didn’t want to take my word for it you just
wanted to find out the truth
Me: I don’t know what you expect me to say but i hope you
don’t think i will be happy. The fact is you didn’t trust what i
said. I don’t know what i need to do to show you that i want
what is best for our family
just keep at it
Uncle: Oh yeah
Me: Uncle if i say i don’t want to tell you will you come back
later and ask Makhosi?
Uncle laughed
Uncle: You have every right to say the things you said I am
surprised you are here ag...
Me: Again! I know
Me: I know.
I smiled
Me: Oh that is cute but did you tell him not to tell his
Me: Please don’t say that. That is also our main concern. He
found another woman and we are afraid his new relationship
might ruin that do you think his new lover will be the reason
he won’t be president?
Sitshingitshani: It is not clear yet. What do you want from
Me: Okay. I was thinking that since father cannot know how
about i leave the mansion when i start showing just to keep
the pregnancy from father. I will stay with my mother but i
need your advice on that because i cannot move out without
telling my husband why
I stood up
Me: I don’t know maybe i should move to one of our
properties with him?
Me: I know right. This is such a great time for Valerie boys
He smiled.
Someone walked in
Her: Makhosi the guests from Libode are here
Sitshingitshani looked at me
Marybeth: And why are you two downstairs aren’t you a bit
Me: Finally!
Onele: Oops
We laughed. She hugged all of us. Then went to dad and his
Dad: My beautiful daughter
Zukhanye: Hi dad
They hugged. She went to her mom and hugged her and
kissed her
She walked up
Sihlwele: Wait so are you all going to act like she didn’t just
Nomzuzu: We know what she said!
Marybeth: Zuzu!
Me: It is time for dinner what are you guys doing here!?
Me: Astrid!
I looked at my family
Everyone stood up
Marybeth: Zuzu your high blood...
Me: i am so hungry!
I said dragging a chair. Everyone joined me and we started
eating in silence. I am not going to talk to them about
anything. I am angry at myself. At God for doing this. Both
my children are attracted to the same sex? This is wrong!
What did i do to deserve this? While we were eating. We saw
Moose walking in with Buzumzum. What is this man doing
here? I will not say anything this time.
Onele stood up
Onele: I will be back guys
Me: Oh okay
I was left with my brother and our wives still trying to digest
what happened.
Me: Not that! that one is a drama queen. I don’t pay much
attention to her. i am talking about uncle and dad
Sihlwele: Yeah
Me: Uncle and dad haven’t been close lately. For uncle to
hug dad like that...
Me: I guess we will never know until they get out of there!
Sihlwele: Yeah it is
I don’t want to lie i was as confused as everyone else by my
brother in law hugging me. My wife Nomzuzu doesn’t like
him because she doesn’t like my first wife so that relationship
Nomzuzu and Buzumzum have it kind of affected my
relationship with my brother in law. Him and i never had
any problems while my wife was alive. The problems started
now and seeing this. it is good because at the end of the day
my sons are his nephews. We are family. i just cannot wait to
find out what this is so that i could go see Clementine. I
would rather hear from a woman i know is honest and has
integrity first before hearing what lies my wife planned to tell
me. i am planning to sneak out without my wife seeing me
then come back as soon as possible. I mean what i said. We
have to be family now that Zukhanye is here. I am not going
to Soweto to sleep so when Nomzuzu notices i am gone so i
hope she will not act out and make Zukhanye see that
something is going on between us.
I looked at him
He looked at me
Buzumzum: What?
Me: I thought the reason you are here is because you heard
Buzumzum: No! i wouldn’t want that for you. i don’t like her
as a person but if losing her is something that hurts you i will
be sad for you
Me: I am not sad at all. I just want to be happy and this
woman is not making me happy
Me: It is man
Buzumzum: Wow i don’t know what to say man. I feel like i
shouldn’t even say what i came here to say now
He looked at me nervous
Me: Did she tell you what was the trip about?
Me: Who did you tell? My sons cannot know about this! I
don’t want them to live in fear of losing me too. Losing
Valerie took a lot on them. I cannot leave them too and i
cannot let them know that i might be dying.
I exhaled
Me: I know
I was standing at the door waiting for him to open. The door
opened. I smiled
Jordan: You are so obsessed with me
I said walking in
Jordan: Ouch
Me: I don’t mean it in a bad way. Obviously you are a dream.
You look like a character in a Telenovela
He laughed
Me: Mom said sis is taking care of herself now she said she
must have a boyfriend Zukhanye said or a girlfriend
Me: Yeah she collapsed but she came back hence she was at
dinner with us. I have a question man
Jordan: Ask
Me: I don’t know man. It is just the way she was so guilty
when mom sarcastically said i wonder what was the reason
for my collapse. The look on my sister’s face...
Jordan: This is bad
I looked away
Do not tell me when you were a young girl in your 20s you
never kissed another girl. What Clementine thinks she knows
about me is a lie. I am not a lesbian. I kissed her earlier
because i thought she was going to fall for it and distract her
from taking my husband. I didn’t do that because i have
feelings for her. I did that because she is the one who seems
to like me. I didn’t owe this woman nothing. Deciding to
stop being her friend doesn’t mean i committed a crime.
What she is mad at me about doesn’t make sense at all. I
don’t owe that woman nothing. When i am done with her
she will respect me. I tried to open her eyes i warned her but
she didn’t listen. I cannot wait for her to see what i have in
store for her. She will not see me coming.
Me: Few days ago. I think it was Monday. Your brother told
us he was attracted to every human being. She is attracted to
men women women wanna bes men wanna bes. He said he
is attracted to everything on this earth then you just two days
later when i am trying to digest that You tell me what if you
have a girlfriend? What nonsense is that?
Me: Zukhanye you are 16! How do you know these things?
Zukhanye: It’s simple mom. You just see a girl and you feel
like damn i just want to snuggle her the same way you do
when you like a man
Me: No! you hate me. If you didn’t none of this would be
happening. You want to hurt me! You want me to die. I
collapsed downstairs but you don’t care. You still said you
are gay!
I looked at her
Me: How can you be so ice cold?
She chuckled
I swallowed hard
Me: Where was i? how come i missed so much? How can she
grow up so fast?
How can all my kids have so much nasty attitude towards me?
Onele is like this now Zukhanye? Clearly if she finds out
about what his father has been up to she will ask what i did
to contribute to what is happening and by the look of things
what she will hear will look like me. I am in a bad position
right now. i feel like my children expect the worst from me.
Sihlwele: Okay?
Sihlwele: Who?
Me: Her car wasn’t there. The workers said she was gone for
a while
Me: That is exactly what i want to know baby. Why did she
lie? What is she hiding? She is even acting strange lately
Me: Please do. I don’t like what she is becoming now. She is
Sihlwele: I will have a word with my brother but i don’t think
she is cheating though
Me: Why would she lie about where she went if she is not?
Mzwanele: I am fine
Me: I was very nervous but now that you say you didn’t talk
to her i wish she spoke to you first because i think it would be
interesting what she was going to say to make herself look
Mzwanele laughed
I stood up
Mzwanele: What?
I turned and looked at him. He didn’t think i was telling the
truth. He found what i said funny
He stood up
Mzwanele: What?
Me: Yes and earlier she did that again and i don’t know what
she thought changed this time. Maybe she thought i would
fall for it and leave you? I am not attracted to women. She is!
Me: I even forgot about the kiss until she kissed me today
I stood up
Me: We are talking about your wife here. She does whatever
she wants to do. She is such a brat! She is old now. She needs
to grow up
Mzwanele: Wow
He looked at me
Mzwanele: Oh as a family we decided that we have to stay at
home until tomorrow and maybe beyond for me. My
daughter is home. She cannot know about us until i make a
decision about my marriage. Now that she doesn’t know
about our problems. We decided that Nomzuzu and i will
pretend to be happy and i will see you during the day or in
the evening then go sleep at home
I smiled
Me: I understand
He smiled
Mzwanele: I don’t deserve you
Me; I feel like you don’t think what my wife did was the right
thing to do. What other decisions my wife made on her own
besides this noble one?
Marybeth: Sh...
Marybeth: When i knocked off i went to see her and she was
not at her job I asked them they said she was gone for more
than an hour and when she got here she said she was doing
paper work at work.
Marybeth: I know and i don’t too but i care about you two. If
something is going on i thought you should know and what
is going on with her supporting a woman who has been
awful to her? Zuzu literally dragged mother in law at that
dinner table but Summer is supporting...
I snapped
Marybeth: Nothing!
Me: Okay
I walked away leaving them. i cannot lie i am disgusted.
Marybeth is a little snake isn’t she?
Me: Babe did you ask Summer where she went in your alone
time with her?
Marybeth: No! that is why i feel bad now. She will think i am
two faced
Me: I didn’t know you were going to put it like that to him
and i didn’t know you had a problem with Summer giving
Astrid time off
She chuckled
Me: Well bro it looks like dad is not the only person with
some marital problems
Onele: Sorry bro. You guys love each other. You will get
through this
Me: I don’t want to talk right now but you are my brother
and i love and respect you i don’t want to fight with you
because of a third party so sure let’s hear it
I shook my head no
Me: My wife knew before i did that she wasn’t the one with a
problem. She just did that with you. Do you think she would
cheat on me before she finds out if she is pregnant or not?
He looked down
Sihlwele: I know
Me: But you know how it looks and what she did Summer
wouldn’t do to her
Sihlwele: I know but Summer didn’t tell the truth. Don’t you
find it strange that she lied?
I walked away
Sihlwele: Bro!
I ignored him
i started thinking about it and i felt bad.
We haven’t seen each other since the day he got the parcel
from Onele and decided to kick me out. I apologised and he
gave me a cold no. i was surprised when he agreed when i
asked him to accompany me to go buy the dress i will wear
Saturday. I didn’t expect him to come and i appreciate him
for coming.
Sakhe: Sure
We walked around looking at dresses
Me: Baby you didn’t want to meet me. I am here now and i
think we should talk about it. We cannot leave things
unsolved that is not healthy for a relationship
Sakhe: Okay tell me then what happened? Why did you
complain about sex?
Me: I understand
Me: You were not on speaking terms. For him to do that for
you it didn’t make sense to me but now that i am thinking
about it maybe he didn’t want you to look funny at his event
Sakhe: I always dress well that is not it.
Me: babe Every time you go to any event; he always gets you
something. He is the one with style
Me: Okay then but i think he wants class at his event that is
why i think this dress is perfect for the event
Me: Yep!
Sakhe: Babe what is your mom doing for a living?
Me: Mom is not doing anything but she does what she can to
provide for me
I snapped
I snapped out of it
Me: I was hoping you stayed and talked to me before you left
He looked at me
Me: Never mind. It is none of my business.
I looked down
Me: I see
I looked at him
Me: i have been married to you for 22 years. Why do you see
differences now?
I looked down and tried to think hard about the things i did.
I did nothing except bribing people giving them thousands.
My money is being saved i support my family back at home.
Valerie and Mzwanele thought building a house for my
family was going to give them an income?
Mzwanele: That you have feelings for other women and you
tend to kiss her every time you want something
I stood up
Me: I knew she wouldn’t keep that to herself!
Me: Why should i tell you? when i never acted on it. It is just
feelings and i never acted on them. You are the only person i
Mzwanele: I do
Me: Okay
Summer: Family!
Me: What?
Me: No! No! No! there is absolutely no excuse for what you
did woman
Marybeth: It’s just that i have been there for you. Fighting
Nomzuzu for you when she was treating you badly but now
you are besties. You walk to her room and try and help her
fix her marriage. I was like what side are you on? This
woman is trying to take everything from us. Her getting the
fuck out of this house is the win for us. I just thought what
you did was being two face
Me: You don’t know what being two face is! being two face
is what you did. Marybeth i am a married woman. It doesn’t
matter how much i hate you but i wouldn’t wish divorce on
anyone. We all sympathised with Zuzu until that mother in
law thing
Marybeth: That is exactly why i don’t get why you are doing
this! why are you helping her when she hates our mother in
Me: My mother in law knows what i am doing and i think
she is happy i am doing it
Me: In this family i am the only one who thinks. You don’t
think about anything except being all over your man. You
don’t care about the running of this mansion. I pay everyone
here. I know all our helpers and where they come from do
She swallowed
Me: I don’t have to tell you this but i don’t make a decision i
know isn’t right for this family. After i gave Astrid weekend
off i called a private chef that will be here this afternoon but if
she doesn’t come. You can cook too. You are a woman now
get out of my bedroom!
She turned around and opened the door. She walked out and
slowly closed it. I shook my head
Me: Can you believe that?
Uncle: Sihlwele? I didn’t get to chat with you boys last night
and you and i haven’t talked ever since that day and i am so
sorry for forcing you to do that
Me: It’s okay uncle. Anyway i am not here for that. I am
here about yesterday. You left without talking to us and we
were all surprised to see you hug dad and asked to talk to
him privately. What is going on?
Uncle: You came all the way here to ask me that son?
I laughed
I let out a sigh of relief. Now this makes sense. Uncle loves
mom and he never supported her decision of making
Nomzuzu her sister wife. I get why he was so happy now. I
was really confused. I thought something happened. I can
now breathe. I thought he heard something about my dad.
This means i have to go back home and have to listen to my
wife justifying what she did when she knows she was wrong.
I don’t want to upset her. She is pregnant and i don’t want
her to lose our child because she is upset.
Me: Yeah i know. she had a problem with Astrid saying you
suggested she went to see her family. She made it clear in
front of Astrid that she hates your decision
Me: I was shocked by that too and i told them what you were
doing. I told them all you want is peace in this family. if we
get any bad press that will affect the family business
Summer: Exactly!
Me: Baby this is your house. You call the shots here. If
anyone has a problem with that they must move out!
Everyone has money in this house. I am not going to let
them treat you like this in our house!
Summer: Yes but that doesn’t give my best friend any reason
to tell you before asking me!
Me: Okay
She kissed me
Summer: Thank you for understanding
I looked at her
Summer: Have a talk with your brother. Don’t let that two
face bitch ruin your relationship
Summer: I feel like our friendship has been a lie. She was
fake all this time. I would blame pregnancy but no the baby
didn’t do anything. It is still her and what she did was wrong!
Summer: Me neither
After i spoke to Summer i was very upset. I knew she was not
going to let me speak but i had to try. I didn’t expect it to go
as it went but what can i do? She did lie. Maybe next time
she wouldn’t lie. Me my husband and her husband are
supposed to be her safe space where she can say anything.
For her to lie like that when it was only us in the living room
for me i found it shady but i was wrong and i admit that.
Yes i can finally say that even though i was wrong there are
things that have been pissing me off about Summer and her
going to speak to Nomzuzu privately alone was a big issue
for me and that is when i thought i couldn’t hide how i feel
about a lot of things anymore. We are close or i thought we
were so she is supposed to run things by me also. She cannot
say i should’ve spoke to her when she didn’t tell me she was
trying to help Nomzuzu and why. I just assumed she was
two faced and i still think she is for always thinking she is
more important in the house. That house is mine too. I was
there with my husband fighting to win this house. I have
been there for Summer and that is all i ever son. She is never
there for me. i am like her side dish. I was married here first.
How dare she treats me like this?
Me: I don’t know mom. She is like the boss of the house. She
does everything herself. She makes decisions and she is like
two years younger than me. I find all of this annoying. I am
here i was married to that family first i have a child with
another one on the way. I am like the senior daughter in law.
Why is she walking like she owns the place? She even
interferes in father’s marriage. This girl is all over the place
mom and it is annoying!
Mom: I can see how that could be annoying. What does she
do for a living again?
Me: Nothing that screams smart really. She has a radio show.
She manages the hotel in Johannesburg and co manages the
one in Cape Town and she is paying everyone’s salaries. All
our employees from the house workers to the hotel workers
Me: My main issue is fine you don’t have to include the men
at least include me in all decisions. It sucks sitting there
listening to her trying to fix the family and i am there in the
corner supporting her. I don’t want to feel useless!
Me: But still mom! I cannot stand her husband too now.
Because he seems to judge me for what i said. That is why i
came here. Sihlwele wasn’t there for me as much as i wanted
him to i want you to come to the fundraiser just to be there
for me because i don’t think everyone likes me
Me: I know that mom and i apologised for it but she didn’t
accept my apology and i don’t care at this point. We have
issues i have been boiling inside
Mom: Clearly
Me: I am just...
I sighed
I looked at mom
Mom: Do you?
Me: But they are not and i don’t know what i will talk with a
maid about. Mom you have no idea. The drama is more than
the one we see on tv. All the time we discuss What happened
at a previous dinner.
I sipped my drink
Lisa: Oh boy!
She couldn’t finish when she saw five pregnancy tests on the
coffee table. They picked them up
I took the paper on the table and gave it to Lisa. I also went
to check if i am pregnant. i couldn’t just trust a pregnancy
test. Anyway Ntosh snatched it from Lisa’s hand and read
I broke down
I walked away
Lisa: what?
Ntosh: Babe she has been with the man for like six weeks?
Lisa: Oh no! and you are four months pregnant? wait...? does
that mean the father of your baby is...
I sat down tears streaming down my face.
How can i not know i was pregnant. I didn’t see any signs
and for this pregnancy to show up after seventeen weeks that
is savage. I am an influencer. I take pictures every day. I have
to be seen pretty every day. Who is going to look at me or
my pictures right now? it is hard as it is with my scandal for
people to support my Instagram. How can i add pregnancy
on top of that? What makes me cry is the fact that i have this
famous and amazing boyfriend and i am about to lose him.
Jumbo is going to be angry. He will not want to be with me
when i am pregnant with another man’s child. If i was two
months pregnant i was going to lie and say the baby is his
and not tell him how far i am God i am Four months
pregnant. that is a big number. You cannot lie. My friends
might think i am dramatic for crying when i am impregnated
by the most handsome man and a man i fancy and is rich but
right now i am just thinking about everything. I am the other
woman. He will not leave her for me. I lied on air and said i
am not a home wrecker and now it is going to come out that
i am and i was talking about me on radio and on top of that i
had the audacity to bring this topic up when the wife of the
man i was sleeping with was working with me.
Ntosh: And our bestie loves the man but she knows he
wouldn’t leave her for her and she also knows having him as
a baby daddy means you are set for life
Lisa: Oh My God!
Me: I hate myself! How can i put myself through this
Ntosh: Okay...
Lisa and i sat down and looked at her. This better be good
Ntosh: Another one but this one i know it will be very hard
because you like the guy and somehow you feel like if he
knows he is the dad you might have hold on him like
something that makes you hope for the better i know i would
too if i was in love the way you love Heir but...
Ntosh: If you love your job and you care about your
reputation i think you shouldn’t tell Heir that you are
carrying his child
Ntosh: yeah that too could work but damn girl do you know
what this means?
I looked at her
I swallowed hard
Ntosh: But i guess it count for something that you gave him
his first born
Marybeth: Hi
I looked at her then shook my head. I didn’t say anything.
Me: That is right did your mother tell you that too?
Marybeth: No i know there is a problem here
Me: Why? Why are you trying? What are you trying
Marybeth? Why the hell are we here!? Why are we having
this conversation! We shouldn’t be having this conversation
and we are having it because you are a two faced bitch Who
fooled me all this time!
I was shouting. She is frustrating me. I cannot believe she has
the audacity to tell me she is trying when she did what she
did to me. How did she expect me to react?
I chuckled
Me: I don’t know why you wanted to have this conversation
if you will keep ignoring my questions!
Marybeth: You think you call the shots. You make all the
decisions around the house. Summer i am older than you. I
have been with this family longer that you have
Me: Yet you know absolutely nothing about this family!
She sighed
Me: Brother in law tell her this is my house not yours and
not hers! Tell her about your Xhosa Traditions. She doesn’t
know who is the senior daughter in law in this family
Marybeth: i am!
I looked at Sihlwele
Me: You’ve been married for years but she has no clue. I
think you need to talk to your wife before she continues
making a fool of herself!
I stood up. I knew she would do this! How can mom think
she has a right to be the one telling her this?
Me: It was not her place to tell you this!
Zukhanye: I know but you know mom. She will say anything
to justify her point. She wanted to show me how bad we are
as her children for being queers
I exhaled
Me: I must be honest with you when i found out there was a
possibility that you are gay i wasn’t happy about it
Zukhanye: Why?
Me: One of us got to be straight i mean we have a mother
who is clearly homophobic so for both her kids to be queers
Me: More especially when we might have got this from one
of our parents
Zukhanye: What?
I laughed
Me: Do it now
Me: Of course
Zukhanye: On our way back you will take me to see your bae
Me: I know
He smiled
Me: Oh trust me it is
I took them
Me: Oh no!
Me: The fact that you said you went to see your mother and
she said you were wrong then come back and say that? baby
it shows your trip to centurion was for nothing!
Marybeth: Wow! She called me a bitch! She says this house
is hers! After everything we did to help and you are standing
there judging me for fighting for us?
I saw Ndlalifa coming to us. I was with Zukhanye who
wanted to talk to me again. I don’t know what she wants to
talk about this time. I’d get nervous if she wanted to talk
before we talked about what we talked about we did talk so i
am not nervous we got this out of the way. I am glad we did
and i thought it was going to be hard to talk to her about it i
won’t lie but knowing that she is a lesbian that was somehow
a relief because i knew she understood but i wish she was
straight for some strange reasons. Maybe i am like my mom
after all. I am selfish to wish she was not gay
Ndlalifa: What?
Ndlalifa smiled
Ndlalifa: Look at you all grown up
Ndlalifa: That is because you are. You are our baby sister
I looked down
Me: Same thing for me too. She visited me. She called at
least three times a week
Zukhanye: She did that for me too. She called me more than
she called you. She constantly called me and mom i don’t
remember the last time she called me while i was in boarding
school but what i know for sure is that she never called in the
last four months
Me: what?
Me: I agree
I need to see my wife and i know where to find her. She must
be at the hotel right now. I have to drive to the hotel. It is
time this shit ends. I just want to know what happened then
after that we have to talk to Marybeth as a family. I didn’t
want to involve the entire family but Marybeth is giving me
no choice. I will not let her bully my wife. When i got to my
car. I saw my brother driving in. I stepped out of my car and
waited for him to park his. He got out of the car
Me: No bro! i will not let you make excuses for this woman.
Why her hormones make her jealous of my wife?
Sihlwele exhaled
Me: Even now. I hear she had another falling out with my
Me: She is out of control! I heard my wife took car keys and
left. Your wife said hurtful things i still need to go and find
out what she said exactly
Sihlwele: I don’t get this. My wife was the one wrong and
now to see her doing the shouting it makes me feel like she is
going through something
Me: Where did you go? She spoke to my wife earlier and i
know it didn’t go well but i also know you were not around
to find out
Sihlwele: Okay and i agree father needs to solve this for us. I
think if we do it ourselves we will end up not speaking to
each other. We cannot let our wives be the reason we don’t
Me: What the hell is wrong with her? i heard you had
another fight
Me: Okay
Me: I spoke to my friends about this and they said the best
decision for me is making sure i don’t go to the fundraiser
with you.
Jumbo: What?
Me: I couldn’t do that to you. I had to tell you the truth and i
know telling you the truth mean losing you and honestly i
don’t mind because i will know i didn’t use you and i know
that you deserve the truth from me because you are the best
boyfriend in the world
i will not find a man like him. I Struggled to find a man like
him. Is there hope to find one when i have a child? Now i am
four months pregnant. Abortion is really not an option. This
is crazy.
Me: I spoke to my friends about this and they said the best
decision for me is making sure i don’t go to the fundraiser
with you.
Jumbo: What?
Me: I couldn’t do that to you. I had to tell you the truth and i
know telling you the truth mean losing you and honestly i
don’t mind because i will know i didn’t use you and i know
that you deserve the truth from me because you are the best
boyfriend in the world
He looked at me shocked
Me: Yes. I couldn’t go to the fundraiser with you and make
things official only to lose you after and your reason why we
broke up was going to ruin me more than i am ruined right
Me: I know i hurt you and i am sorry but one thing i couldn’t
do was humiliate you. I love you too much to do that to you
Jumbo: Wow...
I looked at him
I swallowed hard
Jumbo: i am not saying wow because of the pregnancy
Jumbo: For the first time you said you loved me and i believe
you do
What? Does this mean this man wants to be with me? wait?
What if Ndlalifa wants to be with me as well? Between them
i want Ndlalifa and agreeing to be with this man would mean
choosing the man who wouldn’t be the real father of my
child. I love the father of my child. I need to think long and
hard. I cannot choose a man who will never choose me.
Ndlalifa can never choose me that i know so i have to stop
self-sabotaging and let this man make a decision. I cannot
choose the father of the baby because i know he will never
choose me. Choosing Ndlalifa is sabotaging myself not only
that it means hurting myself it is preventing me from being
happy and i cannot do that. I cannot let Ndlalifa continue
hurting me. I need to open my eyes
Jumbo: Okay i can see you are not ready to tell me and i
respect that...
I looked at him
He smiled
Jumbo: I know
He closed the door behind him. I bite my lower lip
I looked at Summer.
Summer looked at Marybeth. The look she gave her was not
friendly at all how did we get here? Marybeth also didn’t look
like she was in a mood for this. She looked annoyed. I heard
Summer chuckle
Summer: I guess she will not tell you. I am happy to tell you
Sihlwele: What?
I looked at Marybeth
Summer: You did say it to me. You said you are the first
makoti of this family and you should be the one doing things
not me! you said i call the shots. You said i do everything
and I thought i was a boss in this house and that you are the
one who should be doing all those things because you knew
this house and family longer than i did and that you are the
one with a child and you also said you didn’t like the fact
that i was there for Zuzu When she was going through what
she was going through
Marybeth stood up
Marybeth: That is the thing! She always has the right thing to
say! She is miss perfect! she is so rehearsed! She always
knows the right things to say
I looked at Marybeth
Ndlalifa: What?
Onele: I think if you don’t follow them they will kill each
other up there
My sons stood up
She kissed the glass with her lips i could tell she wasn’t
drinking she was just buying time.
Onele: Ma!
I snapped out of it
Me: Huh?
Zukhanye: Mom why are we gay?
They smiled
Me: Moms who have gay children they say they always
knew and you two never showed any sign and if you are
being fair you would understand why i reacted the way i did
I looked at Onele
Me: You can be whatever you want to be what is important
to me is your happiness if all humans make you happy then
Me: Hey
Summer: Hey
I went to her and hugged her. She let out a heavy sigh
Me: Stupid
Summer: Anyway do you think i handled things okay down
Me: I put our relationship on the line and told him that i am
pregnant and he is not the father
I licked my lips
Ntosh: He doesn’t?
Lisa: How?
Me: He gave me an ultimatum and i am supposed to call him
now with an answer
Me: I tell the father and lose him something like that
Lisa: Friend this is an easy choice
Lisa: Ndlalifa will not be there for you. There is a man who
will be there for you and wants to be the father to this child
something Ndlalifa cannot give you
Ntosh: You think there is a lot to lose with Ndlalifa not being
the part of the baby?
Me: No
i wiped my tears and looked at my friends
I answered
I wiped my tears.
Me: Are you kidding me? I am the one who should apologise
Me: I love you and please come this side later the fundraiser
starts at 6pm. I just want us to spend the afternoon together
before we go
Jumbo: I would love that
Me: I am glad. Bring your suit and shoes here. Okay bye
He hung up.
Me: I feel like this baby got us closer because i said i loved
him when i saw him yesterday and i felt like i meant it
Ntosh: See? This is great! You grew to love him i mean
what’s not to love about him? He is what i call a real man. A
real man doesn’t run when things are tough. This man is
prepared to take care of you and carry you through this
pregnancy. That is mind blowing
Lisa: It is
Me: I am done!
I stood up. My phone rang. My husband took it then looked
at me
She hung up
Me: I haven’t gave her details that is why i want her to get
here before we get ready to leave
Ndlalifa: Okay ready to go downstairs?
Me: I am ready
Me: Yeah
I perked his lips then walked to the door. We made our way
downstairs. We saw everyone sitting at the dinner table. The
table was full with everything you can think of. They must
thank me for hiring a chef.
She said laughing she has been so kind now i guess she is
returning the favour so i am taking the joke well this time.
Some other times she would say this with so much hate and
anger i know she is joking now and it is good to have a laugh.
I just wish we didn’t have the new villain though
Me: I am sorry i hope we didn’t keep you waiting
We sat down
I laughed
Me: I am afraid she will sleep for only one more night. She
will make us breakfast tomorrow then leave. Astrid will be
here in the afternoon tomorrow
Onele: Everyone will be hangover tomorrow morning. I hope
she knows what to make for people with hangover
Me: The only time things will be fixed is if you fire me from
handling the family finances and hire her
Sihlwele: She didn’t say you would babe. She spoke for
herself. You should assure dad too
Me: Don’t worry about your wife she just wants to fight me
and i am not going to give her what she wants.
Mzwanele: Marybeth what is really your problem with
Marybeth: i jus...
I stood up
Me: i am sorry
Me: Honey i have been meaning to thank you for last night.
Thank you for rescuing me from those kids
Me: That they are. They are too nosy. I cannot believe they
asked that and i don’t think i want to see their reaction when
they find out where they got this from
He walked out and closed the door. I walked to the door and
locked. I dialled Bongane’s number
Bongane: Hey
Bongane: Fine
I chuckled
Me: I cannot wait.
Me: It’s your daughter. She is being impossible. She has been
fighting with my brother’s wife about things that don’t make
sense. They are best friends i don’t know why she is doing
this to Summer. She says she is angry because she does what
she is doing for the family. I don’t know why she has a
problem with that now when she didn’t have a problem with
it before. Summer is handling the business finances; my wife
has a problem with that. She makes decisions in the house
my wife says she should run things by her
Me: She is worse and Rebecca she is making our stay here
very difficult. In our culture the home we were born in and
grew up is the first burns’ house and the other male siblings
move out and they don’t have a say in this house my wife
says she was married to this family first so she has to call the
shots which is not true because that doesn’t automatically
make me a first born
Rebecca: Did you try and explain this to her because i also
thought the same thing
Me: I tried but she doesn’t listen and now this caught
everyone’s attention. She is disrespectful in front of my dad.
It’s like she just went 180 On everyone. She is not herself.
She was pregnant before but she never acted like this. She is
holding a grudge
I sighed
Me: My wife
Dad: I expected so much from her. how can she do this and
for her to make an excuse and say it’s because she is white
what? Since when we had an issue with her skin colour?
Me: I know
Me: Onele!
I stood up
Mom: What about him? Don’t tell me he cancelled on you.
if he did it’s fine at least we are invited to the fundraiser. A
party is not important than the fundraiser
Me: I know but that is not it. The last time i saw him he
didn’t hide how unpleased he was by your relationship.
Seeing him there after what he knows will be awkward
Mom: We are not going there for him. We are going there to
donate money
Me: Wow! I am glad you know he is gay now you will not
think i am into him anymore
Me: Hey
Him: Look there is some delays. You will get your results
Me: You will work on Sunday?
Me: Bye
Him: Bye
Me: I don’t know mom. I don’t think i will ever trust her
Mom: You know...
Me: Soundproof
Me: No she hasn’t and i have been worried about that. I was
always thinking about that day and how awful i was going to
feel but with the way she has been treating me mom i will not
be sorry for doing it.
Mom: She is a bad person. I don’t blame you and i hope this
worked honey you cannot sleep with that boy and this
doesn’t work. This cannot be for nothing and one of the
things she is going to say will be doing it for nothing. It will
look like you wanted her man
Mom: And?
Me: Mom you are the first person i am going to tell this and
please don’t tell anyone. There is a reason i cannot share this
with anyone so please respect that
She ran to me and gave me a hug. She quickly broke the hug
and looked at me
Mom: Oh My days! I am sure your husband...
Me: I said you are the only person oh it’s you and uncle
Me: Mom it’s been days. I want to tell my husband and show
him the stick. I have to test and show him the pregnancy test
and i want it to be a beautiful surprise for him
Mom: Okay
Mom: Why?
Mom: Oh Please!
Me: When she said what she said i wanted to throw this
pregnancy to her face so bad but i knew i couldn’t do it
Mom: God is finally answering our prayers and he is
silencing all the enemies and doubters. She and that evil
woman your father in law married thought you are the one
who couldn’t have children.
Mom: I cannot believe she told your husband what she told
him. What did she really want to achieve? She wanted
Ndlalifa to leave you and be with who? Her?
Me: Ask
Zukhanye: Oh i am sorry
I walked past her. i made my way to the stairs and walked up.
I got to my room and dialled my mom’s number
Mom: Marybeth
Me: Hi mom can you please come here we will all go to the
fundraiser coming from here. Summer’s mother just arrived.
I want you too to be here for me
Mom chuckled
Mom: Open your eyes or you will lose that man! ... (Tu tu tu
tu tu)
Me: What time do you guys think the fundraiser will be over?
Me: Yeah big bro is right about that. I think Paige will have
to go alone at nine
Me: How much money do you think you spent on all this?
Ndlalifa laughed
Ndlalifa: Little bro you will not believe it but the good thing
is Next year we will not spend a cent. The money we will
make at fundraiser will be divided and save some for the next
event and give away to the cause the most of it
Sihlwele: Relax you got this and we will be there helping you
I smiled
Ndlalifa: Bro let’s go! Little bro we will see you at home
Me: Okay thanks for everything
Me: Great!
One invite to my party he thinks we are best friends again. I
Me: Sakhe?
Funny they are asking him not me when i am the one who
invited them.
Me: We haven’t changed the time. It is still six man
Sakhe: Okay cool i will tell them and i hope we will get to
talk there. I don’t like how things are between us and i feel
like we need to get it out of the way. It is awkward now it’s
like we don’t know each other anymore
Sakhe: Sure
I hung up
Me: Thank you. There are very fancy ones but i felt like this
was better for me
Liberty: It is nice so when is my date coming to meet me?
Liberty: He is busy
Me: Yeah
I laughed
Me: What?
Liberty: How do you do it?
Me: Do what?
Me: I didn’t say i don’t like him how do you know i don’t?
She looked at me
Liberty: okay then if you say so but you know what i mean
Me: Keep your opinion to yourself i know what you want to
say. I came here to work and my mind is on the price alone
so please
This day seemed to be so far away to think that today i am
going to be there with big names and dressed up for the
carpet is just unbelievable. If someone told me a year ago
that this year i would be dating a politician and i could
possibly be seen in magazines
Bokang: Mom you cannot think like that i thought you guys
texted each other?
Bokang: But still mom i think that man respects you for him
to just ignore you and not tell you where his head is at i
mean this man met me and he didn’t mind being around me.
Do you think a man of his calibre would want to be closer to
his girlfriend’s child if he knows he is not in for a life time?
I smiled
Me: He better stay for a life time because i see forever with
Me: Yes
Me: I understand
Me: She was invited but he met your son a few days ago and
He wasn’t happy because he found out about us. They didn’t
end the conversation on good terms so she doesn’t know if he
will want her there
Me: I agree
He hung up
Bokang: See?
Me: Let’s get packing and you also need to do the same in
case Onele says no
Bokang: Okay mom let’s start packing!
Onele: Come in
I walked in
Me: Son
He turned around
Me: Well thank you son i just want you to know that my
problems with your mother don’t affect you and your sister.
You are my children and i will not love you any less
Everyone laughed
Me: You all look so beautiful. I am blessed to have a
beautiful family like this
Me: No! Not at all but Summer can give us a toast before we
head to the hotel
I looked at Summer
Me: Yes that was beautiful and i hope your brother in laws
and your husband take note because they are going to stand
there and talk tonight
Everyone laughed
We all put down the glasses on the tray and left. Tonight is
going to be a good night. I can feel it.
I couldn’t be late for my sister’s fundraiser. I am a proud
brother right now. I am so happy they are doing this for my
sister and my family came prepared. We are going to donate
100K. My sister left me with a lot of money and i want her to
see that i didn’t waste her money. I put it towards good and it
helped my family a lot and it is still helping us. I am enjoying
my pension and my pension wasn’t going to be enough but
because of my sister i am standing here today as one of the
known business people and i want to give back. I am known
and as a brother of a former deputy president. I have to show
up and represent that. When the limo stopped at the red
carpet. Me and my family couldn’t believe how beautiful and
long the carpet was. I couldn’t hold back tears.
Stella: Dad you are not going to cry now. Look! All those
journalists are standing there looking at us and they want you
to say something
Wife: Be strong honey i know how happy this makes you feel
The cameras were all over us! A white girl was calling for us
to go to her
Me: Interviews?
I laughed
Me: On a serious note today means so much to my family
and i know it means so much to my sister as well. My sister
was attacked by this aggressive disease that she never got to
achieve all the things she wanted to achieve. To see today a
launch of her foundation and the people coming in numbers
to donate money towards a disease that took her life it is
overwarming i am not going to lie. I am very happy the
Ndlelo family is very happy because this doesn’t only mean
my sister’s name will live on this means the lives of many
people are going to be saved
By the time i was done talking the entire family was around
Me: Baby are you sure all of this was organised by Onele?
How can he make something so big happen? He is just a
Sakhe looked at me
I looked at Sakhe
He laughed at me
Sakhe: Can you not act crazy you are embarrassing me. Let’s
go in!
He said pulling me. I was looking around smiling and seeing
celebrities everywhere
Ever since i have been Miss Soweto i have been to one award
show which means i have one experience of the red carpet
and that previous carpet wasn’t this big. Things never looked
this glamorous. Believe me when i say this is a dream come
true. This is bigger than i anticipated. Onele outdid himself
on this one. This is an amazing red carpet and the turnout is
amazing. It is chaotic. If it was not for the Miss Soweto sash i
was wearing i don’t think the journalist were going to notice
I smiled at everyone
Me: Just smile mom and act like you are not noticing them.
Only look at a photographer who says look at them for a
Mom: Okay
Me: You don’t have to mom you just smile when she asks
you a question or when she says something to me.
Something that makes you smile. Just be yourself. Don’t
smile if you don’t want to
Mom: Okay
Tasha: You heard Miss Soweto herself before i let you go.
What does today mean to you and i want your mother to go
first what is your name mam?
I looked at mom
Mom: I am Clementine
Tasha: Bokang you are here today why are you here?
We smiled
Mom: wow
Me: Yeah
Me: But you are used to this when you go to sports awards
Tasha: That is sweet thank you. Tonight you and your man
here look amazing. You are actually stunning girl!
I flicked my hair
Me: It is amazing that you are the only person who ever
bothered to ask about my absence on radio. It seems like
people forgot me. Tasha i am young i was in a debate team in
high school. That slot on radio is very important because that
is where i get to showcase what i got. I am an intern there
and i am not planning to do that for the rest of my life. I want
to have my own radio show. Any debate or topic you have to
see it in different angles. Why people do what they do. No
one wakes up and decide to hurt other people there is a
reason behind that. I am a very competitive person. What
makes those heated topics interesting is having different
opinions and that was what i was doing. I didn’t think people
were going to accuse me of sleeping with married men. I
have a boyfriend. What do people think my man feels about
these allegations?
Tasha: That she is. So i guess now the question is what was
the reason you were removed? Are you still with X-FM
because i am confused i see selfies you take at that station but
you don’t get to be on air what is that about?
Me: Very disappointed with them for saying all those things
to me. To those who claim to love me on the show i am
disappointed they never even once asked where i was
because the station never announced my taking time off so
for them to just enjoy the show and forget the girl who was a
part of the segment in question it is disappointing i am not
going to lie.
Tasha: Well i hope they are watching. Thank you for talking
to me. Please do donate some money
Pamela giggled
Mom: Have you seen that woman yet? Please my child make
sure she doesn’t see you
Pamela: She knows what she did and i am sure she doesn’t
want her son to find out about that
Mom: You are right but she is a vicious woman. You don’t
want her to silence you. That event is hers and you don’t
know every corner in that building she does
Ntosh: Without us yes she would but since we are here. Not
on my watch
Ntosh: He is not here yet and even if he was you have a man
Venduka smiled
Ntosh: Lies! You are looking for this man! Jumbo is talking
to his friend we are your friends why aren’t you standing
with us?
Lisa: Exactly
Ntosh: Please
Venduka: When i walked in. I saw Stella and she gave me a
silly smile and raised her glass. That pissed me off because
she has been making my life a living hell! She is everywhere i
Ntosh: She did that is why you have to make sure you don’t
look at Ndlalifa at all. I am glad you know what this girl is
capable of. Have fun with us! Cheers
Ntosh: Namaste
Them: Namaste
Ntosh: Good now let’s have some fun and stop boring me
wena Venduka!
Liberty: Right!
I faintly smiled
Me: I am not falling for him i did tell you this was just
Me: I know so do i
Me: No ways!
Me: The first time i was having sex with Onele he was
looking at a picture of some guy
Liberty: What? When you are looking this hot he did that?
Me: Yep and i will not be surprised to find out Onele bought
him his outfit
Me: You know two reasons i cannot be with him and none of
them are that. I am very confident in myself
Me: If i got that right what you are trying to say is i shouldn’t
be here but because i am obsessed with your cousin i had to
show up?
Stella: sure
She stopped
She was smiling looking at me. i could just tell she saw a joke
by just looking at me
Me: I don’t know why you are doing this when i am
approaching you with something so important! I know you
don’t like me and for the record i cannot stand you too but i
am doing this because i don’t want to humiliate your cousin
Stella: And yourself! You don’t want the fans to know you
are a fuckin home wrecker right?
Paige: Hello guys you all look amazing! Okay here is what is
going to happen. The sons and their wives are going to go
first and be interviewed. Then after that The father and Miss
Nomzuzu will be interviewed
Ndlalifa and Sihlwele moved forward
Paige: That includes you Onele! And your sister follow them
Summer: But what i love more is the fact that they don’t
control you or change you to be someone you are not. I am
happy that they decided to settle in Johannesburg. I know if
we were staying in Eastern Cape i wasn’t going to have all
this freedom but what i love is the fact that i am allowed to
be me. The family is very loving and understanding. I am
allowed to continue being myself.
Marybeth: Things like what you said how you are supposed
to dress
Tasha: I feel you girl. You and i are married to black families
that is why i can relate more to you and i understand how
shocking some of the things are but i cannot lie and say i
know how things are in your family because as black as my
husband is he was raised by a white family so i don’t know
the struggles you go through
Tasha: Okay i want to talk to the boys now but first i want to
hear from Summer. What does this whole thing mean to you
Summer: Today means hope for the people. I know my
amazing mother in law wouldn’t want us to talk about her i
know she would want this to be about the people because
that is the person she was she was a people’s person. She
cared about people. She went on the ground and met people
and listened to their problems. To me my mother in law was
my hero and i know so many millions of South Africans feel
the same
Tasha: Nice and sweet. Onele why are we here? By the way
your sister looks like a rock star. so gorgeous
Zukhanye: Thanks
Onele: First of all i would like to thank my mother and
father and most importantly Mama V for taking me and my
baby sister to boarding school
Onele: One question i asked her on those visits was how did
she got where she was in life. She said all she ever wanted
was to better other people’s lives and she took risks and
grabbed opportunities to make sure she helped people. That
inspired me and it came to me that i had the platform to do
exactly what she did and i used it and seeing everyone here
today means the world to me
Nomzuzu: What!?
Tasha smiled
Mzwanele bit his lower lip hard you could tell he just
remembered something. Tasha walked away smiling.
Nomzuzu squeezed her husband’s hand hard. She pulled her
husband to the hall
Nomzuzu: To change!
Journalist: Interesting
Things have been hectic here. It looks like there will be a lot
of fun to be had. I am here for the fun and i hope things will
end up looking great for me. I don’t regret the decision to tell
Stella what i told her. This is my child. He is a Vatshula and
he deserves to be recognised for that. I know that my man
cannot know this now but when the baby is born i will tell
him and i will assure him that i love him and i will make sure
the public doesn’t know he is the father and i will make sure
Ndlalifa does the same. He must respect my man and keep
the secret and i know that is what Ndlalifa wants too. He
doesn’t want his wife to know that he is not the perfect
husband she thinks he is. I am just hoping that Stella will
come through for me and make sure she persuades this man
to take me seriously and possible want to meet and talk like
we always did. We have a child on the way it is only fair to
meet and talk about it. i just hope he will not force me to
abort because that is not an option right now. This baby is
going to be my pride and joy.
Anyway i cannot stop smiling when i think of my interview
with Tasha. I am really praying it helps me to get back to
work and do what i do best.
Me: ha ha ha ha
We all laughed
Me: But all dreams are valid. That girl has a dream. It started
as a dream for Bokang too
Bokang: Say that again. I wanted this since i was a little girl
and look at me now
I looked at Jumbo
Me: She will be a beauty queen
Jumbo: I hope so
I looked the other way and sipped. I cannot lie i am guilty for
lying but i knew they wouldn’t approve of me doing this. I
saw Jumbo coming to me. He took my hand then kissed me.
I faked a smile then hugged him and looked at Ndlalifa who
couldn’t even see me. Who am i kidding? There is a lot of
people here. He will not see me and i don’t even think he is
looking for me. I just hope Stella speaks to him tonight so
that this man has me in mind for a minute at least.
When we got in. The hall was full. We couldn’t believe the
turnout. This is bigger than we expected it to be. I don’t want
to think about how next year will be like when things are like
this now. Next year we might even have guests coming from
abroad. This one was short notice. We didn’t even plan to do
it that is why we couldn’t invite our international friends.
When we walked in. We saw Uncle and his family inside.
They came to us and we all walked to the stage to talk to the
guests. I am not going to lie i am nervous and i hope we are
not all expected to talk. We are late and this should’ve started
already. I cannot believe we delayed our own event.
I broke the hug and smiled at her. I wonder what is going on.
I cannot think of anything she could tell me that she cannot
say in front of the family. The fact that this seems like a
secret makes me nervous because the last time she was my
accomplice in something it was when Venduka was trying to
mess with me. I hope this is not about her because i want to
believe that chapter is closed. I mean i told that woman to
her face that i don’t love her. If this is about her then she
doesn’t love herself.
Anyway we were standing there in front of everyone. It was
quiet. They were all looking at us. I looked at my wife and
smiled. I kissed her cheek then held her hand.
Dad: My wife was a servant for the people. When there was
a crisis She showed up and when i say she showed up i mean
when she arrived everyone could tell that she was here
Everyone laughed
People clapped
Dad: My wife worked hard for this country. It has been two
years since she passed. We had talks about starting her
foundation to help people. It was just an idea; we were still
thinking about a cause that we were going to dedicate it to.
We thought maybe we will do it in two years but my son my
youngest son Onele Vatshula whose birth date is on the day
my wife passed had other plans.
Dad said extending his hand to Onele. Onele went and stood
next to him. Dad put his arm on Onele’s shoulder
Onele smiled
Me: You do that baby but i need to find you i want you by
my side you are stunning tonight
thank you.
Sakhe: Do what?
Me: So what you are telling me is you want him to know that
you are the one who pushed me to apologise it didn’t come
from my heart?
He exhaled
I smiled
Me: I am always right and remember that.
I faked a smile
Onele swallowed
I looked at them
Onele chuckled
Onele: Let me stop you right there. I ordered two suits mine
and Jordan’s
The three of them swallowed hard i could see guilt from the
three of them. This bastard is gay and these two know
exactly what is going on.
Me: I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me
Me: I have seen men attracted to men before but i must say i
couldn’t be so wrong about you
Ouch she is a bitch isn’t she? She said faking a smile. She was
so condescending. What a bitch. I smiled then looked at
Onele: Pamela!
Onele: You won’t tell him i sent the suit by mistake are you?
Me: No
I said with a smile. He fixed my hair
I chuckled
He looked at me surprised
I gulped my drink
Me: We would kill each other if we had the chance!
Me: She is here daddy in spirit. I can feel her. Anyway where
is Nomzuzu?
I walked to Ndlalifa
Ndlalifa: What?
Paige left
Ndlalifa: You will take this and give it to her and make sure
she does tests. She will see i am not the father! I want her to
do the tests on her own and with a doctor of her choosing so
that she doesn’t think i tempered with the results
He took out the plastic then threw the tissue in and gave me
the plastic
Me: Stella?
Caller: I am letter W
I faked a smile
Me: Great!
Eric: They wore the same dresses and one of them wore it
best. I even arranged the photos. He said showing me
W: 083280354254
Me: Okay
Me: W
W: Yes?
I said as if they could hear me. i ran down the red carpet like
a crazy person. The chauffeur of the limo opened the door. I
got in. Eric was running after me he got in. the driver closed
the door
She said biting her lower lip flirting with me. I slowly walked
to her I grabbed her arm and pulled her in. I pushed the door
and closed it
Me: Because you look so sexy tonight and i wanted you here
just the two of us so i can do this
Am i losing my mind?
I didn’t ask why i entered her she let out sexy moans as i was
slowly moving hitting it around and in hard while listening to
the chorus of GODDAMNIT
“Oh oh oh
Oh oh
I was going in and out and she was moaning with her arms
around my neck while kissing my lips like it was the last time.
She was moaning in-between kisses and i was fucking her
hard. I wanted to cum before someone disturbed. I knew i
wasn’t going to be happy stopping when i was not finished.
Summer: Oh fuck me! Oh yeah baby yes oh please...
Summer: Oh yes! yes ahhh fuck! Ahhh yes! Yes! yes baby!
I put her down and turned her around i made her hold the
door. She bended over with her hand grabbing my dick and
put it in
I said breathing in her ear she put her hand at the back of my
head i went in hard and out and back in
Me: Oh shit i am going to cum
She started riding on it hard i felt like i was out of this world
as i felt my cum penetrating inside of her
She turned around and kissed me she broke the kiss and
looked at me
Me: Yeah
I looked at Bokang
We walked to her
Me: Great you would ride with us but we don’t know if mom
is coming back we know she wouldn’t love that
Clementine: Yeah
I smiled
Jordan: Yes and your friend is still looking at you. When are
you going to go say hi to the poor boy?
I didn’t look at all i wasn’t aware he was looking at me. I just
I looked around
Me: Yeah that is the only thing i care about at this point
But i am anxious
Guy: Sure
He perked her lips. Ntosh went to Lisa and her date and took
Lisa’s hand faking a smile at her guy
He walked away
Lisa: What?
Lisa exhaled
Sihlwele: Baby what is going on? You don’t seem like your
usual self. What is really happening?
Marybeth: Do you really want to do this here now?
Sihlwele: What?
Sihlwele exhaled
Marybeth: The uncomfortable questions that woman asked
me! it’s like she was told to do that!
Sihlwele shook his head then walked out and slammed the
He said that then looked down the hall he saw Tasha coming
out of a room. Tasha put her hands on her waist smiling. She
stopped walking. Sihlwele looked around then walked to her
Tasha: Sihlwele
Tasha: Yeah i am but he is not here and we are and you are
fit more than you were the last time i saw you.
Sihlwele smiled
Sihlwele grabbed her arm and turned her around their chests
collide. Sihlwele had his left hand on Tasha’s waist
Tasha smiled
Tasha: Why don’t you shut me up?
Sihlwele put his right hand on Tasha’s side of the face and
pulled her for a kiss they started kissing hungrily.
Mzwanele: Oh?
Guy: Yes but what surprised me was the fact that she didn’t
ask the chauffeur to take her home
Guy: An uber
Mzwanele: Did the driver of the uber wait for her?
Guy: No sir when she left the house she was driving her SUV
and sir...
Mzwanele: What?
The guy exhaled
Me: If you only did me that little favour now everyone would
be happy!
Bongane laughed
Bongane: What?
Me: Yes! When i asked who that was you will not believe it!
Bongane: Who?
Me: Yeah
I took it out then grabbed his head and pushed it against the
seat and looked him in the face
Me: I asked you one little favour and after all these years i
have been sponsoring your life style you couldn’t do it for me!
Bongane: What did you inject me with it? and what is this
favour you keep bringing up?
Me: I asked you to kill that bitch!!!
Me: Killed you! i am killing you! that is what i did! You are
dead! The deadly chemical is kicking in and in...
Me: You men and sex! You would do anything for sex and
today! It was the death of you!
His neck bend on the side and hit the seat. My eyes widened
Girl: hihihihi! See i told you i was good but you never
wanted me in high school
Me: What?
I ran to her
Me: Hey!
Marybeth: I have been a mess lately but this is not the place
to talk about that
Me: You support your sister in law and be there for family
that is what is expected of us. I was talking tonight on that
stage but that doesn’t mean i am the spokesperson for the
family. Ndlalifa is but he supported me and let me shine
because this is my baby. As family we need to support each
other. That is what my brothers are doing what are you
doing as a sister to Summer?
Marybeth: Later
My eyes widened
Jordan: okay
Me: Shit.
I have been in love before and maybe just maybe i was not
really in love then but i think i am in love right now and this
is messing me up so bad. I have never cried over a man. I
have never cried for a man more especially a man i know
doesn’t love me. The way Ndlalifa looked at me for the first
time in this event you could just tell that he was enjoying
everything. He was enjoying seeing me suffer. How can he
do this to me? How can he hurt me like this when he knows i
love him? when he knows i am carrying his child something
his wife doesn’t seem to do. Summer is a pretty girl who was
a social media personality before she married to this family.
She is young and gorgeous. She doesn’t want to mess up her
gorgeous figure with a child. I did it what reward do i get? I
smirk showing me that i will never have him? This man is
messing up my life so bad and he doesn’t see it.
Ntosh: You think i will let you put on make-up before telling
us what the hell is going on? Why are you crying?
Me: I do
Ntosh: No! stop lying to us! You cannot have your cake and
eat it babes you feel one man and he feels nothing for you!
You like the idea of Jumbo because a man never loved you
before like he loves you
Me: You think i don’t know that? You think i don’t feel
worse already?
Ntosh: Then pull yourself the fuck together! wipe those tears!
Wear what are those things a donkey wears?
Lisa: Blinkers
Ntosh: yes! wear it and don’t look at Ndlalifa! Just give this
man the love he deserves!
Stella: Please
Me: I thought after you guys spoke you were going to come
straight to me
Stella: There were more important matters i had to handle.
I looked at her
Me: Oh
She smiled
Rebecca: Baby don’t you think you need time off from
everything and just reflect something is wrong with you
Marybeth: Mom i cannot listen to people say that and hear it
from my mother as well. Don’t you see that things are not
the same? No one cares about me and even that journalist.
She complimented Summer and she didn’t say anything to
me? Am i fat mom?
Rebecca: Marybeth stop it! You are not fat! And you need to
stop comparing yourself to your brother in law’s wife! This
jealousy has to stop!
Sihlwele: Becca
Marybeth: I just need space from everything just for few days
Rebecca: I think she needs that son
They stood up
The band took a break. The DJ was playing. We see Pamela
enjoying herself finally dancing with her varsity mates she
didn’t even know because all of them were medical students
and she is not doing medicine. From a distance. We see
Bokang and Sakhe talking and looking at their phones. Onele
got the opportunity to speak to his friend without his
girlfriend. Onele went to them.
Onele: I liked her until i realised that she is the bitch Stella
always accused her of being on papers
Sakhe: Bro you talk about these celebrities like they are
normal people. Stella and Tasha are dope personalities
Sakhe: I saw you guys talking and she said she apologized
Onele chuckled
Onele: She just told me she stood by what she said i am gay
in her eyes
Sakhe: What?
Photographer: I got that and don’t worry mam i will write all
of that and i recorded it
Me: There are pictures of the other dress and they are making
fun of me. I want you to do something different and positive
and i think this will motivate you
I said giving him the money
Him: I will do that mam and i will just drive to the office
right now. I have to head to the printers and i think the paper
will be printed at 1AM
I got to them.
Me: Oh she didn’t tell you? she is Preggies and i didn’t know
it was a secret or unless she aborted the baby?
Sakhe: what the hell? When were you planning to tell me?
Pamela: I was...
I said laughing
I gulped my drink
Me: I am taking all of you out one by one!
Onele: So this was your plan? You wanted to come back and
stand here alone drinking like you are an alcoholic?
Me: Son
Me: Son you are causing a scene and you don’t want me to
do the same because...
I chuckled
He sighed
Me: This is not the place boy! See your father is sitting with
his mistress what you want is for me to walk in on that and
go straight to them?
I faked a smile
Me: Now why don’t you turn your skinny ass around and
move along and stop always thinking you are smarter than
me! I am human and i have feelings too! You and your sister
think i am dumb!
Me: Summer
Summer: You know me i will check you out when you are
wrong. You leaving was not a good move Zuzu!
Me: As if that is not bad enough Your husband tells you that
he took her to the same boutique you go to and on top of
that he let you wear the dress knowing he bought his bitch
the same dress!
Summer: No
Summer: I only see her now Oh my word now i see why you
Summer: Okay that was disrespectful first of all they are not
official for him to take her there
Summer: I don’t know but i saw her and her mother walk
Me: That girl is losing a few screws every time she messes up
i look at myself and the mistakes i have made. I was my own
enemy and i feel like she is her own too
Me: You love your wine. You love champagne and all those
things are here. Why are you drinking juice?
Me: Oh?
I sipped
Me: Whatever you are doing keep it up. you look sexy
Summer: I am looking this sexy for you
Me: Yeah?
She blushed
Summer: Yes
I perked her lips
Sihlwele: She was she says she needs time away from family.
She went home to get a few clothes. I am sure they are on
their way to Centurion now
Summer: I just hope she will reflect and think about all the
things that happened and hopefully she will regret her
Sihlwele: I don’t see that happening
Summer: What?
Sihlwele: I was as shocked as you are. I told her mother i
don’t know what to do. I love my wife but her sudden
behaviour and jealous toward Summer is starting to make
her unattractive
Me: Don’t say that man. She is your wife. You cannot give
up on her. You love her
Me: Oh shit!
Me: But dad stayed away from that woman for a while. I
think he had one or two that is why he is getting closer to his
Summer: And you two. Didn’t you say you were going to
talk to father so that he introduces you to that woman?
Me: We did but we cannot do this here
Summer: I just want to look at her and see what she is about.
I am not going there to be her friend i just want to say hi
Sihlwele: Enemies?
I sipped my drink
My brother laughed
Sihlwele: What are you going to do. This girl is trying to ruin
your life with her lies
Stella: That she will need money to do the tests and she did
seem disappointed that you didn’t say you wanted to talk to
Sihlwele: She is a gold digger
I exhaled
He tapped my shoulder
Me: I know he is
My boyfriend was with the chairman of his team and his wife.
I have been thinking. My friends saw the parcel i was given
by Stella. They were asking me about it. They didn’t see it
when it was given to me. I left my clutch bag with Lisa and
she saw it and thank God she didn’t open it but she and
Ntosh want to know. i feel like this is an opportunity to let
them in on what i did and i know they are not going to be
happy about it but they asked for it. I just hope they will not
cause drama that will alert my man of what i did because if
they do that i will Lose Jumbo and i don’t want that.
Lisa: What is this? Did you have sex with someone and
wiped yourself then...
Ntosh: You have a point there but we left you with Stella in
the bathroom. You didn’t think you had to tell us about that?
Lisa: Yeah what was that about and why didn’t you come
back and tell us?
Me: Because you girls didn’t ask
Ntosh laughed
I swallowed
Lisa: Oh My God
Me: Hi Summer
Ntosh smiled
Me: Yeah
She looked at me
Me: After today i can see why things are as they are. It’s all
good girl.
Summer: I really feel bad
I faked a smile
I got to my friends
Lisa: why does it look like things didn’t end well? she was
looking at you as you walked out on her
I rolled my eyes
Ntosh: Girl rest. You are behaving like his other girlfriend
and she is also a girlfriend. That girl is that man’s wife so you
need to make sure you keep your feeling inside you
Me: Whatever. If you were the one pregnant you were going
to feel the same
Ntosh: Sis i love you and i am not judging but Ntosh is the
front runner a starring. I am no man’s mistress. It is either me
or get the fuck off so i wouldn’t be in that situation
Lisa: Oh no
Ntosh: Sorry
Me: Non-alcoholic?
She took a glass from another tray then gave it to me
Me: Thanks
Ntosh: Jokes aside i get why you did it but we are supporting
Jumbo because we know he wants what is best for you and
we are scared for your career. If you think this was the best
for you then we will support you
Lisa: Right
Me: Well thank you girls
Lisa: But it is risky what you did so did she tell him wait...
Me: What?
Lisa: Does Jumbo know?
I opened the bathroom door and walked in. They did too
Ntosh: That is because it is! You are trapping the poor man
into staying with you when you would jump at an
opportunity to leave him if the father wanted you
I started crying
I broke down
Ntosh: Then if you really know grab it with both hands. Let
this be the last betrayal. Stop being mad at the wife of baby
daddy stop crying over baby daddy!
Me: I know!
Lisa: Do you?
Me: Yes!
Me: What?
Ntosh: Yes what Lisa is saying is you are flip flopping. Don’t
do this again. Stand for what you say and don’t look back!
Jumbo is great! wear blinkers if you have to. Look forward
and don’t look around okay!
Me: I hear you girls
They hugged me
Me: I was awful that day at work i had a long day forgive me
Me: Be mad at that girl but be mad at her for the right reason
the reason she wanted to abort your child without your
knowledge not because she is pregnant.
Me: If your parents are strict they don’t have to know. Take
your allowance and support your child. I am sure my son
will keep buying you clothes.
Me: A word
He laughed
Me: Go back to your friend now
I bit my lip hard then turned the door handle and opened the
door. She laid my daughter on the boxes that were inside.
Me: Take your dirty fingers out of my daughter’s Vagina!!!!!
Right now i don’t know how i feel. I feel like i am losing both
parents. My mother is evil and the entire country knows that.
How do i walk on the streets? How do i go to University
when my mother murdered so many people? People are not
going to care that she killed my father too. The fact that she
is my mother will make people whisper when i walk past
them. I don’t know what to do right now. If i had a way to
hide i would. If there was a way to reverse everything my
mother did i was going to make sure we go back. She hurt so
many people and the hurtful part about it all is the fact that
she hurt family this family. How can mom kill mama V
when she was such an amazing Human. Did she kill her
because she was a selfless person only she could wish to be?
Was it jealousy? She knew that she couldn’t do the things she
did and intimidation made her do this? i don’t know.
I looked at Zukhanye
I looked at her
Onele: I know how you feel and i hate her too but i cannot
say i am done with her
Zukhanye looked at me
Me: Nxa!
Me: We are not really friends and it’s not the time!
Dad: I don’t know why this woman felt the need to do this to
Valerie when she was nothing but good to her. She was the
one who loved your mother for me.
Me: Little did she know she made her murderer family
Zukhanye: How can mom do this? i know she was not the
best mom. I knew she had a cold heart but i didn’t think she
was capable of murder!
Dad: Yes but i wanted to make sure you are okay before i let
him in. Why don’t we walk down?
Me: Okay
Me: Okay?
Dad: Bokang...
Zukhanye looked at me
Me: Half-sister. Maybe that is why she is calling me? i didn’t
Ntosh: They are chasing the news that is all that matters to
Ntosh: And she was walking tall like she is the most
honourable woman in the room. Talk about a witch!
Me: I need a drink
I smiled
Ntosh: Because you were a bitch to his wife and now you are
sneaking into his DM. Has it ever occurred to you that this
man might share his phone with his wife? Are you trying to
break their marriage?
Me: Of course not!
Lisa: Just an hour ago in that balcony i told you i was tired of
having the same conversation with you! I am tired to listen to
Ntosh trying to help you and you always think she is trying
to be mean. We want what is best for you here. If we didn’t
we would tell that woman that you have been screwing her
man and you are obsessed with him!
Ntosh: You are a sad person friend and your sadness will
ruin what you have with that amazing man!
I looked at her
I swallowed hard
When i left that car i decided to buy a new sim card from the
somalian shops. I am so happy that i got my money back. I
need to go to the country (rural areas) Somewhere where
people don’t care about politics and the news and lay low for
a bit until i find a way to escape the country or maybe i could
stay there and pretend to be poor. In rural areas people can
be clueless about what is happening in the world and i want
to go where there is no electricity. I need very hard-core rural.
I can survive the same way they do. That is actually my plan
but the question is how am i going to get there when i don’t
have a car when my name is probably out there. I think i will
need to do exactly that and my sister is going to help me do
that. Family don’t turn on each other on the time of crisis
that is why i have already contacted her. I know they will be
following her so that is why she cannot know where i am or
come here. I talked to her about two possible plans and if one
doesn’t work we work on the other one.
Anyway i just loaded data to my phone. I want to know what
is going on in the social media space
I don’t need data i never did. There is Wi-Fi at the house and
at work. It breaks my heart to have to lose my job when i
worked so hard to get where i am.
Me: I don’t think you are crying because you are scared to
die. I think you are crying because i took my money from
Me: Good
Me: Oh My God!
Guy: Hey this side! It’s her! Look at that ass and hips!
Oh no!
I said asking the guy to stop the car. He didn’t stop. I was
slapping the car the people a lot of them came in front of me
carrying everything you can think of
Guy: You are a murderer! You are going to die the same way
comrade Valerie died
I reached for my gun in the plastic and came out with it
Me: If you know what is good for you! I suggest you open
the way for me or some of you will...
I felt something heavy hit the back of my head to my surprise
i didn’t faint i fell down with my gun falling afar. God really
wants me to feel the pain as i am being killed by these people?
I was hearing police asking people to stay away. They didn’t
listen they were on top of me beating me up. That was all i
could remember i just got numb and maybe i died or fainted
but that was all i could remember. My mind and sight just
Mom: Help!!
Me: Help us!!!
They opened the door then ran to us some ran to the rooms
to check
Me: She is not here! She just left in disguise. She is wearing
my mother’s clothes and she is carrying a red plastic find her!
Me: Yes after the conference i came home and i found her
here with mom tied like that
I was crying. An officer got a call
Officer: Yes?
Officer: The community got her and they are attacking her if
we don’t get to them now we will find her dead
Detective: I can hear the noise untie them some of us will run
They ran out one officer untied us. I ran to mom and hugged
her crying. She was also crying the officer walked out leaving
us hugging and crying in each other’s arms
Mom: We almost died!
Mom: Answer!
I answered
Me: Hello
I swallowed hard
Aunt: What?
Auntie: Yeah but i don’t want to tell them. They will have an
attitude towards me because of the relationship you had with
Me: Yeah...
Summer: I knew it! I knew she was not going to just run
away without hurting more people. As much as she doesn’t
want to get caught but she wants to make sure by the time
she is everyone who wronged her is gone.
I walked away. Summer followed me i heard her heels
behind me
Me: No!
I turned around
Me: Joe
Everyone stood up looking at me. When i say everyone i
mean my brother Mama Nomzi Marybeth and Sakhe
Me: Joe when you find that woman tell the police to shoot to
Joe: Mr...
Me: Onele!
Me: Look bro i am sorry. I am just angry that she did this.
Look listen i will call Joe and ask him not to do it
Me: Your mother is not going to die and you are not alone.
You have us your brothers and Your sister
Sakhe: Hey
Me: Hey
I stood up
Sakhe: I know it is not going to be easy for you man but let’s
hope she is found and is safely taken to the police custody
because out there she is not safe
Me: That is what i want too. I don’t mind her spending the
rest of her life in prison but death
Sakhe exhaled
Him: I know and i heard what Pamela did. This girl is insane.
I don’t think i want to be with someone who could do that to
my friend’s family
Me: Aren’t you saying that because now you know you have
Me: My sister
It feels so weird to call Bokang my sister. I cannot believe my
dad is not my dad and my real dad was killed by my own
mother the same mother i wish she doesn’t die. I am really
Sakhe: What?
Me: Turns out Bongane Mahlangu was Bokang’s dad too
Sakhe: What?
Me: Yeah and she also didn’t get a chance meet him
Me: So you are throwing the towel because you like Bokang?
Sakhe: Onele Pamela is a scam. She embarrasses me. How
can she do this to your family?
Me: Yeah i was shocked because we just had a nice chat then
two hours later she was blackmailing my family
Sakhe: Well it turns out your mom held her and her mom
Me: What?
I said looking at him in shock
I ran to my phone
Me: What?
Me: Yeah
Sakhe: Sure
Sakhe: Yet!
I laughed
Me: You have a child on the way don’t neglect your father
duties man
Sakhe: I will see that girl when she is a mother. Right now i
don’t want to see her face. She disgusts me.
Me: You understand why i was upset with what Ndlalifa said
when we walked down right?
Sihlwele: You don’t want us to do something we will regret
same reason you didn’t want us to know while she was still
here yeah you did tell us
Me: Son you know your mother was the only woman i loved
with my whole heart!
Sihlwele: But you didn’t believe her when she had
reservations about Nomzuzu
Me: Son i know but you know your mother and i were not
doing things other couples do. When i got to do that with
another woman i got excited and i was happy. Son you are
old and you know what a woman could make you
He looked down
Sihlwele: I am not but i will not stand here and let you use
my situation to justify what you did to mom! I do understand
what you say but don’t use emotional blackmail to me.
Marybeth was acting crazy! i saw an old friend and she is
pretty so yes! ...
He looked around and looked at me when he made sure no
one could hear him
Me: Okay son. But the reason i pulled you aside is I don’t
want that witch to die without giving answers into why she
did this.
Sihlwele: I hear you pa and i want that too but you know
your wife. She is selfish. She only cares about herself. I
wouldn’t be surprised if she says she felt like she wasn’t
getting the attention she needed. That is what she has been
moaning about!
Me: They are onto her but no call yet. Son i want that
woman to stay alive so she could tell us why she did this. I
think we will not heal if she dies before we saw her alive
Ndlalifa: I am sorry dad i want her dead i just cannot say that
in front of her kids. She cannot live and i will not let that
Me: Son!
Onele: Dad!
Ndlalifa: What?
Everyone stood up
Onele: Is she okay?
Ndlalifa: Let’s...
Summer: Do nothing!
Summer: I am sorry Onele bit that is how they will see it. We
are not murderers; we don’t want her to die. We want her to
pay. So i don’t think it is a good idea for us to go there more
especially for Sihlwele and Ndlalifa
Me: I know how you feel boys. The time to confront her will
come when she is behind that prison glass. For now her kids
and i as her husband should be there
Ndlalifa: Okay you can go
Me: Onele and Zukhanye and Sakhe you can come with us.
Go get jackets and sunglasses to avoid the press. We have to
Summer: Yeah....
i realised how much i missed her. It was good to see her and
felt good about hugging her unlike the past few days where
we were always fighting about her behaviour. I hope she will
take advantage of today and try to make amends with
Summer and us. Our marriage was affected by this.
I smiled at her
She looked at me
Marybeth: The plan was to stay at home for a few days then
come back and talk to her. I feel like it is too soon but at the
same time i am here now and we cannot go on if we don’t
talk about it. So i want to talk to her sometime today
Marybeth: And i meant what i said when i left. I will not get
my baby gender revealed like that. I want us to do a Gender
Reveal party or do it at my baby shower
Marybeth: Yeah?
Detective: You are welcome sir and here are her things
Mzwanele chuckled
Nomzuzu: I am sorry
Mzwanele: You are sorry? You think sorry will bring back
my wife?
Nomzuzu: I am sorry
Mzwanele: Stop with your sorry excuse and tell me why you
murdered my wife you evil woman!
Mzwanele: What?
Nomzuzu: Oh My God
Nomzuzu: I am so sorry
Mzwanele: Your sorry will not bring back the lives you took.
You are going to rot in prison and i will make sure you die
Stella: Both
Dad: Stella go. And tell your father i want to see him later. I
will appreciate if he comes over
Stella: Okay uncle
Dad: Son i wouldn’t care if she was or not. Her getting hurt
wouldn’t hurt me. I know she is your mother but in my eyes
she is a murderer! A selfish wicked woman who only thinks
for herself! She didn’t make me feel like this! Her injuries
don’t make me cry! I don’t care i just want her behind bars!
Zukhanye: No!
She quickly stopped me then smiled
She smiled
Me: And?
Dad: I don’t want to talk about it
Sakhe looked at me
Me: Okay dad i respect that. I guess i will ask her myself
when i walk in.
Writing the article i wrote i was very worried about how the
family was going to be to me even though they haven’t
voiced how they felt about what i did i appreciate how they
have been treating me so far. They don’t seem to hate me for
it and i am glad that they are so understanding when it comes
to my job.
Me: Crap!
Venduka: okay
Me: That is the thing sweetheart i cannot ask him about that
right now. I am giving you money from my own pocket
I hung up. Who the hell does this bitch think she is? That
great was sarcastically said
Me: Hi mom
Mom: Yeah
Me: Was this mine?
I sighed
Me: Hi dad
Dad: i always knew that woman was evil that is why i never
liked her.
Me: i know. she is the devil dad. How can she do this?
Me: Dad!
Dad: i will kill that woman and she better die before i get to
He said walking to the door
Me: Father!
He turned around
Me: I know
Dad: Then you will let me walk out of here with nothing
coming out of your mouth
Me: Dad you cannot go to jail at your age. The reason uncle
Mzwanele didn’t tell my cousins was because he didn’t want
them to kill that woman and ruin their lives!
Dad: My sister made sure my retirement is going to be
comfortable. I don’t care if i go to jail as long i know you
guys are taken care of!
Me: Tata!
I answered
Her: Okay
I hung up.
Marybeth: hi
Me: Hi
Marybeth: I am even nervous and embarrassed to do this
I attempted to stand up
Me: Okay
I sat back down
Me: Marybeth! Let me stop you right there! you are not
going to use what happened today to justify your behaviour
and if you are then i will stand up and leave because you
know as much as i know that no one knew that Nomzuzu
killed mama and i did say why i did what i did. All i wanted
was the fundraiser to go well and i knew with her happy
things would go well but i was wrong because she ruined the
night anyway but i must say i didn’t fail. They were good as
a couple which i wanted but i didn’t know about her beef
with that Pamela girl Now... Why did you want to talk to me
Me: Before i apologise i just want to tell you that the reason i
initially acted like a bitch
Me: Even though i don’t agree with what you did and why
you did it i guess i see where you come from but you know
me. Why didn’t you come to me and ask what is going on?
Marybeth you know me i will do anything if i know it will
benefit this family
Marybeth: I know
Me: So it didn’t occur to you that i might’ve been up to
i wasn’t sure if i knew you anymore but i have to be honest.
When i told my husband about a possible cheating that was
wrong and i apologise for it. I should’ve asked you
Me: That was my issue with you. Why don’t you come get
answers from me? Why go to his brother? All week last week
i have been asking myself if you wanted me gone from this
I smiled
Me: Thanks
This woman still had this chemical in her handbag after she
just killed my brother’s father with it. This shows she was
going to kill someone. With mom alive there are so many
innocent people who are going to die. This woman is evil. I
cannot believe she is my mother. She ruined our lives what
she did will stay forever and our lives now are tainted forever
and that is all her fault. I have to put an ends to this once and
for all. Mom is someone who do things and say they were
mistake a mistake is something you do once and learn a
lesson and you never do it again. Mom say whatever she
does is a mistake but a minute later she will do it again. I am
not going to let her kill another human being on my watch.
I feel bad i feel selfish that my brother will not have a chance
to say goodbye to our beloved mother. With what is said
about this chemical by the time i leave her ward she will be
dead. I feel bad that i didn’t let my brother go first so he
could say his goodbyes even though he wouldn’t have known
it was the last time.
Nomzuzu: I...
She closed her eyes she couldn’t turn because of her head
Me: i am not here to find out why you killed Mama V. I
know why you killed her. You are an evil mother!
She was trying to shake her head no she was trying to stop
Me: You killed so many people with this and now it is your
I furiously went to her drip and injected it with the chemical
all of it then went to her and kissed her forehead. Machines
started beeping
Me: Relax
I said brushing her back. Oh i saw this woman on tv.
Bongane’s wife. She came for the same reason as me.
Me: I did it
Msangano: My sister!
Me: Do you know why i didn’t tell you about him? Bongane?
Bokang: Before the police arrived you did tell me is that the
Me: Yes i didn’t want you to find out and then that
information affects what is going on in your life. I wanted
you to first give the crown to someone else then introduce
you to him
Bokang: Why now? I mean you could’ve done this years ago
when i was a child
I chuckled
Me: I kind of knew you were lying when you said you forgot
to check your emails. You are always checking your emails
Bokang: That was my PI.
Bokang: I was going to go see him and tell him how i feel
about him and how i feel about how he is treating his
children. He was probably silenced with money and he
accepted it and never wanted to get to know Onele. I don’t
know his reason for staying away from me and i assume you
I swallowed hard
Me: What you were going to say to him do you think after
you talked you were going to think about forgiving him? He
was still your dad
Girl: We are done. We can give you space to rest and come
collect our stuff when you decide to stand up
Bokang: We will go to the bedroom and talk you guys can
clean up
Girl: Okay
Me: Thank you for not being angry with me. I would
understand if you were though
Me: I am disappointed with her too but she said she was
done with mom. I am confused why she...
I took out my phone then saw her coming out of the elevator
Zukhanye: That was aunt. The nurses just told her mom
Me: What!?
Me: Please don’t say that. Dad mom is not dead! I refuse to
believe this
Dad: Son we have to go home now
Me: No!
Zukhanye: To me?
Me: Because you were insensitive. She was like that and you
decided to ask her that?
Zukhanye: I am sorry but for her to still have this in her
handbag reminded me of how cruel she was
Dad: No matter what she was still your mom and for the
record i am hurt too because i loved your mother for
twenty-two years. I am hurt she is gone but i will call the
doctor and ask what happened.
She swallowed
Me: She didn’t
Dad: i don’t think that was the case baby. Your mother loved
both of you. She just thought you would go in together
I cannot believe both my parents are gone and i have
unanswered questions i have for both of them. What is going
on with my life? What will i be without my mom? She never
really gave me anything. It was always dad who gave me
money but she was my mom and i loved her. I cannot believe
she left me just after i found out my father is dead and was
killed by her. I had so many questions for her. i couldn’t
confront her for killing dad.
Me: Astrid!
Astrid smiled
I smiled
Me: Anyway guys i hate spoiling this but there are things we
need to talk about and hopefully i am not crossing a line.
They looked at me
Me: We don’t know Nomzuzu’s state right now. We might
not find the answers father says he is looking for. I was
thinking we should ask father to take us through that week or
that day mama passed. Maybe there was a fight we don’t
know about. Maybe he will remember something
Ndlalifa: Me too.
“Making headlines at this hour it looks like Mzwanele
Vatshula’s wife Nomzuzu just passed away at the hospital
few minutes ago
Us: What!?
Me: Vatshula
Call: So you called me knowing what your wife did to my
I swallowed hard
Caller: What?
Me: I saw her; she was injured but she looked fine. Five
minutes later i heard crying coming from her ward. She
passed away
Me: I understand
He hung up
Sihlwele stood up
Sihlwele: i don’t.
Onele: She passed before i could see her then auntie chased
us away. She doesn’t want us anywhere near mom. She says
dad humiliated mom
Ndlalifa: She looks like she is just like Zuzu. She says that
after everything that was revealed? I understand she is her
sister but the thigs Nomzuzu did are inhuman!
Buzumzum looked at me
Ndlalifa: What?
Summer: Exactly!
Me: I know and i regret that but what i don’t regret are my
children. They are the only thing good came out of that
Summer: Let’s say she does cool down and wants to involve
you father what does that mean?
I looked at Summer
Me: If i would bury that woman here. None of the comrade
would come. No one would respect me. Nomzuzu killed my
wife. I am not going to bury her. They can bury her i will
help where i can but she is no longer a wife in this family
they can have her.
Lisa: And she looked gorgeous. It looked like she was having
the time of her life
Ntosh: Little did she know it was her last time. I feel bad for
her kids no matter what she was she was the mother to them.
The love cannot just go away
Lisa: I know right
Me: What?
Ntosh: I get what you mean but girl the risks you are willing
to take to be recognised by that family are rather scary
I swallowed hard
Ntosh: Preach girl! At least someone else is saying it! i
always give you the mean truth you don’t want to hear. I am
glad Lisa sees what i am seeing
Ntosh: That man cheated on his wife and you are a reminder
of what he did wrong. So you always popping into his life
when he closed that chapter i can understand why he would
feel the way he is feeling
Me: Well tough! He cannot just erase me when i have his
child in my stomach! He should be sucking my ass instead of
pissing me off!
Me: Hey
Him: Hey Venduka i just saw an E! teaser for their tonight
show and i saw you were asked about the controversial thing
that happened on the show. I really hope you didn’t say
anything that will upset the station because there were talks
that you were going to join Summer on her Saturday show it
will be changed and it will be Saturday and Sunday show.
Not counting the charts just a fun weekend breakfast
Me: What?
Me: Wow thanks! Well they asked if i was fired. I told them i
was put off air because of what happened but i was told i
would go back but i also might’ve said i was disappointed
that nothing was said about my sudden disappearance i don’t
know if that would upset the station?
Him: I don’t know too but let’s hope not and i hope that is
how far you went. It doesn’t look too bad even though that
does sound like you were bashing the station
Me: Yeah
Ntosh: What?
Me: The station was not just quiet they were planning my
future! they are having talks about getting me my radio show
I rolled my eyes
Lisa: What?
Ntosh: Who?
Ntosh: What?
Ntosh: And you cannot ask Tasha to cut off some parts
because she cannot stand you!
Me: Yeah
Lisa: And she is not bad at her job she gives it her all. She is
always trying to prove the doubters wrong. People think
influencers they are just pretty It’s like models. No one trust
them to do great.
Me: Hey
Me: He is going through a lot just give him few days he will
call you
Bokang: Okay
I chuckled
Me: Okay
how is Onele?
Moose: Let’s go
Summer: I have known this for a few weeks now but i didn’t
know how to tell you guys because i didn’t want to put
pressure on my husband. I feel like us having a child is
always putting so much pressure on him. We are young to be
worried about that. Things will happen when the time is
Me: Baby i don’t know what you are trying to say. What
does us having a child and father’s health affect each other?
Summer: Because baby if you found out you were not going
to want to have a child. Now that you guys know that
something is wrong with him. What do you think we must
do? By the way when i get pregnant i was thinking i should
leave the house so that father doesn’t find out because that
person who came to me said he doesn’t know whether he
will die when he finds out we are expecting or when the baby
is born. So the moment i know i am pregnant i was going to
tell you guys everything then make you decide what i should
do. We don’t want father to die
Summer: Nothing and the day i lied about where i was i went
to see that person who told me these things and i couldn’t tell
you guys. Sorry i lied and i know the damage it almost did
Sihlwele: Yeah
Marybeth: Excuse me
She walked away
Me Oh i see now
We looked at her
Summer: Fate
Marybeth: Summer said this person said when the baby is
born or he finds out she is pregnant he will pass. You cannot
control fate but at the same time we cannot just sit around.
We have to do whatever it takes but we need to know what is
going on with his health right now and make sure he tells us
the truth
I Saw Mama V standing next to the window. I am not
dreaming this is her yes i was half asleep because i opened
my eyes and saw her and i am on my bed so i am assuming i
just woke up. When i saw it was her i stood up. She was not
looking at me. She was looking the other way out the
window to be specific.
Me: Mama?
She sat on her and started reviving her. I thought she was
going to beat her for killing her but she was trying to save her.
She was performing CPR on her
She was annoyed. I don’t get it. Why did she save her if she
didn’t want her to live? She came to me and hugged me
Zukhanye: i am sorry
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