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The Effect of Mobile Devices in Senior High School Students Academic Learning o

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The Effect of Mobile Devices in Senior High School Students' Academic Learning on

LKBP Integrated School Year 2020-2021

A Research Paper

Presented to

Mr. Christian Bern Dela Cruz

Thesis Adviser

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in

Practical Research II for the


Accountancy, Business and Management Track

General Academic Strand

Villano, Kathleen Joy M.

Sulit, Kyla Marie O.

Carrillo, Mike Christan A.

MAY 2021

This thesis titled The Effect of Mobile Devices in Senior High School Students' Academic
Learning on LKBP Integrated School Year 2020-2021 prepared and submitted by Kathleen
Joy Villano ,Mike Christan A Carrillo and Kyla Sulit in partial fulfilment of the requirements for
the Practical Research 2, has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval.
Mr. Christian Bern S. Dela Cruz

Thesis Adviser

Accepted and approved by the Thesis Review Panel

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Practical Research 2

Panel Member Panel Member

Lead Panelist


Thesis Coordinator Principal

MAY 2021

Title of research: The Effect of Mobile Devices in Senior High School Students' Academic
Learning on LKBP Integrated School Year 2020-2021

Researchers: Villano, Kathleen Joy M. Carrillo, Mike Christan A.

Sulit, Kyla Marie O.

Track and Strand; Academic Track, Accountancy, Business and Management, General
Academic Strand

Date of Completion: May 2021

Key words:

The purpose of this study is to know the effect of using mobile devices in student academic
learning from LKBP Integrated school using mobile devices is timely and relevant in our
generation this is being part of education system all over the world as researcher student we
wanted to conduct this kind of study to inform our future reader regarding to the topic the
method we used is quantitative research design to analyze data gathered in fact we conducted
survey quiz for each strand in LKBP Integrated school the quiz was related to their strand the
will be proof that using mobile devices has an impact in their academic learning and also we get
the grading system as base of our study and regard in related study we involved a lot of study in
this research to make it concreted and realistic theory the researcher indicated Ubiquitous
Learning as main theory for the result this study had positive result that using mobile devices
have an positive effect in student academic learning in LKBP Integrated student

TITLE PAGE ………………………………………………………………………….. i

APPROVAL SHEET ………………………………………………………………….. ii.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………………… iii

ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………….......... iv.

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………........... v.
LIST OF TABLES …………………………………………………………………….. vi.
LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………………….. vii.

Background of the Study…………………………………………..

Statement of the Problem .………………………………………...

Objective of the Study …………………………………………….

Hypothesis …………………………………………………………

Significance of the Study …………………………………………..

Scope and Limitations ……………………………………………..

Definition of Terms …………………………………………………



Theoretical Framework …………………………………………………

Conceptual Framework …………………………………………………

Related Studies ………………………………………………………….

Research Design………………………………………………….
Respondents & Samplings ………………………………………
Research Instrument …………………………………………….
Data Gathering ………………………………………………….
Development …………………………………………………….
Changes ………………………………………………………….


Figure 1: Are you using mobile devices? (e.g smartphones, tablet, laptop)

Figure 1.1: Are you using mobile devices? (e.g smartphones, tablet, laptop)

Figure 2: Using mobile devices enhances academic learning

Figure 2.1: Using mobile devices enhances academic learning

Figure 3: What is your general average in your 1st semester?

Figure 3.1: What is your general average in your 1st semester?

Figure 4: Cheating on quizzes with use of mobile devices to boost academic achievement
Figure 4.1: Cheating on quizzes with use of mobile devices to boost academic

Figure 5: Paying attention to other things that are not connected with the lesson such as
application in mobile devices than listening to teachers

Figure 5.1: Paying attention to other things that are not connected with the lesson such as
application in mobile devices than listening to teachers

Figure 6: Listening to music as way to concentrate from memorizing

Figure 6.1: Listening to music as way to concentrate from memorizing

Figure 7: Using mobile phone as an equipment for learning

Figure 7.1: Using mobile phone as an equipment for learning

Figure 8: ABM students result on the quiz.

Figure 9: GAS students results on the quiz.

Figure 10: Summary of Result from Academic Track.

Figure 11: FBS studenta result on the quiz.

Figure 12: ICT students results on the quiz.

Figure 13: Summary of Results from Tech-voc Track.


Summary of Findings ……………………………………..





Background of the Study

"Mobile phones are misnamed. They should be called gateways to human knowledge."
- Ray Kurzweil

Technology allows students to have easy access to knowledge, learn faster, and practice
what they've learned in a fun way. It allows students to delve deeper into difficult topics and
learn about new subjects. The COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly showing why online education is
an important component of teaching and learning. Teachers should harness online learning as a
powerful teaching tool by incorporating technology into current curricula, rather than using it
exclusively as a crisis-management tool. Students' participation can be increased, teachers' lesson
plans can be improved, and personalized learning can be facilitated through the use of digital
learning resources in the classroom. Students' participation can be increased, teachers' lesson
plans can be improved, and personalized learning can be facilitated through the use of digital
learning resources in the classroom. It also assists students in developing critical 21st-century
Technology education is the study of technology in which students "learn about
technological processes and skills." It is a field of study that deals with people's ability to form
and alter the physical world to suit their needs by using techniques to manipulate materials and
resources. It addresses the gap between widespread adoption and a lack of understanding of the
technological components of the systems in use and how to repair them. This new discipline
aims to improve students' overall scientific and technical literacy as well as their technology.
Educational technology focuses on a more narrow subset of technology use that revolves around
the use of technology in and for education as opposed to technology education's focus on
technology's use in general.

The term "electronic learning system" refers to an educational network that operates over
the Internet. Learning through an Electronic Learning Management System (LMS features)
produces positive learning experiences and outcomes due to its convenience and versatility.
Given the current environment of rapidly evolving markets, scattered workforces, and
dependence on online systems, they often complement most – if not all – industries. E-learning is
a learning system that is focused on formalized instruction but uses electronic tools. Although
teaching may take place in or out of the classroom, E-learning makes education flexible because
there is no limitation of time and space, so E-learning makes learning easier to learn. In this
generation mobile devices has become a major part of life especially in this pandemic.

Technology has been argued as having a positive impact on our way of thinking. Steve
Johnson (2005), in his nationally bestselling book Everything Bad is Good for You, posited that
technology is making us more intelligent due our means of obtaining, interpreting, and
processing information. Many studies have discussed how technology affects our brains and
impacts how much its use affects the way that we think and perform.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to know if using mobile devices in their study has a significant effect on a
student's academic performance.

The study aims to answer the following questions:

Main question: How does using mobile devices affect the academic performance of Senior High
School Students from LKBP Integrated School?

Specific Questions:
1. What are the significant effects of using mobile devices to the students?
2. Does mobile devices help the students to study more?
3. Does it affect positively or negatively to the students?

The researchers will get information from existing study that is related to this research for
them to accomplish their goal and to know if using mobile devices affects the student’s academic
performances positively or negatively.
Specific Objectives:
1. To know the significant effects of using mobile devices to students.
2. To distinguish if mobile devices help the students to study more.
3. To see if it affects positively or negatively to the student’s academic performance.

Mobile devices have positive effects on the student’s academic performances because
using mobile phones when studying or doing homework helps the students find references from
google instantly. Searching for examples and brief explanations of a certain topic through the
internet is way easier and more convenient than opening books or notes. Using mobile phones or
any kind of gadgets is really convenient especially with the current situation the world is facing.
As people know, every resource a person needs for studying like books, lectures, and tutorials
can be stored and accessed through mobiles. In this study, mobile devices have positive effects
on the student’s academic performances.

Significance of the Study

LKBP Integrated School's Senior High School Students - They are the most benefited in this
study because using mobile devices may affect their academic performances.

LKBP Integrated School's Teachers and Advisers - Teachers are also benefited in this study
because they can teach and guide the implementation of using mobile devices to their students.

Family of the Students - Parents are included as the beneficiaries because the study will give
them ideas about mobile devices affecting students' academic performances so they can guide
their children in a right way.

Future Researchers - This study will help the future researchers as their basis when they are
going to conduct a study related to this. They can get information they need for their research.
Scope and Limitations

This study focuses on mobile devices affecting the academic performance of Senior High
School Students from LKBP Integrated School. This study was limited to 30 respondents. The
respondent is limited to senior high school students of LKBP Integrated School. The study will
not cover other problems that are not related to the topic.

Definition of Terms

Electronic Learning System - refers to an educational network that operates over the Internet.

Mobile devices - are a piece of portable electronic equipment that can connect to the internet,
especially a smartphone or tablet computer."whether you're on a mobile device or a desktop,
good security practices are the best way to avoid these threats"

Academic - Relating to education and scholarship. Not of practical relevance; of only

theoretical interest. A teacher or scholar in a college or institute of higher education.

Online Learning - an emerging approach to learn at students’ own premise through advanced
information-communication technologies (such as Blackboard, Moodle, YouTube, Virtual
Reality) either asynchronously or synchronously.

Pandemic - is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing
international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”.

Knowledge - awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation.

Delve deeper - is a turn-based Adventure/Strategy game for Windows that combines HD pixel
art, tile placement, and RPG elements in a bright and humorous atmosphere.

Harness - a set of straps and fittings by which a horse or other draft animal is fastened to a cart,
plow, etc. and is controlled by its driver.

Powerful - having great power or strength

Ability - talent, skill, or proficiency in a particular area.

Scattered - occurring or found at intervals or various locations rather than all together.

Versatility - ability to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.


Theoretical Framework
A theory is a set of accepted beliefs or organized principles that explain and guide
analysis. Some theories helped the researchers in conducting this study that they can explain the
important ideas related to the study.

Mobile Learning Theory

A theory of mobile learning is essential when thinking of the role of mobility and
communication in learning environments. (Sharples, Taylor, & Vavoula, 2005). In mobile
learning, students learn across both space and time and move from topic to topic. Like a blended
environment, learners move in and out of engagement with technology. A key point in mobile
learning theory is that it is the learner that is mobile, not the technology (Shuler, 2009). As
devices are ubiquitous, learning can be interwoven with activities part of everyday life. Control
of mobile learning environments can be distributed, and context is constructed by learners
through their interaction with devices and with each other. They acknowledge that mobile
learning can both complement and conflict with format education, and it raises ethical issues
both of privacy and ownership.

Ubiquitous Learning
An everyday learning environment that is supported by mobile and embedded computers and
wireless networks in our everyday life. It is aimed to provide learners with content and
interaction anytime and anywhere. The learning process includes the real-life experience
augmented with virtual information and is adapted to the learner and learner’s environment. The
content objects, activities, and the interaction with the system and with other humans are
customized according to learner’s current goals of learning, interests and preferences, cognitive
characteristics, history and current state of competency in the subject matter in hand, the
characteristics and demands of the location, the technology being used as the medium and
facilitator for learning, and the context of the situation in which the learning is taking place.
Conceptual Framework


Aims to know if using
Data Gathering
mobile devices in their
Data Analysis
study has a significant Interpretation of Data
effect on a student's Statistical Treatment
academic learning.

Student’s comprehension
on the effects of mobile
devices on their
academic learning.


The conceptual framework shows the input that is the problem of this study which aims to know
if using mobile devices in their study has a significant effect on student’s academic learning. The
next is the process to answer the study’s aim which is Survey, Data Gathering, Data Analysis,
Interpretation of Data, and Statistical Treatment. And lastly the output which is the outcome of
input and process. The output is the student’s comprehension on the effects of mobile devices to
their academic learning.
Related Studies
These study reviewed related literature from the internet organized under teh following sub-
● The Use And Effect Of Smartphones In Students’ Learning Activities
● The Impact of Mobile Devices on Student’s Learning
● Impact of Smartphone Usage on Academic Performance Among Students of Higher

● Impact of Mobile Phone Usage on Academic Performance

● Mobile Devices for Learning

The Use And Effect Of Smartphones In Students’ Learning Activities

Almansour and Alzougool (2017) undertoo2k a study on “the use of smartphones for
learning activities by university students in Kuwait”, the study recorded that, the use of
smartphones performs prodigious roles in students learning activities. For instance, students use
smartphones for registering courses, checking lecture time tables and exams schedules, checking
grades, having group discussion, reading announcements and for the payment of school fees and
many more. Similarly, the usage of smartphones among Malaysian students was reported in the
works of Mohtar Hassan, Hassan, and Osman (2013). The study revealed that university students
in Malaysia had adopted smartphones as a necessity for learning at higher learning institutions.
Students used smartphones for sharing notes between classmates, recording lectures, as well as
helping to take pictures of assignments for future reference and sharing exam results on
Facebook through their smartphones.
Ifeanyi and Chukwuere (2018) postulated that the use of smartphones on students has
both a negative and positive effect depending on how it is used. Further, the author emphasizes
on the negative side of the coin where the smartphone has become a great distraction to studies.
For instance, there is a high propensity that students who are glued to their smartphone check
updates or notification almost every minute if not strictly controlled. Consequently, this diverts
their focus from their studies and even at a lecture time when a lecturer is at the peak of teaching.
The author concluded that the effect of smartphones on academic performance or the learning of
students is mixed with challenges.

In a study conducted by Jung (2014) on determinants impacting learners’ satisfaction and

performance with smartphones in North-West University (NWU) in South Africa, it was
revealed that one of the usefulness of smartphones is the ability to enable users to study
anywhere and at any time, making learning more attractive. In the same study, it was brought to
bear that smartphones support students’ learning activities in myriad ways such as downloading
study materials, recording of live lectures, accessing lecture slides at a convenient time, aiding in
research work and doing assignments.

The Impact of Mobile Devices on Student’s Learning

The very same academic research study as above also demonstrated another effect of the
mobile device on student learning. Researchers in this study found that the students who were
using the mobile device through their learning had higher academic achievements compared to
the control group who are learning in the classroom. This means that those students that were
using mobile device had better scores and academic achievements.

Impact of Smartphone Usage on Academic Performance Among Students of Higher

Smartphones and tablets play a very significant role in higher learning student’s information
seeking behaviour in meeting their learning and research needs. This paper explores the impact
of Smartphones on academic performance of higher learning students. The study revealed a high
level of awareness about the usage of smartphones by higher learning students for their academic
works. Results showcase that smartphones have tremendous impact on their higher education.
Especially with easy internet access and high speed browsing as it saves time and money rather
than going to cybercafé/college library. Moreover, lack of experts who are technically strong
repairs during fault occurrence, operational difficulties, high cost of data subscription from
service providers and fragility are the major problems that are encountered while using

Impact of Mobile Phone Usage on Academic Performance

Md. Moyazzem Hossain As cell phone technology continues its rapid development, the
device appears capable of contributing to student learning and improved academic performance.
The recent rapid increase in cell phones has influenced multiple aspects of our daily lives,
particularly those of Students. Therefore, the aim of the current study is to determine the
influence of the mobile phone usage on academic performance among male and female students
of Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. A face to face survey was conducted among 274
students which include 159 male students and 115 female students ranging from second year to
fourth year from different departments of Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. Results depict
that gender, age and relationship with opposite sex have a significant positive effect on students'
academic performance. However, marital status, spending time on a mobile phone, negative
effect of mobile phone and application usage while studying has a negative effect on students'
academic performance. Cell phones are undeniably convenient, helpful tools for study and can
be a hurtful source of distraction depending on the attitude and use pattern of a student. The
author, however, suggests that mobile phone designers must take into account how young people
use cell phones for educational purposes.

Mobile Devices for Learning

Druin (2009) states that the children of the present generation, whom we refer to as I-
children, can easily adapt to and manipulate all type of new technology and screen-based design.
However, the educational needs, skills and interests of these "I-children", who have a high
capacity to adapt themselves to new technologies, differ. Therefore, while it is essential to ensure
that these needs are met and educational environments are regulated accordingly, the social and
psychological effects of the new technologies must also be taken into consideration. Among
these technologies, mobile devices are those that are most convenient to use in the classroom and
in personal life. As a matter of fact, mobile devices seem to be capable of solving the dilemma
between the classroom and the computer laboratory by enabling students to participate in both
physical and virtual learning activities (Liu et al. 2003). With the same perspective, Rossing,
Miller, Cecil & Stamper (2012) define mobile learning as “the efficient and effective use of
wireless and digital devices and technologies to enhance learners’ individual outcomes during
participation in learning activities.” . Several studies have also reported that mobile learning
positively contributes to student success (De-Marcos et al. 2010; Hwang, Wu & Ke, 2011; Şad &
Akdağ, 2010). It is considered that also the use of mobile devices outside the classroom is
helpful for learning (Jacobijn Sandberg, Marinus Maris & Kaspar de Geus, 2011).

This chapter shows the methods and procedures used in this study. The researchers will
make this chapter to get information and to know how using mobile devices affect the academic
performance of Senior High School Students from LKBP Integrated School.

Methods and Techniques of the Study

The researchers used the quantitative research approach, it is a systematic investigation of
phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical, mathematical, or
computational techniques. The research design the researchers choose is the survey which can
be used as their way to collect datas from their respondents.

Population and Sample of the Study

Population is a comprehensive group of individuals, institutions, objects and so forth
which have common characteristics. The researchers get twenty-five (25) people from LKBP
Integrated School, Senior Highschool Students as their respondents. The researchers selected
their respondents by using simple random sampling, which each member of the population has
an exactly equal chance of being selected.

Research Instrument
The researchers use surveys as their research instruments to gather datas. They also use
scale because it will give precise information from the respondents and they can easily determine
if the significant effect of mobile devices on a student's academic performance will be positive or

Data Gathering Procedures

The researcher conducted this study with the twelfth grade students from LKBP
Integrated School to answer the problems in the survey to know the effects of using mobile
devices in their study. The researcher used a pre-validated instrument. The researchers can
generate quantitative information or data, which can be analyzed statistically. The survey was
composed of 2 sections which were related to the participant’s perception regarding the effects
of mobile devices on students’ academic performances.

Section 1 : Open Ended Questions, In this part, the researchers ask the respondents related
questions about our topic with the response of their own.

Section 2 : A Likert Scale Question , It consists of questions that are related to the research
problem and can be answered by choosing strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, and
strongly disagree.

Likert Scale Questions

● Strongly Agree

● Agree

● Undecided

● Disagree

● Strongly Disagree
Data Processing and Statistical Treatment
After collecting the gathered data, it will be encoded to the software which is the
Spreadsheet to tally the datas and percentage. The result will determine the significant effect of
using mobile devices on a student's academic performances. The frequency of each response will
be determined on the numbers of students who strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree and
strongly disagree with the survey questions.

The answers of the respondents will be determined by using the formula of the percentage.

P = f x 100 Where: P = Percentage F = Frequency N = Total Number of Respondents


Data Analysis Method and Procedures

The data used in this study were taken from the survey results from Senior Highschool
students from LKBP Integrated School. It was collected through surveys with a use of likert
scale. The survey was created using suitable questions for this study that is formed by the
researchers. The researchers distributed their survey through google form for them to easily
know the percentage of the respondent’s answers. Participants were given time to answer the
survey and submit it to the researcher who is responsible for the survey. The researchers will
make sure that emails that the participants submitted will be secured.

This chapter includes the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data that have been
gathered from the respondent’s answers from the surveys that the researchers conducted.
Figure 1: Are you using mobile devices? (e.g smartphones, tablet, laptop)

This graph figure shows that 100% of Senior high school used mobile such as (smartphone,
tablet, laptop)

Figure 1.1: Are you using mobile devices? (e.g smartphones, tablet, laptop)

Answers Respondents 25/25 Total %

Agree 25 100%

Disagree 0 0%

This table figure shows that 100% or 25 over 25 respondents used mobile devices
Figure 2: Using mobile devices enhances academic learning.
This figure shows that using mobile devices enhance academic learning of senior high
students from LKBP integrated school 64% (16) of them agree, 16% (4) undecided,16% (4)
strongly agree, 4% (1) disagree that mobile can enhance their academic learning.

Figure 2.1: Using mobile devices enhances academic learning.

Using mobile devices enhances
academic learning

Number of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 4 16.00%
Agree 16 64.00%
Undecided 4 16.00%
Disagree 1 4.00%

Strongly Disagree 0 0.00%

Total 25 100.00%

Formula: Total Respondents x Percentage 64% (0.64) = Number of Respondents

Number of Respondents/ Total Respondents x 100 = Percentage

This figure shows the number of respondent and the percentage base on their response by the
used of given formula

Figure 3: What is your general average in your 1st semester?

This figure shows that 8% which is equivalent to 2 student got 80 general average in their 1st
semester, 4% which equivalent to 1 student got 82 general average, 4% which equivalent to 1
student got 86 general average, 4% which equivalent to 1 student got 87 general average, 12%
which equivalent to 3 student got 88 general average, 12% which equivalent to 3 student got 89
general average, 8% which equivalent to 2 student got 90 general average, 16% which equivalent
to 4 student who got 91 general average, 8% which equivalent to 2 student got 92 general
average, 12% which equivalent to 3 student got 93 general average, 12% which equivalent to 3
got 94 general average with the total of 100% with 25 respondents.

Figure 3.1: What is your general average in your 1st semester?

Grades Number Total

80 2 8.05%

82 1 3.67%

86 1 3.85%

87 1 3.89%

88 3 11.81%

89 3 11.95%

90 2 8.05%

91 4 16.29%

92 2 8.23%

93 3 12.48%

94 3 12.62%

2235 25 100.89%
Formula: Grade x Number = Total Percentage
Total of grades

This figure shows the first semester general average of senior high school students. This shows
also that the majority of the respondents passed.

Figure 4: Cheating on quizzes with use of mobile devices to boost academic achievement

This figure is the result of cheating on quizzes with the use of mobile devices to boost
academic achievement. 52% (13) strong disagree then 28% (7) disagree, 12% (3) agree, 8% (2)
undecided with the total of 100%

Figure 4.1: Cheating on quizzes with use of mobile devices to boost academic achievement

Cheating on quizzes with use of mobile

devices to boost academic achievement

Number of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 0 0.00%

Agree 3 12.00%
Undecided 2 8.00%

Disagree 7 28.00%

Strongly Disagree 13 52.00%

Total 25 100.00%

Formula: Total Respondents x Percentage 12% (0.12) = Number of Respondents

Number of Respondents/ Total Respondents x 100 = Percentage

This figure shows the number of respondent and the percentage base on their response by the
used of given formula

Figure 5: Paying attention to other things that are not connected with the lesson such as
application in mobile devices than listening to teachers
This figure shows that 32% (8) disagree that they paying attention to other things that are
not connected with the lesson such as applications in mobile devices than listening to teachers,
24% (6) undecided,24% (6) agree, 20(5)% strong disagree with the total of 100%

Figure 5.1: Paying attention to other things that are not connected with the lesson such as
application in mobile devices than listening to teachers

Paying attention to other things that are

not connected with the lesson such as
application in mobile devices than
listening to teachers

Number of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 0 0.00%

Agree 6 24.00%

Undecided 6 24.00%

Disagree 8 32.00%

Strongly Disagree 5 20.00%

Total 25 100.00%
Formula: Total Respondents x Percentage 24% (0.24) = Number of Respondents
Number of Respondents/ Total Respondents x 100 = Percentage

This figure shows the number of respondent and the percentage base on their response by the
used of given formula

Figure 6: Listening to music as way to concentrate from memorizing

This figure shows that 32% (8) disagree that they listening to music as way to concentrate
from memorizing, 20% (5) strongly agree, 16% (4) undecided, 16% (4) agree, 16% (4) strongly
disagree with the total of 100%

Figure 6.1: Listening to music as way to concentrate from memorizing

Listening to music as way to concentrate
from memorizing

Number of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 20.00%

Agree 4 16.00%

Undecided 4 16.00%

Disagree 8 32.00%

Strongly Disagree 4 16.00%

Total 25 100.00%

Formula: Total Respondents x Percentage 20% (0.20) = Number of Respondents

Number of Respondents/ Total Respondents x 100 = Percentage

This figure shows the number of respondents and the percentage based on their response by the
use of a given formula.

Figure 7: Using mobile phone as an equipment for learning.

This figure shows 56% (14) agree that they using mobile phone as an equipment, 32% (8)
Strongly agree, 8% (2) disagree, 4% (1) undecided that they using mobile phone as an equipment
for learning.

Figure 7.1: Using mobile phone as an equipment for learning.

Using mobile phone as an

equipment for learning

Number of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 8 32.00%

Agree 14 56.00%

Undecided 1 4.00%

Disagree 2 8.00%

Strongly Disagree 0 0.00%

Total 25 100.00%

Formula: Total Respondents x Percentage 32% (0.32) = Number of Respondents

Number of Respondents/ Total Respondents x 100 = Percentage
This figure shows the number of respondent and the percentage base on their response by the
used of given formula.
Data result of the quiz that the researchers conducted to measure the academic learning of
the students with the use of their own knowledge regarding their strand and with the use of
mobile devices.

Figure 8: ABM students result on the quiz.

Scores without Score with

Names Searching Total % Searching Total %

Rochel Beltran 4 80% 4 80%

Mara Flores 4 80% 4 80%

Roniel Dionisio 1 20% 5 100%

Emanuel Reyes 4 80% 4 80%

Guzman 4 80% 5 100%

Kathleen Villano 4 80% 5 100%

Archi Pante 4 80% 5 100%

Kyla Sulit 3 60% 5 100%

Total 28 70% 37 92.5%

Formula: Percentage = Scores / Over All Score (5) x 100

Total Percentage = Sum of all scores / 40 x 100

40 scores = 8 students x 5 questions

Note: The scores (40) may change base on the respondents
This figure shows the result that the researchers conducted to measure how mobile devices affect
the academic performance of a student. The total percentage of score results without searching is
70%. While the score results with searching or using your mobile devices, the percentage
increases up to 92.5%.

Figure 9: GAS students results on the quiz.

Scores without Score with

Names Searching Total % Searching Total %

Crisostomo 5 100% 5 100%

John Michael
Nacion 3 60% 5 100%

Mike Carillo 3 60% 5 100%

Dianne Teraña 5 100% 5 100%

Ynhan 4 80% 5 100%

Total 20 80% 25 100%

Formula: Percentage = Scores / Over All Score (5) x 100

Total Percentage = Sum of all scores / 30 x 100
30 scores = 6 students x 5 questions

Note: The scores (30) may change base on the respondents

This figure shows the result of the conducted quiz to measure how mobile devices affect the
academic performance of a student. The total percentage of score results without searching is
80%. While the score results with searching or using your mobile devices, the percentage
increases up to 100%.

Figure 10: Summary of Result from Academic Track.

Scores without Score with

Names Searching Total % Searching Total %

ABM 28 43.08% 37 56.92%

GAS 20 30.77% 25 38.46%

13 65 73.85% 65 95.38%

Formula: Percentage = Scores / Over All Score (65) x 100

Total Percentage = Sum of all percentage

Total scores (65) = 13 students x 5 questions

Note: The scores (65) may change base on the respondents

For the summary results of the academic track,, the total percentage of score results without
searching is 73.85%. While the score results with searching or using your mobile devices, the
percentage increases up to 95.38%. So the researchers thought that using mobile devices will
help students in terms of their academic performance. This result was important for the students
especially in the academic track.

Figure 11: FBS studenta result on the quiz.

Scores without Score with
Names Searching Total % Searching Total %

Mariano 3 60% 5 100%

Loida Banaay 4 80% 5 100%

Rose Galendez 3 60% 5 100%

Jaira Guballa 4 80% 5 100%

Jovielyn Ponso 3 60% 5 100%

Angel Bert Dela

Cruz 3 60% 5 100%

Total 20 66.67% 30 100%

Formula: Percentage = Scores / Over Score (5) x 100

Total Percentage = Sum of all scores / 30 x 100

30 scores = 6 students x 5 questions

Note: The scores (30) may change base on the respondents

This figure shows the result that the researchers conducted to measure how mobile devices affect
the academic performance of a student. The total percentage of score results without searching is
66.67%. While the score results with searching or using your mobile devices, the percentage
increases up to 100%.

Figure 12: ICT students results on the quiz.

Scores without Score with
Names Searching Total % Searching Total %

Dave Domingo 5 100% 5 100%

Noelly Tialengco 4 80% 5 100%

Camille Dayao 5 100% 5 100%

Jerome Cudia 5 100% 5 100%

Jayson Cagatin 5 100% 5 100%

Jasper Domingo 4 80% 5 100%

Total 23 76.67% 30 100%

Formula: Percentage = Scores / Over All Score (5) x 100

Total Percentage = Sum of all scores / 30 x 100

30 scores = 6 students x 5 questions

Note: The scores (30) may change base on the respondents

This figure shows the result that the researchers conducted to measure how mobile devices affect
the academic performance of a student. The total percentage of score results without searching is
76.67%. While the score results with searching or using your mobile devices, the percentage
increases up to 100%.
Figure 13: Summary of Results from Tech-voc Track.

Scores without Score with

Names Searching Total % Searching Total %

FBS 20 33.33% 30 50%

ICT 23 38.33% 30 50%

Total 12 60 71.67% 60 100%

Formula: Percentage = Scores / Over All Score (60) x 100

Total Percentage = Sum of all percentage

Total scores (60) = 12 students x 5 questions

Note: The scores (60) may change base on the respondents

For the summary results of the quiz that the Tech-voc track, the total percent of the score result
without using mobile devices or searching is 71.67%. While the score result with the use of
mobile devices increases up to 100%



This chapter presents the summary of the study, summary of the findings of the
study, the conclusions drawn from the findings and the recommendations made.


This study investigated how using mobile devices in studying affected the academic
performance of senior high school students of LKBPIS high school students. This study also
measures the significant effect of mobile devices to a student's academic performance by
conducting a quiz that they do not use their smartphones and by using their mobile devices. The
quantitative-survey method was adopted for this study. Twenty-five (25) senior high school
students of LKBP Integrated School were selected to be the respondents. The main theory is
Ubiquitous Learning Theory wherein it can be defined as an everyday learning environment that
is supported by mobile and embedded computers and wireless networks in our everyday life. It is
aimed to provide learners with content and interaction anytime and anywhere. The survey
findings attested that the study's hypothesis, in which the effects of using mobile devices on
students' academic performance is positive.

Based on the data collected, the findings of this study depicted that:

● Students from LKBP Integrated School use mobile devices in their study.
a. Majority of the students uses mobile phones as an equipment reviewer
b. Majority of the students listen to music on their mobile devices to concentrate on
c. And the majority of the students disagree on cheating using their mobile devices.
● Most of the students agree that using mobile devices can enhance their academic
● Using mobile devices in their study has positive effects on students' academic

The findings of the study has prolonged the prevailing knowledge on the effects of
mobile devices on students' academic learning. First, based on the findings of this study that the
majority of the students agree that using mobile devices can enhance their academic learning,
which validates the hypothesis that there is a positive effect in using mobile devices to their
study. Second, the study discovered that the majority of the students use mobile devices as an
equipment for learning. This conclusion conforms to the hypothesis that there is a significant
effect of using mobile devices to the students. Third, the use of mobile learning theory and
ubiquitous learning helps this study by providing the learners with content or information and
interacting with others anytime and anywhere. The final conclusion, the mobile devices
positively affects the academic learning of the senior highschool students of LKBP Integrated


The following recommendations are made;

1. The usage of mobile devices in their study time should be monitored by the parents and
making sure that the device is used effectively in enhancing their talents and knowledge.
2. Proper control in using mobile devices and do not let yourself be distracted.

=%23p%3Dw2IOjPgilEgJ Applied Economics
hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=mobile+devices+ Written Work: 40%
affect+academic+performance&oq="& Performance: 60%

Grading system
First Semi Subject

Written Work: 40%
Performance: 60%
Written Work: 40% Philippine Politics
Performance: 60% Media and Information
Research Written Work: 40%
Written Work: 50% Performance: 60%
Performance: 50% Personal Development
Empowerment Tech Written Work: 40%
Written Work: 40% Performance: 60%
Performance: 60% Physical Education
Physical Education Written Work: 50%
Written Work: 50% Performance: 50%
Performance: 50% Practical Research 2
FABM Written Work: 50
Written Work: 50% Performance: 50
Performance: 50% Introduction to world religion
Work Immersion
Grading System Written Work: 50%
Second Semi (Subject) Performance: 50%

What is your general average in your 1st semester?

Are you using mobile devices? (e.g smartphones, tablet, laptop)

● Agree

● Disagree

Using mobile devices enhances academic learning.

● Strongly Agree

● Agree

● Undecided

● Disagree

● Strongly Disagree

Cheating on quizzes with use of mobile devices to boost academic achievement

● Strongly Agree

● Agree

● Undecided

● Disagree

● Strongly Disagree
Paying attention to other things that are not connected with the lesson such as application
in mobile devices than listening to teachers

● Strongly Agree

● Agree

● Undecided

● Disagree

● Strongly Disagree

Listening to music as way to concentrate from memorizing

● Strongly Agree

● Agree

● Undecided

● Disagree

● Strongly Disagree

Using mobile phone as an equipment for learning

● Strongly Agree

● Agree

● Undecided

● Disagree
● Strongly Disagree

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