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Shekinah Glory B. Belibestre Ferlein Rose A. Benzuela Sharon Rose L. Delacruz Jane Marie P. Pauyon

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A Research Presented to
the Faculty of Fellowship Baptist College
Kabankalan City, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor in Secondary Education (English)



April 2022

TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………………… i

TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………. ii

LIST OF TABLE…………………………………………………………………..… iv

LIST OF FIGURE…………………………………………………………………… V

CHAPTER I           INTRODUCTION……………………………………………… 1

Background of the Study…………………………………………………………….. 1

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………. 4

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………..

Hypothesis ………………………………………………………………………….. 4

Scope of the Study…………………………………………………………………… 4

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………... 5

Review of Related Literature………………………………………………………… 6

Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………………… 6

Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………………. 19

Methodology…………………………………………………………………………. 20

Research design……………………………………………………………… 20

Respondents………………………………………………………………….. 20

Research instrument………………………………………………………….. 21

Data collection procedure …………………………………………………… 22

Data analysis procedure……………………………………………………. 22

Ethical considerations……………………………………………………….. 23
REFERENCES……………………………………………………………………….. 28

APPENDICES………………………………………………………………………... 42

0. Letter to the Administrators………………………..…………………………... 42

B. Research Instrument…………………………………………………………… 46

C. Informed Consent Form………………………………………..……………... 51

D. Course Syllabus……………………………………………………………... 54

E. Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………………. 67

Background of the study

Because of technology, the world has transformed into a global village ___________.
Communication becomes faster and in a split of a second, an event is shared to the entire world
through the use of social media _____________. Today, individuals have to understand the
dynamics of long-distance collaboration, the outcome of non-verbal cues in different cultures, as
well as the use of technology in connecting people _________________. These developments
require communication etiquette such as holding virtual meetings where individuals from
different places share their ideas–coming up with solutions and innovations for the company
(Neuliep, 2006). Such technology and other social networks have transformed the economic and
social relationships breaking cultural barriers_______________. Hence, cultural and civic
discourse will mold information and communication technologies_______________.
In the last 30 years or so, many countries in the world over partake in curriculum reforms
which have been intended to adjust and align the contents and pedagogies of the general
education curriculum to suit and address the changing social, economic and cultural context and
to meet the demands brought about by global development (Ranaweera, 2000). In response to
these reforms, the aims and objectives of general education over the years have been stretched,
broadened and its scope expanded _____________. Thus, the long before approaches and
strategies to curriculum enhancement, instructional pedagogies, evaluation materials and teacher
education and preparation that were designed and appropriate in the academe that were relatively
stable are of course no longer valid ___________. Hence, the educational system should be re-
oriented and should be aligned towards future progressions, giving due consideration to concerns
such as knowledge versus learning and problem-solving skills, a national versus a global
outlook, and the maintenance of values and cultural identity amidst the impact of socioeconomic
and technological changes ___________.
The Philippines since world war 2 is steadily using the 10-year basic education program
___________. But in the year 2011-2012, a new and innovative system was adopted by the
Philippines ____________. The innovation brought by the aim to best prepare the students in
entering the college level of their education and to cope with the international standard set by
UNESCO and other international interties __________. Previously 10-year basic schooling
became 12 years, also known as K-12 scheme __________. Tending with the innovation brought
by the scheme college subjects also changes to complement the subject in basic education
__________. With this, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as the leading agency of
the Philippines government in terms of college education crafted a curriculum that will suit in the
different major field __________. All of the crafted curricula of the CHED gave mandatory
subject called General Education (GE) subject (CHED memorandum order no. 20 s 2013)
However we need to enhance the course syllabus and improve the course curriculum as
well as the technological competence of purposive communication students.Thus, this study aims
to assess the performance of Purposive Communication students in the context of distance
learning. It will also identify how distance learning affects their performance. The results of this
study may serve as a basis for the enhancement of the purposive communication course syllabus.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to assess the performance of Purposive Communication students in the
context of distance learning, it will also identify how distance learning affects their performance.
Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the level of performance of the students in Purposive Communication as
reflected in their final grade, 1st Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022?
2. What is the perceived efficacy of distance learning among students enrolled in
Purposive Communication, in the aspects of convenience, confidence, flexibility,
interaction, and efficiency?
3. What is the level of technological competence of the students enrolled in Purposive
4. Is there a significant relationship between the student’s performance in Purposive
Communication and their perceived efficacy of distance learning?
5. Is there a significant relationship between the student’s performance in Purposive
Communication and their level of technological competence?

Based on the aforementioned objects the following hypothesis are formulated.
1. There is no significant relationship between the student’s performance in
Purposive Communication and their perceived efficacy of distance learning.
2. There is no significant relationship between the student’s performance in
Purposive Communication and their level of technological competence.

Significance of the Study

This research will provide the results of how the performance of purposive
communication students in the context of distance learning has been affected by the pandemic.
The results of this study may serve as a basis for the enhancement of the purposive
communication course syllabus.
Students. This study may benefit and act as a basis to the secondary and tertiary students
who are aware of their performance on purposive communication. It may help the students
measure their capability on how to adjust the new educational system.
Parents. This study may help the parents understand the importance of communication
and technological competence. It may cause them to expose their child to communicate
Teachers. The study results may also benefit the teachers or facilitator of learning to
know and understand the situation of their students amidst pandemic.
School Heads. The study may contain some information that could help the
administration plan for modification of the students involving to their competence.
Researchers. This study may help the researchers gain insights to the Purposive
Communication exposure and technological competence as they may apply it to themselves as
students and future English teachers and to their future students as well.
Future Researchers. This study may benefit to the future researchers who wish to
conduct a similar study. It can serve as their guide and reference relating to Purposive
Communication exposure and Technological competence.

Scope of the Study

The respondents are the purposive communication students during the academic year 2021-2022.
This study determined the students’ academic performance amidst distance learning. Specifically
these are enrolled students of Fellowship Baptist College in various degree programs.

Definition of Terms
The following terms are operationally defined for a more contextualized understanding of
the study:

Level of Performance refers to assessed skill development in academic and other areas
such as adaptive functioning, behavior, cognition, communication and physical development.
Perceived Efficacy refers to people’s believed about their capabilities to produce
designated levels of performance that exercise influence over events that affect their lives. 
Convenience refers to a quality or situation that makes something easy or useful
for someone by reducing the amount of work or time required to do something.
Confidence it assesses learners on the correctness of their knowledge, as well as
how confident they feel about their answers.
Flexibility refers to a student's ability to be adaptable, to improvise, and to shift
approaches to meet different kinds of challenges.
Interaction refers to a student who are observing, doing communicating and
reflecting, there active working with concepts and people.
Efficiency refers when outputs from education such as test results or value added
are produced at the lowest level of resource.
Technological Competence it involves more than knowing how to use devices and
applications which is intricately connected with skills to communicate with ICT, as well as
information skills.
Purposive Communication is a course intended to improve students' skills in the field of
communication. The use of language for different audiences and for different reasons to write,
talk, and present.
Distance Learning is a method of studying in which lectures are broadcast or classes are
conducted by correspondence or over the internet, without the student's needing to attend a
school or college.
Respondents an individual who complete a survey or interview for the researcher, or
who provide data to be analyzed for the research study.

Review of Related literature

Level of competence in the context of educational testing, Messick (1984) defines

competence as ‘what an individual knows and can do in a subject area however that knowledge
and skill is acquired, whether through instruction or experience or whatever and, later in the
same paper, as ‘what a person knows and can do under ideal circumstances. These definitions
contain the capacity to act and thus are related to the one frequently referred to in the German
context which considers competences to be context-specific dispositions4 for achievement that
can be acquired through learning. Furthermore, they functionally relate to situations and
demands in specific domains. (Klieme et al., 2008, p. 8; see also Klieme & Leutner, 2006, for a
definition and discussion of competence in German).5 Conceiving of competence as a
disposition implies that it is a latent construct, i.e. something that may not be directly observable.
In other words performance is not the same thing as competence, though it is taken to be an
indicator of competence.
Perceived Efficacy according to Bandura [1, 9, 10], self-efficacy beliefs lie at the core of
human functioning. It is not enough for individuals to possess the requisite knowledge and skills
to perform a task; they also must have the conviction that they can successfully perform the
required behavior(s) under typical and, importantly, under challenging circumstances. Effective
functioning, then, requires skills and efficacy beliefs to execute them appropriately—two
components that develop jointly as individuals grow and learn. Moreover, these two components
of successful human functioning act upon one another in reciprocal fashion, what Bandura [9]
has called ‘reciprocal causation,’ where the functioning of one component depends, in part, upon
the functioning of the other.
Convenience theory of convenience suggests that white-collar misconduct and
crime occur when there is a financial motive benefitting the individual or the
organization, an organizational opportunity to commit and conceal crime, and a personal
willingness for deviant behavior (Gottschalk 2017. 2017.)
Confidence students’ self-confidence does not necessarily correspond to their
actual attainment, however: reviews have consistently found only modest associations
between various indicators of each (Hansford and Hattie, 1982; Zell & Krizan, 2014) and
further research has revealed and explored ‘confidence biases’ towards under-confidence
or over-confidence. Under-confidence has generally been inferred or shown to be
motivationally detrimental (Bandura, 1997; Bouffard & Narciss, 2011), which has
important educational implications; under-confident students may not select subjects that
they might otherwise succeed in and enjoy, for example, which may limit numbers of
students who study non-compulsory subjects (Sheldrake, Mujtaba, & Reiss, 2014).
However, it remains unclear as to what influences may associate with or potentially lead
to either under-confidence or over-confidence. An enhanced understanding of the area
could lead to practical benefits: someone’s degree of over-confidence or under-
confidence could potentially be amended via teachers or wider interventions, assuming
that the area is sufficiently understood.
Flexibility flexible learning is an approach that provides learners with various
opportunities to focus more on learning requirements and individual learning
circumstances (Gearhart, 2008).
Interaction the Interaction Model of communication describes communication as
a process in which participants alternate positions as sender and receiver and generate
meaning by sending messages and receiving feedback within physical and psychological
contexts (Schramm, 1997).
Efficiency in general describes the extent to which resources such as time, space,
energy, etc. are well used for the intended task or purpose. In complexity theory it is a
property of algorithms for solving problems which require at most a number of steps (or
memory locations) bounded from above by some polynomial function to be solved. The
size of the problem instance is considered in determining the bounding function.
Typically, efficiency of an algorithm could be improved at the cost of solution quality.
This often happens in cases where approximate solutions are acceptable. We also
interpret efficiency to mean shorter representations of redundant data string. Essentially,
EF measures how far can we get away from the BF in terms of finding quick algorithms
for difficult problems studied in Complexity Theory (Levin [19], Cook [20], Karp [21],
etc.) as well as towards discovering succinct string encodings (Shannon [14],
Kolmogorov [15], Solomonoff [17], Chaitin [17]).

Technological Competence the technological competence determines the attitude of

teachers of vocational education to their professional activities. Technological competence has
deep roots in the theory and practice of pedagogy, so this competence plays a critical role in
preparing specialists for future professional teaching delivery in higher education. Training of
competitive and qualified specialists in the various disciplines of higher education in academic
institutions operating in the Republic is an important requirement of the time, and it is paramount
to use all available opportunities. Technological competence is the basis of knowledge, skills and
abilities in technology. We can improve the quality and effectiveness of our higher education
system by introducing international academic assessment standards. Also, we can improve the
efficacy of our educational system by a continuous adaptation of the content matter of
professional and practical education to meet these standards. (The Decree of the President of the
Republic of Uzbekistan, 2017: p. 113).
Purposive Communication in the 21st Century is about writing, speaking, and
presenting to different audiences and for various purposes (CMO,s2013). Purposive
Communication in the 21st Century offers an array of activities that will help you achieve this
goal. The activities include listening, comprehending, critiquing, and responding to live or
recorded discussions, speaking publicity with confidence, explaining authentic passages or text
in your own words aided by illustrations in various forms, writing technical reports and academic
papers, and preparing a presentation using PowerPoint or any web-based platforms. This
textbook also uses different instructional approaches and strategies based on the principles of
differentiation, spiral progression, process orientation, information, communication and
technology integration, collaboration, contextualization, reflective learning, and visual
enhancement. All of these are essential as you adapt to the demands expected from a 21st
century learner (like you) who is described as multi-skilled in different ways of learning; self-
directed, that is, demonstrating leadership skills; a lifelong learner himself/herself; flexible or
adaptable to different circumstances including learning styles and needs; creative in problem-
solving; critical in thinking, passionate; and possesive of a high emotional quotient.
Distance Learning theory proposes that for communication to reduce transactional
distance in educational programs and increase engagement, three sets of dialogic interactions
must be adequately maintained and managed (Moore & Kearsley, 2005).

Theoretical Framework
Purposive Communication (PURCOM), the only language and communication course in the
new general education curriculum, offers myriad of skills’ enhancement to the learners. Based
on the syllabus provided by CHED, PC is a three-unit course that develops students’ competency
to express themselves in English, develops and enhances their multicultural and intercultural
awareness while being closely and deeply rooted to their own cultures by doing and
accomplishing multi-modal tasks and projects that provide them opportunities to use the English
language effectively and appropriately in a given local or global context. Students also will be
exposed to various domains of knowledge by thinking globally while acting locally-making
localization possible in all the areas of the course. Moreover, the course equips students with
tools for critical evaluation of a variety of texts and focuses on the power of language and the
impact of images to emphasize the importance of conveying messages responsibly. Furthermore,
bounded by Outcomes-Based Education which is a learner-centered educational model that
focuses on the learning outcomes of students (Driscoll & Wood, 2007), Purposive
Communication course targets specific outcomes for each topic indicated in its syllabus.
Likewise, while the old general English courses typically ascribe equal attention to the four
language skills (listening, reading, speaking, and writing), the then English for Specific
Purposes (ESP) now Purposive Communication focuses only on those skills that are known to
be relevant to the learner’s target profession (Teodorescu, 2010) making the course learner
specific and outcome-based course.

Conceptual Framework
One of the GE subject is the Purposive Communication which was offered for the
freshmen students at all collegiate level. Purposive Communication is courses were then students
are trained to speak, communicate, and present in different and various purposes. This is to
enhance their cultural and intercultural awareness (CMO s 2013). Conceptually the line that
connects from Assessing the Performance of Purposive Communication Students in the context
of Distance Learning is to identify the students perspective in the following aspects such as,
convenience, confidence, flexibility, interaction, efficiency followed by the learning environment
and technological competence.

Purposive Communication students

Student’s perceive efficacy in

the following aspects:

 Convenience
 Confidence Proposed Enhanced
 Flexibility
 Interaction
 Efficiency

Technological Competence

Figure. 1 Schematic Diagram illustrating the Conceptual Framework

Research Design. By design, this study uses a quantitative method which aims to assess
the performance of purposive communication students in the context of distance learning.
Vanderstoep and Johnston (2009) and Gay (1996) describe the quantitative approach as a method
that’s specify numerical assignments to explain, predict and/or control the phenomena under
Among the quantitative research methods, survey research was used in the study to
explore the academic performance of students in purposive communication amidst online
distance learning. “The major purpose of all survey’s is to describe the characteristics of the
population”. Moreover, a cross – sectional survey was adopted in the study to find out the
opinions of the participants through demographic information questionnaire (Frankiel and
Wallen 2006, p.423)

The respondents of the study will be taken from the students of purposive communication
during the first semester of Academic Year 2021-2022. They will be determined using stratified
random sampling. This sampling method is ___________________.

Research Instruments.
The research was a researcher-made questionnaire checklist to gather the needed data for
the student’s profile. To draft of the questionnaire was drawn out based on the researcher’s
readings, studies, professional literature, published thesis relevant to the study. In the preparation
of the instrument, the requirements in ted designing of good data collection instruments were
considered. To secure the integrity of the questionnaire, a validity and reliability test will be done
prior to the actual conduct of the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

To commence the gathering of data, a letter will be sent to the College President
respectively asking for the institution’s approval on students’ participation in the study. The
respondents will oriented on the purpose, nature, and scope of the study using a recorded video
orientation. Thereafter, the research instrument will be administered.
The student respondents will answer the questionnaire using an online survey platform.
Thereafter, the electronic format of the questionnaire was downloaded and properly compiled for
data analysis.

Statistical Treatment
To analyze the data, a descriptive-correlational design will utilized. Foremost, the first,
second, and third problem will be answered by the gathered data analyzed using mean, frequency
count, and percentage distribution. On the other hand, chi-square will be used in analyzing the
fourth and fifth problem.

Ethical Considerations
The researchers will create a section of Google form in which the responders will give
their consent if they choose to participate. The respondents will be asked to participate
voluntarily in the study and will not be forced. The respondents will be given a choice to
withdraw if they wish to do so. The researchers will briefly explain the details about the purpose
of the study before gathering the data from the respondents. The record of the responses will be
private and confidential, where their names and identities are included. Gathered data will be
confidentially kept by the researchers in an encrypted file and the hard copy of the survey result
will be turned over to the statistician for analysis. The researchers will immediately delete the
gathered data after the study is finished

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