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Caloocan Campus



Molo, Dreidelle T.
BST-111 - Business Statistics with Computer



TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................1

ABSTRACT ................................................................................... 2


1. The Problem and Its Background .........................................3-11

Introduction .......................................................................3-4
Setting of the Study.............................................................5-7
Statement of Problem .........................................................8-9
Hypothesis of the Study.......................................................9
Significance of the Study ....................................................10
Scope and Delimitations .....................................................10
Definition of Terms .............................................................10-11

2. Review of the Related Literatures .........................................12-17

3. Methodology........................................................................18-21
Descriptive Statistics ..........................................................18
Chi square Methods ............................................................18
Respondents of the Study ...................................................19-21

4. Presentation, Analysis & Interpretation of data ...................22-27

Profile of the Respondents...................................................22

a, Internet Use............................................................23
b. General Weight Average (GWA) ...............................23

Inferential Analysis .............................................................24-27

Regression Analysis.............................................................27

5. Summary, Conclusions & Recommendations ......................28-29

a. Summary...............................................................28
b. Conclusions...........................................................28
c. Recommendations..................................................29



The respondents of this study are students of the University of the

East Caloocan who are enrolled during 1st semester of school year 2018-

2019. Random 52 students was selected to answer the survey


The results showed that there is no significant difference between

the level of internet use and in all terms of gender, course and year level.

However, there is a significant difference between the academic

performance and in all terms of gender, course and year level. The result

also presented that the relationship between the internet user and

academic performance is a weak relationship between the internet use

and academic performance of the respondents.

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


The internet is a basic technology in the development of

information technology. Now, the Internet have become an important tool

and required by the knowledge-based society present the contemporary

for information management, information search, communication, and

research and learning. A borderless world is realized with the Internet.

The use of internet technology will make it easier for people to obtain

several of information and the latest information quickly and effectively.

The use of the Internet is useful to the world, especially to students.

Therefore, as a student, advancement of internet technology

should be used as good as possible. Take the advantage of the internet

benefits without abused. Technology has gained attention in education

today because of its prevalence; its promise to provide low cost

education; and it may help some people to participate more easily, to

learn more effectively, and to enjoy learning more (cited in Hargis, 2000).

The most advanced and popular technology is internet, the use of which

by youngsters is increasing exponentially.

Internet is playing great role in today’s changing education by

providing innumerable resources and services. However, the use of

internet has dark side also, therefore self regulation is also important

criteria while using internet in education. Today’s digital generation can

achieve high in their academic life using selfdirective process and with

the help of internet as an educational tool. In today’s competitive world,

achievement motivation, self-regulated learning and internet can bring

foremost change in their academic life.

In particular, social networking sites usage facilitates students in

communication, socialization, coordination, collaboration and

entertainment, but the use can also cause addiction and lead to time

wasting, information overload and physical isolation from society. The

Internet being thus facilitative, many students tend to use it heavily,

anytime, anywhere. According to (Candia,2017) heavy usage of the

Internet is when one accesses it every day for more than two hours.

This study aimed at determining the influence of Internet heavy

usage on academic achievement of university students. A student was

considered a heavy Internet user when he or she was using the Internet

for more than three hours daily. Internet usage was considered to

encompass the general Internet use and the use of all software

applications that derive from the Internet, for example social networking

sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, etc.; whether for

positive or negative use.

Setting of the Study

The University of the East- Caloocan campus is a private higher

education institution in Caloocan City, Philippines. It is one of the three

campuses of the University of the East. It is an autonomous unit headed

by a chancellor, with the College of Business Administration, Arts and

Sciences, Engineering, and Fine Arts. UE Caloocan is called Caloocan

Campus to distinguish it from the Manila Campus on C.M. Recto


UE was granted the "Autonomous Status" by the Commission on

Higher Education (CHED) which has only been given to selected higher

educational institutions with excellent quality education. Some of the

programs offered by the university were accredited by CHED as Center of

Excellence and Centers of Development.

UE offers degree programs in commerce and business

administration, law, dentistry, engineering, arts and sciences, fine arts,

education, computer technology, nursing, physical therapy, medicine,

hospitality management and graduate studies. UE has two other

campuses, one in Caloocan and its medical school, The UE Ramon

Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center located in Quezon City.

Statement of the Problem

The major problem of the study is to learns the relationship

between internet use and academic performance of the students in

University of the East Caloocan Campus.

The study pursue to answer the following problem:

1) What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a) Gender

b) Course

c) Year Level

2) What is level of internet use of the respondents?

3) What is the level of academic performance of the respondent during

first semester S.Y 2018-2019?

4) Is there a signifivant difference in the level of the internet use of the

respondents in terms of:

a) Gender

b) Course

c) Year Level

5) Is there a signifivant difference in academic performance of the

respondents in terms of:

a) Gender

b) Course

c) Year Level

6) What is the relationship of internet use and academic performance of

the respondents?

7) To what extent internet use affect the academic performance of


Hypothesis of the Study

The following are the hypotheses in this study

1) There is no significance difference in the internet use of the

respondents in terms of:

a) Gender

b) Course

c) Year Level

2) There is no significance difference in the academic performances of the

respondents in terms of:

a) Gender

b) Course

c) Year Level

2) There is no significance relation of internet use and academic

performance of the respondents in terms of:

a) Gender

b) Course

c) Year Level

Significance of the Study

This research will be helpful for college students, parents,

educators to overview the effects of internet usage and place alarm for

them. In addition, it will establish link between internet uses,

achievement motivation, self-regulated learning and academic


The results of this study will be helpful to understand the

achievement motivation level, the learning strategies of students and

educational use of internet.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is exclusive do determine if the social media has a

significant impact to the academic performance of the student of

University of the East-Caloocan through example that was given by the


Definition of Terms

Internet: The Internet is a global network connecting millions of


Performance: An action in which excellence or superiority depend

primarily on abstract mental ability. Any action requiring the

manipulation of abstracts, concepts or mental manipulation of any sort.

E-mail: Email is electronic mail, a protocol for receiving and sending, and

storing electronic messages.

Search engine: a program that searches for and identifies items in a

database that correspond to keywords or characters specified by the

user, used especially for finding particular sites on the Internet.

Social network: a network of social interactions and personal


Website: a location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more

web pages.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literatures

The Internet continues to be a very useful medium for quick access

to information, social networking, buying of goods or services, watching

online content and accessing entertainment, especially for students. The

Internet being thus facilitative, many students tend to use it heavily.

Heavy usage of the Internet is when one accesses it every day for more

than two hours. As for Türel, Y.K., &Toraman, M. (2015) a student may

be considered a heavy Internet user when he or she uses the Internet for

more than three hours daily. Examining Taiwanese students, concluded

that those who used the Internet for more than 34 hours per week were

heavy users; consequently, the study by Chen, Y. F., & Peng, S. S. (2008)

concluded that the majority of the university students (52.7%) were

heavy Internet users.

These Internet heavy users were noted to be more familiar with

website interfaces, navigation, and were equipped with the fundamental

knowledge to implement the functions on a website. Among scholars,

consensus on the terms used to describe Internet usage appears to be

lacking. On the subject, scholars have adopted various terms and

definitions which are often inconsistent, varying from study to study,

depending on the focus of the study in question. To be fair, Internet

usage should encompass the general Internet use and the use of all

software applications that derive from the Internet, for example social

networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter and

Skype, whether for positive or negative use; so as to have a balanced


It is important to realize that focus on a single medium does not

accurately capture the current media saturated environment. A student

may find himself heavily using the Internet due to the numerous benefits

it offers, such as quick and easy access to information. The use of the

Internet, in particular social networking sites usage, facilitates students

in communication, socialization, coordination, collaboration and

entertainment, but the use can also cause addiction and lead to time

wasting, information overload and physical isolation from society.

Nonetheless, there are key dissimilarities between the concept of

heavy use in the case of Internet use and substance use. While the

majority of addictive substances, when used in excess, have both acute

and chronic harmful effects to some degree, the Internet and games used

at a moderate level are harmless; moreover, the Internet is now an

essential part of our life.

A person using the Internet for work purposes, personal

communication and entertainment may appear to use it heavily, but in

reality all these activities are an integral part of their life and usually do

not decrease or increase general wellbeing. In fact, there are many non-

problematic Internet uses that would involve extended periods of time

online, such as study or work related research. A wealth of studies have

documented that Internet use can have positive benefits on educational

achievement while others conclude that this outcome is not so obvious.

According to Chen, S. Y., &Tzeng, J. Y. (2010) heavy Internet users

who engage in information seeking and chatting have better academic

achievement than light users. As for Chen, S.Y., & Fu, Y.C. (2009) online

information searching improves exam results. Studies in Pakistan found

that Internet use had a positive effect on marks and improved reading,

writing and information processing skills. Computer resources such as

games had a positive effect on spatial skills and memory, as well as

developing visual and auditory capacities, thus stimulating overall

student development. Other research findings show that students who

browse information online obtain better marks because they have access

to more data sources and thus get better informed. Study results tend to

show that the time spent searching for information on the Internet helps

to raise marks and improve socialization, whereas time spent online

gaming has the opposite effect.

In fact, several studies indicate that heavy use of the Internet for

fun and entertainment is strongly correlated with academic achievement

degradation. Farther, many studies have confirmed that Internet use

(especially heavy use for fun) in college is associated with lower grades,

lower learning satisfaction, and reduced motivation to study. The

Internet can also be detrimental for individuals. Students can be

particularly vulnerable given that modern educational system

increasingly relies on the Internet to enhance learning effectiveness; in

which Internet use is actively promoted as a means of increasing the

odds of academic success.

Moreover, students often spend long hours on the Internet social

networking sites to collaborate with colleagues. The more one uses the

Internet or anything indeed, the more one is likely to develop a passion

for it. Internet passion can be either harmonious or obsessive, with the

former associated with positive outcomes and the latter linked to

negative outcomes. Students with harmonious Internet passion will

derive a sense of enjoyment from Internet activities and will balance their

time on the Internet with other activities, such as sports or face-to-face

time with friends or parents.

As for Torres-Diaz, J 2016, the differences between the dedicated

and information seeker profiles and their effect on academic achievement

coincide with hypotheses which state that the digital divide is not solely

due to Internet connection or access to technology but also to good use of

technology and resources, as is the case of the dedicated profilers who

present habits that are considered proper and balanced. Apparently,

judicious time management while on the Internet is very important for

positive academic success.

Heavy use of the Internet may turn out to be problematic, leading

to certain addiction. The addiction is not usually to the Internet but to

what the Internet as a medium is used for to reach to say video gaming,

movies, etc. However, there are people that seem to get addicted to the

Internet itself; typically these are individuals that use Internet chat

rooms — an activity that they would not engage in anywhere else except

on the Internet. The Internet provides an augmented yet limited

perspective of reality to these users and allows them feelings of

belongingness that may be psychologically compensating for the lack of

social rewards in their real lives. Such feelings (e.g., immersion in the

case of online gaming) may actually lead to an altered state of

consciousness that, in itself, may be highly psychologically and

physiologically rewarding.

Whatever the nature of addiction, the addiction via the Internet

isnot always of the same consequences as those which are experienced

with the established chemical addictions, for example job loss and

relationship breakdowns. Indeed, a number of researches have reported

a general loss of control by dependent users over the amount of time

spent online or engaged in, in Internet related activities. A number of

heavy Internet users seem unable to control the amount of time they

spend on the Internet. These individuals, who demonstrate deficient self-

regulation on Internet use, tend to engage in online social

communications means of escaping from negative mood states, such as

loneliness or anxiety.

Heavy Internet use is noted to be more common among males.

However, there are studies that have not found that males and females

were neither significantly different in the time they spend online nor in

the frequency of Internet use. Apparently, consensus is still lacking

among scholars as to whether Internet use has positive benefits on

educational achievement while others conclude that this outcome is not

so obvious. According to Chen, S. Y., &Tzeng, J. Y. (2010), heavy

Internet users who engage in information seeking and chatting have

better academic achievement than light users. However, on the contrary,

many studies have confirmed that Internet use, particularly heavy use,

in college is associated with lower grades, lower learning satisfaction,

and reduced motivation to study. Accordingly, this study sought to

determine the influence that Internet heavy use has on academic


Chapter 3


Descriptive statistics

Descriptive research is defined as a research method that describes the

characteristics of the population or phenomenon that is being studied. This

methodology focuses more on the “what” of the research subject rather than

the “why” of the research subject. The characteristics used to describe the

situation or population are usually some kind of categorical scheme also

known as descriptive categories.

Chi square method

A Chi square statistics is a measurement of how expectations compare to

results. The used in calculating a chi square statistic must be random, raw,

mutually exclusive, drawn from independent variables, and drawn from large

enough sample.

Co relational method

re a form of research that include “quasi-experimental” designs such as

survey research or naturalistic observations, in which different groups are

compared, but cause and effect between variables cannot be determined.

nΣ xy – (Σ x ) (Σ y)

rxy =

[ nΣ x2 – (Σ x )2 ] [ nΣ y2 – (Σ y) 2]

Where :

Σn – total number of observation

Σ x – sum of the data of the predictor

Σ y – sum of the data of the dependent variable

Σ x2- sum of the squared values of the predictor variable

Σ y2-sum of the squared values of the dependent variable

Respondents of the study

The principle respondent of the study is the students of the University of

the East Caloocan City who are still enrolled on 2018-2019 semester. To

determine if their internet usage affects their grades based on year level,

course, and gender of the respondents.

Table 1

Year Level Frequency Relative Frequency

1st Year 17 32.69
2nd Year 6 11.54
3rd Year 8 15.38
4th Year 20 38.46
5th Year 1 1.92
TOTAL 52 100.00

Table 1.1

Course Frequency Relative Frequency

BA 30 57.69
COE 15 28.85
CAS 2 3.85

CFAD 5 9.62
TOTAL 52 100.00

Table 1.3


Gender Frequency Frequency

Male 28 53.85
Female 24 46.15
total 52 100.00

The "r" or correlation coefficient was interpreted using the following intervals:

Scale or Interval Interpretation

±.00 -± 0.20 Negligible Relationship

±0.21 -± 0.40 Low relationship

±0.41 -± 0.60 Substantial Relationship

±0.60 -± 0.80 High Relationship[p

±0.81 -±1.00 Very High to Perfect Relationship

t-Test. This was used to test the significance of the coefficent of correlation. The

formula was:


Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

A. Descriptive Analysis

1. Profile of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Relative Frequency, %
Male 28 53.85
Female 24 46.15
TOTAL 52 100.00

Table 1. Gender of Respondents

Table 1 showed that Male Respondents (52.85%) is higher than Female
Respondents (46.15%).

Course of Respondents
Course Frequency Relative Frequency, %
Business 26 50
CFAD 8 15.38
COE 15 28.85
CAS 3 5.77
TOTAL 52 100
Table 2. Course of Respondents

Table 2 showed the different courses of the respondents: it shows that

Business Administration course has the highest respondents (50%) second was

from the College of Engineering (28.85%) third, from Fine Arts Course (15.38%)

while the least respondents was from College of Arts and Sciences (5.77%).

Year Level of Respondents

Year Level Frequency Relative Frequency, %
1st Year 16 30.77
2nd Year 6 11.54
3rd Year 8 15.38
4th Year 20 38.46
5th Year 2 3.85
TOTAL 52 100.00
Table 3. Year level of Respondents

Table 3 showed how many students in every year level, 16 students from

1st year, 6 students from 2nd year, 8 students from 3rd year, 20 students from

4th year, and only 2 respondents from 5th year.

a. Internet Use

Mean 35.65
Standard Error 4.40
Median 26.00
Mode 12.00
Standard Deviation 31.70
Sample Variance 1004.62
Kurtosis 1.81
Skewness 1.41
Range 137.00
Minimum 3.00
Maximum 140.00
Sum 1854.00
Count 52.00
Table 4. Hours of Internet Use

Table 4 showed how many hours they spent on Internet. There are 52

respondents and the sum of of the hours spent on the internet are 1854 hours.

The longest number of hours using the internet was 140 hours while the

shortest was 3 hours. The mean was 36.65 while the standard deviation is


b. General Weighted Average (GWA)

Mean 2.14
Standard Error 0.07
Median 2.00
Mode 2.00
Standard Deviation 0.54
Sample Variance 0.29

Kurtosis 2.05
Skewness 1.25
Range 2.66
Minimum 1.34
Maximum 4.00
Sum 111.53
Count 52.00
Table 5. GWA of the Respondents

Table 5 showed the General Weighted Average. The count of 52 is the

number of the respondents with a sum of 111.53, the General Weighted

Average of the 52 students. The highest General Weighted Average among the

respondents is 1.34 while the lowest has 4.00.

2. Inferential Analysis

The Hypothesis stated, researched used, and chi-squared inferential


Hypothesis 1. There is no significant difference in the level of internet use and

the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, course and year level.

Gender Low Medium High Total

Male 21 5 2 28
Female 17 7 0 24
Total 38 12 2 52

Gender Low Medium High Total

Male 20.46 6.46 1.08 28
Female 17.54 3.23 0.92 24
Total 38 12 2 52
Table 6. Significant Difference in the level of Internet use and Gender of the

Table 6 showed the level of internet use and the gender of the

respondents. Chi-square has value of 0.039 obtained. There is no significant

difference between the level of internet use and the gender of respondents.

Course Low Medium High Total

BSA/BSBA 23 4 2 29
Architecture/Fine 1 4 0 5
Engineering/IT 12 3 0 15
Comm.Arts/HRM 2 1 0 3
TOTAL 38 12 2 52

Course Low Medium High Total

BSA/BSBA 21.19 6.69 1.12 29
Architecture/Fine 3.65 1.15 0.19 5
Engineering/IT 10.96 3.46 0.58 15
Comm.Arts/HRM 2.19 0.69 0.12 3
TOTAL 38 12 2 52
Table 7. Significant Difference in the level of Internet Use and Course of the

Table 7 showed the value was 0.06, therefore there is no significant

difference between the level of internet use and the course of the respondents.

Year Level Low Medium High TOTAL

1st year 12 3 1 16
2nd year 5 1 0 6
3rd year 7 1 0 8
4th year 11 8 1 20
5th year 2 0 0 2
TOTAL 37 13 2 52

Year Level Low Medium High TOTAL

1st year 11.38 4.00 0.62 16
2nd year 1.50 1.50 0.23 6
3rd year 5.69 2.00 0.31 8
4th year 14.23 5.00 0.77 20
5th year 1.42 0.50 0.08 2

TOTAL 37 13 2 52
Table 8. Significant Difference in the level of Internet Use and Year Level of the

Table 8 showed the level of Internet use and the year level of the

respondents. The significance of the value was 0.09 indicated that there is no

significant difference between the level of internet use and year level of the


Hypothesis 2. There is no significant difference in Academic Performance and

the profile of respondents in terms of gender, course and year level.

Gender Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor TOTAL

Male 11 10 6 0 1 28
Female 8 10 4 1 1 24
TOTAL 19 20 10 1 2 52

Gender Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor TOTAL

Male 10.23 10.77 5.38 0.54 1.08 28
Female 8.77 9.23 4.62 0.46 0.92 24
TOTAL 19 20 10 1 2 52
Table 9. Significant Difference in the level of Academic Performance and Gender
of the Respondents

Table 9 showed a significant value of 0.81 therefore there is a significant

difference between the academic performance and the gender of the

respondents. This tendency is highly observable among male (10.23).

Gender Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor TOTAL

BSA/BSBA 11 9 5 1 2 28
Architecture/Fine Arts 1 4 1 0 0 6
Engineering/IT 7 3 5 0 0 15
Comm.Arts/HRM 0 3 0 0 0 3
TOTAL 19 19 11 1 2 52

Gender Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor TOTAL
BSA/BSBA 110.23 10.23 5.92 0.54 1.08 28
Architecture/Fine Arts 2.19 2.19 1.27 0.12 0.23 6
Engineering/IT 5.48 5.48 3.17 0.29 0.58 15
Comm.Arts/HRM 1.10 1.10 0.63 0.06 0.12 3
TOTAL 19 19 11 1 2 52
Table 10. Significant Difference in the level of Academic Performance and Course
of the Respondents

Table 10 showed that there is a significant value of 0.39 therefore there

is a significant difference between academic performance and the course of the

respondents. It is high among those respondents with Bachelor of Science in

Business Administration course (10.23).

Year Low Medium High TOTAL

1st year 12 3 1 16
2nd year 5 1 0 6
3rd year 7 1 0 8
4th year 11 8 1 20
5th year 2 0 0 2
TOTAL 37 13 2 52

Year Low Medium High TOTAL

1st year 11.38 4 0.62 6
2nd year 4.27 1.5 0.23 6
3rd year 5.69 2 0.31 8
4th year 14.23 5 0.77 20
5th year 1.42 0.5 0.08 2
TOTAL 37 13 2 52
Table 11. Significant Difference in the level of Academic Performance and Year
Level of the Respondents

Table 11 showed that there is significant difference between academic

performance and year level of the respondents with a chi square of 0.70. It is

highly observe among 4th year students (14.23).

Internet Use in terms Academic
of hours spent Performance/GWA
Hours - Pearson 1 0.049876
Sign (2-tailed) 52 52.
GWA - Pearson 0.049876 1
Sign (2-tailed) 52 52
Table 12. Correlation of Internet Use and Academic Performance

Table 12 gives the correlation coefficient between the Internet Use in

terms of Hours of the respondents and the Academic Performance based on the

GWA of the respondents was 0.049. This means that the relationship of the two

variables are too weak.

3. Regression Analysis

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.060
R Square 0.004
Adjusted R Square -0.017
Standard Error 0.546
Observations 51

The table shows the regression statistics of the influence of computer to

the academic performance of students. The multiple R value is 0.09 which

means that there is very weak relationship between the internet use and

academic performance of students

The R-square is equal to 0.004 which explains that only about 0.40% in

the academic performance of students can be attributed to the variation of the

hours of internet use of respondents. The analysis also yields an adjusted r-

square value of -0.017 and a standard error score of 0.546

Coefficients Standard Error T Stat P-value
Intercept 2.112 0.115 18.398 1.20E-23
84 0.001 0.002 0.418 6.78E-01

The relationship has an intercept of 2.112 and a slope of 0.001.

Therefore the regression model of the change of the dependent variable, that is,

the academic performance of students as to the change in the independent

variable, that is, the time of internet use of respondents is: Academic

performance = 0.001 Internet use + 2.112.

Chapter 5
Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

A. Summary

The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of internet use

to academic performance of the students of University of the East Caloocan


The result of the study are the following:

1. The results showed that the count of 52 represents the 52 respondents of

the study. The sum of the hours spent on the internet by all respondents is

1854 hours.

2. The results showed that the longest number of hours using the internet is

140 hours while the shortest is 3 hours. The mean is 35.65 while the standard

deviation is 31.70.

3. The result showed that the highest General Weighted Average among the

respondents is 1.34 while he lowest General Weighted Average obtain 4.00

4. The results showed that there is no significant difference between the level of

internet use and the gender of the respondents.

5. The results showed that there is no significant difference between the level of

internet and the course of the respondents.

6. The results showed that there is mo significant difference between the level

of internet use and the year level of the respondents,

7. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the

academic performance and the gender of the respondents.

8. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the

academic performance and the course of the respondents.

9. The results showed that there is significant difference between the academic

performance and the year level of respondents.

B. Conclusions

his study concludes that high

internet usage brings better
result as students get the
opportunity to enter to the
information world.
Internet dependency has no
significant negative
correlation in the aca-
demic achievement of the
students. Self evaluation, self
motivation and

self control to upgrade the
ethical and moral
professional values in the
students need to be
emphasized. Further study is
suggested with wider
instruments for in depth
study in order to investigate
the dependent
users and also to take
measures to rehabilitate
them if necessary
his study concludes that high
internet usage brings better

result as students get the
opportunity to enter to the
information world.
Internet dependency has no
significant negative
correlation in the aca-
demic achievement of the
students. Self evaluation, self
motivation and
self control to upgrade the
ethical and moral
professional values in the
students need to be
emphasized. Further study is
suggested with wider

instruments for in depth
study in order to investigate
the dependent
users and also to take
measures to rehabilitate
them if necessary
This study concludes that
high internet usage brings
better academic
result as students get the
opportunity to enter to the
information world.
Internet dependency has no
significant negative
correlation in the aca-

demic achievement of the
students. Self evaluation, self
motivation and
self control to upgrade the
ethical and moral
professional values in the
students need to be
emphasized. Further study is
suggested with wider
instruments for in depth
study in order to investigate
the dependent
users and also to take
measures to rehabilitate
them if necessary.

This study concludes that high internet usage brings better academic

result as students get the opportunity to enter to the information world.

Internet dependency has no significant negative correlation in the aca-

demic achievement of the students. Self evaluation, self motivation and

self control to upgrade the ethical and moral professional values in the

students need to be emphasized. Further study is suggested with wider

instruments for in depth study in order to investigate the dependent

users and also to take measures to rehabilitate them if necessary.

This study concludes that high internet usage brings better academic

result as students get the opportunity to enter to the information world.

Internet dependency has no significant negative correlation in the aca-

demic achievement of the students. Self evaluation, self motivation and

self control to upgrade the ethical and moral professional values in the

students need to be emphasized. Further study is suggested with wider

instruments for in depth study in order to investigate the dependent

users and also to take measures to rehabilitate them if necessary.

The research study has clearly outlined the impact of the internet on the

students of University of the East-Caloocan. It can be concluded that although

internet usage does have its benefits, the internet impacts more negatively on

students as they are more distracted by online activities and spend less time

doing work. Also, it can be concluded that although students are heavily

dependent on the internet, they are not fully dependant since they are capable

of using various sources for information.

The fact that internet and its services play an important role on the

student’s academic performance cannot be over emphasized. This it does

through constant exposure of students to up-to-date information and relevant

information in their various fields of study. The number of hours spent on the

internet will have an effect on the student’s academic performance. The study

shows that the use of internet for study purpose and academic achievements

are directly proportional to each other. It was revealed that majority of

respondents access the internet every day. Even though the access to internet

services has been grossly affected by the level of poverty and degree of exposure

amongst other factors, the reduction in rates charged at internet and computer

education centers could go a long way to enabling students have more access

to latest and useful academic materials. If this suggestion and other

recommendations in this study are taken it consideration, it is assumed that

the future of the internet use and its academic influence on students is bright.

C. Recommendations

To improve the study done, more questionnaires could have been

distributed to improve the accuracy of the study. Also, some students could

have been interviewed to obtain a better qualitative report.

To reduce the negative effect of the internet on students, schools can

inform parents to manage supervise their child’s internet usage to ensure that

time is not wasted.


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