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The Commitment For Excellence And Academic Paradise Of The South
College of Business Management

Rasonado, Xavier John Buslon


Marciana Ruba-Zaman

October 27, 2023


In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, effective

communication and decision-making are indispensable pillars of organizational
success. The workplace is a dynamic arena where ideas, information, and
choices intersect, making the seamless integration of communication and
decision-making processes not only a necessity but a strategic imperative. This
introduction explores the symbiotic relationship between communication and
decision-making in the workplace, highlighting the pivotal role that effective
communication plays in the quality and outcome of decision-making processes.
We will delve into the multifaceted aspects of communication, its functions,
and its power to shape the way decisions are conceived, discussed, and
executed within an organization. As we embark on this journey, we will
uncover how a well-oiled communication machinery can be the catalyst for
informed and productive decision-making, ultimately propelling businesses
toward their goals and objectives.

The type of leadership found in organizations strongly affects the group

culture. Many organizations still vacillate between autocratic and laissez-faire
styles, as if these were the only options. By changing to a democratic style,
however, and following guidelines set forth in line with Adlerian principles,
organizations can improve all aspects of communication, not to mention
productivity. Through democratic processes the organization can increase its
social resilience. This is especially likely to happen when both the individual
and the group are valued and respected Page, L. J. (Ed.), & Ferguson, E. D. (2011).

What is communication? Communication, the exchange of meanings

between individuals through a common system of symbols. This article treats
the functions, types, and psychology of communication. For a treatment of
animal communication, see animal behaviour. For further treatment of the
basic components and techniques of human communication, see language;
speech; writing. For technological aspects, including communications devices
and information systems, see broadcasting; dictionary; encyclopaedia;
information processing; information theory; library; printing; publishing,
history of; telecommunications media; telecommunications network;
telecommunications system Gordon, G. N. (2023, July 3).
There are four primary communication functions that encompass the
various ways we use communication to achieve specific goals and purposes.
These functions are informative, expressive, directive, and social. Each function
serves a distinct role in conveying information, emotions, instructions, and
facilitating social interactions within personal and professional contexts.

1. Information Function: This function is all about sharing facts, data, or

knowledge. It's used to inform, educate, or clarify, ensuring that information is
accurately transmitted from one party to another.

2. Motivation Function: The motivation function of communication is

geared towards inspiring, encouraging, and persuading others. It's often
employed to motivate individuals or groups to take specific actions, make
decisions, or change their behavior.

3. Control Function: In the context of organizations and workplace

dynamics, the control function involves using communication to manage and
regulate activities. This function helps establish guidelines, set boundaries, and
ensure that processes and procedures are followed as intended.

4. Emotive Function: The emotive function deals with expressing

emotions, feelings, and sentiments. It allows individuals to convey their joy,
sadness, anger, or any other emotional states, fostering understanding and
empathy in interpersonal relationships.

These four communication functions are crucial in both personal and

professional settings, shaping how we convey information, influence others,
maintain order, and connect on an emotional level with those around us.

The four communication functions—information, motivation, control,

and emotive—rely on a combination of verbal and non-verbal communication
cues to convey their messages and achieve their respective goals.

1. Information function: The use of communication for imparting facts

or knowledge. It presupposes a normative relationship in which the sender's
purpose is to inform and the receiver's purpose is to understand. In
communication where the primary function is informational, content tends be
foregrounded (rather than form or style). It is a major purpose for individuals
in both interpersonal communication and in their use of the mass media,
although in that context it is often referred to by sociologists as the
surveillance function (see also communicative functions; personal functions;
uses and gratifications). The circulation of information and news is also one of
the major roles of the mass media from the functional perspective of society,
again often termed the surveillance function (see also media functions).
Communication is often reductively defined as the transmission of information
(see also transmission models). See also exposition; informational
communication; referential function (“Information Function,” n.d.)

2. Motivation function: This is when the Speaker’s purpose is to

persuade or try to persuade another person to change his/her opinion,
attitude, or behavior. This is different from Regulation and Control where the
Speaker simply directs others and insists on his/her own agenda (Elcomblus,

3. Control function: is an econometric method used to correct for

biases that arise as a consequence of selection and/or endogeneity. It is the
leading approach for dealing with selection bias in the correlated random
coefficients model. The basic idea of the method is to model the dependence
between the variables not observed by the analyst on the observables in a way
that allows us to construct a function K such that, conditional on the function,
the endogeneity problem (relative to the object of interest) disappears
(Navarro, 2018).

4. Emotive function: to the Addresser (sender) and is best exemplified

by interjections and other sound changes that do not alter the denotative
meaning of an utterance but do add information about the Addresser's
(speaker's) internal state, e.g. "Wow, what a view!" Whether a person is
experiencing feelings of happiness, sadness, grief or otherwise, they use this
function to express themselves (Wikipedia contributors, 2023).
In discussing the four communication functions, it is essential to
recognize that each function relies on a delicate interplay between verbal and
non-verbal elements to effectively convey messages and achieve its intended

Communication is essential in the workplace because it cultivates

teamwork amongst colleagues. Human resource departments in some
companies run seminars to improve employee communication and
collaboration, with the aim of creating harmonious and productive work
environments. Learning about the differences between verbal vs nonverbal
communication can help enhance your interpersonal skills and promote career
growth. In this article, we define verbal and nonverbal communication, provide
examples of the two types of communication, outline the benefits of each, and
discuss tips you can use to improve your communication skills (Indeed
Editorial Team, 2023).

It discusses the crucial role of communication in workplace decision-
making, highlighting the interplay of verbal and non-verbal elements. It
emphasizes the significance of effective communication in the dynamic
business environment and its impact on the quality and outcome of decision-
making processes. The text introduces the concept of the four communication
functions: information, motivation, control, and emotive, each of which serves
distinct roles in conveying information, emotions, instructions, and facilitating
social interactions. These functions are crucial for both personal and
professional settings.

The information function focuses on imparting facts and knowledge,

while the motivation function aims to persuade and inspire. The control
function deals with managing and regulating activities, establishing guidelines
and boundaries, while the emotive function is about expressing emotions and
fostering empathy in interpersonal relationships.
The text further discusses the role of communication in information
circulation, motivation, control in econometrics, and the expression of
emotions. It also highlights the importance of understanding the interplay
between verbal and non-verbal communication cues in achieving the goals of
these functions.

In conclusion, effective communication is essential in the workplace,

promoting teamwork and productivity. It is crucial for achieving organizational
success and harmonious work environments. The text also introduces the
distinction between verbal and non-verbal communication and provides tips
for improving communication skills.


1. Training and Workshops: Organizations should invest in

communication training and workshops for employees to enhance their
understanding of the four communication functions. This training can help
employees recognize the significance of both verbal and non-verbal elements
in conveying messages effectively.

2. Leadership Styles: Encourage leadership styles that promote

democratic communication, as it tends to improve all aspects of
communication and productivity. Leaders should follow guidelines based on
principles like Adlerian principles, emphasizing the importance of valuing and
respecting both individuals and groups.

3. Interdisciplinary Teams: Form interdisciplinary teams that bring

together individuals with various communication strengths. This diversity can
help balance the reliance on verbal and non-verbal elements and foster more
effective communication.

4. Feedback Mechanisms: Establish feedback mechanisms to

continuously evaluate and improve communication processes within the
organization. This can involve regular surveys, open forums, or suggestion
boxes where employees can voice their thoughts and concerns regarding

5. Emotional Intelligence Training: Implement emotional intelligence

training to help employees better understand and manage their own emotions
and those of their colleagues. This can significantly enhance the emotive
function of communication.

6. Communication Technology: Stay updated with communication

technology and tools that can aid in conveying information more efficiently,
such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and project management

7. Mentoring and Coaching: Encourage mentorship and coaching

programs that allow employees to learn from seasoned communicators within
the organization. This can help them understand the practical applications of
the four communication functions.

8. Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: Promote diversity and inclusion

initiatives to ensure that all voices are heard and valued within the
organization, contributing to more balanced and effective communication.

9. Conflict Resolution Training: Equip employees with conflict resolution

skills, as conflicts can often arise from miscommunications. Training can help
individuals address and resolve conflicts constructively.

10. Regular Review: Periodically review the communication strategies

and their alignment with the organization's goals. Make adjustments as
needed to ensure that communication functions are serving the organization

Elcomblus. (2020, February 19). Functions of communication. ELCOMBLUS.
Gordon, G. N. (2023, July 3). communication. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Indeed Editorial Team. (2023, May 16). A guide to verbal vs nonverbal
Navarro, S. (2018). Control functions. In Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks (pp.
Page, L. J. (Ed.), & Ferguson, E. D. (2011). What Adlerians consider important
for communication and decision-making in the workplace: Mutual
respect and democratic leadership style. The Journal of Individual
Psychology, 67(4), 432–437.
Wikipedia contributors (2023, March 19). Jakobson’s functions of

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