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Equipment Inspection Form For Entrepreneurs - SafetyCulture

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5/13/24, 5:47 PM Equipment Inspection Form For Entrepreneurs - SafetyCulture

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Title Page

As a small business operator, you need to be aware of your health and safety
responsibilities, and identify risks and control hazards at your workplace. Use this
checklist to help you understand what to look for in order to make your workplace safe.
If you answer ‘no’ to any of the questions, you should take action to learn more and fix
the hazard you have identified. In doing this, talk to employees involved in the identified
areas/activities. By consulting your employees they take ownership and more readily
implement the changes required. Keep in mind that hazardous manual handling is the
biggest cause of workplace injury in Victoria so consider what activities may lead to this
type of injury. You may need to do more than one assessment. Regularly review and
update your assessment to ensure you maintain a safe workplace.

Note: Not all sections in this checklist may apply to your business – if this is the case,
leave the section blank. If you can only
partly answer yes, then you should tick no.

Date and Time of Assessment 

Assessment completed by

Work area management representative… 1/15
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Work area health and safety representative (HSR)

Others (employees, consultants)

Location 

Managing Safety

Is there a process for consulting employees about health and safety issues (eg. changes
to the work area or equipment, purchasing of new equipment)?

Yes No N/A

Do employees know how to report health and safety issues?

Yes No N/A

Do you consider safety when buying or leasing equipment or machinery?

Yes No N/A

Do you ask for maintenance records and replacement schedules when purchasing
second-hand equipment or machinery?

Yes No N/A

Do you regularly check to ensure all guards are in place? When buying hazardous
substances, do you check Material Safety

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Data Sheets (MSDS) / Safety Data Sheets (SDS) to ensure they are current?

Yes No N/A

Are safety instructions on the MSDS / SDS (eg. safety instructions for use, personal
protective equipment, storage, clean-up and first aid) followed?

Yes No N/A

Do you ensure and check that hazardous substances containers are correctly labelled?

Yes No N/A

Do you check the noise levels of equipment and machinery (purchased or hired) to
ensure they are less than 85db(A)?

Yes No N/A

Are employees trained in the safe use of any new equipment, machinery or chemicals?

Yes No N/A

Do you provide health and safety information (site induction, emergency and first aid
procedures) for all employees and contractors?

Yes No N/A

Are there clear instructions (written where possible) so tasks can be done safely?

Yes No N/A

Do you ensure work is not given to employees who don’t have the right skills or

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Do you regularly check to ensure employees are working safely, even if they are off-site
or travelling?

Yes No N/A

Are new and inexperienced employees adequately supervised?

Yes No N/A

Do team leaders and supervisors know how to keep workers safe (eg. work planning,
reducing risks)?

Yes No N/A

Do you ensure employees who need health checks (eg. hearing, blood tests, breathing
tests), receive them?

Yes No N/A

If relevant and agreed to by the employee, are immunisations (eg. Q fever, hepatitis A
and B, tetanus or tuberculosis) administered?

Yes No N/A


Is the workplace clean and tidy (eg. is there a routine for cleaning, rubbish bin

Yes No N/A

Is there ample storage for equipment, tools, samples, stock, ingredients and product?

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Are all pipes labelled, have enough support and have no leaks, drips or corrosion?

Yes No N/A

Are work areas safe from protruding sharp edges or objects?

Yes No N/A

Is there enough light for people to do each task safely and without eye strain or glare?

Yes No N/A

Is there adequate air and ventilation to ensure good air quality?

Yes No N/A

Contaminants may include dust, fumes, chemicals, solvents, steam, vehicle and fork lift
exhaust, and asbestos fibres.

Yes No N/A

Is the workplace at a comfortable working temperature?

Yes No N/A

Are adequate amenities (toilets, dining area) provided?

Yes No N/A

Are walkways and stairs kept clear and safe (eg. steps and handrails secure and anti-slip

Yes No N/A… 5/15
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Does the workplace pose a risk of injury due to slips, trips and falls (eg. oil, grease,
water, leads and cables)?

Yes No N/A

Is it safe for employees when entering and leaving the building or worksite?

Yes No N/A

Can people move safely around traffic areas (eg. walkways clearly marked, vehicles
separate from walkways, clear vision at corners)?

Yes No N/A

Are vehicle drivers trained and licensed, aware of dangers and have secure loads?

Yes No N/A

Equipment, Machinery and Tools

Is the correct equipment used for the job?

Yes No N/A

Have operators of tools, equipment and machinery been trained in their use?

Yes No N/A

Are stop/start switches clearly marked and in easy reach of an operator?

Yes No N/A

Do you safely store waste, particularly if near machinery and equipment?

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Is there adequate work space around machinery?

Yes No N/A

Are tools, equipment and machinery regularly maintained (in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions)?

Yes No N/A

Is there a process to ensure all tools, equipment and machinery is turned off prior to
maintenance and cleaning?

Yes No N/A

Does this process ensure tools, equipment and machinery cannot be turned on by
others during maintenance and cleaning processes?

Yes No N/A

Are unsafe or faulty tools, equipment or machinery reported immediately and

withdrawn from use?

Yes No N/A

Job Safety

Are hazards discussed with employees for each task, including hazardous manual
handling tasks?

Yes No N/A

Are there instructions or procedures (eg. safe work method statement) for all work with

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Do you ensure people who enter your workplace are not exposed to risk (eg. general
public, customers, clients and patients, delivery people, visitors, service personnel)?

Yes No N/A

Are employees protected from abusive or dangerous behaviour (eg. customer service
standards and training, security)?

Yes No N/A

Hazardous Manual Handling

Has training and information been given to employees on how to recognise hazardous
manual handling?

Yes No N/A

Have all tasks involving hazardous manual handling been identified?

Yes No N/A

Have you identified solutions by considering improvements in the work area, the system
of work, the object/s being handled and the equipment to do the task?

Yes No N/A

Have you considered if mechanical aids could control the risk?

Yes No N/A

When you introduce a new solution, do you ensure it does not create another risk?

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Do you have any faulty/damaged electrical plugs, sockets or switches or electrical leads?

Yes No N/A

Are electrical leads and power boards checked and tagged as safe?

Yes No N/A

Are the location of powerlines and cables checked before digging, drilling, using cranes
or other similar work?

Yes No N/A

Are non-conductive portable ladders used near electrical equipment or powerlines?

Yes No N/A


Is there an up-to-date list of all hazardous substances stored and used (eg. cleaning
products, paints, solvents, degreasers, petrol, inks, toner, oils, plastics, acids, alkalis,

Yes No N/A

Do you have information about these hazardous substances (eg. a material safety data

Yes No N/A

Are MSDS / SDS readily available to employees?

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Are all hazardous substances, medications and containers clearly labelled?

Yes No N/A

Have all employees received training and instruction on the safe use, handling,
transport and storage of all hazardous substances?

Yes No N/A

Is there good airflow and removal of fumes from areas where chemicals are used (eg.
exhaust canopy used)?

Yes No N/A

Are hazardous substances stored in accordance with the MSDS / SDS?

Yes No N/A

Are gas cylinders kept upright, away from heat and ignition sources, and only
transported in vehicle cabins with a vented compartment?

Yes No N/A

Are empty gas cylinders stored upright in an area clearly marked ‘empty cylinders’?

Yes No N/A

Are hazardous substances disposed in accordance with the MSDS / SDS?

Yes No N/A

Do you ensure there is no risk of infection from animals, humans (blood and body fluid),
waste or rubbish?

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Do booths used for inside spraying areas meet AS 4114:1?

Yes No N/A

Is spraying work only done by trained people?

Yes No N/A

Are warning signs displayed near outdoor spraying work?

Yes No N/A

Is the correct PPE used for spraying (eg. gloves, footwear, coveralls, respirators and

Yes No N/A

Welding and Cutting

Are welding and cutting tasks only done by trained people? Is the risk of fire and
explosion controlled?

Yes No N/A

Are welding and cutting equipment, cables, and compressed gas cylinders checked for
defects, rust and leakage?

Yes No N/A

Confined Spaces

Have all confined spaces been identified? Note: A confined space is a limited or
restricted means of entry and exit, and may contain harmful atmospheres or stored
substances that pose a risk to employees working in them.

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Are there permits for entering or working in a confined space (eg. no corrosive or
dangerous substances, supply lines cut-off, moving parts locked out, natural or
mechanical ventilation, air quality checked, enough lighting, standby person,
emergency and rescue procedures and equipment)?

Yes No N/A

Are only trained people with a confined space entry permit enter a confined space?

Yes No N/A

Work At Heights

Have all tasks to be done at height been identified (eg. access to areas for repair,
maintenance, cleaning or inspection, operation and maintenance of equipment)?

Yes No N/A

Has fall prevention been put in place (eg. guardrails, scaffolds or other temporary work
platforms, harness systems)?

Yes No N/A

Are stock, materials and displays stored or stacked at an easily reachable height or are
ladders or steps required?

Yes No N/A

Do you ensure unstable or inappropriate objects/ladders/steps are<br>not used? For

example:<br>• a chair used as ladder<br>• a straight ladder used on smooth
surfaces<br>• a straight ladder used to get stock from racking.

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Are ladders or steps used incorrectly? For example:<br>• reaching too far to either
side<br>• standing on the top rung of a ladder<br>• used on uneven floor surfaces<br>•
rung ladder used without being secured, or at too shallow or too steep an angle.

Yes No N/A

Emergency Procedures and First Aid

Are there procedures to cover emergencies such as fire, explosion, chemical spill, flood,
medical emergency, machinery accidents, motor vehicle accidents and robbery?

Yes No N/A

Have those in charge of emergency situations (such as floor wardens, fire wardens and
first aid officers) been trained?

Yes No N/A

Are exit and assembly points accessible?

Yes No N/A

Are evacuation plans on display in a prominent area?

Yes No N/A

Do exit doors open easily from inside, including cold storeroom doors?

Yes No N/A

Do you hold regular emergency drills?

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Is all emergency equipment in place and working (eg. smoke or heat detectors, sprinkler
systems, fire extinguishers, duress and other alarms, emergency lighting)?

Yes No N/A

Do you understand the requirement to notify WorkSafe immediately after becoming

aware of a serious injury or incident?

Yes No N/A

Are first aid officers appropriately trained (eg. hold a Level 2 certificate)?

Yes No N/A

Are these qualifications maintained?

Yes No N/A

Do your employees know who and where your first aid officers are?

Yes No N/A

Do you keep records of first aid provided?

Yes No N/A

Incident Reporting

Do you keep a register of injuries that includes name of injured worker, age, address,
time and date of occurrence of injury, cause of injury?

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Do you review the causes of the injury and put steps in place to prevent them from
occurring again?

Yes No N/A

Return To Work

Do you know when to appoint a return to work (RTW) coordinator?

Yes No N/A

Is there a RTW plan for all workers receiving compensation (if off work for more than 20

Yes No N/A

Are claims for workers’ compensation lodged with your agent within 10 days of
receiving them?

Yes No N/A

Note: If you own or manage a small business and have an injured worker who makes a
WorkSafe claim, you may be able to get help in the return to work process.

Sign Off

Assessment completed by (Name and Signature) 

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's
solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice.
You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should
independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.… 15/15

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