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Algorithmic Trading Survey - Hedge Fund 2023

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N UT R | V H
E YE ]D ]

With special analysis
from Datos Insights

Issue 76 // // 61
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]

Hedge funds change

algorithmic priorities
in light of continued
challenging conditions
Hedge fund results from The TRADE’s Algorithmic Trading Survey saw a decline
in overall scores for 2023, as market volatility resulted in the buy-side calling for
better execution consulting and customer support from their algo providers.

hile the hedge is clear that market challenges are productivity, ease of use, speed,
fund industry far from over, making the results and cost. The final two categories,
was unable from The TRADE’s Algorithmic speed and cost, replaced execution
to escape the Trading Survey and the factors consistency and customer support
rampant recession fears and impacting the use of algos and in the top five highest rated aspects
market volatility that echoed the perceptions of quality and of service for 2022.
throughout global markets in execution all the more timely. Of the fifteen categories assessed
2022, there are some silver linings. The overall score of hedge in the survey, 10 saw year-over-
According to the Barclay Hedge fund respondents to the 2023 year decreases in their overall
Fund Index, hedge funds lost Algorithmic Trading Survey ratings (Figure 1). The largest
8.59% in 2022 which may not declined to 5.74 from 2022’s drop was observed in execution
seem great except when compared score of 5.80, marking the lowest consulting which decreased 30
to the S&P 500 Total Return overall score by hedge fund basis points to 5.45, followed by
Index which fell 18.14%. In fact, respondents since 2019’s survey customer support which decreased
2022 marked the first time in (5.72). Respondents were based 20 basis points to 5.82. Providers
over 14 years where hedge funds primarily in the UK (43%), Europe are well aware that while access,
outperformed the S&P 500 in a (31%), North America (12%), speed and ease of use are table
calendar year. Overall industry and rest of world (11%), with a stakes, the relationship is the
performance however was once handful coming from APAC (4%). differentiator. Rather than a
again truly nonlinear, with the The most impactful features reflection of providers pulling
largest hedge funds and those of algorithms for hedge fund back on the personal services and
deploying macro strategies coming respondents differed some from high touch they are providing
out ahead of their counterparts. last year and were identified as clients, we believe there are two
As we move further into 2023, it dark pool access, increased trader factors at play driving this notable

62 // TheTRADE // Q2 2023
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]

ALGO 2023
Figure 1: Rating of algo performance ALGO 2022
ALGO 2021
Aspect of service Weighted average score

Dark pool access 5.94


Increase trader productivity 5.93


Ease of use

Speed 5.87

Cost 5.86

Execution consistency

Customer support 6.02

Reduce market impact 5.89

Flexibility/sophistication of SOR 5.68

Anonymity 5.68

Order routing logic/analysis 5.57

Price improvement 5.56

Algo monitoring capabilities 5.70

Customisation features 5.61

Execution consulting 5.75

5.20 5.30 5.40 5.50 5.60 5.70 5.80 5.90 6.00 6.10

Issue 76 // // 63
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]

decrease. First, the talent wars Figure 2: Reasons for using algorithms (% of responses)
created a high degree of turnover Feature 2023 2022 2021
and loss of expertise that has
Ease of use 12.03 12.06 11.21
played out across industries. The
loss of both key contacts and the Reduce market impact 10.87 11.58 10.78
expertise they developed around Increased trader productivity 9.33 10.24 8.68
specific solutions is something we
Consistency of execution performance 8.83 10.42 10.29
are seeing more broadly. Second,
buy-side desks are becoming Higher speed, lower latency 8.44 6.99 8.28
increasingly sophisticated and Customisation capabilities 8.37 6.37 8.47
their expectations for the support
Better prices (price improvement) 8.25 7.36 9.27
providers can offer is likely in
many cases running ahead of the Lower commission rates 7.67 8.17 7.02
capabilities of those providers. Greater anonymity 7.48 7.55 6.90
Although ranking in the bottom
Flexibility and sophistication of SOR 6.28 5.02 5.91
half of the service aspects assessed
in the survey, the largest increases Algo monitoring capabilities 6.05 7.50 7.18
were seen in flexibility and Data on venue/order routing logic or analysis 5.17 4.46 4.16
sophistication of SOR (+.07) and
Results match pre-trade estimates 1.23 2.28 1.85
order routing logic/analysis (+.05).
In fact, some respondents made
it a point to note that they want (+2.00%), higher speed/lower rates. Additionally, firms in this
to see additional features such latency (+1.46%), and flexibility demographic, who typically have
as real-time routing and venue and sophistication of SOR larger positions to move, continued
analysis tools, automatic merging (+1.26%). to rank greater anonymity among
of similar orders and increased When it comes to firm size, the their top five reasons for using
conditional trading functionality. results are generally consistent algorithms. Anonymity was ranked
Respondent’s reasons for using across respondents, although ninth most important by all hedge
algorithms are presented in Figure there were a few exceptions. In fund respondents overall.
2 as a percentage of respondents contrast to the broader survey The 2023 survey reveals that
for years 2021-2023. The top results, firms with over $50B in hedge funds on average, decreased
reasons for using algorithms AUM responding to the survey the number of algo providers
as indicated by hedge fund tended to put less emphasis on they use (Figure 3). This marks
respondents remain unchanged higher speed/lower latency and a reversal from last year’s survey
from last year. They are ease customisation capabilities and results that showed firms of
of use (12.03%), reduce market instead increased their response all sizes either increasing or
impact (10.87%), increased rate in areas like algo monitoring maintaining the number of algo
trader productivity (9.33%), capabilities and lower commission providers used. The decline in
and consistency of execution
performance (8.83%). Despite
remaining the primary reasons Figure 3: Average number of providers used by AuM (USD billions)
for using algorithms, all four of Feature 2023 2022 2021
these categories did experience a
decline in their percentage rates More than $50 billion 5.17 3.94 3.94
compared to the prior year. In $10 - 50 billion 5.00 5.52 4.00
fact, consistency of execution $1 - 10 billion 4.89 5.39 3.90
performance had the largest
year-over-year decline of any $0.5 - 1 billion 4.60 3.89 3.36
category (-1.60%). The largest $.025- 0.5 billion 1.67 2.60 2.20
increases in reasons for using Up to $0.25 billion 2.25 3.33 1.80
algorithms however were seen
in customisation capabilities Not answered 3.71 4.00 3.78

64 // TheTRADE // Q2 2023
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]

ALGO 2023
Figure 4: Number of providers used (% of responses) ALGO 2022
ALGO 2021
1-2 34.96

3-4 19.51

>5 45.53

0 10 20 30 40 50

the number of providers reflects this trend is likely multi-faceted. those that answered >80% (-6.99).
a long-term trend disrupted by First, while the survey did not This means of course that the
the 2020-2021 pandemic in which ask about prime brokerage brackets representing between 0
firms are looking to consolidate relationships, decisions around and 40% of portfolio value traded
relationships. This year’s data the use of different providers is via algorithms experienced year-
once again shows some anomalies likely correlated to both prime over-year increases in percentage
however, that indicate firms broker relationships and the use of of respondents.
are continuing to evaluate new disparate strategies. More broadly The drop in the percentage of
providers and their solutions. The there are two conflicting business respondents that use algorithms
increased sophistication of the imperatives that are driving the to trade the majority of their
buy-side trading desk will continue addition and consolidation of value was even more dramatic
to evolve, and that evolution providers. On the one hand, funds when it came to the largest firms
creates opportunities and are occasionally driven to diversify responding to this year’s survey.
competitive threats for providers. vendor exposure and capabilities The results show that almost 49%
When AUM is removed from the by engaging in additional provider of respondents from firms with
equation, the number of providers relationships. On the other over $50B in AUM used algos to
used by hedge funds continues to hand, with providers generally trade the majority of their value
show a barbell like distribution, improving their offerings over the in 2023 compared to 75% the year
with little change from prior years years, there have been efforts to before. This could be a result of
(Figure 4). Most respondents fall consolidate relationships that have hedge funds shifting their holdings
into the camp of using either one occurred on both sides. increasingly toward asset classes
to two providers (32%) or more According to this year’s survey, that are not typically traded via
than five (49%). The remaining less than half (45%) of hedge algos. In addition, as we see funds
19% of respondents use a number fund respondents say they use move toward multi-asset trading
in between. Although it is perhaps algorithms to trade the majority of strategies, survey respondents now
slow moving it is interesting to their portfolio value (Figure 5), a include entries for instruments
note that over the last few years, notable decrease from the almost outside of just equities, such as
the gap between the percentage 66% that claimed to do so the year fixed income, FX, and ETF’s,
of respondents that use one to before. It’s therefore unsurprising which they typical use algos for
two providers and those that that when broken down into less often than they do equities.
use more than five has gotten smaller brackets one can see that In 2023, we see hedge funds
wider. In the last three years, the all bar one over the 50% threshold, decreasing their use of nearly
percentage of respondents using the 70-80% bracket, experienced every type of algorithm (Figure
one to two providers has slowly year-over-year declines. The 6), which is in direct contrast to
decreased while the percentage largest was seen in the percentage last year’s results but in line with
of those using more than five has of respondents that said they trade this year’s drop in overall algo
slowly increased. The reason for between 60-70% (-13.24), and performance ratings as well as the

Issue 76 // // 65
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]

marked decline in the percentage Figure 5: Algorithm usage by value traded (% of responses)
of portfolio value traded with Feature 2023 2022 2021
algos. The only exception to
Not answered 2.67 1.63 5.14
this is dark liquidity seeking
algos and “other”, which saw an 0 - 5% 14.67 6.50 3.70
increase of almost 5% and 2.3% 5 - 10 % 5.33 3.25 6.17
by respondents year-over-year.
10 - 20% 14.67 5.69 4.73
The algorithms with the largest
declines in usage by hedge funds 20 - 30% 6.67 4.07 9.05
were target close/auction (-14.9%), 30 - 40% 5.33 4.07 8.85
TWAP (-10%), and VWAP (-9.4%).
40 - 50% 5.33 8.94 8.44
While the movement away from
participation-based algorithms 50 - 60% 13.33 15.45 7.82
reflects the growing sophistication 60 - 70% 9.33 22.76 12.76
of the buy-side trading community,
70 - 80% 9.33 7.32 12.96
an overwhelming majority of
hedge fund respondents continue >80% 13.33 20.33 20.37
to use dark liquidity seeking
(84.5%), VWAP (70.2%), and %
Figure 6: Types of algorithms used (% of responses)
volume (69.1%) algorithms to
fulfill their trading needs. Feature 2023 2022 2021
We also see that amongst the Other 7.14 4.88 6.58
largest, and primarily hybrid
Implementation shortfall (basket) 15.48 17.89 10.91
traditional/hedge players, an
even distribution of Bloomberg TWAP 27.38 37.40 27.16
EMSX, FactSet Portware, and Implementation shortfall (single stock) 45.24 45.53 44.24
FlexTrade being used to access
Target Close/Auction Algos 45.24 60.16 no data
algorithms. Amongst those with
less than $50 billion in assets % Volume (participation) 69.05 69.11 56.38
under management however, VWAP 70.24 79.67 58.64
Bloomberg EMSX continues to be
Dark liquidity seeking 84.52 79.67 67.49
the dominant EMS platform.

Methodology under management; the proportion of business done

Buy-side survey respondents were asked to give a rating using algorithms; and the number of different providers
for each algorithm provider on a numerical scale from being used. In this way the evaluations of the largest
1.0 (very weak) through to 7.0 (excellent), covering 15 and broadest users of algorithms were weighted at up
functional criteria. In general, 5.0 (good) is the ‘default’ to three times the weight of the smallest and least
score of respondents. In total, a record number of experienced respondent. Finally, it should be noted that
1,661 ratings were received across 35 algo providers, some responses provided by affiliated entities were
yielding thousands of data points for analysis. Only ignored. A few other responses where the respondent
the evaluations from clients who indicated that they could not be properly verified were also excluded. We
were engaged in managing hedge funds or using hope that readers find this approach both informative
hedge fund strategies have been used to compile the and useful as they assess different capabilities in the
provider profiles and overall market review information. future. This year’s analysis for the Algorithmic Trading
Each evaluation was weighted according to three Survey has been carried out by Datos Insights (formerly
characteristics of each respondent: the value of assets Aite-Novarica Group).

66 // TheTRADE // Q2 2023
In association with



Celebrating excellence in trading
and execution since 2010
8 November, 2023,
The Savoy, London
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]


B erenberg’s electronic offering includes global

portfolio trading, data-driven algorithmic strategies
and ETF liquidity aggregation. BEAT - Berenberg’s
under review and achieved the highest overall score
of all providers profiled in this year’s survey. The areas
where the broker differentiates itself the most compared
Algorithmic Trading - offers a comprehensive suite of to the category average are algo monitoring (+.80),
core algos, that cover equity markets and ETFs across customer support (+.72) and execution consulting
Europe and North America. The broker garnered (+.64). Additionally, Berenberg landed within the top
26 responses from hedge fund clients in this year’s three scores - of all 16 providers featured in the hedge
survey, down from 37 the year before. The majority fund results – across 11 categories. The broker did,
of respondents were based in the UK (65%), with the however, suffer year-over-year score decreases across ten
remainder split between North America (20%) and categories, with the largest being execution consulting
Europe (15%). Of the 26 Berenberg clients responding (-.34), breadth of dark pools (-.34) and customisation
to this year’s survey, nearly half (46%) are at firms features (-.32).
managing north of $50 billion in assets. Client feedback was limited, with one European based
Berenberg achieved an overall average of 6.18 in this head of trading adding, “great transparent service”, while
year’s survey, outperforming the survey average by 44 a senior UK equity trader commented, “very good feel of
basis points, albeit a slight decrease of -0.11 compared use and results”. The majority of clients reported using
with its score in 2022. Berenberg’s highest scores were Berenberg’s dark liquidity seeking (84%) and VWAP
in key areas such as customer support (6.54) and ease (65%) algorithms. Additionally, 69% of respondents
of use (6.40), while lower scores were recorded in said they are not planning to make use of any additional
customisation (5.85) and anonymity (5.92). The broker algorithmic trading providers in the next 12 months.
outperformed the category average in all of the 15 areas


Increase trader Reduce market Execution Price

Cost Speed Anonymity Customisation Ease of use
productivity impact consistency improvement

6.18 6.15 6.29 6.11 6.05 5.92 6.12 5.85 6.40

Order routing logic/ Customer Execution Dark pool Flexibility/sophistication

Algo monitoring Average score
analysis support consulting access of SOR

6.17 6.54 6.09 6.34 6.06 6.37 6.18

KEY STATS Overall Outperformer: Category Outperformer: X15

6.54 5.85 0.13 -0.34

Highest score Lowest score Most improved Least improved
(customer support) (customisation) (algo monitoring) (dark pool access)

68 // TheTRADE // Q2 2023
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]


B ernstein’s algorithmic trading offering includes a

full suite of strategies to support equities and ETF
trading across global markets. The broker continues
before. Unfortunately, however, other year-over-year
performance was less positive, as Bernstein recorded
year-over-year decreases in nearly every other category.
to invest in development of its algorithmic offering, Areas such as customer support, execution consulting
“a new analytics dashboard has been launched that and pre-trade cost estimates and ease of use recorded
allows the quick investigation of both market structure decreases of -.66, -.64 and -.43 points respectively, whilst
and the drivers behind client performance. A better the broker’s overall score fell by almost 23 basis points
understanding of performance drivers translates directly compared with 2022.
to optimal performance within client algo wheels” states Responding hedge fund clients of Bernstein’s in this
Bernstein in its provider submission to the survey. year’s survey were based in the UK (44%), Europe
In total, 16 responses were received from hedge fund (31%), North America (19%) and APAC (6%). Of those,
managers this year, down from 26 in 2022. nearly a third (31%) manage assets in excess of $50
Bernstein achieved an overall score of 5.82 in this year’s billion. In terms of asset classes, 100% of respondents
survey, outperforming the survey average by eight basis use Bernstein’s algos to trade equities and almost 30%
points. On a category level, Bernstein outperformed to trade ETFs. Popular trading strategies include dark
the benchmarks in 12 of the 15 service areas under liquidity seeking (79%), %Volume (Participation)
review, most notably cost (+.33), algo monitoring (64%), implementation shortfall (Single Stock) (50%)
(+.31) and routing logic analysis (+.21). In addition, and VWAP (50%). Finally, over 70% of hedge funds
the category of cost was the broker’s highest score responding to Bernstein said they are not planning to
(6.18), which also represents its highest year-over-year make use of any additional algorithmic trading providers
increase, coming in 26 basis points higher than the year in the next 12 months.


Increase trader Reduce market Execution Price

Cost Speed Anonymity Customisation Ease of use
productivity impact consistency improvement

6.00 5.87 5.89 6.18 6.00 5.78 5.49 5.65 5.88

Order routing logic/ Customer Execution Dark pool Flexibility/sophistication

Algo monitoring Average score
analysis support consulting access of SOR

5.83 5.61 5.47 6.04 5.79 5.88 5.82

KEY STATS Overall Outperformer: Category Outperformer: X12

6.18 5.47 0.26 -0.66

Highest score Lowest score Most improved Least improved
(cost) (execution (cost) (customer support)

Issue 76 // // 69
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]

Bank of America Securities

B ank of America Securities (BofAS) offers a full suite

of algorithmic trading strategies across multiple
assets classes. The bank, formerly known as Bank of
and flexibility and sophistication of SOR (-.38). Overall
BofAS landed in the bottom three providers profiled in
this year’s survey across seven categories. In contrast,
America Merrill Lynch, garnered 23 responses from year-over-year scores are more encouraging, with the
hedge fund clients in this year’s survey, down from 35 in bank recording improvements across six key categories,
2022. Of those, 39% are from funds with over $50 billion including increase trader productivity (+.44) routing
in assets under management. BofAS’s hedge fund clients logic analysis (+.36) and customisation features (+.14).
responding to the survey were based primarily in the UK The most common algos used by BofA Securities
(48%), Europe (30%) and the US (17%). responding hedge fund clients were dark liquidity
BofA Securities received an overall score of 5.51 in seeking (78%), %Volume (Participation) (61%), followed
this year’s survey, which falls six basis points below their by VWAP (57%), target close auction (52%) and
2022 score (5.57) and 23 basis points below this year’s implementation shortfall (single stock) (48%). Client
survey average of 5.74. Unfortunately, this resulted in the feedback was limited however several respondents noted
bank failing to reach the survey benchmarks in all bar they would like to see BofAS provide better performance
one category, namely execution consulting and pre-trade and increased customisation capabilities, as well as real
cost estimates, in which it outperformed the category time routing and venue analysis tools. Finally, over 65%
average by 15 basis points. The most notable areas of of hedge funds stated they are not planning to make use
underperformance relative to the category averages of any additional algorithmic trading providers over the
are customer support (-.49), price improvement (-.44) next 12 months.


Increase trader Reduce market Execution Price

Cost Speed Anonymity Customisation Ease of use
productivity impact consistency improvement

5.89 5.51 5.59 5.80 5.58 5.34 5.15 5.10 5.75

Order routing logic/ Customer Execution Dark pool Flexibility/sophistication

Algo monitoring Average score
analysis support consulting access of SOR

5.47 5.33 5.60 5.79 5.37 5.35 5.51

KEY STATS Category Outperformer: X1

5.89 5.10 0.44 -0.51

Highest score Lowest score Most improved Least improved
(increase trader (customisation) (increase trader (execution
productivity) productivity) consistency)

70 // TheTRADE // Q2 2023
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]


C iti received 19 submissions from hedge fund

managers in this year’s Algorithmic Trading Survey,
down from 22 the year before. Of those, a majority (52%)
(+.43), flexibility and sophistication of SOR (+.40),
routing logic analysis (+.34) and ease of use (+.24).
Disappointingly however many of these improvements
came from hedge funds with over $50 billion in AUM. were matched with year-over-year rating decreases, for
Respondents using Citi’s algo trading services were based example areas such as customer support (-.48), execution
in the UK (42%), Europe (32%), the United States (16%) consulting (-.40), reduced market impact (-.40) and
and ROW (10%). speed (-.33) all recorded a significant drop in scores.
Citi’s overall score of 5.22 is in line with its 2022 score Citi’s highest rated category in this year’s survey was ease
(5.23), however, lands 52 basis points below this year’s of use (5.69), followed by cost (5.55) and increase trader
survey average of 5.74. The bank underperformed the productivity (5.42).
benchmarks in all 15 categories under review, with the Client feedback was limited but positive, with one
most significant being in breadth of dark pools (-.72), European based senior trader commenting, “excellent
reduced market impact (-.71), execution consistency pre-trade TCA”. When asked what additional features
(-.69) and price improvement (-.64). In addition, Citi they would like to see, respondents focused on a desire
recorded scores within the bottom three across 14 of the for more customisation and better performance, as well
15 categories, when compared to all providers profiled in as improved real-time routing and venue analysis tools.
this year’s survey, as well as receiving the lowest overall The most commonly used algos among hedge fund
score. In contrast, year-over-year scores are much more clients rating Citi in this year’s survey were dark liquidity
encouraging, as the bank achieved improvements across seeking (74%) and VWAP (53%).
nine key categories, including customisation features


Increase trader Reduce market Execution Price

Cost Speed Anonymity Customisation Ease of use
productivity impact consistency improvement

5.42 5.08 5.15 5.55 5.28 5.11 4.95 5.23 5.69

Order routing logic/ Customer Execution Dark pool Flexibility/sophistication

Algo monitoring Average score
analysis support consulting access of SOR

5.05 5.36 4.83 5.22 5.36 5.00 5.22


5.69 4.83 0.43 -0.48

Highest score Lowest score Most improved Least improved
(ease of use) (execution (customisation) (customer support)

Issue 76 // // 71
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]

Goldman Sachs

G oldman Sachs Electronic Trading (GSET) offers

a full suite of algorithmic trading strategies,
which cover global equity markets, ETFs, fixed
cost estimates (+.06), customisation features (+.04),
and cost (+.02). In contrast, the firm’s most notable
areas of underperformance compared to the industry
income, foreign exchange and listed derivatives. In benchmarks were anonymity (-.38), reduced market
its provider submission to the survey, the investment impact (-.27) and breadth of dark pools (-.21).
bank highlights its focus “to differentiate [itself] GSET recorded its highest scores in the categories
and remain at the forefront of the industry through of cost (5.87), ease of use (5.83) and increase trader
constant product investment and innovation, across productivity (5.79). In addition, year-over-year
all assets”. Goldman Sachs received 29 responses from improvements were captured across seven categories,
hedge fund managers in this year’s survey – compared including routing logic analysis (+.40), increase trader
to 47 responses received in 2022 – which in terms of productivity (+.15) and flexibility and sophistication
submissions, ranks the bank fourth amongst its peers. of SOR (+.08). The bank saw its largest drop in
Responding clients were based mainly in the UK (52%), ratings in the areas of reduced market impact (-.37)
Europe (28%) and North America (14%). and customisation features (-.25). Of Goldman’s 29
Goldman Sachs recorded an overall average score of hedge fund client responses, just over a third (34%)
5.63 in this year’s survey, the exact same as last year, represent funds with over $50 billion in assets under
placing the investment bank 11 basis points below management. Similar to other providers in this year’s
the survey average of 5.74. Despite this, Goldman survey, client feedback for Goldman was limited
was able to outperform the industry benchmark however several respondents expressed interested in
in several key categories, including routing logic additional customisation features.
analysis (+.08), execution consulting and pre-trade


Increase trader Reduce market Execution Price

Cost Speed Anonymity Customisation Ease of use
productivity impact consistency improvement

5.79 5.51 5.68 5.87 5.77 5.31 5.47 5.52 5.83

Order routing logic/ Customer Execution Dark pool Flexibility/sophistication

Algo monitoring Average score
analysis support consulting access of SOR

5.69 5.61 5.52 5.73 5.63 5.45 5.63

KEY STATS Category Outperformer: X4

5.87 5.31 0.40 -0.37

Highest score Lowest score Most improved Least improved
(cost) (anonymity) (routing logic (reduce market
analysis) impact)

72 // TheTRADE // Q2 2023
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]


J efferies’ Electronic Trading Solutions (JETS)

provides a global electronic trading platform with
algorithmic access to markets across EMEA, APAC
On the other hand and perhaps more importantly,
the firm outperformed the industry benchmarks
across 13 categories, including customisation features
and the Americas. The independent investment bank (+.45), increase trader productivity (+.39), customer
provides a comprehensive suite of liquidity seeking support (+.35) and routing logic analysis (+.30). In
and benchmark tracking algorithms aimed to reduce addition, scores in increase trader productivity (6.32),
market impact and improve trading performance. customisation features (5.92) and order routing logic or
Jefferies received 21 responses in this year’s survey from analysis (5.92) were ranked within the top three scores
hedge fund managers, down from the 31 responses of all profiled providers in this year’s survey.
submitted in 2022. Hedge fund clients responding for Jefferies this year
Jefferies’ overall average score of 5.94 was down 24 were based primarily in the UK (48%), Europe (24%)
basis points from its 2022 score of 6.18, yet comfortably and the United States (14%), with the remainder
outperforms the survey average by 20 basis points. split between South Africa and Hong Kong. Client
Jefferies’ scored above a 6.0 (very good) in five feedback was positive, one trader at a London-based
categories, including increase trader productivity, hedge fund states “the touchdown algo with Jefferies
reduce market impact, execution consistency, ease of is best in the industry - more smart algos like that
use and customer support. Despite this, the bank lost would be incredible.” Finally, over 66% of hedge funds
ground year-over-year in all bar one category, with the responding to Jefferies said they are not planning
most notable being the areas of execution consulting to make use of any additional algorithmic trading
and pre-trade cost estimates (-.67), algo monitoring providers in the next 12 months.
(-.53), speed (-.33) and price improvement (-.32).


Increase trader Reduce market Execution Price

Cost Speed Anonymity Customisation Ease of use
productivity impact consistency improvement

6.32 6.05 6.07 5.92 5.99 5.97 5.78 5.92 6.06

Order routing logic/ Customer Execution Dark pool Flexibility/sophistication

Algo monitoring Average score
analysis support consulting access of SOR

5.92 6.17 5.44 5.93 5.77 5.78 5.94

KEY STATS Overall Outperformer: Category Outperformer: X13

6.32 5.44 0.11 -0.67

Highest score Lowest score Most improved Least improved
(increase trader (execution (routing logic (execution
productivity) consulting) analysis) consulting)

Issue 76 // // 73
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]

JP Morgan

J P Morgan received 34 responses from hedge fund

managers in this year’s survey, in line with the 35
responses submitted in 2022. In terms of the overall
trader productivity (6.01) and breadth of dark pools
(6.00). JP Morgan did however experience year-over-
year decreases in 13 of the 15 service areas measured in
number of submissions, JP Morgan ranks second this year’s survey, including execution consulting and
among the 35 algo providers surveyed this year. Most pre-trade cost estimates (-.55), ease of use (-.41) and
hedge fund clients responding to the bank were based speed (-.28).
in either in the UK (47%), Europe (32%) or North A large proportion (41%) of the participant funds
America (12%), while the remaining 9% were based in using JP Morgan’s algos manage over US$50 billion in
APAC and ROW. assets and represent some of the world’s largest hedge
JP Morgan achieved an average score of 5.80 in this fund managers. Just over 64% stated they are not
year’s survey, which represents an .18 decrease from its planning to make use of any additional algorithmic
2022 score (5.98), nevertheless outperforms the survey trading providers within the next 12 months.
average by six basis points. The global investment Additional features on clients’ wish lists include real
giant outperformed the survey benchmarks in all but time routing and venue analysis tools. Lastly, when
four categories. The most notable areas of category considering all of JP Morgan’s hedge fund clients
outperformance were customer support (+.28), responding to this year’s survey, results show the
execution consistency (+.23), customisation features most commonly used algorithms are dark liquidity
(+.18) and price improvement (+.14). The bank’s seeking (76%), target close/auction algos (44%), and
highest scores this year were recorded in customer implementation shortfall (single stock) (41%).
support (6.10), execution consistency (6.07), increase


Increase trader Reduce market Execution Price

Cost Speed Anonymity Customisation Ease of use
productivity impact consistency improvement

6.01 5.81 6.07 5.93 5.87 5.56 5.73 5.65 5.93

Order routing logic/ Customer Execution Dark pool Flexibility/sophistication

Algo monitoring Average score
analysis support consulting access of SOR

5.70 6.10 5.30 6.00 5.71 5.64 5.80

KEY STATS Overall Outperformer: Category Outperformer: X11

6.10 5.30 0.03 -0.55

Highest score Lowest score Most improved Least improved
(customer support) (execution (price (execution
consulting) improvement) consulting)

74 // TheTRADE // Q2 2023
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]

Kepler Cheuvreux

K epler Cheuvreux Execution services platform offers

a comprehensive suite of core algorithms, serving
around 500 clients on the buy-side, across ETFs and
support (+.09). In fact, its score achieved for the
category of cost (6.26) was the highest across all
providers profiled this year, indicating clients are very
equity markets throughout North America and Europe. satisfied in terms of value for money. Year-over-year
Last year Kepler Cheuvreux Execution underwent improvements were recorded in eight categories,
a rebrand to KCx, with a new mission statement: including price improvement (+.78), anonymity (+.63),
“To be the most trusted, agile, multi-local agency ease of use (+.46) and customisation features (+.30).
broker, building solutions which clients love”. Kepler In contrast, the most notably decreases were recorded
received 18 responses from hedge fund clients in this in routing logic analysis (-.65), algo monitoring (-.61),
year’s survey, which is down from the 25 submissions and breadth of dark pools (-.42).
received in 2022. Hedge fund clients responding to Kepler Cheuvreux
Kepler Cheuvreux received an average score of in this year’s survey were largely based in continental
5.75 this year, in line with its 2022 score of 5.76 and Europe (61%) and the UK (33%), while the remainder
once again lands just above the survey average (5.74), was located in the United States (6%). Of those, around
qualifying the agency broker with overall outperformer 17% represented funds with more than US$50 billion in
status. On a category level, Kepler outperformed the AUM, a lower percentage than many of the other algo
survey benchmarks in eight of the 15 areas under providers profiled in this year’s report. When it came to
review, including key aspects of service such as cost the most commonly used algos, most respondents use
(+.41), customisation features (+.22) and customer VWAP, POV and dark liquidity seeking.


Increase trader Reduce market Execution Price

Cost Speed Anonymity Customisation Ease of use
productivity impact consistency improvement

6.00 5.75 5.85 6.26 5.89 5.73 5.65 5.69 5.81

Order routing logic/ Customer Execution Dark pool Flexibility/sophistication

Algo monitoring Average score
analysis support consulting access of SOR

5.49 5.91 5.31 5.81 5.70 5.40 5.75

KEY STATS Overall Outperformer: Category Outperformer: X8

6.26 5.31 0.78 -0.65

Highest score Lowest score Most improved Least improved
(cost) (execution (price (routing logic
consulting) improvement) analysis)

Issue 76 // // 75
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]


L iquidnet’s offering provides equity algorithmic

trading solutions to more than 400 buy-side clients.
The company is continuing to invest significantly into
and sophistication of SOR (+.65), breadth of dark
pools (+.30), anonymity (+.28), and reduce market
impact (+.19). The largest year-over-year decreases
its algorithmic trading services as well as its traditional were in increase trader productivity (-.78), execution
block crossing technology and is also continuing to consulting and pre-trade cost estimates (-.53), and
work on its new algo container technology. Liquidnet execution consistency (-.46).
– part of interdealer broker TP ICAP – stated in Compared to the survey benchmarks, Liquidnet
its provider submission to the survey that “new outperformed the industry average in three key areas,
innovations including Smart Blocks and Fusion single- including anonymity (+.37), reduced market impact
stock RFQ are examples of how a combination of (+.32), and breadth of dark pools (+.21). Significant
product and service are helping Liquidnet members to areas of underperformance however were recorded in
solve their liquidity challenges.” cost (-.52), customisation features (-.46), execution
The firm’s algorithmic solutions support equities consulting and pre-trade cost estimates (-.40), and
trading across TWAP, percentage of volume execution consistency (-.40).
(POV), dynamic POV, market-on-close (MOC), Hedge fund clients responding to Liquidnet in this
implementation shortfall (IS), and VWAP. Liquidnet year’s survey are scattered across the globe with 43%
received 30 responses from hedge fund managers using located in the UK, 27% in Europe, 17% in South Africa,
its algorithms in this year’s survey – up from 26 in 10% in the United States, and 3% in Hong Kong. The
2022. firm received positive feedback. One UK-based trader
Liquidnet received an overall survey score of 5.60 in commented: “The team at Liquidnet are the best in the
2023’s survey, which is 10 basis points below its 2022 industry”. They added: “Their unique coverage system
score of 5.70 and 14 below the overall survey average allows traders to have a direct point of contact for
(5.74). Despite this, the firm was able to increase its trading specifically as well as wider business needs”.
scores in several categories, most notably in flexibility


Increase trader Reduce market Execution Price

Cost Speed Anonymity Customisation Ease of use
productivity impact consistency improvement

5.64 6.10 5.44 5.33 5.77 6.06 5.56 5.01 5.58

Order routing logic/ Customer Execution Dark pool Flexibility/sophistication

Algo monitoring Average score
analysis support consulting access of SOR

5.41 5.71 5.06 6.15 5.75 5.49 5.60

KEY STATS Category Outperformer: X3

6.15 5.01 0.65 -0.78

Highest score Lowest score Most improved Least improved
(dark pool access) (customisation) (flexibility of SOR) (increase trader

76 // TheTRADE // Q2 2023
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]

Morgan Stanley

M organ Stanley Electronic Trading (MSET)

received 37 responses from hedge funds in this
year’s survey which in terms of number of overall
Additionally, the bank’s scores in speed (6.27) and dark
pool access (6.19) landed within the top three scores
of all providers featured in the hedge fund results.
submissions, ranks the bank first among the 35 algo In terms of year-over-year improvements, Morgan
providers surveyed this year. Respondents were located Stanley recorded increases in all categories with the
primarily in the UK (38%) and Europe (32%), with exception of customer support (-.26). The most notable
the remainder in South Africa (14%), the US (11%), improvements were in routing logic analysis (+.56),
and Hong Kong (5%). Nearly one third (32%) of hedge breadth of dark pools (+.51), customisation features
fund managers responding to the bank represent firms (+.45), and flexibility and sophistication of SOR (+.41).
managing assets greater than US$50 billion. Hedge fund clients responding to this year’s survey
Morgan Stanley achieved an average score of 5.85 use a range of Morgan Stanley’s algos to support their
in this year’s survey, a 21 basis point increase from strategies. The most common were dark liquidity
its 2022 score (5.64), placing the bank comfortably seeking (76%), VWAP (73%), percent volume (68%),
above the overall survey average of 5.74. Morgan and target close auction algos (51%). Lastly, over 78%
Stanley outperformed the average in 11 of the 15 of respondents stated they are not planning to make use
categories surveyed, including speed (+.40), flexibility of any additional algorithmic trading providers within
and sophistication of SOR (+.31), breadth of dark the next 12 months.
pools (+.25), and routing logic analysis (+.22).


Increase trader Reduce market Execution Price

Cost Speed Anonymity Customisation Ease of use
productivity impact consistency improvement

5.94 5.84 5.88 5.84 6.27 5.62 5.77 5.68 5.99

Order routing logic/ Customer Execution Dark pool Flexibility/sophistication

Algo monitoring Average score
analysis support consulting access of SOR

5.84 5.52 5.58 6.19 6.06 5.73 5.85

KEY STATS Overall Outperformer: Category Outperformer: X11

6.27 5.52 0.56 -0.26

Highest score Lowest score Most improved Least improved
(speed) (customer support) (routing logic (customer support)

Issue 76 // // 77
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]


A lgorithmic trading solutions provider Redburn

offers a full suite covering equities markets
throughout Europe and North America. Redburn was
increases in a number of service areas, most notably
speed (+.35), customer support (+.26), and reduced
market impact (+.23). It’s largest year-over-year
acquired by Rothschild & Co in December and is now decreases were in breadth of dark pools (-.52), routing
part of their equities markets solutions group. In its logic analysis (-.22), and customisation features (-.17).
provider submission to this year’s survey, the broker Redburn outperformed the industry benchmark in
stated that it has heavily invested into its auction every category except cost, where it came in nine
trading capabilities including the launch on a new basis points below the catagory average of 5.85. The
dynamic auction strategy. Of Redburn’s hedge fund provider’s most significant areas of outperformance
client base, 19 responded to this year’s survey, which were in customer support (+.82), execution consulting
is up from last year’s 16. Respondents to Redburn and pre-trade cost estimates (+.63), and anonymity
were based in the UK (63%), Europe (32%) and North (+.40).
America (5%). The majority of responding clients for Redburn
Redburn’s average score of 6.05 comes in slightly represented small to mid-size hedge funds, with only
above last year’s average (6.02) but significantly higher 16% from those managing over $50 billion in assets.
than the overall survey average (+.31). The firm’s The most common performance measurement metric
highest scores were in the areas of customer support by far was implementation shortfall, followed by
(6.64), increase trader productivity (6.21), ease of use VWAP. Additionally, only 11% of respondents state
(6.18) and speed (6.17), in fact eight of its scores land they expect to make use of additional algorithmic
within the top three ratings of all providers profiled trading providers in the next 12 months.
in this year’s survey. The firm recorded year-over-year


Increase trader Reduce market Execution Price

Cost Speed Anonymity Customisation Ease of use
productivity impact consistency improvement

6.21 6.07 6.15 5.76 6.17 6.09 5.86 5.72 6.18

Order routing logic/ Customer Execution Dark pool Flexibility/sophistication

Algo monitoring Average score
analysis support consulting access of SOR

5.88 6.64 6.09 6.00 6.00 5.87 6.05

KEY STATS Overall Outperformer: Category Outperformer: X14

6.64 5.72 0.35 -0.52

Highest score Lowest score Most improved Least improved
(customer support) (customisation) (speed) (dark pool access)

78 // TheTRADE // Q2 2023
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]


U BS, an early pioneer of electronic trading,

continues to invest in the space by building on
its equities technology and utilising their expertise
algo monitoring (-.43), plus routing logic analysis
and reduced market impact, which were both 33 basis
points below the category average. Overall, UBS landed
to create FX, rates, credit and futures offerings. UBS in the bottom three ratings across six categories.
received 28 responses from hedge fund managers to The bank recorded year-over-year improvements
its algorithmic trading solutions in this year’s survey, in nine categories, with the largest being in flexibility
down from 36 in 2022. In terms of regional breakdown, and sophistication of SOR (+.45), price improvement
over half of hedge fund managers responding to UBS (+.41), anonymity (+.34), and customisation features
were based in the UK (57%), 29% in Europe, 11% in (+.33). Ultimately these increases outweighed the
North America, and 3% in ROW. Of those respondents, bank’s most significant year-over-year decreases
43% are at funds that manage north of $50 billion in which were in customer support (-.49), execution
assets. consulting and pre-trade cost estimates (-.28), and algo
UBS’ overall average score of 5.55 came in seven monitoring (-.14).
basis points higher than last year’s score of 5.48, The most commonly used algorithms by responding
however falls below the survey average of 5.74. The clients of UBS are dark liquidity seeking (75%), percent
bank underperformed the survey benchmark in every volume (57%), and VWAP (54%). Client feedback
category except cost, where it landed seven basis was limited, however respondents did note additional
points above the average with a score of 5.92. The most features that are of interest, including better service,
significant areas of underperformance compared to the additional liquidity, real-time routing and venue
category benchmarks were customer support (-.62), analysis tools, and reduced cost.


Increase trader Reduce market Execution Price

Cost Speed Anonymity Customisation Ease of use
productivity impact consistency improvement

5.68 5.45 5.59 5.92 5.85 5.65 5.46 5.37 5.86

Order routing logic/ Customer Execution Dark pool Flexibility/sophistication

Algo monitoring Average score
analysis support consulting access of SOR

5.29 5.20 5.25 5.76 5.71 5.14 5.55

KEY STATS Category Outperformer: X1

5.92 5.14 0.45 -0.49

Highest score Lowest score Most improved Least improved
(cost) (algo monitoring) (flexibility of SOR) (customer support)

Issue 76 // // 79
[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ]


Increased trader Reduced market Execution

Cost Speed Anonymity Price improvement Customisation
productivity impact consistency

5.89 5.61 5.79 5.90 5.82 5.61 5.36 5.48

Order routing Customer Execution Dark pool Flexibility and

Ease of use Algo monitoring Average score
logic/analysis support consulting access sophistication of SOR

5.83 5.38 6.07 5.56 5.70 5.62 5.55 5.68


Increased trader Reduced market Execution

Cost Speed Anonymity Price improvement Customisation
productivity impact consistency

6.50 6.16 6.45 5.99 6.43 6.05 5.66 6.19

Order routing Customer Execution Dark pool Flexibility and

Ease of use Algo monitoring Average score
logic/analysis support consulting access sophistication of SOR

6.21 6.01 6.42 6.09 6.18 6.10 6.07 6.17


Increased trader Reduced market Execution

Cost Speed Anonymity Price improvement Customisation
productivity impact consistency

6.02 5.52 5.85 5.85 6.07 6.05 5.47 5.88

Order routing Customer Execution Dark pool Flexibility and

Ease of use Algo monitoring Average score
logic/analysis support consulting access sophistication of SOR

5.55 5.34 6.05 5.28 6.37 6.21 5.08 5.77


Increased trader Reduced market Execution

Cost Speed Anonymity Price improvement Customisation
productivity impact consistency

6.02 6.23 5.80 5.70 5.91 5.53 5.88 4.90

Order routing Customer Execution Dark pool Flexibility and

Ease of use Algo monitoring Average score
logic/analysis support consulting access sophistication of SOR

6.04 5.20 6.17 5.62 6.08 5.78 5.33 5.75

80 // TheTRADE // Q2 2023

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