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Auto Tix: Automated Bus Ticket Solution

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Auto Tix: Automated Bus Ticket Solution

Sonam Chopade1; Swapnil Mahajan2
Assistant Professor 1,2
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
S.B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management and Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Sumedh Shinde3; Isha Kulkarni4; Rizwan Sheikh5; Isha Jha6; Tarun Satpute7
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, S.B. Jain Institute of Technology,
Management and Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Abstract:- This paper presents AutoTix, an automated Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques will be
bus ticketing and exit control system aimed at employed to enhance human-computer interaction, making it
transforming public transportation. By leveraging more intuitive and accommodating to passengers' needs. The
modern software technologies like Python, PyQt, NLP, integration of qrcode for QR code generation and recognition,
pyqrcode, and speech recognition, AutoTix addresses along with speech recognition capabilities, ensures that the
issues such as long queues, fare calculation errors, and system is not only robust but also accessible to a wide range
security vulnerabilities inherent in traditional systems. of users. This comprehensive approach sets the stage for a
Through streamlined operations and enhanced security future where bus travel is elevated to new heights of
measures, AutoTix sets a new benchmark for efficiency, security, and user satisfaction.
convenience, security, and accessibility in bus travel. With
its potential to reshape urban mobility amidst rapid AutoTix's potential to redefine public transportation
urbanization and growing demand for efficiency, AutoTix systems holds immense promise for urban mobility. By
offers passengers a seamless journey experience. combining innovative software technologies with a visionary
approach, this project sets a new standard for convenience,
Keywords:- Python, Pyqt, NLP, Pyqrcode, Speech security, and accessibility in bus travel. The following
Recognition, Efficiency, Security, Accessibility. synopsis provides an overview of the pivotal role AutoTix is
poised to play in the evolution of public transportation,
I. INTRODUCTION offering a glimpse into a future where getting from point A to
point B is not just a journey, but an experience.
In a time marked by unprecedented technological
advancements and an escalating demand for efficient public II. RELATED WORK
transportation, the emergence of AutoTix signifies a
monumental step forward. This ambitious project is dedicated This paper [1] shows the proposes an Automatic Fare
to crafting a cutting-edge automated bus ticket vending and Collection System utilizing RFID and smart cards for public
exit control system that promises to revolutionize passenger transportation. This system streamlines the payment process,
engagement and navigation within bus transportation eliminating the need for passengers to carry cash and ensuring
services. With an unwavering commitment to harnessing the accurate fare calculation. The automated record-keeping on a
potential of modern software technologies, including Python, server enhances transparency and efficiency. Additionally,
PyQt, NLP, qrcode, and speech recognition, AutoTix the integration of IoT-based web monitoring provides real-
envisions a future where bus travel transcends its time information on bus status, passenger count, and route
conventional constraints. This transformative endeavor details. Overall, this research addresses practical issues in bus
aspires not only to streamline the entire process but also to transportation, offering a convenient and technologically
fortify it with heightened security measures, ultimately advanced solution for both passengers and conductors. In this
culminating in a remarkably user-friendly experience for paper [2] This research paper, titled "RFID-Based Automatic
passengers. Bus Ticketing: Features and Trends," explores the potential
of advanced technologies like RFID, GSM, GPS, ZigBee, and
AutoTix aims to do more than just innovate; it seeks to RF modules in revolutionizing public bus transportation. It
completely transform public transportation. By integrating provides a comprehensive review of various bus ticketing and
Python's versatile programming capabilities and user-friendly information methods, emphasizing their cost-effectiveness,
interfaces like PyQt, the project aims to create a seamless convenience, and user satisfaction. The paper underscores the
ticketing experience. importance of these technologies for enhancing the welfare of
the public and visually impaired individuals. Overall, it offers
valuable insights into the promising future of technology-
driven improvements in public transportation systems.

IJISRT24APR134 2028

Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

This paper proposes a new system in [3] that will use offering a solution to the peak-hour ticketing rush, change
RFID based smart cards to digitalize our travelling facility by provision, and ticket safeguarding issues. The integration of
replacing conventional paper ticketing system. The smart a keypad and IR sensor ensures accurate passenger count. In
card is held over the RFID reader at the entrance and at exit paper [10] RFID-based automatic bus fare collection system
and the corresponding fare due to the distance travelled is using electronic Ticket, it is described that a system that
deducted from the passenger’s account. All the calculations employs RFID-based location information to provide
are done using rotary encoder and Arduino. The system aims navigational guidance based on his position.
to increase customer convenience and eventually replaces
paper tickets in transportation system. In this project [11] they are using QR code for ticketing
system and when the destination arrived bus stops
In paper [4] This research paper effectively identifies automatically and intimate with the buzzer sound.
the urgent need for advancements in India's transportation
systems, prioritizing passenger well-being, convenience, and In paper [12] In this paper, RFID-based automatic bus
operational enhancements. It astutely acknowledges the fare collection system using electronic Ticket, it is described
financial challenges linked to the conventional paper that a system that employs RFID-based location information
ticketing approach, including unsold tickets and financial to provide navigational guidance based on his position. That
losses. The proposed solution of an automated fare collection a system that uses the RFID-based location information give
system using RFID and GPS is both timely and practical, the navigation indications depending on his current location;
showcasing a forward-looking approach to modernizing given that the user has previously indicated the destinations
ticketing processes. The paper's thorough consideration of he wishes to visit.
implementation scenarios adds depth to its practicality,
making it a valuable contribution to the improvement of III. METHODOLOGY
India's public transportation system.
AutoTix typically includes a user interface for
This research paper addresses the growing demand for passengers to browse bus schedules, select seats, and make
efficient bus reservation systems in Nigeria and similar payments securely. The system should also incorporate real-
countries. It highlights the inefficiencies and time-consuming time data for accurate scheduling and availability
nature of manual reservation processes. The proposed information. Backend components manage ticket inventory,
solution is a web-based application that enables users to process payments, and generate electronic tickets.
check bus availability, purchase tickets, and make payments Automation streamlines the entire ticketing process, from
online. It's developed using a combination of web reservation to boarding, reducing manual efforts and
technologies like XHTML, PHP, SQL, Ajax, CSS, and enhancing overall efficiency.

In this paper [6] This research paper aptly recognizes the

need for an efficient bus reservation system in Nigeria and
similar regions. It effectively highlights the shortcomings of
manual processes and introduces a practical solution—a web-
based application. This system not only streamlines bus
reservation but also offers the convenience of online ticket
purchase and payment. The use of a variety of web
technologies underscores the paper's commitment to

In paper [7] This research paper addresses the creation

of an Online Bus Ticket Reservation System aimed at
enhancing customer convenience and improving company
efficiency. It identifies common issues like time and money
wastage, manual ticket sales reporting, and ticket fraud in the
existing over-the-counter ticket purchasing system. The
proposed system streamlines operations, allowing customers
to easily check ticket availability, purchase, and pay online
using prepaid cards. The use of Object-Oriented methodology
and MD-5 algorithm for security reflects a structured and
secure approach to modernizing bus ticketing services.

In this paper [8] An Integrated Mobility System (IMS)

is proposed aiming to improve performances of ticketing
management in a public transport network based on an
intensive application of RFID technology. In [9] proposes an Fig 1: AutoTix Automated Bus Ticket Booking Flowchart
automated ticket issuing system using RFID technology,

IJISRT24APR134 2029

Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

ensure security. Alarms or notifications can be triggered for

A. System Architecture Overview: any suspicious activities or attempts to bypass the gate
A user-friendly mobile application for passengers to without a valid ticket.
browse schedules, select seats, and make bookings. Backend
server Manages user authentication, processes booking E. Scalability:
requests, and interacts with the database. Database stores Design the system to be scalable to accommodate
information on bus schedules, seat availability, user profiles, varying numbers of users and transactions. Plan for
and transaction history. QR code scanner enables the readers scalability to handle increased demand during
on buses for contactless ticket validation. Mobile Payment peak travel times.
Gateway enables secure and convenient digital transactions.
Operator Dashboard provides bus operators with real-time IV. EXPERIMENTATION AND RESULTS
insights into ticket sales, bus occupancy, and
route optimization.

B. Data Flow:
Passenger interacts with the mobile app to search for bus
schedules and make a booking. The mobile app sends a
booking request to the backend server. The backend server
processes the request, updates the database, and generates a
digital ticket. The digital ticket is sent to the passenger's
mobile app. Passenger boards the bus, and the QR code reader
validates the digital ticket. Transaction details are updated in
the database. Bus operator monitors real-time data through
the operator dashboard for effective management.

C. Backend Server:
In backend server we are using Mongo DB for storing
database of user information for further transactions. Process
booking requests received from the mobile application. Fig 2: Let’s Get Started Window
Validate user information and check seat availability.
Generate digital tickets with unique identifiers and QR codes
for valid bookings.

 QR Code Transaction:
When a passenger books a bus ticket through the mobile
application, a unique QR code is generated for the specific
transaction. The QR code contains essential information such
as booking details, seat number, and a unique identifier tied
to the transaction. The digital ticket presented to the
passenger includes the generated QR code. The QR code
serves as a digital representation of the ticket and includes
encrypted information to prevent tampering. When boarding
the bus, the passenger presents the digital ticket with the QR
code displayed on their mobile device. The QR code can be
presented on the mobile app screen for scanning. Fig 3: Select Source to Destination

D. Gate Mechanism:
Gates at the bus station entrance and exit are equipped
with automated mechanisms controlled by the
ticketing system. Passengers must present their tickets at the
gate for validation. The system should quickly verify the
ticket's authenticity and validity. Upon successful ticket
validation, the gate opens to allow the passenger to enter the
bus station or board the bus. The gate remains open for a
predetermined duration, providing enough time for the
passenger to pass through. After the allowed time or when the
passenger has successfully entered, the gate closes.

If the ticket is invalid or the entry is unauthorized, the

gate remains closed, and an alert is triggered. CCTV cameras
and sensors can be installed to monitor gate activity and Fig 4: Select Total Number of Passengers

IJISRT24APR134 2030

Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


In conclusion, the implementation of an automated bus

ticket system utilizing QR code generation represents a
transformative leap forward in the realm of public
transportation. This innovative approach not only streamlines
the ticketing process, reducing queues and wait times, but
also aligns seamlessly with the global trend toward
contactless and paperless solutions, emphasizing
safety and hygiene. Beyond convenience, the automated
collection of data provides valuable insights into passenger
preferences, travel patterns, and peak times. This data-driven
approach empowers transport providers to optimize routes,
improve service quality, and enhance overall
operational efficiency. efficient, user-centric, and data-
informed public transportation experience. As we embrace
these advancements, we pave the way for a future where
Fig 5: Summary Page commuting is not just a necessity but a seamlessly integrated
and enjoyable part of urban living.
The experiments focused on key metrics such as user
interaction efficiency, and the accuracy of real-time updates. REFERENCES
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