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Nirma University Conference 2017

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The Nirma University is located in peaceful and sylvan surroundings, on Sarkhej Gandhinagar highway (about 17 km from
Ahmedabad railway station and 10 km from the Ahmedabad Air-port) in Ahmedabad, Gujarat State of India.
Ahmedabad, one of the liveliest cities and a major industrial hub in India, had often been called the Manchester of the East.
Ahmedabad is the largest city in Gujarat with a population of about 5 million. The city has developed itself into a leading

NUiCONE 2017
industrial centre and has become economic capital of Gujarat. Vibrant Gujarat is an example to prove this. The city has many
places to visit, like Science City, Akshardham Temple, Gandhi Ashram, Adalaj Vav (step well) etc. The weather of Ahmedabad
is very pleasant during the month of November.

6th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering

(November 23-25, 2017)

Address for correspondence:

Conference Chair - NUiCONE-17 In Association with
Institute of Technology, Nirma University CSCE
Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway, C
Ahmedabad- 382 481, Gujarat, India G
Ph: +91-79-30642540 IEEE Gujarat Section C1887

Indian Green
Conference Website: Institution of Setting the Standard Building Council
Engineers (India) for Automation
Nirma University is one of Indias leading universities based in Ahmedabad (Gujarat). The University was established in the Nirma University International Conference on Engineering NUiCONE is a flagship event of the Institute of Technology,
year 2003 as a Statutory University under a special act passed by the Gujarat State Legislative Assembly. It is recognized by Nirma University, Ahmedabad. This conference follows successful organization of four national conferences and five
the University Grants Commission (UGC) under Section 2 (f) of the UGC Act. The University is accredited Grade A by international conferences in previous years. Last conference of this series NUiCONE-2015 was very successful with more
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). The University is a member of Association of Indian Universities than 570 research papers submitted, out of which approx. 171 papers were down-selected and presented after the rigorous
(AIU) and the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU). reviews including plagiarism checks and blind-fold technical reviews by multiple reviewers. The expert speakers and
conference delegates were from all across India and abroad covering researchers and eminent experts from academia,
Dr Karsanbhai K. Patel, Chairman, Nirma Group of Companies and Chairman, NERF is the President of the University. industry such as GE, Mitsubishi, ATE India, Linde etc. and government R&D organizations like IPR, ISRO, PRL and BISAG.
Functioning under the aegis of NERF, the University consists of Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of
Upcoming NUiCONE-2017 is being planned with a focal theme of Technology Driver- The Engine for Growth. It is a multi-
Management, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Doctoral Studies
conference with many inter-disciplinary technical themes encompassing and enabling a broad researchers from broad
and Research, Faculty of Design and Faculty of Commerce.
range of disciplines. Besides, NUiCONE-2017 will also have exciting new set of events especially to enable and attract
increased participation by practicing engineers, technologists and technopreneurs from industry through special
knowledge sharing sessions involving applied technical papers by industry participants based on case-study applications,
ABOUT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY white-papers, panel discussions, industrial exhibitions of innovations and technology products etc. Major attraction are pre
Institute of Technology, Nirma University, started in 1995, was the first self-financed engineering college in Gujarat. conference tutorials, technical papers, plenary sessions and white paper presentation by practicing engineers.
Within 21 years of inception, Institute of Technology is a leading hub of education, offering multidisciplinary
undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. programmes in engineering which are rated highly by accreditation agencies,
industry, business magazines and students. CALL FOR PAPER
Faculty-members from academia, practicing professionals and researchers from industry and government organizations,
The Institute is ranked within top 25 self-financed engineering colleges of India in the survey conducted by various
and M.Tech/PhD scholars from any branches of engineering, applied mathematics and humanity from across the globe are
rating agencies. The faculty members and students of the Institute have won many prestigious awards and bring
invited to submit and present their research work in the following areas.
laurels to the institute such as ROBOCON Competition (7 times National Champion and represented India
Internationally at Japan, Thailand and Malaysia.), SAE-BAJA All Terrain Vehicle Competition Go Green and Raftar
Awards at National level, 3rd prize in ELECRAMA project national level competition, regularly winning
international/national level scholarships and awards like DAAD, ISA-PMCD scholarships, project competitions by IEEE,
FreeScale, Motorola etc .
The Institute is located in peaceful and sylvan surroundings of Ahmedabad city in the heart of Gujarat. The Institute
provides disciplined, serene and conducive environ for reflection, repose and research. The ardent pursuit of
knowledge by the young aspirants leads to knowledge generation and innovative solutions for the community and
society. The Institute is now aiming to emphasize on Outcome Based Education (OBE), Experiential Education (through
Project Based Learning), research in thrust areas with translational impact, and the creation of engineers as leaders in
It has a dynamic curriculum, robust and talented pool of faculty members, and state of art infrastructure in all the
departments. It is well known for imparting quality education, active research and also in nurturing students for holistic INTERDISCIPLINARY THEMES

Researchers from industry and academia are invited to present their research work in the following areas.

1. Autonomic Computing: Architectural Challenges and Solutions

Cluster and Grid computing, Cloud computing, Enterprise software and services, Multicore systems, Internet of
things and embedded systems, Design issues addressing Architectural challenges of Autonomic computing and
its solutions, Algorithms, Theory and foundations of Autonomic computing, Applications and current trends.

2. Networking Technologies: Performance and Security Challenges

Wired networks, Software defined networking, Wireless networks, Ad-hoc networks, Sensor networks, Vehicular
area networks, Delay tolerant networks, Pocket switched networks and Mobile social networks including aspects
of performance enhancement and security.

3. Next Generation Pattern Analysis

The theme encompasses novel techniques for pattern analysis in domains including computer vision, image
processing, speech analysis and document analysis. It also covers usage of various existing approaches such as
statistical techniques, neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy techniques and machine learning for pattern
analysis applications in mentioned domains.
4. Electronic Communications and Signal Processing 13. Chemical Process Development and Design
Contributions based on performance analysis, experimental development and simulation in the areas of Optical This theme focuses on new process design and development where it can suggest substantial alteration in
communication, Wired/wireless communication and networks, RF and antenna systems, Image, Speech, Text and equipment or process design or developing new catalyst or employing novel techniques like use of ultrasound or
Video processing are invited. microwave, micro or nano technology.

5. VLSI Design 14. Technologies for Green Environment

Contributions based on design and development, simulation, application, testing, verification and measurement Quest for the development of new alternative technologies is never ending process, so this theme will provide
in the areas of analog and digital VLSI design, testing and verification, system on chips, power and energy aware platform for research related to various environmentally benign technologies to solve the current problems such
designs are invited. as, treatment of effluents, environmental management, recovery & reuse of materials and other issues related to
environmental problems.
6. Innovative Electronic Circuit Design
Contributions based on electronic circuit on any innovative ideas in the real time applications are invited. 15. Advances in Transportation Engineering
Pavement materials, Pavement analysis and design, Traffic operations and management, Transportation
7. Latest Trends in Electrical Power Systems
economics, Road safety and traffic awareness, Accident analysis, Transportation planning and modelling,
Smart grid, WAMS, grid challenges, grid stability and restructuring, grid optimization, transmission planning and Intelligent transportation systems, Sustainable transportation system, Public transportation system, Road
design, distributed generation reliability and grid security, new frontiers in fault detection and mitigation, construction technology, Use of Geomatics in transportation engineering
developments in switchgear and relaying, artificial intelligence applications in power systems, issues and
development in high voltage and insulation engineering, renewable integration. 16. Emerging Trends in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Impact of climate change on water resources, Ground water modelling and management, Hydrological modelling
8. Control of Power Electronics Converters and Drives
and forecasting, Application of remote sensing and GIS in water resources, Irrigation planning and management,
Control strategies in power electronic systems, technological advances in converters, UPS, SMPS, topology Reservoir operation and optimization, Sustainable development of water resources, Watershed management,
enhancements and changes, multi-level converters for high-power applications, passive and active power filters, Water quality monitoring and assessment, Environment hydraulics, Environmental impact assessment, Water and
improvements in drive controls, DSP applications in power electronics, HVDC transmission and FACTS, power waste water treatment, Solid waste management, Air and noise Pollution, Recycle and reuse of waste.
quality issues and their mitigation techniques, energy storage, electric vehicles.
17. Construction Technology and Management
9. Advanced Electrical Machines and Apparatus
Advanced construction materials and technologies, Construction economics, Workplace management, Life cycle
Design, modelling, simulation and control of advanced electrical machines, fault analysis and protection of assessment, Construction laws, Construction productivity, Value engineering, Safety and health management,
electrical machines, testing and condition monitoring of electrical equipment, etc. Management practices for construction equipments and materials, Innovation in construction, Construction waste
10. Control and Automation management, Building energy efficiency, BIM and life cycle project management, Contract management.

Researchers from industry and academia are invited to present their research work in the area of Process 18. Concrete and Structural Engineering
Modelling, Simulation, Robot Dynamics, Control Algorithms, Vision based Control, Industrial Automation, Control Advances in cement based materials and concrete technology, Structural analysis & design of Reinforced, Steel
and Optimization under this theme. The present theme also focuses on Fault Detection and Diagnosis. Research and Pre-stressed concrete, Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of structural systems, Earthquake resistant
on contemporary issues related to process industries are invited under this theme. Apart from above mentioned design of structures, Computational techniques in structural engineering, Geotechnical investigations & design of
topics, challenges and solutions of factory automations are also expected under this theme. structures, Smart material applications and Structural Health Monitoring, Response measurement and control of
11. Recent Trends in Applied Mathematics structures.

Research in the Mathematics is a key element for the advancement of all areas of science and technology. Being 19. Sustainable Manufacturing Processes
one of the vital areas of science in itself, Pure and Applied Mathematics works in tandem in all the domains of Sustainable manufacturing seeks to profitably produce goods while minimizing a firms environmental impact,
engineering and technology. Moreover, research areas like mathematical modeling of industrial processes. Need natural resource use, and energy consumption. Under this theme, the research work related to methodologies,
of the hour is to cultivate and sustain core research capability, and at the same time cross the borders to promote manufacturing processes and materials that contribute to sustainable manufacturing processes is invited.
transformative and interdisciplinary research.
20. Design and Analysis of Machine and Mechanism
12. Recent Trends in Teaching-Learning in Engineering Classrooms
Design and analysis of machines and mechanisms is the key for reduction of lead times from concept stage to
It is a fact that university teachers are trained researchers but not educators. More than any other time, this is the detailed design stage. The static and dynamic analysis to ensure the functionality, safety and reliability of systems
time when innovations and blended form of teaching-learning is incorporated while imparting classroom made up of different kinds of materials is backbone of successful machine design and development. The theme
teachings resulting into astonishing insights about how people learn. The theme aims to serve as the melting pot aims to invite original work in the area of computational methods, experimental work and analytical solutions for
and seminal platform where educators, researchers and practitioners will some together to exchange, learn and design and analysis of machines and mechanisms.
relearn about this emerging filed. The theme will encompass ideas related with Innovative methods in curriculum
design and delivery, Social media and teaching-learning, Blended Learning/MOOCs in Engineering Education, 21. Energy Conservation and Management
Assessing the assessment, Futuristic Trends in Engineering Education, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Any other Energy is the "Energy" for growth and development. The objective of Energy Management and Conservation is to
topic relevant to new and emerging Education Technology. achieve and maintain optimum energy procurement and utilization to minimize energy costs / waste without
affecting production, comfort and quality. The articles invited under this theme are expected to be in the area of
production, utilization and conservation of energy.
Submission of Research Papers ORGANIZING COMMITTEE
1. The papers submitted to themes at serial number 1 to 12 will be recommended to IEEE Conference Publication Chief Patrons: Shri K K Patel, Vice President, Nirma University
Program (CPP) to include it on the IEEEXplore subject to strictly meeting and complying with IEEE guidelines and Dr Anup Singh, Director General, Nirma University
signing of IEEE copy-right transfer form. The format of the paper is given on conference website:
Patron: Dr Alka Mahajan, Director, IT, NU
2. The papers submitted to themes at serial number 13 to 21 will be published as conference proceedings with CRC Conference Chair: Dr B A Modi, IT, NU
press Taylor & Francis. The format of the paper is given on conference website: Conference Co-Chairs: Dr Parul Patel, IT, NU
3. Soft copies of the papers in specified format should be uploaded on the conference website.
Dr Y P Kosta, Ex-officio, IEEE Gujarat Section
4. For the final selection, all the papers will be reviewed and scrutinized by a Technical Committee comprising of subject
experts after plagiarism checks for the originality of paper. Members: Shri D P Chhaya (Director, A&GA, NU)
5. Along with the final submission of the selected paper, authors are required to submit an undertaking form which Dr G R Nair (Executive Registrar, NU)
implies that, the paper has not been published previously, is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and if Dr P N Tekwani Dr R N Patel Dr S S Patel
accepted it will not be published elsewhere in the same form. Dr Sanjay Garg Dr P V Patel Dr D K Kothari
6. One of the authors must register for the conference and present the paper, otherwise paper will not be published in Dr Dipak Adhyaru Dr Madhuri Bhavsar Dr J P Ruparelia
the conference souvenir and proceeding.
7. Important dates
Paper Submission : May 14, 2017 Dr Rajiv Ranjan, New Castle University, UK Dr B Chandra, Professor, Department of Mathematics, IIT-
Intimation of Acceptance : August 13, 2017 Dr Jalel Ben Othman, University of Paris, France Delhi, Delhi.
Final Camera Ready Copy for accepted papers : September 01, 2017 Dr Shailendra Mishra, Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia Dr John Hoben, Faculty of Education, Memorial University,
Dr M M Gore, MNNIT, Allahabad, India St. Johns . Canada
Conference dates : November 23-25, 2017
Mrs Sutapa Ranjan, Institute of Plasma Research, Dr Ketan Kotecha, Provost, Parul University, Vadodara,
Gujarat, India
REGISTRATION Gandhinagar, India
Prof. A V Thomas, Director, Adani Institute of Infrastructure
Prof. Santanu Chaudhury Director, CEERI Pilani and
Registration and presentation by at least one of the authors is must to consider the paper as included and published in Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engg. IIT Delhi Engineering (AIIE), Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
the conference souvenir and proceedings. The registration process will be online from the conference web-site Mr Preetham S Raj, Senior Manager, RF/Wireless, Prof. Sanjay Choudhary, Associate Dean, Ahmedabad
Indian Delegate Rs. 6000/- + Service Tax Broadcom Communications Technologies Pvt Ltd, University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Banglore Prof. (Dr) G D Yadav, Director, Institute of Chemical
Indian Students (non-sponsored) Rs. 2000/- + Service Tax
Dr Lajos Hanzo Professor, School of Electronics and Technology, Mumbai, India.
Industry Delegate Rs. 8000/- + Service Tax Professor (Dr) Suparna Mukharji, Professor, Chemical Engg
Computer Science, University of Southampton , UK
Foreign Student Delegates US $200 + Service Tax Dept, IIT-Bombay, Mumbai.
Dr Madhav Manjrekar, Associate Professor, Electrical and
Foreign Delegate US$ 300 + Service Tax Computer Engineering, The William States Lee College of Professor (Dr) K K Pant, Professor, Chemical Engg Dept, IIT-
Accommodation is not included but the organizing committee can help the delegates in arranging suitable Engineering, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Delhi, Delhi, India.
accommodation in the Nirma University guest house (limited numbers) and nearby hotels/hostels on the payment basis: NC, USA Dr Abinash Agrawal, PhD, Department of Earth &
Prof. Dr K Gopakumar (FIEEE), Department of Electronic Environmental Sciences, and Environmental Science
The delegate fee includes day time hospitality during conference days, proceedings, and kit and Banquet Dinner.
Systems Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Program, Wright State University, Dayton, USA
Dully filled online registration form should be supported by a bona fide certificate for Students.
Bangalore, India Ram B Gupta, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Research,
The Indian authors should pay the registration fees through NEFT/RTGS along with the duly filled registration form, bona fide Professor, School of Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth
Prof. Dr Ramesh Bansal, FIET (UK), FIE (India), FIEAust, SM
certificate (if applicable) and signed copy-right form. University,
IEEE (USA), CPEngg (UK), Professor & Group Head (Power),
For foreign delegates, the account details for transferring registration fee is available on the conference website. Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Dr Sudhirkumar Barai, Dean (Undergraduate Studies) &
Non-author delegates are also welcome to register for the conference. Engineering, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kharagpur
For any details, please send your email to Dr I N Kar, Professor,IIT Delhi Dr Ajay Chourasia, Principal Scientist, CSIR - Central
Dr Sisil Kumarawadu, Professor, University of Moratuwa Building Research Institute (CBRI), Roorkee
Mr. Jayesh Gandhi, Managing Director, Harikrupa Dr Rishi Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of
EXHIBITION on GREEN TECHNOLOY and INNOVATIONS Automation Pvt. Ltd. Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria, Canada
It is aimed to bring awareness about the GREEN TECHNOLOY and INNOVATIONS among the researchers, academia, Dr D B Gurung, Associate Professor, Department of Dr Kumar Neeraj Jha, Associate Professor, Department of
industry and students. Where the industry and research organizations will exhibit the latest developments and Natural Sciences (Maths. group), Kathmandu University, Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi
applications in the area of solar energy, wind energy, rural technology, sustainable environment and indigenous Dhulikhel, Kavre, Kathmandu, Nepal. Laurencas Raslavicius, Vice Dean of Faculty of Mechanical
innovations. Dr R R Bhargava, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Engineering Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
IIT-Roorkee, Dr P B Ravikumar, Professor Emeritus of University of
Pre-Conference Tutorials Dr K R Pardasani, Professor, Maulana Azad National Wisconsin-Platteville, USA
There would be great experience of learning with the experts from industry / academia like last conference through the Institute of Technology, (MANIT) Bhopal (MP) Prof. Raghu Echempati, Kettering University, Flint, MI USA
Pre-Conference tutorials. The tutorials will be on the novel topics related to technology and innovations like Dr M N Mehta, Professor, Department of Applied Shri Sanjay Desai, CEO, RBD Engineers
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Lean Six Sigma, SoC - NoC Test Challanges, Remote Sensing Image Processing using Mathematics, SVNIT, Surat. Shri Rajesh Sampat, Vice President, Inspiron Pvt. Ltd,
python, FPGA for Hardware/Software Developers, Analog IC Design etc. Ahmedabad, INDIA
For more details visit the conference website.

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