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QR and UV Sensor Based Smart Car Parking System

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Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

QR and UV Sensor based Smart Car Parking System

Karthikeyan S.1
Assistant Professor
Department of CSE FET,
Jain (Deemed-to-be University) Bangalore-562112

Sathyajeeth Patil2, Anshuman Goswami3, Himanshu Kumar4, Harichand Lalith Kumar5, Shubham Singh6, Charu C A7
Undergraduate-CSE-SE FET, Jain (Deemed-to-be University)Bangalore-562112

Abstract:- The primary objective of this project is to By focusing on user-centric design and technology-
address the growing challenges of urban parking, which driven solutions, this project not only addresses urban
have led to frustration and congestion in metropolitan parking challenges but also promotes smoother traffic flow,
areas. The rapid surge in vehicle ownership and usage reduced emissions, and an improved quality of life for city
has made finding an available parking spot increasingly dwellers. The QR code-based smart parking system
time-consuming and arduous. In response, this project represents an innovative approach to urban mobility,
introduces a cutting-edge QR code-based smart parking promising a more efficient and sustainable parking solution.
system designed to transform the urban parking
experience.This groundbreaking solution offers users a By leveraging modern technology and user-centric
seamless and convenient way to discover, reserve, and design principles, it offers an elegant solution to the
pay for parking spaces via a user-friendly mobile challenges of urban parking. Through this innovation, cities
application. With this app, drivers can effortlessly locate can anticipate reduced traffic congestion, enhanced
vacant parking spots, make reservations, receive environmental sustainability, and an overall improvement in
confirmation codes, and smoothly navigate parking the daily lives of urban residents. This project marks a
facilities. Furthermore, the system enables flexible significant step towards a more efficient and user-friendly
booking cancellations and provides real-time updates on urban mobility landscape, aligning with the evolving needs
parking charges.By incorporating online payment of today's urban communities.
services, users can complete transactions through a
virtualwallet, ensuring a hassle-free experience. This II. LITERATURE SURVEY
pioneering QR code-based smart parking system not Abhirup Khanna and Rishi Anand [1] addressed the
only reduces the time spent hunting for parking but also issue of ceasing and they presented an IOT based Cloud
mitigates traffic congestion caused by vehicles endlessly facilitated sharp halting structure. The service was
circling for spots.In other words, this system holds characterized by its efficiency and real-time capabilities,
immense potential for enhancing urban mobility and offering prompt and up-to-the-minute assistance. However,
improving the quality of life for city dwellers. It it posed challenges due to its relatively high cost and the
represents a promising step towards a more efficient and complexities associated with its implementation, particularly
accessible parking solution for the challenges of modern when considering larger-scale deployment.
urban living.
Can Biyik, Zaheer Allam, Gabriele Pieri [4] and others
Keywords:- urban,parking,reservation,QR-based,virtual analyzed smart parking solutions from a technical
wallet,quality,efficient,hassle-free. perspective to provide comprehensive insights into building
I. INTRODUCTION them.They asserted the necessity for the adoption of a Smart
Parking System, highlighting its significance in modern
The QR code-based smart parking system is designed urban environments. The utilization of cutting-edge
to enhance the urban driving experience. This innovative technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial
solution prioritizes user convenience and efficiency, offering Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) augments the
drivers, a streamlined approach to locating, reserving, and potential and prospects of the Smart Parking System,
paying for parking spaces. The system leverages the painting a promising picture of its future role and impact.
ubiquity of smartphones and QR code scanning for seamless
entry and exit, reducing the time spent searching for parking AnujaSajeev, ShreyasVidwans, Chandradeep Mallick,
and alleviating traffic congestion. and Yatin Jog [2]proposed an overview of prevailing smart
parking technologies employed worldwide.They projected
At its core, this project centers on a user-friendly that Smart Parking Systems were poised to generate close to
mobile application that empowers drivers to effortlessly $360 million in annual revenue by the year 2020,
discover available parking spots, make reservations, receive underscoring the substantial economic potential within the
confirmation codes, and efficiently navigate parking smart parking industry. This optimistic forecast highlighted
facilities. Real-time updates on parking availability enable the immense growth prospects anticipated in the near future
advanced planning, while the flexibility of booking for smart parking technology, mainly – sensors, RFID,
cancellations caters to changing needs. Additionally, the GSM, and QR-based smart parking systems.
integration of online payment services ensures convenient,
cashless transactions through a virtual wallet.

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Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Tanmay Satpalkar, Sagar Salian, Sagaya Stephen, and solution to the complexities associated with modern
Shakila Shaikh[3] introduced a novel system designed to parking management.
streamline the process of locating available parking spaces
within a designated parking area. This innovative solution Akshay Kumar in his paper [7] ‘Smart Parking System
leverages the capabilities of a QR code-based Smart Parking using Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT’ proposes a smart
System to provide invaluable assistance to drivers, parking system architecture based on wirelesssensor
simplifying their quest for vacant parking spots. By networks and IoT technologies. It discusses the design
harnessing this technology, the proposed system aims to considerations, system components, and potential benefits of
enhance user convenience and contribute to the efficient the proposed system. The project enhanced parking space
utilization of parking resources, ultimately improving the utilization, reduced search time, real-time availability
overall urban mobility experience.However, this system, updates, improved revenue generation, and potential for
while enhancing convenience, had certain security integration with autonomous vehicles.However the costly
considerations that needed to be addressed to ensure the sensor deployment and maintenance, potential interference
protection of user data and system integrity. and reliability issues in wireless sensor networks, and
limited scalability in large parking.
Chao-Tung Yang et al. proposed a paper on a smart
parking system using IoT technologies, including RFID and III. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY
cloud computing, to enhance parking efficiency and reduce
congestion. The project improves parking efficiency, This application has been crafted to provide intelligent
reduces traffic congestion, real-time parking information, parking solutions that not only save time and fuel but also
optimizes space utilization, and enhances user experience. streamline and reduce the manual effort required to find the
However theprojecthad high initial setup and infrastructure perfect parking spot.
costs, potential privacy concerns with data collection, Users are required to register for this app, and upon
dependency on IoT connectivity, and reliability. registration, they are provided with a unique user ID,
In their research titled [5] "Development of a QR-Code serving as their login credentials. This user-friendly
Based Smart Car Parking System," Enamul Hoq, Sajib Paul, application allows users to conveniently locate and reserve a
and Md. Tarek Ur Rahman Erin addresses the growing need parking spot that best suits their vehicle. Moreover, it offers
for efficient parking solutions in the face of increasing navigation assistance to guide the driver to their reserved
vehicle numbers. They recognize the prevalent issues in parking spot and enables real-time vehicle tracking. Upon
conventional parking systems, including car theft and driver arrival at the parking facility, users cansecure a parking spot
inconvenience, and propose an innovative approach to by scanning a QR code at the entrance. This action assigns a
enhance security and convenience. The authors introduce an parking ID and initiates a timer for the duration of their stay.
automated parking system that leverages QR code The vehicle can then be parked in the designated slot. When
technology to revolutionize the parking experience. Their departing, the user scans the QR code again to settle the
study demonstrates the practicality of this concept by parking fee.Notably, this app not only simplifies the parking
showcasing a prototype. experience for users but also provides an efficient electronic
tracking system for parking enforcement. This streamlined
In their research paper [6] 'Research on parking lot approach translates to significant cost, time, and energy
management system based on parking space navigation savings, ensuring the parking facility operates with
technology', authors Ruixuan Chen, Xingyan Hu, and Wei enhanced efficiency.
Mu present a comprehensive parking lot management
system aimed at addressing the challenges posed by the To introduce a dynamic parking management system
ever-increasing number of vehicles. This system enables that continuously monitors and updates the real-time
administrators to efficiently monitor parking spaces and availability of parking spaces. This can be accomplished by
vehicle information, significantly reducing their workload. deploying sensors within each parking space to detect
Furthermore, it offers drivers the capability to access real- occupancy. The data collected by these sensors is then
time parking information for nearby parking facilities and transmitted to a centralized control system.This system
even reserve parking spaces using keywords. The study captures up-to-the-minute data from the sensors, including
explores various path guidance algorithms, taking into information regarding parking space availability, occupancy
account the distinct real-time demands of in-lot and off-site status, and the dimensions of the vehicles occupying each
navigation. Ultimately, the system implements the Dijkstra spot. Think of it as a reservation system that empowers users
algorithm with heap optimization and the Floyd algorithm, to pre-book parking spaces conveniently through a mobile
substantially cutting down the time required for drivers to app or website. Once a parking space is reserved, the system
locate parking spaces. This research offers an effective can furnish step-by-step navigation instructions to direct the
driver to their designated parking spot.

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Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 1: Architecture Diagram

Let's delve deeper into the intricacies of how this With a quick scan, the app takes care of the rest. It
mobile app augments the parking experience.Picture this: confirms your reservation, and at the same time, it updates
You're cruising through a busy city, searching for that the system's database to reflect this newly reserved status.
elusive parking spot, and the minutes are ticking away. This action also marks the beginning of your parking
Frustration mounts as you navigate labyrinthine streets, reservation, and you can rest assured that your spot is
hoping to stumble upon a vacant space. This is where the secured for a specific duration, eliminating any uncertainty
dedicated mobile app comes to your rescue. It becomes your about finding a parking space when you arrive at your
parking concierge, simplifying the process and saving you destination.But the convenience doesn't stop there. When it's
precious time. time to leave the parking area, you don't have to fumble for
cash or go through a cumbersome payment process. The app
First and foremost, to unlock the potential of this smart has you covered once again. By scanning the QR code at the
parking system, users need to install the mobile app on their exit, you validate your departure. The system, in its innate
smartphones. This application, which has been meticulously efficiency, verifies the QR code and promptly updates the
designed for user-friendliness, serves as the central hub for database to free up the parking space, making it available for
all your parking needs.As you embark on your parking the next user.
quest, the app becomes your trusty sidekick. You open the
app and initiate a search for available parking spots within The beauty of this entire process lies in its
your vicinity. The magic happens in real time. The app seamlessness. What used to be a stressful and time-
swiftly communicates with the embedded sensors installed consuming endeavor has been streamlined to perfection.
in each parking spot. These sensors detect occupancy and You're no longer left circling blocks, worrying about
relay the data to the central control system. The result? parking fees or the availability of spots. This smart parking
You're presented with up-to-the-minute information about system, enabled by the mobile app, simplifies the entire
parking space availability right on your smartphone screen. journey, from locating a parking space to securing it, and
This, in itself, is a game-changer, ensuring you have access finally, to your smooth exit.In addition to its user-centric
to the latest data to make an informed decision.When you've features, this system also boasts broader advantages for
identified a suitable parking spot, the next step is as simple parking management and urban planning. By facilitating
as scanning a QR code. efficient space allocation, it optimizes resource utilization
and reduces traffic congestion. Parking enforcement benefits
from an electronic tracking system, enhancing control and
minimizing violations.

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Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IV. IMPLEMENTATION What sets this app apart is its commitment to providing
users with a comprehensive and tailored experience. It
At the core of the smart parking system, the iOS accomplishes this by integrating a versatile filtering
application takes on a central role, acting as a critical mechanism. With this functionality at your disposal, you
component for facilitating a smooth and interactive gain the power to fine-tune your parking space
experience between users and the system. To guarantee a requirements. You can specify criteria such as the type of
secure and reliable environment, the application harnesses vehicle you're driving, the proximity to your desired
the formidable capabilities of Firebase Authentication. This destination, the duration of your stay, and other pertinent
service plays a dual role in providing both user registration preferences. This feature is a true game-changer, as it
and authentication processes. Through Firebase ensures that you find a parking space that is not just
Authentication, user registration is not only streamlined but available but ideally suited to your unique needs. The
also fortified with security measures. It enables users to filtering feature turns the app into a personal parking
create accounts and offers a range of authentication options, concierge, working tirelessly to match your criteria with the
from email and password combinations to social media perfect parking spot.
logins, ensuring flexibility and convenience. Furthermore,
the system utilizes this data to maintain the privacy of user But what about finding your reserved parking space?
information, upholding the integrity of the entire system. The app has that covered too. It seamlessly incorporates
This comprehensive approach ensures that the iOS mapping and navigation features, which are designed to
application is not just a gateway to the smart parking system guide you to your designated parking area. No more
but a guardian of user data, delivering a seamless and secure wandering around, trying to decipher complex parking
user experience. layouts. This app simplifies the navigation process, ensuring
that you reach your reserved parking spot without a hitch.
Harnessing real-time data sourced directly from the It's like having an expert navigator right at your fingertips,
Arduino control unit, the application serves as a beacon of making your overall parking experience smoother and more
convenience in the realm of parking management. By efficient.
providing users with instantaneous updates on parking space
availability, this innovative app reshapes the way we Once you've reached your designated parking area and
approach the perennial challenge of finding a parking spot. are ready to park, the app optimizes payment procedures. It
Let's take a closer look at the multifaceted functionalities takes away the hassle of fumbling for cash or dealing with
that empower users and elevate their parking experience. credit cards. By simply scanning a designated QR code upon
vehicle entry, the app initiates a timer to track the duration
The app opens up a world of possibilities as it of your parking. This not only ensures accurate and hassle-
empowers users to effortlessly search for parking spaces that free billing but also saves you time and effort. As you
align with their specific needs. This is not just a run-of-the- prepare to leave the parking area, a new QR code is
mill search; it's a personalized exploration that takes into generated. This code facilitates the automatic deduction of
account location, time considerations, and individual parking fees from your digital wallet, eliminating the need
preferences. Gone are the days of circling endless rows of for additional payment methods. It's a touchless and
parked cars, hoping for a vacant spot. Now, with a few taps streamlined approach that reduces transaction time and
on your mobile device, you can pinpoint the perfect parking enhances user convenience. It's all about making the exit as
space with ease. smooth as the entry.
When an available parking spot catches your eye, the In conclusion, the app, powered by real-time data from
app streamlines the booking process, making it both swift the Arduino control unit, is a game-changer in the world of
and straightforward. A booking request is swiftly parking management. It goes beyond the basic functionality
transmitted to the Arduino control unit, which then of finding a parking spot; it's a comprehensive tool that
undertakes the crucial task of verifying and confirming the empowers users to customize their parking experience. With
reservation. If the selected space remains unoccupied, the features like real-time availability updates, seamless
confirmation is swiftly relayed to you. This means you no booking, personalized filtering, and effortless navigation, it
longer have to engage in the stressful and time-consuming simplifies the entire process. By optimizing payment
ritual of hunting for a parking spot upon arrival. The procedures, it further streamlines the user experience. This
confirmation not only ensures that your spot is reserved but app is not just a convenience; it's a revolution in how we
also offers peace of mind, knowing that your parking needs approach and interact with parking spaces. It's about making
are met. parking a stress-free, efficient, and personalized experience,
one scan at a time.

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Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 2: Registration Page

Fig. 3: Login Page

Fig. 4: Profile Page

IJISRT23NOV738 403

Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 5: Map

Fig.6: QR Generation

Fig. 7: Wallet

IJISRT23NOV738 404

Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Smart Car Parking Systems project is not merely a

mobile application but a transformative solution designed to
revolutionize the way drivers experience parking. Through
seamless integration of automated payment processes,
digital reservations, and personalized parking guidance, we
aim to enhance convenience while eliminating the hassles of
manual ticketing and the perpetual search for change.The
project will alleviate the challenges associated with urban
traffic congestion and environmental pollution. By
significantly reducing the time spent searching for parking
spaces, our smart systems directly contribute to mitigating
traffic congestion. The ripple effect of this efficiency is
evident in the positive impact on carbon emissions, as
vehicles spend less time idling in search of a parking
spot.The real-time information about parking availability,
accessible through our mobile applications, empowers
drivers to plan their parking in advance. This proactive
approach not only saves time but also alleviates the
frustration often associated with the unpredictable nature of
finding parking spaces. As a result, drivers can reach their
destinations more efficiently, leading to fuel savings and a
diminished environmental footprint.In essence, our project is
not just about providing parking solutions; it's about making
a meaningful difference in urban mobility and
environmental sustainability. By optimizing the parking
experience, we envision a future where cities are not only
smarter but also cleaner and more livable. Our Smart Car
Parking Systems pave the way for a more efficient,
interconnected, and eco-conscious urban landscape,
ultimately contributing to the well-being of both drivers and
the environment at large.


[1]. A Survey Paper on Smart Parking System - Abhirup

Khanna, Rishi Anand Published By – IEEE
[2]. Anuja Sanjeev and Shreyas Vidhwans March 2015,
Understanding Smart and Automated Parking
Technology. Published By- International Journal of
u- and e-Service, Science and Technology.
[3]. Tanmay Satpalkar, Sagar Salian and Sagaya Stephen,
Feb 2016, Smart City Parking: A QR Code based
Approach Published By – IJERT
[4]. Can Biyik, Zaheer Allam and Gabriele PieriSmart
Parking Systems: Reviewing the Literature,
Architecture, and Ways Forward, Old Dominion
[5]. Enamul Hoq, Sajib Paul, and Md. Tarek Ur Rahman
Erin, July 2020, Development of a QR-Code Based
Smart Car Parking System, Published By - IEEE
[6]. Ruixuan Chen,Xingyan Hu and Wei Mu, Research
on parking lot management system based on parking
space navigation technology, Published By – IEEE
[7]. Akshay Kumar, Smart Parking System using
Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT
[8]. Nityanand Kannan, Parking Management System.
OF MUMBAI (2016-2017).

IJISRT23NOV738 405

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