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© May 2022 | IJIRT | Volume 8 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

A Proposed System on Smart Bus Ticketing System

Parveez Shariff1, Abhishek S2, Ashwini R G3, Sneha G4, Shradha5

Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication, AIET, Mijar, Moodbidri,
Student, BE (Appearing), Department of Electronics and Communication, AIET, Mijar, Moodbidire,

Abstract— The public transit is India's cheapest and In the parts that follow, we'll look at the literature in
most reliable mode of transportation, it has long been these areas and see how it relates to each other.
popular with the general public. Transports are an
essential technique for public vehicles in India, and they
play an important role in transportation. Despite the
fact that public vehicle transports have been providing
genuinely pleasurable forms of help, the need for a
In India, public transportation is an important part of
brilliant and solid transportation framework has been everyone's life. Buses are the most common kind of
growing in everyday life as more and more people rely public transportation utilised by Indian individuals to
on open automobiles to get to work, school, medical get to their destinations on a daily basis. Because it is
clinics, and so on. With this in mind, this article so widely used, the Indian bus system has a number
proposes a new RFID-based system in which each of issues, including no exact currency, which means
passenger is issued a smartcard with an RFID tag. After that both the traveler and the conductor are likely to
filling out the departure, destination, and selecting the
be short on cash. In these instances, the conductor
major direction on the card, the RFID reader scans it,
may refuse to reimburse the passenger for the
and the system deducts the tariff from the passenger
account based on the information provided. Agents and
remaining sum. The passenger may occasionally
card management are also possible with the system. misplace the paper ticket, necessitating the purchase
Passengers can also use an Android app to track the of a new ticket or the Payment of a penalty. The goal
whereabouts of their selected bus in real time. The of this initiative is to alter the current situation to
suggested system aims to make transit networks more avoid the problems produced by it and to give a
accessible to passengers and eventually eliminate the better travel for the passengers; an android
necessity of paper tickets. application was utilized to convert the bus ticketing
system into a digitalized and efficient method. This
Index Terms: RFID, Android, GTFS, Raspberry Pi and
concept could let Indian citizens go cashless without
Ticket issuing.
having to worry about carrying change or taking it
out in a packed bus.
In many situations such as traffic congestion,
unplanned delays, dispatching times of irregular III.EXISTING METHOD
vehicles, and other mishaps, the movement of buses
in the public transportation system is unreliable. As a  In the current arrangement, the bus conductor
result of this uncertainty, passengers are forced to must stopover each passenger one by one.
wait or arrive late for the bus to arrive at the bus stop.  The conductor must next inquire about each
On the terrain of transit, a lot has been accomplished. passenger's destination and physically create a
There have been several ticketing systems seen, but ticket on a paper roll.
none of them have a clear idea. All of the necessities  To collect the bus fare, the conductor must show
are included in the suggested system. To make things the passenger the ticket.
easier for everyone concerned, the suggested system  The passenger must either bring change for the
combines all of these subsystems into a single, bus tariff or the conductor must return the
deployable, physical solution for public bus systems. change, which frequently results in a dispute.


© May 2022 | IJIRT | Volume 8 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

 If the passenger loses the supplied ticket, the proposed using RFID and GPS to track people in
conductor will require the passenger to purchase specific indoor and outdoor areas. When a handler
the ticket again at the full bus fare. All of these enters the room in this system, it first validates the
factors speak to the fact that the current bus validity of the card. The user then taps the card on the
ticketing system is inefficient in terms of time RFID Reader system, which notifies the Android
management, service, and security. Using paper phone's GPS of the card's location. RFID and GPS
rolls for tickets is also not environmentally modules will be used in our future system to
beneficial nowadays due to the scarcity of trees. determine the exact location of the passenger.
The Design and Application of Surveillance Robots
IV.RELATED WORK/LITERATURE SURVEY for Outdoor Security System was proposed by
Saurabh Chatterjee and Balram Timande [5]. Using
Listed below are some of the earlier completed RFID and other sensors, a robot detects the presence
developments that have proven to be quite useful for of an unauthorised human in this system. For obstacle
our planned system. S. Karthick and A. Velmurugan detection, infrared sensors were utilised.]
[1] have given a brief presentation on RFID K. T. Patil, Dipti Mehendale, Vidya S., Aldar K.
technology. This paper highlights the benefits and Patil, For the Klang Valley Area, Leena Govilkar and
drawbacks of RFID tags and provides a full overview Dr S.K.Narayankhedkar [6] have proposed a School
of the many types of RFID tags available on the Bus Security System based on RFID and GSM
market. This evidence aided us in determining the technologies. It uses RFID to track each learner's
RFID's limits and developing substitutes. Arnau location and uses GSM to notify parents of their
Vives- Guasch, Maria-Magdalena Payeras-Capell'a, location.
Macia,JordiCastell'a-Roca, and Josep-Ferrer-Gomila By building an android app with an E-wallet,
Llu's [2] proposed a smart ticketing and destination L'aszl'oBarab'as, R'eka-Andrea K'aroly, and K'aroly
announcement system based on RFID and Android. Simon [7] have provided an Online Bus Tracking and
This paper describes a combination of RFID and GPS Ticketing System. Every traveler's phone would be
technologies that is connected to an ARM CPU. scanned by a conductor, and the data would be
This structure is connected via Bluetooth to the entered into the database automatically. Instead of
driver's Android phone. It's in charge of sending the QR codes, we employed RFID cards in our system,
passenger's information to the driver's phone and which the reader system can identify robotically
presenting it on the LCD screen. Wide-ranging without the need for human participation.
programming is required to achieve these effects, and
the programming language used to construct these V.SYSTEM DESIGN
programmers is dependent on the type of
microcontroller employed. However, we used One RFID reader will be installed on each bus in the
Raspberry Pi to simplify our system. Raspberry Pi municipal transportation system. The buses will also
employs the programming language "Python," which be equipped with a GPS module that will transmit the
is one of the most commonly used languages across vehicle's location to the server in real time. Every
industries. traveller will be given a smart card, which is nothing
W. J. W. a. W. H. Lee [3] proposed an RFID-based more than an RFID card that is linked to his account
Public Transportation Ticketing System. The tourists with the logistical service provider (see Fig 1).
are asked to physically enter the boarding point and
de-boarding point data using a keypad in this system,
which uses RFID to communicate with the
microcontroller. In our proposed system, a GPS
module is connected to the reader system, which
senses the source and destination coordinates without
the need for human involvement. Md Foisal Mahedi
Hasan, Golam Tangim, Md Kafiul Islam, Md
Rezwanul Haque Khandokar, and Ariful Alam [4] Fig 1. Block Diagram of The Proposed System


© May 2022 | IJIRT | Volume 8 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

Our proposal structure also includes an Android Ticket verification is also included in the proposed
mobile application for travellers to verify and be system to ensure that passengers do not board the bus
alerted about the location and tenancy estimate of without scanning their smart card. During the ride,
buses they intend to ride on. When boarding a bus, the conductor will use a validator with an RFID
the passenger taps his or her smart card against the scanner to check the smart cards of passengers at
RFID reader at the bus's entry. The server receives random. The validator will use the server to obtain
the unique tag ID, and the amount in the traveller's the passenger's most recent ticketing information,
account is lowered by the tariff from his beginning which will display all recent transactions as well as
and finishing points on the trip. The GPS module in whether the customer has purchased a ticket for the
buses relays the bus's location to the server on a current journey..
regular basis. The tickets information is utilised to VI.CONCLUSION
calculate a seat availability estimate. The traveller
enters the path number or name of the bus of interest All of the traditional approaches have been modified
into the android application on their phone, and is in recent years due to technological advancements.
then shown with a map view of the bus that is now Similarly, there are significant advancements in
operating. The passenger chooses one, which is then ticketing systems, such as RFID ticketing, QR code
presented as the bus's estimated occupancy. Only ticketing, and so on. Travelers may travel without
commuters with a minimum balance and a validated stress thanks to the smart bus ticketing system.
identification will be allowed to ride the bus, making Converting public transportation into more
the system secure and dependable. The discrete bus comfortable modes of transportation increases
unit updates the database after each travel by accessibility and utilization. The efficient use of
transmitting credit to the appropriate account, and public transportation is one of the answers to the
this information may also be accessible in the main rising traffic problem in big cities. It also transforms
database. Verification of all data will allow for the public transportation system. The logistics service
improved monitoring and transparency, as well as the provider can now gather ticketing data and track
elimination of corruption. Figure 2 depicts a block buses using digital technology thanks to
diagram. digitalization. The method also eliminates paper from
the logistics service as a whole.


[1] S. Karthick and A. Velmurugan , "Android

suburban railway ticketing with gps as ticket
checker," in In Advanced Communication
Control and Computing Technologies
(ICACCCT), 2012 IEEE International
Conference, 2012.
[2] Arnau Vives-Guasch, Maria-Magdalena Payeras-
Capell`a, MUTPUIGSERVER Macia,
JordiCastell`a-Roca, and Josep-Llu´ıs Ferrer-
Gomila, "A secure e-ticketing scheme for mobile
devices with near field communication (nfc) that
includes exculpability and reusability," in IEICE
TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems,
Fig 2. Flowchart depicting the functionality of the
[3] W. J. W. a. W. H. Lee, "An nfc e-ticket system
proposed system
with offline authentication," in In Information,
Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS)
Ticket Verification:
2013 9th International Conference on, 2013.


© May 2022 | IJIRT | Volume 8 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

[4] Md Foisal Mahedi Hasan, Golam Tangim, Md

Kafiul Islam, Md Rezwanul Haque Khandokar,
and Ariful Alam., "Rfid-based ticketing for
public transport system," in Perspective megacity
dhaka. In Computer Science and Information
Technology (ICCSIT), 2010 3rd IEEE
International Conference , 2010.
[5] Saurabh Chatterjee and BalramTimande, "Public
transport system ticketing system using rfid and
arm processor perspective mumbai bus facility
[6] K. T. Patil, Dipti Mehendale,Vidya S., Aldar
Leena Govilkar, Dr S.K.Narayankhedkar, "RFID
Based Ticketing System For Local Trains,"
International Journal of Computer Science and
Information Technologies (IJCSIT), pp. 2232-
2234, 2015.
[7] L´aszl´oBarab´as, R´eka-Andrea K´aroly, and
K´aroly Simon, "Live tracking frameworkfor
public transportation systems. In Intelligent
Systems and Informatics (SISY)," in 2012 IEEE
10th Jubilee International Symposium, 2012.


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