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The Concrete Jungl l

• PI esent Simple & Past Simple • Clty adJectlves • WOI d st l C",'

• QIJe"t lons • COlllpollnd 110uns • Clase,room Id llguage

S~eaking & Reading
1 An swer the questions.
1 Where are you from? I'm from New York.
2 Do you like cities? Yes, I do.
3 Do you live in the place where you were born?
If not, why did you move?
No, I don't. I moved because of my father's work.
2 Read the profiles. Are these sentences true (T) or
false (F)? If false, explain why.
1 Everyone's parents have different nationalities. Carolina
f - \Z-ashia's pare.nts are. both from Inaia . Hi, I'm Caro lin a and I'm 2 1 years o ld. I live in New
2 Everyone likes cities. F - Linda prefers smaller towns over cities. York, but 1 was born in the south of Italy. We
3 Linda likes her jobo T - Linda enjoys her job.
moved he re from Italy when 1 was 14 beca use of my
4 Carolina is the most positive about her city.
father's work. I'm halfGerman, h a lflralian . 1
5 Rashid was born in Bombay. F - Rashid was born in
the USA, not Bombay. started working in the family busin ess a few years
3 Complete these sentences with the correct name. ago-we ha ve a jewelry srore. r work in the store
1 Carolina
_ _ _ doesn't work . every afternoon exce pt Sundays, but it's kind of
2 _Linda
_ _ can speak the most languages . boring. The city is OK but 1 n eve r h ave t ime ro
3 Rashid
_ _ _ thinks that the city helps him / her to be
enjoy it- eve rything is so h ec tic. 1 often miss Ital)' .

\ \ I • • "' . ttr¿~t;r ~ . ~~
I ' '. ~ fI \ .- -- - - .

My name's Rashid. I'm 24 and 1 live in Chicago. I'm
Indian, but 1 was born here in the USA. My parents carne
he re from Bombay (we call it Mumbai now) at the end of
the 1960s. Chicago's a great place to be for me beca use 1
study architecture and there are lots of interesting
buildings around. Every day 1 see something new, it's
very inspiring. 1 don't want to live anywhere else.

~y name's Linda. I ' m 25 and live in a small town outside Vancouver.

My mother is Spanish and my father comes from Lagos in Nigeria.
We speak English, French and Spanish at home. 1 work as a teacher
in me local school. !t's a great job but very tiring beca use 1 get up
ery eady every morning. Before, 1 worked as a secretary and 1
didn't like that job at all! 1 rea ll y like the town 1 live in , although it' s
very cold in winter. Cities like Vancouver are just too big for me.
The Concret e Jungle

Vocabulary 1 Underline the adjectives in the texts on page 6. Which are:

City adjectives a) p ositive b ) neg a tive c) n e utral?
boring - negative
2 Are these adjectives positive or negative in your opinion?
cosmopolita n c r o wded dirty d ynam ic noisy poll uted
sophis ticate d stre ssful t o uristy u g ly varied welcoming

3 Which of the adjectives could you use to desc ribe yo ur city or town?

Language Focus 1 Circle the verbs in the texts on page 6 . Are they in t he Present Si m ple or Pa st
Present Simple and Simple tense?

Past Simple 2 M Listen and complete the prafile with verbs in the Present Simple or Past Simple.

Hi there, I'm Rita. 1 'Waf> born in· Jam aica, but my
famiIy 2 to Paris when 1 3 two years oId.
We 4 our own business a few years ago and it's
going very well. 1 5 Paris beca use there 6 _ __
so much to do and see. It's impossibIe to get bored.
The onIy probIem is everything 7 _ _ _ a fortune.

Which sentences are in the Present Simple / Past Simple tenses?

1 I study architecture.
2 I worked as a secretary.
3 I work in the store every afternoon .
4 We moved here from Italy.
Which sentence talks about ...
. . . a present routine? .. . a past state?
... a present tru th / fact? . . . a past action?
Turn each of the sentences into a negative
1 I dídn't stud'f arc.nítec.ture.
Turn each of the sentences into a question
1 Díd 'fou stud'f arc.hitec.ture?
See Re{erence Guide, p. 12 6. See Worlcbook, p. 3-4, exs.1-4.

Practice Are these sentence s true (T ) or false (F) for you and where you li ve? If fal se, ma ke
the sentences true .
1 Mo st p eople work from 9 a .m . to 5 p .m.
f - Most people don't worK from q a.m. to '5 p.m. The'f worK from q a.m. to 1 p.m.
2 T he str eets a r e afien very n o isy. T
3 E a ting o ut is expen sive. T
4 Most p e o p le get aroun d b y car o F - Most people get around by public transport and Bicycle.
5 My pare nts w e r e born h e r e . T
6 1 liked the city mor e w h en 1 w a s a c hild . T

Speaking & Writing 1 Interview your partner using these prompts.

Where were you born?
1 What / name? Wnat'S 'four name? 4 W h ere / born?
When did you arrive at
2 H ow / old? How old are you? 5 W h en / arrive / (place)? your current place?
3 What / d o? What do you do? 6 D o I like / the city? Why I Why not?
Do you like the city you live in? Why or why not?
2 Write a short text about your partner fram memory. Then exchange texts with
your partner. Is the text about him / her cor rect?

' " Sydney - a city: Tryexs. 1-3 on your CD - Rom 7

Ethnic COllllllunities
& Readin
1 Look at these pictures. Are they typical English images7
Why / Why not?

2 Make a list of ten nationalities that you would expect to find

living in London.

3 Work in pairs. Read the magazine article about London.

4 Student A: Turn to page 118. Student B: Turn to page 120.

5 Discuss t hese questions.

1 Did a n ything in the a r ticle
s urprise yo u ?
2 Do you li ve in a m u ltic ultu ra l
area? What d iffe r e nt n a t io n a lities
live in yo ur t own I c ity?


Most people from India
B Poland
This cornrnunity represents

OF CULTURES arrived in London in the

1950s and 60s. Now there is
more than 10/0 of the UK's
total population and is
Did yO'U know that LO'ndO'n is a strong Asian presence growing rapidly. In London,
here--in the stores, markets many Polish people live in the
O'ne O'f the IDO'st lDulticultural
and, of course, the Harnrnersrnith area, in the
cities in the WO'rld? Here, abO'ut restaurants. In fact, curry is west of the city. Here, there are
different cultures live side Britain's favorite takeout several Catholic churches, and
side. FO'rget tea m eal. A typical farnily eats delicatessens that sell the
curry every two weeks, either country's specialities such as
sandwiches, nO'w it is
delivered or bought ready- beetroot soup (barszcz) or
CO'IllIllO'n fO'r a LO'ndO'ner tO' made frOIn the superrnarket. Polish cakes and snacks. Were
drink cappuccinO' fO'r breakfast, Indian people live all over they right to come? Young
London. Southall, in the far Poles say they can easily earn
and eat Thai fO'O'd fO'r lunch in
west of the city, is one of three times as much money
the IO'cal pub. Lers see hO'W life many pla ces well known for here as at home, where
has changed in Britain's capital. its Indian culture. unemployrnent remains high.
The Concrete Jungle

Language Focus
Subject and object questions
Questions Subject questions
Rashid lives in London . Who lives in London?
Ves / No questions subject subject
Look at the examples from the Speaking and Reading
Does the word order change in subject questions?
section and fill in the blanks.
.................... they typically English images?
Object questions
were Rashid lives in L oñ"d on. vVhere does Rashid live?
.................... they righ t to come?
object object
In q u estions with the verb ....................... ' we p u t the
In object questions, where does the auxiliary verb go?
subject after the verb o
.................... yo u live in a m ulticultural area? Find a subject and an object question from the
.................... an yth ing in the articJe surprise you? article on pages 8-9 .
We use the auxHiaries . and does in Present ~ p.121 See Kbrlcboat p. • ~ 5-1
did...... in Past S imple
Simple questions, a n d ......
quest ions . These go before the subject.

Question words Practice

Match the question words used in the speaking exercise 1 Ma ke question s from the prompts.
with their contexts: 1 Who / live / w ith ? who do iOU li ve. with?
When to earn money Why 2 What / lang u ages / speak? What languages do you speak?
Who the Chinese seam en Who 3 What / d o / yesterday? What did you do yesterday?
What in Hammersmith Where 4 W h o / arrive / la t e / t oday? Who arrived late today?
Where a11 nigh t How long
How yams and rice What 2 Which are subject questions?
How often in the 1950s and 60s When
Why by eating in Chinese restaurants How 3 Work in pairs. Ask ea eh other the questions.
How long every two weeks How often Report the answers to the class.
Fabio live.n with hin pare.ntn and hin nint e.r Adr ian a.
Fill in the blanks below with question words. Read the texts
again and answer your questions. 4 Add three more "Who ...7 " questions. Find so m eo ne
.................. does the Notting Hil1 Carnival take p lace? (time) in the class who can an swer "yes" to all of them .
.................. arrived in London in the 1990s? (peopl e)
who p\ai n an in nt ru me.nt?
.................. typical Polish food can you buy in London?

D China
Africans-IDainly Chinese people first went to During the 19 505, people froID the
Ghana and Nigeria- Britain in 1885. The first arrivals C aribbean islands arrived in London
brought a wealth of were IDostly seaIllen who worked to start a new life. Their reggae ID~
on steaIllships. In the 1950s, IDany steel drwns and culture are all now
Chinese people settled in the part o f the capital's atDlosphere.
central Soho area of London. This especially during the N o tting Hi1l
sell their
..... ,.. Ir.~ ... ., area is called Chinatown. Here• C arnival which takes place every
,_"ULJl~n~CU foods like yarrlS you can experience ataste of August. It is Europe's largest and IDost
different types of rice. China by eating in London's best VIbrant street party. One of the centers
of Nigerians live in Chinese restaurants and shopping of the Caribbean COInInunity is in
southeast London area, for Chinese vegetables. herbal Brixton. in the south of London.
s uburbs like Deptford. IDedicines and gifts.

says that living in a foreign land can't be fun? The Brazilians certainly rrlake London a livelier place.
fact. there are bars and restaurants in the Bayswater area where you can dance samba and listen t o
.. 0.&,,,, ..,...."" .... all night long. The exodus to the UK started in the 1990s when young Brazilians went to study
look for work. Nowadays, a caipirinha is as easy to find in the capital's bar s as a gin and tonic.
Vocabular 3 Which words from the Vocabulary section does Jackie
Compound nouns
4 How has your town or city changed over the past
7 Match a word in column A with a word in column B to
five years?
form compound nouns.
1 shopping a) store The Real Thing: a little ...
2 department center b) building
3 apartment building e) park 1 M Listen to these extracts. How many times
4 traffie jam d) hour do you hear the phrase a little?
5 industri al park e) eenter
2 Filll in the blanks.
6 sports store f) mall
a little _ __
7 theme park g) park
a little _ _ _
8 rush hour h) jam
To soften opinion, we can use a little to
2 Which of these things does your town or city have? modify adjectives and nouns.
A little ... is often used with negative words.
3 M Listen and fill in the blanks. Where do
7 M Listen to Jackie talking about life in London now you think the speakers are?
and five years ago. Mark the things she talks about. 1 No. 1t's a littl e _ __
1 offices 4 nightclubs 2 Sorry, she's a little _ _ _
2 traffie '/ 5 sto res 3 It's a little . Can't you clean it u p?
3 restaurants and bars 6 apartment buildings 4 You're a tittle _ __ , aren 't you?

2 Listen again. What has changed? Which changes are: 4 What do you like / dislike about your city? Try
a) positive ? b) negative? to use a little in your answers.
Me~ic.o Git'{ iD a \itt\e C.fOVlde-o.
more- c.ar5 ano tr affic. jam5 - ne-gative-

The Concr ete Jungle

1 Which city in ttle wortd would you m ost like to Work in pairs Think of a clty. Describe where you are Include
visiP Whi ch w ould you least like to visiP Why? a buil ding, a fam ous landmark and the weather in your
descri ptlon Your partner has to guess the city
2 M Listen to Isabel , David , Frank an d Laura.
What cities are they describing? What words A: l' m in a bi9 f>o¡uare- 1 Gan f>e-e- a Ga tne-dral witn tow e-rf> of
man~ diffe-re-n t wlorf> It's ve-r~ wld . Wne-re- am I?
helped you decide?
B: tv1o sww?
Match the photos (a-d ) with the cities . A: 1hat'f> ri9n tl

3 Li sten again . Which speakers are Pronunciation

1 in the c ity now ? Word stress
2 going t o v is it the city in the future?
3 talking about a visit ln the past? 1 ¡,:6) Listen to these ext racts. Write dow n the adjectives
you hear. li ve-\~
4 Which of these adjectives does each person use?
beautiful crowded difficult exotic 2 Listen again and indicate the stress in each adjective.
friendly helpful impossible incredible \¡ve-\~
intere sting lWely- nice sophisticated
3 Put them in the correct cotumn beto w Whi c h adjective
does not fit in the tabte?
5 What does each person t hink of the city7 Group 1 - 00 Group 2 - 000
li v el ~

4 M Listen and check .

Comparing two cities: Tryexs. 1- 4 on yOLlr CD-Rom.

Fact or Film?
1 Work in groups. Match the movie titles ( 1-6 ) with the cities w here
they are set (a-f). Look at the movie posters for c lu es.
1 !v[oulin R ouge a) Río d e Janeiro
2 City ofCad b )London
3 C rash e) Tokyo
..¡. The Lives of Others d) Lo s A ngeles
5 Lost in Trans lation e) Berlín
6 Match Paint f) París

2 W hat do you know / w oul d like you to know about these movies"

Reading and Vocabulary

1 Read the opening lines of the movi e Crash:
"It's t h e sense oftouch. Ln any real cíty, you walk, you know? You brush
past people, p eople bump into you. In L.A., nobody touches yo u. We're
a lways b e hí nd this metal and glass. 1 thínk we miss that touch so
m u ch, that we crash into each other , just so we ca n feel something."

What does t his say about Lo s Angeles? Do you think it could appl y to
TOkyo" Wh y / Why noP

2 Whic h of these words and phrases might you associate with :

a) Tokyo b) Los Angeles c) bot h?
beaches business temples subway Jonely
corruption sushi glamour crime dange r ous
Mparadise on earth" expensive gardens

3 Read the d escriptions below. Which w ords from Exercise 2 are used
to descri be each city?

4 Find examples of the following in the te xts:

Positive words Im perati ves Exagge ration t .N egativevv ~rd_s_
be.aut ifu \ work nard parad i ~e. ni9ntma r e. POINT
on e.artn

Lost in Translation
Welcome to Tokyo--business capital of th
world. Work hard and play hard. Enjoy the
worlts best sushi restaurants and most
mod n shopping malls. Then there's Japan
traditional culture to discover: beautiful
temples, gardens and monasteries. The mOl
exotic and exciting place on earth!
Out that's only half the story. If you don"
speak Japanese, it can be hard to integrat
The streets are packed, there are
apartment buildings and traffic jams, and
the subway at rush hour is a nightmar e. r
one has time for you. Life is expensive.
When things get lost in tr anslation, Tokyo
can be a lonel y and alienating place.

12 fa Describing where places are: Tryexs 1-2 on your CD - R o m .

Promote your town
1 Write an ad for a city / town . Look at the table on page 12 and add expressions
to describe the town you have chosen.
t'o f> iti ve. word - d'in amiG

2 Now write the ad. Fill in the blanks.

Com e. to t'if>a, the. mOf>t d,/namiG plaGe. in It 211,/'

_ _ (imperative) to _ _ (your city / to wn), the most _ _ (adjective) place in

_ _ (country)! There are hundreds of _ _ (noun) to _ _ (verb) . You can visit
_ _ (place) and _ _ (place), and then _ _ (verb). And at night you can
(verb) until the early hours.
But that's only half the story. _ _ (place) is _ _ (pos. adjective) , but don't
forget that it's _ _ (neg. adjective) too' So, be careful that you don't _ _
(verb phrase) . Remember, it can be . _ _ (neg. adjective) and _ _ (neg.
adjective) ifyou're on your own . _ _ (lmperative)!!

3 Look at other students' work . Which description sounds t he most / least

attractive? Why? Take a class vote to decide on the best.

TAKEOUT ENGLlSH : CluSSrOOn7 /anguoge

, (ti) Listen to six short dialogs. What does each s tudent want?
2 Listen, again and complete.
1 A: 1 leave twenty minutes early today?
B: Yes,OK.
2 ., A: Sorry, 1 open the W!ndow?
B: Of eourse you can ...
3 A: , please? 1 eouldn't hear too well.
B: F ine. 1 was explaining how . ..
4 A: what we have to study for the exam?
B: Of eourse ...
5 A: _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ for us, please?

B: No problem .. .
6 A: we write in peneil?
B: lt would be better in pen if you have one.

3 ~ Listen and repeat.

1 Is it OK if we finish the elass early?
2 Could you repeat that one more time, please?
3 Do you mind if 1 hand in my work tomorrow?
4 Can you say it more slowly, please?
5 Does it matter if 1 arrive five minutes late?
6 Could you let us know our grades, please?

4 Work In palrs. Take turns asking and answering. using these prompts.
1 1 I borrow your pen I p lease
2 you I play the reeording again
3 1 I use a dicfionary I please
4 1 I write with a red pen
5 you I ask the question again
8 you I write it on the board I please

(00) "New York, N e w York" See r e s ource s h eet l B.

(8 Now do Umt test Ion your CD - Rom.

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