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Class 3 UIEO PQP 10-Papers 2019-20

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Class : 03 Class : 03

I. Vocabulary and Functional Grammar 09 Which of the following is ‘not a part of speech’ ?
(A) Preposition (B) Interjection
Select correct options to answer the questions.
(C) Article (D) Pronoun
01 Which of the following is the synonym of ‘fury’ ?
Replace the underlined and/or fill blanks, using the
(A) rage (B) flame (C) wooly (D) rough right options.
02 The number of adjectives in the sentence, “The fat 10 The king was a kind, helpful and generous person.
brown fox was cunning and the crow was simple.” is :
(A) noble (B) merciful
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 2 (D) 1
(C) benevolent (D) meritorious
03 Which of the following is ‘not a regular verb’ ?
11 Sri is a person who believes in the existence of God.
(A) Look (B) Brush (C) Feed (D) Finish
(A) an atheist (B) a deist
04 Which of the following is ‘not a collective noun’ ? (C) a pragmatist (D) a fascist
(A) Army (B) Team (C) Swarm (D) Cattle 12 As his wife has died, Hari is now a ________ .
05 Which of the following is ‘a plural noun’ ? (A) monoglot (B) bachelor
(A) Tiger (B) Deer (C) Bullock (D) Chicken (C) bridegroom (D) widower

06 Which of the following is an incorrect spelling ? Select correct options to fill the blanks.
(A) Necesary(B) Troupe (C) Passage (D) Arrive 13 _____ SRP person sometimes has to be on duty 24x7.
07 Which of the following is a ‘baby donkey’ ? (A) A (B) An (C) The (D) All
(A) Filly (B) Fawn (C) Foal (D) Calf 14 He met with ______ accident while overtaking
_______ RTC city bus and fell ______ unconscious.
08 Which of the following is an antonym of ‘kind’ ?
(A) an, a, __ (B) an, an, __ (C) an, a, the (D) a, the, __
(A) cruel (B) in-kind (C) mankind (D) same

Paper Code : UE180 1 2 Paper Code : UE180

Class : 03 Class : 03

15 Everyone from my team _______cooperating _______ In each question, select the option that forms the
the _______ to get the best_______ of us in the finals. second pair similar in manner like the first pair.
(A) are, to, couch, all. (B) been, with, coch, from.
22 Car : Garage :: Aeroplane : ?
(C) is, with, coach, out. (D) has, from, coach, out.
(A) Aerodrome (B) Sky
16 ‘Sixth’ is a/an ______. (C) Hangar (D) Runway
(A) cardinal number (B) ordinal number
23 Lungs : Humans :: Gills : ?
(C) Arabic number (D) Greek number
(A) Birds (B) Tandoor
17 I ______ come back in an hour; depends on his speed. (C) Windows (D) Fish
(A) can (B) must (C) may (D) have to
Select option showing errors such as of spelling,
18 Which of the following is a ‘past participle’ ? wrong usage of words and other grammatical ones.
(A) shook (B) fed (C) began (D) sank 24 Its a puzzle that it’s true side is’nt yet been display.
19 What is the tense of the following sentence ?
(A) A, D (B) A, B
‘Ramesh has been eating for the past one hour.’
(C) A, B, C, D (D) A, B, D
(A) Past prefect continuous
(B) Simple present 25 She ran vary fastly to catch that palce of window sit.
(C) Present perfect continuous A B C D
(D) Present perfect (A) A, B, C, D (B) B, D
(C) A, C, D (D) D
Select (option), the ‘odd one out’.
20 (A) Bed (B) Stool (C) Wood (D) Chair

21 (A) Cow (B) How (C) Now (D) Low

Paper Code : UE180 3 4 Paper Code : UE180

Class : 03 Class : 03

II. Reading Comprehension 26 Which option can be the most appropriate heading for
this story ?
Read the following story and select correct options (A) My mother (B) Gain through Bargain.
to answer the questions that follow. (C) Bargaining row (D) The grate bargainer.

My mother Sheela, is good at bargaining. She is able to bring 27 What is meant by ‘throng’, as said in the story ?
down the price of the things she wants to buy. Everyone (A) A group of fleas (B) A group of stall holders
loves to go shopping with her.
(C) A group of people (D) A group of cats
Once, I saw a pink dress that I liked at a flea market. It was
priced at Rs.600. My mother told me that the dress was only 28 What is meant by ‘ . . . something up their sleeves’ ?
worth half the price. She was going to get it for me for that (A) They kept something in their sleeves while selling.
price. I was confident of my mother’s abilities. She haggled
(B) They hid their profits above the sleeves.
with the seller at the stall. After ten minutes, my mother
handed the seller Rs.300 and he happily gave me the dress. (C) They had some secret trick.
(D) They kept money in folded sleeves.
My mother’s skills are also put to use at the fish market.
Whenever the fishmonger tries to raise the price of fish, my 29 What is meant by ‘ . . . she haggled with the seller’ ?
mother manages to lower the price. It is amusing to see a
(D) She fought with the seller by pushing him away.
throng following my mother whenever she goes to the fish
market. When she buys something, everyone else will buy (B) She pulled the goods from the seller’s hands.
it too. (C) She confused/tricked the seller for selling.
(D) She argued with the seller to reach an agreement.
Initially, I thought that she would make herself very
unpopular among the sellers because of this and they may 30 Why did the sellers call her to their stalls to buy ?
not want to sell their goods to her on her next visit.
However, I was proven wrong each time I went with her. On (A) Because she paid them a high price.
the contrary they used to call her to their stalls to buy. They (B) Because they liked her arguments and discussion.
sure had something up their sleeves by which they were (C) Because everyone liked her.
able to earn just as much. (D) Because after her, everyone else would buy too.

Paper Code : UE180 5 6 Paper Code : UE180

Class : 03 Class : 03

III. Interactive English 34 Policeman : “Did you see a man run fast, from here ?”
Kiran : ______________________ .
Fill correct options in the blanks to make the (A) No, I didn’t. (B) Yeah, I do.
conversation complete, ideal and meaningful.
(C) Yeah, my friend; he has gone to bring me water.
31 Suresh : Hi! I am Suresh, your new neighbour. I have (D) Several, this is a jogging park, dude.
come here to invite you for tea this afternoon.
35 Seema : It’s five o’clock already, we have worked a lot.
31 Rakesh : _______ I will certainly come at 4 p.m.
Now, ________________________ .
(A) Only tea ? (B) I don’t drink tea. Rashmi : Yeah, I too should pack off.
(C) Sure, a pleasure. (D) Nice to no. (A) Let’s call it a day.
32 Pizza delivery boy : Is this the correct address of Mrs. (B) let’s work more, till 8 p.m. and finish all.
Thomson ? (C) let’s call it a day.
Mr. Roy : Yes, she asked to deliver the pizza here. (D) let’s call it a good evening.
32 Pizza delivery boy : Thanks. Please pay Rs.444, sir.
Mr. Roy : ___________________________________ .
(A) Oh ! I thought that it was a gift to me.
(B) Ok, leave the pizza and collect the money from her.
(C) No, she now lives in the next block.
(D) Oh ! Maybe I don’t have the exact change.

33 Visa officer : Ma’am, what’s the purpose of your

visit ?
Lady : ________________________ .
(A) To meet you here (B) It’s not your lookout
(C) Tourist (D) Tourism

Paper Code : UE180 7 8 Paper Code : UE180

Class : 03 Class : 03

09 Which of the following is of only feminine gender ?

I. Vocabulary and Functional Grammar
(A) Cat (B) Goose (C) Sparrow (D) Chicken

Select correct options to answer the questions. Select options correctly describing the underlined.

01 Which of the following is a countable noun ? 10 A fish is a creature that lives only in water.
(A) Sand (B) Meat (C) Thought (D) Flour (A) aquatic (B) watery (C) aquarobic (D) aquarian

02 Which of the following is a synonym of ‘foe’ ? 11 The tribals know which roots are fit and safe to eat.
(A) Doe (B) Toe (C) Buck (D) Enemy (A) digestive (B) audible
(C) medicinal (D) edible
03 Which of the following is not a proper noun ?
(A) Quality (B) Pepsi (C) Sprite (D) Amul 12 Hari took his group of twenty sheep to a river, the
water of which was safe to drink.
04 Which of the following is a plural ?
(A) herd, portable (B) swarm, mineral
(A) Herd (B) Lass (C) Team (D) Cattle (C) flock, potable (D) shoal, pure
05 Which of the following is a pronoun ? Select correct options to fill the blanks.
(A) Hen (B) Eye (C) I (D) Well
13 The thought_____my mind as I_____ home yesterday.
06 Which of the following is a ‘baby goat’ ? (A) came in, drived (B) camed to, drove
(A) Lamb (B) Veal (C) Calf (D) Kid (C) comes to, drive (D) came to, drove
07 Which of the following is an ‘irregular verb’ ? 14 Ali, ______ was the _______ one, was selected for the
(A) Examine (B) Clean (C) Read (D) Close basketball team, as he could easily ______ the basket.
(A) which, tallest, reach (B) who, taller, reached
08 Which of the following is an antonym of ‘lose’ ?
(C) who, highest, reach (D) who, tallest, reach
(A) get (B) tie (C) tight (D) find

Paper Code : UE189 9 10 Paper Code : UE189

Class : 03 Class : 03

15 One of my _______ was selected as a _______ for the In each question, select the option that forms the
twelve-member cricket _______ last _______ . second pair similar in manner like the first pair.
(A) friends, bowler, team, week. 22 Twigs : Bundle :: Currency notes : ?
(B) friend, baller, team, week.
(A) Band (B) Pack
(C) friends’, boler, match, weak.
(C) Wad (D) Pad
(D) friends, baller, team, week.
23 Bus : Diesel :: Tram : ?
16 Twelve dozens is a ______.
(A) Steam (B) Electricity
(A) Groce (B) Grose (C) Gross (D) Grouse
(C) Air (D) Tracks
17 He said in_____angry manner but I kept ______ quiet.
Select an option (a pairing word) in each case, to fill
(A) a, a (B) an, a (C) an, __ (D) __ , __ the blank.
18 We ______ run, otherwise we will miss the train. 24 Sam said, “Come rain or __________, we must win
(A) can (B) must (C) may (D) would this match”.
(A) shower (B) flood
19 Which of the following is a ‘past tense’ ?
(C) shine (D) wind
(A) Ware (B) Run
(C) Read (D) Drunk 25 Kiran placed an advertisement for his lost dog, in the
‘lost and ____________’ column.
Select (option), the ‘odd one out’.
(A) pets (B) seen
20 (A) Pond (B) Lake (C) wanted (D) found
(C) Pool (D) River

21 (A) Mango (B) Apricot

(C) Peach (D) Papaya

Paper Code : UE189 11 12 Paper Code : UE189

Class : 03 Class : 03

II. Reading Comprehension Anita’s parents were extremely worried. They rushed to the
nearest security post and told the officer there, about what
had happened. They were in tears and were praying God to
Read the following story and select correct options help find Anita.
to answer the questions that follow.
The security officer pacified them and requested them for
On a Sunday just before Diwali, Mr. and Mrs. Sharma description of age, height, looks, etc. of Anita. Mr. Sharma
decided to go to a new shopping mall opened about a was luckily carrying a photo of Anita in his pocket, taken just
month ago in their city. Their 4-year-old daughter Anita, 4 months ago on her birthday. He immediately gave that to
insisted on going with them as the mall had a free play zone the officer. That was a great help. The officer contacted the
for children of all ages. CCTV control room immediately and sent them the photo
using an app in his mobile.
Mrs. Sharma wanted to buy a new dress for Anita and so
they agreed to take her with them. They left home after Within minutes the control room flashed Anita’s photo at all
taking a brunch, so that they won’t have to spend much on security gates, at all security posts and at all shops in the
eatables at the mall. mall. A little later, an elderly man came to them holding
Anita by hand. Anita was scared and crying, when the elderly
As they reached the mall, they found it unusally crowded.
man first saw her. He quickly realised what had happened
“Well, it must be because there are too many offers from
and took her to a security officer nearby.
various outlets at the mall”, they thought. But soon they
learnt about the main reason for such a huge crowd. A The officer was very busy as the crowd was huge and asked
shooting for some movie was going on in the mall and many them to wait. After some time when he received the picture
had gathered for catching a glimpse of their favourite actor. from the control room, he contacted them on the phone to
know her parents’ location and asked them not to move
The couple was window-shopping when Mrs. Sharma saw a
from there. Then, he directed Anita and the elderly man to
nice dress and entered that shop believing that Anita was
that spot.
with her father. Mr. Sharma, entered a mobile gallery and
got engrossed in a discussion there. He thought that Anita Mr. and Mrs. Sharma thanked the elderly man as they learnt
had entered the dress-shop with her mother. a lesson of their life. They also told Anita to approach a
security officer in such a situation and not talk to or go with
After some time, as Mr. and Mrs. Sharma met, they realised
any other person. Luckily the elderly person was a good man
that Anita was with neither of them and they panicked.

Paper Code : UE189 13 14 Paper Code : UE189

Class : 03 Class : 03

and hence he took Anita to a security officer. The thought, III. Interactive English
“What if Anita had fallen in the wrong hands ?”, disturbed
them terribly. They celebrated their reunion by eating ice- Fill correct options in the blanks to make the
cream along with the elderly gentleman. conversation complete, ideal and meaningful.
26 What do you understand by “won’t” as used in “so 31 Kiran : _______ ! I am in merit list; I must celebrate.
that they won’t have to spend much . . . ” ?
(A) Alas (B) Hurray (C) Sorry (D) Bravo
(A) would not (B) will not
(C) never (D) won it 32 Ali : _______ I am not able to find this address.
(A) Do you know ? (B) You help me ?
27 What was the main reason for a huge crowd ?
(C) Will you see ? (D) Can you help me ?
(A) Diwali (B) Offers (C) Sunday (D) Shooting
33 Ticket checker : Give me your ticket please.
28 What is meant by ‘brunch’ ?
Sri : ________________________ .
(A) A bunch of food items taken along with.
(A) Sorry, that’s mine. (B) Ok, but don’t lose it.
(B) A hot bun sandwich. (C) A big crunchy bread
(C) Go buy your own. (D) Here it is, Ok ?
(D) Eat late in morning, combining breakfast and lunch.
34 UK Visa officer : Ma’am, where have you come from ?
29 What is meant by ‘catching a glimpse’ ?
Lady : ________________________ .
(A) A look at somebody for a very short time.
(A) Home (B) Guntur
(B) A quick shake-hand. (C) To take a selfie.
(C) That aeroplane (D) India
(D) To catch someone by his/her shirt/top.
35 Raju (tapping on the swinging door) : ___________.
30 What did you learn from this story ?
Boss : Yes, you may.
(A) Never go to a mall. (B) Always use a mobile.
(A) Can I come in, sir ? (B) Sir, do you have mind ?
(C) Catch hold of an eledery person, when and if lost.
(C) Hi ! How are you, sir ? (D) May I come in sir ?
(D) Never leave the person whom with you go out.

Paper Code : UE189 15 16 Paper Code : UE189


I. Vocabulary and Grammar 7. I ________visit the doctor, before leaving for Chennai.
A. must B. was
Fill in the blanks with the correct options. C. was too D. Can
1. I _________ my teeth twice every day. 8. Give him a pen ________ a pencil.
A. cleans B. be clean A. but B. yet
C. clean D. cleaning C. not D. or
2. We are going on a cruise._________you swim ? Select options correctly replacing the groups of words.
A. Shall B. Can 9. That which can’t be seen
C. Will D. Do
A. insensible B. intangible
3. Collective noun to represent a group of ships is______. C. invisible D. unseen
A. cavalcade B. caravan 10. One who cannot hear
C. cargo D. fleet
A. dafe B. unheard
4. We are going ________ a walk. C. dumb D. deaf
A. for B. on
Select the options which are similar in meaning to the
C. to D. by
given words.
5. She is afraid __________ snakes.
11. Obsolete
A. by B. of
A. only B. a little late
C. for D. from
C. antiquated D. beautiful
6. Which of the following is correctly punctuated ?
12. Famous
A. this is his fathers pen
A. noted B. everywhere
B. this is his father’s pen.
C. actual D. intelligent
C. This is his father’s pen.
D. This is his father’s pen

© Brain Mapping Academy UE136 17 © Brain Mapping Academy UE136 18


Choose options with the correct spellings. Select the options opposite in meaning to the given
13. A. assessement B. assessment word.
C. asseessment D. accecement 19. Usual
14. A. encouragement B. encoragement A. inusual B. ordinary
C. encouragiment D. encouragemeant C. special D. unusual

Select options making the 2nd pair similar to the first. 20. Several

15. Pen : poet Needle : ? A. many B. few

C. less D. some
A. thread B. button
C. sewing D. tailor 21. Wise
16. Pride : lion shoal : ? A. clever B. blame
C. foolish D. selfish
A. teacher B. fish
C. student D. doctor Fill in the blanks with correct options (articles).
Select options showing meaningful arrangement of 22. He has _________ one hundred rupee note with him.
the four jumbled parts of sentences given (Do not add A. a B. an
any punctuation. You may ignore capitalisation). C. the D. no article
17. P. This evening Q. Phone 23. I have been to _______ North of India twice.
R. You can S. Me A. a B. an
A. RPQS B. PQRS C. the D. No article
C. RQSP D. QRPS Choose the options with correct punctuation marks for
18. P. to this house Q. have recently the blanks.
R. shifted S. they 24. What do you want___
A. SQRP B. SQPR A. full stop (.) B. exclamation mark (!)
C. QPRS D. QSRP C. question mark (?) D. comma (,)

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25. What a good book it is__ 27. What does ‘doused the fire’ mean ?
A. full stop (.) B. exclamation mark (!) (A) Sucked the fire (B) Put away the fire
C. question mark (?) D. comma (,) (C) Put out the fire (D) Put aside the fire.
28. Mrs. Mathur did not realise that __________.
II. Reading Comprehension (A) the towel was too close to the stove
(B) she had a stove in the kitchen
Read the story given below carefully and select (C) her daughter was crying in the garden
correct options to answer the questions that follow it. (D) Suma could not stand up
Mrs. Mathur was in the kitchen when she heard Suma crying 29. Which of the following is the same in meaning as
in the garden. Quickly, she wiped her hands with a towel and ‘Suma wailed’.
threw it on the table. She did not notice that the towel had
(A) Suma said/told (B) Suma waved
fallen very close to the stove as she rushed out of the house.
(C) Suma moaned (D) Suma complained
Mrs. Mathur ran to the garden. “What is the matter ?” she
30. Mrs. Mathur was __________ to the firemen.
asked her daughter. “Why are you crying, Suma ?” “I have
injured my ankle, mother. I can’t stand up,” wailed Suma. (A) helpful (B) greatful (C) kind (D) grateful

As Mrs. Mathur was carrying her back to the house, she saw
smoke coming out of the kitchen. Both the stove and the
kitchen cabinet were on fire. Quickly, she went to her
neighbour’s house and telephoned the fire brigade.
A few minutes later, a fire engine arrived. The firemen
doused the fire using a long hose. Mrs. Mathur thanked the
firemen before they left.
26. What was Mrs. Mathur doing when she heard Suma
crying in the garden ?
(A) Bathing (B) Washing (C) Sewing (D) Cooking

© Brain Mapping Academy UE136 21 © Brain Mapping Academy UE136 22


III. Interactive English 35. Which option would be a befitting response to this
statement ?
Select the most appropriate options. Hurrah ! We won the match.
31. Teacher : Shall I help you ? A. Okay ! B. Grate !
Manish : _____________. C. Strange. D. Congrats !
A. No, thanks. I can do it. ✦✧✦
B. No, I can’t do it.
C. Thanks, I go to play.
D. none
32. Shalu : I am preparing for the examinations well.
Pratul : ________________.
A. great
B. which well ?
C. Good luck
D. happy to see you.
33. Manu : My mother helps me in my homework.
Sonu : __________________.
A. Why ? B. how ?
C. My mother too D. good
34. Raju : __________?
Raghu : My father works in a Bank.
A. Why does your father work
B. How does your father work
C. When does your father work
D. Where does your father work

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I. Vocabulary and Functional Grammar 7. He is a bad-tempered man. He always __________

Select correct options to fill the blanks. (A) is scolding (B) has scolded
1. The female of a rabbit is ________ . (C) scold (D) scolds
(A) jenny (B) doe 8. The consultant doctor _________ the patients.
(C) hen (D) cow (A) advises (B) advices
2. Plural form of ‘buffalo’ is _________. (C) advice (D) adviser
(A) buffalos (B) buffalo’s 9. The traffic light _________ green. Let’s go.
(C) buffaloes’ (D) buffaloes (A) turn (B) turned
3. A fox lives in a ___________. (C) turns (D) is turning
(A) stable (B) den Unscramble and select the correctly pairing option.
(C) hole (D) cave 10. Hare
4. Horses _____________ when they see their masters. (A) etlutr (B) etsoirot
(A) neigh (B) grunt (C) rteig (D) etp
(C) hiss (D) howl
11. Volcano
5. Ice creams and soft drinks contain ______________ (A) yleovl (B) sgsra
(C) neoriutrp (D) lraewne
(A) natural (B) artificial
Select correct options as directed below.
(C) important (D) equal
12. Find the adjective from the following
Select correct options (verbs) to fill the blanks.
(A) very (B) vary
6. Alexander Graham Bell __________ the telephone. (C) happy (D) you
(A) discovered (B) found
(C) invented (D) gave

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13. Find the conjunction from the following Find the odd option.
(A) in (B) though (C) he (D) sweet 20. (A) magpie (B) penguin (C) cuckoo (D) robin

Select correct options (articles) to fill the blanks. 21. (A) potato (B) peach (C) pineapple(D) pear
14. Pramod is _________ tallest boy in the class. Select options with correct order of the given words to
(A) an (B) a (C) no article (D) the form a meaningful sentence (ignore punctuation).
15. The car is running at a speed of 80 km ________ hour. 22. the garage is the car in
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) no article
Select correctly punctuated options.
16. (A) The tiger was resting with the cubs
23. people in caves lived stone age
(B) the sisters are good in sports.
(C) My uncle is arriving from Bengaluru next week.
(D) we are going out today. (A) RQSP (B) SPRQ
17. (A) where is your book.
(B) Where is your book ? Select options that can form the second pair similar to
(C) Where is Your Book ? the first pair.
(D) Where is your Book.
24. mother : daughter :: ? : grandmother
Select the correct antonym/synonym for the given (A) grandniece (B) grandfather
words from the options.
(C) granddaughter (D) greatgrandmother
18. wriggle
25. road : car :: ? : train
(A) open (B) show (C) cover (D) twist
(A) track (B) path
19. advisable (C) street (D) engine
(A) unadvisable (B) inadvisable
(C) acceptable (D) unacceptable

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II. Reading comprehension

III. Interactive English
Read the following story carefully and using the Select correct options to replace the underlined in the
options provided, answer the questions that follow it. following conversation to make it meaningful.
Kites were first made in China about 2,800 years ago. The
Meena : ___(Q-31)____ sir. May I come in ?
Chinese used thin strips of bamboo for the frame of a kite.
On this frame, they put paper or even very thin silk. They Librarian : Yes, ___(Q-32)____! Come in.
used very strong silk thread to fly their kites. Meena : __(Q-33)___ I take some books home, for my
reference, please ?
26. Where were kites made first ?
Librarian : You can’t take __(Q-34)__ books you need, now.
(A) India (B) Japan
You can take only one book at a time.
(C) China (D) Sri Lanka
Meena : Then, I want Kalam’s ‘Wings of Fire’.
27. The material used for making the frame was_______. Librarian : Mm ! __(Q-35)_____ me check if it is available.
(A) silk (B) bamboo
31. (A) Excuse me (B) Hello !
(C) thread (D) thin material
(C) Hai ! (D) How are you
28. What was spread over the frame ?
32. (A) good (B) very good (C) please (D) can
(A) Paper or silk (B) thread
(C) bamboo leaves (D) none 33. (A) Can (B) May (C) Shall (D) Could
29. When were kites made ? 34. (A) any (B) some (C) all (D) the
(A) 200 years ago (B) 2800 years ago
(C) 200 BC (D) 250 BC. 35. (A) Let (B) Sure ! (C) Have (D) Wait

30. The past tense of ‘fly’ is__________.

(A) flow (B) flyed
(C) flied (D) flew

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I. Vocabulary and Functional Grammar Select correct options to fill the blanks.
7. Ramu has a stallion. _______ is brown in colour.
Select correct options to answer the questions.
(A) She (B) It
1. Which of the following is the antonym of ‘Entry’ ? (C) They (D) He
(A) Disentry (B) Exhaust
8. I like my daddy. ______ _____ me very much too.
(C) Dysentry (D) Exit
(A) They like (B) They likes
2. Which of the following is a proper noun ?
(C) He like (D) He likes
(A) Shampoo (B) Sunsilk
9. The babies of elephants are called _________ .
(C) Showergel (D) Soap
(A) jumbos (B) calves
3. Which of the following is a plural ?
(C) calfs (D) bebos
(A) Sugar (B) Crowd
10. The past tense of the verb ‘cut’ is _________ .
(C) Herd (D) Cattle
(A) cut (B) cutted (C) cutt (D) cuts
4. Which of the following is a conjunction ?
11. Ramesh and his two sisters, ______ went to Delhi.
(A) of (B) but
(C) from (D) on (A) have (B) both
(C) along (D) all
5. Which of the following is an uncountable noun ?
12. It was ______ ideal job for our ______ friend.
(A) Sea (B) People
(C) River (D) Sand (A) a, idle (B) an, idle
(C) an, ideel (D) the, idale
6. Which of the following is a synonym of ‘apparent’ ?
13. My sandal_______ apart, on hitting a stone yesterday.
(A) Likely (B) Father
(C) Obvious (D) Known (A) torn (B) tare (C) teared (D) tore

© Brain Mapping Academy UE159 31 © Brain Mapping Academy UE159 32


Select options correctly replacing the underlined. Select (option), the ‘odd one out’.
14. I became nervous as the policeman came near. 20. (A) Archery (B) Hockey
(A) arrived (B) followed (C) Football (D) Cricket
(C) approached (D) inquired 21. (A) Papaya (B) Orange
15. I hardly ever visit my sports club. (C) Apple (D) Mango
(A) occasionally (B) always with great effort Select correct options (modals) to fill the blanks.
(C) whenever possible (D) every day
22. I am free now. I _______ go to the library, if I feel like.
16. Some letters are to be sent without any delay.
(A) may (B) need (C) would (D) can
(A) by courier (B) by e-mail
23. “What will you do this Sunday ?” “I’m not sure, but
(C) immediately (D) by hand
first I______ complete my home work.”
In each question, select the option that forms the (A) may (B) can (C) must (D) need
second pair similar to the first pair.
Select options showing all the misspelt words.
17. Eyes : Myopia :: Teeth : ?
24. Ali carpainter works vary hard to make chiars ever day.
(A) Denture (B) Diarrhoea
(C) Pyorrhoea (D) Dentist
(A) R, S, T, U (B) P, Q, R, T
18. Building : Architect :: Statue : ? (C) M, P, T, U (D) P, T, U, V
(A) Minister (B) Potter
25. My mumy end dady are good frends of hour neighbur.
(C) Artist (D) Sculptor J K L M N O P Q R
19. College : Student :: Hospital : ? (A) K, O, Q, R (B) J, K, L, Q, R
(A) Nurse (B) Attendant (C) Doctor (D) Patient (C) K, L, O, Q, R (D) J, K, L, O, Q, R

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II. Reading Comprehension that his beloved daughter had turned into. He had hugged
her inadvertently and did not mean to turn her into gold. He
Read the following story carefully and select correct begged Terrus to reverse the wish he had granted as it
options to answer the questions that follow. proved to be a bane rather than a boon.

Many years ago, Judas, the king of Morocco was considered 26. What is meant by ‘inadvertently’ as said in the story ?
the richest man on earth. He loved gold more than anything (A) in his arms (B) unintentionally
else in the world, except his daughter. She was beautiful, (C) with admiration (D) hugged tightly
with sparkling eyes and silky, black hair.
27. How many adjectives are used in the first paragraph to
The king was so obsessed with the want for gold that
describe King Judas’s daughter ?
wherever he went, he wished that things around him, even
like trees and bushes, were made of gold or could be turned (A) six (B) four (C) three (D) five
into gold.
28. In the 2nd paragraph, in the mention ‘the want for
One day, a deity by name Terrus came to visit king Judas in gold’, what is ‘want’ ?
his palace. He came to king Judas, for returning him a favour.
(A) adjective (B) verb
So, Terrus offered the king to grant his wish of whatever he
wanted in his life. As the king was completely obsessed with (C) noun (D) helping verb
the idea of the yellow metal all around him, he expressed his
29. What does ‘yellow metal ’ mean ?
wish that anything he touches should turn into gold. Terrus
did not like his obsession and greed; however, unwillingly (A) Brass (B) Bronze
though, he granted Judas his wish and vanished. (C) Gold (D) jaundiced metal
Judas was very pleased and touched many things of his daily 30. Which of the following can be the most suitable title
use, which instantly turned into gold. Everything went on to for this story ?
be alright till a fateful day, when Judas, in great admiration,
hugged his most beloved and beautiful daughter. Instantly, (A) Greed — a boon or a bane ?
she too turned into gold. (B) Judas, the richest (C) Gold and the princess
Judas wept aloud in despair as he hugged the golden statue (D) Terrus & Judas

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III. Interactive English 34. Ali : I am lost. Can you tell me where this road goes ?
Villager : __________________
Fill correct options in the blanks to make the
(A) Nowhere; I have never seen it going anywhere.
conversation complete, ideal and meaningful.
(B) If you are lost, go to the police.
31. Rohan : He is strong. He _________ easily lift that box. (C) Why do you ask about the road ? Look into a mirror.
Kiran : Well, he ________, if you _________ think so. (D) Ok. Tell me where you want to go.
(A) may, may, will (B) can, may, are
35. Boss : You are late again by 15 minutes.
(C) can, can, can (D) can, can, none
Raju : ___________ .
32. Sam : ________, the road has a sharp turn ahead. (A) Oh ! Maybe my watch is a bit too slow.
John : ________ (B) Oh ! I’m sorry once again, alright ?
(A) Control your speed; I know. (C) Oh ! I didn’t think you would be in time today.
(B) Be careful; I am an expert. (D) Oh ! I’m sorry, this won’t happen again.
(C) Take care; I will pass it so fast, you won’t notice.
(D) Slow down; Don’t worry, I will be careful.

33. Raji : Can I borrow your pen for a minute ?

Lily : __________ .
(A) I don’t know whether you can.
(B) Are you doubting your ability or mine ?
(C) Sure, here it is.
(D) Well, let me think.

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I. Vocabulary and Functional Grammar 7. Which of the following is an ‘irregular verb’ ?

(A) Talk (B) Clean (C) Catch (D) Open
Select correct options to answer the questions.
8. Which of the following is an antonym of ‘below’ ?
1. Which of the following is a countable noun ?
(A) Ovar (B) Up (C) Above (D) On
(A) Oil (B) Gold
(C) Can (D) Sand 9. Which of the following is of feminine gender ?
(A) Lamb (B) Earth
2. Which of the following is a synonym of ‘amaze’ ?
(C) Bangle (D) Saree
(A) a puzzle (B) a corn
(C) confuse (D) astonish Select correct options to fill the blanks.

3. Which of the following is not a proper noun ? 10. The cat ________ in _______ and _______ the milk.

(A) CocaCola (B) Pepsi (A) comes, quitely, drinks (B) came, quick, drinks
(C) Soda (D) Thums up (C) comes, fast, drink (D) came, quietly, drank

4. Which of the following is a plural ? 11. ‘My, our, your’ are possessive ________ .

(A) Herd (B) Lass (A) adverbs (B) nouns

(C) Team (D) Cattle (C) pronouns (D) adjectives

5. Which of the following is a pronoun ? 12. The boy ______ I knew as a good player for long, was
the one _____ house was far away and so he _______
(A) Their (B) Therefore not reach _______ the _______ session yesterday.
(C) That (D) Thus
(A) who, who’s, can, at, practise
6. Which of the following is a ‘young goat’ ? (B) that, with, could, for, practise
(A) Lamb (B) Veal (C) whom, with, could, to, practice
(C) Calf (D) Kid (D) whom, whose, could, for, practice

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13. A person who sells is a ______. In each question, select the option that forms the
(A) salesmen (B) saler second pair similar in manner like the first pair.
(C) sailor (D) seller 19. Tall : Short :: Giant : ?
14. ____ hot meal will be ready in half ______ hour. (A) Small (B) Tiny (C) Dwarf (D) Demon
(A) A, a (B) A, an 20. Goldsmith : Gold :: Blacksmith : ?
(C) The, the (D) An, an (A) Paint (B) Colour (C) Zinc (D) Iron
15. Which of the following is an ‘adjective’ ?
Select (option), the ‘odd one out’.
(A) Vary (B) Query
21. (A) lizard (B) crocodile (C) gecko (D) snake
(C) Fairy (D) Hairy
22. (A) strawberry (B) blueberry (C) cashew (D) grape
Select options correctly describing the underlined.
23. (A) gold (B) silver (C) platinum (D) diamond
16. It is not long ago, that I met Amitabh.
(A) currently (B) shortly Select an option (a pairing word) in each case to fill
(C) recently (D) truly the blank.

17. You must put in order all your work properly, before 24. Sam kept all his important documents at the bank
submission. under lock and __________ .
(A) clean (B) decorate (A) guard (B) safety (C) key (D) locker
(C) check (D) arrange 25. I learned to repair many gadgets through trial and
____________ .
18. My uncle has a big place for his eight horses to live in
and also a fenced place for his sheep, in his backyard. (A) loss (B) error
(A) stable, house (B) stud, shade (C) improvement (D) correction
(C) stable, pen (D) stable, shed

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II. Reading Comprehension with a blood-stained mouth, sitting right near the entrance.
Worried, the man looked at the cradle and could not see the
Read the following story and select correct options baby. Instantly, he picked a rod nearby and beat the dog
to answer the questions that follow. repeatedly till it went away, wailing.

A villager was awakened one morning by a dog’s groaning. In the meantime, his wife found the baby safe, lying over a
Curious, he went outside his hut to see what made the dog heap of clothes just at the back of the cradle. They both
groan. He saw a dog limping in small circles, groaning, before heaved a sigh of relief, but wondered as to where the blood
trying to settle down under the bullock cart. As he went near on the dog’s mouth came from. As they followed the blood
the dog to find out the reason for limping and groaning, he stains to the far corner of their hut, they found there a snake
saw that the hind left paw was wounded & swollen and so lying dead, with bite marks all over its body.
the dog had difficulty in touching it to the ground. It was then that the man realised what a blunder he had
The man caressed the dog to offer comfort. Then checked his committed by beating the dog away from his house. He ran
wound on that paw, cleaned it with some disinfectant and out in search of the dog, but could not find him. The dog had
applied medicine that would cure the wound with a soothing vanished. The man felt very sorry for his deed, but he and
effect. The dog felt better and gave him a thankful look. He his family were now left without that affectionate guard.
stopped moaning and in a day or two could touch the paw 26. How did the dog react, when the man treated the
down. Soon he started living a normal life. Having cured, the wound ?
farmer thought that the dog would go away. But he hung
(A) stopped groaning. (B) started guarding.
about the house and gradually became a member of the
man’s family. Because of his presence around the house at (C) walked normally. (D) looked thankfully.
all times, the man’s family felt safer, especially at night.
27. What is meant by ‘moaning’ as said in the story ?
After some days, the man brought home, his wife and their (A) groaning (B) eating (C) barking (D) circling
newborn baby. The dog lay sprawled at the foot of the
baby’s cradle, most of the time. The man was happy to see 28. The dog’s mouth was blood-stained because ______ .
that the dog on its own had taken to guard the baby.
(A) it bit the baby (B) it bit the snake to death
Once the man and his wife went out nearby, leaving the (C) it ate some flesh (D) it guarded the baby
baby and the dog in their hut. On return, they saw the dog

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29. What is meant by ‘hind left paw’ ? III. Interactive English

(A) bread left behind. (B) feet of legs behind.
Fill correct options in the blanks to make the
(C) the paw left behind. (D) the left backside paw.
conversation complete, ideal and meaningful.
30. With what did the man clean the dog’s wound ?
31. Rohan : Hi Ravi, how are you ? Ravi : __________
(A) A solution that gave relief to the dog. (A) Fine. (B) Ok, so ?
(B) Dettol and water.
(C) Fine, thank you. (D) Hi !
(C) A solution that kills infection.
(D) A strong detergent for a good wash. 32. I am ________, I couldn’t complete the homework sir.
(A) fine (B) busy (C) careful (D) sorry

33. Ali : Thanks, but I don’t know how to operate it.

Sri : Well, you ______ ask someone who really knows.
(A) need (B) should (C) want (D) got

34. Salim : This bag is very heavy. _________ ?

(A) May I help you (B) May you help me
(C) Must you help me (D) Can you help me

35. Raju (panting) : I just missed that bus.

Passanger already waiting in queue : ___________
(A) Oh ! Don’t worry, you will get one tomorrow.
(B) Ok ! Now I know why you are panting.
(C) So ? What can I do for you ?
(D) I’m sorry, but you have to queue up again for
getting on to the next one.

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Last Monday, the function _____ attended by many people.

I Vocabulary and Functional Grammar
(A) is (B) are (C) was (D) were
Directions for questions 1-11: Fill in the blanks with the
correct words. I can’t do this now. I _____ do this only after I finish my
Economic _____ is essential for a country’s progress.
(A) may (B) could
(A) stable (B) stability (C) will be able to (D) should
(C) stably (D) stabilise
Mumbai is _____ bigger city than Hyderabad.
You must bring _____ clothes for swimming.
(A) a (B) an
(A) suit (B) suited (C) the (D) No article required
(C) suitable (D) suitably
He is _____ at maths.
What will you do _____ you meet an actor?
(A) adept (B) adapt
(A) if (B) when (C) although (D) though (C) adopt (D) able

_____ we were very angry, we kept our cool. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the where necessary.
(A) As (B) And There was _____ drought and _____ harvest was poor.
(C) Although (D) Because
(A) an, a (B) the, the (C) a, the (D) a, an
He has achieved success, _____ he is not satisfied. Directions for questions 13,14: Choose the correct punctuation
(A) and (B) or marks.
(C) nor (D) yet “Would you like to go to the beach (Q13) Mrs. Neeta asked
Raju one Sunday morning. “I would rather watch a film.” He
While you _____, your friend came to our house. replied. Mrs. Neeta smiled. “You want to watch Superman,
(A) are sleeping (B) slept don’t you?” she asked. “Yes (Q14) Raju shouted excitedly.
(C) sleep (D) were sleeping
(A) ,” (comma and quotation mark)
Tea and biscuits _____ served at 4 o’ clock every day. (B) ?” (question mark and quotation mark)
(C) ” (quotation mark)
(A) is (B) are (C) was (D) were (D) .” (full-stop and quotation mark)

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(A) .” (full-stop and quotation mark) Find the part that has an error.
(B) ,” (comma and quotation mark) Why you are in such a hurry?
(C) ?” (question mark and quotation mark) (A) Why (B) you are (C) in such (D) a hurry?
(D) !” (exclamation mark and quotation mark)
Give one word for the following group of words.
Choose the odd word.
A person who shows you your seat in the theatre
(A) Flock (B) Bouquet (C) Colony (D) Ball (A) Usher (B) Vendor
(C) Grocer (D) Director
Identify the noun in the given sentence.
She was full of happiness. Arrange the following words in the correct alphabetical

(A) Proper noun (B) Common noun order.

(C) Abstract noun (D) Material noun I) Wriggled II) Wrung
III) Wired IV) World
Arrange these jumbled words of the sentence properly.
(A) III, IV, I, II (B) IV, I, III, II
buy / always / book / I (C) III, IV, II, I (D) IV, III, I, II
(A) Buy books I always. (B) I always buy books. Directions for question 23: Choose the pair of words that is
(C) I buy always books. (D) Books I buy always. related to the first pair in a similar way.

Unscramble the given word and then select its synonym Fragrance : Spread : : ?
(similar in meaning). (A) Whirlwind : Fly (B) Whirlpool : Gather
YNUNF (C) Breeze: Flow (D) River : Water
(A) ridiculous (B) occasional
(C) final (D) endless Find the word that is INCORRECTLY spelt.
(A) weird (B) poisonous
Unscramble the given word and then find its antonym (C) zerox (D) organization
(opposite in meaning).
LYETNP Find the word that is CORRECTLY spelt.

(A) homeless (B) creative (A) Leenient (B) Linient

(C) scarce (D) uncertain (C) Lyneint (D) Lenient

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11 Reading Comprehension What was the ground like?

Directions for questions 26-30: Read the passage carefully (A) Marshy
and answer the questions that follow it. (B) Muddy and wet
(C) Similar to that of a beach
Before Mary turned five, she was with her grandparents. They (D) Rocky and dry
would take her to the playground. The place was filled with
children of her age. They had to take turns at the slide and
the swing. However, she did not mind, she made many 111 Interactive English
friends there. They shared their buckets, spades and small
animal moulds. Her grandparents would chat with the other Directions for questions 31-35: Select the most appropriate
grandparents. choices.

Mary went to the playground when she was _____. Sonu: Do you want to go to the zoo?
(A) a toddler. (B) ten years old. Monu : No! _______
(C) a teenager. (D) an adult.
(A) I will buy the ticket.
(B) Are you also going to the zoo?
What did Mary do at the playground?
(C) Is there a new lion brought into the zoo?
(A) She built castles in the sand. (D) I would rather watch a movie.
(B) She talked to her grandparents.
(C) She made shapes of animals in the sand. Mr. Das : Hello, Ram! I would like to speak to your daddy.
(D) She fought to take turns at the slide and the swing.
Ram: Sorry, Uncle! Daddy is not at home. _______
What did Mary’s grandparents do while she played? (A) I won’t take any message.
(B) Don’t give me any message.
(A) They watched her play. (C) Would you like me to pass any message?
(B) They played with her. (D) Don’t speak to daddy.
(C) They went for a walk.
(D) They spoke to other adults. Ramu: I stood first in my class.

Why did Mary not mind waiting for her turn? Venu: _______
(A) Is it so? (B) Really!
(A) Her home was filled with many children.
(C) Congratulations! (D) I am sorry.
(B) Mary played with her grandparents .
(C) Mary had to share her things with others.
(D) Mary made many new friends.

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Teacher : Ram, you took sick-leave yesterday. I Vocabulary and Functional Grammar
Ram: Yes, Sir! _____
Directions for questions 1-10: Fill in the blanks with the
(A) I was playing. correct words.
(B) I was at home watching a movie.
(C) I am sorry I couldn’t inform you before. I was taken ill. The grass is wet. It _____ have rained last night.
(D) I wanted to be free.
(A) should (B) would (C) must (D) will
Teacher: Class! Get ready for the exams.
I _____ take you to a movie.
A Student : _____
(A) was (B) are (C) am (D) can
(A) When are the exams?
(B) Why are exams held? She hurried to the supermarket _____ she might get some
(C) Who will hold the exams?
things before it closed.
(D) Who will take the exams?
(A) before (B) so that
(C) for (D) at

My parents are going to China _____ a holiday _____

(A) for, in (B) so, that (C) in, at (D) for, during
Please allow me _____ hours.
(A) a couple (B) more two
(C) a pair (D) two more
Is this seat _____?
(A) vacant (B) empty (C) null (D) seated
The boys _____ television every night.
(A) watch (B) watches
(C) watched (D) watching

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It’s lovely to wake up in the morning and _____ birds singing. (A) a (B) an (C) the (D) No article required
(A) hear (B) hears (C) heard (D) hearing
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) No article required
Milk _____ good for you. Drink some every day.
Choose the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word.
(A) is (B) was (C) are (D) were
These dresses _____ more than a hundred rupees. (A) difficult (B) sure
(A) cost (B) are costing (C) basic (D) easy
(C) costs (D) is costing
Unscramble the word and then find its antonym (OPPOSITE
Directions for questions 11, 12: Which words have been
spelt correctly? in meaning).
(A) suppose (B) know (C) doubt (D) ignore
Directions for questions 19-21: Choose the pair of words
that is related to the first pair in a similar way.
(C) LEISURE (D) LEISOR Play : Work : : ?
Directions for questions 13, 14: Give one word each for
(A) Laugh : Cry (B) Eat : Talk
the following groups of words. (C) Run : Walk (D) See : Hear
A large sum of money Eyes : See : : ?
(A) fortune (B) wealth (A) Hands : Cry (B) Ears : Hear
(C) allowance (D) property (C) Feet : Talk (D) Teeth : Think
People who see an incident on the road Ham : Meat : : ?
(A) peeping toms (B) victims (A) Air : Water (B) Tennis : School
(C) bystanders (D) joggers (C) Juice : Drink (D) Maths : Number
Directions for questions 15, 16: Fill in the blanks with a,
an or the where necessary. Select the word SIMILAR in meaning to the given word.
While (Q15) family was away, some burglars broke into and
ransacked (Q16) house. (A) hung and swung (B) rushed and bustled
(C) flooded (D) departed

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Directions for question 23-25: Choose the correct

punctuation marks. What is the poet doing when a friend calls him?
(A) He is working at home.
Boom (Q23) There was a huge fire at the apartment block. (B) He is working at the farm.
Children (Q24) adults and even animals ran out. Some of (C) He is relaxing at home.
them were hurt but no one was badly burnt (Q25) (D) He is enjoying nature.

(A) . (full-stop) (B) ! (exclamation mark) How is his friend travelling?

(C) , (comma) (D) ? (question mark) (A) On foot (B) By car
(C) On a horse (D) On a boat
(A) . (full-stop) (B) ! (exclamation mark)
(C) , (comma) (D) ? (question mark) The poet, according to the poem, is not shouting ‘What is
it?’ because
(A) . (full-stop) (B) ! (exclamation mark) (A) he is impolite. (B) he is rude.
(C) , (comma) (D) ? (question mark) (C) he is busy. (D) he is friendly.

The poet, according to the poem, has

11 Reading Comprehension (A) many friends. (B) a lot of work.
Directions for questions 26-30: Read the poem and answer (C) many crops. (D) many orchards.
the questions that follow it.
The poet, according to the poem, possibly
(A) greets his friend and returns to work.
When a friend calls to me from the road (B) accepts tea from his friend.
And slows his horse to a meaning walk, (C) spends quite some time with his friend.
I don’t stand still and look around (D) offers tea to his friend.
On all the hills I haven’t hoed,
And shout from where I am, ‘What is it?’ 111 Interactive English
No, not as there is a time to talk.
Directions for questions 31-35: Select the most appropriate
I thrust my hoe in the mellow ground, choices.
Blade-end up and five feet tall,
Niraja: How often do you come to the gym for a workout ?
And plod: I go up to the stone wall
Rajani: Three times a week at least, if I can manage it.
For a friendly visit.
Niraja: No wonder you look so fit and trim.
Rajani: Thanks. You can also be fit. _______
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(A) you have to continue it.

(B) you have to wait for it. I Vocabulary and Functional Grammar
(C) you have to stop it.
Directions for questions 1-8: Fill in the blanks with the
(D) you have to forget it.
correct words.
Ram: I will not be able to finish copying this by evening. The _____ man was taken to the hospital.
Do you mind helping me? (A) injure (B) injury
Venu: _______ (C) injured (D) injurious
(A) Yes, can I do this tomorrow? The garden looked _____, for weeds had sprung up
(B) Certainly, give me some to copy.
(C) Surely, you will finish all by yourself.
(D) Do not worry. But I too can’t do this. (A) negligence (B) negligent
(C) negligently (D) neglected
You seem to be looking for something. _______
I think we are lost. The man _____ have given us the wrong
(A) Will you help me? (B) May you help me? directions.
(C) I may help you. (D) May I help you? (A) might (B) should
(C) would (D) must
Ramya: We prepared ice-cream at home. Would you like some
ice-cream? _____ you excuse me for a moment?
Rani: _______ (A) Would (B) Should
(A) Sorry, I would like to have your ice cream. (C) Must (D) Needn’t
(B) Sorry! I am afraid it will make me ill. You’ll _____ a cold if you do not wear a sweater.
(C) Sorry, having an ice-cream is so childish.
(D) Sorry! It is so tasty. (A) have (B) suffer (C) undergo (D) catch
Let’s begin _____ page ten.
Ramu : Hello, Uncle! My school has closed early today and I
am not able to call mom. _______ (A) in (B) for (C) to (D) with
(A) Could you please pick me up? You need a lot of _____ patience to knit _____ sweater I want.
(B) Will you please help me study?
(A) the, a (B) No article required, the
(C) I shall come in your car.
(C) No article required, a (D) the, the
(D) I want to be picked up by you.

© Brain Mapping Academy UE113 59 © Brain Mapping Academy UE115 60


Strong and unpleasant smell

The contractor will give us _____ estimate of _____ cost of
renovating our house. (A) aroma (B) scent
(C) stench (D) smell
(A) an, No article required (B) an, the
(C) an, a (D) a, an Directions for questions 15-17: Fill in the blanks with a,
an and the where necessary.
Directions for questions 9,10: Which words have the correct
spellings? As I was walking along, I spotted (Q15) bottle floating in
(Q16) water. I picked up (Q17) bottle.
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) No article required

(A) BEGINING (B) BEGINNING (A) a (B) an (C) the (D) No article required
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) No article required
Directions for questions 11,12: Choose the correct
punctuation marks. Directions for questions 18, 19: Select the words SIMILAR
in meaning to the given words.
Sania stood at the top of the mountain. “What a beautiful
place (Q11) she exclaimed. “Don (Q12)t you think so?” Bilateral
(A) many-sided (B) two-sided
(A) ? ” (question mark and quotation mark)
(C) insoluble (D) tough
(B) ! ” (exclamation mark and quotation mark)
(C) ,” (full-stop and quotation mark) Blared
(D) ” (quotation mark) (A) sounded (B) blazed
(C) glowed (D) glared
(A) , (comma) (B) ” (quotation mark)
Directions for questions 20, 21: Choose the word that is
(C) ! (exclamation mark) (D) ’ (apostrophe) OPPOSITE in meaning to the given words.
Directions for questions 13, 14: Give one word each for Delight
the following groups of words.
(A) pleasure (B) sadness
One which breaks easily (C) blame (D) shine

(A) weak (B) brittle Bland

(C) flexible (D) supple (A) raw (B) flavourless
(C) tasty (D) well–cooked
© Brain Mapping Academy UE115 61 © Brain Mapping Academy UE115 62

Directions for questions 22-25: Which word makes the Choose the rhyming pair of words.
second pair SIMILAR to the given pair?
(A) green-gold (B) hue-hold
Cub : Bear : : Kitten : ? (C) is-hue (D) gold-hold
(A) Animal (B) Dog
Which are the pair of rhyming words?
(C) Whale (D) Cat
? (A) Eden-dawn (B) flower-hour
Carefree : Worry : : Certain :
(C) Eden-down (D) only-early
(A) Respect (B) Doubt
(C) Truth (D) Money How long does a flower last?
(A) a few moments (B) a whole day
Athlete : Team : : Musician : ?
(C) an hour (D) a year
(A) Play (B) Band
(C) House (D) Song What does ‘dawn’ mean?
(A) Nature (B) Nature’s colours
Hilarious : Funny : : Terrific : ? (C) Morning (D) Eden
(A) Wrong (B) Hard
What is the main idea of the poem?
(C) Crazy (D) Great
(A) Gold stays. (B) Valuable things change.
(C) Nature changes. (D) Eden is sad.
11 Reading Comprehension

Directions for questions 26-30:Read the poem and answer

the questions that follow it. 111 Interactive English
Nature’s first green is gold, Directions for questions 31-35: Select the most appropriate
Her hardest hue to hold. choices.
Her early leaf’s a flower; Rahul: We should get something to eat.
But only so an hour.
Ravi: Are you hungry?
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief, Rahul: Hungry? Terribly. _______

So dawn goes down today. (A) I am half full. (B) I am starving.

(C) I am full. (D) I am amazed.
Nothing gold can stay.

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Ram : Mom! I am here to help you in the kitchen. May I help

1 Vocabulary and Functional Grammar
you cut the vegetables?
Mom : Okay! But _______. Directions for questions 1-10: Fill in the blanks with the correct
(A) cut spinach
(B) wash the vegetables only superficially
(C) watch out! Be careful with the knife Have you seen the latest _____ uniform in the fire
(D) watch! Choose the vegetables that are not fresh department.
(A) fireman (B) firemen
Ravi : I am getting less marks in English.
(C) firemen’s (D) firemens’
Hari : _______
The _____ gym in the school is new.
(A) Learn Maths more.
(B) Learn Hindi more. (A) boy’s (B) boys (C) boys’ (D) boy
(C) Pay more attention in the class.
(D) Pay more attention in games.
She talked to _____.
Receptionist: Hello! What can I do for you? (A) we (B) they (C) he (D) us
Caller : _______ I want to open an account.
I am taller _____ Ronaldo.
(A) I am seeing for a branch of the SBI bank.
(B) I am looking for a Branch of SBI near Park lane. (A) them (B) than (C) then (D) more
(C) Can you tell me if I have an account?
(D) Could you please tell me if I have an account in the bank? The island is so small that there are only five houses _____ it.

Ram : Hello, Raj! I need a little help. (A) in (B) on (C) over (D) around

Raj : Yes, tell me. Many animals _____ when the jungle was cleared.
Ram : I am free and planning to go to the zoo. _______ (A) escaped (B) escape
(A) Tell me the route to the zoo. (C) escaping (D) escapes
(B) Do you know how I am going to the zoo?
(C) Do you know the animals there?
(D) Come to the library.

© Brain Mapping Academy UE115 65 © Brain Mapping Academy 7-' 66


I haven’t seen her. _____ does she look like? I have a question to you.
(A) I have (B) a question
(A) Where (B) Why (C) to (D) you.
(C) What (D) When
I knows that she will win.
_____ the right on the road.
(A) I knows (B) that
(A) Keep (B) Keep at (C) she (D) will win.
(C) Keep to (D) Keep from
Directions for questions 16, 17: Give one word each for
Mr. Pandey is _____ manager of Sunrise Foods, _____ big the following groups of words.
company. Something that is deadly
(A) a, the (B) No article required, a
(C) the, the (D) the, a (A) legal (B) lethal
(C) poisonous (D) marvel
My sister and I love _____ Western food but my brother
One who cannot read or write
prefers local food.
(A) a (B) an (A) illuminate (B) illustrated
(C) the (D) No article required (C) irresolute (D) illiterate

Directions for questions 11, 12: Choose the words with Directions for questions 18, 19: Fill in the blanks with a, an or
the correct spellings. the where necessary.
He is (Q18) very strange man. He has (Q19) queer habit of
(A) BEELIVE (B) BELIVE sleeping during the day and remaining awake at night.
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) No article required
(C) ALLRITE (D) ALRITE (A) a (B) an (C) the (D) No article required
Directions for questions 13-15: Choose the part that has
an error. Unscramble the given word and then find its synonym
(similar in meaning).
I was difficult to get a rank.
(A) I was (B) difficult (A) sing (B) prey
(C) to get (D) a rank. (C) whisper (D) blast
© Brain Mapping Academy 7-' 67 © Brain Mapping Academy 7-' 68

Select the word SIMILAR in meaning to the given word. 11 Reading Comprehension
chirp Directions for questions 26-30: Read the poem and answer
(A) sing (B) hop the questions that follow it.
(C) fly (D) hide
Summer is sultry hot days
Unscramble the word and then find its antonym (opposite
and sudden evening showers
in meaning).
when the night air is sweetened
with the fragrance of jasmine flowers.
(A) break (B) repair
Summer’s the time to catch up with old friends
(C) mend (D) apply
and all the new movies in town
Select the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word.
all thanks to the long summer break
you’re free to break out of school bounds.
(A) visitor (B) host
so, how can you still think
(C) traveller (D) sibling
that summer’s a real drag?
Directions for questions 24, 25: Choose the pair of words
that is related to the first pair in a similar way.
‘Sweetened’ means
Huge : Big : : ?
(A) sugary. (B) syrupy.
(A) Nice : Unkind (B) Small : Tiny (C) scented. (D) pleasant.
(C) Funny : Happy (D) Old : New
What do you do with ‘old friends’ in summer?
Teacher : Educate : : ?
(A) Play hide and seek
(A) Doctor : Heal (B) Farmer : Talk (B) Catch them after chasing
(C) Engine : Oil (D) Dog : Sit (C) Play, throw and catch
(D) Spend time

What are you free from in summer?

(A) school rules (B) school boundary

(C) school games (D) enjoyment in school

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Which is the pair of rhyming words? Ram : I am looking forward to this Sunday as we both will go
(A) days - showers (B) break - drag
(C) showers - flowers. (D) friends - bounds Pranay : But where shall we go?
Ram : _______
Summer is
(A) We don’t want to go to the movie tonight.
(A) really all fun. (B) only very hot. (B) We will go to the Birla Sanitorium next Sunday.
(C) only full of showers (D) only fragrant air. (C) How about going to Birla Sanitorium?
(D) This Sunday is not the best day to go there.

111 Interactive English Mani: Oouch! My toes! You have just stepped on them!

Directions for questions 31-35: Select the most appropriate Hari: _______
choices. (A) Please, I hope you’ll not mind.
(B) I’m sorry, sir. Why don’t you mind?
Venu: I heard you got an A grade in all subjects. (C) I beg your pardon, sir, for stepping on your toes.
(D) Excuse me, but the bus is crowded.
Renu: No. I am lagging behind in Maths.
Venu: Didn’t you work hard? Venu: I am sorry, I forgot to return your book yesterday.
Renu: Yes! _______ Ravi: _______
(A) But still I have to play more. (A) Very good! Buy me a new one.
(B) But I have to work slower. (B) Don’t worry! Return it tomorrow.
(C) But still I have to work slow. (C) Congratulations! I will get a new one.
(D) But still I have to work harder. (D) Thank you. Keep it.

Raj : Hello, Ravi! Do you know why Ram didn’t come to

school on the first day?
Ravi : I too don’t know. _______
(A) He is on vacation.
(B) He could still be on his vacation.
(C) He is on his way to school.
(D) He is in the school bus.

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Class - 3 UIEO - KEY for All Papers

180 189 136 139 159 171 111 113 115 119
1 ) + + * , + * + + +
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13 * , * * , , * ) * )
14 * , ) , + * , + + +
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16 * + * + + + + + + *
17 + + + * + , * ) + ,
18 * * ) , , + ) + * )
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22 + + ) + ) + ) ) , *
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28 + , ) ) + * , , + )
29 , ) + * + , , * + +
30 , , , , ) + + + * )
31 + * ) ) , + , ) * ,
32 + , + + , , + * + *
33 , , + , + * + , + +
34 ) , , + , , + * * +
35 + , , ) , , ) ) ) *

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