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English II: Unit 1 Talk About A Work Day and Free Time

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English II






Elaborado por Zulay Guaita

Unit 1

Reading. (Sky-high teacher’s Intro pg 58)
A.-Read the conversation between Liliana and Paulo.
Liliana: Hi. I’m Liliana.
Paulo: Hi. Nice to meet you. I’m Paulo. Where are you from?
Liliana: Mexico. And you?
Paulo: Brazil. I live in Rio. Where do you live in Mexico?
Liliana: Monterrey. That’s a big industrial city in the north.
Paulo: Right. What do you do, Liliana?
Liliana: I’m an engineer. I work in an automobile factory. And you?
Paulo: I’m a student.
Liliana: What do you study?
Paulo: I study engineering – Industrial Engineering.
Liliana: Fantastic – I’m an industrial engineer and you’re an Industrial Engineering
B. - Answer these questions. Work in pairs.
1.-Where is Paulo from? __________________________________________
2.-Where is Liliana from? _________________________________________
3.-What does Liliana do? _________________________________________
4.-Does Paulo study medicine. ____________________________________

C.-Practice the conversation.

Unit 1-P.2

*If the subject is He, She or It add: “___s” or “___es” at the end of the verb in affirmative sentences.

.-Read these paragraphs and then write about yourself and another classmate.

.-I live on El Ejercito Avenue in Catia La Mar. I like to play tennis. I study Administration at
the university and I work in a big company.

.-Richard lives on Sucre Avenue in Caracas. He loves to play soccer. He is a receptionist and he
works in a hotel.







Unit 1-P.3
Speaking Time

A.-Work in pairs. Practice this conversation and ask about other classmates.

A: What do you do?

B: I am a student.

A: And what does Marta do?

B: She studies Engineering at the UMC.

A: Does she study Maritime Engineering?

B: No, she doesn’t. She studies Environmental Engineering.

B.-Complete these questions and answers with: do-live-work-works-study-studies.

1.-What do you ______________? I ____________ in a government office.

2.-Where do you _____________? I live in Valencia.

3.-What do your friends study? They __________ medicine.

4.-Where does she ___________? She ___________ in a big company.

5.-Does Fidel study with you? No, he doesn’t. He ___________ at the UCV.

-Short answers
Affirmative form Negative form

I he I he
Yes, you do. Yes, she Does. No, you don’t. No, she doesn’t.
we it we it
they they

C.-Answer in a short form.

1.-Do your parents live in Maracay? _____________________________________________

2.-Does your best friend have a new cell phone? ___________________________________

3.-Do you like to get up early? __________________________________________________

4.-Does your teacher have a car? ________________________________________________

Unit 1-P.4
Listening & Speaking

A.-Read the conversation and complete with the words in the box.
(Taken from Sky-high Student’s book 1 pg. 26)

London an ecosystems
common do you university

Boy: Excuse me. Is this seat taken?

Woman: No, go ahead.
Boy: Thanks. You’re at the ecology conference, right?
What _______________ do?
Woman: I’m _______________ urban ecologist. I work in a research
Boy: An urban ecologist – that means you study the _____________
of cities.
Woman: That’s right! I live in New York. It’s an enormous city, but it has
lots of flora and fauna.
Boy: A fox visits our garden in ______________
Women: Really? Foxes are ____________ in New York too, and raccoons.
Boy: My mother works in a ____________. She teaches and she
studies Insects. She’s at the conference too.
Woman: Oh, really?

B. - Listen and check your answers. (Track1) (Taken from Sky High student’s 1 pg 26)

Unit 1-P.5
C.-According to the conversation, check if these sentences are true “T” or false “F”.

1.-There is an ecology conference at the hotel. T F

2.-The woman is an architect.
3. - She works in a research Institute.
4.-The woman lives in Miami.
5. - The boy lives in London.
6. - Foxes and raccoons are common in Caracas.
7.-The boy’s mother teaches French.
8.- She studies Insects.

D.-Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in the box. You can use the verb
only once.

live study visit stay work have

1.-The British boy and his mother ______________ in London.

2.-The American woman _______________ in a research institute.
3.-She ______________ urban ecosystems.
4.-The British boy and his mother ________________ Paris frequently.
5.-They usually ______________ in this hotel.
6. - The American woman _______________ some friends in Paris.
(Exercises taken from: Sky High Student’s Book 1 pg.27)

Grammar Tip
Notice the he/ she/ it forms.
live+s, work+s, play+s, stay+s, etc.
study-y+ies, fly-y+ies, carry-y+ies, etc.
teach+es, kiss+es, wish+es, etc.
Notice also the irregular form have – has.
New York and London have foxes.
New York has raccoons.

Unit 1-P.6

A.-Underline the word in each pair that completes the paragraph correctly.

My sister always helps [pencil / me] at home. She’s very pretty. She’s tall and
[hair / slim], she has [book / green] eyes. She’s [sixteen /four] years old and
she [ship /goes] to high school. Her birthday is on [house / Wednesday].
We are having a small party for her on Saturday night. She wants to
invite ([fourteen / four hundred] friends.

We are [a / an] international family. My mother is from [England / English] and my father is from
[Spain / Spanish]. My sister and I were born in Venezuela and we live in Panama. My parents are [an
engineer / engineers]. I’m a [programming computers / computer programmer].
I love my [family / teaching]!

B.-Read the paragraph.

C. - Underline the word in each pair that completes the conversation and practice with a partner.

Genesis: What [do / does] your brother [do / does]?

Betania: He’s a student. He [studies / does study] medicine.
Genesis: Why [he studies / does he study] medicine?
Betania: He [want / wants] to be a doctor. A very good doctor!
Genesis: Oh, I [don’t want / want] to be a doctor, too.
Betania: He’s at home now. [Do /Does] you want to meet him?
Genesis: Sure. Let’s [go / finish] to your house after class.
Betania: Ok.

Unit 1-P.7
Reading and Writing

.-Read the paragraph and write another similar.

These are William and Freddy. They live in a dorm in Catia La Mar. They usually get up at six o’clock,
take a shower, get dressed and have breakfast. At seven, they go to the university. There, they have
classes till noon, have lunch and go back to classes again; they play soccer with their friends and
return home at six.

Every night, William visits his girlfriend for a while and Freddy stays home doing his homework,
playing with the computer or watching TV. They usually have sandwiches for dinner and go to bed
at eleven o’clock.

Unit 1-P.8
Daily Activities

(Taken from:

Time expressions with the simple present tense.

every day/ morning/ afternoon/ evening

at three o’clock/ five-thirty… (the time) / night
in the morning/ the afternoon/ the evening –July, November… (months of the year)
on Monday, Sunday… (days of the week) / weekend

A.-Answer these questions.

1-What time do you get up? ______________________________________________

2-Do you watch TV in the afternoon? _______________________________________
3-What time do you have breakfast on Sundays? ______________________________

B.-Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in parentheses.

1.-Martín _________________ (get up) at eight o’clock.

2.-I ______________________ (start) classes at seven quarter in the morning.
3.-We ____________________ (not study) on Saturdays.
4.-Jason __________________ (finish) his work at four o’clock every day.
5.-My sister _______________ (live) with me in Caracas.

Unit 1-P.9
A day in the life of Sara Robbins (Track 2) (Framework 1 Pg64)

Sara Robbins is a newsreader. She reads the news on the early morning
show on the radio. Millions of people listen to her voice every morning as
they prepare to go to work. Many people do not recognize her when they
see her on the street, but everybody knows her voice!
Sara’s day usually starts when most people are still asleep. Her alarm clock usually goes off at 3 a.m.
Her news program starts at 6 a.m. and she needs to be at the studio at 4.
She always drives to work. She arrives at the radio studios at about quarter to four. She always goes
to the café for breakfast. Then she looks at the day’s newspapers and checks the news agency
reports on the computer.
At 6 a.m., everything is ready and Sara begins to work. At nine o’clock, when most people are starting
work, Sara is finishing her program. She never goes out in the evening during the week because she
needs to be in bed by nine o’clock. But she sometimes invites friends to her house for dinner.
At weekends, her life is quite different. On Saturday morning, she usually gets up at 10 o’clock and
has a long, slow breakfast at home. She doesn’t often go away for the weekend. She sometimes goes
to the movies but mainly she likes to stay at home.

A.-Answer these questions about the article.

1.-What time does her alarm go off? ______________________________________________

2.-Does she have breakfast at home? _____________________________________________
3.-When does the program start? ________________________________________________
4.-What time does she go to bed? ________________________________________________
5.-Does she get up early on weekends? ____________________________________________

B.-Write a paragraph about a day in your life.

*(All photos and figures taken from Google Images)

Unit 1-P.10

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