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Smart Choice 1 Work Book

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smar 2nd Edition

Success — Every day, on every page

1 Nice to meet you! 1

2 What do you do? 6

Do you like spicy food? 11

Review fi Check Units 1-3 16

4 How often do you do yoga? 20

5 What are you watching? 25

6 Where were you yesterday? 30

Review fi Check Units 4-6 35

7 Which one is cheaper? 39

8 What's she like? 44

9 What can you do there? 49

Review 6 Check Units 7-9 54

10 Is there a bank near here? 58

11 Did you have a good time? 63

12 I'm going to go by car. 68

Review & Check Units 10-12 73

Audio Script 77
1 Nice to meet you!
Greetings and Introductions
1Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box.
( good hew thanks you .1

Christina Hi. How are you?

Sara Fine, . And
Christina , thanks.

2 Write the words in the correct order

to make questions.
how / you / are / ? How are you?

it / going / how's / ?

your / what's / name I?

how / things / are / ?

from! are / where / you / ?

about / how / you / ?

that / who's / woman /?

you / to meet / like / would / her /?

3 Complete the conversation. Use the questions in the box.

Are you a student? Where are you from? How about you? \
Witayottr--itame? Are you from the US?

Raul Hi. My name is Raul. What's your name?

Karen I'm Karen. Nice to meet you, Raul.

Raul Nice to meet you, too.
Karen Yes, I'm from Florida.
Raul I'm from Santiago, Chile.
Karen No, I'm a photographer.
Raul I'm a student.

Nice to meet you! • Unit 1

Language Practice
1Underline the correct form of be.
I am / is a student. Meg and Liz am / are sisters.
His name is / are Toshio. You is / are a teacher.
Eduardo and I is / are from Brazil. Maria am / is 18.

2 Complete the sentences about Neil. Use the information below.

His name is Neil. Hi. My name is Neil.
I'm 28. I'm from Houston.
He 28. I'm a photographer.

He's Houston.

He photographer.

3 Read the sentences in Activity 2. Write similar sentences about Beth and David.
Use the information below.
Hi. Our names are Beth and David.
We're 24. We're from Los Angeles.
We're teachers.

Their names are Beth and David.

4 Write negative ( — ) and affirmative ( + ) statements. Use the information below.

Susan: 21 ( — ) 23 ( + )
Susan isn't 21. She's 23.

Aki and Haru: actors ( — ) doctors ( + )

Frank: artist ( — ) student ( + )

Tracy and I: from the US ( — ) from Canada ( + )

His name: Emilio ( — ) Esteban ( + )

Nice to meet you! • Unit 1

5 Complete the conversation. Use the simple present of be and personal pronouns.
Representative Is your name Jonathan Brooks?
Jonathan Yes, 2 it is
Representative you from the US?
Jonathan No, 4 . I'm from Canada.
Representative your parents from Canada?
Jonathan Yes, 6
Representative Thank you for the information, Mr. Brooks.

6 Correct the sentences.

1. I'm from Ireland, but wife is from Korea. X
I'm from Ireland, but my wife is from Korea

My parents live in Mexico. Thcy'rc names are Carmen and Tonio. X

She is from Canada, but his parents are from Brazil. X

He's a student. Her sister is an artist. X

7 Write the words in the correct order to make questions.

a student / you / are / ?
Are you a student?

is / name / your / what / ?

old / you / are / how /?

are / from / your parents / where /?

Now answer the questions above with information about you.

Nice to meet you! • Unit 1

GO ONLINE Go to Download the audio for Unit 1.

AU 0100)
11. 1 Listen to the conversation. Check (./) the true sentences.

Jena is from Canada. Fl

Vancouver is Catarina's favorite city. Li
Catarina is a student.
Charlie is Catarina's brother. 1-1
Charlie isn't an artist. 11
Jena and Charlie are 23. Li

41 LISTEN AGAIN. Complete the chart.

Catarina Jena

Country brazil
City Rio de Janeiro
Job a an artist
Age 23

"r4) 1 Listen to words from the conversation again. Underline the stressed syllable.
Je • na
Ca • ta • ri • na
Bra • zil
Van • cou • ver
ci • ty
ar • tist
tea • cher
bro • ther
Char • lie
pho • to • gra • pher
Nice to meet you! • Unit 1

1Read the text quickly. Check (/) True or False.
True False
Jennifer Lopez is a singer.
Jennifer Lopez is an actress.
Jennifer Lopez is a photographer.
Jennifer Lopez isn't from Puerto Rico.

Meet the stars!

This week it's

Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez is a famous actress and
singer. She was born in New York on
July 24, 1969. Her parents are from Puerto
Rico. Their names are David and Guadalupe
Lopez. One of her most famous roles
is Selena Quintanilla Perez, in the movie
Selena, and one of her most famous CDs
is J. Lo.

2 Read the text again. Correct the sentences about Jennifer Lopez.
Jennifer Lopez is from Los Angeles. X
Jennifer Lopez is from New York.

Her birthday is in June. X

Her parents are from New York. X

Her mother's name is Selena. X

One of her most famous roles is Guadalupe Perez. X

One of her most famous movies is]. Lo. X

What do you do?
1Write the jobs under the pictures.

1. architect 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

2 Complete the sentences. Use the names in the box or your own ideas.
Gisele Bundchen Russell Crowe Beyonce Lionel Messi

is an actor.

is a soccer player.

is a model.

is a singer.
What do you do? • Unit 2

Language Practice
1Underline the correct form of the verb.
I work / works in Mexico City. We go / goes to school in Seoul.
He work / works in an airport. They play / plays soccer.
She live / lives in Rio. You live! lives in Philadelphia.

2 Complete the text. Use the verbs in parentheses.

This is Diane and Jon West. They're from
Portland, Oregon, but they live (live)
in Denver, Colorado. Jon (be) a
chef. He (work) in a restaurant.
Diane (be) a college student. She
(go) to school in Denver. She
studies English.

3 Correct the sentences.

I lives in Maine. X
I live in Maine.

They gees to the University of Miami. X

She work for Thai Airways. X

He go to college in Tokyo. X

They lives near the station. X

He are a police officer. X

4 Underline the correct question word.

What! Who is your name? 4. What! Where does Mario live?
What / Where do you work? 5. Where / Who do they go to school?
What! Where does Brittney do? 6. Who! Where do you work for?

What do you do? • Unit 2

5 Write the words in the correct order to make questions.

from / where / you / are I?

live / do / you / where / ?

do / what/ you/ do / ?

go / you / where / to school / do / ?

Now answer the questions above with information about you.

6 Complete the conversation. Use the information on the cards.

Sumio Where I are you from

Helen I San Diego,

but I live
Name Surnio
Sumio Really? And what From: Tokyo
do? Lives in: Akashi
Helen I'm Job: architect
Sumio Where Works in; an office in Kobe
Helen I in Los
Angeles. And Y°u? Where work?
San Diego
Los Angeles
Sumio In Akashi. LiVeS in;
But I Tokyo. teacher Los Angeles
schoot in
Helen Interesting. What Works

Sumio I'm an "

I an office in Kobe.
What do you do? • Unit 2

GO ONLINE Go to Download the audio for Unit 2.
AE 1answer
Listen to the conversation. Underline the correct
in the sentences below.
Mark and Carla are at a college / party.
Carla is from Boston / New Jersey.
Mark lives in New York / New Jersey.
Ryan is Mark's doctor / brother.
Carla works for United Airlines / American Airlines.
Mark is a doctor / teacher.

44 LISTEN AGAIN. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

Boston United Airlines a college New Jersey interesting pilots

Carla lives in

Ryan is from

Ryan's sister and Carla are

Mark thinks a pilot is an job.

Ryan's sister works for

Mark works at in New York.

) 1 Listen to parts of the conversation again. Is do you reduced or unreduced?
Circle the correct answer.
Where do you live?
a. reduced b. unreduced

Where do you live?

a. reduced b. unreduced

Where do you work?

a. reduced b. unreduced

What do you do, Mark?

a. reduced b. unreduced

What do you teach?

a. reduced b. unreduced

What do you do? • Unit 2

1Read the text quickly. Underline the correct word in the sentences below.
In the summer, Andrew works in Antarctica / Australia.
In the winter, Andrew works in Antarctica / Australia.

€1) Filfd

ANDREW KELLY is a scientist. He's from Sydney, Australia, but in the summer he lives in
Antarctica—the coldest place in the world. Andrew lives and works in the Davis Research
Station. He studies the animals there. "I study seals and penguins," says Andrew. "They are
really interesting animals. There are millions of them in the ocean and on the ice near the
research station."

In the summer months, there are about 30 scientists at the research station. "I only live
here in the summer," says Andrew. "In the winter, the temperature goes down to —60°C.
The weather conditions are terrible, and sometimes it's dark for 24 hours a day!" In the fall,
Andrew goes back to Australia and teaches for six months at the University of Sydney.

Does Andrew like his job? "Yes, I love it," he says. "I love
working with the animals. And Antarctica is beautiful!"


2 Read the text again. Complete the sentences below with the correct numbers.
Millions of seals and penguins live near the research station.

About scientists work at the Davis Research Station in the summer.

The temperature in the winter is sometimes °C

It's dark for hours a day in the winter.

Andrew teaches in Australia for months.

3 Read the text again. Answer the questions.

Where is Andrew from?
What does he do at the research station?

When does he go back to Australia?

Where does he teach?

3 Do you like spicy food?
1 Find 14 more food words in the word square.


2 Label the pictures. Use the food words in Activity 1.

1. salmon , , and 2. , and

3. ,and 4. and

Do you like spicy food? • Unit 3

Language Practice
1Match the questions and the short answers.
Does 'Tran like shrimp? d Yes, we do.
Do Paula and Fred live in Hawaii? Yes, I do.
Do you and Ana go to college? No, they don't.
Does Lucia work in Colombia? No, he doesn't.
Do you like cheese? Yes, she does.

2 Complete the questions and short answers. Use the correct form of do and
personal pronouns.
A Does Pam work in a sushi restaurant?
B No, she doesn't

A you and Lara like sushi?

B Yes,
A Sumi and Taku eat shrimp?
B No,
A he like tuna?
B Yes,

3 Write questions. Use the simple present and the words in parentheses.
(you / like noodles?) Do you like noodles?

(your teacher / like hamburgers?)

(you / like Chinese food?)
(your teacher / live in the US?)
(you / live in the US?)
(you / work in an office?)

Now answer the questions above with information about you.

Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

Do you like spicy food? • Unit 3

4 Write questions and short answers. Use the simple

present and the information in the surveys.
1 Does Sharon live in Rome? alinatall11
Name: Sharon Young
No, she doesn't.
live in Rome?
work in Rome?
like Italian food?

Name: Vera and Gino Russi
5 live in Rome7
work in Rome?

6 like Italian food?

5 Complete the questions in the conversation. Use the correct form of the verbs
in the box and personal pronouns.

do like live work

Linda Hi. My name's Linda.

Jason Nice to meet you, Linda. I'm Jason.
Linda What I do you do , Jason?
Jason I'm an architect.
here in San Francisco?
Jason No, I work in San Jose,
but I live here in San Francisco.
Linda San Francisco?
Jason Yes, I love it. It's a very exciting city.
What about you? 4 here?
Linda No, I live in Los Angeles.
Jason What 5 there?
Linda I work at the airport.

Do you like spicy food? • Unit 3

GO ONLINE Go to Download the audio for Unit 3.
Awl 1Listen to the conversation. Check (I) True or False.
True False
Bob eats hamburgers every day. Li
He likes fruit for breakfast. Li
He eats vegetables at lunch. LI Li
He doesn't eat fish. Li Li
He loves chicken.
He eats Italian food for dinner. Li Li

II LISTEN AGAIN. Complete the sentences.

Use the words in the box.

tomato spaghetti hamburgers Italian food pizza lettuce chicken fruit ')

Bob loves hamburgers

For breakfast, he doesn't eat

On his hamburgers, he eats , and onions.

He doesn't eat fish or

His favorite kind of food is
For dinner, he eats or

Ir.* 1
Listen to parts of the conversation again. Do they have rising or falling intonation?
Circle the correct answer.
Do you like fruit?
a. rising b. falling

Do you eat lunch?

a. rising b. falling

What kind of vegetables do you like?

a. rising b. falling

Do you like fish?

a. rising b. falling

What kind of food do you like?

a. rising b. falling

Do you like spicy food? • Unit 3

1Read the text quickly. Match the photos (1 and 2) and the paragraphs (A and B).
SPORTS AND FOOD What do athletes eat?

The marathon runner

Jenny Wallick is a marathon runner from Toronto,
Canada. She weighs 50 kilograms. Every day she runs
15-20 kilometers. In a marathon race, she runs for
over two hours, so Jenny needs a lot of energy. She
eats a lot of rice and spaghetti. She likes potatoes, too.
She eats five or six times a day, and she drinks a lot of
water and orange juice. She doesn't drink tea or
coffee because they make her thirsty. (Photo

The weight lifter

Craig Smith is a weight lifter from Houston,Texas. He
weighs 90 kilograms. Every day he goes to the gym
and lifts weights. He needs a lot of energy, too. He
eats seven or eight times a day. He eats a lot of meat
and fish—beef, chicken, tuna, and salmon. He also
likes fruit and vegetables. His favorite meal is chicken
kebabs with rice and beans. He drinks a lot of orange
juice. (Photo

2 Read the text again. Find food and drink words to label the pictures below.

1. tea 2. 3. 4.

3 Complete the chart. Use the information in the text.

Jenny Wallick Craig Smith

Job marathon runner

Country the US

Weight 50 kilograms kilograms

How many meals a day? or 7 or 8

Eats a lot of ... rice and spaghetti and

Review & Check

1 Circle the best answer to complete
each sentence.
2 Circle the best answers to complete
the text.

1. John works in a hospital. He's

a doctor Juan Gonzalez is Mexico,
but he lives 2 Los Angeles.
a model
He's a chef. He works in a Mexican
an architect
with his friend Pablo. Juan
a police officer cooks Mexican 4 at work, but
at home s cooks many kinds of
2. Min-ji is She studies at
food. He loves salmon. It is 6
New York University. favorite food.
a teacher
a pilot
a student 1. a. at
an actor to
3. What's your food? with
love 2. a. at
favorite with
hate from
4. Are you a player?
officer 3. a. hospital
taxi b. restaurant
police c. food
soccer d. airport

5. do they live? 4. a. friends

Where soccer
What kind school
What food
How about
5. a. you
6 of fish do you like? I
Where he
What kind they
How 6. a. his
b. her
C. your
d. its

Review & Check • Units 1-3

1Circle the best answers to complete
the text.
2 Circle the best answer to complete
each sentence.
1. Where live?
To: Patrick he
From: Angela do he
Subject: Kaoru and Shigeto does he
does you
Hi, Patrick!
Here is a photo of my new friends, 2. What 2

Kaoru and Shigeto Tanaka. she do

They from Osaka, but they - you do
in Osaka. They in Tokyo.
do she do
Kaoru is a doctor. She in a
hospital. Shigeto ' a doctor. He's does she do
a teacher. He works in a school in
Yokohama. They love Chinese food. 3. you from?
Write soon! What do

Angela Do
Where are
Where do

1. a. is 4 you like Korean food?

am What
are Do
be Does
2. a. like
lives 5. your name?
doesn't live What do
don't live What does
What are
3. a. lives What is
not live 6. What their favorite vegetables?
doesn't live is
4. a. works am
live do
study 7. A Is she an artist?
B Yes, she
5. a. am am
isn't is
aren't do
am not

Review & Check • Units 1-3

Circle the best sentence to complete each conversation.
1. A Hello. My name's Ken. 7. A Where do you live?

What's your name? From Japan.

Nice to meet you, Ken. In Japan.
C. I'm from Hong Kong. C. I'm Japanese.
d. Fine, thanks. d. I like Japan.

2. A 8. A Do you like Italian food?

B Nice to meet you.
How old are you? No, not really.
Hey, Chen! Yes, not really.
This is my classmate Julia. What kind of food do you like?
Small world! Great idea!

3. A How are you? 9. A Are you hungry?

Pretty good, thanks. I know her.

Yes, please! Yes, I do.
I love it! C. Yes, I'm starving!
How's it going? d. I love Chinese food.

4. A Where is Ji-sung from? 10. A

B No, I don't.
How about you? Why don't we get Italian food?
In Korea. Do you like pizza?
Korea. Let's go!
An actor. What kind of food do you like?

5. A How are things? 11. A Let's have Chinese.

New York. Great idea!

Yes, it is. Interesting.
C. Not bad. Thank you.
d. How about lasagna? Not bad, thanks.

6.A What do you do? 12. A

B I like Mexican food.
A I work in a restaurant. What kind of food do you like?
Really? And you? Yes, I do. I love Mexican food.
Who's that? Yes, I hate Mexican food.
I'm an actor. How are you? I'm starving.
I'm an actor. What about you?

Review & Check • Units 1-3

Read the text. Circle the best answers.

A family business

ROSALINDA LvErn and her parents work in a

small restaurant in Brooklyn, New York. It's a
small but very popular Italian restaurant.

Rosalinda's parents are from Naples, Italy.

Rosalinda speaks two languages—Italian at
home with her family, and English at work and
with her friends.

In the restaurant, her mother and father

cook the food. They make pizzas and pasta.
Rosalinda is a waitress. She works there
seven hours a day, six days a week. She loves
working in the restaurant.

Rosalinda's sister, Aria nna, doesn't work in

the restaurant. She's a police officer, but she
still loves the food at her family's restaurant!

1. What kind of restaurant does 4. When does Rosalinda speak Italian?

Rosalinda work in? With friends.
A Japanese restaurant. At work.
A Mexican restaurant. C. At home.
An Italian restaurant. d. At work and with friends.
A Korean restaurant.
5. Who cooks the food?
2. Where is the restaurant? Rosalinda.
In Brooklyn. Rosalinda's brother.
In England. C. Rosalinda's sister.
C. In Italy. d. Rosalinda's parents.
d. In Naples.
6. What does Rosalinda's sister do?
3. Where are Rosalinda's parents from? She's a singer.
New York. She's a waitress.
Naples. She's a police officer.
England. She's a chef.

4 How often do you do yoga?
1Write the sports activities under the pictures.

1. bicycling 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Complete the questions with go, do, or play.

Do you do martial arts? 4. Do you swimming?

Do you basketball? 5. Do you yoga?

Do you bicycling? 6. Do you soccer?

Now answer the questions above with information about you.

Yes, I do. / No, I don't. 4.


How often do you do yoga? • Unit 4

Language Practice
1Write the frequency adverbs in the chart.




2 Complete the text with the frequency adverbs indicated in parentheses.

Use the information in Activity 1.

My friends like to exercise a lot, but they like different kinds of exercise and have different routines.
Rob I always (VVVV) plays basketball after school, and he ("77)
does martial arts, too. Martin (7VV7) goes swimming after work, but he
(7777) goes swimming on the weekend. Ling (VVVV) plays
soccer every Sunday, and she (VVVV) goes to the gym before work. But I am
different—I (7777) do any exercise!

3 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

Sheila / on Saturday / to the gym / goes / never I.
Sheila never goes to the gym on Saturday.

exercise / they / every day / Do I?

sometimes / play / Vincent and Hugo / soccer I.

tennis / plays / Nick / never / after school I .

with a friend / goes / Marcos / swimming / always I.

usually / go / I / twice a week / jogging I.

does / How often / go / she / bicycling I?

he / yoga / ever / do / Does / ?

How often do you do yoga? • Unit 4

4 Rewrite the sentences below. Add frequency adverbs or time expressions to make
true sentences about you.

I go swimming.
I never go swimming. / I go swimming once a week.

I play soccer with my friends.

I go bicycling.

I go jogging after class.

I do my homework.

I eat noodles.

5 Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box.

sometimes every three go how often ever times

Manuel What do you I do to keep fit?

Lisa I do yoga, and I go
Manuel Interesting, do you
do yoga?
Lisa Usually two a week.
I love it! Do you
do yoga?
Manuel No, I don't.
Lisa You're in great shape. What do you do
to keep fit?
Manuel I go to the gym times a week, and I play soccer 7 day.
Lisa Wow! Every day! When do you ' to work?
Manuel That is my work. I'm a soccer player!

How often do you do yoga? • Unit 4

GO ONLINE Go to Download the audio for Unit 4.
t v 1 Listen to the conversation. Check (i) the correct sentences.
Victor loves exercise. 17
Victor and Tina always eat healthy food.
Tina usually exercises every day.
Victor and Tina aren't exercise partners.

41 LISTEN AGAIN. Underline the correct answers

in the sentences below.
Victor and Tina are at work / the gym.
Victor is / isn't in great shape.
Victor goes jogging every day / two times a week.
Victor usually / never does martial arts with his friends.
Victor drinks a lot of soda / water.
Tina never / always eats fresh fruit and vegetables.
Tina goes swimming / to the gym twice a month.
Tina never / sometimes goes jogging.

Agr.,) 1Listen to parts of the conversation again. Do the underlined words end
in a /s/ or /z/? Check (l) the correct answer.
Is/ /z/
That's great.
I go jogging ten kilometers every day. D
About four times a day. H D
I always eat healthy food, too.
I only come to the gym once a month. 0 D
I need an exercise partner.

How often do you do yoga? • Unit 4

1 Read the text quickly. Underline the correct time expressions in the sentences below.
Bill goes swimming every morning / every afternoon.
Bill bicycles every winter / every day.
Bill visits friends in the morning / in the afternoon.
Bill goes fishing every weekend / every day.

Very active at 83!

BILL JORDAN is 83 years old. He lives in Devon, in the
south of England. Bill likes Devon. "It has everything," he
says. "Devon has great beaches. beautiful wildlife, and
interesting places to visit."
Every morning at 10 o'clock. Bill bicycles to the
beach and goes swimming. Then he bicycles home. Bill
does that every day of the year—even in the winter! He
usually swims for about 20 minutes in the summer. But
in the winter the water is about 10C, so he swims for
about three minutes. In the afternoon, he sometimes visits
friends, or he goes shopping. He doesn't have a car. He
usually goes by bicycle or he walks.
Bill always eats healthy food. He goes fishing every
weekend and also has a vegetable garden. His favorite
meal is fish with vegetables, and he eats that meal once a
week. "I love my life," he says. "I want to live to be 100!"

2 Read the text again. Answer the questions.

How old is Bill?
He's 83 years old.

Where does Bill live?

Does Bill have a car?

What is Bill's favorite meal?

How often does Bill eat his favorite meal?

Does Bill like his life?

What are you watching?
1Complete the phrases under the pictures. Use the words in the box.

1. play a computer game 2 a magazine 3 a nap


4. TV 5. on the phone 6 e-mail

2 Write sentences about the people in Activity 1. Use the phrases in Activity 1 and the
words in parentheses below.
(Derek / every day) 4. (My parents / every evening)
Derek plays a computer game every clay.

(My sister / twice a week) 5. (Ian / always / in class)

(My brother / sometimes / in the afternoon) 6. (Jerry / three times a day)

What are you watching? • Unit 5

Language Practice
1Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous and the verbs in parentheses.
You 're doing (do) your homework.

Susie (take) a nap.

Mia and Elsa (watch) TV.

Fred (listen) to music.

I (check) my e-mail.

Maria and I (talk) on the phone.

2 Make the sentences in Activity 1 negative.

1. You aren't doing your homework.


3 What are these people doing? Write questions and answers about the picture.
Use the present continuous and the words in parentheses.

1. (Robert / watch TV / ?) 3. (Ann / eat noodles I?)

Is Robert watching TV?
Yes, he is.

2. (Simon / talk on the phone I?) 4. (they / play a computer game I?)

What are you watching? • Unit 5

4 Write the lines in the correct order to make a conversation.

Ruth Jake
I Are you watching TV? Are you with Mateo?
Ii, Jake' —Where dre you? I'm at home.
I'm haying coffee at a cafe. No, I'm not. I'm watching my children. What
No, Mateo is playing soccer in the park. are you doing?

Ruth Hi, Jake. Where are you?






5 What are you doing now? Write sentences about you. Use the words in parentheses
and the affirmative or negative form of the present continuous.

(have lunch)

I'm having lunch. / I'm not having lunch.

(study English)

(do my homework)

(send a text message)

(listen to music)

What are you watching? • Unit 5

GO ONLINE Go to Download the audio for Unit 5.
"2r.)) 1 Listen to the conversation. Check (I) the correct answer.

Leslie is ... at home. Li at school. LII at a soccer game.

Ed is ... Li at home. CI at school. at a soccer game.
Saul is ... at home. 111 at school. Li at a soccer game.

44 LISTEN AGAIN. Answer the questions below.

What is Leslie watching?

Is Leslie doing homework?

Is Ed studying for a test?

When is the test?

Is Saul helping Ed study?
Is Leslie's project about Japan?
What is Leslie writing on the computer?

Tr.» 1 Listen to parts of the conversation again. Are what is and what are reduced
or unreduced? Choose the correct answer.
What are you doing? What's your friend doing?
a. reduced b. unreduced a. reduced b. unreduced

What are you watching? What are you writing?

a. reduced b. unreduced a. reduced b. unreduced

What are you doing at school? What are you thinking?

a. reduced b. unreduced a. reduced b. unreduced
What are you watching? • Unit 5

1Read the text about Marta's family quickly. Match the pictures (1-4) and the
paragraphs (A-D).

1. Paragraph D 2. Paragraph 3. Paragraph 4. Paragraph

This is my brother, Sam. He's talking to a friend on the phone. He loves his cell
phone—he uses it all the time. In the photo, he's also eating. He always calls
people when he's eating. He's always hungry—and he isn't very polite!

This is my sister, Vanessa. She's playing tennis with her boyfriend. She really
loves sports. She usually plays tennis three times a week. She also goes swimming.
In the photo, Vanessa isn't playing very well. She isn't winning the game!
This is my father. He's a bus driver. In this photo, he's taking a break. He's sitting
in the school bus. He's reading a book because he's waiting for the students.

This is my mother. She works in a department store. But she isn't working in the
photo. She's walking with our dog in the park. The weather isn't very good—it's
raining—but my mom still loves walking.

2 Read paragraphs A and B again. Correct the sentences below.

Sam is checking his e-mail. X 3. Vanessa is playing tennis with her father. X
He's talking to a friend.

Sam doesn't like his cell phone. X 4. Vanessa is winning the game. X

3 Read paragraphs C and D again. Answer the questions below.

What does Marta's father do? 3. Where does Marta's mother work?

What is Marta's father reading? 4. What is Marta's mother doing in the photo?

Where were you yesterday?
What's the problem? Look at the pictures. Complete the crossword with the
corresponding adjectives.

1. The bus is late 1. The dog is

2 He's 4. The train is


3. The TV is S. The line is

Where were you yesterday? • Unit 6

Language Practice
1Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative form of the past tense of be.
1. You were at home yesterday. 4. We late for class.
2. I sick last week. 5. They on vacation last week.
3. Ronald in Taipei yesterday. 6. The station very crowded.

2 Make the sentences negative.

1. Joanna was in class yesterday. 4. I was at the gym last night.
Joanna wasn't in class yesterday.

Luke and Fiona were here last week. 5. Mara and I were at a tennis game.

The pizza was bad. 6. The lines were very long.

3 Correct the sentences.

We was at home. X 4. Was you at the basketball game? X
We were at home.

The store were crowded. X 5. Where they were yesterday? X

We no-were late for class. X 6. "Was the train late?" "No, wasn't." X

4 Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box.

because it was wasn't where where why

Daniel Where were you last night?

Stefano 12 at Carla's party.
Daniel Was 3 a good party?
Stefano No! The music was terrible, and the
food good. 3
were you?
Daniel I was in bed.
Stefano t,
were you in bed?
Daniel I was sick.

Where were you yesterday? • Unit 6

5 Complete the conversation. Use the past tense of be.

Debbie Were you at home last night?
Louisa No, I '
Debbie Where ' you?
Louisa I4 at a soccer game.
Debbie it good?
Louisa Yes, it , but the weather
good. It rained.
Where 8 you and Mark?
Debbie We 9 just at home. Mark
10 sick, and I 11
tired. We watched TV, but it
very interesting.

6 Answer the questions below with information about you. Use the words in the box
or your own ideas.

at home at work in class on vacation

at a party at the beach at the park at a soccer game
on a bus on a train in a store at a restaurant

Where were you at 3 a.m. this morning?

I was
Where were you at 8 p.m. last night?

Where were you at 7 a.m. yesterday?

Where were you at 2 p.m. yesterday?

Where were you at 11 p.m. on Saturday?

Where were you at 10 a.m. on Sunday?

Where were you yesterday? • Unit 6

GO ONLINE Go to Download the audio for Unit 6.

AAD 1 0 .)) 1
LE Listen to the conversation. Match the questions (1-4) and answers (a-d).
Why wasn't Ben's boss happy yesterday? In the afternoon.
When was Ben at the mall? Because he was with someone.
When was Ben at the beach? In the morning.
Why wasn't Ben at work yesterday? Because Ben wasn't at the office.

44 LISTEN AGAIN. Check (I) True or False.

Ben was at work yesterday.

He was sick.
Ben's boss wasn't at the office yesterday.
It was busy in the office yesterday.
Ben wasn't at home.
The weather wasn't bad yesterday morning.

10 .*
, Listen to parts of the conversation again. Is the final t in wasn't or weren't reduced
or unreduced? Circle the correct answer.
Why weren't you at work yesterday?
a. reduced b. unreduced

You weren't at home yesterday.

a. reduced b. unreduced

You weren't here, Ben.

a. reduced b. unreduced

I wasn't at home yesterday.

a. reduced b. unreduced

I wasn't really sick.

a. reduced b. unreduced

You weren't alone!

a. reduced b. unreduced

Where were you yesterday? • Unit 6

1Read the text quickly. Where were Linda and Adam last year? Check (/) the
correct answers.
Linda was in ... I I Austin. New York. Puerto Rico.
Adam was in ... 1-1 France. Fl Germany. Phoenix.

New students in town

Hi. My name's Linda Gonzalez. I'm a student at
the University of Texas at Austin. I wasn't at
college last year. I was at school in New York.
Now I'm studying French and German here at
Austin. I love learning languages. I also speak
Spanish because my parents are from Puerto
Rico. We speak Spanish at home.
Last summer I was in Europe. I was in France
for a month. It was great. I was with a family
in Paris. After that, I was in Germany for three Portuguese at Austin and playing on the
weeks. Germany was great, too, but the weather university basketball team. He's really good
was awful. at sports.
That's my friend Adam in the photo. He's Last night Adam was in a basketball
from New York, too, but last year he was at game. I was there, too. It was a fantastic
college in Phoenix, Arizona. Now he's studying game. The score was 97-95!

2 Read the text again. Answer the questions below.

Where is Linda studying this year? She's studying at the University of Texas at Austin.

What is she studying?

Why does she speak Spanish?

Where was she last summer?

How was the weather in Germany?

3 Check (/) True or False. Correct the false sentences.

True False
Adam was at college in Austin last year.

Adam is studying French.

Adam plays on the university baseball team.

Last night Adam was in a game.

Review & Check

1 Circle the best answers to complete
the text.
2 Circle the best answer to complete
each sentence.
1. Sandra martial arts every day.
What do you do in your
free time? knows
Fred Wilson is an English teacher. Every
evening he watches He loves to
2. Rich swimming after work.
play computer too. Sometimes
he on the phone with his friends. sends
What does he do to 4 He goes
? plays
every morning, and he does
soccer twice a week, too. goes

3. Sumey sometimes a nap

1. a. TV
after class.
a nap
2. a. coffee reads
4. Tess was late because the
was terrible.
3. a. reads lost
sends traffic
does broken
5. Joy wasn't here yesterday. She
4. a. sports was
after school sick
keep fit long
the gym fit
5. a. bicycling
soccer 6. This gym is very
martial arts late
yoga crowded
6. a. goes
Review & Check • Units 4-6

1Circle the best answers to complete
the conversation,
2 each
Circle the best answer to complete
1. How often tennis?
Ray Hi, Lisa. What you doing? play you
Lisa I 2 reading a book. Are you at does you play
home? do you play
Ray Yes, I 3 a computer game right you play
now. I usually 4 a computer game
every evening. 2. The bus late.
Lisa Where 5 you last night? no was
Ray 6 at the gym. weren't
not was
1. a. am
is 3. A reading?
are B A magazine.
do What is he
What does he
2. a. 'm
What he
be 4. A Are you checking your e-mail?

3. a. play
b. plays
Yes, I'm.
C. playing
C. Yes, I am.
d. 'm playing
d. Yes, I'm checking.
4. a. am playing 5. Stella swimming.
plays goes always
play always goes
playing always
5. a. was go always
were 6 at home last night?
be Was you
are Were you
6. a. I am Where you
I were Wasn't you
I was
Review & Check • Units 4-6

Circle the best sentence to complete each conversation.

How often do you go swimming? 7. A I'm not studying.

Every day. Me, too.

Yesterday. Yeah, me neither.
At 8 p.m. Yeah, me.
Yes, I do. Yes, I am.

2. A 8. A I'm playing a computer game.

I play tennis.
How often do you exercise? What game are you playing?
What do you do to keep fit? Are you playing a computer game?
C. How come? About twice a week.
d. It's great. Are you playing?

3. A Do you exercise? 9.A What are you doing?

A I go swimming. Wow!
Yes, I play soccer. How often do Actually, I'm checking my e-mail.
you play? C. No way! I'm checking my e-mail.
Yes, I play soccer. What about you? d. I see.
C. How often do you go swimming?
10. A I was really late to work today.
d. Do you go swimming?

4. A Do you ever go jogging? A Really? We were both late?

That's nice.
No, I always go jogging. Me neither.
No, I don't. I like jogging. Sorry I was late.
C. Really? I don't go jogging. No way! Me too!
d. No, I don't. I hate it.
11. A
5. A Hello? B I was sick.
Why were you sick yesterday?
Hey, Kate! Is it Freddy? You were sick yesterday. How come?
Hey, Kate! I'm Freddy. When were you sick?
Hey, Kate! It's Freddy. You weren't here yesterday. How
Hey, Kate! Who is it? come?

6. A 12. A Why are you late?

B I'm watching TV.
How about you? Interesting.
What do you do? I see.
What are you doing? Was it broken?
What are you studying? Because the traffic was terrible.

Review & Check • Units 4-6

Read the text. Circle the best answers.

Dear James,

How are you? Last week I was in Monterey. Now I'm in San Francisco. I'm
having a great time here in California. I'm writing this letter in a small cafe
downtown. I'm having coffee, too!
I'm staying with my friend Robin. She lives near the Golden Gate Bridge.
She's a doctor, and she works at a hospital here. But she isn't working this
week, so we're spending a lot of time together. We go jogging on the beach
every morning, and we sometimes play tennis together, too.
San Francisco is a great city. It has everything—nice weather, beautiful
beaches, and great stores. And the restaurants are fantastic! We eat out every
evening! We were at a cool Vietnamese
restaurant last night. The food was delicious.
I love this city! See you next week.

1. Where is Carol right now? 4. What do they do every morning?

In Monterey. Robin works, and Carol goes
On the Golden Gate Bridge. jogging.
In San Francisco. They go to work.
At Robin's house. They play tennis.
They go jogging on the beach.
2. What is Carol doing right now?
She's checking her e-mail. 5. How often do they eat out at
She's writing a letter and having a restaurant?
coffee. Twice a week.
She's jogging on the beach. Every evening.
She's working in a hospital. Every week.
They never eat at restaurants.
3. Why are Carol and Robin spending
a lot of time together? 6. Where were they last night?
Because Robin isn't working. In a store.
Because Robin and Carol are doctors. In the hospital.
Because they like jogging and tennis. At a Vietnamese restaurant.
Because Robin is working. At the beach.

7 Which one is cheaper?
1Write the clothing words under the pictures.

1. jeans 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

2 Answer the questions with information about you. Use clothing words.
What do you usually wear to work?
I usually wear a suit and a tie to work.

What do you usually wear to class?

What do you usually wear at home?

What do you usually wear to a party?

What kind of clothing do you never wear?

What kind of clothing do you always wear?

Which one is cheaper? • Unit 7

Language Practice
1Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the underlined adjectives.
The movie is good, but the book is better

This sweater is nice, but that sweater is

Steve's pants are stylish, but Manuel's pants are

My jeans were cheap, but your jeans were

Tania's Japanese is good, but Sue's Japanese is

The weather last week was bad, but the weather this week is

2 Rewrite the sentences in Activity 1. Use than.

1. The book is better than the movie.

3 Write sentences about the two cars. Use the adjectives

in parentheses and not as ... as.
(clean) The white car isn't 35 clean as the black one. 2011
(old) Cbmw5(

4 Write sentences with the words in parentheses below. Use comparative adjectives
and one or ones.
(these shoes / nice / than / my old shoes)
These shoes are nicer than my old ones.

(this dress / colorful / than / that cheap dress)

(Ben's new suit / cool / than / this old suit)

(the black jacket / comfortable / than / the gray jacket)

Which one is cheaper? • Unit 7

5 Correct the sentences.

The red tie is more cheap than the blue one. X
The red tie is cheaper than the blue one.

Your shoes are expensive than my shoes. X

My T-shirt is cheaper that your T-shirt. X

Which sneakers are earn-fort-abler, the white ones or the black ones? X

His car is more geed than my car. X

Sara's shoes aren't as stylish than Chao's high heels. X

6 Complete the conversation. Use the phrases in the box.

cooler than than

isn't as stylish as need
cheaper sweater that blue one
are-yau- looking for better

Ya-ting What' are you looking for

Ayumi I a new sweater.
Ya-ting What about 2

Ayumi It's very nice, but I want

Ya-ting Oh, yeah. That blue one is $75. Hey,
this green sweater is cheaper
that blue one.
Ayumi It's cheaper, but it 6 the blue one.
Ya-ting Really? I think the green sweater is cool.
Ayumi Do you think it's 7 the expensive blue sweater?
Ya-ting Yes, I do. And the price is much

Which one is cheaper? • Unit 7

GO ONLINE Go to Download the audio for Unit 7.

Listen to the conversation. What are Mei and Jenny wearing to the party?
.)) 1

Check (./) the correct clothing.


1. At the party, Mei is wearing ... 2. At the party, Jenny is wearing ...
H a blue skirt Fl white jeans
Fl a black dress I I a dress
I I red sneakers black jeans
Jenny's high heels O blue jeans

44 LISTEN AGAIN. Answer the questions.

What clothing does Mei often wear?

Why doesn't Mei wear her red sneakers?

Does Mei wear Jenny's high heels?

What clothing does Jenny usually wear?

Why doesn't Jenny wear a dress?

Why doesn't Jenny wear her new blue jeans?

lin))1 Listen to parts of the conversation again. Underline the words that are stressed.
A dress is cooler than a skirt.
Your shoes are much better than my shoes.
Your high heels are more stylish than my sneakers.
But jeans are more comfortable than dresses.
My white jeans are much cooler than my black jeans.

Which one is cheaper? • Unit 7

1Read the text quickly. What does Zoe do? Check (.7) the true sentence.
She's a designer. H
She's a model.
She's a fashion journalist. H

Favorite clothes
Zoe Henning is a model. She's 23 and lives
with her parents in New York, but she works in
lots of different countries. Last week she was in
London, and this week she is in Tokyo.

In the photo. Zoe is working at a fashion show

in Paris. She's wearing a long black skirt and
a silk blouse. "I love wearing designer clothes
when I'm working. They look really good!"
says Zoe. "The designers usually give us
some clothes after the show, so I have lots of
designer clothes at home."

But in her free time, Zoe doesn't wear designer

clothes. "They aren't as comfortable as
ordinary clothes," she says. She usually wears
an old pair of jeans. a T-shirt, a baggy sweater,
and sneakers. "When I go out with my friends,
I sometimes wear a nice dress or a cool jacket,
but they are never designer clothes." Zoe Henning at a fashion show in Paris

2 Read the text again. Choose the correct answers.

1. Zoe is ... 4. Zoe ...
twenty-two years old. doesn't like designer clothes.
twenty-three years old. only likes ordinary clothes.
thirty-two years old. likes designer clothes and ordinary clothes.

2. Zoe's parents live in ... 5. Zoe thinks designer clothes

New York. are more comfortable than ordinary clothes.
London. aren't as comfortable as ordinary clothes.
Tokyo. are always uncomfortable.

3. At the fashion show in Paris, Zoe 6. When Zoe goes out with friends, she
is wearing ... never wears ...
designer clothes. a. ordinary clothes.
ordinary clothes. b. designer clothes.
jeans and a T-shirt. c. a nice dress.

8 What's she like?
1 Read the descriptions. Write the correct names under the pictures.

Denise looks
Amanda has long Steve is tall and
Ken has straight confident. She is
blonde hair. She's thin. He has curly
black hair. He's short and heavy,
tall, and she looks dark hair. He looks
short and thin. and she has short
quiet and shy. smart.
He looks friendly. blonde hair.


ioramitilhow 4:11111.
1. Steve 2. 3. 4.

2 Read the descriptions in Activity 1 again. Write similar descriptions for

the people below.
Cynthia is

bryan is
What's she like? • Unit 8

Language Practice
1Write the words in the correct order to make questions.
Meg / like / is / what / ?
What is Meg like?

Satoko / what / look! does / like I?

like / Mark! who! look / does I?

are! like / Omar and Pam / what I?

2 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

does is is is like like look what who has

A Who does your sister look like ?

B Natalie Portman.
A What he
B He serious.
A What Kate look like?
B She curly red hair.
A does he like?
B He short and heavy.

3 Correct the sentences.

"What is-he like?" X "He's medium height and thin."
What does he look like?

"What does John like?" X "He's patient and friendly."

"What does he look like?" X "He looks like George Clooney."

"What Liz like?" X "She's cool and smart."

What's she like? • Unit 8

4 Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box.

like looks does he's wearing who's

Christina Who's that guy over there?

Wendy Which one? What 4 he look like?
Christina The tall, good-looking one with short hair.
He's a white shirt and black pants.
Wendy That's Dave Lee.
Christina He like Jude Law. How do you
know him?
Wendy I went to college with him.
Christina What's he
Wendy He's OK. very smart, but he's a
little shy. Do you want to meet him?
Christina Yeah. Great idea!

5 Answer the questions below with information about a friend or

a member of your family.

What's his / her name?

His / Her name is

How old is he / she?

Where is he / she from?

Where does he / she live?

What does he / she look like?

What is he / she like?

What's she like? • Unit 8

Listening ii
GO ONLINE Go to www.sconliney actice.corn. Download the audio for Unit 8.

AV 0) 1 Listen to the conversation. Check (i) the correct answer.

Cesar's brother is ...
0 short and thin.
tall and thin.
Li tall and heavy.

He is ...
II an office worker.
a pilot.
LI a police officer.

Right now, he's living ...

0 with Cesar.
1 1 all over the world.
0 in Chile.
He is ...
ri friendly and nice.
smart and confident.
0 shy and quiet.
14 LISTEN AGAIN. Correct the sentences.

Tonio has long blonde hair. X

Cesar is more stylish than Tonio. X

Tonio is staying with Cesar for a month. X

Tonio doesn't like computer games. X

They are going to a basketball game tonight. X

liADI0,0) 1
Lt Listen to parts of the conversation again. Write the linked sounds with does and is.
look like?



doing here?

like to do?

What's she like? • Unit 8

1Read the text quickly. Answer the questions below.
1. Who is the oldest Jonas Brother?
Who is the middle Jonas brother?
Who is the youngest?

Affe irlft yieto Dots pip sil

Beek Forwad Step Refresh

The Jonas Brothers: *

What are they like?
The three Jonas brothers are probably the most famous brothers in the world
right now. They are from the US, and they are in a very successful all-boy pop
band called the Jonas Brothers. Kevin, Joe, and Nick can sing, dance, play the
guitar, and write music.

KEVIN is the oldest. He is medium height, and he

has curly dark hair. He is very confident, cool, and
funny. He loves writing songs, and he likes bowling
and playing the guitar.

*- JOE, the middle brother, is two years younger than

Kevin. He is medium height and thin with straight
dark hair. When he is not performing with the band,
Joe likes jogging and weightlifting.

*- NICK is the youngest brother. He is almost five

years younger than Kevin. He is thin and medium
height. He has curly dark hair. He often writes songs
for the band. He loves baseball, and he sometimes
plays tennis. He is quiet, but he's not shy. Either
way, his fans love him.

Do you have a favorite Jonas Brother?

2 Read the text again. Answer the questions below.

What does Kevin look like? He is medium height, and he has curly dark hair.

What is Kevin like?

What does Joe look like?
What does Joe like to do?

What does Nick look like?

What is Nick like?

9 What can you do there?
1 Complete the labels. Use the words in the box.

Cathedral Market Museum Palace Park Statue

1. Donghuamen Market 2. The of Liberty 3. St. Mark's

4. The Louvre 5. The Imperial 6. Hyde

2 Where are the places in Activity 1? Write sentences. Use the cities in the box below.

Venice London Beijing New York Paris Tokyo

The Donghuarnen Market is in Beijing. 4

3 Think about your country. Write the name of a famous ...

museum: 3. park:

zoo: 4. tower

What can you do there? • Unit 9

Language Practice
1Complete the sentences. Use can and the verbs in the box.
take go FlaY eat tell visit

They can play baseball in the park.

You a tour of the museum.

In Seoul you the Namsan Tower.

I you what to see in Lima.

You to the market on Saturdays.

You great food in Paris.

2 Complete the sentences. Use can't and the verbs in parentheses.

You can't swim in the ocean in Paraguay. (swim)

You the Statue of Liberty in Hawaii. (see)

You to the zoo in Antarctica. (go)

You around Tokyo in one day. (walk)

You on the beach in Switzerland. (sit)

You loudly in a cathedral. (talk)

3 Complete the questions and short answers. Use can or can't and personal pronouns.
A Can I see temples in Kyoto?

B Yes, you can

A he take a tour of the palace?

B No,

A they go shopping in Sao Paulo?

B Yes,

A we drink coffee at the museum?

B No,

5A you swim near Niagara Falls?

B No,

6. A she buy some presents at the market?

What can you do there? • Unit 9

4 Write questions and answers about Venice. Use can or can't and the activities
on the list.
1. Can I visit a museum in Venice?
Yes you can.

What can I do in Venice?

1 visit a museum
2 go to the zoo X
3 watch a soccer game ./
4 go skiing X
5 walk on the beach
6 climb a mountain X

5 Complete the conversation between Andres and the tourist information clerk.
Use the words in the box.
Can I buy Can you tell can I go You can
You can go You can see you can can-I-help

Clerk Hello. How can I help you?

Andres Good morning. I'm staying here in Boston for
a few days. me
some things to see?
Clerk Sure. 3 the
buildings and monuments on the Freedom
Trail. The buildings are very old and beautiful.
Andres What about museums?
Clerk visit the Museum
of Fine Arts.
Andres Great. And what about shopping? Where
Clerk shopping on Newbury Street. There are lots of good
stores there.
Andres 7
souvenirs there?
Clerk Yes, '3 But the best place for souvenirs is
Quincy Market.

What can you do there? • Unit 9

O' Listening
GO ONLINE Go to Download the audio for Unit 9.

7r.)) 1Listen to the conversation. Check (I) all the places you hear.

1. Madison Avenue 0 2. Century 21 E

3. Empire State Building 4. Times Square

44 LISTEN AGAIN. Match the parts of the sentences.

The man wants to go souvenirs for friends.
The man doesn't want shopping in New York.
At Woodbury Common, the man can buy to Woodbury Common.
The man can't go expensive designer clothes.
At Times Square, the man can buy cheap designer clothes.

A=4) 1 Listen to parts of the conversation again. Are can and can't reduced or unreduced?
Circle the correct answer.
Can I help you? 4. Yes, I can.
a. reduced b. unreduced a. reduced b. unreduced

What can I do here in New York? 5. Can I buy gifts for my friends there?
a. reduced b. unreduced a. reduced b. unreduced

I can't go there. 6. You can go to Times Square.

a. reduced b. unreduced a. reduced b. unreduced
What can you do there? • Unit 9

1 Read the text quickly. Answer the questions below.
Where is the Zona Rosa?

What's the name of the crafts market?

The 'Zona Rosa
The Zona Rosa is located near the historic
center of Mexico City. Its a great place to stay,
have a meal, and go shopping. It's also a beautiful
place, full of trees, flowers, and statues.
Years ago, the Zona Rosa was a quiet
neighborhood. Then in the 1960s, bookstores
and art galleries opened in the area. Now, the
Zona Rosa has many great cafes, restaurants, and
nightclubs. It's a really busy place. Lots of tourists
visit the area, but it can be expensive there.
The Zona Rosa has many interesting cultural
attractions. The Mercado Insurgentes is a popular interesting buildings, churches, monuments,
crafts market. In the Plaza del Angel, you can go and statues. One famous place is the Statue
to several antique stores. You can also see a very of Cuauhtemoc. He was a famous king a long
beautiful fountain in the area. There are many time ago.

Come to the Zona Rosa—it has something for everyone!


2 Read the text again. Check (I) True or False. Correct the false sentences.
True False
Mexico City is in the Zona Rosa.
The Zona Rosa is in Mexico City.

You can eat good food in the Zona Rosa. H

The Zona Rosa is a quiet place. E

The Plaza del Angel has a neighborhood.

The Zona Rosa has interesting buildings and statues. E ri

Cuauhtemoc was a king.

Review & Check
1Circle the best answers to complete
the text.
2 Circle the best answer to complete
each sentence.
1. She's a very person.
curly hair
FIND A FRIEND! white shirt
I'm short and
I have 2 red hair.
I look 3 , but in fact I'm shy. 2. A king can live in a
I'm very 4 market
I love s designer clothes. park
Why don't you e-mail me? statue
1 3. He's and has red hair.
short hair
1. a. tall
medium height
4. Do you wear a suit?
2. a. green
try on
3. a. actor
5. Tomiko is wearing
tall and good-looking
a jacket
4. a. stylish blonde hair
6. These are too baggy.
high heels
5. a. patient scarves
b. colorful T-shirts
C. curly
7. I go to the often. I love animals.
d. high
Review & Check • Units 7-9

1Circle the best answers to complete
the text.
2 Circle the best answer to complete
each sentence.
1. Those shoes aren't big as mine.
HOTEL 2. What do on vacation in India?
I can
can I
OUR FOOD IS can do

AND OUR GUESTS ARE 3. What she like?


4. Mara looks Gwyneth Paltrow.

1. a. as good not like
better as
more good like
more better
5. Where can I a shirt?
2. a. as comfortable as
to buy
more comfortable than
comfortable than buying
more comfortable buys
3. a. as cheap
6. A Which dress do you like?
b. cheaper
c. more cheap
a. The blue ones.
d. expensive as
b. Blue one.
4. a. more happy than c. The blue one.
b. happyer d. The blues.
c. as happy as
7. A Can I wear my baggy jeans?
d. happier

5. a. gets a. Yes, you can't.

getting b. No, can't.
get c. Yes, can.
to get d. No, you can't.

Review & Check • Units 7-9

Circle the best sentence to complete each conversation.
1. A 7. A Who does Matt look like?
B I need a new dress.
Do you ever wear a dress? a. Tall and good-looking.
Which one do you like? b. Ben Stiller, the actor.
What are you looking for? c. He's smart and confident.
What about these? d. He's really nice.

2.A 8. A What's Adela like?

B They're $60.
How much are they? Penelope Cruz.
How many are they? She has long hair.
Do you like them? She likes red shoes.
How are they? She's very friendly.

3. A Which shirt is cheaper? 9. A Can you tell me some things to see

in this city?

It's $20.
I'm not surprised! Do you know him?
The white ones. Where can I go?
The white one. You can go to the tower in the park.
You can't.
4. A They have a blue sweater and a
green one. 10. A Where can I go shopping?

What are they? In the summer.

Which one do you prefer? You can take a tour.
Which green one do you like? You can go to City Market.
How often do you wear it? You can buy a lot of cool things.

5. A That's Ted Jones. 11. A When are you going to Brazil?

A Ted Jones, my best friend. Are you excited?

I see.
No. OK.
Next week.
Yes, I am.
Yes, he does.
There are so many of them. 12.A
6. A What does Adesh look like? B Really? That's great!
Guess what? I'm going to China!
Guess who? I'm going to China!
He's smart.
What about shopping?
He's a teacher.
I wish!
He's tall and has short, curly hair.
He likes short hair.

Review & Check • Units 7-9

Read the text. Circle the best answers.

Roommates in New York


y roommate, Mark, is a

evening. We often go to museums and
fashion designer. He's also one other interesting places in the city.
of my best friends. He's 28 We watch a lot of sports on TV and
years old. He's tall, and he has short love hanging out with friends, so there
black hair. He's really good-looking. are usually a lot of people at our place.
He can look very serious and shy, but We have a great time!
actually he's very funny and talks
a lot.
Mark's also a very smart guy. He
designs shirts and suits for famous
department stores, and he has his
own designer brand. He loves bright
colors, so all his shirts are very
We both work in Manhattan, and
we both love jogging. We share a
small apartment near Central Park, so -
we can walk to work every morning
and can go jogging in the park every
Larry and Mark in their apartment

1. Mark and Larry.. 4. Mark ...

are friends. doesn't like colorful shirts.
are brothers. designs clothes.
don't go jogging together. never wears bright colors.
live in Manhattan Park. only wears suits.

2. Mark is ... 5. Larry ...

medium height and has long hair. lives with Mark.
tall and has short black hair. lives near Mark.
short and has black hair. lives in a big apartment.
short and has dark eyes. and Mark share a house.

3. Mark is ... 6. Larry and Mark ...

shy and serious. don't like exercising.
patient and smart. like watching sports on TV.
shy but talks a lot. design suits and scarves.
funny and smart. are very shy.

10 Is there a bank near here?
1Where can you get these things? Write the places under the pictures.

shoe store 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

2 Complete the sentences with the words from Activity 1. Use each word only once.
You can change money at a bank

You can have some food with friends at a

You can buy clothes and nice gifts at a
You can try on some shoes at a
You can buy a book at a
You can see a movie at a
Is there a bank near here? • Unit 10

Language Practice
1Write sentences with there's or there are. Use the words and numbers in parentheses.
1. coffee shop (2) There are two coffee shops around here.

Internet cafe (1) There's an Internet cafe around here.

bank (1)
restaurant (3)
movie theater (1)
convenience store (2)

2 Complete the sentences. Use there isn't a or there aren't any.

There isn't a bookstore down the street.
statues in the neighborhood.
convenience stores near here.
palace in my town.
parks in this neighborhood.
zoo downtown.

3 Look at the map. Complete the sentences below. Use the prepositions in the box.
across the street around the corner near down-the--street on

bookstore convenience coffee Internet
store shop cafe

1. There's a bookstore down the street from the movie theater.

There's a department store from the bank.
There are two coffee shops Main Street.
There's a convenience store from the bank.
There's a movie theater the Internet cafe.

Is there a bank near here? • Unit 10

4 Write the lines in the correct order to make a conversation.

Great. Thanks!
I need a newspaper. Is there a convenience store around here?
OK, and then I'd like to go downtown. Is there a bus stop near here?

You're welcome.
No, there isn't. But there are newspapers at the bookstore down the street.
Yes, there is. It's around the corner.
Sure. What can I do for you?

Sam I Excuse me. Can you help me?

Woman 2
Woman 4
Woman 6
Woman 8

5 Answer the questions with information about your neighborhood.

Use the correct form of there is and there are.

Are there any banks?

No, there aren't. / Yes, there are. There are two banks in my neighborhood.

Is there a movie theater?

Are there any coffee shops?

Are there any convenience stores?

Is there a train station?

Are there any restaurants?

Is there a bank near here? • Unit 10

GO ONLINE Pr Go to Download the audio for Unit 10.

1Listen to the conversation. Check (V) the correct answers.
Marisa is going to dinner with ...
El her father. El her mother. El her parents.
Marisa's father is ...
n 50 years old. 48 years old. Ll 58 years old.
Marisa wants to go to ...
her favorite restaurant. LI a new restaurant. I I an Internet cafe.
Leon's favorite place is the ...
E Chinese restaurant. H sushi restaurant. 0 French restaurant.
Marisa doesn't want ...
El Chinese food. El a cheap restaurant. ri an expensive restaurant.

14 LISTEN AGAIN. Write the answers to the questions.

Where is the French restaurant?

Who doesn't like sushi?

Which restaurants are downtown?

What is near the Chinese restaurant?

Why does Marisa like the Chinese restaurant?

FILE Listen to parts of the conversation again. Circle the stressed word
in the compound noun.
It's across from the department / store.
It's near the convenience / store.
It's next to the Internet / cafe, right?
Do you know the coffee / shop on Park Street?
The Chinese restaurant is around the corner from the shopping / mall.

Is there a bank near here? • Unit 10

1Read the text quickly. What city is the shopping street called "Fifth Avenue" in?
Fifth Avenue is in

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Fifth Avenue: amazing shopping!

Fifth Avenue is probably the most famous
shopping street in the world. People from
all over the world visit New York City to
see the famous stores on Fifth Avenue.
Shoppers can start near Central Park
at FAO Schwarz, one of the world's most
exclusive toy stores. Between there and
East 49th Street, there are ten blocks of
the best—and most expensive!—stores
in the world.
One of the most famous and popular
stores on Fifth Avenue is probably the shops at Tiffany's, the famous jewelry
department store Saks. It has ten floors, store, in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's.
and there are special sections where And in the movie Big, Tom Hanks goes
famous designers display the latest shopping at FAO Schwarz.
fashions. If you go shopping on Fifth Avenue,
Fifth Avenue appears in some great give yourself lots of time—and wear
Hollywood movies, too. Audrey Hepburn comfortable shoes!

2 Read the text again. Check (I) the kinds of stores mentioned in the text.
3. department store 5. shoe store
convenience store 4. jewelry store 6. toy store Li

3 Answer the questions. Use the information in the text.

What kind of store is Saks?

It's a department store.

What kind of store is FAO Schwarz?

What kind of store is Tiffany's?

How many floors are there in Saks?

Which store does Tom Hanks visit in the movie Big?

11 Did you have a good time?
1 Complete the phrases under the pictures. Use the verbs in the box.

visit break terse sit climb write

2 Complete the phrases with the words in the box.

your plane a museum an e-mail your passport your finger
a letter your money you e6 a cathedral your train

break your finger / your leg

miss /

forget /

visit /

write /

Did you have a good time? • Unit 11

Language Practice
1Complete the sentences. Use the simple past of the verbs in parentheses.
I'm sorry! I forgot (forget) my homework.

Joe (stay) home, and he (do) his homework last night.

I (visit) Korea last year.

We (arrive) late at the station, and we (miss) the train.

Julia and Martin (write) lots of postcards to their friends.

We (meet) lots of people at the party.

2 What did Sue do on vacation? Write questions and short answers.

Use the information on the list.
Did Sue stay in a nice hotel?

Yes, she did.

1 stay in a nice hotel?

2 take a tour?
3 try some local food? ./
4 write any postcards? X
5 visit any art galleries? X
6 meet anyone interesting? ,/

3 Make the sentences negative.

Joe took the train to Canada last month.
Joe didn't take the train to Canada last month.

Beth went to a movie last week.

Max visited his friend yesterday.

Lucy and Bernardo flew to India last summer.

Did you have a good time? • Unit 11

4 Complete the postcard. Use the simple past of the verbs in parentheses.

Dear Eve,
Tonio and I are having a great time here in Brazil.
We arrived (arrive) in Rio on Saturday. On
Monday we 2 (see) the Statue of Christ
on Corcovado Hill. We (not walk)
to the top of the hill—we (take)
the train. On Tuesday we ' (go) to
Copacabana Beach, but we 6 (not stay)
long because it was too hot. Yesterday we
(visit) the Botanical Garden. After
that, Tonio and I (see) a soccer game,
but we (miss) the first half of the
game because our bus was late.
See you soon!

5 Complete the conversation. Use the questions in the box.

Did you have a good time? Did you see anyone famous?
Did you go to Hollywood? I low was youi vacatioir?
What did you do there? Where did you stay?

Serena Hi, David. ' How was your vacation?

David It was great. We went to Los Angeles.
Serena Really?
David Yes, we had a great time. It's an awesome place.
David In a hotel near Venice Beach.
David We went to Disneyland, and then we also drove down Sunset Boulevard.
Serena Wow!
David Yes, we went there, too.
David Yes, we did. We saw Brad Pitt.

Did you have a good time? • Unit 11

Go to www.sconlinepractice.corn. Download the audio for Unit 11.

A.ID I0.)) 1
IL E Listen to the conversation. Underline the correct words in the sentences below.
Elliot went to Vancouver last week / last month.
The weather was terrible / terrific.
Elliot and Stella visited some galleries / parks.
Elliot lost Stella's photograph / camera.
Elliot went to the beach / art museum.
Jared got! didn't get a postcard.

44 LISTEN AGAIN. What did Elliot do on vacation?

Complete the sentences.
He climbed a near Vancouver. Vancouver, Canada
He visited some amazing with Stella.
He sat on the because the water was cold
He read a and relaxed.
He went every day at the hotel.
On the last day, he took a of the city.

'7°O) 1 Listen to parts of the conversation again. Is did you reduced or unreduced?
Circle the correct answer.
Where did you go?
a. reduced b. unreduced

What did you do there?

a. reduced b. unreduced

Where did you climb a mountain?

a. reduced b. unreduced

Did you buy anything?

a. reduced b. unreduced

How did you lose it?

a. reduced b. unreduced

Did you write any postcards?

a. reduced b. unreduced

Did you have a good time? • Unit 11

1Read the text quickly. Put the events in the correct order.
They missed their plane. The weather was terrible.
Max was sick. They didn't sleep well.
The traffic was awful. They lost their luggage.

Last summer my husband, Max, and I went on vacation in

WAS IT A VACATION? the city of Nice, in the south of France. We took the bus
to the airport, but the traffic was awful. We were so late
that we missed our plane! We stayed the night in a hotel
near the airport and took the plane the next day. When we
arrived in Nice, our luggage wasn't there. It was lost! We
didn't have any clothes, so we went shopping. That was
very expensive!
Our hotel wasn't very good. The beds weren't
comfortable, so we didn't sleep very well. And the hotel's
food was terrible. On the second evening, Max ate some
bad fish and got sick. He spent two days in the hospital. We
ate in restaurants after that.
There are some beautiful beaches in Nice. We wanted
to sit on the beach and swim in the ocean. But we never
went to the beach because the weather was terrible—it
rained and rained!
We had a terrible time! When we got home, we needed
another vacation!
Natalie Musso, Chicago, IL

Read the text again. Answer the questions below.

How did Natalie and Max get to the airport?
They took the bus to the airport.

Why didn't they sleep very well?

What did Max eat before he was sick?

How long was Max in the hospital?

What did they want to do in Nice?

What did they need when they got home?

12 I'm going to go by car.
1Find 10 more kinds of transportation in the word square.

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2 Write the words in the correct order to make statements.

work / by / goes / she / to / helicopter / .

She goes to work by helicopter.

usually / class / my / I / ride / bicycle / to I.

taxi / never / they / a / take / .

beach / to / sometimes / the / I / drive / sports car / my /.

goes / always / work / on / to / my sister / foot /.

on / rides / a / he / motorcycle / the weekend /.

I'm going to go by car. • Unit 12

Language Practice
1What are they planning to do? Complete the sentences with going to and
the words in the box.

\._ drive buy stay visit take

Theo is going to visit his parents in Brazil.

Audrey in a hotel near Orlando, Florida.

We a taxi to the airport tonight.

Ken and Lucy their van to Las Vegas.

Jin a computer tomorrow.

2 Write sentences. Use the negative form of going to and the words in parentheses.
(Carol / take the subway to work)
Carol isn't going to take the subway to work . She's going to take the bus.
(We / visit our friends)
. We're going to stay home.
(He / watch a movie)
. He's going to play computer games.
(They / go out tonight)
. They're going to study for the test.
(Eve / be in the office next week)
. She's going to take a vacation.

3 Read the sentences. Then write questions with going to and the words
in parentheses.
A Mario is going to go to Mexico this summer.
B How long 15 he going to stay there ? (how long / stay there)

A I am going to go to college.
B ? (what / study)
A My parents want to visit Hong Kong.
B ? (how / get there)
A We're going to go on vacation tomorrow!
B ? (where / go)
A My sister is in Korea.
B ? (when / come home)

I'm going to go by car. • Unit 12

4 Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box.

going to do you going to do are you going to are going to

where are you I'm going to going to look for going to go

Hannah What are you going to do

this summer?
Debbie Well, I'm a job. But
first, take a trip.
Hannah Where are you going?
Debbie My friend and I
drive to California.
Hannah By car? But that's really far. Why don't you
go by plane?
Debbie We want to drive. It's far, but we're going
to take our time. How about you? What are
this summer?
Hannah I want to go on vacation.
Debbie going to go?
Hannah I haven't decided yet. I just want to go to a nice, quiet place.
Debbie look for a job?
Hannah No, I'm not. When I come back, I'm 8 to medical school.

5 Complete the questions and short answers. Use the correct form of going to and
personal pronouns.

A Are you going to drive that Japanese sports car?

B Yes, lam

A we take a taxi to the airport?

B No,

A Keiko ride her motorcycle to the party?

B Yes,

A the plane be late?

B No,

A Marta and Hugo buy an SUV?

B Yes,

A William ride in his friend's limousine?

B No,

I'm going to go by car. • Unit 12

GO ONLINE Go to www.sconlinepractice.corn. Download the audio for Unit 12.

A iIDLIE..)) Listen to the conversation. Check (I) True or False.

True False
Michelle lives in Miami, Florida.
She is not taking any vacation time. fl
Michelle's parents often see Michelle.
Her parents love to travel by plane. Eli
She is going to spend time on the beach. LJ

44 LISTEN AGAIN. Correct the sentences.

1. Michelle is going to come back on Monday night. X

Michelle's parents drove their sports car to Chicago. X

By car, it takes more than two hours to drive from Miami to Chicago. X

From Miami to Chicago, traveling by bus is faster than by car. X

AUDIO.)) 1 Listen to parts of the conversation again. Is going to reduced or unreduced?
Circle the correct answer.
What are you going to do this weekend, Michelle?
a. reduced b. unreduced

I'm going to go to the airport tomorrow evening.

a. reduced b. unreduced

Are you going to take any vacation time?

a. reduced b. unreduced

They're never going to do that again!

a. reduced b. unreduced

You are going to go to the beach, right?

a. reduced b. unreduced

What are you going to do there?

a. reduced b. unreduced

I'm going to go by car. • Unit 12

1Read the text quickly. Check (./) the true sentence.
Nico is having a good vacation in Japan.
He is going to be in Japan in August.

To: Stacy
From. Nico
Subject: 1-ir there]

Hi, Stacy!

Thanks for your e-mail. I'm really enjoying my vacation here in Japan. Right now, I'm in Osaka.
I met some friends from college yesterday. Do you remember Brent and Todd from our
college Japanese class? The three of us went to Osaka Castle yesterday. We went by subway.
It was so crowded! Tonight they're going to take me out for dinner. We're going to eat at a
sushi restaurant. I'm excited because I love Japanese food, especially sushi.
Tomorrow I'm going to take the train to Tokyo. When I'm there, I'm
going to stay with my friend, Taka, for two nights. Then Taka and I are
going to go by plane to Kyushu. We're going to rent a car there and
drive around for a few days.
I'm having such a good time that I don't want to go back to the US!
Unfortunately, I'm not going to be here much longer. I fly home
soon. My plane is going to arrive on July 31st. My brother and sister
are going to get me at the airport, and I'm going to spend August
at home in Minneapolis. In September, I'm going to go back to
college in Wisconsin.
Where are you going to be in August? Do you want to visit me in
Minneapolis? I hope so. It's beautiful in the summer.


P.S. I'm attaching a photo I took yesterday at Osaka Castle.

2 Read the text again. Answer the questions below.

Where is Nico going to go tonight? 4. What is he going to do in Kyushu?
He's going to eat at a sushi restaurant.

How is he going to get to Tokyo? 5. Who is going to get him at the airport?

How long is he going to stay in Tokyo? 6. What is Nico going to do in September?

Review & Check
1Circle the best answers to complete
the text.
2 Circle the best answer to complete
each sentence.
1. Let's go to the I want to change
Dear Joan,
some money.
I'm visiting a friend in California. Right
shoe store
now, I'm writing this in a coffee
movie theater
shop in downtown Sacramento. Later,
we're going shopping at a great bank
Tomorrow, we're going to by bus convenience store
to Lake Tahoe. We're going to a
2. Cheng-han checked his e-mail at the
mountain there! I hope that I don't fall
and my leg! After that, we can Internet
on the beach for the rest of the day. store
Tina theater
1. a. newspaper
magazine 3. I drive an SUV, and my brother
book drives a
postcard subway
2. a. movie theater truck
department store
coffee shop helicopter
bank 4. Don't forget your
3. a. take passport
visit plane
go arm
get bookstore

4. a. ride 5. Susie can go on foot to the office, but

stay she usually rides her to work.
climb postcard
make van
5. a. try bicycle
buy 6. I had a terrible vacation I my
break money and my luggage.
6. a. lose missed
b. sit made
c, visit lost
d. forget
Review & Check • Units 10-12

1Circle the best answers to complete 2 Circle the best answer to complete
the text. each sentence.
1. a coffee shop down the street.
Saturday, February 25th There are
We ' in Aruba yesterday There
morning and 2 on the Are there
beach for the rest of the day.
2. A any cheap hotels in this city?
In the evening, we at
B No, there aren't.
a nice restaurant. Tomorrow
Are there
morning, a Carnival Is there
parade, so we 5 see that. Are
Then in the afternoon, I There
shopping. 3. A Is she going to take the subway?
B Yes,
she didn't
1. a. are going to arrive
she is
did arrive
she isn't
4. A Did Nami take the bus?
2. a. stay
B No, she didn't. She on foot.
are going to stay went
going stay go
3. a. go going to
did ate
eat 5. A Is there an Internet cafe around
ate here?
B Yes. There's one the street.
4. a. there around
there are
there is near
is to
5. a. 're going to 6. go by train or by plane?
b. 's going to
Are going to
C. 'm going to
You going to
d. going to
Are you going to
6. a. going to go How you going to
b. 'm going to
C. 'm going to go
d. 'm going go

Review & Check • Units 10-12

Circle the best sentence to complete each conversation.
1. A 7. A
B Sure. What can I do for you? B Yes, I did.
I want to buy a book. a. Did you meet anyone interesting?
Can you help me? b. Who did you meet?
Can I help you? c. I'm going to stay for two days.
What can you do for me? d. Did anybody meet you?

2. A Thanks! 8. A Tell me more!

Sorry. Nothing! I'm going to chill out.

Yes, there is. No! It's a secret!
You're welcome. Yes, that's far.
Maybe a little longer. Across the street?

3. A Are there any restaurants 9. A What are you going to do

around here? next month?

No, sorry, there aren't. It was awesome!

No, sorry, aren't. Where do they live?
C. Yes, I did. I'm going to go to Mexico.
d. Sure, there aren't. Really? Wow!

4. A 10.A
B There's a bank down the street. B I am going to take the train.
Where can I watch a movie? How are you going to get there?
Can I change money? How long are you going to stay?
Where can I change money? How did you take the train?
Down the street? I just bought a truck.

5. A
B Thanks. I was on vacation He's going to go to school in Dallas.
last week. Where did he go?
I just bought my ticket. What's he going to do in September?
We went to a great restaurant. When is he going to go?
Were you on vacation last week? Are there any schools around here?
You look great! 12. A How long are you going to stay?
6. A
B We had an awesome time. For ten days.
Where did you go? Maybe April or May.
Did you have a good time? Hey! No classes next week!
C. Did he go on vacation? With my parents.
d. It's a great place.

Review & Check • Units 10-12

Read the text. Circle the best answers.

To: Janet
From: Sonia
Eubject; Hello from Majorca

Dear Janet and Alex,

We're having a great vacation! Right now, I'm in an Internet cafe in Palma, the capital city.
Majorca is a beautiful island, and there's a lot to see and do. Our hotel is fantastic! It isn't
in the city—it's right next to the beach. To get to our hotel, we took a limousine from the
airport. That was awesome! After we arrived at the hotel, we sat on the beach all day. That
was relaxing, but then we lost our money on the beach. That's right. We didn't have any
money. So we changed some at the hotel, and we aren't going to lose anything else!
In Palma, we met some very interesting Spanish people, and yesterday they took us on a bus
tour through the mountains. For lunch, we stopped at a great restaurant in the mountains.
The food was amazing. There are so many nice places to eat here. After lunch, we took a taxi
back to the hotel.
Tomorrow we're going to walk around Palma. There's a
beautiful cathedral that we want to visit. Then on the
weekend, we're going to rent a sports car and drive around the
island. Did you know that the actor Catherine Zeta-Jones has a
house here? We want to find it!
See you next week.

1. Where is Sonia's hotel? 4. What did they do yesterday?

In the city of Palma. They ate at a cafe on the beach.
In the mountains. They went mountain climbing.
Next to the Internet cafe. They took a bus tour.
Next to the beach. They sat on the beach all day.
2. How did they get from the airport to 5. What are they going to do tomorrow?
the hotel? They're going to take a taxi.
They drove a sports car. They're going to see the mountains.
They took a bus. They're going to visit a cathedral.
They took a limousine. They're going to walk on the beach.
They took a taxi.
6. What do they want to do on
3. What problem did they have? the weekend?
They forgot their money in They're going to go to a hotel.
the limousine. They're going to find an actor's house.
They lost their money on the beach. They're going to visit their friends.
They lost their money in the hotel. They're going to drive around Palma.
They changed money in the hotel.

Workbook Audio Script

Unit 1 Unit 2
Track 1 Track 1
A Hi. My name is Jena. Nice to meet you. A Hi. Great party!
B Hi, Jena. Nice to meet you, too. I'm Catarina. B Yes, it is. Ryan always has good parties. Hi.
A I'm sorry. What's your name? My name's Mark.
B My name is Catarina. A Hi, Mark. I'm Carla. Nice to meet you.
A Where are you from, Catarina? B Nice to meet you, Carla. Where do you live?
B I'm from Rio de Janeiro. That's in Brazil. How A I live here in New Jersey, but I'm from Boston.
about you? B Really? You're from Boston? Ryan is from
A I'm from Vancouver, Canada. Boston, too.
B Wow! Vancouver is my favorite city. A Yes, I know. How about you, Mark? Where
A Really? That's great. It's my favorite, too! do you live?
B Are you a student, Jena? B I live in New York. Actually, I'm from New York, too.
A No, I'm not. I'm an artist. And you? A How do you know Ryan?
B I'm a teacher. Hey, who's that? B Ryan is my doctor. How do you know Ryan?
A I'm sorry, what? A Well, we're good friends. Ryan's sister is an airline
B Who's that guy in the photo? pilot, and I am, too.
A Oh, that's my brother. His name is Charlie. B Wow, that's an interesting job. Where do you work?
B Is he an artist, too? A I work for American Airlines.
A No, he's a photographer. B Do you work with Ryan's sister?
B How old is he? A No, she works for United Airlines. How about you?
A He's 26, and I'm 23. How old are you? What do you do, Mark?
B I'm 25. Hey, I'd like to meet your brother! B Well, I'm a teacher, and I work at City College.
A Oh, really? What do you teach?
Track 2
B I teach English to college students.
1. A Hi. My name is Jena. Nice to meet you.
A Do you like your job?
B Hi, Jena.
B Yes, I like my job a lot. Hey, look! Ryan is over
2. B Nice to meet you, too. I'm Catarina.
there. Let's go talk with him.
A I'm sorry. What's your name?
B My name is Catarina. Track 2
3. A Where are you from, Catarina? B Nice to meet you, Carla. Where do you live?
B I'm from Rio de Janeiro. That's in Brazil. A I live here in New Jersey, but I'm from Boston.
4. B How about you? A How about you, Mark? Where do you live?
A I'm from Vancouver, Canada. I live in New York. Actually, I'm from New York, too.
5. B Wow! Vancouver is my favorite city. B Wow, that's an interesting job. Where do you work?
A Really? That's great. A I work for American Airlines.
6. B Are you a student, Jena? A How about you? What do you do, Mark?
A No, I'm not. I'm an artist. Well, I'm a teacher, and I work at City College.
7. A And you? A What do you teach?
B I'm a teacher. I teach English to college students.
8. B Who's that guy in the photo?
A Oh, that's my brother.
9. A His name is Charlie.
10.13 Is he an artist, too?
A No, he's a photographer.

Audio Script

5. A What about dinner? What kind of food do you like?

Unit 3
B Well, I don't eat hamburgers for dinner! I love
Track 1 Italian food.
A You can sit up now, Bob.
B Thank you, doctor. Unit 4
A OK. We're almost finished. Now... tell me about
Track 1
your diet.
A Hey, Victor! It's been a long time. How's it going?
B My diet?
B Pretty good, thanks. And you, Tina?
A Yes, your diet. What do you eat every day?
A Not bad. Hey, you're in great shape!
B Well, in the morning, I usually eat a hamburger.
B Really? Thanks. I exercise a lot now, and I love it. I
A For breakfast? You eat hamburgers for breakfast?
even want to run in the city marathon!
B Yes, I do! I love hamburgers. I eat them every day.
A That's great. So, how often do you exercise?
A Hmm. Well, maybe you can eat some fruit in the
B Well, I go jogging ten kilometers every day. And I
morning instead? Like bananas or apples. Do you
do weightlifting here at the gym about two times a
like fruit?
B Fruit for breakfast? No, I don't like fruit. week. Then I usually do martial arts with my friends.
Oh, and I sometimes do yoga, too.
A Hmm. How about lunch? Do you eat lunch?
A Wow, that's really amazing.
B Of course. I eat lunch every day.
B Oh, and I only eat healthy food. I eat a lot
A OK. What do you eat for lunch?
B Oh, usually hamburgers again, but don't worry. I though—about four times a day. I drink a lot of

eat vegetables, too! I like vegetables. water, too, and I never drink soda. How about you?
What kind of food do you eat?
A Really? What kind of vegetables do you like?
A Actually, I always eat healthy food, too. I eat a lot
B I eat French fries. They are potatoes, you know.
of fresh fruit and vegetables every day, and I never
And I eat lettuce, tomato, and onions on my
eat hamburgers or pizza.
B But I don't ever see you here at the gym. Do you
A Oh, wow, Bob. That's bad. It's not healthy! Maybe
come often?
you can east something else? Maybe some
chicken? Do you like fish? A Actually, I only come to the gym once a month. I

B No, I don't like fish. I hate it, actually. And I don't don't take any exercise classes either. Oh, but I go

eat chicken, either. swimming twice a month.

B That's good! Do you ever go jogging?
A What about dinner? What kind of food do you like?
B Well, I don't eat hamburgers for dinner! I love A No, I don't. I never go jogging. Is jogging really
Italian food. It's my favorite, so I usually eat pizza or
B Yes, it's great! Hey, why don't we go jogging
spaghetti for dinner.
A Bob! You eat terribly!! together? I need an exercise partner.
A An exercise partner?
Track 2 B You know, someone to get in shape with. So why
1. A Hmm. Well, maybe you can eat some fruit in the don't we exercise together?
morning instead? Like bananas or apples. Do you A Oh, that would make me exercise more... But, you
like fruit? know, I always have a lot of work in the office, and I
B Fruit for breakfast? No, I don't like fruit. have a computer class every evening. And I really...
2. A How about lunch? Do you eat lunch? I just don't like to exercise!
B Of course. I eat lunch every day.
Track 2
3. B I like vegetables.
1. B I even want to run in the city marathon!
A Really? What kind of vegetables do you like?
4. A Maybe you can east something else? Maybe some A That's great.
2. A So, how often do you exercise?
chicken? Do you like fish?
B No, I don't like fish. B Well, I go jogging ten kilometers every day.

Audio Script

A Wow, that's really amazing. 3. B What are you doing at school?

Oh, and I only eat healthy food. I eat a lot A I'm doing homework, and I'm studying. My friend
though—about four times a day. Saul is here, too.
B What kind of food do you eat? 4. B Why are you doing homework? What are you
A Actually, I always eat healthy food, too. studying? And, what's your friend doing?
B But I don't ever see you here at the gym. Do you A Don't you know about our test on Monday?
come often? 5. B OK, what's your homework?
A Actually, I only come to the gym once a month. A I have a big project about Brazil, and your project is
A I never go jogging. Is jogging really fun? about China.
Yes, it's great! Hey, why don't we go jogging Oh, no! I forgot!
together? I need an exercise partner. 6. B I'm writing an e-mail to the teacher.
A Really? What are you writing?
Unit 5 An e-mail. Just a minute. Dear Ms. Santiago, I am
very sick...
Track 1
A Leslie, it's Ed. What are you doing?
Unit 6
Oh, not much. It's just a boring Sunday afternoon,
and I'm at home, watching TV. Track 1
A What are you watching? A Hi, Ben. Why weren't you at work yesterday?
A soccer game. How about you? I was at home.
A I'm at school. A Were you sick?
What are you doing at school? Well, the bus was late. The weather was bad... and
A I'm doing homework, and I'm studying. My friend I was sick.
Saul is here, too. A You weren't at home yesterday.
Why are you doing homework? And what are you How ... how do you know?
studying for? What's your friend doing? A I called you a lot on your home phone. The boss
A Don't you know about our test on Monday? We wasn't happy with you. We were really busy in the
also have a lot of homework. Saul is helping me office yesterday, and you weren't there, Ben.
study. I was sick! I was probably sleeping when you called.
We have homework? There's a test on Monday? A oh come on, tell me. Where were you really?
OK, what's your homework? OK. I wasn't at home yesterday, and I wasn't really
A I have a big project about Brazil, and your project is sick.
about China. A So where were you?
Oh, no! I forgot! I was at the mall. There were some great sales
A Leslie, what are you doing? going on.
I'm writing an e-mail to the teacher. A Were you there all day?
A Really? What are you writing? No, not all day. I was also at the beach.
An e-mail. Just a minute. Dear Ms. Santiago, I am A The beach? But the weather was terrible yesterday.
very sick... Yeah, it was bad yesterday morning. That's when I
A Oh, Leslie! What are you thinking? was at the mall. But in the afternoon, the weather
was fantastic, so I went to the beach.
Track 2
A OK, tell me. Who were you with?
1. A Leslie, it's Ed. What are you doing?
No one. I was alone.
B Oh, not much.
A Come on. I want to know.
2. B I'm at home, watching TV.
Oh, I can't tell you. It's a secret.
A What are you watching?
A I knew it! You weren't alone!
B A soccer game.

Audio Script

A What about your new blue jeans?

Track 2
B They're dirty. So, I'll wear my white ones again!
A Hi, Ben. Why weren't you at work yesterday?
A I'm not surprised!
I was at home.
B Well, the bus was late. The weather was bad... and
Track 2
I was sick. A Well, I was thinking.., what about my blue skirt?
A You weren't at home yesterday. Oh, come on! You wear that blue skirt too often!
How ... how do you know? Why don't you wear your new black dress? And
A We were really busy in the office yesterday, and you anyway, a dress is cooler than a skirt.
weren't there, Ben. B Yes, do you. How about your red sneakers?
I was sick! I was probably sleeping when you called. A Really? The red sneakers don't look good with the
A Oh, come on, tell me. Where were you really? dress! Your shoes are much better than my shoes.
OK. I wasn't at home yesterday. B Well, OK. Do you want to wear my high heels?
B ...and I wasn't really sick. A Really? Thanks, Jenny! Your high heels are much
A So where were you? more stylish than my sneakers.
I was at the mall. A Why don't you wear a dress tonight?
B Oh, I can't tell you. It's a secret. But jeans are more comfortable than dresses.
A I knew it! You weren't alone! A Don't you have any other clothes to wear?
No, not really. Well... I have my black jeans, but my

Unit? white jeans are much cooler than my black jeans.

Track 1
Unit 8
A Hi, Jenny. What are you wearing to the party
Track 1
Hmm. I haven't decided yet. How about you, Mei? A So, Cesar, what's new?
A Well, I was thinking.., what about my blue skirt? B My brother is coming to see me. His plane gets
Oh, come on! You wear that blue skirt too often! here in two hours.
Why don't you wear your new black dress? And A That's nice. I don't know your brother. What's
anyway, a dress is cooler than a skirt. his name?
A Do you think so? I don't know. I don't have the B His name is Tonio.
right shoes for that dress. A What does he look like?
Yes, you do. How about your red sneakers? B Well, he doesn't look like me. He isn't short and
A Really? The red sneakers don't look good with thin. He's tall and heavy, and he has dark curly
the black dress! Your shoes are much better hair. Oh, and Tonio loves clothes. He's much more
than my shoes. stylish than me.
Well, OK. Do you want to wear my high heels? A What does he do?
A Really? Thanks, Jenny! Your high heels are much B Tonio has a great job. He works in an office, but he
more stylish than my sneakers. So, I'll wear my new flies all over the world for business.
black dress and your high heels. What are you A Wow. That's interesting! Where does he live?
wearing tonight? B Well, right now, he's living in Chile.
Well, maybe I'll wear my white jeans. A Chile? Cool. What is he like?
A But you always wear those jeans! B Well, he's like me. He's friendly. He's funny.
I don't always wear them. He's cool...
A OK, you usually wear them. Why don't you wear a A You're funny? And cool?
dress tonight? B Just kidding. Actually, Tonio's very smart and really
But jeans are more comfortable than dresses. confident.
A Don't you have any other clothes to wear? A I see. What is he doing here?
No, not really. Well, I have my black jeans, but my
white jeans are much cooler than my black ones.

Audio Script

B He's coming for vacation, and he's staying with me A Well, you can go to Woodbury Common. It's a
for a week. shopping mall with lots of discount designer stores.
A He's here for an entire week? That's nice. What The clothes are cheaper there.
does he like to do? Cheap designer clothes... That's just what I want.
B Well, he likes playing computer games and listening A It's a great place, but it's about one hour from
to music. And Tonio loves sports, especially Manhattan.
basketball. Tomorrow we're going to the big game. I One hour? I can't go there. That's too far. Can you
got tickets! tell me somewhere a little nearer?
A Do you have an extra ticket for the game A Yes, I can. Century 21 is a large discount store. It's
tomorrow? I love basketball, and I'd like to meet only about 30 minutes from here.
your brother, too! Can I also buy gifts there? You know, souvenirs?
A At Century 21? You can. But for really good
Track 2
souvenirs, you can go to Times Square.
B His name is Tonio.
Times Square... What else can I do there?
A What does he look like?
A Well, at Times Square you can...
Well, he doesn't look like me. He isn't short and
thin like me. Track 2
A What does he do? A Good morning. Welcome to the New York Visitors
Tonio has a great job. He works in an office, but he Center. Can I help you?
flies all over the world for business. Yes, please.
A Wow. That's interesting! B What can I do here in New York?
B Well, right now, he's living in Chile. A Oh, there are many things to do here. What are
A Chile? Cool. What is he like? you interested in?
Well, he's like me. He's friendly. He's funny. He's A It's a great place, but it's about one hour from
cool... Manhattan.
A I see. What is he doing here? One hour? I can't go there. That's too far.
He's coming for vacation... B Can you tell me somewhere a little nearer?
B He's staying with me for a week. A Yes, I can.
A He's here for an entire week? That's nice. What A Century 21 is a large discount store. It's only about
does he like to do? 30 minutes from here.
Can I also buy gifts there? You know, souvenirs?
Unit 9 A But for really good souvenirs, you can go to Times
Track 1
Times Square... What else can I do there?
A Good morning. Welcome to the New York Visitors
Center. Can I help you?
Unit 10
B Yes, please. What can I do here in New York?
A Oh, there are many things to do here. What are Track 1
you interested in? A What are you doing tonight, Marisa?
B Well, I want to see some famous places, walk I'm going out to dinner with my parents. It's my
around the city, and go shopping of course. father's birthday.
A OK. Let's start with shopping. Are you looking for A That's nice. How old is he?
souvenirs or clothes? B Well, my mother is 48, so he's... 50. Hey, Leon, I
B Clothes, definitely. Designer clothes. wanted to ask you. Are there any good restaurants
A There are many places to find designer clothes. downtown? I want to try something new. I'm tired
There's 5th Avenue. There's Madison Avenue... of the ones around here.
B Those sound very expensive. Is there a cheaper A Yeah, there are lots of good restaurants downtown.
place? There's a new French restaurant on Main Street. It's
very good.

Audio Script

Downtown on Main Street? 4. B There's a Chinese restaurant around here? Where

A Yes, it's across from the department store. Men is it?
need to wear a suit and tie, though. A Do you know the coffee shop on Park Street? It's
Oh, I don't know. That sounds expensive. Are there near there.
any cheaper restaurants downtown? 5. A Well, you know where the shopping mall is, right?
A Hmm, there's a cheaper restaurant on Green Street. The Chinese restaurant is around the corner from
Where on Green Street? the shopping mall.
A Its near the convenience store. It's my favorite B Great! We can eat Chinese tonight!
sushi restaurant.
Oh, I know that place. It's next to the Internet cafe, Unit 11
right? But my parents don't really like sushi, and I
Track 1
think it's still too expensive.
A Hi, Elliot. Where were you last week?
A They don't like sushi? That's my favorite food!
B Don't you remember, Jared? I was on vacation.
No, I'm sorry. They don't. Do you have any
A Oh, yeah. How was it?
more ideas?
B It was awesome! I didn't want to come home!
A Hmm, so you're looking for a really cheap
A I'm sorry. I forget. Where did you go?
B I went to Vancouver with my sister, Stella. You know
Well, I want a nice restaurant that's not too
her, right?
A Of course, I know Stella. So, tell me. How was the
A OK, I have one more idea for you. It's not
weather there?
downtown, though. It's around here. There's a
B It was terrific. It didn't rain once while we were
cheap but nice Chinese restaurant ten minutes
A Oh, that's good. What did you do there?
There's a Chinese restaurant around here? Where
B We did so many things. First of all, I climbed a big
is it?
A Do you know the coffee shop on Park Street? It's mountain!
A Where did you climb a mountain? Are there
near there.
mountains near Vancouver?
A coffee shop on Park Street? No, I don't.
A Well, you know where the shopping mall is, right? B Yeah, there are many right near the city!
A Really? That's cool. What else did you do?
The Chinese restaurant is around the corner from
B Stella and I visited some really amazing art galleries.
the shopping mall.
A Did you buy anything?
Great! We can eat Chinese tonight! OK, so the
B No, I didn't. But Stella did. She bought a great
Chinese restaurant is around the corner from the
photograph, but I lost it.
shopping mall, near a coffee shop.
A Yes, that's right. I think your parents will really like A What? How did you lose it?
B I don't know! I think I left it in the hotel. She was
it there.
really angry with me! Anyway, I also spent time on
I think so, too, and it's cheap. I like that! Thanks!
the beach.
Track 2 A How was that?
B Downtown on Main Street? B Nice. The water was very cold, so I just sat on
A Yes, it's across from the department store. the beach, read a book, and listened to the water.
A Hmm, there's a cheaper restaurant on Green Street. It was very relaxing. I went swimming every day
Where on Green Street? though—in the hotel swimming pool! Oh, and I
A It's near the convenience store. almost forgot! On the last day, my sister and I took
A It's my favorite sushi restaurant. a walking tour of the city. Vancouver really is a
Oh, I know that place. It's next to the Internet great place.
cafe, right? A Sounds interesting! Did you write any postcards?

Audio Script

B Yes, I did. Lots of them! Oh, but, urn... B No, not often. My dad hates planes, and my mom
A Well, I didn't get one! hates the cold Chicago winters. Last year, they
B Sorry. How about I send you one on my next drove their SUV here, but it took more than three
vacation? days for them to get to Chicago! They were really
Track 2 tired when they got to my house. They only stayed
four days, and then they had to drive for three days
1. A I'm sorry. I forget. Where did you go?
again to get to Miami. They're never going to do
B I went to Vancouver with my sister, Stella.
that again!
2. B It didn't rain once while we were there.
A How about going by bus?
A Oh, that's good. What did you do there?
B Well, the bus takes even longer. That's why I always
B We did so many things.
go by plane down to Florida.
3. B First of all, I climbed a big mountain!
A Ah, Florida... the sun, the beautiful water, sitting
A Where did you climb a mountain? Are there
on the beach... You are going to go to the beach,
mountains near Vancouver?
4. B Stella and I visited some really amazing art galleries.
B No, probably not. I really don't like the beach. I'll
A Did you buy anything?
just spend time with my parents.
B No, I didn't. But Stella did.
A What? You're not going to the beach? I don't
5. B She bought a great photograph, but I lost it.
understand. It's Florida. OK, well ... What are you
A What? How did you lose it?
going to do there?
B I don't know!
B Not much. On Saturday night, we're going to my
6. B Vancouver really is a great place.
favorite restaurant. I'm really looking forward to it!
A Sounds interesting! Did you write any postcards?
B Yes, I did. Lots of them! Track 2
A What are you going to do this weekend, Michelle?
Unit 12 B Oh, I'm going to visit my parents. I haven't seen
them in a while.
Track 1
A So, when are you going to leave?
A What are you going to do this weekend, Michelle?
B I'm going to go to the airport tomorrow evening,
B Oh, I'm going to visit my parents. I haven't seen
right after work.
them in a long time.
A Are you going to take any vacation time?
A Where do they live?
B No, I'm going to come back on Sunday night.
B They live in Miami, Florida.
B They only stayed four days, and then they had to
A Oh, that's nice. I'd love to go to Florida this
drive for three days again to get to Miami. They're
weekend! It's so cold here in Chicago.
never going to do that again!
B Yeah, it's been a cold winter.
A Ah, Florida... the sun, the beautiful water, sitting
A So, when are you going to leave?
on the beach... You are going to go to the beach,
B I'm going to go to the airport tomorrow evening,
right after work.
B No, probably not. I really don't like the beach.
A How long does it take to fly there?
A OK, well... What are you going to do there?
B It takes about two and a half hours.
B Not much. On Saturday night, we're going to my
A Are you going to take any vacation time?
favorite restaurant. I'm really looking forward to it!
B No, I'm going to come back on Sunday night. I
need to be at the office on Monday. I have a lot of
work to do.
A What? You're going to fly to Florida, and you're not
going to take any vacation time? You're that busy,
huh? Too bad. Hey, do your parents ever come
here to visit you?

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