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Hall Triple e Lesson Plan Template Adapted From Kolb 2017 1

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Lesson Title: Plant Habitats Author:Kayla Hall

Lesson Title: Plant Habitats

Grade Level/Context: First Grade
Subject: Science
Time Frame: 1- 45 minute class

Learning Goals
Learning Goals How will they be met? What
will you assess?

Integrated Lesson Level Learning Objective/Goal: Assessment: Students

Learning Given an iPad and experience with plant demonstrate their learning
Objective habitats, students will create a visual mastery by creating a visual
representation (poster, slide,
representation of a plant habitat including
page, etc) of a habitat for a
climate, soil, water, and light. specific plant. Student work will
need to include information
about habitat climate, soil, water,
Content Content Standard(s): light, and threats for their
Specific 3.1.1.A2 selected plant.
Goals & Investigate the dependence of living things
Associated on the sun’s energy, water, food/nutrients,
Standards air, living space, and shelter. *Students will use an iPad &
CC.1.5.1.F Seesaw to submit their finished
Add drawings or other visual displays when product.
sharing aloud to clarify ideas, thoughts, and

Technology-b ISTE Standard(s):

ased Goals & 1.4 Innovative Designer
ISTE 1.6 Creative Communicator

Other Goals

Materials Needed for the Lesson (tech & non-tech)

● Student iPads
● Seesaw
● App Choices: Seesaw or Canva
● Plant Book Collection (Classroom Library & Digitally ARC Bookshelf App)
● Rubric
● Projector
● Presentation

Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: Plant Habitats Author:Kayla Hall


Share how the activities in the lesson will help to meet the learning goals. How will
technology play a role in meeting the learning goals? (1-2 paragraph summary)

After three weeks of researching and studying plants, students will select a plant for
this project. In this lesson students will create a habitat representation to demonstrate
knowledge of living things’ dependence on the sun’s energy, water, food/nutrients, air, living
space, and shelter. Students will choose a digital tool on their iPad (Seesaw or Canva).
Students will develop their digital habitat according to rubric components. On the second day
of the lesson, students will share their file with the teacher through Seesaw or Airdrop and
present their digital habitat to the class. The class will review submissions and reflect on their
experience with the activity.

Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: Plant Habitats Author:Kayla Hall


Share which technology tools you plan to integrate into the lesson that will be USED BY
STUDENTS during or following the lesson. Describe how each tool will help to meet your
learning goals. In addition, share the instructional practices you plan to develop in
conjunction with the tool to optimize learning.
Name of Tool 1: Seesaw Tool 2: Canva Tool 3:

Learning ISTE Standard(s):

goal(s) met 1.4 Innovative Designer
by using the 1.6 Creative Communicator
Students create a digital plant habitat designed on
Seesaw or Canva to demonstrate learning mastery of
living thing’s dependence.

How will the Individual or pairs Individual or pairs

tool be
or other?

Tool Integration for ENGAGEMENT in the Learning*

Include More time on 2 More time on learning; 2 More time on learning;

score in learning; less less distraction less distraction
right column distraction
1=Somewha Motivates 2 Motivates students to 2 Motivates students to
t; 2=Yes) students to begin learning begin learning
and score begin learning
total for
ENGAGEMEN Supports shift 2 Supports shift in 2 Supports shift in behavior
T in behavior to behavior to active to active social learning
active social social learning


**Teaching Teacher Think-Aloud, Modeling with tool,

Moves to Visual Representations, Elicit Prior Knowledge, Self-monitoring, Turn-and-talk

Tool Integration for ENHANCEMENT of the Learning Goals*

Include More 2 More sophisticated 2 More sophisticated

score in sophisticated understanding of the understanding of the

Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: Plant Habitats Author:Kayla Hall

right column understanding learning goals learning goals

(0=No; of the learning
1=Somewha goals
t; 2=Yes)
and score Scaffolds, 2 Scaffolds, 2 Scaffolds, differentiates, or
total for differentiates, differentiates, or personalizes learning
ENHANCEME or personalizes learning
NT personalizes

Supports 2 Supports student 2 Supports student

student demonstration of demonstration of
demonstration understanding in new understanding in new
of ways, not possible ways, not possible before
understanding before
in new ways,
not possible


**Teaching Circulate & prompt, Self-monitoring, Elicit Prior Knowledge, Turn & Talk
moves to

Tool Integration to EXTEND the Learning Goals*

Include Supports 0 Supports learning 0 Supports learning outside

score in learning outside of the typical of the typical school day
right column outside of the school day
(0=No; typical school
1=Somewha day
t; 2=Yes)
and score Bridges school 1 Bridges school 1 Bridges school learning &
total for learning & learning & everyday everyday life (authentic
EXTENSION everyday life life (authentic experiences)
(authentic experiences)

Builds 2 Builds authentic 2 Builds authentic life/soft

authentic life/soft skills skills
life/soft skills


moves to Share-alouds, elicit prior knowledge

LESSON SET UP. How will I prepare for each piece of technology being integrated

Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: Plant Habitats Author:Kayla Hall

in this lesson?

Setting up Charge student Charge student iPads.

Accounts iPads. Set up Seesaw Set up Canva accounts
accounts for students for students and
and download download Seesaw App
Seesaw App on on iPads. Create Canva
Personalizin iPads. Create Seesaw assignment.
g assignment.

models or

ASSESSMENT: How will you assess the activities happening through the tool?

Monitoring/ Circulate and support students.

s Performance Assessment.
Assess task completion from uploads and
Formative &
Informal presentation based on given rubric.


ASSESSMENT DISCUSSION (Formative and Summative Assessment): How will you

assess student learning during the lesson and at its conclusion? Remember your lesson level
learning objective should address content and ISTE standards.

Students will work individually or in pairs to create and design their plant habitat on their
iPad with a choice of Seesaw or Canva. Students will submit their final digital creation
assessed using the rubric. Student feedback will be collected through an informal survey at
the end of the lesson.

PROCEDURES: What is the minute-to-minute activity that will be happening in the lesson?
Describe what the teacher is going to do and say, as well as what the students are going to
do. Follow the 5E format for developing your lesson content.

Time stamp What are the students going to do? What is the teacher going to say and do?
and General

HOOK Students will prepare mind, body, and Organize materials, start hook video
(2 min) heart for learning with a hook habitat

Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: Plant Habitats Author:Kayla Hall

video to review learning, elicit prior

knowledge, and engage students Introduce lesson focus and review
Video: Habitats Song previous learning. Play hook video and
monitor student lesson preparation and

ENGAGE/PRIOR Respond to:
KNOWLEDGE What is a habitat? What is a habitat?
(2 mins) What are examples of habitats? What are examples of habitats?
What do plants need to survive? What do plants need to survive?
How does a habitat help plants How does a habitat help plants survive?

Several students raise hands and

● A habitat is a place where ● Yes! What is in a habitat?
something lives. ● Are all habitats the same?
● Plants need water, sunlight, air, ● Do all plants need the same thing?
and space. ● Why can’t a sunflower live in the
● Some plants need soil, but desert?
some plants can grow in sand.
● Habitats have what plants need
to survive.
● Some habitats are really cold
and have snow, I wouldn't want
to live there.
● Just like our read aloud, the
Sunflower could not survive in
the desert because it was too
hot and there was not enough
water. That’s why sunflowers do
not live in a desert habitat.

EXPLORE Today, we will continue to work with plant

Students review rubric and habitats and use our iPads to create a
Lesson expectations. Students ask questions model of a habitat. Our models will show
Introduction about project. the plant’s dependence as a living thing.
(7 min) ● How can I make the image
smaller? Present rubric to students. The rubric
● How do I insert a label? shows our expectations for the project.
● How can I move the picture? You will need to include details about the
● Can I make this a background? climate, water, soil, water, light and

Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: Plant Habitats Author:Kayla Hall

Model use of Seesaw and Canva.

Demonstrate login process.
Students follow navigation
instructions. Students explore Canva ● Open Classlink. Find the Arts &
features and tools to gain familiarity. Creativity Folder. Tap on Canva.
Select a blank page to begin.
Students ask questions about tech
navigation: Review basic app navigation to begin
● How can I make the image student work.
smaller? ● Use the search bar to find images
EXPLAIN ● How do I insert a label? you want to put in your habitat.
(15-20 min) ● How can I move the picture? ● You can type or use the
● Can I make this a background? microphone speech-to-text.

Students will select plant and digital Will you use Seesaw or Canva to create
tool. our habitat?
Students work independently or in
pairs to create their habitat on Seesaw
on Canva. Students will self-monitor
using the rubric. Students can support Teacher monitors and supports students
each other with technology use. by circulating and offering guidance.

Desert: ● What is the climate of the habitat?

ELABORATE ● We need to put in a sun ● What is the weather like?
because the desert is very hot! ● How can you show the terrain?
● A cactus grows in the desert. It ● What plants survive there?
can hold water better than ● How can you add labels to give
other plants, so it doesn't die. information about the habitat?

Ocean/Beach: If you have tech questions, raise a hand

● There is water at the beach and and I can support.
lots of sun!
● Palm trees grow there, even in Do you have all the rubric components?
the sand. They can bend in the

● There are lots of trees in the
● It can be rocky on the ground.

EVALUATE - Students will submit final project on Great job, Students! Submit your final
Seesaw or Canva. project through Seesaw or Canva.

Students will present final project to

Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: Plant Habitats Author:Kayla Hall

class and explain their habitat model.

● Plants need water, sun, How did you use your knowledge to help
nutrients, and space. Habitats you create your habitat?
have what plants need to grow
and survive.

Students give thumbs up for positive Give a thumb rating for using Canva.
Canva experience.

Please return your iPad to the charging


Class transitions to math lesson.

*Resources from Kolb(2017) to support the Triple E Framework

Triple E Measurement Tool (Chapter 7)
Instructional Strategies (Chapter 9)

**Instructional Support Strategies

Adapted from Kolb (2017) Triple E Lesson Planning Template


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