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Student Teaching Lesson Plan3

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Non-SLO Lesson Plan Template


*If used independent of a Unit Plan or SLO*
Monday, March 4st 2019
Lesson Day
6th grade Level 1 Mathematics (1st and 3rd periods)
48 minute period, whole class instruction

Students will have the opportunity to apply their previous knowledge of simplifying
Goal Statement
expressions with positive and negative terms through different activities and games.
A description of the enduring understanding or big ideas that
students will possess at the end of the Learning plan based on
grade level content standards and curriculum.
This lesson allows students to apply their new content knowledge of simplifying
How will this lesson support the learning goal?
expressions by adding and subtracting integers through a simplifying expressions card
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)
game and dice activity. These activities incorporate student collaboration, as students will
support each other through the two different activities.

M06.B-E.1.1.3: Identify parts of an expression using mathematical terms (e.g., sum, term,
PA Standards product, factor, quotient, coefficient, quantity).
List the Pennsylvania Standard(s) relevant for this lesson.
M06.B-E.1.1.5: Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.

 Variable
Academic Language
What language will students be expected to utilize by the end of  Constant
the lesson? Consider Language function and language demands  Coefficient
(see Lesson Plan User Guide).  Algebraic Expression
What key terms are essential?  Simplify
What key terms are essential to develop and extend students’  Distribute/Expand
academic language?
What opportunities will you provide for students to practice the
new language and develop fluency, both written and oral?

I can apply my knowledge of simplifying and expanding to a simplifying expressions card

game and dice activity.
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)
I can simplify an algebraic expression my combining like terms.
Taking into consideration the learning goal what is the
I can expand an algebraic expression by multiplying my term to both terms in the
objective(s) of this lesson that will support the progress toward
the learning goal?
I can simplify an algebraic expression with negative terms.
The statement should be directly observable (use verbs that can be

-Rolling For Algebraic Expressions Worksheet

Technology Materials/ Resources
(1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources)
What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this
lesson? How do the materials align with the learning
-Simplifying Expressions Card Game
objective/outcomes? If appropriate, what educational technology
will be used to support the learning outcomes of this lesson? How
do the resources support the learning objectives?
Cite publications and any web resources.
Prior to this lesson, students have been taught and tested on simplifying expressions. After
Anticipatory Set (8 minutes)
reviewing the Chapter 7 tests, one major mistake that was made was simplifying
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
expressions with integers (or negative numbers). The lesson taught the day prior was
10 minutes taught on the conceptual understanding of addition and subtraction of integer on a number
How will you set the purpose and help students learn why today’s line, so this lesson ties both ideas together by creating more difficult expressions to
lesson is important to them as learners? simplify using negatives.
How will you pique the interest or curiosity regarding the lesson
topic? The anticipatory set will consist of giving the layout of the class period. This lesson will be
How will you build on students’ prior knowledge? parallel co-taught by my mentor and I, each of us facilitating an activity on our side of the
How will you introduce and explain the strategy/concept or skill? room. Students will be grouped into two different groups, as my mentor and I will each
take a group to begin an activity
Provide detailed steps.
The goal behind this anticipatory set is to set the rules and expectations for the class
period. This lesson is more student-led, as students will take ownership in their learning
and challenge themselves, so being an active participant is crucial.
As mentioned previously, there are two different activities being completed by students in
Instructional Activities (35 minutes)
class. Below describes the layout and directions of each activity.
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; 1e:
Designing Coherent Instruction)
Rolling For Algebraic Expressions
Exploration (Model): How will students explore the new My mentor will be facilitating this activity. Students will each receive a die and worksheet
concepts? How will you model or provide explicit instruction? to record their work. The worksheet consists of different algebraic expression with blank
boxes. Students will work with a partner or two by filling in the boxes with the numbers
Guided Practice: How will you provide support to students as they
rolled on their dice. There will be different levels of questions, levels 1-3 (1 being more
apply the new concept? How will you allow them to practice (with
basic and 3 being very challenging). My mentor teacher will explain the directions to
teacher support)?
students, clarify any questions students may have, and then let students complete the
Independent practice: How will students review and solidify these activity. If students are doing well with level 1 problems, my mentor teacher will challenge
concepts to be able to use this new knowledge? How will you them to complete level 2 or 3 problems. My mentor will facilitate student work by
monitor and provide feedback? questioning student work and giving guidance if need be.
Provide detailed steps.
Simplifying Expressions Card Game
I will be facilitating this activity. Students will be placed into groups of 2-4 (3 is ideal, but
group size depends on the number of students in class). Each group will receive a deck of
cards consisting of the following: 3 operation cards (addition on one side, subtraction on
the other) along with 3 packs of term cards. The three term decks will be placed face down
in front of players, each integer card will be placed between each deck. Students will flip
over the top card on each deck and will mentally simplify the expressions. There are
several different levels of play as followed.
Level 1: 3 decks of terms with two + cards between each term
Level 2: 3 decks of terms with one + and – between each term
Level 3: 4 decks of terms with one + and – between each term
Level 4: 4 decks of terms with +, -, and • operations between each terms
I will facilitate how students are performing, and if they should move up a level. I will also
allow students to ask to move up a level to try out more difficult problems. I do not expect
students to complete all four levels, but providing that extra challenge for students who
may find simplifying with negatives to be a mastered skill. As my mentor will in the other
activity, I will facilitate student work by questioning student work and giving guidance if
need be.

At the halfway point of the class, my mentor and I will regain attention from our groups to
clean up their work station and then switch to the next activity. Students will have the
remainder of the period to complete the second activity
Closure (5 minutes) With about five minutes left in the period, my mentor and I will regain our groups’
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) attention and have students clean up the activity. After students are cleaned up and packed
up, I will ask for a few volunteers to share out what they thought about the activities and
5 minutes
give their input on the lesson.
How will students share or show what they have learned in this
How will you restate the teaching point and clarify key concepts?
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and check for
How will this lesson lead to the next lesson?
For my above level students, I will challenge these students to think beyond the activities
at hand. For the Rolling for Algebraic Expressions Activity, students will be challenged to
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
simplify the level 3 expressions. If students have extra time, they are free to work with
What differentiated support will you provide for students whose other peers or assist any peers who may need extra support. They also may create their own
academic development is below or above the current grade level? expressions by rolling dice and having their partner simplify the expression.
What specific differentiation of content, process, products, and/or
learning environment do you plan to employ to meet the needs For my below level students, I will have students work with peers and use any simplifying
of all of your students? expression examples to support with each activity. I will be frequently checking on them to
How does your lesson support student differences with regard to ensure they are on task, understanding the concepts being applied, and have no questions. I
linguistic, academic, and cultural diversity? will provide as much one on one support I can for these students, but if I need to help other
students I will ask these students to work with their table members.
How will your lesson actively build upon the resources that
linguistically and culturally diverse students bring to the
For my English Language Learners, I will allow them to practice their BICS (Basic
Interpersonal Communicative Skills) when working with classmates and receiving support
How will your lesson will be supportive for all students, including
from the teacher. They will also practice CALPS (Cognitive Academic Language
English Language Learners, and build upon the linguistic,
Proficiency) when completing the Rolling for Algebraic Expressions activity and
cultural, and experiential resources that they bring to their
Simplifying Expressions Card Game by collaboration with peers. If my students struggle
with CALPS, I will provide the student with the modeled practice problems to use as a
How will your lesson is designed to promote creative and critical
resource when completing the problems.
thinking and inventiveness?
For my students with ADHD and attention difficulty, I will ensure they are seated close to
instruction and prompt these students to stay on task, especially when working in groups. I
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
will also ensure the group of students they work with will not be a distraction, but rather a
What classroom accommodations do you plan to employ to resource for them if they need guidance or clarification and a teacher is not available. I will
increase curriculum access for students identified with special also allow these students to vocalize their thoughts through discussion with group members
education needs or 504? during the completion of the two activities. This also gives students the opportunity to
Describe how these accommodations align with the current rephrase and repeat the content to fully understand the concepts and content being taught in
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for each student as the lesson.
applicable (avoid using actual names of students).
Students who require additional aids, such as a multiplication chart or completed notes,
may use such items to help when completing classwork and class activities. If students are
given these materials and are not using them, I will prompt them to use such items during
the lesson, as they will be a great resource for students to progress their learning
throughout the lesson.

Students with specific modifications may only complete certain parts of the activity (only
so many problems etc.) This way, students only need to complete problems that will best
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
guide their thinking through the activity, without hindering their progression of learning.
What curricular modifications and/or changes in performance
standards, if any, do you plan to employ to facilitate the
participation of students identified with special education needs?

Throughout the lesson, students complete two informal assessments. When students
Assessment (Formal or Informal).
complete the Rolling for Algebraic Expressions activity, students are demonstrating their
(1f: Assessing Student Learning)
knowledge of simplifying algebraic expressions with negative terms. Students are able to
How will you and the students assess where the learning discuss and share idea with classmates about how they approach simplifying each
objectives, listed above, were met? expression. When students complete the Simplifying Expressions Card Game, students are
Each formal or informal assessment should describe how it is also demonstrating their knowledge of simplifying algebraic expressions with negative
aligned to the above objective(s). terms, only in a faster pace way. In this activity, students are showing their understanding
in a game-setting. Both activities are great for students to demonstrate their understanding
of simplifying expressions with negative terms in a relaxed and stress-free environment.
Reflection on Instruction
What evidence did you collect to demonstrate that your students This lesson was so fun to teach and plan! With the snow and my mentor out for a
have met or are progressing towards the learning outcome? day, the co-taught aspect of this lesson was tricky to maneuver. But, I was able to
What changes or adjustments had to be made during the lesson have another math teacher in the class to co-teach the lesson with me. Watching
(justify those changes) to ensure students make adequate progress students interact in a positive way and learn from each other was so exciting and
in meeting the learning objective? having to quiet students because they were so excited about the activity was the
What changes will have to be made to the next lesson in order for highlight to my day. One thing I love about being in the classroom for an extended
students to be on pace in meeting the overall goal of the Lesson or period of time is being able to see a need from students, and then addressing those
Unit? needs through activities and lessons to strengthen that particular skill. Today’s
Taking good notes about each lesson will help as you develop a lesson was just that. I also really appreciated the help I received when creating one
formal reflective narrative at the end of the SLO. of the activities for today’s lesson. I had originally created a different layout, but
after consulting with other math teachers got some feedback and I worked to
change the activity so it would fit the needs of my particular classes. These types of
lessons are the lessons I want to teach in my future class, not countless days of
notes and quizzes and so on. This lesson was awesome, and I can’t wait to plan and
teach more lessons like this.

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