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Inquiry Uh Lesson Plan Template

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UH Lesson Plan Template [To be completed by Teacher Candidate]

Note: Instructional suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. Delete all blue text and replace it with your own.

First and Last Matthew Cabral


Lesson Overview

Lesson Title What Do Plants Need to Grow?

Lesson Description//Central Focus The students will be learning what is the necessary factors in order for plants to grow and
of the Lesson survive.

Unit Title Plant Basic Needs

Real world applications or
connections When you see your mom and dad plant plants, what do you notice? Do you think there’s a reason
for why they do that with the plants?

Content Area TEKS Include all content TEKS that your Lesson targets.
Standards Alignment 9A: The students are expected to: identify the basic needs of plants and animals

Deconstructing/Unpacking the Standard(s)

Determine key verbs: Identify
Identify concepts and skills basic needs of plants and animals
Technology Standards N/A


Objectives I can identify what are the plant’s basic needs in order to grow and survive

Sub-Objectives Prior learning connections:

● Social Studies: Producer vs. consumers. What makes a plant a producer?
● Science: Based on your prior knowledge of the basic needs of animals, what are some basic
needs you can connect to plants?
ELPS Objective, if applicable N/A

Second grade. This is developmentally appropriate because the lesson

Grade Level
incorporates a variety of delivery methods; they are exposed to tactile learning,
visual, and auditory learning.
Estimated Time Needed for
this Lesson 55 minutes

How will you summatively assess student
mastery? In our science journals we will record the progress of our plants over the course of a
NOTE: The summative assessment might week seeing how the lima bean is affected by the exposure of sunlight, water, air,
not be a part of this lesson.You can also use and space At the last day of our observations students will be required to write a
this space to describe your post assessment. three sentence conclusion stating what they noticed about the plant growth and
what affected the growth of the plant
How will you formatively assess student Throughout the lesson I will be asking questions to check for understanding. At the end of the lesson
mastery? For formative assessment, just could also represent a formative assessment to drive later instruction where students will be asked to
generally describe what you will be doing. draw what a plant that has all their basic needs met versus a plant who does not get their basic needs
Specific questions will be included later in the met and what would that look like
lesson plan.

What are your plans for adjusting the pacing For my struggling learners I would slow down the pace and speak with more emphasis
of the unit for struggling learners? on the more complex parts. Students may need more guidance hence I would
prompt them to make more connections to what we are learning to help them
solidify what we are learning now.

Technology resources Video showing the process of basic needs

(hardware, software, websites, Smartboard to project the notes we will be taking together in class
Technology- Enhanced Lesson
Supports), and rationale for why
each is vital for instruction:

Non-Technology resources
and rationale for why each is ● Lima beans for each table row
vital for instruction: ● Baggies for the lima beans
● Spray bottle filled with water
● Science journal to make recordings

Managing Student Behavior: You can’t teach them if you can’t reach them!!!
When and how will you establish rules for Behavior Expectations for the Lesson
learning and behavior during the lesson? ● following along and answering questions to participate in the lesson

What will it look and sound like if students are How Engagement will look and sound in the lesson
engaged vs. compliant in the lesson? ● Making eye contact, following along at the teacher speaks, listening
with their whole body
How will you allow for movement, transitions
or brain breaks to capitalize on engagement Plan for movement, transitions, or brain breaks, if applicable.
and performance ● transitions between desks and floor will be done by calling table rows

What will you do as an attention signal? Attention Signal

● 1 2 3 eyes on me, coming back in 3 2 1
Lesson Procedures
Differentiation Formative Assessment
Stage of Lesson Step-by-Step Lesson Sequence

Engage - Activate prior A step-by-step description of the scope and Address the following for Address the following for each part of
knowledge sequence of lesson activities, with estimated each part of the lesson plan”: the lesson plan:
Explore- Students will time on task noted in parentheses for each
plant their own lima beans step. In other words, completely describe Grouping of students: Questioning: What kinds of things do
in a baggie the flow of the lesson, the content to be grouping of students will be plants need to grow? How do plants get
based on their table rows. The their water? Can you think of ways
Explain - TC will go over presented, and the strategies to be used. The
benefit to this is that students plants adapt to different environments?
notes that is to be either more detailed you make this description, the are in a mixture of abilities
written on printed notes or more likelihood you will anticipate any meaning students get to be How will you make sure that you are
in their journals challenges or teachable moments that might exposed to a variety of ideas. calling on volunteers, non-volunteers,
Elaborate - Students will occur. Include actual words you will use and and a balance of students based on
watch a video to help questions you will ask students. Consider Differentiation - Enrichment ability and sex? Students will be called
elaborate what they items such as: parts of the lesson that might and Remediation: Students on a volunteer basis or called randomly
learned be difficult, and how you will know whether will be exposed to the content using popsicle sticks
Evaluate - Students will you can go on; how to ensure that students in several different ways.
draw what a plant looks completely understand Tactile by physically touching Academic Feedback What type of
like when basic needs are directions before releasing them to work the lima bean, visual by seeing support or academic feedback do they
met and a plant whose independently; and what students will do if videos, auditory by listening to need to overcome such challenges?
basic needs are not met they finish their work early. lecture Plan at least 2-3 academic feedback stems
that are aligned to the learning goal so
Specific Accommodations that they can easily identify students who
and Modifications: Notes will are meeting those goals.
be written along with the
students and read aloud to
accommodate the students
with dyslexia
● Differentiation (Enrichment and remediation): Tailoring instruction to meet individual needs; differentiating the content, process, and/or product.
Consider cultural diversity, gifted, etc.
● Accommodation(s)- (A change that helps a student overcome or work around the disability); Remember, an accommodation is not lowering
expectations or teaching below grade level content/objectives.
● Modification(s)- (A change in what is being taught or what is expected from the student):

Helpful Links:
ESL Strategies Document
ESL Strategies Matrix
Opening _1__ minutes ● What is a need that's
What will students be doing
Opening: missing that’s similar
immediately after the bell
rings to kickstart class? (if ● TC will introduce learning to the needs of an
applicable) objective animal?
● Learning objective: I can identify ● Why do you think that
(motivational hook) what are the basic needs of the basic needs of
plants to grow and survive plants and animals are
so similar?

_10__ minutes
Engage Description:
● Students will be called by table
rows to come to the floor
● Go through PebbleGo
presentation about plants
○ Plants are considered to
be producers, why do
you think they are given
that name?
○ What is a need that's
missing that’s similar to
the needs of an animal?
○ Why do you think the
basic needs of animals
are similar to plants?

● After discussion on the floor,

introduce what we will be doing
next. Then send them back to
their desk to begin the next
Explore: During this part of __15_ minutes What could you predict if I
the lesson, the students
explore through an Explore Description placed my lima bean behind
investigation-type activity. ● Students will be introduced to the door instead of on the
the Lima Bean experiment window?
● TC sets expectations: If you
cannot follow directions or I What about plants in other
hear that you and your group environments like a cactus in
members are not getting along the desert? How are their basic
you will be asked to return your needs met when there’s almost
materials and watch as your no water in the desert?
friends continue the experiment
● TC will call out group members
assigned to a specific task and
model the expectations
○ Student 1 - in charge of
paper towel and folding
○ Student 2 - be in charge
of spraying the paper
towel with water
○ Student 3 - will gather
and place the lima bean
○ Student 4 - place wet
towel and lima bean in
the baggie
○ Student 5 (if no 5 then 4)
- will deliver the baggie
to TC to hang
● After completing the lima bean
activity, students will still be
seated and pull out their science
Explain __20__ minutes If a plant does not have much
During this part of the lesson, the
students should be discussing Explain Description space between other plants,
what they learned in the explore what do you think will happen?
portion.. This is the time when the ● Students will pull out their
teacher/students will model the
strategy or skill they are learning. science journal and follow along What if a plant blocks another
What content knowledge are you TC to put the anchor chart in plant’s sunlight?
teaching students based on your
own understanding? You or the
their notes
students are literally thinking
aloud. Consider using the
Discussion Plan here, as well.
● Give scenarios where TC or
another student stands in front
of another student (space to
grow) and talk about how that
would affect getting sunlight and

Elaborate _5__ minutes

: During this part of the lesson, the
teacher will monitor students’ Elaborate Description
understanding. Students extend
or elaborate on what they’ve ●
Students will watch a video on
learned or apply what they have
learned to a new setting. Like theBrain Pop Jr. that elaborates on
Explore, this stage should also bewhat we have learned today and
active, collaborative, and
provides additional information
on plants to extend learning
Discussion Plan to be used _5__ minutes
during the lesson. This can
be used during the Explain ● While still being on the floor, we will begin our closing discussion
portion of the lesson or
after the Elaborate portion
of the lesson. Launch Frame
Now that we learned about the basic needs of a plant..
Launch Frame
Opening statement and
question to get the discussion Eliciting and Orienting Questions
started (Example, “We have ● Who can tell me something they learned today?
been learning how to add ● Why is sunlight or any of the basic needs so important for plants?
fractions in this activity. What
● What happens if a plant is overcrowded by other plants?
was an important key in
adding the fractions that
helped you? What have we Conclusion Frame
been learning about today?”) Well you all did a great job being engaged in the lesson today. As the days continue, we are going
Eliciting, Orienting to track the growth in our lima beans in our journals. For now I’m going to pass out these index
Questions to ask During the cards and what I need on there is first your name, and the five basic needs of a plant. Then turn it
Discussion in to the back in the purple tote. This is independent and you can’t use your notes. If you’re
What eliciting, probing, and
having trouble spelling it, then you can draw a small picture. Just make sure you number it.
orienting questions will you
ask during the discussion?

Conclusion Frame
Closing statement about
what they learned in the
lesson and what they will be
working on next. (Example -
“We have been adding
fractions in this
Evaluate Exit tickets with the five basic needs written on it

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