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Lesson 8 TLP Baskteball

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T E A C H E R ` S L E A R N I N G P L A N

Teacher’s Name: ELLIN GRACE B. SUDARIA Date: FEBRUARY, 2024

Grade & Section: GRADE 8 – REGULAR MAPEH Subject: MAPEH 8

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program
design to achieve fitness.
Performance Standard: The learner modifies a physical activity program for the family/school peers to achieve
Learning Competency: Executes the skills involved in the sport.
Learning Content: Exercise Programs: Team Sports (basketball, volleyball, football/futsal, goalball, softball,
Learning Resources: Antonio P. Africa, PH.D, Practical MAPEH 8, Makati City Philippines, DIWA LEARNING
SYSTEMS INC., pg. 221-227
Core Values: Stewardship

Lesson No: 3 Time frame: 2 hours

Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, the students can execute the skills involved in the sport through:

a. describing the history and equipment of the basketball using graphic organizer;
b. demonstrating the basic skills by group activity; and
c. creating a scenario that applies the basketball in real life situations through role play with
at least 80% of participation.


The teacher will start the class with a prayer.

Checking of attendance
Classroom Rules

A. Review

The teacher will give the review through asking questions to the class to elicit students’
learning's about the previous topic Volleyball.

A.1. What are the basic skills of volleyball?

A. 2. Who invented volleyball?
A. 3. When was volleyball invented?
A. 4. How many players for each team should be on the court?
A. 5. What is volleyball?

After the activity, the teacher will proceed to the linking statement to develop connections of the
activity and the lesson to be discussed.

B. Motivation
ACTIVITY: Unscramble Me!


Guide Questions:

1. What have you observed of the following pictures?

2. What do you think is our topic today?

C. Transition / Linking Statement

A Basketball is played between two teams of five players each on a rectangular court, usually
indoors. In this lesson, you will learn how to executes the skills involved in the sport through
describing the history and equipment of the basketball using graphic organizer, demonstrating
the basic skills by group activity and creating a scenario that applies the basketball in real life
situations through role play with at least 80% of participation.


This part of the lesson will serve as the concept notes of the students, and activities in
applying their understanding about Basketball. The teacher will instruct his/her students to
use their Practical MAPEH 8 textbook (page 221-227) and the given concept notes as their
reference to answer all of the activities that the teacher prepared.

A. Learning Activities

A.1 Concept Notes: Open textbook on page 221-222 and read about the history and
equipment of Basketball.

The teacher will define Basketball. After that, the teacher will discuss the history and
equipment of basketball.
After the discussion of the teacher, the teacher tests the understanding of the students by
giving an individual activity.

Activity # 1: Graphic Organizer

The students are asked to answer the graphic organizer about the history and equipment of
basketball and give them five (5) minutes to complete the activity.

Instruction: Briefly describe the history and equipment of basketball using the graphic
organizer below.



A.2 Concept Notes: Open textbooks on pages 222-224 about Basic Skills of Basketball.

After answering the first activity, the teacher will play a short video showing basketball
highlights. After presenting a short video, the teacher discusses and call some students to
demonstrate the Basic Skills of Basketball.

After the discussion of the teacher about Basic Skills of Basketball, the teacher will let
students to execute the basic skills of basketball to test their understanding on the topic by
group activity.

Activity # 2: Let’s Play and have Fun!

Instruction: Group yourselves into two (2) groups as a team, all you want to do is to execute
the four (4) basic skills of basketball (passing, dribbling, shooting and catching a ball). You will be
given five (5) minutes to practice at the court. After the practice, the two (2) teams play the basketball
race on the four (4) basic skills of basketball.
 There will be two (2) teams to have the friendly competition.
 Each team must line up.
 The two (2) first players get a basketball.
 First player in each team must race and turn around on something while executing the
following basic skills of the basketball.
 If the player makes it, she/he passes the ball to the next in line and gets in the back of
the line.
 Game continues until only one player on each team is left.
The teacher monitors the scores of each team.

D. Assessment Technique

After performing the two (2) activities, the students will answer the activity below.

A. Instruction: On your 1/4 sheet of paper, choose and write the correct letter of the following

1. Who invented the basketball game?

A. William Shakespeare
B. Dr. James Naismith
C. Dr. Charles Dewey
D. Gilbert Ryle
2. When was the basketball invented?
A. 1892 B. 1893 C. 1891 D. 1894
3-5. Give at least three (3) basketball equipment.
6. Basketball was invented as an indoor “ ” for students of Springfield College
in the United States.
A. Athletic distraction
B. Athletic determination
C. Athletic inspiration
D. Athletic traction
7-9. Give the four (4) basic skills of the basketball.
10. Give at least one (1) famous basketball player in the world.


This part of the lesson allows students to reflect themselves on their learning about

A. Transfer of Learning (Physical Education Ideas)

Students will be asked to accomplish the task at school and to be perform after the allotment
time given.

Performance Task: Role Play

Instruction: Group yourselves into three (3) groups. Each group must create a scenario
that applies the values acquire in the basketball in the real-life situations with at least three
(3) minutes of role play presentation. You will be given fifteen (15) minutes for your

Students will be rated according to a rubric.

(25 points) (20 points) (15 points) (10 points

CONTENT Great job! The role The role play is on the The role play is The role play is
play offered topic, have some somewhat off-topic, completely off-
creativity and creativity and insight but there is some topic, the scenario
insights that applies that applies the insights related to the is not related to
the basketball in basketball in real life topic. topic.
real life situations . situations.
ROLES Excellent work! Everyone in the group The group sometimes The group failed to
Every member of stayed in character, stayed in character. stay in character,
the group stayed in but some members However, some and all members not
character, and it didn’t seem to be members don’t prepare prepared on how the
was clear to took really be “into” what on how the characters characters might
the roles seriously. they were doing. may think or act. think and act.

COOPERATION Consistently listened Consistently listened Cooperative but Uncooperative or

to others; willing to to others’ ideas and occasionally unwilling to unwilling to listen
sacrifice personal worked cooperatively listen to or support and support others
interest to achieve to achieve the best colleagues to achieve to achieve the best
the best performance. the best performance. performance.
OVERALL Excellent! The The presentation was The presentation is The presentation
IMPRESSION presentation was entertaining, however somewhat entertaining was not entertaining
entertaining and somewhat informative. and somewhat and not informative.
informative. informative.

B. Reflection (Valuing or Lifelong Learning)

Teacher will ask students to reflect about the question below.

After a moment of reflection, the teacher will call three (3) students to share their thoughts to
the class.

 1. How do you apply the basketball in your daily life situations?

 2. What do you think the advantages of joining a sports team such as basketball team?

 3. Why it is important to practice the basic skills in basketball?

C. Closure

Students are instructed to think and reflect. Then teacher will call three students to answer
the task. The teacher will also instruct students that the activity refers to the present lesson.
The activity will be done through an oral recitation.

Activity: Hear Me!

Instruction: Complete the statements below and share your thoughts.

1. The three (3) things I’ve learned from the lesson…

2. The two (2) things that interest me…
3. The one (1) application that I’ve learned from the lesson…

“Physical Education is a subject that makes your heart race.”

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