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Lesson Plan in Mapeh 8 Pe 3rd Quarter

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Detailed Lesson Plan in

3rd Quarter

The learner demonstrate understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design to achieve

The learner modifies a physical activity program for the family/school peers to achieve fitness.

The learner executes the skills involved in the sport (PE8GS-IIId-h-4)

Learning Competencies Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Identify the Basic Skills in Baseball/Softball.
b. Reflect the importance of Baseball/Softball.
c. Perform the Basic Skills in Baseball/Softball.


Topic: Baseball
1. MAPEH 8 Module Quarter 3
2. MUSIC (Melcs, Curriculum Guide)
Value Focus:
Recognize, Courage, Teamwork, Respect
Instructional Materials:
PowerPoint presentation, Video presentation, Speaker, Activity Sheets, Pictures, TV, Improvised ball and
Baseball Bat.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Pre-Activity
1. Prayer
The teacher will ask someone to lead the - Students will stand up and pray.
prayer and students will stand up.

2. Greetings
Good Afternoon/Evening everyone!

3. Checking of Attendance Good Afternoon/Evening Ma’am

Is there any absent in the class?

4. Recalling Of The Classroom Rules None, ma’am

Remind the students of classroom rules and
5 Be’s
Classroom Rules: The 5 Be’s
1. Be prepared
2. Be Positive
If I say waterfalls you respond Psst. This 3. Be Productive
means you have to keep quite. 4. Be Restpecful
5. Be Participant

B. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation
Picture Analysis
“On the board, there are pictures. You have to find
“ Yes Ma’am”
out what skill is being performed, you have to
explain what is happening in the picture. Am I
Sample Pictures:
(Students will answer on the board and describe
the picture)

“ Thank you so much for your participation class”

2. Presentation
“ The skills in the pictures Ma’am are related the
So, based on our activity what do you think sports or game Baseball, ”
is the connection of it in our class?

Very good. Today we will be discussing

“Yes Ma’am”
about Baseball and Softball. Do you know
(Some students will share their experience about
how to play with this sports class? Or are
the game”
you familiar with it?

Okay, Very good. Thank you so much. Let’s

see what’s more about their sports

C. Lesson Proper
Activity: Reporting
The class will be divided into two groups.
Each group will be given a piece of paper
consist of their reports. (Each group are preparing for their report)
Group 1 will discuss about Baseball and its Group 1 Report:
basic skills while for group 2 they will Baseball is a game played with a bat, a
discuss the game Softball and its basic ball, and gloves between two teams of
skills. nine players each on a field with four white bases
Each group will be given 1 day to prepare laid out in a diamond. Actually a square oriented
their report and discuss their report for so that its diagonal line is vertical. Teams change
another 1day. positions as batters (offense) and fielders
2 reporters per group will present and (defense), exchanging places when
discuss their report. three members of the batting team are “put out”.
Work silently and cooperatively with your As batters, players try to hit the ball out of the
group. reach of the fielding team and make a complete
circuit around the bases for a “run” or score. The
(Note: There are pictures and videos presented for team that scores the most runs in nine innings
students) (times at bat) wins the game.
Basic Skills in Baseball:
a. Catching
Catching properly not only prevents you from
being injured, it also makes it easier for you to
prepare to throw the ball. Catching and throwing
are both basic
defensive baseball skills. In a game, your ability
to catch and throw fast helps you to throw a base
runner attempting to advance to the next base.
b. Throwing
Throwing is the most important basic skill needed
for a good fielding player. The ability to throw
accurately and quickly will make it hard for the
opposition to score and advance runners.
c. Fielding
A good team game makes it difficult for the
opposition to score points and gives
the pitcher and catcher additional confidence.
d. Batting
Batting is the best part of the game. It is hard to
hit a round ball with a round
bat into a specified area of the ground. The batter
has only a split second to react. A good batter
needs great hand-eye coordination, a fast reaction
time, good technique and confidence.
e. Base running
A strong and aggressive base running can put a lot
of stress on the defensive
team. Good base running is about being fast and
Field of Play and Equipment
Grounds or Playing Fields
The distance to the fence from home plate along
the foul lines (marking the
official limits of the playing field) should be at
least 320 feet (98 meters), and the
distance from home plate on a line through second
base to the center-field fence should be at least
400 feet (121.9 meters). The distance to the stands
or fence behind home plate should be at least 60
feet (18.3 meters) but may decrease along the foul
lines in the outfield. The playing field is usually
covered in grass, except for the pitcher’s circle, or
mound, the base paths, the adjacent infield from
first to third base, and the home plate area.
The ball and bat
The ball has a cork-and-rubber core tightly
wrapped with a yarn. It is covered
with two fitted pieces of white leather sewn
together. The circumference is 9 to 9.25 inches
(23 to 23.5 cm) and weighs between 142 and 149
grams. The bat is a smooth rounded stick of solid
or laminated wood, not longer than 42 inches (107
cm) or thicker at the barrel end than 2.75 inches (7
cm), tapering to the handle end.
The glove should not measure more than 38
inches (96.5 cm) in circumference
and 15.5 inches (39.4 cm) from top to bottom. The
first baseman’s glove is thinner and more flexible,
a solid expanse of leather for the four fingers with
a webbing connecting the thumb and index finger.

(Students clapping their hands)

“None Ma’am”

Group 2 REPORT:
• Dates back to 1926 and was coined by Walter
Hakanson of the YMCA.
• Other names are indoor baseball, kitten ball,
Thank you group 1, please give a round of diamond ball, mush ball and pumpkin ball.
applause for group 1 class? • The name softball spread throughout the USA
by the 1930s.
• In 1934 the Joint Rules Committee on Softball
Are there any questions about the report of was created to standardize the
Group 1 class? rules.
Note: Students will perform the Basic Skills in • In 1952 the British women’s softball league was
Baseball during the discussion. established.
Next to report Group 2….. • In 1996 softball was played in the Olympics.
A. Bat
B. Ball
C. Gloves
D. Protective Equipment
(1. Helmet 2. Throat protector 3. Body Protector
and 4. Shin Guards)
Basic Skills in Softball:
• Throwing – the most basic skill in baseball and
softball. It prevents the
opponent from touching the base, earn points, and
• Pitching – the skill performed by the pitcher
who stays at the center plate.
• Catching – is a defensive skill used to receive a
thrown ball and hold a base
runner or batter.
• Hitting/Batting – is an offensive skill used to
hit the pitched ball using the bat.
• Running/Base-Running – a very important skill
which allows you to advance to safety from one
base to another with full speed and agility.

(Students are clapping)

“None Ma’am”

“None Ma’am”

Note: Students will perform the Basic Skills in

Softball during the discussion.

Thank you group 2, please give a round of

applause for group 2 please.

Are there any questions about the report of (Students are answering the questions)
Group 2 class?

Congratulations everyone, Are you sure

there is no questions? Clarifications?

Since, you don’t have any questions then I’ll
be the one to ask. What is Baseball?
What are the 5 basic skills in Baseball?
What are the Basic Skills in Softball? (Students are answering the questions; answers
What are the equipment’s we need in may vary)
playing baseball/softball?
How many players we have in a game
How many bases in softball/baseball?

3. Abstraction
What are the differences between
As a student, how are you going to apply
what you learn of the lesson in promoting an
active lifestyle?
What is the importance of Baseball or “None Ma’am”
softball in our Activity or daily lives?
As a student, how do you encourage your
family and/or friends to engage in physical
activities like baseball?
Why is it softball or baseball develop? What “None Ma’am”
is the purpose of it in our life?

Is there any questions? Clarifications?

4 .Application

If there are no questions lets have an

activity. I told you last time to bring colors
and bondpaper. Today, you will make your
own slogan related to Physical Activity. I
will give you 10-15 minutes to work on your
slogan. After, 3-5 person will explain their
artwork. Are there questions about our (Students passing their artwork)

After 10-15 Minutes…….. (Students will present their artwork)

Okay, times up. Please pass your artwork

(Students will clap their hands)
For your presentation, let us listen to atleast
3-5 from you who will discuss/present
her/his artwork. (Students get their papers and answering the test)

Thank you so much for your participation

class. Please give a round of applause for

This time please get a ¼ sheet of pad paper

and answer your test.

IV. Evaluation:
I. Direction. Identify the basic skills basing on their descriptions. Answer the following
questions below in a ¼ sheet of pad paper.
____________1.) This is an important skill to master because it allows you to advance
from one base to another.
____________2.) This skill is performed by the pitcher.
____________3.) The most basic skill in softball which allows the team to prevent
opponents from touching bases or earn points.
____________4.) A defensive skill used to receive a thrown ball and hold a base
runner or batter from proceeding or prevent the opponent to earn
____________5.) It is an offensive skill used to strike the pitched ball using a bat.

Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the best answer. Write
your answer in a ¼ sheet of pad paper.
1. The _______ has a cork-and-rubber core, around which yarn is tightly
wrapped; the cover consists of two snugly fitted pieces of white leather sewn
A. Ball C. Gloves
B. Bat D. Both a & b
2. _________ is the most enjoyable part of the game. It is hard to hit a round ball
with a round bat into a specified area, especially if you only have a split second
to react.
A. Batting C. Fielding
B. Catching D. Running
3. The ________ is traditionally covered with grass, except for the pitcher’s circle,
or mound, the base paths, the adjacent infield from first to third base, and the
home plate area.
A. ball field C. oval
B. gym D. playing field
4. ________ is a game played with a bat, a ball, and gloves between two teams
of nine players each on a field with four white bases laid out in a diamond (i.e.,
a square oriented so that its diagonal line is vertical).
A. Badminton C. Football
B. Baseball D. Soccer
5. What are the 5 basic skills in Baseball?
A. Catching, Batting, Fielding, Throwing & Base Running.
B. Catching, Batting, Fielding, Throwing & Jumping.
C. Catching, Batting, Fielding, Throwing & Walking.
D. All of the above

List down the health benefits that you can get when participating in softball
and explain why you think so. Write the answers in your PE notebook.
1.) ______________________________________________________________
2.) ______________________________________________________________
3.) ______________________________________________________________
4.) ______________________________________________________________
5.) ______________________________________________________________

Prepared by:
NOHS-Night Department

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