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Class Xii Summer Holiday Homework

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SESSION 2024-25

The project consists of 10 MARKS out of which, 5 MARKS will be allotted for the
PROJECT FILE and the remaining 5 MARKS for the VIVA based on the file.


The project file to include the following:

● Cover page, with the title of the project, school details and details of the student.
● Certificate of Completion under the guidance of the teacher.
● Objectives of the topic
● Action Plan for the completion of assigned tasks (steps involved in doing the
● Essay/report should be written in 800-1000 words.
● Student reflections (the new learning experience/outcome achieved after
completing the project)
● If possible, photographs that capture positive learning experience of the students
(collages/pics from various online sources) can be pasted.
● List of Resources/Bibliography (Last page of the project file)


Refer to the links of the videos attached with each topic (You can also select
different videos available on YouTube, relevant to your topic).
Listen to these podcasts, documentaries, interviews etc. on the given topics.
Do a thorough research on the topic assigned.
Prepare a report/essay in about 800-1000 words describing the topic/issue/ giving
your own opinion/ suggestions/measures/ viewpoints/its impact on people/your
learning experience.
The project should be neat, legible, with an emphasis on quality of content,
accuracy of information, creative expression, proper sequencing and should be
relevant as per the assigned topic.

✔ Use coloured practical sheets.

✔ Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.

Students can select any one of the given topics for your English Project:

1. Bioterrorism (A Looming Threat) :

Links for reference:

Include the following sub-headings:

● What is bio-terrorism?
● Consequences of such wars
● Measures that can be undertaken to prevent it.
● Role of youth (‘Gen X’) in creating a world bereft of wars. Present this sub-topic
creatively. You can compose / reproduce a poem/poster to depict the same.

2. ‘Understanding Kamla Das a little more’. You all have studied the poem ‘My mother at
66’ by Kamla Das. ‘My Grandmother’s House’ is another poem written by the same poet-
Kamla Das. Make a comparative study of both these poems by the same poet

Links for reference:

Include the following sub-headings in your project:

⮚ A detailed study of the poet

● Her life
● Her works
● Her style of poetry
⮚ Comparison between the two poems. It should include-
● The similarities
● The differences
● The theme in both the poems
● Your reflections about both the poems
The Sovereign School
Summer Holiday Homework
Session 2024-2025
Class XII
Subject- BIOLOGY


1. Select any one of the topics from the mentioned list of projects.
2. Do internet research and watch YouTube videos on relevant topic.
3. Prepare PPT on the selected topic.
4. First slide has to carry the information like – project name, subject
name, and session.
5. Starting from first slide to concluding slide, every related information
should be presented in order.
6. Investigatory project must be supported with relevant pictures of the
experiments performed (wherever required)
7. Bibliography to be included.
Title Project
Importance of microbes
Cancer and its types
Gene cloning
Molecular genetics
Tools of Biotechnology
Human Genome
Animal Conservation
Class 12 chemistry

Complete practical file and make project file.

(Learning Unlike Any Other)
CLASS XII SC 2024-25



1. Complete your practical file as per the instructions given.

2. Prepare an investigatory project.

3. Solve 50 numerical problems based on the topics taught from previous year’s board
papers in your Physics register.
(Learning Unlike Any Other)





Examples: Examples 1 to 9

Page 52: Q1 to 20

{ii} Do the practical in practical files on these topics

 Based on chapter - Matrices to relate the Matrices with real life
 Base Chapter – Continuity and differentiability
 To verify Rolle’s theory
 To verify Lagrange’s mean value theorem

1. Write a Python code to input side of a square. Calculate and display i. perimeter, ii.
Diagonal of a square.
2. Write a Python code to input time in seconds. Display the time in hour, minute and
3. Write a Python code to input two numbers. Display the numbers after swapping them
without using third variable or built – in function.
4. Write a Python code to input the temperature in Celcius and then convert it into
5. Write a Python code to generate first ten terms of the Fibonacci series.
6. Write a Python code to accept a number and pass it to a function which returns the
number of factors. Finally display whether the number is a prime number or not.
7. Write a user defined function Month() to push months of Indian Calender in the stack.
Take out the string from the stack such that the one which was entered last should
come first. Display the names of all the months which start with a vowel.
8. Write a Python code to create a stack for storing some numbers till the user wants.
Display the content of the stack. Further display all such numbers of the stack whose
last digit is 1.
9. Write aa code in Python using recursive technique to display all natural numbers from
1 to n, where the value of the variable ‘n’ takes as an input from the user at routine.
10. Write a Python code to accept some words in a tuple. Display the words which start
with a vowel.
The Sovereign School
Summer Holidays Homework

Class XII


1. Students are required to visit any one of the following:

1. A departmental store.

2. An Industrial unit.

3. A fast food outlet.

4. A Mall.

They are required to observe the application of the general Principles of

management advocated by Fayol. Fayol’s principles

1. Division of work.

2. Unity of command.

3. Unity of direction.

4. Scalar chain

5. Espirit de corps

6. Fair remuneration to all.

7. Order.

8. Equity.

9. Discipline

10. Subordination of individual interest to general interest.

11. Initiative.

12. Centralisation and decentralisation.

13. Stability of tenure.

14. Authority and Responsibility

Ensure that:

1. The total length of the project will be of 25 to 30 pages.

2. The project should be handwritten.

3. The project should be presented in a neat folder.

4. The project report should be developed in the following sequence-

 Cover page should include the title of the Project, student information, school
and year.

 List of contents.

 Acknowledgements and preface (acknowledging the institution, the places

visited and the persons who have helped).

 Introduction.  Topic with suitable heading.

 Planning and activities done during the project, if any.

 Observations and findings of the visit.

 Conclusions (summarized suggestions or findings, future scope of study).

 Photographs (if any).

 Appendix


The students are required to:

a) Develop a brief report on History of Stock Exchanges in India.

(b) Prepare a list of at least 25 companies listed on a Stock Exchange.

c) make an imaginary portfolio totalling a sum of Rs. 50,000 equally in any of the
5 companies of their choice listed above over a period of twenty working days.

The students are required to report the prices of the stocks on daily basis and
present it diagrammatically on the graph paper. The students are expected to find
the value of their investments and accordingly rearrange their portfolio.

The project work should cover the following aspects;

1. Graphical presentation of the share prices of different companies on different


2. Change in market value of shares due to change of seasons, festivals, natural and
human disasters.

3. Change in market value of shares due to change in political environment/

policies of various countries/crisis in developed countries or any other reasons

4. Identify the top ten companies out of the 25 selected on the basis of their market
value of shares. It does not matter if you have made profits or losses.

Ensure that:

1. The total length of the project will be of 25 to 30 pages.

2. The project should be handwritten.

3. The project should be presented in a neat folder.

4. The project report should be developed in the following sequence-

 Cover page should include the title of the Project, student information, school
and year.

 List of contents.

Project details


2. Case Study Based questions as given in class.

The Sovereign School
Summer Holidays Homework

Class XII


1. Project work
Choose a Listed company
Do research on that company on:
a. When it was Incorporated
b. Main objectives of Business
c. Product segments the company deals in
d. Board of Directors of the Company
e. A brief Intro to business
f. Financial Statements of the Company for the Financial Year 2022-23.

2. Revise all theory of CH. 1,2 and 3 from NCERT and T S Garewal.
3. Do the following questions from back exercises of T S Garewal:

Ch 1 : Q No.27,28,34,42,46,49,63,6983,87,88
Ch 2 : Q no. 9,11,14,20,21,24,25,31,33,37,39
Ch 3 : Q no. 3,4,8,14,15,18,22,2526,27
The Sovereign School
Summer Holidays Homework

Class XII


Practical File shall include

Practical-1: Fitness tests admin

Practical-2: Procedure for Asanas, Benefits & Contraindication for any two Asanas
for each lifestyle duease.

Practical 3 : oneIDA recognised Sport Game of choice, Labelled diagram of Field

& Equipment, Also mention its Rules, Terminologies in CBSE curriculam.
Class XII
Summer Holiday HomeWork (2024-25)

• Submit the file within the first week after summer vacations.
• Part A to be answered in the Economics register.
• Part B is a project work. Prepare a file which should be hand-written following the below guidelines.
o Use only A-4 sized sheets.
o You may use a mix of ruled and blank sheets (colored sheets are also allowed)
o Extra credits would be rewarded for neatness, creativity, and relevance.

Part A – Notes
Q1. Learn and prepare self-notes for Unit-1 (National Income and Related Aggregates) in the Economics

Part B – Project Work

Q2. Prepare a project report on any of the topics below. The project must cover the below (in the same
• Cover Page
• List of Content
• Certificate
• Acknowledgement
• Introduction of the topic
• Relevance with the curriculum
• Conclusion
• Bibliography

Micro and Small-Scale Industries Waste Management in India – Need of the hour

Food Supply Channel in India Minimum Wage Rate – Approach and Application

Contemporary Employment Situation in India Digital India- Step towards the future

The disinvestment policy of the government Rain Water Harvesting – A solution to the water crisis

Goods and Services Tax Act and its Impact on GDP Vertical Farming – An Alternate Way

Health Expenditure (of any state) Silk Route- Revival of the past

Human Development Index Make in India – The Way Ahead

Inclusive Growth Strategy Bumper Production- Boon or Bane for the farmer
Self-help group Rise of Concrete Jungle- Trend Analysis

Trends in Credit Availability in India Organic Farming – Back to the Nature

Monetary Policy Committee and its functions Atamnirbhar Bharat

Role of RBI in Control of Credit e-Rupee (e- ₹)

Government Budget & its Components Sri Lanka’s Economic Crisis

Trends in the budgetary condition of India Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)

Exchange Rate Determination – Methods and
Environmental Crisis
Comparative Study of Economies (Maximum three
Currency War – reasons and repercussions
New Education Policy (NEP) 2020: A Promise for a
Livestock – Backbone of Rural India
New Education System
Alternate fuel – types and importance G-20: Inclusive and Action Oriented

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan – Cost Ratio Benefits Amrit Kaal: Empowered and Inclusive Economy

Golden Quadrilateral- Cost ratio benefit Cashless Economy

Any other newspaper article and its evaluation based
Minimum Support Prices
on economic principles
Relation between Stock Price Index and the Economic
Any other topic
Health of a Nation

1. . Create a panda’s series from a dictionary of values and a ndarray
2. . Given a Series, print all the elements that are above the 75th percentile.
3. . Create a Data Frame quarterly sales where each row contains the item category, item name,
and expenditure. Group the rows by the category and print the total expenditure per category.
4. . Create a data frame for examination result and display row labels, column labels data types
of each column and the dimensions
5. . Filter out rows based on different criteria such as duplicate rows.
6. . Importing and exporting data between pandas and CSV file
7. Given the school result data, analyses the performance of the students on different parameters,
e.g subject wise or class wise.
8. . For the Data frames created above, analyze, and plot appropriate charts with title and legend.
9. . Take data of your interest from an open source (e.g., aggregate and summarize
it. Then plot it using different plotting functions of the Matplotlib library.
Class XII
Summer Holiday HomeWork (2024-25)

• Submit the file within the first week after summer vacations.
• File should be hand-written following the below guidelines.
o Use only A-4 sized sheets.
o You may use a mix of ruled and blank sheets (colored sheets are also allowed)

1. Prepare case study (hard copy as well as presentation) including Introduction, Definitions, Types,
Causes, Intervention and Management etc.
Case study is an in depth analysis of a person.You are required to choose a person on whom you
want to do your case study. The person should be from 14-18 years of age and willing to cooperate
withyou. (*)

2. Prepare Practical file including theses tests BDI,VIR,AISS,SCAT, MPI (*)

3. Observe and interview three persons in your neighborhood in order to check how they differ from
each other in terms of psychological attributes. Cover all five domains i.e.intelligence, personality,
aptitude, interest and values. Prepare a psychological profile of each person and compare the

4. Revise: chapter 1 (Variations in Psychological Attributes) and chapter 2 (Self

andPersonality).Learn key terms(glossary) of the two chapters.
(*Refer to the documents shared with you for format)
Class XII

Class - XII (Humanities)

Subject : History

History Project

Prepare the given History Project as per the CBSE guidelines. Some suggested topics for project
work are:

1. The mysteries behind the mound of dead – Mohenjo-Daro

2. An In-depth study to understand Spiritual Archaeology in the

3. Buddha‟s Path to Enlightenment
4. Insight and Reflection of Bernier‟s notions of The Mughal

5. An exploratory study to know the women who created history
6. “Mahatma Gandhi” – A legendary soul
7. To reconstruct the History of Vijaynagara through the

Archaeology of Hampi
8. The emerald city of Colonial Era – BOMBAY
9. Vision of unity behind the first war of Independence
10. Divine Apostle of Guru Nanak Dev
11. Help, Humanity and Sacrifices during Partition
12. Glimpses inside Mughals Imperials Household

13. The process behind the framing of the Indian Constitution

14. The „Brahm Nirupam‟ of Kabir – A journey to Ultimate

Students should prepare the History Project under the following

1. Acknowledgement
2. Index
3. Cover page
4. Project synopsis
5. Data/Statistical analysis/Map work
6. Analysis/explanation and interpretation
7. Bibliography

Subject : Political Science

A. Political Science Project- Prepare a project according to

CBSE guidelines.
Topics as discussed in the classroom. Some suggested topics are:

1. The Lok Sabha Elections 2019 were hotly contested. Many parties were in the fray
and the results have been declared. Analyse this election and submit a project report by
answering the following:

a) Analyze the importance of elections in a democratic country.

b) Name of the parties contestingand their alliances along with their symbols.
c) Slogans used and highlights of their campaigns
d) The controversial and contentious issues that have been a part of the elections.
e) Analysis of result with help of piechart. Any of these points (a-e) can be used a separate
project while analyzing all Loksabha elections of the country so far.

2. Partition- Theory behind it and its legacy

3. State Reorganisation– Do we still require it?

4. Election Commission- its changing role and importance

5. One Party Dominance-Congress to BJP post 2014

(depending upon the election results)

6. Change in India’s Foreign Policy

7. India’s relation with its neighbours- any one country can be


8. Emergency- Reasons and Consequences- a role play or skit with a group of 5 students

9. Popular movements- Any one movement can be used from chapter 6 and a relation drawn with
the any current protest on that issue

10. Regional Aspiration – Separatist Movement- Kashmir

11. Role of Regional Parties- A detailed study of any one

12. Naxalite Movement- How can government address the problem

13. Politics of Reservation in India- Constitution- SC and ST, Mandal- OBC, NDA- EWS

14. Coalition Politics- Study of UPA and NDA

15. Cold war- Is the world heading to Cold war 2- USA and China

16. China – The next Super Power

17. Post Soviet Republics- Life after Disintegration

18. EU- Brexit

19. UN and its agencies – a Mock Event can be presented by the group

20. Environment- Sustainable development- Need of the hour

21. Globalisation – Eco., Pol., and Cultural Impact on Third World

Any other topic based on the syllabus. General Instructions:

1. Project can be individual/ pair/ group of 4-5 each.

2. It should be a handwritten project on a A4 size sheet.
3. Project should be summed up in 10-15 pages. (in case of pair and group the no. of pages can
exceed to 20-25)
4. It should be well researched based on facts and figures and pictorial.
5. The project must have a Table of contents, Title/ Cover page, Acknowledgement,
Bibliography, Analysis with headings and sub-headings.
6. It must include relevant news clippings, facts and figures, pictures.
7. You can plan a survey or an interview to supported your research.
8. As per CBSE suggestive list of activities are
a. Role Play, Presentation, Model, Field Survey, Mock Event etc.
b. Read and revise the chapters taught in the class. Answer the questions sent through the

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