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HHW Xii 2024-25

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SESSION -2024-25

1. Revise your UT 1 syllabus before you join in July. It will help
you to further continue in better way.
2. Attempt 5 Notices & 5 Letter to Editor in your English Writing
3. Read Newspaper to track the news related to DU admissions &
other related matters.

“The only way to do Mathematics is to do
Mathematics “
Roll no. 1-20
Make a PPT on Application of derivatives. Content will be as
● Definition
● History of derivatives
● Application of derivatives in real life.
Roll no. 21- 41
● Write the uses of Matrices , Determinants and Integration in
real life on A4 size sheets.
# Make a booklet of A4 size sheets and write all the formulas (
class xi and xii) in it.
# Revise your syllabus thoroughly of PT-1.
Project work :
Prepare an investigatory project on innovative topic based on
concepts of Class XI OR XII & make a project report that includes
● Cover page
● Certificate
● Acknowledgement
● Index
● Aim
● Apparatus /material used
● Theory
● Diagrams / pictures
● Procedure / working
● Observations
● Conclusion
● Draw backs / limitations
● Further scope of improvement
● Bibliography
Assignment :
Solve the worksheet shared in class group .

Select a good, creative and innovative Chemistry project which shall be completed by you in
this academic session 2024-25. Some of you have already selected the same while others need to
get it first approved and then get started…

Prepare a handwritten synopsis of the same in A4 sheets under the following heads:

a. Cover page with the School logo, Project Name, Student’s name, Class-Section, Board Roll

b. Introduction

c. Aim and Materials Required (including apparatus and chemicals required )

d. Theory

e. Procedure

f. Observation

g. Observation tables ( as per the project requirement )

h. Result

i. Precautions
j. Future Scope

k. Bibliography.

Mode of presentation/submission of the project : Hand written hard copy of the

project in A-4 white/coloured sheet to be submitted in a stick file (Not to be spiral
Copy this link to get more ideas about projects:


Practical 1: Create a database with your name, list all the databases and open the database with
your name

Practical 2: Create the following table using SQL statements. And also show its structure
Practical 3: Insert and display following data in Client table (made in practical1) using SQL

Practical 4: List records of all clients who are not from Bombay.

Practical 5: Display Different cities .

Practical 6: Delete the details of a client whose name contain ‘van’

Practical 7: Delete client table.

Practical 8: Create a table ‘Club’ with proper Integrity constraints and insert data as given

Note: coachid as primary key

Coachname unique

Age not null

Pay should be greater than 0

Sports not null

Gender default as M

Practical 9: Display information about coaches whose name starts with K or pay is at least 1500
or both.

Practical 10: Write a query to display a report showing coachname, pay, age and bonus (15% of
pay) for all coaches.

Practical 11: Display information about all male coaches.

Practical 12: Find the min, max, sum, and average of the pay in a club table.

Practical 13: Find the total number of coaches from each sport using group by.
Practical 14: Write command to display the output as

Practical 15: Consider the following table Movie and display all movies which fall in the category
of Comedy or Action.

Practical 16: Consider the table Movie and display all movies which have not been released yet.

Practical 17: Consider the table Movie and display net profit of each movie showing its ID, Name
and Net Profit.
(Hint: NetProfit = BusinessCost –ProductionCost)
Make sure that the new column name is labelled as NetProfit.
Practical 18: Write a query to extract the record of the latest movie released.
Practical 19: Write a query to update business cost by 15%.
Practical 20: Write the output of the following query (Select MovieiID, MovieName from Movie
where Movieid in (005,006)
Practical 21: Consider the following table ‘Stock’ and display all items which name begins with ‘s’ in
descending order of rate

Practical 21: consider the table ‘stock’ and list item name and quantity which rate lies
between 50 to 100 rupees.

Practical 22:
Practical 23: Write a query to join two tables product and supplier on the basis of sid column.

Practical 24: Write a Query to find the cartesian Product or cross join of Product and Supplier

Practical 25: Write a query to find pname,sid, sname who have matching sid .
Practical 26: Write a query to add one more column in product table name qty integer type.
Practical 27: Write a query to rename column pname as prodname.
Practical 28: Write a query to delete sname column from table supplier.
Practical 29: Write a query to change pname ball with the ball pen.
Practical 30: What will be the output of the following statement?
Select * from product natural join supplier.

A Sample of doing question in practical file

In a word file first paste the question, than paste the screenshot of command and also paste
the screenshot of the output/query ok

● Part A to be answered in the Economics notebook.

● Part B is a project work.Prepare a file which should be hand written following
the below guidelines:
1. Use only A4 sized sheets.
2. You may use a ruled and blank sheets(coloured sheets are also allowed)
3. Extra credit would be awarded for neatness,creativity and relevance.
1. Make a poster on the topic GLOBAL WARMING.
2. Prepare the self notes of Unit-Comparison of India,China and pakistan of Indian
economy .
3. Solve 20 numericals of unit-Determination of income and employment from your
reference book(multiplier,calculation of equilibrium level of
4. Revise all syllabus done till May thoroughly as it will help you to retain the
concepts taught
1. Prepare a project file on any of the topic below.The project must cover the
below(in the same order):
● Cover page
● List of Content(index)
● Certificate
● Acknowledgement
● Introduction of the Topic.
● Details of the Topic
● Pros and Cons of the related topic
● Effect,relation or criticism of the topics(Take the content from reference book
only and not from YouTube)
● Conclusion

● Bibliography
Topics for the project are:
1. Money and Banking
2. Human Capital Formation
3. Rural Development
4. Environment and Sustainable Development
5. Government Budget
6. Unemployment
7. Organic farming-Back to nature
8. Srilanka ‘s Economic Crisis
9. Atmanirbhar Bharat
10. Alternative Fuel-types and importance.
“Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one

General Instructions:
● Neatly write all the answers in your Assignment notebook.
● Attempt the questions keeping in mind the weightage of each question.
● PROJECT WORK to be done separately in A4 size Ruled Sheets (Coloured
sheets or Plain White sheets)
Objectives of Project work:
i) To inculcate a spirit of inquiry and research.
ii) To develop skills of analysis and critical thinking.
iii) To develop an understanding of the changes taking place in the business

Project work:
Choose one topic either from
Principles of Management (to check the status of Fayol principles in a particular
Business Environment (say child labour, women empowerment etc.)
Marketing Management (to develop a product and ascertaining its demand by
treating yourself as a producer/ manufacturer)
Stock Exchange (students need to invest ₹50,000 in an imaginary portfolio of 5
companies and check whether profit is earned or loss is incurred after 10 days.

Details about the project can be found in the following link:-
And further discussion with the subject teacher.
Collect the information, analyze and interpret the results in an assignment register.


1 Marker Questions
1. Aparna company's target production is 8,000 units in a year. To achieve this target
the manager has to operate on double shifts due to power failure most of the time.
The manager is able to produce 8000 units but at a higher production cost. In the
above case give the status of the manager.
(a) Manager was effective
(b) Manager was effective but not efficient
(c) Manager was efficient
(d) Manager was efficient but not effective
2. The goal of the Radha retail store is to increase sales and the goal of the Spastics
Society of India is to impart education to children with special needs. Management
unites the efforts of different individuals in the organization towards achieving these
goals. Identify the characteristics of management discussed above.
(a) Management is all pervasive.
(b) Management is multidimensional.
(c) Management is a goal oriented process.
(d) Management is a continuous process.
3. In a factory, a product is manufactured, in a garment store a customer's need is
satisfied and in a hospital a patient is treated. Management translates their work in
terms of goals to be achieved and assigns the means to achieve it. Identify the
dimension of management discussed here.
(a) Management of operations
(b) Management of work
(c) Management of people
(d) None of these above
4. The management of Roshan Pvt. Ltd. helps the staff members adapt to
environmental changes so that the organisation is able to maintain its competitive
edge. It is one of the reasons that have made management so important. Identify it.
(a) Management helps in achieving group goals.
(b) Management increases efficiency.
(c) Management creates a dynamic organization.
(d) Management helps in achieving personal objectives.
5. Read the text given below and answer the questions (i-iv) based on it.
Three groups of employees of 'Gama Limited' are working at different posts. The
first group of employees is responsible for the welfare and survival of the
organisation. In order to discharge its responsibility properly, this group
continuously keeps a watch over the Business Environment. With a view to coping
with the changes going on in the Business Environment, this group immediately
discusses the change to be brought about in the company's plans. The second group
of employees is responsible for maintaining quality and safety standards, and
minimizing wastages. The responsibility of the third group of employees is to
explain the policies decided by the top management and develop the feeling of
cooperation among all the departments of the company.
(i) Identify the concept of management described in the paragraph given above:
(a) Functions of management
(b) Nature of management
(c) Levels of management
(d) Coordination
(ii) "The first group of employees is responsible for the welfare and survival of the
organization." The above statement is related to which level of management?
(a) Top Level Management
(b) Lower Level Management
(c) Middle
(d) None of these
(iii) "The second group of employees is responsible for maintaining quality and
safety standards, and minimizing wastages."
The above statement highlighted the __________________level of management?
(a) Top
(c) Lower
(b) Middle Level Management
(d) Both (b) and (c)
(iv) "The responsibility of the third group of employees is to explain the policies
decided by the top management and developing the feeling of cooperation among all
the departments of the company."
The above statement explained the functions of the __________________
(a) Lower
(b) Middle
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
3 Marks Questions
6. Certain persons who had done their MBA established 'Alpha Limited' with the aim
of earning justifiable profit and doing service to the society. In order to run their
business successfully they took the help of several people. The people working in the
company were doing different activities. Their activities were different, but their aim
was the same. Here the need was to continue putting in such efforts as may not let
the people lose their aim. Therefore, the arrangement made in the company was such
that the efforts of all the people may lead them towards the same path.
(a) Identify the feature of management described in the paragraph given above.
(b) Also explain two more features of management.
7. The Principal of 'Shivaji Public School, Shri Rakesh Mohan, set up the goal of
'Quality Education' for his school. For the realisation of this goal he made several
plans. His special focus was on the satisfaction of employees. At the end of the year
it was found that all his activities were done successfully in accordance with the
plans made. It took no time for the people to know the news that the school had
accomplished its goal of quality education. Everyone said that it was a miracle
performed by the school management.
(a) Identify the feature of management referred to in the above paragraph.
(b) Also explain two more features of management.
8. Mita has a successful ice cream business at Bikaner, namely 'Smartflavours'. Her
ice creams are utterly delicious. She makes ice creams from fresh milk and the same
are available in a wide range of flavors and packs. She sets viable business
objectives and works with the same in mind in order to ensure that the customers
will come back for purchasing. Having the first mover advantage, her business was
doing well. To earn higher profits, she started cutting costs. This would sometimes
lead to delay in delivery and the ice cream was not reaching the market in time. Over
a period of time, the demand for her ice cream declined and because of it the
competitors entered the market. She lost some of her market share to competitors. At
the beginning of summer season, she got back to back orders for supply of 4,000 ice
cream packs of different flavours for special occasions. To ensure that the task was
completed and orders delivered in time she hired additional workers. She was, thus
able to produce and deliver the ice cream packs but at a high production cost.While
completing activities and finishing the given task for achieving goals, Mita realised
that she was ignoring one of the important aspects of management. Identify the
aspects of management that has been ignored by Mita. Also explain the same with
the help of an example.
4 Marker Questions
9. XYZ Power Ltd. set up a factory for manufacturing solar lanterns in a remote
village as there was no reliable supply of electricity in rural areas. The revenue
earned by the company was sufficient day by day, so the company decided to
increase production to generate higher sales. For this they decided to employ people
from the nearby villages as very few job opportunities were available in that area.
The company also decided to open schools and creches for the children of its
employees. Identify and explain the objectives of management discussed above.
10. Mega Ltd. was manufacturing water-heaters. In the first year of its operations,
the revenue earned by the company was just sufficient to meet its costs. To increase
the revenue, the company analysed the reasons of less revenues. After analysis, the
company decided:
(i) to reduce the labor cost by shifting the manufacturing unit to a backward area
where labor was available at a very low rate.
(ii) to start manufacturing solar water-heaters and reduce the production of electric
water heaters slowly. This will not only help in covering the risks, but also help in
meeting other objectives too.
Identify and explain the objectives of management discussed above.
11. Ashutosh Goenka was working in 'Axe Ltd.', a company manufacturing air
purifiers. He found that the profits had started declining from the last six months.
Profit has an implication for the survival of the firm, so he analyzed the business
environment to find out the reasons for this decline.
(a) Identify the level of management at which Ashutosh Goenka was working.
(b) State three other functions being performed by Ashutosh Goenka.
12. Read the following text and answer the questions (i-iv) on the basis of the same:
Sana is the branch manager of ABC Handicrafts Pvt. Ltd. The company's objective is
to promote the sales of Indian handloom and handicraft products. It sells fabrics,
furnishings, ready-mades and household items made out of traditional Indian fabrics.
Sana decides quantities, variety, color and texture of all the above items and then
allocates resources for their purchase from different suppliers. She appointed a team
of designers and craftspeople in the company, who developed some prints for bed
covers in bright color on silk. Although the products looked very attractive and
impressive, they were relatively expensive on the front of affordability for an
average customer. Sana suggested that they should keep the silk bed covers for
special festive occasions and offer the cotton bed covers on a regular basis to keep
costs under control.
(i) "She appoints a team of designers and crafts people in the company, who
developed some prints for bed covers in bright colour on silk." Which function of
management is highlighted in this context?
(a) Controlling
(c) Planning
(b) Staffing
(d) Directing
(ii) In the above case "company's objective is to promote the sales of Indian
handloom and handicraft products." The above line focus on which feature of
(a) Management is an intangible force.
(c) Management is pervasive in nature.
(b) Management is a goal oriented process.
(d) Management is a continuous process.
(iii) With reference to the above case, at which level of management Sana is
(a) Lower level
(c) Middle level
(b) Top level
(d) Shop floor
(iv) "Sana suggested that they should keep the silk bed covers for special festive
occasions and offer the cotton bed covers on a regular basis to keep costs under
control." Which function of management is highlighted in this context?
(a) Controlling
(c) Organizing
(b) Staffing
(d) Planning
6 Marker Question
13. The Top Management of 'Vrinda Limited' has done proper arrangement for all
the resources of men, machines, material and money for its business. A special
attention has been paid to the running of all the activities properly. Several
competitor companies were using imported modern machines. Influenced by them,
this company also had to install similar machines. The Technology of these
machines were the most sophisticated. Before the employees could protest against
this technology, they were given the training in it. Hence, they accepted the
installation of these machines happily. Some of the employees understood this
technology very soon. The company felt happy with their work and rewarded them.
Its impact on the other employees was also positive. The top management had
directed all the employees to have free and informal communication and give
suggestions, lodge complaints and even talk about their personal matters. Identify
and explain the three points of importance of management described in the paragraph
above by quoting the relevant lines.


Q.1 In an organization, each person should be scientifically selected. Then work
assigned should suit his physical, mental and intellectual capabilities. To increase
efficiency, they should be given the required training. Efficient employees would
produce more and earn more. Which of the following principles of management is
highlighted above? (Choose the correct alternative)
(a) Science, not rule of thumb
(b) Division of work.
(c) Development of each and every person to his/her greatest efficiency and
(d) Remuneration of employees.
(Complete the sentence)
Q.2 Principles of management have been developed on the basis of
Q.3 "Individual principles of management are like different tools serving different
purposes. The manager has to decide which tool to use under what circumstances."
State the characteristic of nature of management principles highlighted above.
Q.4 For greater productivity, work should be divided into small tasks and each
employee should be trained to perform his/her specialised job. This principle is
applicable to a government office where there is a diary/dispatch clerk whose job is
to receive and send mail or documents, a data entry operator whose task is to input
data on the computer, a peon and an officer etc. This principle is also applicable to a
limited company where there are separate departments like Production, Finance,
Marketing and Research and Development (R&D) etc.
(a) Identify and explain the principle of management highlighted in the above para
(b) Identify and state the characteristics of principles of management highlighted in
the above para.
Q.4 A production manager at top level in a reputed corporate, Mr. Rathore holds the
responsibility for ordering raw material for the firm. While deciding on the supplier
for the financial year 2018-19, he gave the order to his cousin at a higher price per
unit instead of the firm's usual supplier who was willing to lower the rates for the
(a) Which principle of management was violated by Mr. Rathore?
(b) What are the positive impacts of following the above identified principle?
Q.5 Define principles of management. Explain the principle of 'Scalar Chain' and
'GangPlank' with the help of a diagram.
Q.6 Explain any four points regarding significance of principles of management.
Q.7 Mr. Sanjeev, a manager, believes that through principles of management do not
provide straitjacket solutions to all managerial problems, yet they cannot be
underestimated because even a small guideline helps to solve a given problem.
Mr.Sanjeev, in dealing with a situation of conflict between two departments, always
emphasizes the primacy of the overall goals of the organization above.
(a) Identify and explain the principles of management followed by Mr. Sanjeev.
(b) Identify and state the characteristics of principles of management highlighted
Accounting is the art of turning chaos into clarity and confusion
into financial wisdom.”

● Prepare the following sheets for the project:

*Bring Balance Sheet of the company chosen for the project.
● Do illustrations of Ch 1 and 2 from T. s. Grewal in Classwork
● Do the following questions in Separate Sheets.
Q.1 A and B are partners in a firm. Their capital accounts showed the balance on April 1,
2015 as ₹4,00,000 and ₹3,00,000 respectively. On August 1, 2015 they introduced further
capitals of ₹50,000 and ₹40,000 respectively. B withdrew ₹ 15,000 from his capital on
March 1, 2016. Interest is allowed @ 6% p.a. on the capitals. Compute interest on capitals
for the year ending March 31,2016

Q.2 A and B are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3 : 1, Their capitals at the
end of the financial year 2016-17 were ₹6,00,000 and ₹3,00,000. During the year 2016-2017,
A’s drawings were ₹80,000 and the drawings of B were ₹40,000, which had been duly debited
to partner's capital accounts. Profit before charging interest on capital for the year was
₹80,000. The same had also been credited in their profit sharing ratio. B had brought additional
capital of ₹70,000 on October 1, 2016. Calculate interest on capital @ 12% p.a. for the year

Q.3 Calculate the interest on drawings of Mr. Arun @ 10% p.a. for the year ended 31st
March, 2017 in each of the following alternative cases :
Case (a) If he withdrew ₹5,000 p.m. in the beginning of every month;
Case (b) If he withdrew ₹5,000 p.m. at the end of every month;
Case (c) If he withdrew ₹5,000 p.m. during the year;
Case (d) If he withdrew ₹60,000 during the year;
Case (e) If he withdrew as follows :

1st June, 2016 20,000
31st August, 2016 10,000
31st Oct, 2016 18,000
1st Feb., 2017 12,000
Case (f) If he withdrew ₹ 15,000 in the beginning of each quarter;
Case (g) If he withdrew ₹ 15,000 at the end of each quarter;
Case (h) If he withdrew ₹15,000 during the middle of each quarter.
Q.4 A and B are partners with capitals of ₹5,00,000 and ₹3,00,000 respectively. The profit for
the year ended 31st March 2019 was ₹3,46,000 before allowing interest on partner’s loan.
Show the distribution of profit after taking the following into consideration:
(i) Interest onA’s Loan of ₹1,50,000 to the firm provided on 1st April, 2018.
(ii) Interest on capital to be allowed @ 5% p.a.
(iii) Interest on drawings @ 6% p.a. Drawings were A ₹60,000 and B ₹40,000.
(iv) B is to be allowed a Commission of 2% on sales. Sales for the year were ₹30,00,000.
(v) 10% of the divisible profits is to be kept in a Reserve Account.
Q.5 X and Y are partners with a profit sharing ratio of 1 : 2 with capitals of ₹4,00,000 and
₹6,00,000 respectively. On 1st October, 2018Xand Ygranted loans of ₹ 1,00,000 and ₹60,000
respectively to the firm. Distribute the profit/losses amongst the partners for the year ended
31st March, 2019 in each of the following cases:
Case (a) If the profit before interest for the year amounted to ₹ 12,000.
(b) If the profit before interest for the year amounted to ₹3,000.
(c) If the loss before interest for the year amounted to ₹7,500.

Q.6 X, Y and Z have been sharing profits in the ratio of 2 : 2 : 1 respectively. Z wants that he
should be given equal share in profits with X and Y and he further wants that the change in
the profits sharing ratio should come into effect retrospectively for the last three yea₹ X and
Y have no objection to this. The profit for last three years were, ₹52,000, ₹44,200 and ₹51,610.
Show the adjustment of profit for the last three years by means of a Journal entry.
Q.7 Himanshu and Vikrant are partners in a firm and share profits equally. Their Balance
Sheet as at March 31, 2017 is as follows:
BALANCE SHEET as at March 31, 2017

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount

₹ ₹

Capitals : Fixed Assets 3,60,000

Himanshu 2,00,000 Current Assets 40,000

Vikrant 1,40,000 3,40,000

Creditors 60,000
4,00,000 4,00,000

During the year 2016-17, Himanshu’s Drawings were ₹30,000 and Vikrant’s Drawings were
₹40,000. During the year 2016-17 the firm earned profit of ₹ 1,00,000. While distributing
profits for the year 2016-17, interest on capital @ 5% per annum and interest on drawings
@12% per annum were ignored.
Showing your workings clearly, pass necessary rectifying entry.

Q.8 Aman, Babita and Suresh are partners in a firm. Their profit-sharing ratio is 2:2:1. However,
Suresh is guaranteed a minimum amount of ₹10,000 as share of profit every year. Any
deficiency arising on that account shall be met by Babita.The profits for the two years ending
31st March, 2016 and 2017 were ₹40,000 and ₹60,000 respectively. Prepare Profit and Loss
Appropriation Account for the two years.
Q9. B and C are partners sharing profits and losses equally. They agree to admit D for
equal share. For this purpose goodwill is to be valued at 3 year’s purchase of average
profits of last 5 years which were as follows :
Year ending on 31st March 2013 60,000 (Profit)
Year ending on 31st March 2014 1,50,000 (Profit)
Year ending on 31st March 2015 20,000 (Loss)
Year ending on 31st March 2016 Profit 2,00,000 (Profit)
Year ending on 31st March 2017 1,85,000 (Profit)
On 1st October, 2016 a computer costing ₹40,000 was purchased and debited to office
expenses account on which depreciation is to be charged @25% p.a. Calculate the value of
Q10. Following information is available about the business of a firm :
(i) Profits : In 2013, ₹40,000; In 2014, ₹50,000; In 2015, ₹60,000, (ii) Nonrecurring income of
₹ 1,000 is included in the profits of 2014, (iii) Profits of 2013 have been reduced by ₹6,000
because goods were destroyed by fire, (iv) Goods have not been insured but it is thought to
insure them in future. The insurance premium is estimated at ₹400 per year, (v) Reasonable
remuneration of the proprietor of business is ₹6,000 per year, but it has not been taken into
account for calculation of above mentioned profits, (vi) Profits of 2015 include ₹5,000 income
on investment.
Goodwill is agreed to be valued at two year’s purchase of the weighted average profits of the
past three yea₹ The appropriate weights to be used are :—
2013 1; 2014 2; 2015 3.

Q.11 The following information relates to a partnership firm :

(a) Profits for the last five years :
2012 ₹ 80,000
2015 ₹1,50,000
2013 ₹1,00,000
2016 ₹2,70,000
2014 ₹2,00,000
(b) Average Capital Employed is ₹5,00,000.
(c) Rate of normal profit 20%.
Find out the value of goodwill on the basis of
Three year’s purchase of average profits
Three year’s purchase of super profits.
(iii) Capitalisation of super profits.


Practical 1: Create a database with your name, list all the databases and open the database
with your name

Practical 2: Create the following table using SQL statements. And also show its structure

Practical 3: Insert and display following data in Client table using SQL statements.
Practical 4: List records of all clients who are not from Bombay.

Practical 5: Display Different cities .

Practical 6: Delete the details of a client whose name contain ‘van’

Practical 7: Delete client table.

Practical 8: Create a table ‘Club’ with proper Integrity constraints and insert data as

given below:
Note: coachid as primary key

Coachname unique

Age not null

Pay should be greater than 0

Sports not null

Gender default as M

Practical 9: Display information about coaches whose name starts with K or pay is at least
1500 or both.

Practical 10: Write a query to display a report showing coachname, pay, age and bonus (15%
of pay) for all coaches.

Practical 11: Display information about all male coaches.

Practical 12: Find the min, max, sum, and average of the pay in a club table.

Practical 13: Find the total number of coaches from each sport using group by.
Practical 14: Write command to display the output as

Practical 15: Consider the following table Movie and display all movies which fall in the
category of Comedy or Action.

Practical 16: Consider the table Movie and display all movies which have not been released yet.

Practical 17: Consider the table Movie and display net profit of each movie showing its ID,
Name and Net Profit.
(Hint: NetProfit = BusinessCost –ProductionCost)
Make sure that the new column name is labelled as NetProfit.
Practical 18:Write a query to convert all movie names to lowercase.
Practical 19: Write a query to extract month name from release date.
Practical 20: Write the output of the following query (Select MovieiID, substr(MovieName,2,4)
from Movie where Movieid in (005,006)
Practical 21: Consider the following table ‘Stock’ and display all items which name begins with ‘s’
in descending order of rate

Practical 21: consider the table ‘stock’ and list item name and quantity which rate lies
between 50 to 100 rupees.

Practical 22:
Practical 23: Write a query to join two tables product and supplier on the basis of sid

Practical 24: Write a Query to find the cartesian Product or cross join of Product and
Supplier table.

Practical 25: Write a query to find pname,sid, sname who have matching sid .
Practical 26: Write a query to add one more column in product table name qty integer
Practical 27: Write a query to rename column pname as prodname.
Practical 28: Write a query to delete sname column from table supplier.
Practical 29: Write a query to change pname ball with the ball pen.
Practical 30: What will be the output of the following statement?
Select * from product natural join supplier.

A Sample of doing question in practical file

In a word file first paste the question, than paste the screenshot of command and also
paste the screenshot of the output/query ok

‘History is the study of the past, which helps us to understand our present
and shape our future’.

Students need to make a project file on any one of the following topics-
1. The Indus Valley Civilization- Archaeological Excavations and New
2. The History and Legacy of Mauryan Empire
3. ‘Mahabharata’- The Great Epic of India
4. The History and Culture of the Vedic period
5. Buddha Charita
6. A Comprehensive History of Jainism
7. Bhakti Movement- Multiple interpretations and commentaries
8. ‘The Mystical Dimensions of Sufism’
9. Global legacy of Gandhian ideas
10. The Archaeological Culture of Vijayanagar Empire
11. Life of women in the Mughal rural society
12. Comparative Analysis of the Land Revenue Systems introduced
by the Britishers in India
13. The Revolt of 1857- Causes, Planning & Coordination;
Leadership; Vision of unity
14. The Philosophy of Guru Nanak Dev
15. The Vision of Kabir
16. An insight into the Indian Constitution
17. Comparative Study of Stupas and Pillar Edicts
18. Comparative study of Mughal and Vijayanagar architecture
- Select any one topic of your interest and do complete research on it
using your NCERT and other sources.
- File should be handwritten.
- It should have creative ideas, pictures and maps(wherever required).

Revise all chapters done in the class till now.

"The method of political science is the interpretation of life; its instrument is

insight, a nice understanding of subtle, unformulated conditions."
~ Woodrow Wilson

A. PROJECT WORK FOR BOARDS: kindly read the details of the project
work carefully. Decide a topic from the syllabus as given below.
► Do research and collect data, pictures, newspaper clippings to make your
project interesting.
► Project should not be less than 30 pages
► Project should be handwritten
► Make the project presentable, interesting and relevant with contemporary

Details of Project Work

1. The Project work will be of 20 marks.
2. Out of 20 marks, 10 marks are to be allotted to viva voce and 10
marks for project work.

Topics for Project Work

Part A: Contemporary World Politics
1 The End of Bipolarity
2 New Centers of Power
3 South Asia and the Contemporary World
4 United Nations and its Organizations
5 Security in Contemporary World

6 Environment and Natural Resources

7 Globalization
Part B: Politics in India Since Independence

8 Challenges of Nation-Building
9 Planning and Development
10 India's Foreign Policy
11 Parties and the Party Systems in India
12 Democratic Resurgence
13 Social and New Social Movements in India
14 Regional Aspirations
15 Indian Politics: Trends and Developments

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