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CAT A - Question 4

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Compulsory – 60 marks: PUPIL RESPONSE


Aim: Through research, you will be required to identify and discuss injustices that surround
the unethical practices of a specific company and to unpack various aspects pertaining
to this theme. The skills of problem-solving, reflection and analysis will be required to
respond adequately to the questions in this section.

We have now established that almost all of the products that we consume, have an
environmental and/or social justice price tag and that we do not need to stop consuming
altogether, but that it is more about having a conscious attitude while consuming.

The burden of addressing extreme consumerism cannot and should not be placed solely
on the individual. Instead, companies which have their own self-centred interests to make
a profit must also be held accountable. To create real change for vulnerable groups and the
environment, society must make the shift away from extreme consumerism through
extensive structural shifts. This must be a collaborative effort. What is needed is a
restructuring across all sectors of the economy towards valuing fewer, but higher quality,

Watch (These will help you respond to Q4 – make notes):

• The Turning Point (3,27 mins):

• Conscious Consumerism (3 mins):
• The story of Solutions (9 mins):
• The Story of Change (6,28 mins):

[Steps to sustainably use consumer goods,

[< <
consumerism>, accessed 26/12/2022] consumerism>, accessed 26/12/2022]

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Task Instructions – Learner Response

Identify a specific area of injustice (mass manipulation of the public, deceitful green-
washing/woke-washing, exploitation of workers, child, or slave labour and/or callous
environmental ruin) at any point along the service chain (primary, secondary, or tertiary
sector) of an industry and research and respond to the requirements outlined below.

A. Content [35]

Research (compulsory) and analyse this issue under the following subheadings.

5.1 Briefly discuss the nature of the industry and the sector you have selected.

4.2 Discuss the injustice(s) fully to understand the causative factors and the
negative effects on people or on the environment (or negative influences).

4.3 Design and discuss, in detail, a remediation intervention strategy that will
directly target the problem area(s) you have identified. One that includes the
government, the industry itself and individuals in society, that brings light to the
public and suggests a way forward. (Provide realistic and viable strategies that
discuss who must be involved, what must be done and how it can be achieved).

4.4 Identify and unpack your own specific role and level of involvement in the
above intervention (be authentic – consider your current skill sets, passions,
talents, and future desired qualifications etc.).

4.5 In addition, include a small response on how you plan to be a conscious

consumer or an influencer for change on a personal level.

B. Presentation [20]

Presentation may take ONE of the following formats:

Written Research Report – THIS IS NOT AN ESSAY

Write a professionally presented report on your research findings and a detailed, written
account of your intervention proposal. Your report must include both text and images.
Chosen images must be well integrated, add value to your content, and be
professionally represented within the report. A minimum of 20 visuals must be included.

Use the following sub-headings in this presentation format:

1. Cover page
2. The scope and purpose of the report (4.1.1 and a summary of the issues
identified in 4.1.2)
3. Research findings or results, principal conclusions, or significance of the
findings (4.1.2 unpacked in detail)
4. Recommendations and a way forward (4.1.3 unpacked in detail)
5. Personal note (4.1.4 and 4.1.5)

Your final presentation can be submitted in hard copy or in digital format. Your final
result depends on how thoroughly you respond to the content and presentation
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A digital Educational and Persuasive Appeal (Audio & Visual Recording)

You are required to create a video educational appeal to educate the public on your
selected issue. You must include your response to the content requirement, video
footage and images. You may film actual contexts and interview key people yourself
or download a variety of digital content off the internet (no less than 5 videos and
15 images) and create your own compilation.

You must answer all the required content yourself (own voice-over or video of you
speaking) to give your target audiences a convincing and credible action plan. Length
of presentation (± 5 minutes) and your final result depends on how thoroughly you
respond to the content and presentation requirements.

A hard copy transcript (your content planning) must be submitted with your digital

C. Reference List [5]

A reference list must be included. Please ensure that you use a recognised academic
referencing format.

[Total of Question 4: 60 marks]

Refer to the Marking Criteria overleaf

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Name: __________________________________________________ Class: __________


CONTEXT OF ISSUE 15–12 11/10 9–6 5–0
A holistic overview of the All elements have All elements have All elements have All elements have
problematic context has been discussed been discussed been discussed. been very poorly
been given. The learner in thorough well. Good insight But there are discussed. Major
unpacks the following: – detail. into the problem missing links in discrepancies
• 4.1: Briefly describe the Outstanding has been the information. It exist.
industry & sector (4) insight of the demonstrated. lacks complexity.
• 4.2: Explain the injustice problem has Minor omissions.
– causative factors (5) been
and affects (6) demonstrated.
ACTION PLAN 20–16 15–12 11–8 7–0
Action Plan: The learner All elements have All elements have All elements have All elements have
gives a detailed account been discussed been discussed been discussed. been discussed,
of the intervention plan. in thorough well. Good insight Satisfactory but the response
The plan details the detail. into the solution insight has been lacks substance
practical step by step Outstanding has been demonstrated, and no insight
actions that will be creative insight demonstrated. there are, has been shown
needed to bring relief in demonstrated however, gaps in OR only some
the area. The following is within the the detail. elements have
discussed: solution. been discussed.
• 4.3: The steps & There are major
resources required to gaps in detail.
be taken to bring
remediation. All stake
holders are
considered (12)
• 4.4: Student's own role
in proposed action plan
is discussed (5)
• 4.5: Personal plan for
consumption (3)
PRESENTATION 20–16 15–12 11–8 7–0
The supporting and The presentation The presentation The presentation The presentation
creative elements has been highly has been has been has not been
(accompanying images, professionally professionally somewhat professionally
experts, visuals, music delivered. The delivered. The professionally delivered; it is
etc.) are suitable and supporting supporting delivered. The rather juvenile in
possess sufficient quality elements are elements are supporting its delivery.
to add value to the choice highly complementary elements are The supporting
of presentation. The complementary for the somewhat elements do not
visual elements of the for the presentation complementary complement the
presentation are emotive presentation choice and add for the presentation and
and appealing and clearly choice and add good value to the presentation are very limited.
add to the demonstration excellent value to overall choice and add There is little
of the overall appeal. The the overall informative some value to the informative
presentation has been informative appeal. overall appeal.
professionally compiled appeal. informative
and delivered according appeal.
to instructions.
REFERENCES 5 4 3/2 1/0
A reference list has been A reference list A reference list A reference list Only the URLs
included in a recognised has been has been has been are provided, or
academic format. included in the included, but included. Many no reference list
correct format. there are minor errors or lack of has been
errors in formatting. included.
*Note that the above mark allocations demand high quality and detailed responses.
Limited and superficial responses will not be awarded any marks.

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