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14SMB Group Project April 2024

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School of Business & Accountancy

Diploma in Business Studies

Sustainability Management in Business

14SMB (013700) and 77SMB (013701)

Part A- Group Project (30%)

Part B- Individual Reflection (10%)

 Objectives of the Assignment

 Task Descriptions and Requirements

 Evaluation Criteria
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 Part A- Group Project (30%)
 Part B- Individual Reflection (10%)

Objectives of the Assignment

1. Provide students with a real-world creative problem-solving experience,

where they apply the knowledge acquired in the classroom to a practical
scenario with an opportunity to showcase their skills and talents to
professionals in their field of interest.
2. Develop research and information-gathering skills to understand a particular
industry, company, or product deeply.
3. Develop content creation skills.
4. Foster collaboration, teamwork, and communication skills among participants.
5. Develop leadership, strategic thinking, and innovation.
6. Evaluate and analyse experiences for personal growth and learning.

Task Descriptions and Requirements

Part A- Group Project (30%)

Problem Statement

" Promoting Waste Sorting Awareness to Address the Lack of Sustainable

Practices in Our Community "

In our community, the lack of awareness and knowledge about effective waste
sorting practices has led to improper disposal and environmental impact,
presenting a significant challenge to creating a sustainable and eco-friendly
environment. The primary goal of the group project is to address this issue
through a multifaceted approach to inspire and enable our community to
embrace sustainable waste management practices, ultimately contributing to a
cleaner, healthier environment for all.

First, you will propose creative, innovative, and feasible solutions addressing the
community's struggle with waste recycling, particularly in recycling PET bottles
or Ink Cartridges & ink Bottles (choose one). These solutions will provide
practical guidance and easy-to-implement strategies to empower individuals in
our community to make informed decisions and take meaningful actions towards
waste reduction and environmental conservation.

Additionally, you will create one educational short video on REEL or TikTok,
which will be shared on our community partner's social media. This video will be
an engaging and informative tool, educating the community about proper waste
sorting and showcasing the proposed solutions visually and compellingly.

How to Start

Research and Understand the Problem

Research and understanding the problem statement is a crucial step in any
group project. Your group must gather as much information as possible about the

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community partner and their activities and initiatives. This knowledge will help
your group develop effective strategies and solutions.

When conducting research, focus on understanding the community partner's

mission, goals, and the impact they aim to make. By gaining insights into their
objectives, your group can align your efforts with their vision and create solutions
that address their needs.

Additionally, gathering information about the community partner's target

audience, stakeholders, and any ongoing projects or programs is beneficial. This
will provide a comprehensive understanding of the context in which the
community partner operates and allow your group to identify potential areas of
collaboration or improvement.

Develop a Strategy
Identify the key issues and opportunities and devise a clear action plan. Your
group must research deeply, analyse data, and brainstorm potential solutions.

Encourage open discussion within your group to generate potential solutions,

considering different perspectives and approaches. Assess each solution's
feasibility and impact, considering available resources, timeline, and likely
outcomes. Prioritise the solutions that best align with the community partner's
needs and have a higher chance of success.

Use data analysis tools, industry reports, and other resources to gather the
necessary information to support your solution.

Share your strategy to get input, feedback and valuable insights. Be open to
adjustments and refinements based on feedback and any new information.
Flexibility is key to continuous improvement.

Create a Presentation & Short Video Content

Prepare a persuasive presentation deck to outline your solutions and their
reasoning, including the Short Video Content. Every student in the group must
speak during the presentation.

When creating your content video for REEL or TikTok, it's important to consider
the following requirements:
 Video Length: Minimum of 15 to a maximum of 60 seconds.
 Video Format: Vertical videos that fill the whole screen.
 Content Optimisation: To make your video engaging and captivating with a
hook to grab the viewers' attention within the first 3 seconds of the video, cut and
edit your video to keep it visually dynamic and hold viewers' attention. Consider
adding captions to your video to enhance accessibility and engagement. Lastly,
use an impactful cover photo that represents your video content effectively.

Tips: Practice and refine your presentation: Rehearse your presentation several times to refine
your delivery and ensure your group is confident and articulate.

The Judges
Your assignment will be co-marked by our community partner. You might want to
address them at the beginning of your presentation deck.

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Group Project materials submission on 26 July 2024, 12 PM.

Group Project presentation on Week 16, from 29 July 2024.

Submit your Group Project materials in the folder on Brightspace in this format:
SMB_Class_GroupName >, e.g. SMB_TB01_GreenPower

There will be a penalty for the late submission of the assignment. For each day
past the deadline, 10% of the total possible mark will be deducted, up to a
maximum of 7 calendar days. After which, a zero mark will be given.

Part B- Individual Reflection (10%)

Evaluate the Results

After working on the group project, reflect on your experience with this module
and the group project, what you learned, and what you could have done better.

The reflection is class work and will be held on Week 17, starting 5 August 2024,
during the scheduled tutorial time and venue.

Submit a written reflection (maximum two pages) using the prompts that will be
provided during the scheduled tutorial time.

Evaluation Criteria

Part A
Group Project

Problem-Solving Approach 20 marks

The quality and originality of the solution proposed, how well the problem was understood, and how well the
solution addresses the challenge.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data 15 marks

The accuracy, relevance and completeness of the data used to support the solution.

Creativity and Innovation 15 marks

The originality and creativity of the solution, how well the team thinks outside the box and the level of
innovation in their proposal.

Quality and Effectiveness of Video Content 20 marks

The video's overall quality, clarity, and effectiveness in conveying the solution (audio and visual quality,
editing). The ability of the video to engage the audience and effectively communicate the problem, solution,
and its impact (factors such as storytelling, persuasive techniques, and audience appeal)

Overall Feasibility and Practicality 10 marks

How well can the solution be implemented in real-life situations.

Presentation Material 5 marks

The clarity and effectiveness of the team's presentation, including the visual aids and the ability to articulate
the solution and its key points.

Teamwork, Collaboration, and Time Management 5 marks

The ability of the team to work together and collaborate effectively, including the distribution of tasks and
responsibilities. The efficient and effective use of time during the presentation recording and preparation.
Total 90 marks (30%)
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Part B
Individual Reflection

Evaluation of Performance 10 marks

Reflection on the new knowledge, skills, experiences, 10 marks

strength and weaknesses
Areas for Improvement 5 marks
Students to give examples

Writing 5 marks
Quality of the student's writing (clarity, organisation, and appropriate language)
Total 30 marks (10%)

Grand Total 120 marks (40%)


Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the academic
work they submit. A student's submitted work, presentations, tests, examinations,
reports, and projects must be that of his/her work. Students shall be guilty of a
violation if they:

a) Represent the work of others as their own

b) Use or obtain unauthorised assistance in any academic work
c) Give unauthorised assistance to other students
d) Misrepresent the content of submitted work

Students who commit the plagiarism offence are subject to the disciplinary
procedures outlined in the Ngee Ann Plagiarism Policy. For more information,
please visit

Use of Generative AI

Generative AI tools are permitted to be used in Part A of this assessment

only. Students assume full responsibility for the accuracy of the information
provided in the Disclosure Statement. Not properly providing references for
materials produced by generative AI tools shall be deemed as a plagiarism

Prepared by : Ms Candy Jill Wong

Module Leader

Date : 27 March 2024

--- END ---

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Disclosure Statement

Part 1
[Put an "X" in the appropriate box(es) below]
I/ We declare that no generative AI tool has been used in this
[End of declaration]
I/ We declare that generative AI tools have been used in this assessment.
[Continue to Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 below]

Part 2
Specify the generative AI tools used and the respective purposes.
Generate materials for Improve the academic tone Others
background research and accuracy of language, [Specify use below]
Note: Materials produced by including grammatical
generative AI tools need to structures, punctuation
be referenced to avoid and vocabulary
plagiarism [Put an "X" in the appropriate
[Put an "X" in the appropriate box(es) below]
box(es) below]
name of
Official (Closed) - Non Sensitive

Part 3
List the prompts used in the generative AI tools
Generative AI Prompt/ Link for Chat Content

* Refer to to create shareable links for various AI tools.

Part 4
[Put an "X" in the box below]
I/ We acknowledge that I/ we have checked and verified the output of the generative AI tools.

I/ We acknowledge that I/ we have adapted and modified the output of the generative AI tools for this

I/ We acknowledge that the following records will be kept and may be requested from me/ us.
 Drafts of work before/ during the use of the generative AI tools
 History of use of generative AI tools for this assessment

Disclosure Statement adapted from

acknowledging-the-use-of-generative-artificial-intelligence and

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