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Forensic Autopsy Protocol

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140 Part 4 Records and Reports

Section 404.3
Case Files
Regardless of whether you develop investigative protocols it is incumbent upon you to maintain as thorough
and organized set of investigative files as possible. The investigative files should include but not be restricted
to the following: all reports, investigator's notes, sketches and death scene photographs, reports of autopsy and
laboratory analyses of evidence, copies of all forms completed by the coroner to include chain-of-custody forms
and laboratory request forms. The major objective is to maintain as complete and proper file as possible.

Section 501
Autopsy Protocol
Section 501.1 Overview.............................................................................................................................. 115
Section 501.2 Ordering an Autopsy............................................................................................................ 115
Section 501.3 Autopsy Protocol.................................................................................................................. 117

Section 501.1
Coroners may find the following definition of forensic pathology useful to their work. Forensic pathology is
the branch of medical practice that produces evidence useful in the criminal justice administration, public health
and public safety. Under this definition are three key elements: Cause of Death, Manner of Death and
Mechanism of Death.
The cause of death related to the disease, injury or abnormality that alone or together in some combination
initiates the physical and biological malfunctions that eventually leads to death. The cause of death can be
thought of in terms of underlying or immediate cause of death. For example, a driver of an automobile dies in
a single vehicle accident. The autopsy discloses that the driver had a blood alcohol level of 0.25 and the driver's
heart had been pierced by a metal rod. The underlying cause of death would be penetrating trauma to the chest,
the mechanism of death would be heart failure due to the penetrating metal rod, and acute alcohol intoxication
would be listed as a contributing factor.
The manner of death pertains to the way the death occurred. Social relationships and personal causation
are two elements involved in determining manner of death. Examples are the self-inflicted injuries of a suicide
victim and the fatal injuries incurred as a result of an accidental fire in a home. The usual classifications of
death are: natural, accident, suicide, homicide or undetermined.
The mechanism of death refers to the process of death, in which failure of one or more vital organs due
to injury, disease or natural events. For example, the mechanism of death for many diabetics is kidney
failure. Other body organs, such as the liver, are adversely affected by kidney failure and death may follow.
The actual cause of death may be due to heart or liver failure, but the diabetes was responsible for initiating
the death process.

Section 404 Investigator’s Reports and Case Files

Part 5 Autopsy Procedures 141

Caution: The pathologist will, or may, offer both a cause and manner of death in his/her report of the post-
mortem. However, the coroner is not bound by this report in determining manner of death. Often you will have
additional information that was gathered at the death scene. This additional information and the results of the
autopsy will often allow you to reach a more accurate determination of the manner of death.

Note: If there is a disagreement with the findings of the pathologist, the coroner and pathologist should strive
to arrive at a consensual view. This is necessary, as such a disagreement could prove embarrassing to one or
both parties, if it is brought out in court at a later date.

Note: The mechanism of death should not be noted on the death certificate. (It is unnecessary and could create
confusion or doubt in non-medical personnel.)

Section 501.2
Ordering an Autopsy
An autopsy is not required in every coroner's case; However, if in doubt, request an autopsy be performed.
Normally, a decedent's body is the property of the next of kin (spouse, child, parent, brother or sister,
nearest relative, guardian or executor of the estate). However, in deaths that are unusual, unnatural or
suspicious in nature the state has an overriding interest which supersedes the interests of the family. The
coroner has a responsibility to order an autopsy on cases that are of interest to the state. Coroner's are protected
from liability when ordering an autopsy in good faith.
In Indiana the person performing the autopsy must be a pathologist certified by the American Board of
Pathology in anatomic pathology, or a physician responsible to such a person. A coroner can not cut into or
remove any part of a decedent's body under your jurisdiction, unless you meet the above stated qualifications.

Exceptions to this is the aspiration (drawing or taking) of blood, urine, or other body fluid for chemical analysis
if an autopsy is considered unnecessary.

Caution: Do not take any fluids if an autopsy is planned, as this will introduce artifacts; e.g., puncture wounds
on the body area from which you draw the fluids.

An autopsy is not required in every coroner's case. Whether or not to obtain an autopsy is probably the
hardest decision a coroner will have to make. Financial and family pressures often go against the coroner’s
desire for an autopsy. The coroner should obtain an autopsy, if required, despite these pressures.
The coroner has the authority to order an autopsy by Indiana Statute. (See Section 104.3, Coroner’s
Investigation of Death.) The county must provide the funds for post mortem examinations. Unnecessary
autopsies also waste time and resources for everyone. Therefore, the coroner should carefully pick those cases
requiring an autopsy. Veteran coroners (and pathologists) have been known to make mistakes. However, the
mistake is nearly always in not obtaining an autopsy when needed. If you are unsure in a particular case, you
should call a colleague or a member of the Indiana State Coroners Training Board.

Note: Family members, initially opposed to an autopsy being performed, will normally be grateful later. (If
they are not, be suspicious of them.)

When the cause and manner of death cannot be established at the death scene an autopsy is required. A
death case with an obvious cause and manner of death may require an autopsy for legal documentation. In such
cases, knowledge of specific mechanics of death are desired; e.g.; determination of fatal wounds, contribution
of any natural disease to the cause of death and the elapsed time between the moment of fatal injury and

Section 501 Autopsy Protocol

142 Part 5 Autopsy Procedures

physiological death. Generally, you will want to ask specific questions when ordering an autopsy; however,
in some cases you may order an autopsy based on heuristic (gut level) feelings. In these latter cases, you may
"feel" that something is not right after completing your investigation of the death scene. Every good investigator
will follow his/her instincts on occasion. Thus, it is to your advantage to occasionally follow your own instincts
or gut feelings about a particular case. If in doubt, request an autopsy be performed.

§ 501.2.1
Determining If an Autopsy Is Required
The Indiana State Coroners Training Board (ISCTB) has provided guidance to coroners in ordering autopsies.
The ISCTB provided a list of questions to help coroners determine whether or not an autopsy is necessary. If
you can answer "Yes" to all the questions you do not need to order an autopsy. You have sufficient evidence
to sign off the case. If you answer "No" to more than two of the questions, then you definitely need an autopsy.
The questions are:
1. Has the possibility of homicide been eliminated?
2. Does external examination of the body give adequate evidence of the cause of death?
3. Have necessary toxicological specimens been obtained?
4. Is there no chance of civil litigation being filed?
5. Will the evidence of suicidal intent stand up in court?
6. Is the decedent well known in the area?
7. Was the event witnessed by more than one person?
8. Was there documented evidence of disease if an apparent natural death
9. Have the next of kin accepted the death? Are they likely to harbor guilt feelings?
10. Did symptoms precede the death if an apparent natural death?
11. Was the deceased not in a motor vehicle?
12. Was the deceased not in the workplace?
13. Has the body been positively identified?

§ 501.2.2
Cases That Always Require an Autopsy
There are some cases that always require an autopsy. The ISCTB has provided the following list of
circumstances that require an autopsy:
1. Fire deaths, when the body is altered by fire or the carbon monoxide saturation is below 20%.
2. Homicides or any cases in which another person is in anyway a possible factor in the death.
3. Apparent suicides that are without clear evidence of intent, such as those without a note.
4. Drivers in single car accidents.
5. Pilots involved in aircraft crashes.

6. Occupation related deaths.

7. Unwitnessed "accidents."
8. Accidents in which natural disease cannot be ruled out as a factor.
9. Cases where civil litigation may evolve.
10. Deaths of persons in official custody.
11. Sudden, unexpected deaths of children, especially if they are under two years of age.

§ 501.2.3
Autopsy Determinations
The importance of autopsies can be illustrated by knowing what information may be obtained through this
procedure. The ISCTB has listed a number of things that may be determined from an autopsy. They are:

Section 501 Autopsy Protocol

Part 5 Autopsy Procedures 143

1. Establish decedent's identity.

2. Establish the cause of death.
3. Determine the mechanism of death.
4. Confirm the manner of death.
5. Confirm medical history.
6. Separate complicating medical factors.
7. Rule out disease or factors harmful to public health.
8. Facilitate adequate photography of wounds.
9. Establish direction of force.
10. Correlate wounding and object producing the wound(s).
11. Determine time interval between wound(s) received and death.
12. Establish sequence of events.
13. Retrieve an article involved in mode of death, such as a bullet.
14. Obtain and examine trace evidence such as hairs, stains, and seminal fluid.
15. Obtain specimens for toxicology.
16. Establish order of death in situations where more than one family member has been killed.
17. To document all injuries in order to answer any future questions that are unknown at the time of the

§ 501.2.4
Ordering of Autopsy by Person Other than the Coroner
There are four situations in which persons other than the coroner may order an autopsy. First the county
prosecuting attorney may mandate the coroner to order an autopsy, if the coroner fails to order one on his/her
own volition. When this occurs, funds from the coroner's budget must be used to pay for the autopsy.
Second, the county health officer may order an autopsy if the death could be a threat to public health. Third,
the judge of the Circuit Court may order an autopsy, over the objection of the decedent's family or next of
kin. Fourth, the family or next of kin always have the right to order an autopsy.

Note: In the latter case the cost of the autopsy may be borne by the family if the coroner does not justify the
legal need.

Section 501.3
Autopsy Protocol
The autopsy is an important tool in establishing the manner of death and cause of death.

Note: Negative findings are, or may be, more important than positive findings. You should call the pathologist
for explanations regarding the autopsy findings.

Coroners should wait on a pathologist's report before rendering a cause of death. The following Autopsy
Protocol is included as an information resource for the lay person. It is not as comprehensive in detail as an
Autopsy Protocol for pathologists or medical personnel. However, it should be of assistance to the lay person
in interpreting and understanding data contained in an autopsy report.

Note: The pathologist will generally note a cause of death and manner of death. The coroner may record a
manner of death that is independent, and different, from that of the pathologist. However, any disagreement
between a pathologist's and coroner's determination of the manner of death should be based on material fact and
data not available to the pathologist. This information must be able to withstand the scrutiny of judicial review.

Section 501 Autopsy Protocol

144 Part 5 Autopsy Procedures

Note: Any board certified pathologist may conduct coroner’s autopsies in Indiana. However, in death cases
with obvious or suspected legal ramifications it may be desirable to obtain the services of a Forensic Pathologist
(See Part 2, Section 201.4 and Section 202.4.) The forensic pathologist is familiar with the medicolegal issues
incurred in the criminal justice process. Also, they are normally qualified and willing to provide expert
testimony at a judicial trial or hearing. It is suggested that coroners check with local pathologists as to their
willingness to participate in the criminal justice process. If they are not willing, death cases of potential or
actual interest to criminal justice agencies should be handled by forensic pathologists.

Autopsy Protocol
1) Preliminary Procedures
2) Summary of Known Circumstances
3) Documents Reviewed And/or Evidence Examined
4) External Examination of Body
5) Victim Identification Procedures
6) Internal Examination of Body
7) General Description of Body Organs
8) Specific Description of Wounds or Injuries
9) Establish Evidential Chain-of-custody
10) Record of Specimens Retained and Examinations Performed

Step 1: Preliminary Procedures. This includes the taking of detailed notes of the post-mortem. The date,
time, location and circumstances of the autopsy are recorded. The prosector(s), witnesses and other personnel
are identified. Also, any special item, such as embalming information is noted.

Step 2: Summary of Known Circumstances. This a short, concise version of the known facts about the
decedent. It will generally contain the victim's age, race and sex. It will have a brief description of the death
scene and the circumstances in which the victim's body was found. Also, it may contain information pertaining
to the victim's last known activities or plans if known.

Step 3: Documents Reviewed And/or Evidence Examined. At a minimum the pathologist may review
reports of investigation or conversations with official personnel that pertain to the victim's death. Evidence
obtained at the death scene involving a known, or potential interest, to criminal justice agencies is generally
beneficial to the pathologist. For example, a knife recovered from the body of a stabbing victim would be of
interest to the pathologist. It would be instrumental in determining if wounds and injuries found on the body
could have been made by the suspect knife.

Step 4: External Examination of Body. Space precludes a comprehensive list of everything involved in the
external examination. However, the following is generally examined, or noted, during this phase of the autopsy:
The victim's clothing; and inventory of jewelry, valuables and evidence recovered; body weight and length;
presence of algor, rigor or livor mortis; general condition of the body; description of the color and condition of
head and body hair, examination of the nose and mouth to include dental examination; external condition of
body areas to include the breasts, genitalia, ears and skin; any scars or incisions; any puncture marks to include
those of needles; and, specific injuries noted, such as stab wounds, gunshot wounds or blunt instrument injuries.

Section 501 Autopsy Protocol

Part 5 Autopsy Procedures 145

Algor mortis is the post-mortem loss of heat from the body.

Livor mortis is the post-mortem discoloration caused by the settling of blood to the lowest parts of the body.
Rigor mortis is the post-mortem stiffening of the body musculature as a result of chemical changes in the
dying muscles.

Step 5: Victim Identification Procedures. The following procedures will normally be applied in all cases
where the identity of the victim is unknown. They may also be appropriate in cases where the victim's identity
is probable but cannot be determined through visual means; e.g., victim's facial features have been altered or
destroyed by injury. The general procedures include the following:
· Fingerprints

· Dental examination
· X-rays (Note: Circumstances may result in X-rays being taken prior to the external examination.)
· Photographing victim (Note: External scars or tattoos may be instrumental in identifying an unknown
· Clothing

Step 6: Internal Examination of Body. A visual evaluation by the pathologist provides a general gross
description of body organs, to include weight, appearance and any abnormality or injury observed. Every organ
of the body is examined and the results recorded during this phase. The heart, liver, lungs, and pancreas are
a few of the organs examined during this phase. Refer to the sample autopsy for a specific list of organs
examined and the recorded descriptions.

Step 7: General Description of Body Organs. This phase is often incorporated into Step 6 - Internal
Examination of Body. A key element of this phase of the autopsy protocol is to compare the condition of organs
as found with "normal" conditions. For example, the pathologist may find the organ(s) is diseased or is of
abnormal weight, size or shape. This phase of the autopsy should include a microscopic examination of tissue
taken from the victim's organs.

Step 8: Specific Description of Wounds or Injuries. The pathologist should record descriptions of wounds
or injuries that are related to specific types of trauma. Among these are injuries due to:
· Handgun or rifle
· Shotgun
· Blunt force instrument
· Fracture
· Stabbing, cutting and penetrating instruments
· Asphyxia, hanging, strangling or drowning
· Fire or burn, electrocution or lightning
· Infant death, child abuse or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Step 9: Establish Evidential Chain-of-Custody. If the autopsy is related to a known criminal case, the
pathologist will normally turn the evidence over to law enforcement personnel. In non-criminal cases; e.g.,
accidental deaths or suicides the evidence may be turned over to the coroner. Regardless of who receives the
evidence it is essential to establish a chain-of-custody when evidentiary items/material or collected during an

Step 10: Record of Specimens Retained and Examinations Performed. This phase of the autopsy will vary

Section 501 Autopsy Protocol

146 Part 5 Autopsy Procedures

depending on the nature of the death and whether the case is of interest to criminal justice agencies. However,
specimens retained could include clothing, bullets or bullet fragments, and suspected gun powder residue from
the victim's skin or clothing. Toxicological specimens could include blood, urine or body tissues. Generally,
some specimens are collected for storage. This is so additional examinations or tests can be conducted at a
future date. Finally, items to include hair exemplars, fingernail scrapings, fingerprints, blood, vaginal or anal
swabs and other evidence may be collected as necessary.

Caution: If any doubt exists as to the need to collect specimens of whatever type, do it during this phase of
the autopsy. It is better to collect specimens and not use them, then to need them and not have them.

Note Pertinent Negatives: In an autopsy report, there will be numerous items that state a certain finding is not
present. These statements are as important as the positive findings which are present, and are present in the
autopsy report to confirm that a particular part of the anatomy was examined and found to be normal.

Section 501 Autopsy Protocol

Section 404 Investigator’s Reports and Case Files
Part 5 Autopsy Procedures 147

Section 502
Sample Autopsy Report


NAME: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AUTOPSY NO: NCxxxxxx

AGE: 74 DATE: xxxxxxxxxxx

SEX: M TIME: 9:00 am




1. Decomposed white male with early insect activity

2. Left ventricular hypertrophy (580 gm)
3. Atherosclerosis, moderate, coronary arteries and aorta
[Note: If applicable, toxicological findings will be placed here.]


Ventricular arrhythmia



XxxxxxXXxxxxx, M.D.



XXXX XXXX was a 74 year old white male who had left his home at approximately 5:30 pm on XX XX to

Section 502 Sample Autopsy Report

148 Part 5 Autopsy Procedures

scout possible hunting sites in XXX County. He did not return home, and was found by searchers on XX, at
approximately 4:00 pm. The body was found with his pants down near a log, with evidence that he had been
having a bowel movement a the time of his death. No signs of foul play were noted at the scene. An autopsy
was authorized by the XXX County Coroner's office.


Telephone conversation with John Jones and Jane Smith, XXX County Deputy Coroners.


On XXXX at 9:00 am, a complete post mortem examination was performed on the body of XXXX who was
identified by the XXX County Coroner's office. Persons present for the autopsy included XXXX as autopsy


The deceased is received wearing outdoor clothing including rubberized boots, socks, canvas leggings, trousers,
boxer shorts, a shirt, and suspenders. Accompanying the body is a "hard hat" with light, a battery pack belt,
and related items. The pockets contain a compass but no other valuables. A wristwatch is present on the left

[Note: This section describes the body as it is received by the pathologist in the morgue. If clothing was
removed at the scene or by hospital personnel, all items may not be present. The type of clothing may be
important in determining if the location where the body was found matches the setting, e.g.; hunting clothes are
appropriate for an outdoor setting, but pajamas would not be.]


The body is that of a well developed, well nourished, white male adult appearing the stated age of 74 years.
The body length is 68 inches and the estimated body weight is 210 pounds. Scalp hair is gray with advanced
balding. Jaundice cannot be assessed in the skin or sclerae.

The head is normocephalic. The irides are discolored by decompositional changes. The pupils are equal in
diameter. There are no contact lenses present and there are no conjunctival petechiae. The nose is normal.
There is purging hemolyzed fluid in the nares and mouth. Teeth are present. There is no denture. Oral hygiene
is good. The ears are not pierced.

There is no significant increase in the anteroposterior diameter of the chest. The breasts are symmetrical
without palpable masses. The abdomen is distended by gas. The external genitalia are those of a long foreskin
male adult. The anus is not dilated and has no evidence of injury. The extremities are symmetric and there are
no significant deforming injuries.

The following scars, nevi and tattoos are present. None are detected.

[Note: Negative findings are, or may be, more important than positive findings. You should call the pathologist

Section 502 Sample Autopsy Report

Part 5 Autopsy Procedures 149

for explanations regarding the autopsy findings.]

SIGNS OF DEATH: Rigor mortis is absent and post mortem lividity cannot be assessed.

ARTIFACTS: No artifacts of medical or post mortem care are present.

The following artifacts of putrefaction are present: Skin slippage, green discoloration of the abdominal wall,
marbling of the skin by intravascular hemolysis, purging hemolyzed fluid from the mouth and nose, malodorous
gas bloating, air drying of the lips and fingers, fly eggs, and insect larvae.

[Note: This section will document what changes are present, and is vital in correlating the time of death with
other investigative findings.]


No external or internal injuries are identified.

[Note: This section should document the presence or absence of injuries in a thorough and complete manner.]


SEROUS CAVITIES: The body cavities are opened with a standard Y-shaped incision. The cranial cavity
is opened with a coronal incision of the scalp and removal of the calvarium. An odor like alcohol is not
apparent in the body cavities. The lungs are well aerated and fill the pleural cavities. There is no evidence of
pneumothorax. There is no blood or effusion in either pleural cavity. There are no pleural adhesions. There
is no blood or excess fluid in the pericardial sac. There is no evidence of pericarditis. There is no evidence of
peritonitis. There is no blood in the peritoneal cavity. There is no ascitic fluid. After removal of the organs
from the body, inspection of the serous cavities reveals no evidence of fracture of the ribs, sternum, clavicles,
vertebral column or pelvic walls. Contusion hemorrhage is not present in the body walls.

NECK ORGANS: The larynx and trachea are in the midline. No significant hemorrhage is present in the skin,
fat or sternoclei-domastoid muscles of the anterior neck. The thyroid gland is symmetrical and composed of
reddish-brown parenchyma.

There is no hemorrhage in the intrinsic muscles of the larynx. There is no obstruction of the respiratory tract
in the nasopharynx, larynx or trachea. There is scant mucus in the larynx. The mucosa of the hypopharynx,
larynx and trachea is smooth and glistening without ulceration or tumor. Cervical lymph nodes are appropriate
for age. No fractures or discolorations of the cervical vertebrae are detected.

HEART: The 580 gram heart is in usual position with respect to the great vessels and chest cavity. The left
ventricle is significantly hypertrophied and the cardiac chambers are not dilated. On opening the aorta and
pulmonary trunk, there is no evidence of air embolism and there is no evidence of pulmonary thromboembolism.
There is no evidence of pericarditis. The circumflex coronary artery arises from the left main coronary. The
coronary arteries are examined by multiple cross sections. There is no significant atherosclerotic plaque in the
major coronary arteries. The left main coronary artery is 20% narrowed by plaque. The left anterior
descending coronary artery is 30% narrowed by plaque. The circumflex coronary artery is 10% narrowed by
plaque. The right coronary artery is 20% narrowed by plaque.

Section 502 Sample Autopsy Report

150 Part 5 Autopsy Procedures

Thrombosis of the coronary arteries is not present. The cardiac valve leaflets are delicate. The circumferences
of the cardiac valves are within normal limits for age and heart size. There is autolytic softening of the
myocardium, without evidence of recent myocardial infarction or necrosis. There is no myocardial fibrosis.
There is no myocardial contusion. There are no defects in the atrial or ventricular septae. The ductus arteriosus
is not patent. Autolysis is advanced.

VASCULAR SYSTEM: The aorta and its main branches show mild yellow streak atherosclerosis. There is
no evidence of aneurysm, coarctation, dissection or laceration of the aorta. The renal arteries are not stenotic.

LUNGS: The combined weight of the lungs is 850 grams. The trachea is complete, without malformation,
from the larynx to the carina. There is no aspirated gastric material and no aspirated blood in the trachea. The
distal bronchi contain scant mucus. The pleural surfaces are smooth and glistening. No petechiae are visible.
The lungs and hilar nodes are not significantly anthracotic and there is no bullous emphysema. On cut section,
there is no aspirated blood apparent in alveoli. Bronchopneumonia is not recognized. There is mild passive
congestion of the lungs. There is no evidence of pulmonary edema. There is pulmonary contusion. Pulmonary
thromboemboli are not present. There is no putrid gas cavitation.

LIVER: The 1650 gram liver has a smooth capsular surface. On cut section, the parenchyma is green-black
and has a lobular architecture. The liver is mildly passively congested. Metastatic tumor is not present. The
hepatic duct is patent. The gallbladder is present. There are no gallstones. Autolysis of the liver is advanced.

PANCREAS: The pancreas is appropriate in shape and size with respect to total body fat stores. On cut
surface, it is lobular with interspersed fat without focal calcification, fibrosis, hemorrhage or fat necrosis.
Autolysis is advanced.

GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: The esophagus is lined with glistening white mucosa. The stomach is
coarsely rugated. The stomach contains 50 ml of partially digested food. There is no odor like alcohol in the
stomach. There are no erosions or ulcers in the stomach or duodenum. The small bowel and colon are intact
without perforation, diverticula or palpable tumors. The vermiform appendix is present.

SPLEEN: The 180 gram spleen is composed of red and white trabecular pulp. There is no laceration of the
splenic capsule. Autolysis is significant.

ADRENALS: Two adrenals are present with golden brown cortex and white medulla. No cortical nodules
are present in either adrenal. Autolysis is advanced.

URINARY TRACT: The right kidney weighs 150 grams, the left kidney 170 grams. The two kidneys, ureters
and bladder are present in their usual positions without dilatation. The kidneys are symmetrical in shape and
size. The capsules strip from the cortices with ease and the cortical surfaces are smooth. On cut section, the
cortex appears of ample thickness and the medulla appears ample. The kidneys are congested. There are no
stones or tumors in the kidneys, pelves, ureters or bladder. Autolysis of the kidneys is advanced.

REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: The prostate is moderately enlarged.

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: There is no hemorrhage in the scalp or galea. The dura, removed by
stripping from the calvarium and base of the skull, shows no epidural or subdural hemorrhage. The cerebral
and cerebellar hemispheres of the 1375 gram brain are symmetrical. The leptomeninges are transparent and
can be stripped with ease. There is no subarachnoid hemorrhage. There is no flattening of the gyri and no

Section 502 Sample Autopsy Report

Part 5 Autopsy Procedures 151

widening of the sulci. The major vessels at the base of the brain have a usual anatomic distribution and there
is no significant atherosclerosis. The cranial nerves are symmetrical and intact. There is no evidence of
herniation at any of the portals of the brain. On serial coronal sectioning of the brain, there is no evidence of
contusion, edema, hemorrhage, tumor, atrophy, infection or infarction in the cerebrum, cerebellum and brain
stem. There are no fractures of the convexity or base of the skull. The craniocervical junction demonstrates
a usual range of motion. The spinal cord is not examined.

[Note: The presence of absence of natural disease may have significant influence on the interpretation of
traumatic injuries. Underlying natural disease may cause relatively minor injuries to become fatal, or may
actually precipitate what would otherwise appear to be accidental deaths.]



SPECIMENS FOR TOXICOLOGY: Kidney and liver tissue.




Tissue samples representative of the major organs have been processed onto glass slides for microscopic
examination. These histologic specimens have been examined and there are no additional significant pathologic
findings other than extensive tissue autolysis noted.

[Note: This is a sample autopsy report. The format of the report may be different from that used by the
pathologist in your jurisdiction or other pathologists thoughout Indiana. This sample report should be used as
a guide and source of general information.]

Section 502 Sample Autopsy Report

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