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1.medico-Legal Procedures 2014

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Medical certificate of death – come from central body that testitify that ..
is dead
 It is similar to birth certificate
 Governmental central state
~Corner’s cases
duly qualified medical practitioner = registered MP
so interns can get away
if the jury does not like the MP finding on the autopsy, then they call upon
the forensic pathologist. However this case is rare

The word “forensic” is derived from the Latin “forensis” meaning “public” or “forum”.

Forensic Pathology is the subspecialty of pathology that involves the examination of

dead persons to provide an opinion concerning the cause, mechanism, and manner of

A Forensic Pathologist is usually an anatomical pathologist who has received

specialist training in forensic pathology. He/she performs medico-legal autopsies and
engages in medico-legal investigations and enquiries.

The spectrum of the duties of a forensic pathologist includes verification and certification
of death, estimation of the time of death, identification of the deceased, determining which
deaths need autopsies and which autopsies are "coroner's cases", performing autopsies
to determine the cause of death, and giving evidence and opinions in court on the
relevant autopsy findings, including cause of death and manner of death where possible.

If and when called to see a "dead" person, a medical doctor’s duties may entail any or all
of the following:
 Making sure that death has actually occurred
 Making a superficial examination to exclude medical grounds for suspicion of foul play
 Forming an opinion as to the approximate time of death
 Issuing a medical certificate of cause of death once satisfied that the cause of death is
a natural one (the official death certificate is issued later by the Registrar General’s
If death is thought to fall under the ambit of those deemed to be "Coroner's cases" (see
below), then the office of the Coroner is informed and brought into play.

Who is the coroner?

In many countries the coroner is usually either a lawyer or a doctor employed by a city or
county to enquire into certain types of deaths, these deaths being referred to him by the
police, the public, doctors or by local Registrars of Deaths. In Jamaica (and many other
Caribbean countries with a British-derived legal system) the coroner is usually a
Resident Magistrate.

The Coroners Act of Jamaica: “The officer for the time being discharging the
duties of Resident Magistrate for any parish shall ex officio be the Coroner of such
parish.... ".
The office of the coroner is a uniquely English institution with a very interesting and
colourful history.
(Those of you who are interested in reading more about the origin of the coroner
may read the series of articles at

The Coroners Act of Jamaica also states that any duly qualified medical practitioner
may be directed by the coroner to make a post-mortem examination of a dead body in
cases where "...there is reasonable cause to suspect that such person has died,
either a violent, or an unnatural death, or has died a sudden death, of which the
cause is unknown, or that a medical certificate of cause of death ...will not be

Interesting things of note here are that:

1. Any duly qualified medical practitioner may be directed by the Coroner to do a
medico-legal autopsy, BUT, as noted in Section 18 of the Act, if at an inquest into
a death the majority of the jury is not satisfied with the evidence of the
medical practitioner or other witnesses in the case, they may require of the
Coroner to summon a qualified forensic pathologist to examine, or re-examine
the body.

2. The doctor conducts the post mortem examination with a view to

a. Determining the cause of the death
b. Throwing all light upon the circumstances connected with the death that
such an examination can supply
c. Writing and signing a report addressed to the Coroner concerning the
appearances of the body on post mortem examination, and of the
conclusions which he draws there from touching the death.

3. The four main reasons given in the Act for the performance of a Coroner’s
(medico-legal) autopsy are:
a. Reasonable cause to suspect that death has been violent or unnatural
b. Sudden death, the cause of which is unknown

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c. Death in which a medical certificate of cause of death will not be
d. Such person has died in prison, or in such place, or under such
circumstances, as to require an inquest in pursuance of any law

The relative vagueness of our Coroners act has resulted in the following administrative
guidelines being used in most of our hospitals as indications for our Coroners cases
(note that some of these guidelines are NOT specifically noted in the Coroners Act):

1) All deaths due to violence – including all deaths due to accidents, suicide, homicide
2) All deaths due to drowning
3) All deaths from known or suspected poisoning
4) All deaths resulting from criminal abortion
5) All deaths during or soon after (24 hours) surgical operation or anaesthesia
6) All deaths that occur within 24 hours of admission to hospital
7) All deaths from sudden unexpected natural causes
8) All deaths of inmates of a government custodial institution or place of detention, e.g.
prison or mental asylum

The stipulation for a coroner’s autopsy in deaths that occur within 24 hours of admission
is sometimes contentious. It is obvious that some deaths that occur within 24 hours of
admission will truly be coroner’s cases while others will not be. In some of these deaths
the patient may have recently been seen by a doctor who, being aware of an illness that
might have led to the patient’s death, might be in a position to issue a death certificate,
thus obviating the need for a post-mortem examination.

The following is a synopsis of the procedure involved in Coroner's cases as stipulated in

the Coroners Act of Jamaica:

 The Coroner (or his/her representatives - the police force) is informed that a
person has died (or a dead body found) under conditions that appear to fit the
indications for a Coroner's post- mortem examination.

 The police investigate the circumstances relating to the death (visit to the scene of
death, collect statements from witnesses/relatives etc.) and report to the Coroner.

 The Coroner directs a medical practitioner (any medical practitioner who holds
public medical office may be so directed) to make a post-mortem examination of
the body with a view to determining the cause of death and the circumstances
connected with the death. This examination may extend to dissection of the body
as far as is thought requisite for the purpose.

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 After the autopsy, the report is delivered to the Coroner (usually via the police) and
the police officer may then, unless otherwise contraindicated, authorize the burial
of the body.

 If upon receipt of the medical and police reports the Coroner is satisfied that the
deceased was not a victim of murder or manslaughter and that nothing further
needs to be done in this case, he/she may abstain from holding an inquest and
submit the findings to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for ratification and
issuing of the death certificate. Note, however, that the DPP has the power to
overrule the Coroner's decision not to hold an inquest if he/she deems it

 If upon the receipt of the medical and police reports the Coroner deems it
necessary to hold an inquest, a jury is convened, the relevant witnesses are
summoned and the facts touching on the case are examined. The medical
practitioner who did the autopsy may be required to attend the inquest and may be
questioned concerning the postmortem findings.

 After hearing the evidence given in the inquest, the jury gives a verdict as to:
 The identity of the deceased
 How, when and where the deceased came by his/her death
 Whether the circumstances indicated death by natural causes, accident,
suicide, murder, manslaughter etc.
 If murder/manslaughter is indicated, who is/are the person(s) to be charged
with said murder/manslaughter

 If the inquisition charges a person(s) with murder or manslaughter, the Coroner

issues a warrant for the arrest of said person(s) in order to bring the accused to

The Coroner’s (Medico-legal/Forensic) autopsy

Coroner’s autopsies are performed for the well-being of the public, which demands
answers and reasons as to causes of death among the citizenry.
The main differences between a coroner's (medico-legal/forensic) autopsy and a non-
coroner's (hospital/clinical/academic) autopsy are:

Non-coroner’s Autopsy Coroner’s Autopsy

Need consent from the next of kin No consent from next of kin is
Involves history from hospital chart May not have medical history
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Identity of deceased usually known Identity of deceased may not be
Often involves known disease Focus often on unnatural death
Academically oriented; explores Is objective and focuses on cause
clinico-pathological correlations and manner of death
Remember the purpose of the coroner’s autopsy is to find a cause of death, so the
next of kin cannot prevent this. Most cases they delay it but it HAS to be done

The objectives of the coroner’s (medico-legal/forensic) post-mortem examination include:

a) Establishing the identity of the deceased if in doubt
b) Determining the time of death
c) Determining the cause of death and stating if such cause is natural or unnatural. If
unnatural, then a decision as to the manner of death is made, i.e. accidental,
homicidal or suicidal?
d) Recovering, identifying and preserving evidence obtained during the autopsy
e) If injury found, reconstructing how this injury might have occurred

The medico-legal autopsy must be performed by a registered medical practitioner,

who should:
 Make relevant notes (diagrams and photographs if relevant and possible) of the crime
scene if it is visited, taking note of important data such as the position of the body, its
relationship to surrounding objects, the state of the clothing, presence of drugs or
weapons etc.
 Ensure that the body is identified to him/her before the autopsy is performed. This is
done by the next of kin in the presence of the police officer who is in charge of the
Body identified : TO THE DOCTOR, BY NEXT OF KIN (closest relative), in
Police = representative of corner
 Make precise records of when and where the autopsy was performed, and in whose
 Take special care to make a detailed and meticulous external examination of the body
(preferably in a well-lit and equipped autopsy room/morgue) with particular attention
being paid to any marks of injury or violence especially on the neck, hands, and
genitalia. (Remember to examine the back of the body and the scalp!)
 Take photographs of relevant findings if this facility is available.
 Carefully document all pertinent internal findings and record the direction and depth of
injuries before removing organs.
 Collect all samples which are deemed to have a bearing on the case e.g. gastric
contents, blood and urine samples, hair, nail scrapings, tissues or organs, bullets etc.

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 Keep all samples collected separately in clean glass containers, clearly labelled, and
hand the appropriate ones to the police and keep a record of this transaction i.e.
obtain a receipt.
 Submit a report of the autopsy to the Coroner including a clear statement as to the
cause of death. The report should be couched in clear and simple language avoiding
confusing medical jargon as it will have to be read and understood by various laymen
at different levels of the investigative process. Remember that the report is the
property of the Coroner and neither its contents nor actual copies of the report
may be given to anyone else without his/her permission.
 Testify at the inquest and/or trial if summoned.

What is the cause and manner of death?

When conveying this information to the coroner on the report, one must be careful to
make a distinction between cause and manner of death.
The cause of death is the condition – disease or injury – that was directly responsible for
the patient’s demise.
So CCF, nor shock are not directly responsible for death!!
The manner of death refers to the circumstances of the death, i.e. homicidal, suicidal,
accidental, natural cause, undetermined, etc.
Sometimes undetermined is a pending thing to wait for the toxicology! And then they will
find the actually manner of death! Remember Michael Jackson case.. it was
undteremined first till the toxicology finds out why. However some cases are left


(a) Cause of death: Stab wound to the heart with massive blood loss
Lawyers may ask where the massive blood loss from. they will take up on the little
things to twist your words. So need to be SPECIFIC
Manner of death: Homicidal

(b) Cause of death: Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease (ischaemic

heart disease) with acute myocardial infarction
Manner of death: Natural

(c) Cause of death: Road traffic accident with blunt force trauma to the
you can be more specific. Dnt say blunt force trauma to the head. What did the blunt
force trauma do?
Manner of death: Accidental

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Who may be present at an autopsy?

The pathologist/doctor performing the autopsy usually determines who may be present.
The general aim is to have as few people present as possible, especially in cases of
criminal or suspicious death, in view of the risk of loss of confidentiality. Too many people
being present might hamper and distract the pathologist and increases the risk of
contamination of evidence.

Naturally the autopsy room attendant and the coroner’s representative(s) – usually in the
form of the police – are entitled to attend, as is any relevant technical staff who might
have to collect evidence, take photographs etc.
Doctors in training and medical students may be allowed at the discretion of the
Casual observers (irrespective of calling or rank) who have no official connection to the
case should be discouraged from attending.

In recent years here in Jamaica, relatives have lobbied to be represented at coroner’s

autopsies and provision has now been made for a medical practitioner to attend these
autopsies as an observer on behalf of the family of the deceased. This intention has to be
communicated in writing to the doctor performing the autopsy, and should be done
expeditiously so that the scheduling of the autopsy is not disrupted.
Only the necessary people and medical students should attend the corner’s autopsy to
maintain confidentiality.
Identification of the deceased
Remember not everybody dies in the hospital

In most cases the identity of the deceased can be obtained simply by the viewing of the
body and confirmation by the next of kin (or other appropriate relative or close friend). In
some cases however the identification of a dead body may depend on data derived from
any or all or the following sources, some of which may be provided by the police, others
by the pathologist, and some by other experts:

 Documents or items of identification found on the body e.g. I.D. card, I.D. bracelet,
wallet etc.
 Physical data/stigmata - height, weight, sex, race, skin and hair colour, scars,
deformities, tattoos, etc
 Published photographs
 Fingerprints
 X-rays
 Blood type
 Dental records
 DNA testing
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Forensic anthropologists, dentists and radiologists can examine skeletal remains and
often give a good opinion as to:
1) Whether the source is human or animal
2) Whether the bones belong to one or more individuals,
3) Age
4) Sex
5) Stature
6) Race
7) Identity
8) Cause of death
9) Time since death.

Timing of Death

This is never precise and can only usually be estimated as a range of hours/days.

The use of stomach emptying as a measure of time since death is fraught with
controversy. The assumption that an average meal will be digested and pass out of the
stomach in about 2–4 hours ,and that this can be used as an aid in timing death if one
has an idea when the deceased last ate, has had no support in experimental
measurement of transit time.

Not only may limited digestion continue for some time after death, but it has been
demonstrated that gastric emptying varies with the constituents of the meal, the state –
liquids versus solids, and even in the same individual eating the same meal at different

Bodily changes after death

Certain bodily changes occur after death and may be used to help to time the death.
These include:
 Body temperature – relavtive early
 Postmortem lividity (hypostasis, lividity, livor mortis)
 Rigor mortis
 Putrefaction

Body temperature
Cooling starts at death and continues for about 18-24 hours after death until body
temperature reaches that of the surroundings (assuming that the environment is cooler
than normal body temperature!). The rate of fall depends on the body temperature at

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death, difference between body temperature at death and that of the surroundings, how
well clad the body is, the amount of body fat, and if the body is immersed in water.
Cool faster if your slimmer. So it depends on body temp, ambient temp, clothing, body fat,
immersion in water, on land
Accurate body temperature of dead – cannot use a regular clinical thermometer

Formulae exist by which the time of death can be calculated when the relevant data –
temperature of the body, ambient temperature etc. are factored in. Temperature must be
recorded in the rectum (sometimes the liver), not on the body surface. Naturally this
parameter will be useless if the body had been previously refrigerated!

Postmortem lividity (hypostasis, lividity, livor mortis) is the process by which blood
drains by gravity to the most dependent parts of the body when blood circulation ceases
and the blood vessels relax and dilate after death. It is one of the earliest postmortem
changes that occurs.Timing of lividity is very difficult as the process is quite variable, but
as a rough guide, it starts about 1-6 hours after death and is fully established in about 6-
12 hours. After this, the blood tends to coagulate in the vessels and the lividity is said to
have become “fixed”. If the body is moved after this time, the lividity will not alter its
distribution – a useful pointer in some cases in determining if a body has been moved
after death.
No more dynamic circulation so the skin becomes red
Blood can be fluid in a dead body until there is a clot.
Lividity aids in telling if the body was moved

Rigor mortis is the stiffening of the muscles caused by the gelling of actin and myosin
due to exhaustion of glycolysis and depletion of ATP. It starts with the smaller muscles
of the face and jaw and extremities before the larger muscle masses. It tends to
progress from head to foot and reverses in the opposite direction. It begins in about 3-6
hours and will have affected the whole body in 12 hours. The stiffness lasts about 36-
48 hours and disappears as putrefaction begins to dissolve muscle protein. Therefore
the speed with which rigor dissipates will be related to the speed of onset of
putrefaction. Once rigor is fully developed in a muscle, if the muscle is stretched and the
rigor is "broken", stiffening will not recur.
Last stiffening of muscles = rigor mortis
That is why police says “ Do not touch the body!”, as it would affect the rigor mortis

Putrefaction, or decomposition of a dead body, results from postmortem bacterial

proliferation with gas formation. It begins its gross manifestation with a greenish
discoloration of the skin of the anterior abdominal wall, which appears about 48 hours
after death. Subsequently the body swells and discoloration appears along the lines of

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the superficial veins, with blistering of the skin, rupture of body cavities and liquefaction of
Flies are attracted to the putrefying body and lay eggs in open wounds and natural
orifices. Maggots hatch in about 24 hours and develop into adult flies in about 4-5 days.
Forensic entomologists can study the insect eggs, maggots or pupa taken from putrefying
bodies and use their stage of development to help to determine time of death.
Factors modifying putrefaction include warmth, moisture and air, and both the
speed of onset and the progression of putrefaction are more rapid in hotter climates.
Accelerated in warm , moist conditions! So in our climate it will be quicker

Adipocere (grave or mortuary wax)

is a type of post mortem change that usually becomes apparent about 3 or more
months after death. It is the name given to the white, greasy, waxy, musty-smelling
material that replaces the fatty tissue of a part of, or the whole of the body. It results from
hydrolysis and hydrogenation of body fats to fatty acids and soaps (saponification). It is
most commonly found in bodies lying in relatively warm, moist, anaerobic conditions.

Mummification is the process by which the body becomes dry and brittle after lying for
some time in warm dry environments. Mummification of an entire body occurs over a
period of several weeks to months.

Skeletonization is very variable depending on the environment, insect activity etc, and
can take weeks to years.

Timing of death is very difficult and all the parameters mentioned are extremely variable.
Only rough guides and rules of thumb can be given:

 Very Early 0-12 hours................….body temperature

 Early 12-24 hours...............…rigor mortis and lividity
 Intermediate 48 hours - 3 weeks....…putrefaction
 Late months - years.........….adipocere formation and

When faced with a dead body, the way the body feels can be used as a crude practical
guide to the time of death (a combination of cooling and rigor mortis) as follows:
 Feels warm and is flaccid……….dead less than 3 hours
 Feels warm and is stiff ………….dead 3-8 hours
 Feels cold and is stiff……………dead 8-36 hours
 Feels cold and is flaccid………..dead more than 36 hours
CTE/cte/Feb 2014

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