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Second Edition

Professor of Pathology and Chief of Pathology
Department of Pathology
Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Dabbs, David J., editor.
Title: Breast pathology / [edited by] David J. Dabbs.
Other titles: Breast pathology (Dabbs)
Description: Second edition. | Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier, [2017] |
bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016044093 | ISBN 9780323389617 (hardcover : alk. paper)
Subjects: | MESH: Breast Neoplasms–pathology | Breast Diseases–pathology
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Kimberly H. Allison, MD David J. Dabbs, MD

Director of Breast Pathology and Breast Pathology Professor of Pathology and Chief of Pathology
Fellowship Department of Pathology
Associate Professor of Pathology Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC
Department of Pathology Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Stanford University School of Medicine Reactive and Inflammatory Conditions of the Breast
Associate Residency Director for Anatomic Infections of the Breast
Pathology Epidemiology of Breast Cancer and Pathology of
Stanford University Medical Center Heritable Breast Cancer
Stanford, California Patient Safety in Breast Pathology
Gross Examination of Breast Specimens Gross Examination of Breast Specimens
Predictive and Prognostic Marker Testing in Breast
Sunil Badve, MD Pathology: Immunophenotypic Subclasses of Disease
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Molecular-Based Testing in Breast Disease for
Medicine Therapeutic Decisions
Indiana University Diagnostic Immunohistology of the Breast
Indianapolis, Indiana Adenosis and Microglandular Adenosis
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Radial Scar
Paget Disease of the Breast Myoepithelial Lesions of the Breast
Fibrocystic Change and Usual Epithelial Hyperplasia
of Ductal Type
Rohit Bhargava, MD Columnar Cell Alterations, Flat Epithelial Atypia, and
Professor of Pathology Atypical Ductal Epithelial Hyperplasia
University of Pittsburgh Lobular Neoplasia and Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
Director of Anatomic Pathology Triple-Negative and Basal-like Carcinoma
Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC Metaplastic Breast Carcinoma
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Pathology of Neoadjuvant Therapeutic Response of
Predictive and Prognostic Marker Testing in Breast Breast Carcinoma
Pathology: Immunophenotypic Subclasses of Disease Rare Breast Carcinomas: Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma,
Diagnostic Immunohistology of the Breast Neuroendocrine Carcinoma, Secretory Carcinoma,
Molecular Classification of Breast Carcinoma Carcinoma with Osteoclast-like Giant Cells, Lipid-
Apocrine Carcinoma of the Breast Rich Carcinoma, and Glycogen-Rich Clear Cell
Pathology of Neoadjuvant Therapeutic Response of Carcinoma
Breast Carcinoma Neoplasia of the Male Breast
Tumors of the Mammary Skin
Werner J. Boecker, Professor em., Metastatic Tumors in the Breast
Director Emeritus
Gerhard-Domak Institute of Pathology Timothy M. D’Alfonso, MD
University of Münster Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory
Münster, North Rhine–Westphalia, Germany Medicine
Fibrocystic Change and Usual Epithelial Hyperplasia Weill Cornell Medicine
of Ductal Type New York, New York
Breast Tumors in Children and Adolescents
Beth Z. Clark, MD
Assistant Professor Siddhartha Deb, MBBS, BMedSci, FRCPA
Department of Pathology Department of Pathology
Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Consultant Pathologist
Adenosis and Microglandular Adenosis Anapath
Melbourne, Australia
Neoplasia of the Male Breast

vi Contributors

Ian Ellis, BMedSci, BM BS, FRCPath Syed A. Hoda, MD

Professor of Cancer Pathology Professor
Division of Cancer and Stem Cells Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
University of Nottingham Weill Cornell Medical College
Honorary Consultant Pathologist New York, New York
Department of Histopathology Normal Breast and Developmental Disorders
Nottingham University Hospitals
City Hospital Campus Zuzana Kos, MD, FRCPC
Nottingham, United Kingdom Assistant Professor
Ductal Carcinoma In Situ University of Ottawa
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of No Special Type and Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Histologic Grade The Ottawa Hospital
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Nicole N. Esposito, MD Molecular-Based Testing in Breast Disease for
Acting Medical Director Therapeutic Decisions
Department of Pathology
St. Joseph’s Women’s Hospital Gregor Krings, MD, PhD
Tampa, Florida Assistant Professor
Fibroepithelial Lesions Department of Pathology
Papilloma and Papillary Lesions University of California San Francisco (UCSF)
San Francisco, California
Stephen B. Fox, Bsc(Hons), MBChB, FRCPath, Mesenchymal Neoplasms of the Breast
Director, Pathology Department Shahla Masood, MD
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Professor and Chair
Melbourne, Australia Pathology and Laboratory Services
Neoplasia of the Male Breast University of Florida College of Medicine–Jacksonville
Jacksonville, Florida
Marie A. Ganott, MD Patient Safety in Breast Pathology
Associate Clinical Director of Breast Imaging
Department of Radiology Syed K. Mohsin, MD
Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC Head of Breast Pathology
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Riverside Methodist Hospital
Breast Imaging Modalities for Pathologists Columbus, Ohio
Gross Examination of Breast Specimens
Laurie M. Gay, PhD
Foundation Medicine, Inc. Anna S. Nam, MD
Cambridge, Massachusetts Resident
Next-Generation DNA Sequencing and the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Management of Patients with Clinically Advanced Weill Cornell Medicine
Breast Cancer New York, New York
Breast Tumors in Children and Adolescents
Christiane M. Hakim, MD
Professor of Radiology Michaela T. Nguyen, MD
Chief, Department of Radiology Breast Pathology Fellow
Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Medical Director of Breast Imaging New York Presbyterian Hospital–Weill Cornell
Hillman Cancer Center Medicine
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania New York, New York
Breast Imaging Modalities for Pathologists Nipple Adenoma (Florid Papillomatosis of the Nipple)

Erika Hissong, MD Steffi Oesterreich, PhD

Resident Professor
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology
Weill Cornell Medicine University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
New York, New York Director of Education
Special Types of Invasive Breast Carcinoma: Tubular Women’s Cancer Research Center
Carcinoma, Mucinous Carcinoma, Cribriform Magee-Womens Research Institute
Carcinoma, Micropapillary Carcinoma, Carcinoma Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
with Medullary Features Lobular Neoplasia and Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
Contributors vii

Shweta Patel, DO Sunati Sahoo, MD

Staff Pathologist Professor of Pathology
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Leader of Breast Pathology Services
Allegheny General Hospital Department of Pathology
Allegheny Health Network University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Dallas, Texas
Metastatic Tumors in the Breast Pathology of Neoadjuvant Therapeutic Response of
Breast Carcinoma
Joseph T. Rabban, MD, MPH Special Types of Invasive Breast Carcinoma: Tubular
Professor Carcinoma, Mucinous Carcinoma, Cribriform
Department of Pathology Carcinoma, Micropapillary Carcinoma, Carcinoma
University of California San Francisco (UCSF) with Medullary Features
San Francisco, California
Mesenchymal Neoplasms of the Breast Sandra J. Shin, MD
Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Emad A. Rakha, MD, PhD, FRCPath Chief of Breast Pathology
Clinical Associate Professor New York Presbyterian Hospital–Weill Cornell
University of Nottingham Medicine
Honorary Consultant Pathologist New York, New York
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust Nipple Adenoma (Florid Papillomatosis of the Nipple)
Nottingham, United Kingdom Special Types of Invasive Breast Carcinoma: Tubular
Ductal Carcinoma In Situ Carcinoma, Mucinous Carcinoma, Cribriform
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of No Special Type and Carcinoma, Micropapillary Carcinoma, Carcinoma
Histologic Grade with Medullary Features
Metaplastic Breast Carcinoma Mesenchymal Neoplasms of the Breast
Breast Tumors in Children and Adolescents
Rathi Ramakrishnan, MD, FRCPath
Consultant Jan F. Silverman, MD
Department of Cellular Pathology Professor and System Chair
Imperial College Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
London, United Kingdom Allegheny General Hospital
Paget Disease of the Breast Allegheny Health Network
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Metastatic Tumors in the Breast
Jeffrey S. Ross, MD
Albany Medical College
Albany, New York Jules H. Sumkin, DO, FACR
Next-Generation DNA Sequencing and the Professor and Chair of Radiology
Management of Patients with Clinically Advanced UPMC Endowed Chair for Women’s Imaging
Breast Cancer Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Breast Imaging Modalities for Pathologists
Christine G. Roth, MD
Director Steven H. Swerdlow, MD
Department of Hematopathology Professor of Pathology
Baylor–St. Luke’s Medical Center Director, Division of Hematopathology
Associate Professor University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Health System
Baylor College of Medicine University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Presbyterian
Houston, Texas Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Hematopoietic Tumors of the Breast Hematopoietic Tumors of the Breast

R. S. Saad, MD, PhD, FRCPC Gary M. Tse, MBBS, FRCPC, DAB, FRCPath
Director, Cytology Section Senior Medical Officer
Windsor Regional Hospital Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Prince of Wales Hospital
Metastatic Tumors in the Breast The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, Hong Kong
Radial Scar
viii Contributors

Victor G. Vogel, MD, MHS Noel Weidner, MD

Director, Breast Medical Oncology/Research Senior Consultative Pathologist
Gesinger Health System Clarient Laboratories
Danville, Pennsylvania Aliso Viejo, California
Epidemiology of Breast Cancer and Pathology of Reactive and Inflammatory Conditions of the Breast
Heritable Breast Cancer Infections of the Breast
Myoepithelial Lesions of the Breast
Amy Vogia, DO
Department of Radiology Mark R. Wick, MD
Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC Professor of Pathology
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Division of Surgical Pathology
Breast Imaging Modalities for Pathologists University of Virginia Medical Center
Charlottesville, Virginia
Tumors of the Mammary Skin
The increasing complexity and specialization of breast a step in the right direction and is clearly superior to a
pathology are readily evident at the daily signout bench review done in arrears.
of clinical specimens. Today’s breast specimen reports, What do pathologists think of peer review consulta-
reflecting the complex nature of the specimens, are akin tions? In general, pathologists enthusiastically embrace
to term papers, according to one of our clinical breast such consultations, especially when there is a difference
pathology fellows. Only a few decades ago, the diagnos- of interpretation among pathologists at a given institu-
tic pathology report for breast carcinoma patients was tion. Pathologists will also welcome consultation when
relatively straightforward and consumed perhaps not they observe that they have little experience with the
more than one piece of paper. However, because of the lesion at question. Tissue samples of limited quantity
increasingly complex nature of pathology specimens, are also a source of common consultation. Gone are the
including the gross and microscopic reconstruction of days of self-absorption and fragile egos when it comes
size of lesions and semiquantitation of biomarkers for to consultations with colleagues.
clinical care, the actual grossing and microscopic review Review of outside consultation materials among
of tissues is complex. external institutions has demonstrated major disagree-
The pathology of breast specimens is likely no dif- ments in up to 8% of breast pathology cases.3 These
ferent from the increasing complexity of pathologic retrospective studies signal a need for comprehensive
examination of other organ systems. The increasing consultative peer review quality assurance programs in
complexity of cases is leading to greater specialization the CLIA laboratory setting, especially moving toward
of pathologists to focus their attention to the clinical presignout peer review situations.
needs of clinicians and patients alike. Even in the expert setting, targeted peer review qual-
Gone are the days of simple hematoxylin and eosin– ity assurance review in the presignout setting not only
stained section examination. The progression of com- minimizes real-time diagnostic interpretative errors, but
plexity has passed through the needs for biomarker also is a focus of constant educational endeavor. In a
immunohistochemistry, biomarker semiquantitation, discipline such as breast pathology, a minority of high-
lesional quantitation, and ascertainment of pathologic impact cases (breast atypias) are more likely to show
responses to therapies in the neoadjuvant setting. variation than the diagnostically obvious cases (inva-
As a result of this increasing complexity and special- sive cancers), specifically when presignout review is
ization, along with additional demands from our col- performed by pathologists in a collegial setting. When
leagues in precision medicine, further extended quality pathologists partake in peer review on a routine basis,
assurance schemes have become relevant. pathologists will gravitate to a better understanding
Like any other discipline in pathology, breast pathol- of the sources of interpretative variation, and this will
ogy necessitates having a relevant peer review qual- affect their practice in a positive way. It will also affect
ity assurance program to minimize diagnostic errors, patient management.
many of which have played well in the media1–4 (see One of the recent studies of interobserver reproduc-
also Chapter 5). Peer review quality assurance of surgi- ibility in breast pathology by Elmore (see Chapter 5) is
cal pathology is migrating from postsignout to the pre- an illustration of ignorance of how pathologists prac-
signout arena5 to intercept diagnostic variations. tice in the real-world setting under the aegis of a CLIA-
The CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amend- mandated peer review quality assurance program. The
ments) medical director is responsible for constructing a Elmore paper garnered the media attention that was
robust peer review quality assurance program to mini- sought and unsettled women needlessly. The single
mize diagnostic variation and errors. Along these lines, positive bit of information that was demonstrated in
the presignout review of breast pathology cases is clearly the Elmore paper was the revelation of the variation
of interpretation among the expert panel members.
Experts are not immune from diagnostic variation,
1. Swapp RE, Aubry MC, Salomao DR, et al. Outside case review
and, even in the expert setting, much is to be gained by
of surgical pathology for referred patients. Arch Pathol Lab Med. intradepartmental expert peer review consultation (see
2013;137:233–240. Chapter 5).
2. Perkins C, Balma D, Garcia R, et al. Why current breast pathol- Although a peer review quality assurance program
ogy practices must be evaluated. A Susan G. Komen for the Cure is crucial in the CLIA laboratory setting for practicing
white paper: June 2006. Breast J. 2007;5:443–447. pathologists, no one has addressed quality assurance of
3. Staradub VL, Messenger KA, Hao N, et al. Changes in breast an even greater pernicious problem with the molecular
cancer therapy because of pathology second opinions. Ann Surg testing of breast carcinoma specimens. These tests were
Oncol. 2002;9:982–987. developed with the intent of providing greater reproduc-
4. Landro L. What if the doctor is wrong? The Wall Street Journal.
ibility of risk assessment for breast cancer patients—a
Jan 17, 2012.
5. Owens SR, Wiehagen LT, Kelly SM, Picolli AL, Lassige K,
reproducibility that, according to the vendor companies,
Yousem SA, Dhir R, Parwani AV. Initial experience with a novel could not be found among the grading and staging of
pre-sign-out quality assurance tool for review of random surgical tumors by pathologists. The reality of the results of these
pathology diagnoses in a subspecialty-based university practice. molecular tests, especially the laboratory developed test
Am J Surg Pathol. 2010;34:1319–1323. (LDT) variety, is that there is even greater variation of

x Introduction

test results among different platforms than the variation (American Association for Cancer Research, April 2016).
that occurs with the grading of tumors by pathologists.6 The trial, sponsored in Europe by Agendia (Amsterdam,
Needless to say, treatments that are based on these tests The Netherlands), accrued more than 6000 patients
vary even more than they have before because there is and compared their genomic classifier score of MP with
little evidence for such clinical decisions. The longer a Adjuvant! Online (AO) to discern if the MP test offered
breast cancer molecular test is available, the more claims clinical utility beyond AO. The AO and MP tests were
the companies can make about the prowess of the test, concordant in about two thirds of patients, whereas one
especially for the older LDT generation of tests. There is third was discordant. For the discordant group, patients
one thing for certain regarding all these molecular breast were randomized to chemotherapy or no therapy. The
cancer tests regardless of vendor: those who have ben- results demonstrated that patients who had a low-risk
efited the most are the stockholders of the companies. AO assessment alone in the randomized group did not
These tests, introduced in 2004 as a first-generation benefit from chemotherapy. Overall, this resulted in a
testing platform and as a laboratory developed test, have 14% reduction in chemotherapy for the high-risk MP
had a significant impact on how patients are treated. group. These results present clinicians with a profound
However, 12 years after their introduction, there are no paradigm shift in the potential better use of the MP test
data that demonstrate exactly how patients benefit from with AO and should prompt clinicians to rethink the use
the use of these tests (see Chapter 10). In our review of of genomic classifiers in general.
the role of molecular testing for breast carcinoma for It is predicted that this group of prognostic/pre-
prognostic and predictive interpretation, we concluded dictive tests will melt away in the near future to give
that, in fact, these tests offer very little compared with way to specific actionable genomic aberrations, most
traditional pathologic data generated by a pathologist.7 likely documented through massively parallel sequenc-
These tests have proliferated into various branded ven- ing (next-generation sequencing). MATCH (Molecular
dors, and they are all based on populations of patients, Analysis and Therapy Choice) and UMBRELLA trials
sometimes heterogeneous, sometimes homogeneous, are currently under way by the National Cancer Insti-
some of which are laboratory developed tests, and tute (NCI) to determine actionable mutations for breast
some of which have been cleared by the Food and Drug cancer patients.
Administration (FDA). These in vitro diagnostic multi- The second edition of this multi-authored breast
index analyte assays have a high impact and are a high pathology textbook is meant to inform readers of the
risk for patients and, at a minimum, command clear- latest developments in diagnosis and practice in the field
ance by the FDA, an independent consumer-oriented of breast pathology. Some topics are more amenable to
agency whose intention is to maximize patient safety updates, depending on the pace of topic information.
(see ­Chapter 10). The topics brought to your attention here “up front”
Only recently have the prospective, randomized reflect some of the hottest topics of recent times.
MINDACT (Microarray in Node Negative Disease May My special thanks to every contributing author, as
Avoid Chemotherapy) trial data been released regard- we dedicate this volume to the patients that we serve.
ing the clinical utility of the MammaPrint (MP) test
David J. Dabbs, MD

6. Barlett JMS, Bayani J, Marshall A, et al. Comparing breast can-

cer multiparameter tests in the OPTIMA trial: No test is more
equal than the others. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2016;108. do:10.1093/
7. Rakha EA, Reis-Filho JF, Baehner F, et al. Breast cancer prog-
nostic classification in the molecular era: the role of histological
grade. Breast Cancer Res. 2010;12:207.
Normal Breast and Developmental Disorders
Syed A. Hoda

Normal Breast 1 Menopause 18
Embryology 1 Male Breast 18
Gross Anatomy 1
Structure and Histology 3 Developmental Disorders 18
Ultrastructure 11 Amastia 19
Arterial Supply 13 Hypoplasia 19
Venous Drainage 14 Polymastia 19
Lymphatic System and Regional Lymph Nodes 14 Supernumerary Nipple 19
Nerve Supply 15 Aberrant Breast Tissue 19
Hormone Regulation 15 Macromastia 20
Thelarche 16 Other Disorders of the Breast 20
Pregnancy, Lactation, and Milk 16
Summary 20

NORMAL BREAST ultimately gives rise to a lobe of the breast. A “pit” in

the epidermis forms at the convergence of the major
The breasts are the distinguishing feature of mammals (lactiferous) ducts, and shortly thereafter, its eversion
and have evolved as milk-producing organs to provide forms the protuberant nipple (Fig. 1.2).6 Rarely, the
appropriate nourishment to their offspring; indeed, the nipple may not evert, resulting in an inverted (or per-
word mammal itself is derived from mamma, which is manently retracted) nipple. This deformity may cause
the Latin term for breast. There are other purported considerable difficulty in suckling.
benefits of nursing. Physiologically, this act serves to In the third trimester, the developing mammary
help involute the uterus; and psychologically, it helps glands are responsive to maternal hormones and exhibit
to “bond” the mother and the offspring.1 Other than mild secretory changes. On parturition, the withdrawal
the aforementioned functions of the breast, its epigamic of maternal hormones stimulates prolactin release,
value cannot be overemphasized. which initiates colostrum (“witch’s milk”) secretion.
This occurs during the first few days after birth in
Embryology approximately 90% of infants of both sexes. Colostrum
is actually composed of water, fat, and debris, and its
Breast development in utero starts in the first trimester of secretion dissipates within a month or so after birth.
gestation with formation of bilateral ridges of the ecto- During this time, and for a period of a few weeks there-
derm on the ventral aspect of the fetus. These thickened after, the breast is palpably enlarged. Until puberty, in
ridges extend in a linear manner from the axilla to the both sexes, the breast glandular tissue consists almost
groin, forming the so-called milk line (Fig. 1.1). As fetal exclusively of major ducts.7
development proceeds, all except a pair of these thicken-
ings, one on each side of the pectoral region, regress.2–5 Gross Anatomy
In its earliest stages, the aforementioned thickening
is caused by condensed mesenchymal tissue around an The female breasts are rounded protuberances on either
epithelial bud. Solid epithelial cordlike columns develop side of the anterior chest wall. The organ is present in
from the bud. Portions of dermis increasingly envelop a rudimentary form in prepubertal girls and boys, and
the epithelial columns and develop into the connective adult males. The bulk of female breast tissue overlies
tissue of the breast. More fibrous elements of the dermis the pectoralis major muscle from the second to the
extend into the developing breast and much later form sixth rib in the vertical axis and from the sternal edge
the suspensory ligaments of Cooper (after Astley Coo- to the midaxilla in the horizontal axis. Breast glandular
per, the English anatomist and surgeon, who described tissue usually extends beyond these arbitrary bound-
these structures in the 19th century). Gradually, the aries. The extension of breast tissue from the upper-
epithelial columns branch, canalize, and transform into outer quadrant into the axilla is eponymously referred
ducts (and eventually into lobules). Thus each column to as the tail of Spence (after James Spence, a Scottish

2 Normal Breast and Developmental Disorders

favored pose of the famed Egyptian pharaoh), to allow

such visualization.8
The breast is enveloped by fascia. Anteriorly, there
is superficial pectoral fascia. Posteriorly, there is deep
pectoral fascia. These two layers of fascia blend with
the cervical fascia superiorly and with that overlying the
abdomen inferiorly. Fibrous bands (the aforementioned
Cooper ligaments), more numerous in the superior
half of the breast, connect these two layers of fascia. A
“space” filled with loose connective tissue lies between
the deep boundary of the breast and the fascia of under-
lying skeletal muscle. This retromammary space allows
the breast some degree of movement over the underly-
ing pectoral fascia. The deep fascia overlying the chest
wall sometimes harbors breast glandular units. These
glands only rarely extend beyond this fascia into bands
of underlying skeletal muscle. Such extension of breast
glandular tissue into these deep structures is a normal
FIG. 1.1 Schematic depiction of the milk line. The milk line extends anatomic feature that has clinical implications, most
from the axilla to the inguinal region in the adult. Supernumerary nipples
and/or breast tissue may persist anywhere along these lines. notably in modified radical mastectomies, which aim to
remove as much of the breast glandular tissue as pos-
sible. Most mastectomies (short of the draconian radical
mastectomies) are successful in removing no more than
90% of breast glandular tissue.
The shape and size of the breast depend not only on
A B genetic and racial factors, but also on age, diet, parity,
and menopausal status of the individual. The breast can
appear hemispheric, conical, pendulous, piriform (ie,
pear shaped), or thinned and flattened; however, typi-
cally, the breast is oval and hemispheric, with the long
axis diagonally aligned over the chest. There is a distinct
flattening of the superficial contour of the breast supe-
rior to the nipple.
The normal mature nonlactating female breast
weighs approximately 200 g (±100 g).9 The typical lac-
tating breast may weigh more than 500 g. The average
C adult breast typically spans 12 cm in diameter and 6 cm
D in thickness. In a study of breast volume in 55 women,
Smith and coworkers10 found that the right breast was
less voluminous: the mean volume for the right breast
was 275 mL, and that for the left breast was 290 mL.
This discrepancy has been correlated to handedness.
There is no correlation between breast mass and risk
of carcinoma because large breasts do not necessarily
contain more glandular parenchyma.
The nipple, which is centrally located and typically
elevated from the surrounding areola, is the most dis-
tinctive feature of the skin of the breast. The level of the
nipple, vis-à-vis the thorax, varies widely but typically
overlies the fourth intercostal space in younger women.
Both nipple and areola are pink, light brown, or darker
E (depending on the general pigmentation of the body).
FIG. 1.2 Embryonic development of the breast. Schematic depiction These two structures are somewhat less pigmented in
of developing mammary bud from that in a 6-week embryo to birth:
the nulliparous female and become increasingly pig-
epithelial primordium (A), incipient duct formation (B), early duct for-
mation (C), inverted nipple stage (D), and elongation of ducts and mented starting in the second month of pregnancy. The
eversion of nipple (E). Area outlined in bottom arc depicts progressively tinctorial change is irreversible after pregnancy.
growing connective tissue. Between 12 and 20 minute rounded protuberances
in the dermis, representing prominent sebaceous gland
surgeon of the 19th century). This “tail” can be dif- units usually associated with a lactiferous duct, are pres-
ficult to visualize on routine mammograms, and in ent on the surface of the areola.11 These protuberances
earlier times, the patient was routinely placed in the so- are referred to as Montgomery tubercles (after Dr. Wil-
called Cleopatra pose (a semireclining stance in which liam Montgomery, a 19th-century Irish obstetrician,
the patient turns and leans backward, thought to be a although it is possible that Morgagni, the 18th-century
Normal Breast 3

Italian anatomist, detailed the same structures much ear-

lier). Montgomery tubercles become prominent during
pregnancy and lactation, reflecting the need for keeping L
the areola moist during feeding. The tubercles regress
after menopause. Apocrine and sweat glands are also
present in the immediate area. Hair follicles are present TD
at the edge of the areola. The presence of these glands
and hair follicles may be involved in the pathogenesis of SSD
persistent subareolar abscesses.
Skin incisions for breast surgery are generally based
on the knowledge of the natural orientation of collagen
fibers in the skin along the lines first described by Karl SD
Langer, the 19th-century Austrian anatomist. Adherence LS
to Langer lines of skin orientation in making surgical
incisions ensures minimal scarring and better cosmetic
outcome.12 These lines are based on mechanical prin- CD
ciples rather than on any specific anatomic structures
(and are founded on the somewhat macabre premise of
the direction in which the human cadaver’s skin of a N
particular region will split if struck by a spike!).
Clinicopathologically, the breast is divided into four
quadrants: upper-outer, upper-inner, lower-inner, and
lower-outer; however, these quadrants do not exist in
anatomic terms. In this context, the terms multifocal and FIG. 1.3 Sagittal section through the adult female breast. Three lobes
are depicted in this diagram (all outlined in ellipses). The central lobe
multicentric merit mention. Multifocal is usually defined
shows its basic structure from the nipple (N). Depicted herein are col-
as disease within the same quadrant, whereas multicen- lecting duct (CD), lactiferous sinus (LS), segmental duct (SD), subseg-
tric is the term generally used to describe disease in a mental duct (SSD), terminal duct (TD), and lobule (L).
least two quadrants (or greater than 5.0 cm apart).13
There are multiple scenarios that reveal the inadequacies anatomic extent: the larger ones may extend beyond a
of these definitions (eg, “boundary” tumors that traverse quadrant, and the smaller ones may occupy much less
two quadrants and centrally placed tumors that span than a quadrant. The lobes are independent systems. It is
multiple quadrants). Perhaps an improved approach possible that a few lobes may interconnect at some level
would be to define multicentricity as tumors that lie via ducts, although the evidence for this is rather dubi-
beyond a variable 90-degree arc, rather than a fixed ous. In situ (ie, noninvasive) carcinoma extends in the
quadrant based on a clock dial with two lines drawn, long axis of the lobe along the ductal system, using the
one between 12:00 and 6:00 o’clock, and another con- latter as a scaffold. Interlobar anastomosis, if it were to
necting 3:00 and 9:00 o’clock. However, even this exist, could potentially allow in situ carcinoma to spread
approach “still suffers from the pie-shaped wedge that beyond the primarily afflicted duct.
narrows to a point the closer one gets toward the cen- The nipple and areola are covered with stratified
ter of the nipple-areola complex, culminating in those squamous epithelium, which is continuous with the sur-
pesky subareolar and central tumors, which can touch rounding skin over the breast. The opening of the collect-
four quadrants simultaneously even when unifocal.”14 ing ducts at the nipple is typically plugged by keratinous
In the current TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) stag- debris in the nonlactating breast. The squamous epithe-
ing system, breast tumors of any size with direct exten- lium of the collecting ducts undergoes gradual transition
sion to the chest wall and/or to the overlying skin with to pseudostratified columnar epithelium and, finally, to
presence of nodules or ulceration are staged as T4. The cuboidal or low-columnar epithelium (Fig. 1.4).
invasion of the dermis by tumor, per se, does not qual- Approximately 20 orifices of collecting ducts, each
ify as T4. representing a lobe of the breast, are present in the nip-
ple. These orifices, which may be as few as 8 and as
Structure and Histology many as 24, are generally arranged as a central group
and a peripheral group.17 The deeper portion of the col-
Several collecting ducts, each of which drains a mammary lecting ducts has a characteristically serrated contour for
lobe, open in the nipple. The lobes are arranged around a variable distance before opening into its terminal por-
the breast in a radial (spokelike) manner (Fig. 1.3). Three- tion. The latter portion has a relatively less convoluted
dimensional depictions of the breast lobe appear as cones, and smoother profile. The lactiferous ducts in the nipple
with its apex at the nipple and its base in deeper breast are surrounded by bundles of smooth muscle. The mus-
tissue, where most lobules reside.15,16 Despite the depic- cle fiber arrangement is principally circular, but some
tion of mammary lobes in most textbooks as discrete fibers are also arranged vertically, interlacing among
anatomic territories within the breast, the lobes grow collecting and lactiferous ducts. The circular muscle
intricately into one another around their borders and do fibers cause nipple erection, readying it for suckling. By
not constitute distinct, grossly identifiable entities. Thus cyclic contraction, the vertically arrayed muscle bundles
the lobes cannot be visually demarcated (and dissected) empty the lactiferous sinuses. There is virtually no adi-
during surgery. Notably, each duct system has a different pose tissue immediately beneath the nipple and areola.
4 Normal Breast and Developmental Disorders

FIG. 1.4 Vertical section through the nipple. A, A collecting duct is shown approaching the surface of the
nipple (area in box is magnified in B). B, Squamous epithelium of the orifice undergoes gradual transition to
the columnar epithelium of the collecting duct. A and B, Hematoxylin and eosin stain.

FIG. 1.5 Terminal duct lobular unit. A, The lobule is composed of multiple acini. Acini are on the right (area
in box is magnified in B). B, The terminal duct on the left is seen exiting the lobule. Note inner epithelial layer
(with denser cytoplasm) and outer myoepithelial layer (with clearer cytoplasm). A and B, Hematoxylin and
eosin stain.

The portion of the ductal system immediately below populated by a mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate par-
the collecting duct is the lactiferous sinus in which milk ticularly in the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle.
accumulates during lactation. This sinus communicates The lobule undergoes a variety of morphologic changes
directly with segmental duct, which subdivides into sub- under various physiologic influences (Fig. 1.6).
segmental ducts, which in turn subdivide into terminal The fundamental glandular unit of the breast, and its
ducts. The latter structures drain the lobule. Each lobe most actively proliferating portion, is the terminal duct
contains 20 to 40 lobules. The lobule is composed of lobular unit (TDLU). This unit comprises the lobule and
groups of small glandular structures, the acini. The latter its paired terminal duct. During pregnancy and lacta-
are the terminal point of the ductal system. The serially tion, the epithelial cells of the terminal ducts and lobules
and dichotomously branching structure of the mammary undergo secretory changes, and most disease processes
gland, from the tubular-like collecting duct to the termi- of the breast arise from the TDLUs (including cyst for-
nal acini, leads to its classification as a compound tubu- mation, which may simply represent “unfolding” of the
loacinar (or tubulolobular) gland (Fig. 1.5). terminal ducts and lobular units). Indeed, the only com-
The lobule is inapparent to the naked eye on cut sec- mon lesion thought to be strictly of ductal origin may be
tions of breast tissue. However, with the aid of a mag- the solitary intraductal papilloma (Table 1.1).
nifying lens, the lobules resemble minute drops of dew, Except for the squamous epithelium–coated most
and the ducts may appear as linear streaks. The size of distal portion of the collecting ducts, low-columnar to
the “normal” lobule is extremely variable, as are the cuboidal epithelium lines almost the entire ductal sys-
number of acini in each lobule. Each lobule consists of tem of the breast, including the segmental ducts, sub-
10 to 100 (range, 8–200) acini. The intralobular stroma segmental ducts, terminal ducts, and acini. This lining
consists of loose connective tissue and may also be epithelium is supported on its basal surface by a layer
Normal Breast 5



FIG. 1.6 Mammary lobule at various physiological stages. A, Lobule in an adult female breast, inactive.
B, Lobule in early puberty; note the incipient development of the lobule. C, Lobule in the secretory phase
of the menstrual cycle; note secretions in the glands. D, Lobule after menopause, with intralobular fibrosis. E,
Lobule after menopause, with intralobular adipocytes. F, Lobule in the elderly; note glandular atrophy amid
largely fatty stroma. A to F, Hematoxylin and eosin stain.

of myoepithelial cells. The basement membrane (basal is primarily responsible for the mechanical release of
lamina) lies under the layer of myoepithelial cells. Exter- milk (the milk let-down phenomenon).19
nal to the basement membrane is connective tissue. The myoepithelial cell layer is generally regarded
Myoepithelial cells facilitate milk secretion via their as being spindle shaped with usually inapparent cyto-
contractile property, which is largely under the influence plasm. Indeed, in fine-needle aspiration cytology prepa-
of oxytocin. Receptors for the latter have been detected rations, myoepithelial cells appear to be entirely devoid
on the surface of myoepithelial cells,18 and this hormone of cytoplasm (ie, “naked”). The thin and compressed
6 Normal Breast and Developmental Disorders

TABLE 1.1  Histologic Alterations in Breast

Glands and Stroma During Various
Phases of the Menstrual Cyclea
Epithelial cells are relatively smaller, with central nuclei and
eosinophilic cytoplasm
Myoepithelial cells are relatively small
Glandular lumens are nondilated and without secretions
Stroma is relatively dense
No epithelial mitoses are present
Epithelial cells are relatively larger, with minute apical snouts
Rare epithelial mitoses are present
Glandular lumens are dilated
Myoepithelial cells appear more prominent
Luminal secretions become evident
Stroma is edematous FIG. 1.7 Prominent myoepithelial cells in a terminal duct lobular unit.
The myoepithelial cells lie external to the epithelial cells and may occa-
Proliferation rate (as evidenced by Ki-67) is higher than in
sionally appear prominent (myoid hyperplasia). Hematoxylin and eosin
proliferative phase
Epithelial cells have high nuclear-to-cytoplasm ratio, with TABLE 1.2  Sites of Origin of Common Diseases
apical snouts in the Breast
Epithelial mitoses are rare
Glandular lumens become smaller; luminal secretions become FROM NIPPLE
less evident Paget disease, florid papillomatosis of nipple (ie, nipple
Myoepithelial cells are highly vacuolated adenoma)
Stroma is compact
Apoptotic figures are most numerous on day 28 FROM LACTIFEROUS DUCTS
Lobular size almost doubles from that in early proliferative Subareolar sclerosing ductal hyperplasia, duct ectasia
phase (from ∼1 mm to ∼2 mm)
aHistologic changes vary widely within the breast and even within lobules. Solitary intraductal papilloma, duct ectasia
(bipolar) nuclei of the myoepithelial cells are oriented Cysts, epithelial hyperplasia, noninvasive and invasive
perpendicular to the layout of the epithelial cells. Myo- carcinoma
epithelial cells extend from collecting ducts to the tip of
the acini and may occasionally appear prominent either
de novo (Fig. 1.7) or in certain physiologic states (eg, acid–Schiff). Stromal tissue lies beyond the basement
atrophy) and pathologic situations (eg, postradiation, membrane. The multilayered structure of the mammary
adenomyoepithelioma). Myoepithelial cells appear to gland can be highlighted with various histochemical and
be inapparent in certain lesions (eg, in macrocysts, in immunohistochemical stains (Fig. 1.10).
which these cells get stretched). The mammary ducts and lobules are embedded
The list of immunohistochemical stains that can be within a variable fibrous and fatty stroma. The relative
used to demonstrate the presence of myoepithelium proportion of glands, fibrous tissue, and fat varies with
around ducts is long, and newer stains are continually age and body habitus; however, stromal tissues make
being introduced (Table 1.2 and Fig. 1.8), the latest one up the bulk of the breast in adult nonlactating and non-
being p40.20 The lack of myoepithelial cell layer around pregnant women. Adipose tissue is typically present in
neoplastic glands is generally considered to be diagnostic the interlobar stroma and not among lobules (typically
of invasive carcinoma, barring special situations such as not until atrophy ensues). The fibrous tissue assists in
those encountered in microglandular adenosis21 and solid- the mechanical coherence of the gland. The fibroblastic
papillary carcinoma with smooth peripheral contours. and myofibroblastic elements in the stroma of the breast
Absence of myoepithelial cell layer has also been reported often display a deceitfully angiomatous appearance
in some, but not all, apocrine cysts.22 The use of double (hence, the term pseudoangiomatous stromal hyper-
(or even triple) immunolabeling with combinations of epi- plasia) (Fig. 1.11). The volume-fraction of collagen-
thelial and myoepithelial immunostains is helpful in con- rich fibrous tissue is greater in younger adult women
firming early invasive carcinoma of breast (Fig. 1.9).23 and accounts for the greater mammographic density
The basement membrane, composed of a relatively therein.24,25 Within the United States, several states have
attenuated basal lamina, lies immediately outside of the enacted laws that require health care facilities to notify
myoepithelial cell layer and divides the glands from the patients who are categorized as having dense breast tis-
stroma. The basement membrane can be highlighted sue on mammograms. Such legislation is designed to
with appropriate immunostains (eg, laminin and col- help improve detection of breast carcinoma via use of
lagen 4) or histochemical stains (reticulin and periodic additional imaging modalities.26
Normal Breast 7

FIG. 1.8 Myoepithelial immunostain (calponin) in ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). A, DCIS of solid and
micropapillary types. Hematoxylin and eosin stain. B, Calponin immunostain demonstrates complete my-
oepithelial envelope around the neoplastic cells.


FIG. 1.9 Triple stain highlights the myoepithelium and epithelium of mammary glands. The mammary
ductal-lobular system is lined by a dual cell population: an inner epithelial cell layer and an outer myoepi-
thelial cell layer. Red cytoplasmic immunostaining is seen in epithelial cells with cytokeratin. Brown cytoplas-
mic staining is observed in myoepithelial cells with myosin. Brown nuclear staining in myoepithelial cells is
with p63. Shown here is a duct and an inactive lobule (A), ductal carcinoma in situ (B), and microinvasive
carcinoma (C, center). Note absence of myoepithelium around the cells of the microinvasive carcinoma.
A to C, Triple immunostain: CK AE1/3 + myosin + p63.
8 Normal Breast and Developmental Disorders



FIG. 1.10 Physiologically inactive mammary lobule: histochemical and immunohistochemical demon-
stration of structure. A, Normal lobule, hematoxylin and eosin stain. B, Reticulin stain decorates basement
membrane. C, Collagen 4 immunostain also displays basement membrane. D, Smooth muscle myosin im-
munoreactivity demonstrates myoepithelial cells. E, p63 immunostain shows nuclei of myoepithelial cells. F,
Cytokeratin AE1/AE3 immunostain demonstrates epithelial cells.
Normal Breast 9

Apocrine cells are normal constituents of the glands

of the breast in adult women, suggesting that this find-
ing is a physiologic phenomenon (ie, a normal line of
metaplastic differentiation) rather than a pathologic
finding.27 The apocrine cells are typically pink and
appear cuboidal or columnar and may exhibit a stubby
apical snout (Fig. 1.12). Rarely, prominent apocrine
(Lendrum) granules may become evident, particularly at
the apical portions of the cells (Fig. 1.13). Inexplicably,
cysts lined by apocrine epithelia are a common finding
in breast lesions detected by magnetic resonance imag-
ing28 and typically contain calcium oxalate crystals.
The latter may need polarizing microscopy to be opti-
mally visualized (Fig. 1.14).29 Apocrine cells are almost
always negative for both estrogen receptors (ERs) and
progesterone receptors (PgRs) and are strongly posi-
FIG. 1.11 Stromal fibrosis. Younger breasts have more stromal (mainly fi-
tive for epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), gross cys-
brous) component. Occasionally, the fibroblastic and myofibroblastic pro- tic disease fluid protein-15 (GCDFP-15), and androgen
liferation displays a vaguely angiomatous appearance (hence, the term receptors (ARs).
pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia). Hematoxylin and eosin stain. Under certain influences, as yet unknown, clear cell
change can occur in epithelial cells (of both ducts and
lobules) as well as in myoepithelial cells (Fig. 1.15).30–32
In epithelial cells, clear cell change can be commonly
seen in association with apocrine metaplasia and fol-
lowing cytoplasmic accumulation of glycogen. Clear cell
change can occur either spontaneously or sporadically
in myoepithelial cells and may be seen in association
with adenomyoepitheliosis and adenomyoepithelioma
(Fig. 1.16). Such a change in either epithelium or myo-
epithelium has not been associated with progression to
any disease process.
Foam cells are normally found within glands (typi-
cally those that are cystic) and in stroma (Fig. 1.17).
Some of these foam cells are polygonal (and thus dis-
tinctly histiocytic) in appearance; others may have
either an epithelioid or spindle cell appearance.33
Pigment-laden histiocytes appear in periductal con-
nective tissue in approximately 15% of breasts (Fig.
FIG. 1.12 Apocrine metaplasia. The pink apocrine cells show bland 1.18).34 These relatively large cells with low nuclear-
round to ovoid nuclei. Transition of the normal cuboidal epithelium to to-cytoplasmic ratio contain pale yellow to dark brown
the metaplastic apocrine epithelium is evident in the box. Hematoxylin pigment. The pigment seems to have the staining quali-
and eosin stain.
ties of lipofuscin (ie, positive for periodic acid–Schiff

FIG. 1.13 Cystic papillary apocrine hyperplasia with prominent apocrine granules. A, The apocrine type
of metaplastic cells bear bright orange-red intracytoplasmic granules (area in box is magnified in B). A and
B, Hematoxylin and eosin stain.
10 Normal Breast and Developmental Disorders

FIG. 1.14 Cystic apocrine metaplasia with oxalate crystals. A, The apocrine cysts contain barely visible
calcium oxalate crystals. B, The crystals can be better visualized under polarizing microscopy. A and B,
Hematoxylin and eosin stain.

FIG. 1.15 Clear cell metaplasia. A and B, Acini in a lobule show cells with abundant clear cytoplasm and
bland nuclei. Note unaffected glands in the vicinity. A and B, Hematoxylin and eosin stain.

[but diastase-resistant], weakly positive for acid-fast

stain, and negative for iron). Multinucleated stromal
giant cells may rarely be present in the interlobular
fibrous stroma, especially in the myofibroblast-dominant
areas (Fig. 1.19). These giant cells have no known clini-
cal significance.35
A framework of elastic tissue is present along the
length of the duct system from the nipple to the sub-
segmental ducts. TDLUs are typically surrounded by a
cuff of fibrous or myxoid connective tissues that contain
virtually no elastic tissue. The larger ducts have sparse
specialized connective tissue and possess relatively more
elastic tissue. Bundles of elastic tissue are present in the
periductal stroma of approximately 50% of women
older than 50 years (Fig. 1.20). Elastosis implies an
excess of elastic fibers over normal, although the base-
line level of elastic tissue in the female breast remains
FIG. 1.16 Clear cell cytoplasmic change in myoepithelial cells. Clear
cell change in myoepithelia can appear pronounced. If the myoepi- undefined.36
thelial cells appear to be equal in number to the epithelial cells, the Two types of benign clear cells are present in the nip-
term adenomyoepitheliosis may be used. Hematoxylin and eosin stain. ple among the stratified squamous epithelium. These are
the so-called cellules claires and the Toker cells.37 The
more common cellules claire (French for clear cells) type,
Normal Breast 11

FIG. 1.17 Mammary foam cells. These finely vacuolated histiocytic-type cells typically appear within
cysts, which may (A) or may only focally (B) be lined by epithelial cells. The derivation of foam cells (epithe-
lial or histiocytic) had been controversial in the past. A and B, Hematoxylin and eosin stain.

appear dendritic (ie, stellate) on cytokeratin 7 (CK7)

immunoreaction (Fig. 1.22).
Paget disease of nipple (titled after Sir James Paget,
a 19th-century British surgeon and pathologist) is the
ascending extension of carcinoma cells, along the preex-
isting scaffold of the ductal system of the breast, to the
epidermis of the nipple.40 Rarely, these Paget cells form
glands. Except for HER2 (human epidermal growth
factor receptor 2) (which is strongly immunoreactive
in >90% of Paget cells), immunohistochemistry is gen-
erally unhelpful in the differential diagnosis of Toker
and Paget cells because both cell types are reactive for
various cytokeratins (including cell adhesion molecule
[CAM] 5.2 and CK7) and EMA and are nonreactive for
CK20 and S-100 proteins (Fig. 1.23).41–43
Nipple-sparing mastectomy has lately become a popu-
FIG. 1.18 Stromal histiocytes. The large, finely vacuolated cells with lar option for those for whom mastectomy is mandated or
minute nuclei are typically seen around cystically dilated ducts. Hema-
preferable for any reason. This procedure, which spares
toxylin and eosin stain.
the nipple-areolar complex, provides a reconstructed
breast with cosmetically better outcome along with the
seen in about a third of the nipples, has clear cytoplasm added possibility of retention of (at least some) sensa-
and a semilunar nucleus that is compressed to the edge tion in the nipple. These advantages have to be weighed
(Fig. 1.21). The clarity of the cytoplasm is likely the result against the risks of leaving carcinoma in the nipple or
of hydropic change. These clear cells are typically numer- the threat of carcinoma developing in residual ductal
ous and scattered throughout the full thickness of the or lobular tissue in the “spared” nipple.44 In a study of
epidermis. The clear portion of the cytoplasm of cellules 316 therapeutic nipple-sparing mastectomies, Brachtel
claires is nonreactive for various cytokeratins, EMA, and colleagues45 found that 71% of nipples showed no
carcinoembryonic antigen, and papillomavirus markers. abnormality; 21% had ductal carcinoma in situ, invasive
The second type of clear cells (so-called Toker cells) is breast carcinoma, or lymphovascular channel involve-
more clinically significant because it can be mistaken for ment by tumor; and 8% had lobular carcinoma in situ.
Paget disease of nipple. These cells, first detailed by Cyril Lobules are present in 17% of normal nipples.46
Toker, a pathologist in New York City, are “smaller in
size than typical Paget’s cells” and “larger than their Ultrastructure
squamous neighbors.”38 Toker cells are either extensions
of mammary duct epithelial cells into the epidermal sur- On electron microscopy, the inactive luminal cells that
face of the nipple or remnants of the embryonic nipple line the entire length of the ductal and lobular system
bud (see earlier). These cells have bland nuclei and pale of the breast contain mitochondria, rough endoplasmic
cytoplasm and appear to be most numerous around the reticulum, and secretory granules. Surface specialization
openings of lactiferous ducts.39 Toker cells occur either is present with microvilli projecting into the extracel-
singly or in aggregates of a few cells. Most are commonly lular lumen. Desmosomes are present along the lateral
encountered near the basal layer but may also be found interface with neighboring epithelial cells. Presence of
in the more superficial layers. Notably, Toker cells can the secretory granules and droplets toward the apical
12 Normal Breast and Developmental Disorders

FIG. 1.19 Multinucleated stromal giant cells in the breast. A, Stromal giant cells (of mesenchymal pheno-
type) are seen here in association with stromal fibrosis. B, Detail of multinucleated stromal giant cells. A and
B, Hematoxylin and eosin stain.

FIG. 1.20 Stromal elastosis. A, Periductal stromal elastosis in a 78-year-old woman. Hematoxylin and eosin
stain. B, Elastic stain highlights elastic fibers in stroma.

FIG. 1.21 Cellules claires (clear cells) in a nipple with Paget disease. Intraductal carcinoma in underlying
collecting duct extends into the epidermis of the nipple as Paget disease (box in A). Clear cells, simulating
signet-ring cells, are abundant (best seen in B). A and B, Hematoxylin and eosin stain.
Normal Breast 13

FIG. 1.22 Toker cells in epidermis of nipple. A, These benign seemingly vacuolated cells are scattered
mainly around the basal layer and possess more abundant cytoplasm and are paler than adjacent
­keratinocytes. Hematoxylin and eosin stain. B, Cytokeratin 7 immunostain highlights Toker cells and imparts
a dendritic appearance to these cells.

FIG. 1.23 Paget disease of the nipple. A, The much larger and paler malignant cells are evident amid
the native squamous epithelium of the nipple. Hematoxylin and eosin stain. B, Cytokeratin-7 immunostain
highlights the presence of Paget cells. Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 immunostain displays 3+
(on a scale of 0 to 3+) cytoplasmic membrane reactivity in Paget cells (inset).

pole of the cells depends on the physiologic state of the “internal thoracic artery” refer to the same arterial
organ. A seemingly continuous layer of myoepithelial vessel.49 Necrosis of breast tissue after coronary artery
cells lies under the epithelial cells. This layer is oriented bypass graft with segments of internal mammary artery
at right angles to the epithelial cells. Contractile actin is a rarer complication than one might expect, especially
filaments are seen in myoepithelial cells that appear because this artery is so commonly used for this pur-
more electron-dense and contain intracytoplasmic myo- pose.50 The lateral thoracic artery supplies the upper and
fibrils with dense bodies and pinocytotic vesicles. The outer portions of the breast. Numerous other arterial
myoepithelial cells are attached to the underlying base- vessels, including various intercostal (mainly the second
ment membrane (basal lamina) via hemidesmosomes. to fourth), lateral thoracic, subscapular, thoracoacro-
The epithelial cells appear to rest directly on the basal mial, and thoracodorsal arteries and branches thereof,
lamina wherever there is a gap between myoepithelial contribute to the arterial supply of the breast.51,52
cells.47,48 Arteries in the breast normally exhibit sclerotic
changes and intramural calcifications of the type seen
Arterial Supply in so-called Monckeberg medial calcific arterial sclerosis
(named after Johann Monckeberg, the German cardio-
The principal arterial supply to the breast is via the vascular pathologist). Such calcified deposits are largely
internal mammary artery, which caters to its central an aging phenomenon similar to that observed in other
and medial portion. Somewhat confusing to the unini- organs (Fig. 1.24). Up to 9% of breasts in postmeno-
tiated is the fact that “internal mammary artery” and pausal women exhibit arterial calcifications detectable
14 Normal Breast and Developmental Disorders





FIG. 1.24 A mammary artery with intramural calcification. Annular

intramural deposit of calcification is evident in the manner of medial
calcific sclerosis of Monckeberg. Hematoxylin and eosin stain.
FIG. 1.25 Lymphatic drainage of the breast. Schematic depiction of
the breast and regional lymph nodes: axillary lymph nodes at levels I,
II, and III (I, II, and III, respectively); supraclavicular lymph nodes (SC);
on screening mammograms, and such findings are and internal mammary lymph nodes (IM). The pectoralis minor muscle
not predictive of coronary heart disease at coronary demarcates the various levels of axillary lymph nodes.
Given the relatively rich arterial network in the breast, German surgeon, in the late 19th century) lie between
it is not surprising that the vessels get traumatized by the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor muscle, belong
invasive procedures such as needle core biopsies. A to the level 2 group, and may comprise up to four nodes.
number of cases of arterial pseudoaneurysm formation Level 3 lymph nodes are also known as apical or infra-
after core biopsies have been reported.54 clavicular nodes (Fig. 1.25). Metastases to the latter
group of lymph nodes portend a worse prognosis. Rot-
Venous Drainage ter lymph nodes are characteristically involved in breast
carcinomas that arise from the upper-central and upper-
In general, the venous drainage system of the breast fol- outer regions of the breast.58 Axillary lymph nodes usu-
lows the arterial system. However, the veins of the breast ally range from 20 to 30 in number, with an average of
are much more variable than its arteries. The superficial 24; however, up to 81 lymph nodes have been dissected
venous system of the breast drains into the internal tho- from this group.59 For years, conventional wisdom dic-
racic vein. The deep venous system drains into the per- tated that breast carcinoma involved the various levels
forating branches of the internal thoracic vein, lateral of nodes in a stepwise fashion, progressing from levels
thoracic, axillary vein, and upper intercostal veins. A 1 to 3. However, this traditional subdivision of axil-
circular venous plexus lies around the areola. lary lymph nodes has been challenged by more recent
studies in which the location of sentinel lymph nodes
Lymphatic System and Regional (ie, the first lymph nodes to receive lymphatic drainage
Lymph Nodes from the breast) has been examined.60,61 Sentinel lymph
nodes are seen at level 2 in up to 23% of patients, and
The bulk (>75%) of the lymph drained from the breast metastases in level 3 lymph nodes only (skipping nodes
enters the axilla.55 Most of the remainder of lymph at levels 1 and 2) are present in about 2% to 3% of
from the organ drains into the internal mammary nodes. cases. Of note, sentinel lymph nodes are rarely found to
There are also some lesser lymphatic channels that lead be in extraaxillary locations and as such are characteris-
to the interpectoral, internal thoracic, supraclavicular, tically encountered in cases in which the breast has been
and infraclavicular (and possibly even intramammary) irradiated or the axilla has been operated.62
lymph nodes. Lymphatic channels of the breast follow a Intramammary lymph nodes may be identified inci-
more or less direct trail to the axillary or internal mam- dentally in breast biopsy samples or during mastecto-
mary nodes without involving the rich subareolar lym- mies performed for another abnormality but are more
phatic plexus.56 often identified as ovoid, less than a 2-cm circumscribed,
The axillary lymph nodes that lie along the axillary density on imaging studies.63 In one series, intramam-
vein and its tributaries are usually divided into three lev- mary lymph nodes were identified in 28% of mastec-
els: level 1 nodes lie in the low-axilla, lateral to the axil- tomies performed for operable breast carcinoma.64
lary border of pectoralis minor muscle; level 2 nodes lie However, in routine practice, these nodes are encoun-
in the midaxilla, between the medial and the lateral bor- tered in less than 1% of cases. Although up to 10% of
ders of the pectoralis minor muscle; and level 3 nodes lie these nodes can be positive for metastatic carcinoma,
in the apex of the axilla, medial to the cranial margin of they may not be part of the usual lymphatic drainage
the pectoralis minor muscle and inferior to the clavicle.57 system of the breast. Before a positive intramammary
The Rotter lymph nodes (described by Josef Rotter, a lymph node is diagnosed, medullary carcinoma (with
Normal Breast 15

its prominent lymphoid response) must be considered

in the differential diagnosis. A lymph node (regardless
of its location) has a capsule, subcapsular sinus, and at
least one well-formed lymphoid follicle. Intramammary
lymph nodes are considered as axillary lymph nodes for
staging purposes.
The internal mammary lymph nodes are located in
the intercostal spaces, 2 to 3 cm from the edge of the
sternum in the endothoracic fascia. They are typically
involved in carcinomas that are located in the upper-
outer quadrant. Supraclavicular lymph nodes are clas-
sified as regional nodes and lie in the supraclavicular
fossa, a triangle defined by the omohyoid muscle (lat-
erally and superiorly), the internal jugular vein (medi-
ally), and the clavicle and subclavian vein (inferiorly).
Involvement of the internal mammary nodes is staged as
pN3b and that of the ipsilateral supraclavicular lymph FIG. 1.26 Peripheral nerve involved by invasive carcinoma. Periph-
nodes as pN3c. Lymphatic drainage to the contralateral eral nerve shows circumferential involvement (perineural invasion) by
breast has not been demonstrated, although metastases invasive carcinoma. Hematoxylin and eosin stain.
to contralateral axilla have been reported.
In the current staging system, N1 implies metastatic
involvement of 1 to 3 lymph nodes; N2, 4 to 9 posi- TABLE 1.3  Routine Immunohistochemical
tive lymph nodes; and N3, 10 or more positive lymph and Histochemical Stains Used
nodes. As such, a lymph node dissection with a harvest to Highlight Epithelial Cells,
of more than 10 lymph nodes should be considered to Myoepithelial Cells, and Basement
be adequate for staging purposes. Membrane


CAM 5.2, CK 7, 8, 18, 19 (lower-molecular-weight CKs)
Nerve supply of the breast is derived from the anterior Alpha-lactalbumin (during secretory phase)
and lateral branches of the second to sixth intercostal GCDFP-15, especially in apocrine metaplastic cells
(T2–6) nerves, which convey sensory and sympathetic EMA reacts relatively strongly with apical region of active
efferent fibers. The nerve supply of the nipple is complex secretory cells
and is mainly from the anterior branch of the lateral IMMUNOSTAINS FOR MYOEPITHELIAL CELLS
cutaneous ramus of T4.65 Most sensory fibers terminate Smooth muscle actin
close to the epidermis as free endings, serving to signal SMM-HC
the process of suckling to the central nervous system. Caldesmon
Despite its well-deserved reputation as being extremely Calponin
sensitive, relatively few nerves and nerve endings, CD10
including light touch receptors of Meissner (a 19th- p40
p63 (a p53 homologue with nuclear staining)
century German physiologist) and pressure corpuscles
CK (5, 5/6, 14, 17, 34βE12 (higher-molecular-weight CK)
of Pacini (a 19th-century Italian anatomist, pronounced
CK17: usually positive in ductal myoepithelial cells, rarely
“pah-chee-nee”) are histologically identifiable in rou- positive in lobular myoepithelial cells
tinely prepared sections of the nipple. Secretory activi- ER, PgR, and AR: almost always negative in myoepithelial cells
ties of the breast are mainly under hormonal control
rather than regulated by efferent motor fibers. Tumoral IMMUNOSTAINS FOR BASEMENT MEMBRANE
involvement of peripheral nerves does not influence Collagen IV
prognosis (Fig. 1.26).

Hormone Regulation AR, androgen receptor; CK, cytokeratin; EMA, epithelial membrane anti-
gen; ER, estrogen receptor; GCDFP; gross cystic disease fluid protein; PgR,
progesterone receptor; SMM-HC, smooth muscle myosin heavy chain.
The breast is the target organ of a variety of hormones
that are responsible for its physical development as well
as the initiation and maintenance of lactation.66–70 of stromal edema and lobular proliferation. Strictly
Estrogen and progesterone production by the ovary speaking, the use of the term resting breast in the pre-
at puberty influences the initial growth of the breast. menopausal breast is inaccurate because the breast is
Despite its predominant role, estrogen is unable to work hardly ever quiescent during these years. During preg-
independently of other hormones. Cyclic hormonal nancy, the development of the breast is further stimu-
changes during each menstrual cycle alter the histology lated by the continuous production of estrogen and
of mammary glands (Table 1.3). The breasts become progesterone. In this period, breast growth is further
swollen and somewhat lumpy in the latter half of the influenced by prolactin, steroids, insulin, and growth
cycle. These changes are the physical manifestations hormone.
16 Normal Breast and Developmental Disorders

At delivery, the loss of placenta and degeneration of

corpus luteum causes an abrupt drop in estrogen and
progesterone levels. Milk production is then brought
about by prolactin and adrenocortical steroids. Suck-
ling initiates impulses that act on the hypothalamus,
resulting in the release of oxytocin from the posterior
pituitary. Oxytocin stimulates the myoepithelial cells of
the mammary glands, causing them to contract and dis-
charge milk. Once the stimulation of suckling ends and
feeding stops, secretion of milk ceases, and the gland
gradually reverts to an inactive state.
ER is positive in epithelial cells of mammary glands
in approximately 15% of cells, and both PgR and AR
are sporadically positive in epithelial cells of ducts and
lumen (Fig. 1.27).71 ER, PgR, and AR are almost always
negative in myoepithelial cells. There is a higher fre- FIG. 1.27 Estrogen receptor (ER) in a normal adult lobular unit. Typi-
quency of ER-positivity in normal breast glandular cells cally, around 15% of the glandular epithelial cells show moderate de-
during the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle, gree of ER immunoreactivity, although there is slight variation in ER re-
and there is a higher frequency of PgR-positivity dur- activity in various phases of the menstrual cycle. ER 1D5 immunostain.
ing the secretory phase. Oral contraceptive use decreases
ER content of epithelial cells in the resting mammary
epithelium.72 breast in pregnancy are the hyperplasia and hypertro-
Two forms of ER, ER-α and ER-β, exist. ER-α can be phy of alveoli in each lobule (Fig. 1.29). The peak pro-
demonstrated in nuclei of ductal and lobular epithelial liferative activity in glandular cells is observed during
cells; however, its expression varies with the phase of the first half of the pregnancy. The second half involves
menstrual cycle and with the proliferative index. ER-β the maturation of the gland into a functional organ of
can be seen not only in ductal and lobular cells but also lactation. With progression of pregnancy, the glandular
in myoepithelial and stromal cells. Relative levels of the cells become more vacuolated, and secretions become
two types of ER may have a potential, as yet unclear, evident in lumens of glands. The interglandular stroma
role in breast carcinogenesis.73 becomes relatively attenuated. By the beginning of the
third trimester, the lobules form grapelike clusters.75,76
Thelarche With the onset of lactation, which typically occurs
within 1 to 4 days after parturition, the epithelial cells
The breast starts to grow at the onset of puberty, around appear vacuolated with a hobnail appearance (Fig. 1.30).
the age of 11 years (range, 9–14 years). Thelarche refers Luminal accumulation of secretions becomes readily
to the onset of breast development (from the Greek thele, evident. Milk production averages 1 to 2 mL/g of breast
“nipple,” and arche, “beginning”). The process occurs tissue per day. The rate of lactation is constant for the
under the menses-induced cyclic effect of estrogen and, to first 6 months after its onset. Lactation can continue for
a lesser extent, of progesterone.74 Other signs of puberty up to 4 years, as long as frequent suckling is maintained.
follow soon thereafter. During early adulthood, stromal On cessation of lactation, the process of involution takes
growth is responsible for most of the increase in breast a few (typically 3–4) months, although residual signs of
size. At puberty, the ducts elongate and undergo repeated lactation may be encountered for several months there-
branching. The lobules, and acini therein, proliferate. The after (Fig. 1.31). The process of involution affects the
connective tissue becomes denser, and adipose tissue starts individual acini and lobules at different rates. After lac-
to accumulate. Each menstrual cycle fosters progressive tation ends, the breasts tend to become pendulous—a
gland development, the individual glands not returning consequence of parenchymal shrinkage under the now
to the previous cycle’s baseline. The glandular prolifera- stretched skin.
tion continues until the mid-30s or so and then plateaus Scattered minute foci of lactational-like changes in
until menopause, unless pregnancy ensues. These histo- nonlactating and nonpregnant women can be encoun-
logic changes, more often than not, parallel the physical tered in up to 3% of breast biopsy specimens.77 These
alterations in the breast that occur with aging (Fig. 1.28). changes resemble those seen in the truly lactating
breasts, except for the absence of abundant secretions in
Pregnancy, Lactation, and Milk acinar lumen (Fig. 1.32). Such lactational-like changes
are typically uneven, and only some acini in a lobule
Among mammals, human beings are unique in the rela- may be affected.
tively large size of their quiescent breast; however, as Human milk is a complex fluid, composed largely
in other species, the ultimate structural maturation and of water (88%), lactose (7%), fat (4%), protein (1%,
functional activity of the human breast occur after the chiefly casein and lactalbumin), and various minerals
completion of pregnancy and with the establishment of including potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium.
lactation. Vitamins and antibodies, mainly immunoglobulin A
The total weight gain of each breast during pregnancy (IgA), are also present. Colostrum (milk of early lacta-
is approximately 300 g. The principal changes in the tion) is relatively richer in its antibody content.78
Normal Breast 17


FIG. 1.28 Changes in contour of breast at various phases. Schematic drawing illustrates contour of the
breast in a typical adult (A), fuller contour in midpregnancy (B), rounded contour in lactation (C), and
droop contour in postmenopause (D).

FIG. 1.29 Breast in midpregnancy. Acinar cells have a hobnail ap- FIG. 1.30 Lactating breast. The acini are expanded with accumu-
pearance with vacuolated cytoplasm. Note absence of luminal secre- lation of secretions. Acinar epithelia appear finely vacuolated. Hema-
tions. Hematoxylin and eosin stain. toxylin and eosin stain.
18 Normal Breast and Developmental Disorders

Menopause the male breast, are embedded amid fibrous stroma and
adipose tissue. The ducts are lined by a single layer of
The female breast undergoes gradual regression start- low cuboidal epithelium that lies on an inconspicuous
ing at the end of the fourth decade of life. The histo- myoepithelial cell layer. Lobule formation is only rarely
logic changes of regression are much more evident in the encountered in male breasts.
terminal duct lobular unit. There is progressive lobular Slight physiologic enlargement occurs at puberty, and
atrophy. Ducts become variably ectatic (ie, dilated), and in elderly men, it is caused by an androgen-estrogenic
there is an increase in stromal fat deposition. The regres- imbalance. Gynecomastia at puberty is common and
sive process continues until menopause (which typically affects most boys.
occurs some 10 years later) and beyond.79 The morpho-
logic pattern in elderly women may ultimately resemble DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS
the male breast; however, most menopausal women
produce enough endogenous estrogen to maintain some A variety of developmental anomalies affect the breast.
remnants of lobules. Some of these abnormalities preclude functioning of the
breast (eg, amastia), others hamper its optimal func-
Male Breast tioning (eg, inverted nipple), and some pose a cosmetic
problem (eg, polythelia and asymmetry). A variety of
The adult male breast consists mainly of large ducts morphologic abnormalities, without any functional def-
without lobule formation. The ducts, which generally icit, may be considered to be deformities. These include
do not extend beyond the central subareolar portion of the so-called Snoopy-nose breast in which the breast
resembles the shape of a tuberous plant root (named
after the nose of Charlie Brown’s pet dog in the Peanuts
comic strip).
Some degree of physiologic breast asymmetry is the
rule rather than the exception. Asymmetry is common
during breast growth and may persist into adulthood
in approximately 5% of cases.80,81 The left breast is
usually larger than the right, and this finding may be
related to handedness. A number of conditions, includ-
ing developmental disorders, surgery, radiation, and
trauma, may produce asymmetry. In states of extreme
malnutrition or emaciation, the breasts may reduce in
size in an asymmetrical manner; however, abnormali-
ties of development account for most cases of obvious
breast asymmetry. Surgery of either of the asymmetri-
cal set of breasts should not be undertaken for cosmetic
reasons alone, until full development has been achieved,
because of the high likelihood of permanent breast dam-
FIG. 1.31 Involution of breast 1-month after cessation of lactation.
age.82 Differences in size or length of the extension of
Acini are dilated with accumulation of secretions. Hematoxylin and eo- breasts into the axilla are regarded as variations, and
sin stain. not as disorders, of development. True developmental

FIG. 1.32 Focal lactational and pregnancy-like change in a nonpregnant and nonlactating woman. Se-
cretory changes are present in a lobule with acinar cells appearing variably vacuolated. A, Characteristic
laminated calcifications are present. B, Adjacent lobule is inactive. Hematoxylin and eosin stain.
Developmental Disorders 19

disorders of breast include those instances in which the undergoing corrective surgery for congenital heart
breast tissue is absent or hypoplastic or when accessory defects.92
breasts or nipples are present. Multiple additional types of injury or trauma, includ-
ing those related to dog bites,93 burns, and seat belts,
Amastia have resulted in restricted breast growth. A wide range
of nipple and breast abnormalities can be associated
Amastia is an extremely rare condition in which the with Becker hairy pigmented nevus.94
normal growth of the breast and nipple does not occur That trauma to the breast before thelarche resulted in
because of the complete failure of mammary line devel- failure of the breast to develop was apparently known to
opment at around 6 weeks in utero.83 This disorder has the fictional Amazonians (from a maz, meaning “with-
been known literally since biblical times, and its first out breast”). This nation was composed of independent
recorded reference is in the Song of Solomon: “We have women who had trauma inflicted to the right breast at a
a little sister, and she hath no breasts” (VIII:8). tender age to retard its development to gain competitive
Amastia is the complete failure of the breast to advantage in combat, mainly in archery.
develop. This is an exceedingly uncommon abnormality
and may be accompanied by a variety of developmental Polymastia
defects including those of shoulder and chest. Amas-
tia has also been reported in association with skeletal The milk line (see earlier) usually undergoes regression
(mainly of the ulnar rays of the hand) and renal defects in fetal life. Persistence of portions of accessory mam-
and is known to occur in siblings.84,85 mary glandular tissue along the milk line (polymastia)
Ulnar mammary syndrome (UMS) is a rare pleiotro- is encountered in up to 3% of adult women (and exists
pic autosomal disorder characterized by the classic com- in more than one location in about one third of these
bination of ulnar defects, mammary and apocrine gland cases). Polymastia is most commonly identified in the
hypoplasia, and genital abnormalities. Having mapped axilla. Other common locations include the inframam-
the UMS locus in one kindred to 12q23-24.1, Bamishad mary fold and the vulva.95 There appears to be a left-
and associates86 identified TBX3 as the causal gene for sided preponderance.
UMS. TBX3 is a member of the T-box gene family. The The entire spectrum of breast diseases from fibro-
products of the latter are transcription factors that have cystic changes to carcinoma can occur in the accessory
been shown to be crucial in the embryological develop- breast tissue in these locations.96,97 The most common
ment of various organs including the pituitary gland and presentation of polymastia is an axillary lump with pre-
the heart. menstrual pain or tenderness. Occasionally, bulky poly-
Poland sequence, a usually sporadic and unilateral mastia can cause a cosmetic problem. Polymastia, when
condition, represents the major differential diagnosis associated with a nipple, may function during preg-
of isolated amastia. The two conditions can be clini- nancy.98 Accessory breasts are reportedly more common
cally confused unless the absence of the pectoralis major in people of Asian ancestry and were noted to occur in
muscle is identified through ultrasound examination. 5.2% of Japanese women more than a century ago.99
Athelia tends to occur unilaterally as part of the Poland
sequence and bilaterally in certain types of ectoder- Supernumerary Nipple
mal dysplasias. Isolated absence of the breast could be
related to a vascular disruption sequence as suggested Supernumerary or accessory nipple (polythelia) is the
by Bianca and coworkers.87 most common mammary anomaly to be identified in
either sex. It occurs along the milk line and has been
Hypoplasia found in up to 2.4% of neonates.100,101
Because of deeper pigmentation, accessory nipples are
Hypoplasia refers to a major difference in breast size not always recognized for what they are and are com-
relative to the other, beyond the slight asymmetry that monly mistaken for nevi, acrochordon, or cutaneous
occurs normally. Hypoplasia of breast can be unilateral fibroma. Accessory nipples are most commonly encoun-
or bilateral, and it can occur as a congenital defect or it tered below the breast on the left chest and may occa-
may88 be associated with carcinoma.89 sionally enlarge during pregnancy or lactation. Multiple
Congenital mammary hypoplasia is associated with nipples have been reported to occur within one are-
hypoplasia of the ipsilateral pectoral muscle in 90% of ola.102 Histologically, the supernumerary nipples may
cases. Acquired mammary hypoplasia has been com- show any or all of the features typically observed in the
monly encountered in patients who had been irradiated area of nipple, including epidermal thickening, pilose-
in the mammary region before puberty for cutaneous baceous units, smooth muscle, and mammary ducts.103
hemangiomas (and also in those, in the distant past,
for secretion of witch’s milk). In general, the degree of Aberrant Breast Tissue
mammary hypoplasia correlates with the dose of radia-
tion.90,91 Surgical excision of the developing mammary The presence of mammary glandular parenchyma
gland should be performed only in cases in which a beyond the usual anatomical extent of the breast or
neoplasm is highly suspected. In this regard, appro- of the milk line is referred to as aberrant breast tissue.
priate caution should be exercised to avoid the breast Neither nipple nor areola is formed in the aberrant tis-
area in surgical incisions on the chest of female children sue, and the tissue remains clinically inapparent unless
20 Normal Breast and Developmental Disorders

it becomes the site of a physiologic (hypertrophic and/ may be attributed to lack of suckling, obesity, or hor-
or hyperplastic) or pathologic process. The mammary monal problems (including increased progesterone lev-
glands in aberrant breast tissue are histologically indis- els attributable to retained placenta). Galactorrhea is
tinguishable from those in the native breast and may generally defined as inappropriate secretion of milk in
undergo changes similar to those encountered in the the absence of pregnancy or nursing for a period of 6
orthotopic organ, including almost all physiologic and months (pituitary prolactinoma is the “usual suspect”
pathologic changes. The extremely rare occurrence of in such cases).
aberrant breast glandular tissue within axillary lymph Occasional reports of seemingly inexplicable mam-
nodes could be mistaken for metastatic carcinoma.104 mary abnormalities such as presence of aberrant breast
tissue in the posterior thigh of a male (mammae errati-
Macromastia cae) have been reported.109

Macromastia refers to inappropriate excessive growth SUMMARY

of the breast. It can occur in adolescence, in pregnancy,
or in an iatrogenic (ie, medication) setting. A variety of glandular and stromal alterations (includ-
Adolescent macromastia occurs, as the name implies, ing stromal fibrosis and cyst formation, which were pre-
at puberty. The breasts undergo a massive increase in size viously referred to as fibrocystic disease) overlap with
over a period of several months. This is a bilateral disease normal physiologic adjustments. These changes are at
and is usually (but not always) symmetrical. Histologi- the cusp of pathologic states. In recent years, appropri-
cally, the breast tissue shows increase in stromal tissue ately enough, there has been a diminished emphasis on
with pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia (PASH) the word disease in the context of such alterations.110
and may also show some degree of epithelial hyperplasia. Thus, histology of the normal breast, in some respects,
Gravid macromastia most commonly occurs in early is a relative term.
pregnancy and usually affects women in their first preg- The normal histology of breast has, thus far, been
nancy. This is a rare disease, occurring in 1 in 10,000 largely defined through routinely prepared hematoxylin
pregnant women.105 Obviously related to the hormonal and eosin–stained sections and a variety of immunohis-
gush that occurs in early pregnancy (and possibly related tochemical stains. This is bound to change as molecular
to inordinate sensitivity of breast tissue to this surge in techniques (including laser capture microdissection) are
some patients), both breasts undergo quick enlarge- increasingly used to study normal and abnormal breast
ment. Extremely rapid enlargement of breast tissue may tissue. Already, there is cumulative evidence that his-
erode the overlying skin—an extreme clinical scenario tologically inactive breast tissue can exhibit abnormal
that may even require mastectomy for local control. genotype either by virtue of loss of heterozygosity or
Gravid macromastia may recur in subsequent pregnan- allelic imbalance.111–114 Studies of normal breast tissue
cies. The chance of recurrence is reduced by reduction may also elucidate the presence of the hitherto elusive
mammoplasty, a procedure best performed between progenitor stem cells, which could lead to understand-
pregnancies. Histologically, the affected breast tissue ing of its role in various physiologic processes and
mainly shows increased stromal tissue with PASH. pathologic conditions of the breast.115,116,117
Iatrogenic macromastia is the excessive growth of Several evolutionary changes in practice have influ-
breast tissue related to medications. Two drugs that enced the practice of surgical pathology. These include
have been most often related to macromastia are penicil- sentinel lymph node biopsy, high-definition surgery with
lamine (mainly used in rheumatoid arthritis) and indina- magnified three-dimensional view of the operative field,118
vir (an antiretroviral medication used for the treatment and nipple-sparing mastectomy. These changes require
of human immunodeficiency virus infection). Use of that the surgical pathologist possesses an intimate knowl-
cyclosporine, marijuana, and cimetidine may also lead edge of normal anatomy and histology of the breast.
to unilateral or bilateral breast enlargement. There is scant evidence to support the oft-repeated
(and perhaps oversimplified) contention that “the breast
Other Disorders of the Breast is a modified sweat gland.”119 In a potent rebuttal, Ack-
erman and colleagues120 took the contrary view that the
Premature thelarche is breast development before breast is a distinctive region of the skin and subcutaneous
puberty. Precocious puberty is breast development tissue, stating that “one thing is certain: the breast is not
accompanied by other signs of puberty. Instances of a sweat gland or a modified sweat gland, as should be
accessory nipples occurring in a familial setting have apparent both intellectually and esthetically.” Touche!
been reported.106–108 Inverted nipple is a developmental
disorder that results in a permanently retracted nipple REFERENCES
that causes difficulty in suckling. Athelia (absence of
nipple) is the least commonly encountered mammary 1. Tharner A, Luijk MP, Raat H, et al. Breastfeeding and its rela-
anomaly. Amazia is a diagnostic term best reserved for tion to maternal sensitivity and infant attachment. J Dev Behav
Pediatr. 2012;33:396–404.
the exceptionally uncommon ailment wherein breast tis- 2. Anbazhagan R, Osin PP, Bartkova J, et al. The development
sue is absent but a nipple is present. of epithelial phenotypes in the human fetal and infant breast. J
Multiple physiologic abnormalities (some due to ana- Pathol. 1998;184:197–206.
tomic causes), including delayed onset and galactorrhea, 3. Hovey RC, Trott JF. Morphogenesis of mammary gland devel-
may occur during lactation. Delayed onset of lactation opment. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2004;554:219–228.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Section of Bunker Hill Monument
Reproduced from Solomon Willard, Plans and
Sections of the Obelisk on Bunker’s Hill
(Boston, 1843), Plate V
As described in the Baldwin Report, the circular winding
staircase is composed of granite steps, starting with a width of about
four feet and narrowing as the ascent is made. Baldwin called for
“places of repose” (landings) at intervals. Modern architects call the
part around which a circular staircase winds, the “newel.” Baldwin’s
newel is a hallow wall, 10 feet in diameter at the base, about two feet
Thus, the monument was designed by an engineer, not an
architect. Baldwin violated a common rule for the proportions of
ancient Egyptian obelisks, that the pyramidion should be as high as
the base is wide, which is one reason why the Washington
Monument is so beautiful. One regrets that architect Willard, who
picked up where Baldwin left off, did not see fit to modify the Baldwin
lines. There seems never to have been any question as to the
monument’s material: granite, the native New England stone.
Although we admire the Bunker Hill Monument for its somber
strength, it cannot be called a structure of beauty, as is the lighter-
tinted and finer-textured marble Washington Monument, with its
sharper apex.
We can also speculate on why Baldwin made the monument
wholly of granite. At today’s prices, the circular inner surface of the
shaft and the circular chimney, or newel, around which the stone
staircase winds, would be of tremendous cost. The dressing of the
stone for a square inner area would be much cheaper.
Before criticizing Baldwin on his ponderous stair design, which
could be replaced by a light, modern fire escape, we should look at
the status of the tiny American iron industry of his day. The
ironmasters were recovering from the decline of activity in the War of
1812, during which they had lost their British market. Baldwin would
know that certain early railroad promoters estimated that granite
tracks mounted with iron plates would be less expensive than the
English-rolled rails, which the Americans could not produce. With
masons in Massachusetts receiving about $0.18 an hour, granite
was considered cheaper than iron. Baldwin therefore designed his
stairway of granite, with a massive granite chimney “newel” to
support the inner ends of the treads. Long before the monument was
completed, however, a square staircase of either cast iron or
wrought iron could have been produced, economically, by American
ironmasters. It was then too late to make the change, however.
At about the time of the completion of the monument the first
mechanical elevator was exhibited, but there was no room for an
elevator at Bunker Hill—the newel was in the way. To climb a few
score steps would be an easy task to our sturdy forebears, and to
say that one has “climbed the Bunker Hill Monument” is a boast that
hundreds of thousands of tourists to Boston have been proud to
make for over 100 years. Baldwin may have been right again, as he
usually was.
Baldwin specified that the monument should be square with the
compass, a common Egyptian practice. As built, however, it is
oriented to fit the redoubt (southeast corner) of the battle fortification.
Structurally, Baldwin designed a sound foundation, 12 feet deep,
built of six courses of stone with no small rubble that might
deteriorate through the years. He specified that the starting level of
the base of the monument should be established at the best
elevation to avoid an uneconomical distribution of the excavated
earth; today we would say that he balanced cut and fill.
The modern building contractor finds the estimate that went with
the report both practical and quaint. He will find that the digging of
the pit for the foundation of the monument was figured in “squares,”
at $2.00 each; and since a square meant eight cubic yards, hand
excavation was therefore priced at $0.25 per cubic yard. This price
must have included the expense of shoring; also the pumping that
such a deep pit would require. Baldwin proposed to dig a deep well
on the site (today called a test pit), which would not only indicate the
adequacy of the soil, but would also furnish water for construction
purposes. Much water would be needed to mix the lime and sand
mortar for the monument as well as for the Roman cement, for which
the estimated 100 casks were figured at $7.00 each.

“The use of natural cement was introduced
by Mr. Parker, who first discovered the properties
of the cement-stone in the Isle of Sheppy, and
took out a patent for the sale of it in 1796, under
the name of ‘Roman Cement.’”—Edward
Dobson, Rudiments of the Art of Building
(London: John Weale, 1854).

Masonry was then estimated in “perches,” and by a little

arithmetic, the modern contractor will learn that a perch was then
equal to 25 cubic feet, or nearly a cubic yard. The 784 perches of
masonry for the foundation were priced at $10 per perch, including
“stones, hammering, mortar, laying, etc.”
The report of Baldwin contains no computations on the structural
stability of the monument. If the modern structural designer wishes to
investigate how near the safe limit the monument has been tested by
Boston’s occasional hurricane winds, he has available the major
dimensions given in the Baldwin Report, and the drawings of
Willard’s classic Plans and Sections of the Obelisk from which to
make this simple computation.
Such computation shows that the monument is so heavy that a
hurricane wind has an almost imperceptible effect on its stability.
When it is subjected to a 100-mile-per-hour wind, the resultant force
is displaced only a fraction of a foot from the center of the 50-foot-
wide foundation. The maximum load on the soil is about five tons per
square foot—a safe bearing load on “the bed of clay and gravel
which composes the soil of the Hill” as described in an old account.
The same account speaks of “great pains having been used in
loosening the earth, and in puddling and ramming the stones.”
Surely, our construction ancestors would not have purposely
disturbed the underlying soil, in an attempt to improve upon the
natural bearing strength of one of the firmest of foundations: glacial
hardpan. Like any good builder, they were undoubtedly merely
puddling with water the earth backfill around the completed
Baldwin knew that granite would not deteriorate when exposed
to the alternately hot and cold temperatures of Boston. Half a century
later, the engineers who transported an Egyptian obelisk (one of the
Cleopatra’s Needles) to Central Park, New York, learned that the
lovely textured syenitic granite of the Nile Valley was markedly
inferior to New England granite in weather resistance, although it
had kept its surface intact for centuries in the mild climate of Egypt.
To protect Cleopatra’s Needle in New York, a paraffin coating was
found necessary.
Baldwin soon resigned from the building committee, partly
because of the press of other work, but largely in protest against a
clause which made its members, all of whom freely donated their
services, financially responsible for the estimate. Promptly after
accepting his resignation, the directors revised this clause. In
reviewing the quaint old methods, the question arises: Would
modern estimates be more accurate if the consulting architects and
engineers had to pay for overruns?

Transient Cornerstone
On 17 June 1825, the cornerstone of the monument was laid
with impressive ceremonies. As the colorful procession marched up
Bunker Hill to the stirring rendition of “Yankee Doodle” by the
drummer of Colonel William Prescott’s regiment, who, 50 years
before, had been in the battle, the rear of the procession was just
starting from distant Boston Common. The little Boston of over a
century ago was crowded with visitors who had come from places as
remote as South Carolina by stagecoach, sailing vessel, or on foot,
to hear the great speech of Daniel Webster, President of the Bunker
Hill Monument Association, and America’s first orator of the day.
Years earlier, Chaplain Joseph Thaxter had paid the last offices to
dying soldiers in the battle; now, he invoked God’s blessing on the
young American republic, as 40 veterans of the battle sat in a place
of honor.
The most important visitor, of course, was General Lafayette,
who, as a good Mason, spread the mortar on the stone when it was
laid by Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
Massachusetts, John Abbot. As the battle’s only monument up to
this date had been erected by the Masons, it was considered
appropriate that the permanent monument should have its
cornerstone laid with the Masonic ceremony. A little later, this
procedure was sharply criticized during the Antimasonic period,
which occurred before the monument was finished.

Joseph Warren, the outstanding hero of the
battle, was Grand Master of Freemasons for
North America.

Many of the spectators knew that the cornerstone records would

later have to be moved, for the plans of the monument were hardly
started. Now, the box with its old newspapers, Continental currency,
and other data is within a stone at the monument’s northeast corner,
and the original cornerstone stands in the center of the foundation.
With his usual generosity, Daniel Webster presented the
copyright of his famous speech to the Bunker Hill Monument
Association. The copyright was sold for $600, which was the second
largest single contribution up to that date.

The Leading Character

Solomon Willard, architect and superintendent of the Bunker Hill
Monument, developed the methods for the quarrying, dressing,
transporting, and erecting the huge stones of the monument that
started granite on its way to becoming a principal material for
massive structures in America for half a century, until reinforced
concrete took over. (Today, granite is used extensively as a
protective facing for concrete, for highway curbing, and for
It is impressive to note the universal respect for the integrity and
ability of this early American architect which all the records of the
monument stress. In the drama of the building of the Bunker Hill
Monument, he played the leading part, and his character resembled
the sturdy structure which he designed in detail and erected. During
his 18 years of service in the construction of his masterpiece, the
Bunker Hill Monument, he would accept no recompense except for
his expenses, deeming it his duty to work without pay on such a
patriotic venture. He was also a substantial contributor to the building
A self-educated man, who had learned architecture with
sufficient thoroughness to become a teacher in the subject, he had
also become proficient in the various sciences. Starting as a
carpenter, Willard had proved both his craftsmanship and artistry by
becoming an adept carver of ships’ figureheads and models,
including a model of the Capitol at Washington.
At the time the monument was begun, Willard was one of the
leading architects of Boston. Typical of an architect’s versatility, he
had played an important part in the change from the heating of
buildings by wood-burning fireplaces and Franklin stoves, to hot-air
furnaces, using either wood or coal. As an expert in furnace heat, he
was called in for advice in the design of the heating system of
America’s most important building, when the President demanded
that the national Capitol should have adequate heat.
Appointed in October, 1825, to the combined position of architect
and superintendent, Willard spent the following winter on the plans,
models, and computations required to develop the construction
details, from the over-all dimensions of the Baldwin Report. During
these preliminary steps, Willard experimented with a promising
machine for dressing the stones. The selection of the Bunker Hill
Quarry in Quincy, Mass., was made after Willard had made a careful
search for suitable stone, in which he was said to have walked 300
miles. The right to quarry, at Quincy, sufficient granite for the
monument was purchased for $325. Part of the amount to be
provided by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts was to have been
supplied by the cost of the dressing of the stone (then called
“hammering”) by the convicts of nearby Charlestown State Prison.
The convicts, however, were obviously not sufficiently independent
to work on this shrine of independence, so this procedure was not

Up-To-Date Quarry (Circa 1825–1843)

From various old American and English records of masonry
construction, it is possible to construct an account of how the stones
for the Bunker Hill Monument must have been quarried and dressed.
The old names are used for the tools and methods, and the modern
mason will find many of these old descriptions quite familiar.
The hornblende granite of the Quincy region was (and is) of very
uniform texture and varies only in color, from gray to dark gray. In
Quincy, Willard would find that both “sheet” and “boulder” quarry
formations occurred: the joints in the ledge of the sheet areas
making the granite appear as if stratified, and hence more easily
removed; but the huge, rounded boulders in the other areas,
measuring up to 40 feet across, had no joints. Rows of holes were
drilled by hand (at least 25 years would elapse before practical
power-rock drills became available) and large blocks loosened from
the ledge or boulder, probably by wedges, possibly by light blasts of
gunpowder. At this stage the quarried block was called “quarry-
pitched.” Stone of the smaller size for the monument was split from
these blocks along lines of holes in which wedges were driven.
These were probably of the plug-and-feather type, in which an iron
wedge with an acute angle is fitted between two semicircular iron
feathers, which taper in the opposite direction to that of the wedge,
and thus fit the hole drilled in the stone, nicely. Granite has no
cleavage planes, like slate; but a routine of smart taps on the plugs,
back and forth along the line, soon splits the stone along a fairly
smooth face. Two lewises (an ancient device), attached at about the
quarter points of the top of the stone, were used to lift it. Three
members make the lewis: a flat center bar with an eye at the top, the
center bar being flanked by two wedge-shaped side pieces which
are thicker at the bottom of the hole, and these also have eyes at the
top. The wedges are inserted first, then the center bar slipped
between; thereafter any lifting pull on the three bars is bound to
expand the lewis to fill the hole and lift the stone, for the hole is
drilled wider at the bottom than at the top.
With Solomon Willard’s well-rendered isometric drawing of each
stone for a guide, the stonecutter dressed it, first selecting the best
face for the “bed” (bottom) and hammered it to a plane surface,
determined by shallow channels (chisel drafts) cut diagonally across
the stone.
From this surface, the stonecutter laid out the other faces,
including the “build” (top), by his good mason’s square or template.
The texture of the visible face was “tooled,” that is, the marks of the
chisel remained visible. Quincy granite is a quality product, taking a
high polish, but the builders of the Bunker Hill Monument desired no
polish on their monument. Today, the surface of the monument
shows faint, well-weathered lines, like those produced by the modern
bushhammer, which has a head made of several thin steel plates
bolted together, each sharpened to a cutting edge. In England during
the period, flat iron bars with rough edges were in use to saw softer
stone than granite, and at Quincy, Willard experimented with
dressing machines. The conclusion may be drawn, however, that the
stones which we now see on the monument were undoubtedly
shaped to their present dimensions by hand.
Today, 110 years after its capstone was put in place, the Bunker
Hill Monument stands as an impressive testimonial to the
conservative judgment of its designer, Loammi Baldwin, and the
painstaking fidelity of the man who supervised its construction,
Solomon Willard. An engineer familiar with its maintenance states
that there is no evidence of settlement, and that a check by
surveyor’s transit revealed no signs of misalignment. Its joints
occasionally need pointing, the last pointing being performed about
20 years ago. Various iron or steel members of the observation
chamber have had to be replaced. Its lightning rod has been in place
for many years, but there is no readily available record to check
whether the monument has ever been struck by lightning. With their
empirical methods of design and their crude, mostly hand-operated,
construction apparatus, our forebears built a sturdy structure, which,
barring an earthquake, should last for centuries.

The Granite Railway

On 7 October 1826, the first railroad in America started
operation. This was the horse-operated Granite Railway, built to
transport the stones for the Bunker Hill Monument from the quarry in
Quincy down to the Neponset River, a distance of nearly three miles.
The track and cars of the railroad had been designed and built by a
young engineer of 28, Gridley Bryant, whose Granite Railway project
started him on a long career of achievement in the invention of
equipment that played a major part in the rapid and successful
development of the American railroad system.
Ample precedent for the Granite Railway existed in England,
where, since the reign of Charles II, wooden tracks, sometimes
armored with iron plates, had been used as runways for coal cars
from the pits to the nearest waterway. Within five years of the start of
the Granite Railway, similar systems are recorded in the states of
Pennsylvania, South Carolina, New York, and Maryland. At first, the
motive power for these lines was supplied by gravity, stationary
engines, or horses, but soon tiny steam locomotives were tried.
Thus, in the year 1829, Peter Cooper built the famous Tom Thumb, a
successful locomotive which used rifle barrels for flues. In the same
year the Stourbridge Lion, “the first locomotive that ever turned a
driving wheel on a railroad on the Western Continent,” was brought
by sailing vessel from England and started operation in
Pennsylvania. The American steam railroad system was thus well
under way by the time the lower courses of the monument were
being raised.

Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution,

Bryant later described his railroad as having stone sleepers laid

across the track, 8 feet apart. Upon these, were placed wooden rails,
6 inches thick and 12 inches high (replaced by stone within a few
years). Spiked on top of these were iron plates, 3 inches wide by ¼
inch thick. However, at road crossings, stone rails were used, with 4-
inch by ½-inch iron plates bolted on top. This “permanent”
construction was also used on the double-track, inclined plane at the
quarry. (Well-preserved vestiges of this “permanent” construction are
visible today at the rise to the Bunker Hill Quarry.) Here, an endless
chain allowed the loaded, descending cars to pull up the empty
ascending ones.
The standard gauge of American railroads is now 4 feet, 8½
inches, measured between railheads, a standard adopted after many
years of confusion before the present gauge dimension was
adopted. Although Bryant described his track gauge as 5 feet, this
dimension was measured between the “bearing points” of the wheels
on the tracks. If the bearing points are assumed to be the center of
the treads of the wheels, his gauge is found to match closely the
present standard gauge. This track gauge agrees with that adopted
by the famous English railroad engineer, George Stephenson, at
about the same time, after he had measured scores of carts used by
his farmer neighbors. Possibly, both Stephenson and Bryant knew
that their selected gauge had a very early beginning; for some
historians suggest that the English carts were originally made to fit
the ruts cut in the roads of Britain by the Roman chariots, many
centuries earlier, during the Roman occupation of Britain.
On the day when the railroad started operation, 16 tons of
granite from the Bunker Hill Quarry, and loaded on three “wagons,”
were easily pulled by one horse, once started. Bryant’s first car had
flanged wheels, 6½ feet in diameter, from the axles of which a
platform was hung to carry the granite. This platform was lowered to
receive the load and then raised by an ingenious gearing device.
Naturally, Bryant based the design of his early railroad cars upon
the construction of the horse-drawn wagons of his day. Like the
wagons, his cars had to be flexible if they were to keep on the track
when passing over the two curves of the otherwise straight Granite
Railway. In his description of another of his cars appear the road
wagon terms—bolsters, truck, and center kingpin, to allow a
swiveling motion. Rigidly bolted to cross timbers beneath the truck
were two iron axletrees, on which revolved cast-iron wheels. (Some
time would elapse in railroad progress before the wheels would be
fixed to, and revolve with, the axles in journals.)
In early American railroad development Bryant is credited with
the invention of the eight-wheel car, the turntable, switch, turnout,
and many other improvements. In 1832, he had invented and used in
the building of the United States Bank at Boston, his portable derrick,
“used in every city and village in the country wherever there was a
stone building to erect.” Others profited from Bryant’s amazing
ingenuity. Although the Supreme Court of the United States decided
in his favor in his most important invention, the eight-wheeled car, he
did not collect, and he died poor.

For more data on the Granite Railway and
Gridley Bryant, see: Charles B. Stuart, Civil and
Military Engineers of America (New York: D. Van
Nostrand Company, Inc., 1871); and The First
Railroad in America (Boston: Privately printed for
Granite Railway Company, 1926).

In the fine saga of the Bunker Hill Monument, the Granite

Railway plays a prominent part. The demand of the monument for
granite definitely inspired Bryant to conceive the idea of America’s
first railroad, and to design pioneer equipment that contributed
hugely to the subsequent progress of America’s great railroad
system. The accurate account of the building of the monument,
however, has to record the fact that the railroad was not so great a
benefit as anticipated. In the short distance of 12 miles there was too
much loading and unloading. Willard freely expressed his annoyance
at these hindrances. That he took action is indicated in the following
quotation from an apparently authentic source: “The stone used for
the foundation and for the first forty feet of the structure (the
monument) was transported from the quarry on a railroad to the
wharf in Quincy (actually located in Milton) where it was put into flat-
bottomed boats, towed by steam-power to the wharf in Charlestown,
and then raised to the Hill by teams moving upon an inclined plane.
The repeated transfer of the stones, necessary in this mode of
conveyance, being attended with delay, liability to accident, and a
defacing of the blocks, was abandoned after the fortieth foot was
laid, and the materials were transported by teams directly from the
quarry to the hill.” This account fails to tell how the teams got up
and down the steep hill at the quarry: the 84-foot rise at an angle of
15 degrees. Clever Bryant must have used his endless chain to drag
the empty teams up, and to brake the loaded ones down.

George E. Ellis, History of the Battle of
Bunker’s (Breed’s) Hill (Boston: Lockwood,
Brooks and Company, 1875).
Hoc nomen est in æternum, et hoc
memoriale in generationem et generationem.
© R. Ruzicka 1915

Bunker Hill Monument in 1915

Reproduced from a wood engraving by Rudolph
Ruzicka in the Boston Athenæum
Judah Touro
Reproduced from a portrait in the Redwood
Library, Newport, R. I.
Amos Lawrence
Reproduced from a portrait by Chester
Harding owned by the Massachusetts
Hospital Life Insurance Company
Foundation of Bunker Hill Monument
Reproduced from Willard, Plans and Sections, Plate II
Construction of Bunker Hill Monument
Reproduced from Willard, Plans and Sections, Plate IV
Construction of Bunker Hill Monument
Reproduced from Willard, Plans and Sections, Plate X
Bunker Hill Monument in 1830
Reproduced from C. H. Snow, A Geography of Boston (Boston, 1830)

Beacon for Mariners

In the noisy grogshops on the streets leading to the Boston
waterfront, in the sail lofts on what is now Commercial Street, and at
the tall desks of the counting rooms of State Street, those who got
their living from the sea eagerly discussed the progress of the
monument in Charlestown. It was to be their beacon, and when the
many frigates, packets, sloops, and schooners had safely passed
the danger spots of the lower harbor, the monument would welcome
them to the busy inner port of Boston, then much livelier than it is
today. But progress proved to be slow. Naturally the stones broken
from the Quincy ledges and boulders were not always of the
dimensions planned by Willard for the lower courses; many were of
sizes needed for the upper courses. Economical Willard dressed the

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