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Suicide by Ligature Strangulation Three Case Repor

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Suicide by Ligature Strangulation Three Case Reports

Article  in  The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology: official publication of the National Association of Medical Examiners · November 2009
DOI: 10.1097/PAF.0b013e318187e06b · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Kamil Hakan Dogan Zerrin Erkol

Selcuk University Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University


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Suicide by Ligature Strangulation

Three Case Reports
Serafettin Demirci, MD,* Kamil Hakan Dogan, MD,* Zerrin Erkol, MD,† and Gursel Gunaydin, MD*

Abstract: Suicide by ligature strangulation, which gives the initial impres-

sion of a homicide, is very rare. In this article, 3 suicidal death cases caused A 68-year-old man was found dead in his hut-like home in the
by ligature strangulation in Konya between 2001 and 2006 are presented. autumn of 2000. There was no sign of forced entry to the door of the
The first victim was a 68-year-old man who suffered from depression and house. The inside of the house was neat and undisturbed. The victim
lived alone in a cottage house. He terminated his life by applying a tourniquet was lying on his back on the bed and there was a 5 cm-wide, thick
to his neck after leaving a suicide note. The second victim was a 70-year-old fabric belt around his neck (Fig. 1). A wooden bar passed through the
woman who was found dead on the floor of the living room in her house. circle created by the belt on the right side of the neck (ie, the tourniquet
After she cut the vessels in her wrist, she tied pantyhose with 3 knots around method). The circle was constricted by rotating the bar, thus placing
her neck. It was reported that she had been intermittently receiving treatment pressure on the neck. When the fabric was removed from the neck
for bronchial asthma and depression for 20 years. The third victim was a by cutting the belt, it was seen that there was a 5 cm-wide ligature
30-year-old woman who suffered from schizophrenia for 6 years. She tied a mark, which was compatible with the belt’s shape and horizontal
scarf around her neck with 3 knots and died in the hospital after 1 day due position around the neck at the level of the thyroid cartilage. On the
to “hypoxic brain syndrome.” As a result of the death scene investigations, right side of the neck, the mark was thin where the belt was folded.
autopsies, and judicial inquiries, it was concluded that death was by suicide When the folded part of fabric belt was unfolded, it was noted that
in all 3 cases. Because the use of the ligature strangulation method, and the wooden bar had been rotated twice. In the death scene investi-
particularly the tourniquet method, in suicidal cases is extremely rare in the gation, a suicide note was found indicating that nobody was respon-
literature, our aim is to present and discuss these cases. sible for the death of the victim.
After his wife had died 2 years earlier, the victim had been
Key Words: ligature strangulation, death, forensic medicine living alone and had been treated intermittently for major depression
(Am J Forensic Med Pathol 2009;30: 369 –372) at a local hospital during those 2 years. External examination of the
body showed that rigor mortis was present and advanced, and
hypostasis was very clear, dark-purple, and localized to the back.
Autopsy showed the common signs of death resulting from as-
phyxia, including fluid blood, congestion of the vessels of the neck,
S trangulation by ligature is a common method of homicide. If a
victim is found with the ligature still present, the evaluation of
the mode of death (suicide/homicide) can be an extremely complex
and petechial hemorrhages; no traumatic lesions were visualized and
the laryngohyoid complex was intact; the toxicological analysis was
objective.1 Suicide by self-strangulation is uncommon, but a review
of the forensic literature revealed that many cases of “atypical”
strangulations have been described. Despite this, many authors and
criminal investigators continue to believe that self-strangulation is
not possible and that strangulation must therefore represent homi- A 70-year-old woman was found dead by her son on the floor
cide.2 Ligature strangulation is a type of strangulation carried out of the living room in her house in the spring of 2006 with pantyhose
with the use of a ligature. tied around her neck and a pillow under her head. As soon as her son
To confirm ligature strangulation, it is necessary to perform a saw her, he untied the 3 knots of pantyhose under her chin on the
detailed investigation of the death scene and examine the type of front of her neck (Fig. 2). She had been receiving treatment for
ligature around the neck of the victim, the number of wrappings depression and bronchial asthma for 20 years. It was learned that she
around the neck, the shape of the knot, and the method of ligature had attempted suicide by taking drugs and had been treated in a state
application. In our study, we present our experiences with suicide by hospital a few weeks previously.
ligature strangulation by describing 3 cases with the findings of the In the death scene investigation, a bloody bread knife was found
death scene investigation. near the closet in the bathroom (Fig. 3). There were no signs on the
corpse or at the scene suggestive of an attack by someone else.
In the external examination, it was seen that there were 2, 4
cm-long, parallel, and superficial cuts on the flexor surface of the left
Manuscript received September 27, 2007; accepted November 15, 2007. wrist which were perpendicular to the axis of the forearm (Fig. 4).
From the *Department of Forensic Medicine, Meram Medical School, Selcuk
University, Konya, Turkey; and †Department of Forensic Medicine, Abant There was a tail at the beginning and end of the wounds. A 2 cm-wide,
Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey. superficial, horizontal ligature mark was noted around the neck.
Presented at the 5th Congress of the Balkan Academy of Forensic Sciences, Ohrid, Rigor was setting in and nonfixed hypostasis was present on
Republic of Macedonia, June 3–7, 2007.
All figures can be viewed in color at
the back. Autopsy showed the common signs of death resulting from
Reprints: Serafettin Demirci, MD, Department of Forensic Medicine, Meram asphyxia, including fluid blood, congestion of the neck vessels, and
Medical School, Selcuk University, 42080 Meram, Konya, Turkey. E-mail: petechial hemorrhages, but no traumatic lesions. There was edema in the larynx and ecchymosis at the radix of the tongue and in the
Copyright © 2009 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISSN: 0195-7910/09/3004-0369 tonsils (Fig. 5). The laryngohyoid complex was intact. The left radial
DOI: 10.1097/PAF.0b013e318187e06b vein was completely cut. The toxicological analysis was negative.

Am J Forensic Med Pathol • Volume 30, Number 4, December 2009 | 369
Demirci et al Am J Forensic Med Pathol • Volume 30, Number 4, December 2009

FIGURE 3. Bloody bread knife near the closet in the bath-

FIGURE 1. Tourniquet method (case 1).
room (case 2).

FIGURE 4. Superficial cuts on the left wrist (case 2).

FIGURE 2. Untied pantyhose (case 2).

CASE 3 ”Hypoxic brain syndrome“ was diagnosed. However, she died after
A 30-year-old woman was found unconscious in the room of 1 day of hospitalization.”
her house in the summer of 2006. Her brother immediately took her It was seen on the external examination that rigor mortis was
to the hospital. The physician reported that he removed a scarf from setting in and nonfixed hypostasis was present on the back. Autopsy
around the neck, which included 3 knots at the front of the neck area, showed the common signs of death resulting from asphyxia, includ-
by cutting it. It was learned that the woman had been under ing fluid blood, congestion of the neck vessels, subpleural and
treatment due to schizophrenia for 6 years. subepicardial petechial hemorrhages, and acute pulmonary edema.
A 4 cm-wide, superficial, horizontal ligature mark was ob- Ecchymosis on the left side of the radix of the tongue and a fracture
served around the neck (Fig. 6). Additionally, cutaneous needle with ecchymosis on the left upper horn of the thyroid cartilage were
punctures related to the medical therapy in the hospital were present present (Fig. 7). The toxicological analysis was negative.
over the antecubital veins. In the hospital’s document, it was
specified that “She was taken into the hospital due to a loss of DISCUSSION
conscious. Her general situation was bad. A ligature mark was noted There are many different methods for committing suicide, but
on the patient’s neck. She was connected to a mechanical ventilator. few are likely to be confused with homicide.3 Self-strangulation is one
Gastric lavage was performed due to a question of intoxication. of those methods that, at least at first sight, may easily be mistaken for

370 | © 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Am J Forensic Med Pathol • Volume 30, Number 4, December 2009 Suicide by Ligature Strangulation

FIGURE 7. Fracture of the thyroid cartilage (case 3).

FIGURE 5. Ecchymosis at the radix of the tongue (case 2). According to the literature, extensive congestion of the face
and head, insignificant hemorrhaging of the neck structures, or no
hemorrhaging at all, the absence of a clear ligature mark consisting
of mechanical injuries, and the absence of defense injuries, all
characterize a suicidal action.1,10 In our study, there was congestion
of the head and face regions in all 3 cases. The ligature mark was
clear in the first case, in which the tourniquet method was used, as
his corpse was found after a sufficiently long time after death, and
the ligature material was fairly tough. On the other hand, in the other
2 cases, the ligature mark was quite superficial and uncertain, as the
second case’s corpse was found a short time after death, whereas the
third case was found alive. Other causes for the superficial and
uncertain ligature marks in these cases were the softness of the
pantyhose and the scarf as strangulation materials.
Analysis of the literature showed that the localization of the
knot in strangulation suicides is often at the anterior region of the
neck, as was seen in our second and third cases.2,5–7,11 However,
knots localized at the lateral neck region or at the back of the neck
have also been reported as was seen in our first case.1,9 More than
one knot in suicides is not unusual.1,5,9,11 Therefore the presence of
3 knots in the second and third cases was compatible with the cases
reported in these literature. This observation may be important as a
clue in the investigation of the case and may help to determine the
cause. The fundamental question is whether the victim could reach
the knot, and this question must be answered in the death scene
investigation in cases like this. In our 3 cases, the findings of the
death scene investigation and the autopsy showed that the tourniquet
of the first case and the knots of the second and third cases were
FIGURE 6. Ligature mark (case 3). localized over the areas which the victims could easily reach.
The use of more than 1 ligature has been reported in suicides,
as well as up to 20 turns.1,9 A single ligature and a single turn were
homicide because many investigators and forensic pathologists believe found in all of our cases.
that it is impossible to carry out self-strangulation as a means of Fractures of the hyoid bone or the laryngeal cartilages are
suicide.2,4 –7 This is due to the misconception that strong pressure is rarely found in suicide cases and are restricted to only 1 broken
needed on the neck to occlude the airways and the arterial vessels of the upper thyroid horn in most instances. Rothschild and Maxeiner12
neck. Polson8 has brilliantly demonstrated that a force of only 3.2 kg is reviewed 116 suicide ligature strangulation cases in which sufficient
necessary to occlude the airways, whereas a force of 2 kg is enough to details were available. They found that the number of laryngohyoid
occlude the venous system. Moreover, to stimulate the vagal reflex, fractures generally was low and the involvement of the hyoid bone,
even minimal pressure may suffice.9 In the current report, death in all as well as major injuries (eg, a fracture of the cricoid cartilage), was
3 cases was due to pressure of both the airway and venous system. extremely uncommon. Maxeiner and Bockholdt1 analyzed 47 homi-

© 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 371

Demirci et al Am J Forensic Med Pathol • Volume 30, Number 4, December 2009

cide and 19 suicide death cases by ligature strangulation. They facilitate and expedite the correct interpretation of the cause of death
reported that there was bleeding on the tongue in 25 homicide and 19 in cases like those presented herein.
suicide cases, whereas injury in the laryngohyoid complex existed in 21
homicide and 2 suicide cases. In our study, there was a fracture on the REFERENCES
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