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SCM20003 Assignment 2 Details and Rubircs

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SCM20003 Assignment 2

Group Assignment:
As a team of supply chain managers for a company supplying products to Rebel
Sport, your task is to develop a forecast and distribution plan for supplying one
real product (of your choice) to Rebel Sport outlets throughout Australia, to
satisfy market demand for the period January 2020-December 2020. A report,
based upon a combination of facts you can learn about the companies involved
and your own opinions, should describe:
▪ The background to the organisation you have chosen, your chosen
product, and where your product is manufactured etc.,
▪ Who Rebel Sport are, what markets they operate in, their network
design, their online presence, and how many retail stores they currently
have around Australia (break down state by state),
▪ Where your product fits within the Rebel Sport’s range and who your
customer segment is.
The report should establish links between the key points you have learned in the
classroom, from academic literature, and from your own research. Particular issues
that should be addressed include:
Estimating Demand

What is a forecast and how is one developed?

Briefly explain one of the forecasting methods which you think is suitable for
the chosen product. Justify your suggestion.
▪ Discuss seasonal patterns, business cycles and trends, and comment on how they
affect your chosen product (choose a product that experiences significant demand
Sourcing suppliers
▪ Make a basic bill of materials (BOM) for your product (approx. 4-5 items) obtaining
as much real information as possible through secondary sources and making valid
assumptions if actual data is not available.
▪ Develop a supply chain diagram for your product, including basic information about
1st and 2nd tier suppliers, downstream customers (including DCs etc.), and all

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▪What information is necessary to ensure Place, Time and Quantity Utility related to
the chosen product?
▪ What mechanisms might you adopt to measure the performance of your
supply chain?
The distribution of your product from manufacturing site to store shelf
▪ Develop a map that shows distribution route(s), DC locations, and transports
modes used throughout
▪ What is the estimated time for delivery?
▪ Will you use your own transport fleet or contract 3PLs? Why?
▪ Will you be using Private or Contract Warehouses? Why?

Submission details:
Please submit an electronic copy of your report on to Canvas (via the Turnitin link
provided), including an Assessment Cover Sheet signed by all group members, by the
deadline (check Turnitin in Canvas for exact time and date). The report is limited to
4000-4500 words (excluding references), a word count should be provided at the end,
and it should follow an acceptable academic structure for case study reports (e.g.
Executive Summary, Index, Introduction, Background, Discussion, Conclusions,
References, etc.)
Academic references should be included to link your findings about company practice to
established theory, and all referencing should be in the Swinburne Harvard style – this
applies to the citations in the main body of the text as well as the reference section at the end
of your report.

All groups must select their product and submit through Canvas their 1-2 page
project plan with a brief description of the selected product & company, and the
allocation of tasks for each member of your team for approval (Submit your 1-2 page
word document through canvas on or before week 6 for approval- Please check
Canvas for submission link and the deadline for this initial project plan which is
worth 10% the marks allocated to this group project).

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SCM20003 Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management Group Assignment Marking Rubrics (25%)
Fail (N) /0-49
Performance High Distinction (HD)/80-100 Distinction (D)/ 70-79 Pass (P)/ 50-59
Credit (C)/60-69 Poor/unacceptable/Not
Excellent/exemplary/exceedi Very good/ exceeds Acceptable/Satisfactory/ attempted/requires further
Good/Well done
ng high standard expectations Proficient development/needs
Outstanding, insightful work. Goes Very good work. Purposefully and Good work. Generally clear, Satisfactory work. Shows basic Unsatisfactory work. Fails to
CRITERIA beyond requirements of the task to logically developed. Thoroughly accurate and relevant. Adequately understanding of concepts with address the topic in a meaningful
develop a response, which is addresses all aspects of the task. addresses all requirements of the minimal evidence of reflection or way. May be extremely brief,
thoughtful, reflective, and Synthesis of details and concepts task. Demonstrates understanding thoughtful analysis. Complies with inaccurate, illogical or
considers alternative views and from various sources or topics of course concepts, with evidence the basic requirements, relies on undeveloped.
makes connections among ideas shows evidence of sound of some thoughtful examination limited sources of information, little
and information from different understanding and thoughtful and reflection. Development is integration of concepts.
sources or from different aspects examination. generally logical, facts generally
of the course. correct. Tends to focus on one

Detailed Project Plan 10% Uses appropriate, relevant, and Uses appropriate, relevant, and Uses appropriate and relevant Uses appropriate and Uses inappropriate and/or
compelling content to illustrate compelling discipline related content to develop and explore relevant content to develop irrelevant content to develop
mastery of the assignment content to explore ideas and ideas through the assignment simple ideas throughout the ideas in the assignment
shape the content of the assignment
topic, conveying the writer's
understanding, and shaping
the whole assignment

Coverage of Key issues Uses appropriate, relevant, and Uses appropriate, relevant, and Uses appropriate and relevant Uses appropriate and Uses inappropriate and/or
compelling content to illustrate compelling discipline related content to develop and explore relevant content to develop irrelevant content to develop
20% mastery of the assignment content to explore ideas and ideas through the assignment simple ideas throughout the ideas in the assignment
shape the content of the assignment
topic, conveying the writer's
understanding, and shaping
the whole assignment

Supply Chian Diagrams Uses appropriate, relevant, and Uses appropriate, relevant, and Uses appropriate and relevant Uses appropriate and Uses inappropriate and/or
compelling content to illustrate compelling discipline related content to develop and explore relevant content to develop irrelevant content to develop
and Distribution Maps content to explore ideas and ideas through the assignment
mastery of the assignment simple ideas throughout the ideas in the assignment
shape the content of the assignment
20% topic, conveying the writer's
understanding, and shaping
the whole assignment

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Application of theoretical Uses appropriate, relevant, and Uses appropriate, relevant, and Uses appropriate and relevant Uses appropriate and Uses inappropriate and/or
compelling content to illustrate compelling discipline related content to develop and explore relevant content to develop irrelevant content to develop
concepts 20% content to explore ideas and ideas through the assignment
mastery of the assignment simple ideas throughout the ideas in the assignment
shape the content of the assignment
topic, conveying the writer's
understanding, and shaping
the whole assignment

Sources and evidence: Demonstrates skilful use of Demonstrates consistent Demonstrates effective use Demonstrates an attempt to Demonstrates little attempt
high-quality, credible, use of credible, relevant of appropriate and relevant use credible and/or relevant to use sources to support
Use of 10 academic relevant sources to develop sources to support ideas sources to support ideas sources to support ideas ideas in the writing
ideas that are appropriate that are situated within the that are situated within the that are appropriate for the
evidence to support your
for the discipline and genre discipline and genre of the discipline and genre of the discipline and genre of the
decision of the writing writing. writing. writing.

Harvard Swin Ref Style


Grammar and expression Uses sophisticated, Uses expressive and Uses language that Uses straightforward Uses language that
expressive and appropriate appropriate business generally conveys meaning language that generally sometimes impedes
( 05%)
business language that language that competently to readers with clarity. conveys meaning to meaning because of errors
skilfully communicates communicates meaning to Attention to detail is evident. readers. The language is in usage.
meaning to readers readers with clarity and understandable but there
eloquently and is fluency and is grammatically may be room for
grammatically error free correct grammatical improvement.

Overall Quality of the Demonstrates a thorough Demonstrates an Demonstrates awareness of Demonstrates consideration Demonstrates minimal or no
report( 10%) understanding of context, understanding of context, context, audience, and of context, audience, and attention to context,
audience, and purpose of audience, and purpose of purpose of the assignment. purpose. Submission covers audience, purpose, and/or to
the assignment. Submission the assignment. Submission Submission covers all the majority of the required the assigned tasks(s) (e.g.,
is responsive to the is responsive to the required elements. elements expectation of instructor).
assigned task(s) and assigned task(s) and Some expected elements
comprehensively and covering all expected may have been omitted
competently covers all elements

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