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Assessment 2: Group Project REPORT (40%)

Posted: Monday 11 March 2024

Deadline: - Wednesday 10 April 2024 @11:55 PM EC || 10:55 PM JCA || 09:55 PM BELIZE

1) The Group Project will take the format of a comprehensive Report [[MUST BE A

VIDEO/AUDIO/PRESENTATION:- PPT/SWAY (narrated)]] that evaluates a case study

on the ‘Implementation and Operational Effect of Technology’ of the business. In completing

this report, you may be required to rely heavily on any principles covered in the respective

units of the course—for example, the Work System, Managerial And Functional Levels,

Information Systems, and Security. The group must apply Problem-Solving Techniques

(Think Outside The Box) when completing their report.

2) It is expected that you carefully read the topics provided, their requirements, and the marking

rubric to ensure that you work towards the highest marks awardable

3) Groups will consist of five (5) to six (6) people. The course instructor will place students in

their respective groups, and this is non-negotiable. NB! The CI reserves the right to adjust

group size based on final class enrolment and other considerations.

4) Each group will be assigned a NON-Graded and private forum for group collaboration.

You don’t get marks for collaborating on Skype or WhatsApp. For this project, groups

are not required to meet outside of the course.

5) The presentation should reflect relevance, clarity, and organization based on research. Your

research must be demonstrated by

a. in-text or narrated citations of at least four (4) references.

b. Use the APA 7th Edition reference style. NB! The Complete Bibliography list can be

uploaded to the Assignment box as a separate Word-processing document.

c. NB! Any media used should have a Creative Commons license.

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6) This is worth 40% of the course grade.


(narrated)]] with your peers addressing the scenario and questions asked.

a. EACH group member MUST be a part of the presentation regardless of the form used.

b. You can use any digital application software tool for your presentation (e.g.,

PowerPoint or SWAY).

8) The presentation should be 10 (minimum) - 15 (maximum) minutes.

9) [[optional]] You can creatively use/adapt information from your Individual Project (e.g.,

Charts, Queries, Power Bi Visualization) in your presentation.

10) The presentation file will be uploaded to the Learning Exchange for grading.

11) Save your Presentation file as Presentation_Group# (where # is the number of your

group) - NB! The software will add an extension

12) NB! There will be NO LIVE presentation for this assessment.

13) NB! If the final file is too large to upload, you can save it in your

cloud storage. However, ensure that a link to the project file in

cloud storage with all necessary access permissions is provided.

Place this link within a Word processing document and upload it

to the assignment box instead.

14) LATE submissions will be allowed two (2) days after the initial deadline. A penalty of

10% per day will be applied.

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MGMT Boutique Inc. is a high-end retailer that operates a chain of boutique

stores in significant hotel properties along the west coast of SanGre Island, including the famous five-

star Castle Height Hotel. Operating in eleven (11) locations, the company offers chic brands like

Roberto Cavalli, Pain-de-Sucre, Versace, and Etro Milano. It is well known for its eclectic collection

of designer swimwear, fine linens, cotton, and silk apparel for warm days and sultry evenings. A fine

complement of shoes, hats, and handbags with hand-picked custom jewelry is included to embrace the

very essence of luxurious fashion.

The locations connect over a MetroE-wide area network (WAN) that FLOW provides. Each store has

a local Point-of-Sale (POS), replicated to a central hub in the main office. Replication occurs once

every 15 minutes, so the head office is virtually up-to-date, in real-time, and can see, at a glance,

transactions in each store.

Customers shop duty-free, paying in local Grees (G) or USA dollars. Duty-free sales do not attract a

15.0% VAT tax. The list price, seen on the shelf, is the price paid. For customer convenience, the

company offers a limited range of duty-paid items. Again, customers can pay in either currency, or the

price listed on the self is still the price paid. However, this price now includes 15.0% VAT. Customers

pay by cash or card, charge the expense to their room, and settle the bill later.

As a reporting requirement for a duty-free establishment, customers' POS details are routinely

captured. This information has proven helpful for analyzing behavior, and the company also tries to

capture the exact details of duty-paid transactions. As a rule, duty-free transactions will be done in US

dollars, while duty-paid transactions will appear in G dollars.

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Before Metro-E, the company did not have a distributed POS, and sales reports from each site were

manually combined in Excel for analysis. Now, the company even allows the purchaser to access

reports and use her softphone when on business trips through VPN connectivity. Metro-E, VPN, and

internet access have changed everything.

Guideline for Conduct of the Report

1. To contextualize your report, Select ONE (1) Management Level and ONE (1) department

from the respective lists below. The report and its content should then be constructed from the

perspective of the Departmental Manager at the chosen level—

for example, the Strategic Manager of the IT Department.

1.1. Operational

1.2. Management/Tactical Or

1.3. Strategic.


1.4.1. Manager – Information Technology/ Systems(IT)

1.4.2. Manager of Accounting (ACCOUNTS)

1.4.3. Manager of Business Development (SALES)

1.4.4. Manager of Research and Analytics(R &D)

1.4.5. Manager of Software Engineering (PRODUCTION)

1.4.6. Manager of Market Operations (MARKETING)

1.4.7. Manager of Human Resources (HRM)

1.4.8. Manager of Investment Strategies (FINANCE)

2. Defend the use of the MetroE POS and phone Systems from the perspective of your

department and management level. Suggest ONE advantage EACH for the POS and the


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3. Identify, through questions, information from TWO (2) other departments that could assist in

your investigations. NB! The Managerial level and Department must be identified; the Specific

TYPE of Report and the specific CONTENTS of the report you are requesting (NB! Unit 3 -

Types of output)

4. Discuss the security implications of Backup and Disaster Recovery over Metro-E and into the


4.1. Suggest ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage.

4.2. Discuss ONE security consequence that could arise from VPN access to the company’s IT


5. DESIGN and DRAW a high-level “as-is” process diagram depicting how the company could

have complied a combined sales report BEFORE the Metro-E system was introduced (i.e.,

before no connectivity existed among the sites)

6. Summarise the information. Discuss TWO (2) findings about your analysis from your

management level that can be used to justify the Metro-E and VPN solutions.

7. . Make TWO recommendations to prevent any future security breaches.

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(NB! A more detailed rubric will be used for final grading)

General) Assessment Rubric – 40 Marks


Poor Poor Satisfactory Competent Good Excellent

0 Marks 2 Mark 4 Marks 6 Marks 8 Marks 10 Marks

• Shows Substantive Knowledge of The Subject Matter.

• Evidence of Research
• Quality, Relevance, And Application of Source/S

• Relevance Of Information Collected And Delivered

• Organization of Content

• Flow and Transition Between Participants

• Flow and Transition Between Topics/Points

• Correct Use of APA Format For Bibliography List and Citations

Response To Questions For • Appropriate Explanations / Elaboration

Presentation • Adequate Response To Discussion Question(S)/Prompt(S)

• Maximum 5 Marks
Digital Artifact
• Compliance With The Time Frame and Components Required

Individual Feedback Form • Maximum 5 Marks

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Accessing your Assignment Files

Please access and download the assignment files from MGMT2006 – Management Information

Systems I - The Learning Exchange.

Assessment 1: (GROUP) Presentation Report – 40 %

• One (1) File: - GROUP Presentation – DUE Wednesday 10 APRIL 2024 @ (11:55 PM EC||

10:55 PM JCA|| 9:55 PM BEL)

• The Group Presentation File. NB! This can be a PowerPoint / Movie / Video file.

• The presentation file should be saved using the format ‘Presentation_Group#.’

• NB! Have ONE person designated to upload the files for your Group, with a backup (upload-

er) member just in case. Prudence suggests that a backup ‘uploader’ should be on standby.

• NB! If the final file is too large to upload, you can save it in your cloud storage. However,

ensure that a link to the project file in cloud storage with all necessary access permissions is

provided. Place this link within a Word processing document and upload it to the assignment

box instead.

• Once submitted, files cannot be altered, edited, or resubmitted and will be graded as submitted.

Note that any submission for this course means you digitally sign the plagiarism agreement for

The University of the West Indies, Global Campus.

The End

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