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MKT20031 Assignment 1 - HS1 - 2023-2

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School of Business, Law and Entrepreneurship

Assessment Task – Assignment 1A

Marketing and Innovation

Portfolio A: Report
Assessment Type

Associated Unit Learning

2, 4, 5
Outcomes (ULO’s)
Group or Individual task Individual
Submission details/form 1,200 word document + 10%

This assignment asks you to:
• Demonstrate analysis of innovations and examination of its parts using existing
frameworks as the theoretical lens
• Critically examine information and make judgements about recent market

Overview & Tips

• You will need to choose one innovation from several alternatives, then present an
analysis that examines its parts and explore relationships between them
• You will then need to present an analysis of the innovation’s marketing mix, and
compare it to other players in the market it currently competes in
• You will need to conclude by identifying priority challenges and potential
• The next assignment (1B) will focus on analyzing the consumers of your chosen
innovation, so choose wisely.

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Assessment details
In this assignment, we will look at dissecting innovations that were recently launched in
the Australian market. You will be given a choice from several recent innovations in
Australia. You must choose one, and complete the following tasks:
Task 1: Analyse the innovation using the innovation mapping framework
- Introduce the innovation, its place within the company’s portfolio, and key
information relating to the industry it competes in
- Apply the Innovation Space framework to analyse your chosen innovation
Figure 1. The Innovation Space framework

Task 2: Audit the innovation’s marketing mix and identify competitors

- Apply the relevant marketing mix framework to analyse how your chosen innovation
has marketed itself
- Create a positioning map that charts the innovation and its main competitors in the
market, with justifications and a summary profile of each competitor
Task 3: Analyse key challenges and potential opportunities
- Assess and judge the most up-to-date status of the innovation in the market using
the BCG Matrix
- Apply the micro-macro environmental analysis framework to create a SWOT analysis
of the innovation.
Figure 2. The micro-macro environmental analysis framework

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Assessment progression
The innovation you pick will carry over and be the basis for the whole semester,
including any group assignments. To ensure even distribution, there will be a quota of
how many students can choose each innovation in a class. You will be required to
register your chosen innovation with your class teacher.
Assignment Structure and Ingredients
Below is the recommended structure of the assignment and what should be included
in each section. We encourage you to be creative and you are welcome to insert
images, figures, and graphs to support your document.

• Start with a short summary of the chosen (or assigned) innovation, the company that
launched it, and (if relevant) the innovation’s position within the company’s product
• Provide key information and/or data about the industry where the innovation
competes in.
• We expect to see robust usage of data and/or statistics from reliable and reputable
industry reports in this section
Innovation Space

• Present your analysis of the innovation using the “4P Innovation Space” framework.
Marketing Mix

• Present your findings on the innovation’s most current marketing mix using the
appropriate framework (4P for goods, 7P for services)
• This section should be supported by strong evidence including (but not limited to):
links, pictures, screenshots, references, etc.
Competitor Report

• Present a positioning map that lists at least two other main competitors of your
chosen innovation.
• Present a justification/analysis about the chosen X and Y axis of your positioning
map. Note that your chosen competitors may not even be from the same industry
depending on the axis you choose
• Present a summary report on each competitor to your innovation and more
importantly, your judgment why you think they are your innovation’s main competitors
• As always, we expect to see strong reasoning, evidence, and justification for your
Innovation Analysis

• Open with the BCG matrix relating to your innovation and a S.W.O.T table containing
key summaries.
• Follow with sections that justify the placement of the innovation in the matrix
• Then elaborate and/or justify each of the four sections of your SWOT table

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• We expect you to use any of the relevant 12 micro-macro environmental factors to

frame your analysis. These factors should be mentioned explicitly, but presented as a
synthesis, instead of separate discussions.
References (excluded from the word count)
• Use APA system of referencing. See guide:
• In addition to APA style, you must include a link at the end of any online references.
o Do this: Sembada, A. (2018), "The two sides of empowering consumers to
co-design innovations", Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 32 No. 1, pp. 8-
o NOT this: Sembada, A. (2018), "The two sides of empowering consumers to
co-design innovations", Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 32 No. 1, pp. 8-
• Please acknowledge any use of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT as in-text
citations. See e.g:
Appendix (excluded from the word count)
• You should place key evidence (graphs, screenshots, etc) in the main body of the
document, and the more bulky or secondary evidence (such as screenshots of your
conversations with ChatGPT) in this appendix section
• See guide e.g:

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High Distinction (HD)/80-100 Distinction (D)/ 70-79 Very Credit (C)/60-69 Pass (P)/ 50-59 Fail (N) /0-49
Exemplary/exceeding high standard good/ Exceeds Good/Well done Acceptable Requires further
Grade >>>> expectations development/needs

Work that exceeds expectations and Very good work. Purposefully and Good work. Generally clear, accurate Satisfactory. Shows basic Unsatisfactory work. Does
may serve as a guide to others as an logically developed. Thoroughly and relevant. Adequately addresses understanding with minimal not address the topic in a
Performance Indicators example of “best practice” addresses all aspects of the task. all requirements of the task. evidence of reflection or meaningful way. May be
Shows evidence of sound Development is generally logical, facts thoughtful analysis. Merely extremely brief, inaccurate,
understanding and thoughtful generally correct. complies with the basic illogical or undeveloped.
Criteria for Assessment
(below) examination. requirements.
Introduction All of: All of: Either: Either: At least two out of three
Does the section show - All components present in a - All or most components - Most components present - Only two of three components are missing
understanding of: way that shows mastery present in a way that in a way that shows more components present or done in a way that is
- The chosen/assigned beyond what can be expected shows excellent than surface-level or done in a way that significantly below the
innovation? from learners at this level understanding understanding is of minimum expected standard
- The innovation’s - Shows comfort and skill in - Shows sparks of insights - All components present but expected standard.
position within the synthesizing different sources from synthesizing analysis was done using - All components Does not sufficiently show
company’s portfolio? of credible evidence to arrive different sources of questionable assumptions present but shows understanding of the
- The industry/context at deep insights credible evidence unsupported by reasonable minimum effort, or instructions (e.g does not
where the innovation - Uses credible evidence from evidence. does not use concepts link trend with theme)
competes in? data gathered beyond cursory and theories that
research demonstrate learning
- Show authentic and
convincing “voice” in
conveying the results
Innovation space All of: All of: Either: Either: At least two out of three
Does the section: - All components present in a - All or most components - Most components present - Only two of three components are missing
- Explains what way that shows mastery present in a way that in a way that shows more components present or done in a way that is
innovation space the beyond what can be expected shows excellent than surface-level or done in a way that significantly below the
chosen product from learners at this level understanding understanding is of minimum expected standard
occupies? - Shows comfort and skill in - Shows sparks of insights - Components present but (1) expected standard.
synthesizing different sources from synthesizing does not go beyond the - All components Does not sufficiently
of credible evidence to arrive different sources of basics of what was given present but shows show understanding of
at deep insights credible evidence and/or (2) done using minimum effort, or the instructions (e.g
- Uses credible evidence from questionable assumptions does not use concepts inaccurate understanding
data gathered beyond cursory unsupported by reasonable and theories that of concepts)
research evidence. demonstrate learning

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Marketing Mix All of: All of: Either: Either: At least two out of three
Does the section: - All components present in a - All or most components - Most components present - Only two of three components are missing
- Use the appropriate way that shows mastery present in a way that in a way that shows more components present or done in a way that is
framework? beyond what can be expected shows excellent than surface-level or done in a way that significantly below the
- Show accurate and from learners at this level understanding understanding is of minimum expected standard
detailed reporting of - Shows comfort and skill in - Shows sparks of insights - Components present but (1) expected standard.
the marketing mix? synthesizing different sources from synthesizing does not go beyond the - All components Does not sufficiently
- Use rich and of credible evidence to arrive different sources of basics of what was given present but shows show understanding of
convincing evidence in at deep insights credible evidence and/or (2) done using minimum effort, or the instructions (e.g
its reporting? - Uses credible evidence from questionable assumptions does not use concepts inaccurate understanding
data gathered beyond cursory unsupported by reasonable and theories that of concepts)
research evidence. demonstrate learning
Competitor report All of: All of: Either: Either: At least two out of three
Does the section: - All components present in a - All or most components - Most components present - Only two of three components are missing
- Provide a robust and way that shows mastery present in a way that in a way that shows more components present or done in a way that is
thorough reporting of beyond what can be expected shows excellent than surface-level or done in a way that significantly below the
competitors? from learners at this level understanding understanding is of minimum expected standard
- Justify its selection of - Shows comfort and skill in Shows sparks of insights Components present but (1) expected standard.
the positioning map synthesizing different sources from synthesizing different does not go beyond the basics All components present Does not sufficiently show
axis? of credible evidence to arrive sources of credible evidence of what was given and/or (2) but shows minimum understanding of the
- Provide compelling at deep insights done using questionable effort, or does not use instructions (e.g
argument and - Uses credible evidence from assumptions unsupported by concepts and theories inaccurate understanding
justifications about data gathered beyond cursory reasonable evidence. that demonstrate of concepts)
the innovation’s main research learning
- Use rich and
convincing evidence in
its reporting?
Innovation analysis All of: All of: Either: Either: At least two out of three
Does the section: - All components present in a - All or most components - Most components present - Only two of three components are missing
- Provide a clear and way that shows mastery present in a way that in a way that shows more components present or done in a way that is
compelling summary beyond what can be expected shows excellent than surface-level or done in a way that significantly below the
of relevant factors? from learners at this level understanding understanding is of minimum expected standard
- Draw from a rich - Shows comfort and skill in - Shows sparks of insights - Components present but (1) expected standard.
selection of micro & synthesizing different sources from synthesizing does not go beyond the - All components Does not sufficiently show
macro factors in its of credible evidence to arrive different sources of basics of what was given present but shows understanding of the
analysis? at deep insights credible evidence and/or (2) done using minimum effort, or instructions (e.g
- Use robust and - Uses credible evidence from questionable assumptions does not use concepts inaccurate understanding
convincing evidence in data gathered beyond cursory unsupported by reasonable and theories that of concepts)
its reporting? research evidence. demonstrate learning

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Presentation and Either: Either:

Expression - More than half of the - Half or more of the
General elements of: elements are done in a elements missing or
- Does it adhere to word Most except one or two Some elements are done in a way that meets the significantly below
count? A work that can be confidently be elements are done in a way way that is comfortably within minimum standard standard
- Are the references done referred to as ‘best practice’ in this that sits on the top range of the standard that can be - Some elements are - Some elements show
according to requirement? category if we need to display it to the standard that can be expected, while one or two done well while other crucial mistakes (e.g
- Does it use appropriate external observers. expected at this level. others require improvement elements are glaringly more than 40% the
and understandable below standard, but allocated word limit;
language? none has crucial using thesaurus to trick
- Does it use appropriate mistakes Turnitin), even though
grammar, and structure? other elements are
- Does it show effort to done well
produce a professional
and/or creative

MKT20031 Assignment 1A

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