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Resume of Kamal Lochan Panda-1

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MBA( HRM &Marketing)

Present Address At/po- Oupada DistBa!asore Odis"a# Pin$%&'() Per*anent Address At/po- Oupada DistBa!asore Odis"a# Pin$%&'() Mo+i!e ')%,-...-(, /-Mai! 000#kp!pnd1g*ai!#2o* Persona! Data Date o3 Birt"-'--'--.),4ender Male Linguisti2 Kno0!edge English, Hindi, Oriya. Marita! 5tatus 6 Married

O+7e2ti8es $o be pro%essionally associated &ith an organi'ation &ith an ob(ect to accept the challenges and utili'e my education and experience more meaning%ully and &or! hard to&ards achie ing the goals o% the organi'ation. 9ork e:perien2e Position )#HR e:e2uti8e Organisation )# "reati e Probers, *angalore +uration )#August ,--.#/anuary ,-01 Ro!e and Responsi+i!it; 6
i. ii. iii. i . . 2ecruitment 3nduction and (oining %ormalities. Maintaining the database. Attendance and 4ea e management. Handling the admin &or! and assisting the manager in %ormulation o% H2 Admin Policies

Position Organisation

)#Re2ruit*ent /:e2uti8e )#Fortune recruitment 5er ices P t. 4td., *angalore.


)#/une ,--6#/uly,--.

Ro!e and Responsi+i!ities6

7nderstanding the 2e8uirement, 5ourcing, 5creening, 5hortlisting candidates %or the gi en positions. 5ource "andidates through arious /ob portals, +atabase, Headhunting re%erencing etc *uilt and manage the database o% potential candidates 5cheduling the 3nter ie&s %ollo&ing the same &ith "lients

Persona! Attri+utes Flexibility to handle change. Abilty to shoulder



Good leadership & team building ability. Optimistic, Positi e thin!ing. "o#operati e & result oriented. Pro3essiona! <ua!i3i2ation

iii. i .

$&o years %ull time M#B#A# Fa!ir Mohan 7ni ersity, Odisha. 9Area o% speciali'ation)#Hu*an resour2e Manage*ent and *arketing:

Ho++ies 2eading *oo!s $ra elling & Friends 5ur%ing 3nternet

/du2ationa! <ua!i3i2ation Ma!ing Master degree in *usiness Administration 9H2M and Mar!eting: %rom Fa!ir Mohan 7ni ersity *alasore Odisha. Graduation in science &ith chemistry hons c%rom Fa!ir mohan Autonomous college ,*alasore.Odisha. ;, 5cience %rom "H5E, Orissa . 0-th %rom *5E, Orissa . Motto $o excel in all %ields o% li%e &ith sincerity, dignity and per%ectness . Re3eren2es6 Pro3# Dr Haraprasad panda Principal o% Modern Engineering and management studies, *alasore. Mob no# .<1=,<--0> Pro3#(Dr) B"aga+an Das Faculty in Finance F.M 7ni ersity, *alasore Mob) .<1=010<,. De2!aration 3 do hereby declare that the in%ormation stated abo e is true to the best o% my !no&ledge and belie%. +ate)0>#->#,-01 Place)*alasore 9?amal 4ochan Panda:

Present Address At/po- Oupada DistBa!asore Odis"a# Pin$%&'() Per*anent Address At/po- Oupada DistBa!asore Odis"a# Pin$%&'() Mo+i!e '),&.()&$$) /-Mai! 000#kp!pnd1g*ai!#2o* Persona! Data Date o3 Birt"-'--'--.),4ender Male Linguisti2 Kno0!edge English, Hindi, Oriya. Marita! 5tatus 6 Married

O+7e2ti8es $o be pro%essionally associated &ith an organi'ation &ith an ob(ect to accept the challenges and utili'e my education and experience more meaning%ully and &or! hard to&ards achie ing the goals o% the organi'ation. 9ork e:perien2e Position )#HR e:e2uti8e Organisation )# "reati e Probers, *angalore +uration )#August ,--.#/anuary ,-01 Ro!e and Responsi+i!it; 6
i. ii. iii. ix. x. 2ecruitment 3nduction and (oining %ormalities. Maintaining the database. Attendance and 4ea e management. Handling the admin &or! and assisting the manager in %ormulation o% H2 Admin Policies

Position Organisation

)#Re2ruit*ent /:e2uti8e )#Fortune recruitment 5er ices P t. 4td., *angalore.


)#/une ,--6#/uly,--.

Ro!e and Responsi+i!ities6

7nderstanding the 2e8uirement, 5ourcing, 5creening, 5hortlisting candidates %or the gi en positions. 5ource "andidates through arious /ob portals, +atabase, Headhunting re%erencing etc *uilt and manage the database o% potential candidates 5cheduling the 3nter ie&s %ollo&ing the same &ith "lients

Persona! Attri+utes Flexibility to handle change. Abilty to shoulder



Good leadership & team building ability. Optimistic, Positi e thin!ing. "o#operati e & result oriented. Ho++ies 2eading *oo!s $ra elling & Friends 5ur%ing 3nternet Pro3essiona! <ua!i3i2ation

ii. iii.

$&o years %ull time M#B#A# *i(u Pattanai! 7ni ersity o% $echnology & Management, Odisha.9Area o% speciali'ation)# Hu*an resour2e Manage*ent and 3inan2e: /du2ationa! <ua!i3i2ation Master degree in *usiness Administration 9H2M and Finance: &ith @6A mar!s %rom *i(u pattanai! 7ni ersity o% technology & management,Odisha, 9,--1 B ,-->:. Graduation in "ommerce %rom Fa!ir mohan uni ersity


,*alasore9,---C,--1: . ;, "ommerce %rom "H5E, Orissa90..6#,---: . 0-th %rom *5E, Orissa 90..6:. Co*puter 5e*inar & 9orks"op Atten # Motto $o excel in all %ields o% li%e &ith sincerity, dignity and per%ectness . Re3eren2es6 Pro3# Dr Haraprasad panda Principal o% Modern Engineering and management studies, *alasore. Mob no# .<1=,<--0> Pro3#(Dr) B"aga+an Das Faculty in Finance F.M 7ni ersity, *alasore Mob) .<1=010<,. De2!aration 3 do hereby declare that the in%ormation stated abo e is true to the best o% my !no&ledge and belie%. +ate)0>#->#,-01 Place)*alasore 9?amal 4ochan Panda:


MBA( HRM &=inan2e)

Present Address At/po- Oupada DistBa!asore Odis"a# Pin$%&'() Per*anent Address At/po- Oupada DistBa!asore Odis"a# Pin$%&'() Mo+i!e '),&.()&$$) /-Mai! 000#kp!pnd1g*ai!#2o* Persona! Data Date o3 Birt"-'--'--.),4ender Male Linguisti2 Kno0!edge English, Hindi, Oriya. Marita! 5tatus 6 Married

O+7e2ti8es $o be pro%essionally associated &ith an organi'ation &ith an ob(ect to accept the challenges and utili'e my education and experience more meaning%ully and &or! hard to&ards achie ing the goals o% the organi'ation. 9ork e:perien2e Position )#HR e:e2uti8e Organisation )# "reati e Probers, *angalore +uration )#August ,--.#/anuary ,-01 Ro!e and Responsi+i!it; 6
xi. xii. xiii. xi . x . 2ecruitment 3nduction and (oining %ormalities. Maintaining the database. Attendance and 4ea e management. Handling the admin &or! and assisting the manager in %ormulation o% H2 Admin Policies

Position Organisation

)#Re2ruit*ent /:e2uti8e )#Fortune recruitment 5er ices P t. 4td., *angalore.


)#/une ,--6#/uly,--.

Ro!e and Responsi+i!ities6

7nderstanding the 2e8uirement, 5ourcing, 5creening, 5hortlisting candidates %or the gi en positions. 5ource "andidates through arious /ob portals, +atabase, Headhunting re%erencing etc *uilt and manage the database o% potential candidates 5cheduling the 3nter ie&s %ollo&ing the same &ith "lients

Persona! Attri+utes Flexibility to handle change. Abilty to shoulder



Good leadership & team building ability. Optimistic, Positi e thin!ing. "o#operati e & result oriented. Pro3essiona! <ua!i3i2ation

xi. xii.

$&o years %ull time M#B#A# *i(u Pattanai! 7ni ersity o% $echnology & Management, Odisha.9Area o% speciali'ation)# Hu*an resour2e Manage*ent and 3inan2e:

Ho++ies 2eading *oo!s $ra elling & Friends 5ur%ing 3nternet

/du2ationa! <ua!i3i2ation Ma!ing Master degree in *usiness Administration 9H2M and Finance: &ith @6A mar!s %rom *i(u pattanai! 7ni ersity o% technology & management,Odisha, 9,--1 B ,-->:. Graduation in "ommerce %rom Fa!ir mohan uni ersity ,*alasore9,---C,--1: . ;, "ommerce %rom "H5E, Orissa90..6#,---: . 0-th %rom *5E, Orissa 90..6:. Co*puter 5e*inar & 9orks"op Atten # Motto $o excel in all %ields o% li%e &ith sincerity, dignity and per%ectness . Re3eren2es6 Pro3# Dr Haraprasad panda Principal o% Modern Engineering and management studies, *alasore. Mob no# .<1=,<--0> Pro3#(Dr) B"aga+an Das Faculty in Finance F.M 7ni ersity, *alasore Mob) .<1=010<,. De2!aration 3 do hereby declare that the in%ormation stated abo e is true to the best o% my !no&ledge and belie%. +ate)0>#->#,-01 Place)*alasore 9?amal 4ochan Panda:

Present Address At/po- Oupada DistBa!asore Odis"a# Pin$%&'() Per*anent Address At/po- Oupada DistBa!asore Odis"a# Pin$%&'() Mo+i!e '),&.()&$$) /-Mai! 000#kp!pnd1g*ai!#2o* Persona! Data Date o3 Birt"-'--'--.),4ender Male Linguisti2 Kno0!edge English, Hindi, Oriya. Marita! 5tatus 6 Married

O+7e2ti8es $o be pro%essionally associated &ith an organi'ation &ith an ob(ect to accept the challenges and utili'e my education and experience more meaning%ully and &or! hard to&ards achie ing the goals o% the organi'ation. 9ork e:perien2e Position )#HR e:e2uti8e Organisation )# "reati e Probers, *angalore +uration )#August ,--.#/anuary ,-01 Ro!e and Responsi+i!it; 6
x i. x ii. x iii. xix. xx. 2ecruitment 3nduction and (oining %ormalities. Maintaining the database. Attendance and 4ea e management. Handling the admin &or! and assisting the manager in %ormulation o% H2 Admin Policies

Position Organisation

)#Re2ruit*ent /:e2uti8e )#Fortune recruitment 5er ices P t. 4td., *angalore.


)#/une ,--6#/uly,--.

Ro!e and Responsi+i!ities6

7nderstanding the 2e8uirement, 5ourcing, 5creening, 5hortlisting candidates %or the gi en positions. 5ource "andidates through arious /ob portals, +atabase, Headhunting re%erencing etc *uilt and manage the database o% potential candidates 5cheduling the 3nter ie&s %ollo&ing the same &ith "lients

Persona! Attri+utes Flexibility to handle change. Abilty to shoulder


xi .

Good leadership & team building ability. Optimistic, Positi e thin!ing. "o#operati e & result oriented. Ho++ies 2eading *oo!s $ra elling & Friends 5ur%ing 3nternet Pro3essiona! <ua!i3i2ation

x . x i.

$&o years %ull time M#B#A# *i(u Pattanai! 7ni ersity o% $echnology & Management, Odisha.9Area o% speciali'ation)# Hu*an resour2e Manage*ent and 3inan2e: /du2ationa! <ua!i3i2ation Master degree in *usiness Administration 9H2M and Finance: &ith @6A mar!s %rom *i(u pattanai! 7ni ersity o% technology & management,Odisha, 9,--1 B ,-->:.


Graduation in "ommerce %rom Fa!ir mohan ,*alasore9,---C,--1: . ;, "ommerce %rom "H5E, Orissa90..6#,---: . 0-th %rom *5E, Orissa 90..6:. Co*puter 5e*inar & 9orks"op Atten # Motto

uni ersity

$o excel in all %ields o% li%e &ith sincerity, dignity and per%ectness . Re3eren2es6 Pro3# Dr Haraprasad panda Principal o% Modern Engineering and management studies, *alasore. Mob no# .<1=,<--0> Pro3#(Dr) B"aga+an Das Faculty in Finance F.M 7ni ersity, *alasore Mob) .<1=010<,. De2!aration 3 do hereby declare that the in%ormation stated abo e is true to the best o% my !no&ledge and belie%. +ate)0>#->#,-01 Place)*alasore 9?amal 4ochan Panda:

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