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Validated DLL - SCI-6 - 4th-Qtr.-Week-3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office
San Carlos City, Pangasinan
K-12 Teacher: ZENAIDA A. CANILANG Learning Area SCIENCE
Teaching Dates and Time (WEEK 3) Quarter FOURTH QUARTER


Define climate; Observes how the earth revolves around the sun; Identifies the factors that affect the climate of a place and explain how each factor affects
A. Content Standards the climate of a place.

B. Performance The learners demonstrate understanding of weather pattern in the Philippines.

C. Learning The learners should design an emergency and preparedness plan and kit.
Objectives WEEKLY TEST
Write the LC code for each

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages K to 12 MELCs p.383 K to 12 MELCs p.383 K to 12 MELCs p.383 K to 12 MELCs p.383
2. Learner’s Materials pp. pp. pp. pp.
3. Textbook pages Science Beyond Boarders pp. Science Beyond Boarders pp. Science Beyond Boarders
pp. Science Beyond Boarders pp.

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Self-Learning Modules in Science 6
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning video lesson, power point
A. Reviewing previous Recall the Recall what yesterday discussed. Based on the average Recall what yesterday
lesson or presenting experiences about the -weather temperature, the climate of discussed.
the new lesson eruption of volcanoes, the -climate the world are classified into -altitude
bad effects made by volcanic -how does weather affects the three types -ocean currents
-amount of rainfall
eruption on lives and human daily activities? -the tropic cancer
-wind system
properties’’ What -what are the two season in the -the tropic Capricorn -doldrum,horse latitude and
natural phenomena are Philippines? -and the equator. trade winds.
associated with the eruption -
of volcanoes?”
B.Establishing a Ask the students to look Ask the pupils to look at the Recall some elements of Present a video clip about the
purpose for the lesson outside the window” What picture. ”what have you weather such as air, earth’s movements.
can you say about the observe in the given pictures?” temperature, air pressure, Earth rotation and revolution:
weather today? Has it SNOW FALL IN JAPAN humidity, wind speed and Crash course kid 8.1.
change much un yesterday? direction.
You have learned that the earth
add more question about What did you learned from rotates on its axis as it revolves
weather! our past activity? around the sun. These
What is latitude? movements affect our life on
Original File Submitted and earth.
DRY WEATHER IN LUNETA PARK Formatted by DepEd Club What are the consequences or
Member - visit the effects of these for more movements?

There are different factors that

affect the weather and climate ROTATION the earth rotates
of a place. These explain why it on its axis every 23 hours, 56
is cold and snowing in Japan and minutes and 4.09 seconds but
it is warm and dry in the we round this to 24 hours.This
Philippines. period is what we call a
day.This rotation gives us day
and night.

REVOLUTION the earth

revolves around the sun
completing its journey once
every 365 ¼ days.this period
defines year.This
summer,autumn,winter and

The four seasons of the year—

spring, summer, fall (autumn)
and winter occur at different
position of the earth as it
travels in its orbit around the
C.Presenting Show some The teacher will give a cut outs Ask the pupils to observe Present a map of the .
examples/instances of picture of the weather to the paper to the pupils and will ask the picture. Philippines to the pupils and ask
the new lesson students and ask some to arrange it to reveal the Let the pupils study the two some questions.
questions. correct words. In which part of the Philippines
do you live?
“What do you -LATITUDE
Do you have more rainy
observed in these -ALTITUDE weather or sunny weather?
pictures?”Can you tell me -LAND MASS What kind of climate does
what kind of weather are all -BODIES OF WATER youe place have?
-AMOUNT OF RAIN FALL picture about how does the Present a globe to the class and
Once the pupils arrange it surface are affects the ask them to locate the
correctly ask them to read it one temperature? Philippines.
by one. DURING DAY TIME The Philippines is between
5degree to 20 degree north of
the equator .Northwest of it lies
the main Asiatic continent,
while on the south lie Indonesia
and the Australian continent.
North and east of the country is
the Western Pacific Ocean,
while to the west is the South
The condition of The earth surface is covered
our environment is ever- by land and water. the sun’s does not only rays strike both of them.
affect our comfort but also And heats faster than water.
determines what activities we How this does affects the
can carry on at certain times. temperature over the
This may be as surface? .WIND SYSTEM IN THE
simple as deciding whether to When the land is warm, the PHILIPPINES
go on picnic on a bright sunny air over it rises. Since the
day or just stay at home and water is cooler, air over it is
enjoy reading or story telling also cooler. When the warm
with the rest of the family air over land rises, the
during stormy days. cooler air over water moves
It may also be as toward the land. The moving
critical as deciding what crops air is called WIND.
to plant during the rainy Wind patterns in place vary
season and during the dry due to the difference in the
season. This is a major temperature of land and
concern of farmers, since the water surfaces.
Philippines is the principally
an agriculture country.
D. Discussing new Metacognition for Stating Metacognition for Stating Metacognition for Stating Metacognition for Stating Metacognition for Stating
concepts and Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge
practicing new skills #1
Ask the Students to arrange The teacher will give a cut outs sk the pupil to give the Present a map of the
the jumbled letters to reveal paper to the pupils and will ask meaning of Altitude, Ocean Philippines to the pupils and
the correct word. to arrange it to reveal the currents, amount of rain fall ask some questions.
ERHTAEW (WEATHER) correct words. and wind system. In which part of the
ATEMILC (CLIMATE) -LATITUDE Philippines do you live?
-ALTITUDE Do you have more rainy
-LAND MASS weather or sunny weather?
-BODIES OF WATER What kind of climate does
-WIND SYSTEM youe place have?
Once the pupils arrange it ALTITUDE tells how high or PHILIPPINES
correctly ask them to read it one low a place in from the sea Present a globe to the class
by one. level. and ask them to locate the
The land part of the earth The Philippines is between
Today we are going to study consists generally of 5degree to 20 degree north
about the FACTORS THAT mountains and lowland. of the equator .Northwest of
AFFECT WEATHER CLIMATE! The temperature in it lies the main Asiatic
Present the globe to the class mountainous regions is continent, while on the
while discussing factors that much lower than those in south lie Indonesia and the
affects the weather and climate the lowland. Australian continent.
in a place. “WHY?” North and east of the
When a warm and moist air country is the Western
Here are some some factors that mass creeps up the the side Pacific Ocean, while to the
affect the weather and climate of a mountain from the west is the South Chine Sea.
of a place. lowland, it is lifted up where
it cools.
-LATITUDE tells how far north or Cooling of warm air causes it .WIND SYSTEM IN THE
south of the equator a place water vapour to condense, PHILIPPINES
located. thus, the air on the side of
-ALTITUDE tells how high or low the mountain is dry and Major geographic features of
a place in from the sea level. cool. the Philippines
-LAND MASS tells the size of the 1.Batanes group of islands
land body, e.g. Continents vs The cool air moves down 2.Babuyan group of islands
small island. 3.Cordillera mountains
-BODIES OF WATER or a size of 4.Cagayan valley
water near or around a place. 5.Sierra Madre mountains
-WIND SYSTEM shows pattern of 6.Caraballo mountains
wind movement over a place 7.Zambales mountains
annually. 8.Central Luzon plain
-AMOUNT OF RAIN FALL means 9.Sierra Madre (southern tip)
the frequency and amount of 10.Polillo group of islands
rain fall of a place. 11.Bicol peninsula
All of these factors are 12.Mindoro island
interrelated in regulating and the valley as a mountain 13Romblon group of islands
maintaining the climatic and breeze. 14Masbate island
weather condition of a place. OCEAN CURRENTS is a 15Samar island
seasonal directed 16Palawan group of islands
CLIMATE is the average weather movement of seawater 17Panay island
conditioning a place over a long generated by forces acting 18Negros island
period of time. Different regions upon this mean flow, such 19Cebu island
of the earth have different as breaking waves, wind, the 20Bohol island
climates due to several factors, Coriolis effect, cabbeling, 21Leyte island
namely latitude, altitude, bodies temperature and salinity 22Zamboanga peninsula
of water, wind system and differences, while tides are 23Bukidnon-Lanao plateau
earth’s rotation. caused by the gravitational 24Davao-Agusan Trough
The tilt of the earth’s axis and pull of the Sun and Moon. 25Diwata mountains
the earth’s rotation determine 26Cotabato Basin
the amount of solar energy 27Central Mindanao
received by the different regions highlands
hence, temperature in different 28Pacific Cordillera
countries varies. mountains
The polar regions have a cold 29Tiruray highlands
climate while region along the 30Sulu archipelago
tropics have a temperate Ocean currents or huge When the northeast
climate. While the region along streams of more rapidly monsoon enters the
the equator have a hot climate. movingsurface water are Philippines and reches a
Unequal heating of the land and produced by winds and mountain, it is driven up. As
water parts of the earth also brig differences in density od it goes up it begins to cool so
about differences in amount of seawater. the water vapour drops as
rainfall received by the the Ocean currents from poles rain on the eastern side of
different regions throughout the flow towards the equator the mountain. So , the air
year. thus making the bodies of loses much of its vapour and
The wind system of the earth is water in this place cooler. becomes dry. As it goes
also affected by the rotation of Locate the Atlantic Ocean on down the other side of the
the earth. The shift in global the globe.The Gulf Stream is mountain, it no longer brings
wind direction due to the earth’s a warm swift current in this the rain.From November to
rotation is called CORIOLIS ocean.trace the path of this February, rains fall on the
EFFECT stream. eastern part of the country
“Which part of the globe while the western part is dry.
would have warmer
climates as a result of this
warm current?”
the amount
of rain that falls in a place
during a particular period.

E.Discussing new Direct Instruction Direct Instruction Direct Instruction Direct Instruction Direct Instruction
concepts and What is the meaning of
practicing new skills #2 weather? Climate?” The sun is the source of heat e water from the ocean, Present a video presentation to
There is often confusion that warms the earth. However, lakes, rivers and streams to the pupils regarding about the
between weather and temperature varies. evaporate and become types of climate in the
What affects the amount water vapour. Philippines.
of solar energy received This vapour rises up into air
Weather is the condition of by different places on and condenses to form
the atmosphere at a clouds. The water droplets
particular place over a short in the clouds fall back down
period of time, earth? to earth as rain.
whereas climate refers to the Different parts of the
weather pattern, using country have different
statistical data, of a place amounts of rain fall during
over a long enough period to the year. The amount of
yield meaningful averages. rainfall is used to describe
the climate in the region.
Tropical regions which are
generally hot and wet have
high temperature and
railfall.The differences in
surface temperature in the
tropics create a very wet
and humid atmosphere.
vegetation in these areas
flourish of the great amount
of rainfall.

WIND SYSTEM (winds) are

named by the direction from
which they blow. The globe
is encircled by six
major wind belts, three in
each hemisphere. From pole
to equator, they are the
polar easterlies, the
westerlies, and the
trade winds
the uneven heating of the
earth’s surface creates air
currents. Heated air close to
the surface becomes less
dense .it rises and cooler air
from the upper atmosphere
sinks. At the beach, during
the day, the cooler air from
the sea moves in. This wind
called sea breeze.
At night, the land cools
faster than the sea. The
warm air cover the sea rises
and the cooler air over the
land goes over the sea. This
wind from the land to the
sea is called land breeze
Wind patterns over the
earth are likewise caused by
uneven heating of the
earth’s surface, plus the
rotation of the earth.
If the earth were not
rotating, warm air from the
equatorial region would
move directly toward the
north and south poles. Since
the earth is rotating from
west to east, the winds are
deflected westward. This
shift in global wind direction
due to the earth’s rotation is

F. Developing mastery Use of Sheltered Instruction Use of Sheltered Instruction Use of Sheltered Instruction Use of Sheltered Instruction Use of Sheltered
(leads to Formative Instruction
Assessment 3) The weather may be warm one Ask the pupils to group into 3. The Philippines has generally
day and cold the next day. It may let the student do the investigate DOLDRUMS also called warm temperature throughout
be bright and sunny when you Science and Health 6,page 223. equatorial calms, equatorial the year. However, the amount
wake up in the morning and dark Materials: regions of light ocean currents of rain that falls varies.
and drizzly in the afternoon. -Globe and winds within the In the Philippines, the amount
What causes the changes in -Flashlight intertropical convergence zone of rainfall is used to describe
weather? -Dark room. (ITCZ), a belt of the climate in different regions.
The WEATHER has three converging winds and rising air The Philippines has five types
elements namely sunshine, Procedure: encircling Earth near the of climates: tropical rainforest,
water and air. Observe the globe while it is in a Equator. tropical savanna, tropical
SUNSHINE gives the earth light, steady and rotating. monsoon, humid subtropical,
heat and power. Observe which part and oceanic (both are in higher-
WATER comes from oceans, receives the direct rays of altitude areas) characterized by
seas, rivers and lake. the light. HORSE LATITUDE relatively high temperature,
AIR surrounds us just as water or subtropical oppressive humidity and plenty
surrounds the fish the live in highs are subtropical latitudes of rainfall.
it.We live at the bottom of an between 30 and
ocean of air called 38 degrees both north and
ATMOSPHERE. south where Earth's
CLIMATE is the average weather atmosphere is dominated by
condition in a locality over a long the subtropical high, an area
period of time. In the of high pressure, which
Philippines, two general types of suppresses precipitation and
climatic conditions exist- DRY cloud formation, and has
and WET SEASON. variable winds mixed with calm
During the dry season winds.
or summer, it is
generally bright and
sunny. Sometimes
though, our
atmosphere change
from sunny to dark in a TRADE WINDS are the
short time rain can fall prevailing pattern of easterly
surface winds found in the
in the afternoon.
tropics, within the lower
portion of the Earth's
atmosphere, in the lower
section of the troposphere near
the Earth's equator.
prevailing winds from the west
toward the east in the middle
latitudes between 30 and 60
degrees latitude. They originate
from the high-pressure areas in
the horse latitudes and trend
towards the poles and steer
extra tropical cyclones in this
general manner.
the dry, cold prevailing winds
that blow from the high-
pressure areas of
the polar highs at the North
and South Poles towards low-
pressure areas within the
Westerlies at high latitudes. ...
When air moves near the poles,
cold temperatures shrink the ai
applications of Let the students do the activity.
concepts and skills in Materials: Explain the mechanics to the Let the pupils do the Let the pupils describe each
daily living -pencil pupils on how to do the activity. investigate science and health type of climate in the
-color Guide them while they 6 p.227. Philippines .Opposite each type,
-bond paper performing the activity. Group activity. write the name of the regions
Procedure: Materials: which falls under it.
Ask the students to draw the -Globe
two weather condition in the
Let them answer the given -Chalk
Philippines.( SUNNY and RAINY) question. -Water
GUIDE QUESTIONS: 1. Which part does not receive
1. What is the different the direct rays of light? Procedure:
between weather and 2. Rotate the globe. What do Let the pupil spin the globe.
climate? you observe about the equator? From top, let a small piece of
2. How does weather chalk fall.
affects us our daily Let the pupils present their Observe the movement of the
activities? chalk.
activity output once they’re
Spin the globe for one time and
Give the students 15 minutes to drop of water fall from the top.
finish the activity. Guide question:
1.In what direction does the
chalk moved?
2.Does the water move in the
same direction as the chalk?
3 Why do chalk and water
move the way they do?

Ask the pupils to group into 4.

Let them decide to choose their TYPE OF CLIMATE REGION
leader. I
Let the pupils do the activity for II
15 minutes. III
Explain the activity to the class.
Guide them while performing
the activity.
Let the leader of each group
present their activity output
B. Making generalizations Metacognition for Stating Metacognition for Stating Metacognition for Stating Metacognition for Stating Metacognition for Stating
and abstractions about Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge
the lesson
-What is weather? What are the factors that affect What are the factors affecting What are the types of climate in
-How weather affects us our weather and climate in our country the weather and climate? the Philippines?
daily activities? same with other country? How do mountains affect the
What do you call to the region of climate?
the earth that has a coldest
climate? Hottest climate? And
temperate climate?

C. Evaluating learning Write true if the given Choose the letter of the correct
statement is correct and write answer.
false if it is wrong. 1.
____1.Weather is the condition
of the atmosphere at a particular
place over a short period of
____2. climate refers to the
weather pattern, using statistical
data, of a place over a long
enough period to yield
meaningful averages.
____3. water gives the earth
light, heat and power.
____4.sunshine comes from
oceans, seas, rivers and lake.
____5.air surrounds us just as
water surrounds the fish the live
in it.
D. Additional activities for Have some research about the
application or FACTORS THAR AFFECT

A. No. of learners who ___Lesson carried. Move on ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on ___Lesson carried. Move on ___Lesson carried. Move on
earned 80% in the to the next objective. the next objective. to the next objective. to the next objective. to the next objective.
evaluation ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried.
_____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got _____% of the pupils got _____% of the pupils got
mastery mastery 80% mastery 80% mastery 80% mastery
B. No. of learners who ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find difficulties ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find
require additional difficulties in answering their in answering their lesson. difficulties in answering their difficulties in answering their difficulties in answering
activities for lesson. ___Pupils found difficulties in lesson. lesson. their lesson.
remediation ___Pupils found difficulties in answering their lesson. ___Pupils found difficulties ___Pupils found difficulties ___Pupils found difficulties
answering their lesson. ___Pupils did not enjoy the in answering their lesson. in answering their lesson. in answering their lesson.
___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson because of lack of ___Pupils did not enjoy the ___Pupils did not enjoy the ___Pupils did not enjoy the
lesson because of lack of knowledge, skills and interest lesson because of lack of lesson because of lack of lesson because of lack of
knowledge, skills and interest about the lesson. knowledge, skills and knowledge, skills and knowledge, skills and
about the lesson. ___Pupils were interested on interest about the lesson. interest about the lesson. interest about the lesson.
___Pupils were interested the lesson, despite of some ___Pupils were interested ___Pupils were interested ___Pupils were interested
on the lesson, despite of difficulties encountered in on the lesson, despite of on the lesson, despite of on the lesson, despite of
some difficulties encountered answering the questions asked some difficulties some difficulties some difficulties
in answering the questions by the teacher. encountered in answering encountered in answering encountered in answering
asked by the teacher. ___Pupils mastered the lesson the questions asked by the the questions asked by the the questions asked by the
___Pupils mastered the despite of limited resources teacher. teacher. teacher.
lesson despite of limited used by the teacher. ___Pupils mastered the ___Pupils mastered the ___Pupils mastered the
resources used by the ___Majority of the pupils lesson despite of limited lesson despite of limited lesson despite of limited
teacher. finished their work on time. resources used by the resources used by the resources used by the
___Majority of the pupils ___Some pupils did not finish teacher. teacher. teacher.
finished their work on time. their work on time due to ___Majority of the pupils ___Majority of the pupils ___Majority of the pupils
___Some pupils did not finish unnecessary behavior. finished their work on time. finished their work on time. finished their work on time.
their work on time due to ___Some pupils did not ___Some pupils did not ___Some pupils did not
unnecessary behavior. finish their work on time finish their work on time due finish their work on time
due to unnecessary to unnecessary behavior. due to unnecessary
behavior. behavior.

C. Did the remedial ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned
lessons work? No. of 80% above above 80% above 80% above 80% above
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who
continue to require additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for require additional activities
remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation for remediation

E. Which of my teaching ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
strategies worked ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who
well? Why did these up the lesson the lesson up the lesson up the lesson caught up the lesson
F. What difficulties did I ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
encounter which my continue to require require remediation continue to require continue to require continue to require
principal or supervisor remediation remediation remediation remediation
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or Strategies used that work Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work
localized materials did well: ___Metacognitive well: well: well:
I use/discover which I • ___Metacognitive Development: Examples: Self ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive
wish to share with Development: Examples: Self assessments, note taking and Development: Examples: Development: Examples: Development: Examples:
other teachers? assessments, note taking and studying techniques, and Self assessments, note Self assessments, note Self assessments, note
studying techniques, and vocabulary assignments. taking and studying taking and studying taking and studying
vocabulary assignments. ___Bridging: Examples: Think- techniques, and vocabulary techniques, and vocabulary techniques, and vocabulary
• ___Bridging: pair-share, quick-writes, and assignments. assignments. assignments.
Examples: Think-pair-share, anticipatory charts. ___Bridging: Examples: ___Bridging: Examples: ___Bridging: Examples:
quick-writes, and anticipatory Think-pair-share, quick- Think-pair-share, quick- Think-pair-share, quick-
• ___Schema-Building: Examples: writes, and anticipatory writes, and anticipatory writes, and anticipatory

• ___Schema-Building: Compare and contrast, jigsaw charts. charts. charts.

Examples: Compare and learning, peer teaching, and

contrast, jigsaw learning, peer projects. ___Schema-Building: ___Schema-Building: ___Schema-Building:
teaching, and projects. Examples: Compare and Examples: Compare and Examples: Compare and
• ___Contextualization: contrast, jigsaw learning, contrast, jigsaw learning, contrast, jigsaw learning,
• ___Contextualization: peer teaching, and projects. peer teaching, and projects. peer teaching, and projects.
Examples: Demonstrations,
• Examples: media, manipulatives,
Demonstrations, media, repetition, and local ___Contextualization: ___Contextualization: ___Contextualization:
manipulatives, repetition, and opportunities. Examples: Demonstrations, Examples: Demonstrations, Examples: Demonstrations,
local opportunities. media, manipulatives, media, manipulatives, media, manipulatives,
• repetition, and local repetition, and local repetition, and local
___Text Representation:
• ___Text opportunities. opportunities. opportunities.
Representation: Examples: Student created
• Examples: Student drawings, videos, and games.
___Modeling: Examples: ___Text Representation: ___Text Representation: ___Text Representation:
created drawings, videos, and
games. Speaking slowly and clearly, Examples: Student created Examples: Student created Examples: Student created
• ___Modeling: modeling the language you want drawings, videos, and drawings, videos, and drawings, videos, and
Examples: Speaking slowly students to use, and providing games. games. games.
and clearly, modeling the samples of student work. ___Modeling: Examples: ___Modeling: Examples: ___Modeling: Examples:
language you want students Speaking slowly and clearly, Speaking slowly and clearly, Speaking slowly and clearly,
to use, and providing samples Other Techniques and modeling the language you modeling the language you modeling the language you
of student work. Strategies used: want students to use, and want students to use, and want students to use, and
___ Explicit Teaching providing samples of providing samples of student providing samples of
Other Techniques and ___ Group collaboration student work. work. student work.
Strategies used: ___Gamification/Learning
___ Explicit Teaching throuh play Other Techniques and Other Techniques and Other Techniques and
___ Group collaboration ___ Answering preliminary Strategies used: Strategies used: Strategies used:
___Gamification/Learning activities/exercises ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching
throuh play ___ Carousel ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration
___ Answering preliminary ___ Diads ___Gamification/Learning ___Gamification/Learning ___Gamification/Learning
activities/exercises ___ Differentiated Instruction throuh play throuh play throuh play
___ Carousel ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary
___ Diads ___ Discovery Method activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Lecture Method ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel
___ Role Playing/Drama Why? ___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads
___ Discovery Method ___ Complete IMs ___ Differentiated ___Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated
___ Lecture Method ___ Availability of Materials Instruction ___ Role Playing/Drama Instruction
Why? ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Discovery Method ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Complete IMs ___ Group member’s ___ Discovery Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Discovery Method
___ Availability of Materials collaboration/cooperation ___ Lecture Method Why? ___ Lecture Method
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn in doing their tasks Why? ___ Complete IMs Why?
___ Group member’s ___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Complete IMs ___ Availability of Materials ___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials ___ Pupils’ eagerness to ___ Availability of Materials
collaboration/cooperation ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to
in doing their tasks learn ___ Group member’s learn
___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Group member’s collaboration/cooperation ___ Group member’s
collaboration/cooperation in doing their tasks collaboration/cooperatio
in doing their tasks ___AudioVisualPresentation n
___AudioVisual Presentation in doing their tasks

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