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DLL - SCIENCE - 9 - Q3 - W5 2019fin

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Teaching Week WEEK 5 Quarter: 3rd QUARTER
DATE January 6, 2020 January 7, 2020 January 8, 2020 January 9, 2020 January 10, 2020
A. Content Standards factors that affect climate, and the effects of changing climate and how to adapt accordingly
B. Performance Standards participate in activities that reduce risks and lessen effects of climate change
Describe certain climatic phenomena that occur on a global level S9ES-IIIf-31
C. Learning Competencies / Explain how latitude, altitude Explain how ocean currents affect Assess prior knowledge
Objectives 3rd QUARTER 3rd QUARTER
and distance from the ocean climate. and experiences about
Write the LC code for each
affect climate. climate change./ EXAM EXAM
2.Climate 2.Climate 2.Climate
2.1 Factors that affect climate 2.1 Factors that affect climate 2.1 Factors that affect
II. CONTENT 2.2 Global climate phenomenon 2.2 Global climate phenomenon climate
2.2 Global climate
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp.136 pp.137 pp.138
2. Learner’s Materials pages pp.166-167 pp.168 pp.170
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson
Recall the recently finished Recall grade7 lesson about heat Review lesson about
lessons. Ask students about transfer, specifically convection. factors that affect the
B. Establishing a purpose for the
certain relationships of the Ask students to explain the atmospheric temperature
following: movement of warm and cool air; and climate of a place.
about convection currents.
Students must remember that
*distance of a place from the warm air or water rises and cool
sea/ ocean and atmospheric air/ water sinks. Also recall that
temperature the atmosphere and oceans are
having convection currents;
wherein the direction of fluids is
from warm area towards colder
Show 5 different photos to Ask students : What are the Allow students to perform
students. (Photos must show different factors that affect the Activity 7:
different environments/ temperature of a certain place? ”Getting Ready”, LM
communities or humans in (Students expected answer: pp.196-197
different types of clothing, that altitude, latitude, distance from
will give the students clues the ocean)
about the temperature of the Introduce the next topic of the
place in each photo.( e.g. photo lesson, another factor that affects
showing people in fur coats; the temperature of a place.
C. Presenting examples/
photo showing the peak of a
instances of the new lesson
mountain covered with ice;
photo of a community near the
seashore; photo of tropical
country;) Ask students to infer
whether the place in the photo
is a cold, very cold, warm or
very warm area. Allow them to
justify their answers based on
what they have learned in the
earlier lessons.
Perform Activity 5: Let students have their groupings Ask five volunteer
D. Discussing new concepts and
“Temperatures of Different and allow them to have a peer students to present the
practicing new skills #1 Cities Around the World”, LM p. discussion. Let them perform answers to the questions
193. Allow them to have a group Activity 6: “Ocean Currents”, LM (refer to Activity 7)
discussion and let them answer pp. 194-195. Students will answer
Guide Questions 23- 28. guide questions 29-33.
Ask a representative from each A reporter from each group will Provide correct answers
group to present their answers present their answers in front of to questions in the bingo
to the guide questions: the class card. Relate each
E. Discussing new concepts and
#23. Which city had the highest Guide Questions: answered question to
practicing new skills#2
temperature? #29. What are the different ocean climate change.
#24. What factor do you think is currents that carry warm water?
the cause of high temperature in Give at least three (3)
the city?
#25.which city had the lowest #30. What are the different ocean
temperature? currents that carry cold water?
#26. What factor do you think is Give at least three (3).
the cause of low temperature in #31. What kind of air does
that city? Greenland current take along?
#27. What factor do you think Explain
greatly affects the climate of #32. How do the Kamchatka
Tokyo? Support your answer. current and Kuroshio current
#28. How does the elevation of affect the north eastern part and
Paris affect its climate? southern part of Japan?
#33. How do ocean currents affect
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)

G. Finding practical applications

of concepts and skills in daily
H. Making generalizations and Emphasize important points of Important points for discussion: Discuss with students
abstractions about the lesson the lesson based on the activity. a. Gyres flow clockwise in the whether climate change
Also correct any misconceptions northern hemisphere, while is man- made or not.
of students, based on the counterclockwise in the southern Elicit answers from
reports made. hemisphere. This is due to students. Allow them to
Concretize the idea that the Coriolis effect. justify their answers.
temperature of every place on b. Ocean currents from the
Earth vary depending on the equator carries warm water and
latitude, altitude ,and distance warm air above them.
from large bodies of water at c. Ocean currents that move
specific months of the year. towards the equator carry cold
Make students remember that water and cold air above them.
climatic conditions are also d. Ocean currents affect the
affected by the revolution of the temperature of places
Earth. e. Ocean current is another factor
that affects the climate of a place.
I. Evaluating learning What climatic condition is 1. What do you call the loops of Identify the following:
experienced at: ocean currents? 1. 3R stands for?
1. high altitude areas a. Convection current 2. Gas released in landfills
2. tropical areas b. Upwelling 3. General condition of the
3. low altitude areas c. Coriolis effect atmosphere within a year
4. near the ocean d. Gyre 4. CFC stands for?
5. far from the ocean 2. The direction of rotation of 5. Which will help
these loops is caused by_____. alleviate climate change,
a. Coriolis effect eating vegetables or
b. Revolution eating meat?
c. Tilting of earth’s axis
d. All of the above
3. If a coastal area is visited by an
ocean current from the equator,
what will happen to the
temperature of the place?
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Remains the same
d. Increases, then decreases
4. Ocean currents from the polar
region carry with them ____water?
a. Cold
b. Warm
c. Frozen
d. boiling
5. Kuroshio current comes from
the Phil. sea and goes to South
Japan. What will happen to the
temperature of South Japan?
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. remain the same
d. Increase, then decrease
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other
Prepared By:
Checked by the G-9 Level
Reviewed by the Academic Head:
Approved by the School Head:

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