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7es Greenhouse Effects

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San Joaquin National High

School Grade &
School  PERIDOT
San Joaquin Palo, Leyte  AQUAMARINE

Student Learning
DAILY Teacher

PLAN Dates Quarter 3
and Time

6 Day 1 Duration 1 Hour

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the factors that affect
climate, and the effects of changing climate and how to adopt accordingly.

B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to participate in activities that reduce risks and
lessen effects of climate change.

C. Learning Competency Describe certain climatic phenomena that occur on a global event

D. Learning Objectives  Identify the sources of greenhouse gases.

 Describe the greenhouse effect to Earth.

Lesson The Greenhouse Effect



1. Teacher’s Guide Science 9- Quarter 3- Module 5: Climatic Phenomena Occurring on a

(pages) Global Level p.5-6
2. Learner’s Material Science 9- Quarter 3- Module 5: Climatic Phenomena Occurring on a
(pages) Global Level p.5-6

3. Textbook pages none

4. Additional Materials PowerPoint Presentation, Television, Laptop
from Learning Manila Paper
Resource (LR) Portal Permanent Marker
A. Other Learning none

PRELIMINARIES Good morning, Class!

Good morning, Ma’am Mosca!
You may take your seats. Let us first
have the attendance, say “Present” if
your name is called.

Alright settle down now.

ELICIT What was our previous topic about? Five factors affecting the climate
of an area.
2. Altitude
3. Topography
4. Bodies of Water
5. Ocean currents
Alright very good!

Now, I need 5 volunteers. I have here

5 different statements, what you have
to do is to label them as to which
factor that affects the climate of an
area do they belong.

2. Latitude
3. Bodies of Water
5. Ocean Currents
Bodies of Water
Ocean Currents

We will check if your answers are

ENGAGE Let us play “4Pics-1word”

Guess the word by looking at the clues Answer:

portrayed in photos.
1. Greenhouse
1. 2. Effects

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __


__ __ __ __ __ __ __

Does anybody know what our topic is Greenhouse Effects Ma’am!


Very good! Our topic today is all

about “Greenhouse Effects”
I will group the class into 4, count off
1-4. Then proceed first to your
respective groups. Inside the envelope
is a diagram together with guide
questions. You study the diagram first
EXPLORE and then answer the guide questions
using the manila paper provided.

Guide Questions:

Q1. What is the Earth’s major source

of heat?

Q2. What do the arrows represent?

Q3. What will happen to Earth without

Sun’s energy?

Q4. What are the greenhouse gases

shown in the diagram?

Q5. What are sources of greenhouse


Q6. Based on the diagram, what then

is a greenhouse effect?

Make a list of your group members on

a ¼ sheet of paper and return the
materials after using. You choose 1
representative from your group to
present your answers to the whole
class. You have 5 minutes to work on

EXPLAIN Now, we will see if your answer is


Q1. What is the Earth’s major source

of heat? The diagram below shows how
the Sun’s rays are trapped by the
greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. The greenhouse
effect is the Earth’s natural
process of warming itself.
Without the greenhouse effect,
Earth would be very cold, too cold
for living things, especially at
night. It occurs when certain
gases, known as greenhouse
gases, trap heat in the Earth's
atmosphere, preventing it from
escaping back into space.

Q2. What do the arrows represent?

It represents the movement/
direction of heat and gases.
Q3. What will happen to Earth without Without the Sun's energy, the
Sun’s energy? Earth would be a drastically
different place. The Sun is the
primary source of Earth's heat and
If the Sun's energy were to suddenly light. Its energy drives the
disappear, the immediate effect would weather and climate, and supports
be that the Earth would go dark. virtually all life on Earth. It also
Without sunlight, photosynthesis plays a vital role in the process of
would cease, and plants would be photosynthesis, which plants use
unable to produce oxygen. This would to convert carbon dioxide (a
have a profound impact on all forms of greenhouse gas) into oxygen.
life that rely on plants for food and
oxygen. Moreover, without the heat
from the Sun, the Earth's surface
would quickly cool down. The average
surface temperature of the planet could
drop to below freezing in about a
week. This would cause the
atmosphere, including the greenhouse
gases, to cool and eventually freeze.

Carbon Dioxide, Ozone, Methane

Q4. What are the greenhouse gases
shown in the diagram? CO2= Carbon dioxide is Earth's
most important greenhouse gas: a
What is CO2? gas that absorbs and radiates heat.

What is O3? O3= Ozone (O3) is a highly

reactive gas composed of three
What is CH4? oxygen atoms. It is both a natural
and a man-made product that
occurs in the Earth's upper

CH4= Methane (CH4) is a

colorless, odorless and highly
flammable gas.

Q5. What are sources of greenhouse


In the Philippines, greenhouse gas

emissions are primarily caused by the
following industries: agriculture
(29%), transportation (55%),
manufacturing and construction,
fugitive emissions, and other fuel
combustion; and waste management
(9%), which includes municipal solid
waste (MSW) landfills, industrial
waste landfills, industrial wastewater
treatment systems, and facilities that
run combustors or incinerators for the
disposal of non-hazardous solid waste.
And 7% from the industrial process.

Q6. Based on the diagram, what then The greenhouse effect is a natural
is a greenhouse effect? process where certain gases in the
Earth's atmosphere, known as
greenhouse gases, the heat from
the Sun is filtered in the ozone
and light passes through the
atmosphere, as light hits the
surface, it is converted into heat
energy, the surface then releases it
Like the glass in a greenhouse, the back to the atmosphere, and
Greenhouse effect to Earth occurs greenhouse gases prevents it from
similarly. They allow sunlight to pass escaping back into space. This
process keeps the Earth's
through, resulting in the warming up temperature stable and suitable for
of the Earth’s surface. But they absorb sustaining life. Without the
the infrared radiation coming from the greenhouse effect, our planet
Earth’s surface, keeping the Earth’s would be significantly colder and
temperature suitable for life on Earth. less hospitable.

Study the Bar graph below and answer

the questions provided.

Describe the importance of greenhouse

effect to our planet?

What will happen if there are no

greenhouse gases that exists? How
about if there is no greenhouse effect?

Why is it important to be aware of the

greenhouse effect?

Multiple Choice. Answer:

EVALUATION Read the questions carefully and 1. C.

choose the best answer. 2. D.
3. D.
1. What process keeps the Earth's 4. A.
temperature stable and suitable 5. A.
for sustaining life for all living
a. Rain Cycle
b. Evaporation
c. Greenhouse Effect
d. Photosynthesis

2. Which of the following is the

top contributor of greenhouse
gases that reached up to 55%
of gas emission?
a. Agriculture Industry
b. Waste Management
c. Industrial Process
d. Transportation,
Manufacturing and
Construction, Fugitive
emissions, and other fuel
3. It is a transparent house built to
trap heat released by the
objects inside it to help the
growth of plants.
a. Mansion
b. 3-storey bungalow
c. Underground house
d. Greenhouse

4. Which of the following is the

most important greenhouse gas
that absorbs and radiates heat?
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Ozone
c. Water vapor
d. Methane
5. Which of the following is a
positive greenhouse effect to
a. It keeps our planet at a
regulated temperature
suitable for living things.
b. It makes the earth’s
temperature freezing.
c. It makes up the day and
d. It kills living things.

EXTEND Read in advance about Global




A. No. of Learners who earned 80 % in the


B. No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation who scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners

who have caught up with the lesson

D. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?

Why did this work?

E. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?

F.What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:

Aaleah Mosca
Student Intern Approved by:

Agnes A. Liporada
Cooperating Teacher

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