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Management Principles Logbook

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Course Plan


Course Title:
Year of Study: Flexi Structure

Credit Hour: 3 credit hours

Lecturer: Puan Azeyan binti Awee (Lead Lecturer, Coordinator for Kampar Campus)

Ms. Kalaivani Jayaraman (Coordinator for Sg Long Campus)


Tutors: FBF, FICT, FSc, FEGT & FAS (Kampar Campus)

Puan Azeyan Binti Awee


Dr. Ng Lee Peng


Mr. Ravindran a/l Nadarajan


Year and 2021 Oct Trimester

Objective: To provide an understanding and knowledge of the principles and concepts of
management and organization and the management functions and processes within the
business organization.
Course Learning On completion of this unit, a student shall be able to:
Outcomes (CLO): CLO 1 – To describe the principles and concepts of management and organization
CLO 2 – To explain the management function and process within a business
CLO 3 – To relate the management principles in business operation
References: Main Reference(s):

1. Daft, R. (2018). Management [13th Asia Edition]. Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia
Pte Ltd.

Additional References:

2. Goodman, S. H., Fandt, P. M., Michlitsch, J. F., & Lewis, P. S. (2016). Management:
Challenges for tomorrow's leaders (6th ed.). SJ Learning.
3. Robbins, S. P., DeCenzo, D. A., & Coulter, M. (2016). Fundamentals of management:
4. Essential concepts and applications (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:
Pearson Education.
5. McShane, S. L. (2015). Principles of management (International ed.). New York:
6. Robbins, S. P. & Coutler, M (2018). Management (14th ed.) Upper Saddle River, New
Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall
Part B: Constructive Alignment Table

Delivery Methods Assessment

Domain &
Programm (e.g. Lecture, Methods & Mark
e Learning Tutorial, Breakdown*
No. CLO y Level#
Outcomes Practical, Case Individual Presentation Project Final
(PLO) Study, Site Visit, Test exa
A2 /
Role Play, Class m
C3 / P5)
10% 10% 20% 60%

1 CLO1 1 C2 Lecture √

2 CLO2 1 C2 Lecture √ √

3 CLO3 8 A3 √
Methods: No. Continuous Assessment Total
1. a. Midterm Test 10% (25 marks)
b. Group Assignment 20% (50 marks) 40%
c. Individual Presentation 10% (25 marks)
(100 marks)
2. Final Examination 60%

1. Continuous Assessment (40%)

a. Midterm Test 10% (25 marks)

 One-hour test will be given to monitor students’ progress on the understanding of the
lectures and the tutorials.
 The test encompasses Topic 1 to 5 stated in the teaching plan.
 The test is tentatively scheduled on WEEK 4 – Date: 11/11/2021 (Thursday)
Time: 4 pm – 5 pm am (1 HOUR) via MICROSOFT TEAM (QUIZ) during lecture
 Format of the mid-term test questions will be announced later by your lecturer.

There will be NO make-up exams without a valid and verifiable reason. Students must give
reason for absenteeism and are required to submit valid evidence (e.g. medical certificate,
police report and etc.) before any make-up examination will be considered.

b. Group Assignment 20 % (50 marks)

The written report is to be prepared on a group basis (with only 5 to 6 members in a

group). Tutor will assist students in forming group assignment. The group members
MUST come from the SAME tutorial group. Students are also required to elect a group
leader and register their company with their respective tutor latest by the end of Week 1, on
first come first serve basis.
Purpose: This assignment will provide you an opportunity to examine the impact of effective
management on the overall success of an organisation. It is expected that the content of the
written assignment will reflect group’s thoughts and analysis rather than the work of others.
Conclusions should be drawn regarding the effective use of a broad range of management
tools, and their impact on the success of the company.

Directions: Each group is required to select ONE company from the list in Appendix IV. An
analysis is to be conducted based on the company practices and relate these with the four
management functions, i.e. POLC (Planning, Organising, Leading and Controlling). You will
need to examine the company you select by utilising a variety of research sources: business
publications, the company’s own external and internal communications, the mass media, etc.

Each group should produce and submit an assignment report. The report should adhere to
the following guidelines:

Section Assessment Marks

1 Introduction
 Present a brief background of the selected company that 10 marks
o Nature of business, mission and objective, scope of
operations, competitive strategies, products, markets,
competitors and etc.

Suggested no. of page: 1

2 Contents
 Explain ONE company practice for each management 40 marks
function i.e planning, organising, leading and controlling

Note: To complete this section, students are advice to

refer to recent annual reports, journals, articles, books,
internet and other secondary sources.

Suggested no. of page: 4

3 Findings
 Critique and/or provide critical review of company practices
that you have encountered from Section 2 (Content). 15 marks

Note: Critique and/or review may be based on anything

that inconsistent/contradict in achieving organizational
goals/mission. Your critique/review must be supported
by e.g. providing management theory and/or comparing
with other company’s practices.

Suggested no. of page: 2

4 Recommendations
 Provide recommendations on how the principles and 15 marks
concepts of management can be applied more effectively
by the company in order to solve problems and/or further
enhance the operations (refer to section 3).

Suggested no. of page: 2

4 Conclusion
 Summarize the report 10 marks
 Examine and explain the most important success factors of
this company and main challenges that the company will
face over the next five years.
 Share the learning outcome(s) from the project

Suggested no. of page: 1

5 Quality of the written assignment
 Format, layout, idea flow, language and proper citations and 10 marks
APA format references.

Total Marks 100

*To be converted to 50 marks

Students are required to write using their own words and cite references (APA format) in
their written assignments. Please refer to Appendix V as a guide to APA format of
referencing as required by the university. Failure to do so may result in either the project
paper be rejected or failed or heavily penalized.

General but Important Instructions:

 The content of the report should be between 3000 to 3500 words long, excluding cover
page, marking scheme, references and appendices
 The report should be neatly typed using Font 12, Times New Roman with 1.5 spacing
with 1’’ margin all around.
 The report should include cover page as shown in Appendix I.
 A copy of the Marking Scheme (Appendix II) must be attached immediately after the
cover page of the report.
 All pages in the written report should be numbered except for the cover page and the
Table of Contents.
 Use of appropriate headings and sub-headings is a must.
 The arrangement of the written report should include the cover page (Appendix I),
Marking Scheme (Appendix II), Presentation Slide, Individual Presentation Forms
(Appendix III), table of content, content of the assignment, references, and / or appendix.
 Marks will be deducted for failure in complying with the instructions provided above.

The deadline for group assignment submission is on Monday, 15th November 2021
(Week 5) before 12 pm to your respective tutor via EMAIL or any other platforms
request by your tutor.


COMPANY NAME_TUTORIAL GROUP NO_group assignment (e.g.


Late Submission Penalty Clause

Deadline for submission of assessment item(s) is to be strictly adhered to. No extension of

time will be allowed except in extenuating circumstances, e.g. medical reasons. Students
who wish to apply for extension of time for submission of assessment item(s) after the due
date shall put in writing the request together with validated documentary evidence to support
the application to his/her class tutor. The lead lecturer may consider and grant such
extension of due date for the assessment item(s) based on the tutor's recommendation. Any
assessment item required by the Coursework Assessment which is submitted after the due
date, without an approved extension, will be penalized. A penalty of 10% reduction of the
maximum mark applicable to the assessment item(s) will be levied for each day of late
submission. Weekends and Public Holidays are counted as one (1) day late. Assessment
item(s) submitted more than seven (7) days after the due date will be awarded with zero (0)

c. Individual Presentation 10% (25 marks)

Every member in the group is required to present their written assignment during the tutorial
class. The presentation will be carried out during the tutorial class from Week 5 until
Week 6 via Microsoft Teams

Student who is absent from presentation without valid reason will be given zero mark.

 Presentations should not exceed 15 minutes and approximately five minutes will
be allocated for Q&A session.
 Students must wear formal attire during presentation
 Using PowerPoint slides with maximum of 10 slides
 Display of presentations must be in bulleted form with short phrases
 Do not read from the notes.

The following documents should be handed to tutors before the presentation:

(i) Softcopy of the presentation evaluation form (Appendix III) with completed details
filling in, e.g. name, tutorial group, presentation group, topic of assignment, date of

(ii) Softcopy of the PowerPoint presentation slides.


The final examination for this subject will be three hours and will consist of TWO (2) sections:
Section A (40 marks) = ONE (1) compulsory case study question.
Section B (60 marks) = Answer any TWO (2) out of THREE (3) essay questions.


Attendance at all lectures and tutorials is compulsory. Students must meet a satisfactory
percentage of 80% for attendance. Students must give reasons for their absence by
providing the supporting evidence(s) and apply for leave from the respective Head of
Department within 3 working days.

Poor attendance without any approved leave may prompt the faculty to take disciplinary
action, which may include being barred from sitting for the final examination.

Plagiarism is defined as the submission or presentation of work, in any form, which is not
one's own, without acknowledgment of the sources. If a student obtains information or ideas
from an outside source, that source must be acknowledged. Another rule to follow is that any
direct quotation must be placed in quotation marks and the source immediately cited.

Plagiarism is also defined as copy of all or part of the work of another student(s) of current or
previous batch of this University or another higher learning institution.

The University's degree and other academic awards are given in recognition of the
candidate's personal achievement. Plagiarism is therefore considered as an act of academic
fraudulence and as an offence against University discipline.

Intellectual Property
Copyright must be seriously protected. The University takes a strong stand against any illegal
photocopying of textbooks and any other materials by students. Students are forewarned of
the consequences and the penalty that may be meted out if they are "caught in the act".

Mode of Referencing
Students are advised to incorporate proper academic modes of referencing. The normally
acceptable mode of academic referencing is the American Psychological Association (APA)
system; please refer to the attached APA referencing system document for detailed usage
(Appendix V)

Fieldwork Clause (where applicable)

Students are reminded of the importance to consider their personal safety when conducting
research in the field. You will be exposing yourself in new situations and meeting with people
who are unknown to you. It is important that you are aware of potential dangers and take the
necessary safety steps. You have to be extra careful and cautious if you are going to
interview or conduct survey with small, unknown organizations or individuals 'on site'.

You should ensure you have the full details (full name, job title, organization name, address
and telephone numbers) of anyone or organization you intend to conduct the field research.
You should establish the credibility of these respondents before your groups visit them. The
field research should be made in groups, not alone. Leave word with your fellow classmates
on your field visit (details of place, contact numbers, person you are interviewing or
conducting survey with, expected time of return, etc). The field work should be during office
Teaching Plan

Week/ Continuous
Date Lecture Topic Course Learning Outcomes Tutorial Topic Assessment Reference

Week 1 Group
 Describe five Tutorial 1: Daft, R. L
Topic 1: The management Discuss: (Chapter 1)
World of competencies in today’s
 unit plan Given Date:
Innovation fast-paced and rapid First tutorial class
(18 Oct. requirements
Management changing world (Week 1)
2021  assignment &
 Define four
– management functions
 Management requirements
24 Oct. and types of
Competencies & deadlines
2021) management activities
for today’s associated with each  expectations
world during
 Explain the difference
 Basic functions of tutorials
between efficiency and
Management effectiveness and their
 Organizational importance for
performance organizational
 Management types
 Describe conceptual, human,
 Manager’s job
reality and technical skills and their
relevance for managers
 Managing in small
business and  Describe management types
nonprofit and the horizontal and
organization vertical differences among
 Define 10 roles that
managers perform
 Explain the unique
characteristic of SME and
non-profit organization
Daft, R. L
Topic 2: The (Chapter 3)
Environment and  Define an organization
Corporate Culture ecosystem and how the
general and task
environment affect an
 The Tutorial 2 Deadline for the
organization’s ability to
External thrives (Topic 1) registration of
environment company for
 The  Explain the strategies written
organization- managers use to help assignment by
environment organizations adapt to an Week 1
relationship uncertain or turbulent
 The internal environment
environment:  Define corporate culture
corporate culture  Provide organizational
 Types of culture examples of symbols,
 Shaping stories, heroes, slogans and
corporate for ceremonies and explain how
innovative they relates to corporate
response culture
 Describe four types of
corporate culture
 Examine the relationship
among culture,
corporate values and
business performance
 Define a culture leader and
explain the tools that a
cultures lead use to create a
high-performance culture
Managing in a  Define globalization and
global environment explain how it is creating a
 A borderless world borderless world
Daft, R. L
 The changing  Describe global mind-set (Chapter 4)
international and why it has become
landscape imperative for companies
 Multinational operating internationally
 Discuss how the
 Getting international landscape is
started changing and growing power
internationally of China and India
 Legal-political
challenges  Describe characteristics of
 Sociocultural multinational corporation
challenges  Explain the bottom of the
 International trade pyramid concept
alliances  Define outsourcing and the
market entry strategies of
exporting and partnership
 Indicate how dissimilarities in
the sociocultural and legal-
political environments
throughout the world can
affect business operations
 Explain the communication
challenges managers face in
global environment

Topic 3: Planning,  Define goals and plans and Tutorial 3: Daft, R. L

Week 2 goal setting and use strategy map to align (Topic 2) (Chapter 7)
strategy goals
formulation and  Define characteristic
execution .
of effective goals
 Goal setting  Describe the essential steps
and planning in the MBO process
 Explain the difference
(25 Oct.  Goal setting in between single-use
2021 organizations plans and standing plans
–  Performance  Discuss the benefits and
31 Oct. management limitations of planning
2021)  Describe and explain the
 Benefits and importance of contingency
limitations of planning, scenario
planning building and crisis
 Planning for a planning
turbulent  Identify innovative
environment planning approaches that
 Innovative managers use in fast-
approaches to changing environment
 Describe the strategic Daft, R. L
 Strategic management process and (Chapter 8)
management SWOT analysis
process  Explain corporate & business
 Formulating level strategies
corporate and  Compare and contrast the
business level globalization, multi-
strategies domestic, and
 Global strategy globalization strategies for
global business
 Strategy
execution  Explain organizational
dimensions that
manages use to execute
Topic 4: Managerial  Compare and contrast Tutorial 4: Daft, R. L
Decision Making programmed and non- (Topic 3) (Chapter 9)
 Types of programmed decisions and
decisions and the characteristics of
problems certainty and uncertainty
 Decision making  Compare the ideal, rational
models model of decision making to
the political model of
 Decision making decision making
steps  Explain the process by
 Personal which managers actually
decision make decisions in the real
framework world
 Why do  Summarize the six steps in
managers make managerial used in
bad decisions? managerial decision making
 Innovative  Describe four personal
decision making decision styles used by
 Identify the biases that
frequently cause
managers to make bad
 explain innovative
techniques for
decision making
Week 3 Topic 5: Managing  Define and explain Tutorial 5: Daft R. L
Change and forces driving innovation (Topic 4) (Chapter 11)
Innovation and change
(1 Nov.
2021  Describe the 3 innovation
–  Innovation and the strategies
7 Nov. changing  Explain the value of
2021) workplace creativity and
 Changing things: approaches for
new products and innovation
technologies  Describe the horizontal
 Changing people linkage model and open
and culture innovation.
 Implementing  Discuss why changes in
change people and culture are
critical to change
 Summarize the OD stages
of unfreezing, changing and
refreezing; and large group
 Identify some reasons
people frequently
resist change
 Describe tactics to
overcome resistance of

Topic 6: Managing  Explain the strategic role Tutorial 6: Daft R. L

Human Talent of human resource (Topic 5) (Chapter 12)
 The strategic role management
of HRM is to  Describe the federal
drive legislation and societal
organizational trends that influence
performance HRM
 The impact of  Explain the
federal changing social
legislation on contract
HRM  Show how organisation
 The changing determine their future
social staffing needs through HR
contract planning
 Finding the right  Describe the tools that
people managers use to recruit
 Developing talent and select employees
 Maintaining an  Describe how
effective organisation develop
workforce effective workforce
through training and
performance appraisal.
 Explain how organisations
maintain a workforce through the
of wages and salaries, benefits
and terminations
Assignment Due
Week 4 Topic 7: Leadership  Define leadership and Tutorial 7: Daft R. L.
explain the (Topic 6) 15th November (Chapter 15)
importance 2021 (Monday),
 The nature of before 12pm
leadership  Describe the leadership
trends emerging in
 Contemporary today’s organization,
(8 Nov. leadership including level 5
2021  Leadership traits leadership, servant and
 Behaviour authentic leadership Thursday
14 Nov.
2021) approaches  Discuss how women’s 11/11/2021
 Contingency style of leading is Via MT
approaches typically different from
men’s Topics Covered:
 Charismatic and
 Identify personal Topic 1-5
leadership characteristics
associated with effective
 Followership leaders
 Power and  Define task-oriented and
influence people-oriented behavior
leadership style
 Describe the situational
model of leadership and its
 Discuss organizational
characteristics that can
substitute for leadership
 Describe
leadership and when it
should be used
 Explain how followership
is related to effective
 Identify sources of leader
power and tactics leaders
use to influence others
Topic 8: Motivating Tutorial 8: Daft R. L
Employees  Define motivation and (Topic 7) (Chapter 16)
explain the difference
 Individual needs between intrinsic and
and motivation extrinsic rewards
 Identify and
 Intrinsic and describe content
extrinsic rewards theories of
motivation based on
 Content
employee needs
perspectives on
motivation  Identify and explain
process theories of
 Process
on  Describe the
reinforcement perspective
and social
learning theory used to
motivation motivate employees
 Reinforcement  Discuss major approaches
perspective on to job design and how job
motivation design influences
 Job design for motivation
motivation  Explain how
 Innovative ideas empowerment heightens
employee motivation
for motivating
 Identify the 3 elements of
employee engagement
and describe some ways
that managers can create
a work environment that
promotes engagement
 Describe how mangers give
people sense of making
progress toward
meaningful goals to build a
thriving workforce and
create a
high-performing organization

Daft, R.L
Week 5 Topic 9:  Explain why Tutorial 9 (Chapter 17)
Managing communication is essential (Topic 8)
communication for effective management Assignment
and describe the Presentation:
(15 communication model
Nov 2021  Communication is Every member in the
–  Explain how an open group is required to
the manager’s
communication climate and present their written
21 job assignment during the
the choice of a tutorial class
Nov 2021)  Communicating communication channel
among people influence the quality of
 Workplace communication

 Clarify how
communicating with
candor, asking question,
listening and paying
attention to nonverbal
communication affect
 Describe the manager’s
role in using social media
to improve organization
 Explain the role of
personal communication
channels including
networks and grapevine
in enhancing
 Compare and contrast
formal and informal
Topic 10:  Discuss the Tutorial 10: Assignment Daft R. L
Designing Organization fundamental (Topic 9) (Chapter 10)
structure characteristics of Every member in the
organization and group is required to
explain division of present their written
 Organizing the labor, chain of assignment during
vertical command, span of the tutorial class
structure management, and
centralization vs
 Describe functional
and divisional
approach to structure
 Explain matrix,
contemporary team,
virtual network structure
 Describe coordination
 Identify how structure can
be used to achieve
organization’s strategic
Week 6 Topic 11: Leading  Explain contributions Tutorial 11: Assignment Daft R. L
Teams Presentation: (Chapter 18)
that teams make and (Topic 10)
(22 how managers can Every member in the
Nov 2021  The value of teams help teams be more group is required to
 The personal effective present their written
–28 Nov dilemma of assignment during
 Identify types of teams
2021) teamwork the tutorial class
and summarize the
 Model of team
problems and
 Virtual team
 Team  Identify ways in which
characteristics team size and diversity
 Team processes of membership affect
 Managing team team performance
conflict  Identify the roles could
help a team be effective
 Explain the general
stages of team

Topic 12: The Assignment

 Summarize the Tutorial 12: Daft, R. L
Evolution of Presentation:
historical struggle (Topic 11) (Chapter 2)
Management between managing
Thinking Every member in the
the ‘things of group is required to
production’ and the present their written
 Classical ‘humanity of assignment during
perspective production’ the tutorial class
 Humanistic
perspective  Describe the major
 Recent Historical components of the
trends classical and humanistic
 Innovative management perspectives
thinking into the  Discuss the
future management science
approach and its current
use in organization
 Explain the major
concepts of system
thinking and the
contingency view
 Provide examples of
management tools and
explain why these trends
change over time
 Describe the
management changes
brought about by a
workplace including the
role of big data analytics
and supply chain
 Explain how
organization are
implementing the ideas
of bossless workplaces
and employee
engagement to
facilitate a people-
focused workplace
 Explain how
social business is
bridging the
historical struggle
managing things
of production and
the humanity of
Week 7 Topic 13:  Define control and Tutorial 13: Daft R. L
Managing quality explain why it is a key (Chapter 19)
(Topic 12)
and performance management function
(29 Nov
–  The meaning of  Explain the four steps in
5 Dec control the control process
2021)  Feedback control  Describe the benefits of
model using the balanced
 The changing scorecard to tract
philosophy of performance and
control control of the
 Total quality organization
management  Contrast the
 Budgetary control hierarchical and
 Financial control decentralized method
 Trends in of control
quality and  Explain the benefits of
financial control open-book
 Describe the concept of
TQM and major
techniques for
continuous improvement
 Discuss the use of
financial statement,
analysis and budgeting
as management control
 Identify current trends in
quality and financial
Revision Tutorial 14:
(Topic 13)

This Course Plan is:-

Prepared by: Moderated by: Approved by:

Lim YH
Ms. Lim Yong Hooi
Puan Azeyan Binti Awee Moderator Dr. Tee Chee Wee
Lead Lecturer Department of Business, FBF Head of Department
Department of Business, Department of
FBF Business, FBF
Date:10/10/2021 Date: 11/10/2021 Date: 11/10/2021

Notes: The information provided in this Unit Plan is subject to change by the Lecturers. Students shall be notified in
advance of any changes via wble.
Appendix I



ACADEMIC YEAR: 2021/2022


Programme details

Programme : ______________________________________

Year and Trimester of study : _______________________________________

Tutorial Group : _______________________

Lecturer’s Name : _______________________

Tutor’s Name : ________________________

Assignment Details

Company Name : _____________________________________

Due Date : Week 5, 15th November 2021 (Monday), before 12 pm.

Important Note : Submission of assignment is the responsibility of the students.

Students’ Details

No. Name Student ID No. Programme

Assignment Overall Marks (50 Marks): ____________ Marks.
Appendix II


ACADEMIC YEAR: 2021/2022


Section Assessment Marks Marks

Allocation Awarded
1 Introduction
 Present a brief background of the selected company that includes: 10 marks
o Nature of business, mission and objective, scope of operations,
competitive strategies, products, markets, competitors and etc.

2 Contents
 Explain ONE company practice for each management function i.e 40 marks
planning, organising, leading and controlling (POLC)

3 Findings
 Critique and/or provide critical review of company practices that
you have encountered from Section 2 (Content). 15 marks
Note: Critique and/or review may be based on anything that
inconsistent/contradict in achieving organisational goals/
mission. Your critique/review must be supported by e.g.
providing management theory and/or comparing with other
company’s practices.

4 Recommendations
 Provide recommendations on how the principles and concepts 15 marks
of management can be applied more effectively by the
company in order to solve problems and/or further enhance the
operations (refer to section 3).

5 Conclusion
 To summarise the report 10 marks
 Examine and explain the most important success factors of this
company and main challenges that the company will face over
the next five years.
 To share the learning outcome from the project

6 Quality of the written assignment

 Format, layout, idea flow, language and proper citations and 10 marks
APA format references.

TOTAL MARKS 100 marks


Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________

Name of marker: _______________________________ Signature of marker: _____________ Date: __________

Appendix III


ACADEMIC YEAR: 2021/2022


Student name: _____________________ Student ID: __________________

Company: ______________________________________________ Tutorial Group: ______________

No Items Poor Satisfactory Excellent Marks

Organization of 1 2 3 4 5
1. (Lack of (Reasonably Judged) (Valid and Reliable)
1 2 3 4 5
Relatedness of
2. (Not Related) (Reasonably Judged) (Consistent with
Time and Purpose)
1 2 3 4 5
Adaptation to (No Attempt to (Some Attempt to (Audience
Audience Relate to Relate to Audience) Thoroughly
Audience) Involved)
1 2 3 4 5
4. Visual Aids (None or Poorly (Reasonably (Effectively
Presented) Supportive) Presented)
Voice 1 2 3 4 5
5. Modulation and (Inauthentic) (Proper Cadence) (Highly Engaging)
Appropriate 1 2 3 4 5
6. Body (Poor Body (Some Appropriate (Very Good Body
Language Language) Body Language) Language)

1 2 3 4 5
(Badly Judged, (Reasonably Well (Exactly Judged)
7. Timing
Too Short or Judged)
Too Long)
1 2 3 4 5
8. (Poorly (Fairly Well (Competently
Handled) Handled) Handled)

TOTAL 40 marks
Converted to (/25)

Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________

Name of marker: _______________________________ Signature of marker: _____________ Date: __________

Appendix IV

List of selected companies

No. Company Industry

1 Meiji Co., Ltd Food
2 Top Glove Healthcare
3 Burger King Fast food restaurant
4 Lenovo Group Ltd. Technology
5 Lotte Corporation conglomerate
6 Nine Dragons Paper (Holdings) Limited Paper making
7 FamilyMart Co., Ltd. convenience store
8 Johnson & Johnson medical devices, pharmaceutical
9 Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc Hospitality
10 Amazon Entertainment
11 Tencent Holdings Limited Technology
12 PepsiCo, Inc. Food processing
13 Qualcomm Incorporated telecommunication
14 All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. Airlines
Appendix V


The referencing format for all student assignments and research reports is adapted from the American
Psychological Association (APA) style. The following items show how various sources of information are
referenced in the assignments or research reports.

1. Citing References in the Text

In-text citations should include the name of the author and the year of publication of the work. In-text citations are
usually presented in the following two ways:
 Parenthetical citation:
The author and date appear within parentheses
e.g. (Smith, 2020)

 Narrative citation
The author appears in the text with the date in parentheses
e.g. Smith (2020) describes the issue in more detail...

The following table shows the basic in-text citation styles:

Author type Parenthetical citation Narrative citation

One author (Luna, 2020) Luna (2020) ….
Two authors (Salas & D’Agostino, 2020) Salas and D’Agostino (2020) ….
Three or more authors (Martin et al., 2020) Martin et al. (2020) ….
Group author with abbreviation
*First citation (National Institute of Mental Health National Institute of Mental Health
[NIMH], 2020) (NIMH, 2020) ….

Subsequent citations (NIMH, 2020) NIMH (2020) ….

Group author without (Stanford University, 2020) Stanford University (2020) ….

*Define the abbreviation for a group author only once in the text, choosing either the parenthetical or the
narrative format. Thereafter, use the abbreviation for all mentions of the group in the text.
2. Reference list

A reference list appears on a new page after the end of a paper.

The purpose of the reference list is to allow the resources cited in your work to be found by your readers. It
also gives credit to authors whose work and ideas you have considered.

 What to include: All references cited in the text must appear in the reference list, except for
personal communications (such as conversations or emails) which cannot be retrieved.

 Location: On a new page after the text and before any tables/figures or appendices.

 Heading: use References as the title at the top of the page (beginning with a capital letter, in
bold, centered, and not in italics).

 Order: All references are listed by alphabetically by author, or title if there is no author; if there are
two entries with identical authors but different dates, order them chronologically, earliest first.

 Space: Double-space the whole reference list.

 Hanging indent: 0.5 inch (1.27cm) from the left margin for the second and subsequent lines of
each reference.

 URL: Use of hyperlinks is preferred. However, you may use plain text that is not underlined for
3. Examples of In-text Citation and Reference List for various information sources.

3.1 Books and eBooks

Reference format:
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of book: Subtitle (3rd ed.). Publisher Name.

Reference list In-text citation

Single author
Koda, H. (2007). Poiret. Metropolitan Museum of Art. (Koda, 2007)
Koda (2007)

Two authors
Page, J. T., & Parnell, L. J. (2019). Introduction to strategic public relations: (Page & Parnell, 2019) or
Digital, global, and socially responsible communication. Sage. Page and Parnell (2019)

Three to twenty authors eBook with DOI (Ewert et al., 2014) or

Ewert, E. W., Mitten, D. S., & Overholt, J. R. (2014). Natural environments Ewert et al. (2014)
and human health. CAB International.

List all author up to and including the 20th author in the order they appear.
Use an ampersand ("&") before the final author.

Twenty-one or more authors

Ioannidis, N. M., Rothstein, J.H., Pejaver, V., Middha, S., McDonnell, S.K., (Ioannidis et al., 2016) or
Baheti, S., Musolf, A., Li, Q., Holzinger, E., Karyadi, D., Cannon-Albright, L.A., Ioannidis et al. (2016)
Teerlink, C.C., Stanford, J. L., Isaacs, W. B., Xu, J., Cooney, K. A., Lange,
E.M., Schleutker, J., Carpten, J. D., ... Weiva, S. (2016). Revel: An ensemble
method for predicting the pathogenicity of rare missense variants. Pearson.

List the first 19 authors in the order they appear, insert an ellipsis "...", and
then the final author.
(The CORE Team, 2017)
Group author (organization) or
The CORE Team. (2017). The economy: Economics for a changing world. The CORE Team (2017)
Oxford University Press.

New edition of a book

Berk, L. E. (2018). Development through the lifespan (7th ed.). Pearson. (Berk, 2018)
Berk (2018)
Reference list In-text citation
Edited book
Hamilton, L., & Ravenscroft, J. (Eds.). (2018). Building research design in (Hamilton & Ravenscroft, 2018)
education: Theoretically informed advanced methods. Bloomsbury Academic. Or
Hamilton and Ravenscroft

Ebook - free online, no DOI

Lessig, L. (2011). Republic, lost: How money corrupts – and a plan to stop it. (Lessig, 2011) or
Twelve. Lessig (2011)

Chapter in an edited ebook (Sharma et al., 2015) or

Sharma, R., Mehta, M., & Dhawan, A. (2015). Treatment of substance- Sharma et al. (2015)
abusing adolescents. In M. Mehta & R. Sagar (Eds.), A practical approach to
cognitive behaviour therapy for adolescents (pp. 331–361). Springer.

3.2 Journal articles

Reference format:
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the article: Subtitle. Title of the Journal, Volume number(Issue

Reference list In-text citation

Article with DOI
Dilkes-Frayne, E., Savic, M., Carter, A., Kakanovic, R. & Lubman, D. I. (2019). (Dilkes-Frayne et al., 2019) or
Going online: The affordances of online counseling for families affected by Dilkes-Frayne et al. (2019)
alcohol and other drug issues. Qualitative Health Research, 29(14), 2010–

Article without DOI (Dayton, 2019) or

Dayton, K. J. (2019). Tangled arms: Modernizing and unifying the arm-of-the- Dayton (2019)
state doctrine. The University of Chicago Law Review, 86.6, 1497–1737.
3.3 Clinical practice references

Reference format:
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the article: Subtitle. Database Name. https://xxxxxx

Reference list In-text citation

UpToDate article
Bordeaux, B., & Lieberman, H. R. (2020). Benefits and risks of caffeine and (Bordeaux & Lieberman, 2020)
caffeinated beverages. UpToDate. Retrieved February 26, 2020, from or Bordeaux and Lieberman
caffeinated-beverages (2020)

Cochrane review
Lane, D. A., & Lip, G. Y. H. (2013). Treatment of hypertension in peripheral
arterial disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. (Lane & Lip, 2013) or Lane and Lip (2013

3.4 Articles from magazines, newspapers, blog posts

Reference format:
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year, Month dd). Title of the article: Subtitle. Title of the publication, Volume
number(Issue number), page–page. https://xxxx

Reference list In-text citation

Magazine article
Chan, C. (2020, August 2). Curious cook: A (possible) future of meat. The (Chan, 2020)
Star. or
possible-future-of-meat Chan (2020)

Newspaper article
Bernama. (2020, August 5). No Malaysian soldiers affected in Beirut blasts, (Bernama, 2020) or
says Embassy of Lebanon. The Star. Bernama (2020) soldiers-

Blog post (Martinko, 2019) or

Martinko, K. (2019, November 22). Burger King is running out of zesty sauce Martinko (2019)
because of climate change. TreeHugger.
food/burger-king-running-out-zesty- sauce-because-climate-change.html
3.5 Websites and webpages
Reference format:
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the work: Subtitle. Website name. https://xxxxxx

Reference list In-text citation

Webpage on a website with an individual author
Sparks, D. (2019). Women's wellness: Lifestyle strategies ease some bladder (Sparks, 2019) or
control problems. Mayo Clinic. Sparks (2019)

Webpage on a website with a group author (organization) (Ministry of Health Malaysia,

Ministry of Health Malaysia. (2020, July 1). Standard operating procedure 2020) or
(SOP) in providing mental health and psychosocial support services (MHPSS) Ministry of Health Malaysia
for Covid-19 response in quarantine stations. http://covid- (2020)

Webpage on a website with a retrieval date (Worldometer, n.d.) or

Worldometer. (n.d.). Current world population. Retrieved January 16, 2020, Worldometer (n.d.)

3.6 Published theses or dissertations

Reference format:
Author, A. A. (Year). Title [Doctoral or Masters thesis or dissertation, Name of the Institution]. Database Name.

Reference list In-text citation

Theses published online (e.g. in institutional repositories)
Chan , K. (2019). The impact of perceived organisational support on (Chan, 2019)
employee retention and successful organisation management [Master thesis, or
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman]. UTAR Institutional Repository. Chan (2019)

Theses from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global

Becker, J. C. (2013). Landscape-level influences on community composition (Becker, 2013) or
and ecosystem function in a large river ecosystem (Publication No. 3577776) Becker (2013)
[Doctoral dissertation, Graduate Council of Texas State University - San
Marcos]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
3.7 Unpublished theses and dissertations
Reference format:
Author, A. A. (Year). Title [Unpublished Doctoral or Master's thesis or dissertation]. Name of the Institution
awarding the degree.

Reference list In-text citation

Theses unpublished (Example)
Afifah Zainal Abidin. (2019). Home buyers’ purchase decision: A case study of (Afifah, 2019) or
Perumahan Rakyat 1 Malaysia (PR1MA) home [Unpublished Masters thesis]. Afifah (2019)
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

3.8 Conferences Reference format:

Presenter, A & Presenter, B. (Year, Month dd-dd). Title of conference paper or poster [Type of contribution].
Conference Name, Location.

Contributor, A. & Contributor, B. (Year, Month dd-dd). Title of contribution. In C.C. Chairperson (Chair), Title of
the Symposium [Symposium]. Conference Name, Location. https://xxxx

Reference list In-text citation

Paper presentation
Mason, I. & Missingham, R. (2019, October 21–25). Research libraries, data (Mason & Missingham, 2019) or
curation, and workflows [Paper presentation]. eResearch Australasia Mason and Missingham (2019)
Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Symposium contribution (Cochrane & Narayan, 2019) or

Cochrane, T. & Narayan, V. (2019, February 14–15). Evaluation the CMALT Cochrane and Narayan (2019)
cMOOC: An agile and scalable professional development framework. In R.
Shekhawat (Chairs). Breakout session [Symposium]. Scholarship of
Technology Enhanced Learning Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand.
(Duckworth et al., 2019) or
Conference proceedings published in a journal Duckworth et al. (2019)
Duckworth, A. L., Quirk, A., Gallop, R., Hoyle, R. H., Kelly, D. R., &
Matthews, M. D. (2019). Cognitive and noncognitive predictors of success.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 116(47), 23499–

3.9 Reports and grey (gray) literature

Reference format:
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the report (Report No. 123). Publisher Name. URL
Reference list In-text citation
Annual report
Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre. (2018). Annual (Malaysian Green Technology
report 2018. and Climate Change Centre,
content/uploads/2020/05/GreenTech-Annual-Report-2018.pdf 2018) or
Malaysian Green Technology
and Climate Change Centre

Government report
Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia. (2010). Ciri-ciri tempat kediaman 2010. (Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia, product/publication/census- 2019) or
2010/691-characteristic-of-living-quarters-2010 Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia

National Cancer Institute. (2019). Taking time: Support for people with cancer (National Cancer Institute,
(NIH Publication No. 18-2059). U.S. Department of Health and Human 2019) or
Services, National Institutes of Health. National Cancer Institute (2019) education/takingtime.pdf

Code of professional
Board of Engineers Malaysia. (2016). Code of professional conduct. (Board of Engineers Malaysia, 2016) or
Board of Engineers Malaysia

Code of ethics
American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with (American Nurses Association,
interpretive statements. 2015) or
excellence/ethics/code-of-ethics-for-nurses/coe-view-only/ American Nurses Association

3.10 Audiovisual media

Reference format:
Director, D. D. (Director). (Year). Title of work [Description]. Production Company. https://xxxxxx

Reference list In-text citation

Harkin, J., Murray, A. H., Ptaszynski, A., & Schreiber, D. (Hosts). (2014– (Harkin et al., 2014) or
present). No such thing as a fish [Audio podcast]. Quite Interesting. Harkin et al. (2014)

Radio broadcast (Mottram, 2020) or

Mottram, L. (2020, January 8). Hazard reduction burning is not a panacea to Mottram (2020)
bushfire risk: Expert [Radio broadcast]. ABC.
Reference list In-text citation
Music album
Blackpink. (2020). Blackpink: The album [Album]. YG Entertainment; (Blackpink, 2020) or
Interscope Records. Blackpink (2020)

Film or movie (J. Russo & A. Russo, 2019) or

Russo, J. & Russo, A. (Director). (2019). Avengers: Endgame [Film]. Marvel Joe Russo and Anthony Russo
Studios. (2019)

TV series (Serling, 1959–1964) or

Serling, R. (Executive Producer). (1959–1964). The twilight zone [TV series]. Serling (1959–1964)
Cayuga Productions; CBS Productions.

(Harvard University, 2019) or

YouTube video Harvard University (2019)
Harvard University. (2019, August 28). Soft robotic gripper for jellyfish [Video].
(APA Publishing Training, n.d.)
YouTube channel APA Publishing Training (n.d.)
APA Publishing Training. (n.d.). Home [YouTube channel]. Retrieved February
20, 2020, from
(Mattingley, 2019) or
Mattingley (2019)
Recorded webinar
Mattingley, J. (2019). Science meets practice: Understanding attention in
health and disease [Webinar]. Australian Psychological Society. (van Gogh, 1889) or van Gogh (1889)

Artwork in a museum
van Gogh, V. (1889). The starry night [Painting]. The Museum of Modern Art,
New York, NY, United States. (Design for Eternity, 2015– starry- 2016) or
night-1889/ Design for Eternity (2015–2016)

Art exhibition
Design for eternity: Architectural models from the ancient Americas
[Exhibition]. (2015–2016). The Met Fifth Avenue, New York, NY, United (Denali National Park and
States. Preserve, 2013) or
eternity Denali National Park and
Preserve (2013)

Clip art or stock images

Denali National Park and Preserve. (2013). Lava [Photograph]. Flickr.
Reference list In-text citation
Ministry of Health Malaysia. (2020). What is the Novel Coronavirus (COVID- (Ministry of Health Malaysia,
19)? 2020) or
[Infographic]. COVID-19 Malaysia. Ministry of Health Malaysia

PowerPoint slides available online (Jones, 2016) or

Jones, J. (2016, March 23). Guided reading: Making the most of it Jones (2016)
[PowerPoint slides]. SlideShare. reading-making-the-most-of-

3.11 Computer software and apps

Reference format:
Author, A. A. (Year). Name of the software or app (Version number) [Computer software or Mobile app].
Publisher. https://xxxx

Reference list In-text citation

Moonton. (2016). Mobile legends: Bang bang ( [Mobile Android]. (Moonton, 2016) or Moonton (2016)

*If the publisher is the same as the author, as in the examples above, you may
omit it
(Vollmer & Wohlwend, 2014) or
Vollmer, A., & Wohlwend, G. (2014). Threes [Mobile iOS]. Sirvo. Vollmer and Wohlwend (2014)

3.12 Data sets

Reference format:
Author, A. (Year). Title of the data set (Version number) [Data set]. Publisher Name. https://xxxx

Reference list In-text citation

Nur Fauziana Mohamed. (2020). Bilangan guru warganegara dan bukan (Nur Fauziana, 2020) or
warganegara mengikut jenis pusat [Data set]. Ministry of Education. Nur Fauziana (2020) warganegara-
3.13 Personal communications
Personal communications include:
 telephone conversations
 interviews or notes that are not recoverable
 emails
 private letters
 non-archived discussion groups

Reference list In-text citation

No entry in the reference list is needed as personal Given all the political factors...(I. Tokugawa, personal
communications are unable to be retrieved. communication, January 25, 2019).
I. Tokugawa (personal communication, January 25,
2019) suggested in an email that.....

3.14 Social media

Reference format:
Author, A. A. [@username]. (Year, Month dd). Content of the post up to the first 20 words [Description of
Site name. https://xxxxxx

Reference list In-text citation

Instagram photo
Philadelphia Museum of Art [@philamuseum]. (2019, December 3). “It’s (Philadelphia Museum of Art,
always wonderful to walk in and see my work in a collection where it’s loved, 2019) or
and where people are [Photograph]. Instagram. Philadelphia Museum of Art (2019)

Instagram video
APA Public Interest Directorate [@apapubint]. (2019, June 14). Male (APA Public Interest
depression is serious, but many men try to ignore it or refuse treatment. Directorate, 2019) or
Different men have different symptoms, but [Video]. Instagram. APA Public Interest Directorate ink (2019)

Instagram profile
Swift, T. [@taylorswift]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram profile]. Instagram. Retrieved
January 9, 2020, from (Swift, n.d.) or
Swift (n.d.)

Instagram highlight
The New York Public Library [@nypl]. (n.d.). The raven [Highlight]. Instagram. (The New York Public Library,
Retrieved January 6, 2020, from n.d.) or (The New York Public Library
Reference list In-text citation
Facebook post
News From Science. (2019, June 21). Are you a fan of astronomy? Enjoy (News From Science, 2019) or
reading about what scientists have discovered in our solar system—and News From Science (2019)
beyond? This [Image attached] [Status update]. Facebook.

Facebook page (National Park Service, n.d.) or

National Park Service. (n.d.). Home [Facebook page]. Facebook. Retrieved National Park Service (n.d.)
January 12, 2020, from

(Gates, 2019) or
Tweet Gates (2019)
Gates, B. [@BillGates]. (2019, September 7). Today, it’s difficult for
researchers to diagnose #Alzheimers patients early enough to intervene. A
reliable, easy and accurate diagnostic would [Thumbnail with link attached]
[Tweet]. (APA Style, 2019)
Twitter. or
APA Style (2019)
Twitter moment
APA Style [@APA_Style]. (2019, December 17). What’s new in the
#7thEdition of #APAStyle [Moment]. Twitter. Retrieved January 19, 2020, from (Jordan, n.d.) or Jordan (n.d.)

Twitter profile
Jordan, M. B. [@michaelb4jordan]. (n.d.). Tweets & replies [Twitter profile]. (American Psychological
Twitter. Retrieved January 9, 2020, from Association, 2019) or
American Psychological
LinkedIn post Association (2019)
American Psychological Association. (2019, December 9). Last month, APA
joined more than 40 national and international psychology organizations to
explore ways to collaborate and use psychological [Thumbnail with link
attached] [Post]. LinkedIn. (John Tyler Community
psychological-association_how-psychologists-are-combating-climate- change- College, n.d.) or
activity-6609801161937612800-GvdC John Tyler Community College
LinkedIn profile
John Tyler Community College. (n.d.). Home [LinkedIn page]. LinkedIn.
Retrieved January 9, 2020, from (Washington Post, 2019) or
community-college/ Washington Post (2019)

TikTok video
Washington Post [@washingtonpost]. (2019, December 3). News is all around
us #frozen #newsroom #newspaper [Video]. TikTok.
Reference list In-text citation
Online forum post
Little, J. [j450n_l]. (2018, December 12). I'm the first person in the world with a (Little, 2018) or
neural-enabled prosthetic hand. Using a specialized prosthetic and a device Little (2018)
implanted [Online forum post]. Reddit.

3.15 Standards Reference format:

Organization Name. (Year). Title of the standard (Standard number). Publisher. https://xxxx

Reference list In-text citation

Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (1970). Occupational safety (Occupational Safety and
and health standards: Occupational health and environmental control: Health Administration, 1970)
Occupational noise exposure (OSHA Standard No. 1910.95). United States or
Department of Labor. Occupational Safety and Health
regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.95 Administration (1970)

3.16 Patents Reference format:

Inventor, A. B. (Year patent issued). Title of the patent (Patent number). Source Name. URL

Reference list In-text citation

Patents (Example)
Noor Nasrul Md Noor. (2019). Mop with squeezer (MY. Patent 572036). (Noor Nasrul, 2019) or
Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia. Noor Nasrul (2019) patent/


American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association
(7th ed.).

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