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Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Utar) : Faculty of Accountancy and Management (Fam)

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Course Plan


1. Course Code
& Course

2. Programme Bachelor of Accounting (Honours)

of Study:

3. Year of Year Four


4. Year and 202105


5. Credit Hour 4 credit hours

6. Lecturing 3 hours lecture per week for the duration of 14 weeks

1.5 hours tutorial per week for the duration of 14 weeks
Lecturer: Wong Teck Keong (
7. Name (s) of
Tutor: Wong Teck Keong (
Mr. Yap Wai Onn (
8. Moderator:

9. Mode of Lectures and Tutorials

Course Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
Outcomes CLO 1 - Incorporate appropriate accounting treatments for changing in group
(CLO): structures, piecemeal acquisitions, disposal of subsidiaries and subsidiaries held
for sale, including the reporting requirements for small and medium entities, in
compliance with the prevailing reporting standards, principles and concepts. (C4)
CLO 2 - Structure the accounting treatment for share-based payments, employee
benefits and financial instruments in compliance with the prevailing reporting

Course Plan of UKAF4034 Advanced Corporate Reporting

standards. (C5)
CLO 3 - Integrate disclosure requirements for segmental reporting, related party
relationships and transactions in compliance with relevant financial reporting
standards. (C6)

11. References: Main References:

1. Mary Margaret Francis et al., (2018), Financial Accounting and Reporting 3
(1st ed.). Oxford University Press
2. Lazar, J.(2018). Company and Group Financial Reporting. (9th ed.).
Prentice Hall: Kuala Lumpur.
3. Ng, E.J., (2012). A Practical Guide to Financial Reporting Standards. (4th
edition) (Malaysia) CCH Asia Pte. Ltd.
4. Lazar, J. and Huang, C.C. (2014). Malaysian Financial Reporting
Standards for Malaysia. (4th ed.). Kuala Lumpur: McGraw Hill.
5. ACCA Strategic Business Reporting – Practice & Revision Kit by BPP
Professional Education
6. ACCA Strategic Business Reporting – Workbook by BPP Professional
7. Relevant Accounting Standards and Extant Accounting Standards adopted
by MASB.
8. Relevant Accounting Standards and updates by IFRS (
Additional References:
1. Lam, N. and Lau, P (2011). Intermediate Financial Reporting- An IFRS
Perspective (2nd edition), McGraw Hill
2. Elliot, B. & Elliot, J. (2018). Financial Accounting and Reporting (18th ed.).
Harlow, England: Financial Times Prentice Hall.

12 Constructive

No CLO PLO Delivery C/A/P and Assessment

Methods Taxonomy Methods & Mark Total
Level Breakdown*
Tes Assi Final
t gnm exam

Course Plan of UKAF4034 Advanced Corporate Reporting

1 CLO1 1 C4 10% 30% 40%
2 CLO2 1 C5 30% 30%
3 CLO3 3 C6 10% 20% 30%
Total 20% 20% 60% 100%
Domain – Affective (A), Cognitive (C), Psychomotor(P);
Taxonomy Level – A (Level 1 – 5), C (Level 1 – 6), P (Level 1 – 5)
C1 - Remembering A1 – Receiving Phenomena P1 – Imitating
C2 - Understanding A2 – Responds to P2 - Manipulating
C3 - Applying A3 - Valuing P3 – Developing Precision
C4 - Analyzing A4 – Organization P4 - Articulating
C5 - Evaluating A5 – Internalizes Values P5 - Naturalizing
C6 - Creating
Delivery Methods
L – Lecture, T – Tutorial , P – Practical, O – Others

13 Assessment

No. Methods of Assessment Total

1. Continuous Assessment 40%

a) Mid-term Test 20%
b) Assignment 20%
Total 40%

2. Final Examination 60%


1. Continuous Assessment (40%)

a) Midterm Assessment (20%)
The midterm assessment would be carried out in the form of a test given to
monitor students’ progress on the understanding of topics covered from week 1-5
of the lectures. The duration of the test will be 1 ½ hours and will be tentatively
scheduled at Week 9, Monday, 2 August 2021.

Course Plan of UKAF4034 Advanced Corporate Reporting

b) Assignment (20%)
The group assignment requires students to form their own working groups with
maximum of five working groups in each Tutorial Group and each group should
have 5-6 members at most. After the formation of groups, each group leader shall
submit the names of the group members to the lead lecturer by the end of Week

Note: Marks for the group assignment will be allocated based on a group basis.
Therefore, it is the responsibility of the group to ensure that each member
contributes to the group work and executes the tasks given. Further details of the
assignment will be uploaded to

Submission date
The submission date for this group assignment is Monday, 26 July 2021 on or
before 11:00am (Week 8).

Late Submission Penalty Clause

Deadline for submission of assessment item(s) is to be strictly adhered to. No
extension of time will be allowed except in extenuating circumstances, e.g.
medical reasons. Students who wish to apply for extension of time for submission
of assessment item(s) after the due date shall put in writing the request together
with validated documentary evidence to support the application to his/her class
tutor. The lead lecturer may consider and grant such extension of due date for the
assessment item(s) based on the tutor's recommendation.

Any assessment item required by the Coursework Assessment which is submitted

after the due date, without an approved extension, will be penalized. A penalty of
10% reduction of the maximum mark applicable to the assessment item(s) will be
levied for each day of late submission. Weekends and Public Holidays are
counted as one (1) day late. Assessment item(s) submitted more than seven (7)
days after the due date will be awarded with zero (0) mark.
2. Final Assessment (60%)
The final examination for this subject will be 3.5 hours.


Attendance at lectures and tutorials is compulsory. Students must at a minimum
achieve 80 per cent attendance overall for both lectures and tutorials. Any
absence from class must be supported either by a genuine medical leave
certificate or an approved leave certificate given by the Faculty. Students whose
absence level exceeds 20 per cent in a particular unit are likely to be barred from
taking the examination of the unit concerned.

Course Plan of UKAF4034 Advanced Corporate Reporting

Plagiarism is defined as the submission or presentation of work, in any form,
which is not one's own, without acknowledgment of the sources. If a student
obtains information or ideas from an outside source, that source must be
acknowledged. Another rule to follow is that any direct quotation must be placed in
quotation marks and the source immediately cited.
Plagiarism is also defined as copying of all or part of the work of another
student(s) of current or previous batch of this University or another higher learning
institution without proper citation or acknowledgment.
The University's degree and other academic awards are given in recognition of the
candidate's personal achievement. Plagiarism is therefore considered as an act of
academic fraudulence and as an offence against University discipline.
Intellectual Property
Copyright must be seriously protected. The University takes a strong stand
against any illegal photocopying of textbooks and any other materials by students.
Students are forewarned of the consequences and the penalty that may be meted
out if they are "caught in the act".

Mode of Referencing
Students are advised to incorporate proper academic modes of referencing. The
normally acceptable mode of academic referencing is the American Psychological
Association (APA) system; please refer to the APA referencing system document
for detailed usage.
Fieldwork Clause (where applicable)
Students are reminded of the importance to consider their personal safety when
conducting research in the field. You will be exposing yourself in new situations
and meeting with people who are unknown to you. It is important that you are
aware of potential dangers and take the necessary safety steps. You have to be
extra careful and cautious if you are going to interview or conduct survey with
small, unknown organisations or individuals 'on site'.
You should ensure you have the full details (full name, job title, organisation
name, address and telephone numbers) of anyone or organisation you intend to
conduct the field research. You should establish the credibility of these
respondents before your groups visit them. The field research should be made in
groups not alone. Leave word with your fellow classmates on your field visit
(details of place, contact numbers, person you are interviewing or conducting
survey with, expected time of return, etc.). The field work should be done during
office hours.
Self-study is very important for this subject. Students are expected to spend
about 8 hours in a week to do their self-study and critical thinking. However,
students are able to consult their respective lecturer/tutor for counselling and
consultation on the subject matter. Students are encouraged to make appointment
with their respective lecturer/tutor via email or any other channel allowed by them.

Course Plan of UKAF4034 Advanced Corporate Reporting

Tutorial Presentation
Students are also expected to present tutorial answers based on questions given
to them. In addition, students are expected to do their own research to enhance
their understanding and gain a wider perspective of the topics covered in the
Students are expected to prepare and present the tutorial questions in a group.
Each group should present at least twice during the semester. The classroom
presentation will commence in week 3 and ends in week 14. Class representative
is required to develop the timetable for assigning groups with the respective
tutorial and submit a copy to the tutor at the end of week 2. A hard copy of the
presentation material is to be handed to the tutor at the beginning of the
presentation. Although this is a non-graded activity, students are highly
encouraged to participate as this will enable them to prepare themselves for final

Course Plan of UKAF4034 Advanced Corporate Reporting

Lecture, Tutorial and Continuous Assessment Plan

topics /
Week/Date Lecture Topic Course Learning Outcome Reference
1 MFRS 124 Related Party CLO3 Mary Ch. 1
Review and
explain the
7/6/2021 ● Definition Lazar &
- ● Implications of related party Huang
13/6/2021 relationships and transactions Ch : 9
of Unit Plan
● Reporting and disclosure Group
● Case study assignment MFRS 124

2 MFRS 8 Operating Segments CLO3 Mary ch. 2

● Nature and extent of Tutorial 2
14/6/2021 reportable segments Reporting and Lazar &
- ● Reporting and disclosure disclosure of Huang
20/6/2021 ● Case study related parties Ch : 29
transactions MFRS 8

Case study

3 MFRS 3 Business CLO1 Tutorial 3 Mary ch.14

Combinations Reporting and
21/6/2021 MFRS 10 Consolidated disclosure of Lazar
- Financial Statements operating Ch : 15
27/6/2021 MFRS 11 Joint Arrangements segments
MFRS 12 Disclosure of MFRS 3
Interests in Other Entities MFRS 10
MFRS 128 Investments in Self-learning – MFRS 11
Associates revise examples MFRS 128
/ cases in main
● Revision on basic text

Course Plan of UKAF4034 Advanced Corporate Reporting

4 MFRS 3, MFRS 10, MFRS 11, CLO1 Tutorial 4
Jane Lazar,
MFRS 12, MFRS 128 Revision of
Chap. 2.
28/6/2021 principles of
- Changes in Group Structure consolidation Frank Wood,
4/7/2021 ● Group structures and exercises Vol. 2,
● Accounting for business on simple Chap. 5
combinations. group

5 MFRS 3, MFRS 10, MFRS 11, CLO1 Mary ch.15

MFRS 12, MFRS 128 Tutorial 5 & 17
5/7/2021 Introduction to
- Piecemeal Acquisitions changes in Lazar
11/7/2021 ● Accounting for business group Ch : 16
combinations including changes in structure.
group structures MFRS 3
● Consolidation issues in MFRS 10
piecemeal acquisitions Self-learning – MFRS 11
revise examples MFRS 128
/ cases in main

6-7 MFRS 3, MFRS 10, MFRS 11, CLO1 Mary ch. 16

MFRS 12, MFRS 128 Tutorial 6 & 17
12/7/2021 MFRS11 Joint Arrangements Accounting for
- MFRS 12 Disclosure of piecemeal Lazar
18/7/2021 Interests in Other Entities acquisitions of Ch : 17
MFRS 5 Non-current Assets subsidiaries
& Held for Sale and Discontinued MFRS 3
Operations MFRS 10
19/7/2021 MFRS 11
– Disposal of subsidiaries Tutorial 7 MFRS 12
25/7/2021 ● Consolidation techniques Accounting for MFRS 128
for disposal of subsidiaries disposal of MFRS 5
● Joint arrangements subsidiaries
● Disclosure requirements and
● Treatment of a subsidiary subsidiaries
held for sale held for sale

8 MFRS 2 Share-based payments CLO2 Mary ch.3

(Part 1) Tutorial 8
26/7/2021 ● Recognition and Accounting for Lazar & Huang
– measurement criteria disposal of Ch : 3
1/8/2021 ● Accounting for modifications, subsidiaries
cancellations and settlements and MFRS 2
● Reporting and disclosure subsidiaries
● Case study held for sale

Case study

Course Plan of UKAF4034 Advanced Corporate Reporting

9 MFRS 2 Share-based payments CLO2 Mary ch.3
(Part 2) Tutorial 9
2/8/2021 ● Recognition and Accounting for Lazar & Huang
– measurement criteria share-based Ch : 3
8/8/2021 ● Accounting for modifications, payments
cancellations and settlements (Part 1) MFRS 2
● Reporting and disclosure
● Case study Case study

Self-learning –
revise examples
/ cases in main

10 MFRS 119 Employee Benefits CLO2 Mary ch.4

MFRS 126 Accounting and Tutorial 10
9/8/2021 Reporting by Retirement Plans Accounting for Lazar & Huang
– ● Accounting for short term share-based Ch : 25 & 30
15/8/2021 benefits payments
● Accounting treatment of (Part 2) MFRS 119
defined contribution and defined MFRS 126
benefit plans Case study
● Accounting for gains and
losses on settlements and Self-learning –
curtailments revise examples
● Reporting and disclosure / cases in main
● Retirement plans – text
accounting and reporting
● Case study

11 MFRS 132 Financial CLO2 Lazar &

Instruments: Presentation Tutorial 11 Huang
16/8/2021 MFRS 9 Financial Instruments: Accounting for Ch : 34 & 40
– Recognition and Measurement employee
22/8/2021 (Part 1) benefits/retire MFRS 9
ment plans
● Recognition and de-
recognition of financial assets and Case study
financial liabilities
● Classification and Self-learning –
measurement of financial assets revise examples
and financial liabilities / cases in main
● Treatment of gains and text

Course Plan of UKAF4034 Advanced Corporate Reporting

● Impairment of financial
● Accounting for derivative
financial instruments and simple
embedded derivatives
● Accounting for fair value
hedges and cash flow hedges
● Case study

12 MFRS 9 Financial Instruments: CLO2 Lazar &

Recognition and Measurement Tutorial 12 Huang
23/8/2021 (Part 2) Recognition Ch : 34 &40
– and
29/8/2021 ● Recognition and de- measurement MFRS 9
recognition of financial assets and of financial
financial liabilities instruments
● Classification and (Part 1)
measurement of financial assets Case study
and financial liabilities
● Treatment of gains and Self-learning –
losses revise examples
● Impairment of financial / cases in main
assets text
● Accounting for derivative
financial instruments and simple
embedded derivatives
● Accounting for fair value
hedges and cash flow hedges
● Case study

13 MFRS 9 Financial Instruments: CLO2 Lazar &

Recognition and Measurement Tutorial 13 Huang
30/8/2021 (Part 3) Recognition Ch : 40
– and
5/9/2021 ● Recognition and de- measurement MFRS 7
recognition of financial assets and of financial MFRS 9
financial liabilities instruments
● Classification and (Part 2)
measurement of financial assets
and financial liabilities Case study
● Treatment of gains and
losses Self-learning –
● Impairment of financial revise examples
assets / cases in main
● Accounting for derivative text
financial instruments and simple

Course Plan of UKAF4034 Advanced Corporate Reporting

embedded derivatives
● Accounting for fair value
hedges and cash flow hedges
● Case study

MFRS 7 Financial Instruments -

● Classes of financial
instruments and level of
● Significance of financial
instruments for financial position
and performance
● Nature and extent of risks
arising from financial instruments

MFRS 9 Financial Instruments

(effective 1 January 2018)
● Equivalent of IFRS 9
Financial Instruments which
replaces MFRS 139 (IAS 39) to
reduce complexity of financial
instruments accounting
● Main features of MFRS 9

14 IFRS for
CLO1 Tutorial 14 SMEs
6/9/2021 Revision Recognition MPERS
– and IASB
12/9/2021 measurement website
of financial
(Part 3)

Case study

Self-learning –
revise examples
/ cases in main

This Course Plan is:

Prepared by: Moderated by: Approved by:

TK Wong

Course Plan of UKAF4034 Advanced Corporate Reporting

_____________________ _____________________ _______________________
(Name: Wong Teck Keong) (Name: Yap Wai Onn ) (Name: Dr Lim Wan Leng)
Lead Lecturer Moderator Head of Department
Date: 27 June 2021 Date: Date: :

Notes: The information provided in this Course Plan is subjected to change by the Lecturer. Students
shall be notified in advance of any changes via WBLE.

Course Plan of UKAF4034 Advanced Corporate Reporting


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