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Long-Term Cannabis Use and Cognitive Reserves and Hippocampal Volume in Midlife

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Long-Term Cannabis Use and Cognitive Reserves and

Hippocampal Volume in Midlife
Madeline H. Meier, Ph.D., Avshalom Caspi, Ph.D., Annchen R. Knodt, M.Sc., Wayne Hall, Ph.D., Antony Ambler, M.Sc.,
HonaLee Harrington, B.A., Sean Hogan, B.A., Renate M. Houts, Ph.D., Richie Poulton, Ph.D., Sandhya Ramrakha, Ph.D.,
Ahmad R. Hariri, Ph.D., Terrie E. Moffitt, Ph.D.

Objective: Cannabis use is increasing among midlife and informant-reported memory and attention problems. These
older adults. This study tested the hypotheses that long-term deficits were specific to long-term cannabis users because they
cannabis use is associated with cognitive deficits and smaller were either not present or were smaller among long-term
hippocampal volume in midlife, which is important because tobacco users, long-term alcohol users, midlife recreational
midlife cognitive deficits and smaller hippocampal volume cannabis users, and cannabis quitters. Cognitive deficits among
are risk factors for dementia. long-term cannabis users could not be explained by persistent
tobacco, alcohol, or other illicit drug use, childhood socio-
Methods: Participants are members of a representative co- economic status, low childhood self-control, or family history
hort of 1,037 individuals born in Dunedin, New Zealand, in of substance dependence. Long-term cannabis users showed
1972–1973 and followed to age 45, with 94% retention. smaller hippocampal volume, but smaller hippocampal volume
Cannabis use and dependence were assessed at ages 18, 21, did not statistically mediate cannabis-related cognitive deficits.
26, 32, 38, and 45. IQ was assessed at ages 7, 9, 11, and 45.
Specific neuropsychological functions and hippocampal Conclusions: Long-term cannabis users showed cognitive
volume were assessed at age 45. deficits and smaller hippocampal volume in midlife. Research
is needed to ascertain whether long-term cannabis users
Results: Long-term cannabis users showed IQ decline from show elevated rates of dementia in later life.
childhood to midlife (mean525.5 IQ points), poorer learning
and processing speed relative to their childhood IQ, and Am J Psychiatry 2022; 179:362–374; doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2021.21060664

In case-control studies, cannabis users exhibit subtle cog- of policy significance. First, are all midlife and older adult
nitive deficits and structural brain differences (1, 2). These cannabis users at risk? Older adults in the United States are
findings come largely from studies of adolescents and young increasingly using cannabis (7), but only 10%215% of users
adults (3, 4). It is unclear whether the subtle cognitive and are cannabis dependent (20). Distinguishing problem and
brain differences observed in young cannabis users might be non–problem users is important, because non–problem users
larger in midlife and older adult cannabis users with longer may not differ from nonusers. Second, are cognitive deficits
histories of use (5). This issue is timely because cannabis use is and brain differences among cannabis users minor compared
increasing among baby boomers (born 1946–1964), a group with those observed for alcohol or tobacco users, as some
who used cannabis at historically high rates as young adults proponents of cannabis legalization claim (21)? Third, do
(6) and who now use cannabis at historically high rates as differences among cannabis users persist after cessation? If
midlife and older adults (7). This issue is important because so, these differences could increase risk for dementia. Fourth,
mild cognitive deficits and greater hippocampal atrophy in do brain differences among long-term cannabis users un-
midlife are risk factors for later dementia (8, 9). derlie cognitive deficits? Brain differences, if observed, are
We identified four longitudinal studies and seven cross- inconsistently related to cognitive deficits in adolescent and
sectional studies that reported on cannabis users in midlife or young adult cannabis users. Research is needed in midlife and
older adulthood (3, 10–19) (see Table S1 in the online sup- older adult cannabis users.
plement). Limitations include use of crude or retrospective We addressed these questions by assessing cannabis use,
measures of cannabis exposure and a lack of neuroimaging cognitive function, and hippocampal volume in a population-
data. Further, the studies did not address four questions representative cohort followed prospectively from birth to

See related features: Editorial by Dr. Conrod (p. 317) and CME course (online and p. 374)

362 Am J Psychiatry 179:5, May 2022

leonardo ferro - - CPF: 111.626.117-07


TABLE 1. Sociodemographic characteristics and substance use for the full Dunedin cohort, long-term cannabis users, and five
informative comparison groupsa
Long-Term Cannabis Long-term Long-term Recreational Cannabis
Full Cohort Cannabis Users Nonusers Tobacco Users Alcohol Users Cannabis Users Quitters
Characteristic (N5938) (N586) (N5202) (N575) (N557) (N565) (N560)

N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
Male 474 50.5 55 64.0 82 40.6 30 40.0 32 56.1 38 58.5 37 61.7

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Childhood SES 3.78 1.13 3.42 1.08 3.92 1.17 3.23 0.97 3.80 1.18 3.86 1.24 3.57 1.20
Childhood low self-control –0.02 0.96 0.34 1.08 –0.19 0.88 0.43 1.19 –0.01 0.92 –0.06 1.00 0.16 1.06
Family history of substance 0.15 0.17 0.21 0.21 0.10 0.13 0.20 0.18 0.14 0.15 0.13 0.14 0.19 0.18
Substance use at age 45
Cannabis frequency (days in 25.70 82.90 257.07 117.84 0.00 0.00 0.11b 0.48 0.32c 1.18 4.88 8.24 0.00 0.00
past year)

N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
Weekly cannabis use 89 9.6 85 98.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Regular cannabis used 56 6.1 55 64.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Daily tobacco use 199 21.6 54 63.5 0 0.0 75 100.0 10 17.5 13 20.0 20 33.3
Weekly alcohol use 856 92.6 76 88.4 184 91.1 68 90.7 57 100.0 62 95.4 50 83.3
Cannabis dependence 19 2.1 19 22.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Tobacco dependence 107 11.6 38 44.7 0 0.0 37 50.0 6 10.5 5 7.7 10 16.7
Alcohol dependence 104 11.3 17 19.8 0 0.0 7 9.3 30 52.6 11 16.9 10 16.7
Illicit drug dependence 31 3.4 13 15.1 0 0.0 3 4.0 1 1.8 2 3.1 3 5.0
Amphetamine usee 29 3.1 16 18.6 0 0.0 1 1.3 0 0.0 2 3.1 3 5.0
Sedative usee 13 1.4 7 8.1 1 0.5 1 1.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.7
Cocaine usee 15 1.6 3 3.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 3.5 3 4.6 2 3.3
Opioid usee 15 1.6 8 9.3 0 0.0 2 2.7 0 0.0 1 1.5 0 0.0
PCP usee 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Hallucinogen usee 19 2.1 10 11.6 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.8 2 3.1 1 1.7
Inhalant usee 1 0.1 1 1.2 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Other drugse 7 0.8 3 3.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 3.5 1 1.5 0 0.0
Methadone maintenance 10 1.1 5 5.8 0 0.0 1 1.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 3.3
PCP5phencyclidine; SES5socioeconomic status.
Only four long-term tobacco users reported past-year cannabis use, with maximum use of 3 days.
Only six long-term alcohol users reported past-year cannabis use, with maximum use of 7 days.
Regular use $4 days per week.
Used at least six times in the past year.

age 45. We compared long-term cannabis users against five ubiquitous in the literature (22–24). We focused on the
groups: 1) lifelong cannabis nonusers (to replicate the control hippocampus because it has a high density of cannabinoid
group most often reported in the case-control literature); receptors, is instrumental for learning and memory (one of
2) midlife recreational cannabis users (to ascertain whether the most consistently impaired cognitive domains in cannabis
cognitive deficits and structural brain differences are apparent users), and has been shown through meta-analysis to be the
in non–problem users—the majority of cannabis users); brain region that most consistently emerges as smaller in
3) long-term tobacco users and 4) long-term alcohol users cannabis users relative to comparison subjects (2).
(to serve as benchmark comparisons for any cannabis find-
ings and to help disentangle potential cannabis effects from
tobacco and alcohol effects); and 5) cannabis quitters (to
ascertain whether differences are apparent after cessation). Participants
We also conducted tests of dose-response associations Participants are members of the Dunedin Longitudinal Study,
using continuously measured persistence of cannabis use, a representative birth cohort (N51,037; 91% of eligible births;
and we rigorously adjusted for numerous confounders de- 52% male) born between April 1972 and March 1973 in
rived from multiple longitudinal waves and data sources. Dunedin, New Zealand, who were eligible based on residence
Robust dose-response associations would be expected if in the province and who participated in the first assessment at
associations were causal. Finally, we tested whether as- age 3. The cohort represents the full range of socioeconomic
sociations between continuously measured persistence of status in the general population of New Zealand’s South
cannabis use and cognitive deficits were mediated by hip- Island (25). As adults, the cohort’s members match the New
pocampal volume differences, a hypothesis that is fairly Zealand National Health and Nutrition Survey on key health

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TABLE 2. Child IQ, adult IQ, and IQ change: comparison of long-term cannabis users and five informative subgroups in the Dunedin
Comparison Group
4. Midlife
Long-Term 1. Cannabis 2. Long-term 3. Long-term Recreational 5. Cannabis Difference Between Long-Term Cannabis
Cannabis Nonusers Tobacco Users Alcohol Users Cannabis Users Quitters Users and Comparison Groups
Users (N584) (N5196) (N575) (N557) (N565) (N559)
LT vs. 1 LT vs. 2 LT vs. 3 LT vs. 4 LT vs. 5
95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95%
IQ Mean CI Mean CI Mean CI Mean CI Mean CI Mean CI p p p p p
Child IQ 99.3
96.4, 101.4 99.4, 93.0 89.8, 99.3 96.1, 105.1 102.0, 97.6 93.7, 0.14 0.01 0.99 0.006 0.48
102.2 103.4 96.2 102.5 108.3 101.5
Adult IQ 93.8 90.6, 102.1 99.9, 91.5 88.2, 98.8 95.8, 101.6 98.1, 94.3 90.6, <0.001 0.44 0.03 0.001 0.85
97.0 104.2 94.7 101.8 105.2 98.0
D IQ 25.5 27.4, 0.70 20.67, 21.5 23.8, 20.50 22.8, 23.5 25.8, 23.3 26.7, <0.001 0.02 <0.001 0.17 0.24
23.6 2.0 0.75 1.8 21.2 0.01
D ES IQ 20.37 20.57, 0.25 0.12, 0.03 20.20, 0.13 20.10, 20.17 20.40, 20.15 20.49, — — — — —
20.18 0.39 0.26 0.37 0.06 0.18
Statistical tests of group comparisons are adjusted for sex, but means are unadjusted. D IQ5change in IQ (adult IQ minus child IQ); D ES IQ5 effect size for IQ
change (IQ change scores were standardized on the full sample [mean50, SD51]); LT5long-term cannabis users. Boldface for p values indicates a statistically
significant difference (p,0.05) compared with long-term cannabis users. Dashes for D ES IQ indicate that the results are the same as the results for D IQ.

indicators (e.g., body mass index, smoking, physical activity, waves; were mostly free from cannabis at age 45 (Table 1);
physician visits) (25) and the New Zealand Census of citizens and had no history of weekly cannabis use or dependence.
the same age on educational attainment (26). The cohort is Long-term alcohol users (N557, 56% male) were weekly
primarily white (93%), which matches South Island demo- drinkers at age 45; had a diagnosis of alcohol dependence at two or
graphics. Assessments were carried out at birth and at ages 3, more waves; were mostly free from cannabis at age 45 (Table 1);
5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, 21, 26, 32, 38, and, most recently (completed and had no history of weekly cannabis use or dependence.
April 2019), 45 years. Participants gave written informed Midlife recreational cannabis users (N565; 59% male) used
consent. Study protocols were approved by the New Zealand cannabis between 6 and 51 days per year (i.e., used more than a
Health and Disability Ethics Committee. few times but less than weekly) in midlife (age 32, 38, or 45),
and had no history of weekly cannabis use or dependence.
Measures Cannabis quitters (N560; 62% male) did not use cannabis
Measures are briefly described here, and details are provided at age 45 but previously either were diagnosed with cannabis
in Table S2 in the online supplement. dependence or used regularly ($4 days per week).

Long-term cannabis users and five comparison groups. At ages Persistence of cannabis dependence and persistence of regular
18, 21, 26, 32, 38, and 45, study members were interviewed cannabis use. Persistence of cannabis dependence comprised
about their substance use using the Diagnostic Interview those who 1) never used cannabis (N5262), 2) used but were
Schedule (27, 28), and past-year substance use dependen- never diagnosed (N5498), 3) were diagnosed at one wave
cies were assessed following DSM criteria (29, 30). This (N585), 4) were diagnosed two waves (N539), 5) were di-
information was used to identify long-term cannabis users agnosed three waves (N532), and 6) were diagnosed at $4
and five comparison groups (see Figure S1 in the online waves (N516). Persistence of regular cannabis use (i.e.,
supplement). $4 days per week) comprised those who never used cannabis
Long-term cannabis users (N586; 64% male) used can- (N5262), 2) used but never regularly (N5518), 3) used
nabis weekly or more frequently in the past year at age 45, or regularly at one wave (N557), 4) two waves (N532), 5) three
were dependent on cannabis at age 45, and also used cannabis waves (N533), and 6) $4 waves (N530). Agreement be-
weekly or more frequently at one or more previous assess- tween the two exposures was high but not perfect (weighted
ment waves. Of these, 31.4% used cannabis before age 18, kappa50.75), because many regular users did not develop
89.5% used regularly ($4 days per week) at one or more dependence (20). Persistence of tobacco dependence, al-
waves (mean53.4 waves, SD51.4), and 72% met criteria for cohol dependence, and other illicit drug dependence were
cannabis dependence at one or more waves. Frequency of use similarly defined (see Table S2 in the online supplement).
among long-term cannabis users at age 45 was a median of
300 days in the past year, with 64% using $4 days per week. Cognitive tests. Intelligence was assessed at ages 7, 9, and
Lifelong cannabis nonusers (N5202; 41% male) never used 11 years, before the onset of cannabis use, and again in
cannabis, never had a diagnosis of any substance use disorder, adulthood at age 45. We report comparison of the Wechsler
and never used tobacco daily. Intelligence Scale for Children–Revised (31), averaged across
Long-term tobacco users (N575; 40% male) smoked tobacco ages 7–11, and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale–IV
daily at age 45 and also smoked daily at one or more previous (WAIS-IV) at age 45 (32). We also report performance on

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FIGURE 1. Long-term cannabis use and neuropsychological functions in the Dunedin cohorta
Adjusted Mean and 95% CI Group

Rey total Long‐term cannabis

Rey recall users (N=84)
Trails B
Animal Naming
Grooved Pegboard

Rey total * Cannabis nonusers

Rey recall * (N=196)
Trails B
Animal Naming
Grooved Pegboard

Rey total * Long‐term tobacco

Rey recall * users (N=75)
Trails B
Animal Naming
Grooved Pegboard

Rey total * Long‐term alcohol users

Rey recall * (N=57)
Trails B *
Animal Naming
Grooved Pegboard

Rey total * Midlife recreational

Rey recall * cannabis users (N=65)
Trails B
Animal Naming
Grooved Pegboard

Rey total Cannabis quitters (N=58)

Rey recall
Trails B
Animal Naming
Grooved Pegboard
–1 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Effect Size
Age 45 Cognitive Test Performance, Adjusted for Sex and Childhood IQ
The figure shows a comparison of long-term cannabis users with five informative subgroups on age 45 test performance across specific neuro-
psychological domains. Mean scores on age 45 neuropsychological tests were adjusted for sex and childhood IQ and standardized on the full cohort
(mean50, SD51). Average normative performance is indicated by the reference line at the representative cohort mean of 0. Estimates below zero
indicate poorer than average test performance. Asterisks indicate mean scores that were statistically significantly better (p,0.05) as compared with
long-term cannabis users, after adjustment for sex and childhood IQ. PRI5perceptual reasoning index; PSI5processing speed index; Rey recall and Rey
total5Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test delayed recall score (memory) and total score (learning); VCI5verbal comprehension index; WMI5working
memory index; WMS5Wechsler Memory Scale, months backward test.

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TABLE 3. Dose-response associations between persistence of cannabis dependence or persistence of regular cannabis use from ages 18
to 45 and IQ change from childhood to adulthood in the Dunedin cohort
Statistical Testsb
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Mean Standardized IQ Changea b 95% CI p b 95% CI p b 95% CI p

Persistence of cannabis dependence

Used but
Never never 1 2 3 $4
used diagnosed diagnosis diagnoses diagnoses diagnoses
(N5255) (N5496) (N583) (N539) (N532) (N515)

0.21 –0.02 –0.18 –0.17 –0.40 –0.66 20.16 20.23, <0.001 20.09 20.18, 0.02 20.10 20.18, 0.02
20.10 20.01 20.01

Persistence of regular cannabis use

Used but Used Used Used Used
Never never regularly regularly regularly regularly
used regularly 13 23 33 $43
(N5255) (N5516) (N555) (N532) (N533) (N529)

0.21 –0.01 –0.26 –0.29 –0.27 –0.52 20.16 20.23, <0.001 20.10 20.18, 0.01 20.10 20.18, 0.01
20.10 20.02 20.03
Means represent unadjusted IQ change scores (adult IQ minus child IQ) that were standardized on the full sample prior to analysis (mean50, SD51).
Model 1 was adjusted for sex; model 2 was additionally adjusted for persistent dependence on tobacco, alcohol, and other illicit drugs; and model 3 was addi-
tionally adjusted for low childhood socioeconomic status, low childhood self-control, and family history of substance dependence. Beta coefficients
represent standardized estimates. Boldface indicates statistically significant estimates (p,0.05).

the WAIS-IV working memory index, perceptual reasoning Covariates. We selected covariates based on theory and
index, verbal comprehension index, and processing speed documented associations with cannabis use, cognitive func-
index. At age 45, additional neuropsychological tests were tioning, and brain volume: sex, persistent tobacco dependence,
administered: the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (33), persistent alcohol dependence, persistent other illicit drug
the Months Backward Test from the Wechsler Memory dependence, childhood socioeconomic status, low childhood
Scale–III (34), the Trail Making Test (35), the Animal self-control, and family substance dependence history (see
Naming Test (36), and the Grooved Pegboard Test (33). All Table S2 in the online supplement).
testing occurred in the morning.
Statistical Analysis
Informant-reported memory and attention problems. At age We used t tests to compare long-term cannabis users with
45, participants nominated people “who knew them well” the five comparison groups. We used ordinary least squares
as informants for the study. Informants completed mailed regression to test dose-response associations between persis-
questionnaire checklists, which included items on whether tence of cannabis use (continuously measured) and outcomes,
the participant had problems with memory (e.g., forgets to do with associations adjusted for sex (model 1); sex and persistent
errands, return calls, pay bills) and attention (e.g., is easily alcohol, tobacco, and other illicit drug dependence (model 2); and
distracted, gets sidetracked easily) over the past year. these covariates plus childhood socioeconomic status, low
childhood self-control, and family substance dependence history
Hippocampal volume. Structural MRI was carried out at age (model 3). We used path analysis to test mediation (i.e.,
45 for 875 study members (93% of age 45 participants). T1- whether the association between persistence of cannabis
weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images use and cognitive deficits arises indirectly through hippo-
were processed with FreeSurfer, version 6.0. Mean hip- campal volume). Mediation analyses were conducted in MPlus
pocampal gray matter volume was extracted using the au- using maximum likelihood estimation and bootstrapped standard
tomatic segmentation (aseg) step. Accuracy of subcortical errors. Analyses were preregistered (
segmentation was confirmed by visual inspection of the aseg moffittcaspiprojects/files/2021/07/Meier_2020.pdf ).
labels overlaid on the volumes. Mean volumes within
12 hippocampal subfields were estimated with FreeSurfer’s
hippocampal subfields module. We report on bilateral total
hippocampal volume and 12 subfield volumes (37) because Of 997 cohort members still alive at age 45 years, 938 (94.1%)
the hippocampus is composed of anatomically and func- were assessed at age 45. Age 45 participants did not differ
tionally distinct subfields, and examining them could pro- significantly from other participants on childhood socio-
vide a more nuanced understanding of potential cannabis economic status, childhood self-control, or childhood IQ
effects on this structure. (see Figure S2 in the online supplement). Table 1

366 Am J Psychiatry 179:5, May 2022

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summarizes the sociodemographic and substance use reported memory and attention problems at age 45 than all
characteristics of the age 45 cohort, long-term cannabis groups except long-term tobacco users and cannabis quitters
users, and the five comparison groups. (Table 5).

Cannabis and Cognitive Functioning Dose-response associations. Participants who used cannabis
Long-term cannabis users and the five comparison groups. more persistently had more memory and attention problems
Relative to the normative IQ of 100, long-term cannabis users than less persistent users, according to informants, even after
had average IQ as children (mean599.3) but below-average covariate adjustment (Table 6).
IQ as adults (mean593.8). Their mean 5.5-point childhood-
to-adulthood IQ decline was significantly larger than that Cannabis and Hippocampal Volume
observed among lifelong cannabis nonusers (mean50.70), Long-term cannabis users and the five comparison groups.
long-term tobacco users (mean521.5), and long-term alco- Long-term cannabis users showed significantly smaller
hol users (mean520.50) (Table 2). Long-term cannabis volumes than cannabis nonusers in the left and right total
users’ IQ decline was not significantly larger than midlife hippocampus and five of 12 subfields (tail, hippocampal
recreational cannabis users’ (mean523.5) or cannabis amygdala transition area, CA1, molecular layer, dentate
quitters’ (mean523.3). gyrus), and significantly smaller volumes than midlife
To ascertain whether long-term cannabis users showed recreational cannabis users in the left and right hippo-
deficits in specific neuropsychological functions, we ex- campus and three of 12 subfields (tail, CA1, and molecu-
amined age 45 test performance, with estimates adjusted lar layer) (Figure 2; see also Table S5 in the online
for sex and childhood IQ (Figure 1; see also Table S3 in the supplement). Long-term cannabis users generally did not
online supplement). Long-term cannabis users performed show significantly smaller volumes in left and right
significantly worse than lifelong nonusers on most tests; total hippocampus or hippocampal subfields than long-
worse than long-term tobacco users on tests of learning term tobacco users, long-term alcohol users, or cannabis
and memory (Rey total and delayed recall) and processing quitters.
speed; worse than long-term alcohol users on tests of
learning and memory (Rey total and recall), executive function Dose-response associations. Participants who used cannabis
(Wechsler Memory Scale, Trails B), perceptual reasoning index, more persistently had smaller volumes than less persistent
verbal comprehension index, and processing speed; and worse users in the left and right hippocampus and numerous hip-
than midlife recreational cannabis users on tests of learning and pocampal subfields, after adjusting for sex. Most associations
memory. Long-term cannabis users did not perform signifi- were nonsignificant after additional covariate adjustment
cantly worse than cannabis quitters on any test. (see Table S6 in the online supplement). Adjusting for total
brain volume slightly attenuated associations (see Table S7 in
Dose-response associations. Participants who used cannabis the online supplement).
more persistently showed greater IQ decline than less persistent
users, even after adjustment for persistent use of other sub- Test of Hippocampal Volume as a Mediator of
stances, childhood socioeconomic status, low childhood self- Associations Between Persistence of Cannabis Use and
control, and family substance dependence history (Table 3). Cognitive Deficits
For specific neuropsychological functions, participants Persistence of cannabis use was associated with cognitive
who used cannabis more persistently performed worse deficits and, to a lesser extent, smaller hippocampal vol-
on most age 45 tests than less persistent users after adjusting ume. Larger hippocampal volume was related to better
for sex and childhood IQ (Table 4, model 1). Associations cognitive test performance (see Table S8 in the online
were attenuated after adjustment for persistent use of supplement). However, smaller hippocampal volume did
other substances (Table 4, model 2) and, to a lesser ex- not statistically mediate associations between persistence
tent, after additional adjustment for childhood covariates (Table of cannabis use and cognitive deficits (see Table S9 in the
4, model 3). However, even after adjustment for all covariates, online supplement).
more persistent cannabis users performed worse than less
persistent users on tests of learning (Rey total), pro- Robustness to Unmeasured Confounding
cessing speed, and, to a lesser extent, verbal memory (Rey To ascertain the robustness of associations to unmeasured
recall) and perceptual reasoning (Table 4, model 3). confounding, we computed E-values for dose-response
Associations between persistence of cannabis use and associations that were statistically significant after co-
cognitive functioning could not be explained by recent variate adjustment (see Table S10 in the online supple-
cannabis use (see Table S4 in the online supplement). ment) (38). E-values were used to estimate how large a
relative risk ratio would need to be between an unmeasured
Cannabis and Informant-Reported Cognitive Problems confounder and both persistence of cannabis use and
Long-term cannabis users and the five comparison groups. outcomes to fully account for observed associations.
Long-term cannabis users showed significantly more informant- E-values ranged from 1.33 to 1.56, which represent the risk

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TABLE 4. Dose-response associations between persistence of cannabis dependence or persistence of regular cannabis use from ages
18 to 45 and neuropsychological test performance at age 45 in the Dunedin cohorta

Test Mean Standardized Neuropsychological Test Scoresb

Persistence of cannabis dependence
Never used Used but never 1 diagnosis 2 diagnoses 3 diagnoses $4 diagnoses
(N5261) diagnosed (N5498) (N585) (N539) (N532) (N516)

Rey total 0.10 0.11 20.37 20.53 20.46 20.72

Rey recall 0.09 0.08 20.36 20.55 20.26 20.32
WMS 0.15 0.05 20.48 20.06 20.41 20.71
Trails B 0.07 0.05 20.32 20.20 20.05 20.43
Animal 20.01 0.02 20.01 0.01 20.12 20.12
WMI 0.02 0.05 20.23 20.11 20.08 20.24
PRI 0.03 0.07 20.29 20.27 20.13 20.28
VCI 20.02 0.06 20.21 0.17 20.43 20.04
PSI 0.04 0.11 20.35 20.39 20.38 20.60
Grooved 20.01 0.07 20.10 20.41 20.23 20.15

Persistence of regular cannabis use

Never used Used but never Regularly used 13 Regularly used 23 Regularly used 33 Regularly used $43
(N5261) regularly (N5518) (N557) (N532) (N533) (N530)

Rey total 0.10 0.11 20.30 20.72 20.79 20.55

Rey recall 0.09 0.09 20.25 20.67 20.64 20.39
WMS 0.15 0.04 20.26 20.55 20.45 20.45
Trails B 0.07 0.03 20.10 20.14 20.32 20.39
Animal 20.01 0.05 0.02 20.41 20.18 20.25
WMI 0.02 0.04 20.04 20.27 20.18 20.22
PRI 0.03 0.07 20.03 20.39 20.42 20.55
VCI 20.02 0.07 0.16 20.39 20.59 20.31
PSI 0.04 0.09 20.16 20.64 20.40 20.57
Grooved 20.01 0.07 20.21 20.23 20.21 20.32
PRI5perceptual reasoning index; PSI5processing speed index; Rey recall and Rey total5Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test delayed recall score (memory) and
total score (learning); VCI5verbal comprehension index; WMI5working memory index; WMS5Wechsler Memory Scale, months backward test.
Means represent unadjusted test scores that were standardized (mean50, SD51) on the full sample prior to analyses. Lower scores indicate poorer test performance.
Model 1 was adjusted for sex and childhood IQ; model 2 was additionally adjusted for persistent dependence on tobacco, alcohol, and other illicit drugs;
and model 3 was additionally adjusted for low childhood socioeconomic status, low childhood self-control, and family history of substance dependence.
Beta coefficients represent standardized estimates. Boldface indicates statistically significant estimates (p,0.05).

ratios needed for unmeasured confounders after adjust- First, long-term cannabis users exhibited IQ decline and
ment for measured confounders. poorer learning and processing speed in midlife relative to
their childhood IQ. People who knew them well described
them as having memory and attention problems. These
associations were not explained by prospectively assessed
This prospective study followed a population-representative persistent tobacco, alcohol, and other illicit drug de-
birth cohort for 45 years, generating a unique evidence base pendence or by childhood socioeconomic status, low
for evaluating whether long-term cannabis users show childhood self-control, and family substance dependence
cognitive deficits and smaller hippocampal volume in history. Associations were also not explained by recent
midlife. The longitudinal design enabled a comparison cannabis use. Findings were consistent across two can-
of a person’s midlife cognitive abilities to their child- nabis exposures (persistence of cannabis dependence,
hood cognitive abilities before cannabis initiation. The persistence of regular use) and in tests comparing long-
study also enabled a test of the role of hippocampal gray term cannabis users to five comparison groups (canna-
matter volume in mediating associations between long- bis nonusers, tobacco users, alcohol users, recreational
term cannabis use and cognitive deficits. Six findings cannabis users, and cannabis quitters). (Table S11 in the
stand out. online supplement summarizes findings across tests of

368 Am J Psychiatry 179:5, May 2022

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Statistical Testsc
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
b 95% CI p b 95% CI p b 95% CI p

20.14 20.19, 20.08 <0.001 20.12 20.19, 20.05 <0.001 20.11 20.18, 20.04 0.002
20.08 20.13, 20.02 0.01 20.05 20.12, 0.02 0.18 20.05 20.12, 0.03 0.23
20.13 20.19, 20.07 <0.001 20.08 20.15, 20.01 0.05 20.07 20.14, 0.01 0.09
20.07 20.12, 20.01 0.02 20.06 20.13, 0.01 0.11 20.06 20.13, 0.01 0.11
0.00 20.06, 0.06 0.99 20.01 20.08, 0.08 0.98 0.00 20.08, 0.08 0.99

20.08 20.14, 20.03 0.002 20.05 20.12, 0.02 0.13 20.05 20.11, 0.02 0.17
20.11 20.16, 20.06 <0.001 20.05 20.11, 0.02 0.16 20.04 20.11, 0.02 0.19
20.07 20.12, 20.02 0.007 0.00 20.06, 0.06 0.97 0.00 20.06, 0.06 0.93
20.11 20.17 20.06 <0.001 20.10 20.17, 20.03 0.006 20.10 20.17, 20.03 0.006
20.05 20.10, 0.01 0.11 20.01 20.08, 0.06 0.85 0.00 20.07, 0.07 0.91

20.15 20.21, 20.10 <0.001 20.14 20.21, 20.08 <0.001 20.13 20.20, 20.06 <0.001
20.10 20.16, 20.04 <0.001 20.09 20.16, 20.02 0.01 20.09 20.16, 20.01 0.02
20.11 20.18, 20.05 <0.001 20.06 20.13, 0.01 0.11 20.05 20.12, 0.02 0.18
20.05 20.11, 0.01 0.07 20.04 20.11, 0.03 0.29 20.03 20.10, 0.03 0.33
20.03 20.10, 0.03 0.30 20.05 20.13, 0.02 0.17 20.05 20.13, 0.02 0.18

20.06 20.11, 20.01 0.03 20.02 20.09, 0.04 0.50 20.02 20.08, 0.05 0.64
20.13 20.18, 20.08 <0.001 20.07 20.13, 20.02 0.009 20.07 20.12, 20.01 0.01
20.09 20.14, 20.05 <0.001 20.05 20.11, 0.01 0.10 20.04 20.10, 0.01 0.13
20.11 20.16, 20.05 <0.001 20.09 20.15, 20.02 0.01 20.09 20.15, 20.02 0.01
20.05 20.10, 0.01 0.12 20.01 20.08, 0.06 0.81 0.00 20.07, 0.06 0.91

dose-response associations and group comparisons.) conflating long-term and recreational cannabis users in
This suggests that cannabis-related IQ decline, poorer future studies.
learning and processing speed, and informant-reported Fourth, cannabis quitters showed subtle cognitive deficits
memory and attention problems are not artifacts of ana- that may explain inconsistent findings on the benefits of
lytic approach or of measured confounders, but rather are cessation (11, 14, 41–45).
more likely to be consequences of long-term use. Cognitive Fifth, long-term cannabis users showed smaller bilateral
childhood-to-adulthood changes such as those we ob- volume in total hippocampus and five of 12 structurally and
served have been shown to predict steeper cognitive de- functionally distinct subregions compared with nonusers,
cline from ages 70 to 82, and to do so better than adult consistent with case-control studies (2).
cognitive level (39). Sixth, although persistence of cannabis use showed dose-
Second, long-term cannabis users showed significantly response associations with cognitive deficits and, to a lesser
larger IQ decline, poorer learning and memory, and poorer extent, smaller hippocampal volume in the representative
processing speed than long-term tobacco or alcohol users. sample, smaller hippocampal volume did not statistically
Thus, some cognitive deficits were more pronounced for mediate associations between persistence of cannabis use
long-term cannabis users than for long-term tobacco or al- and cognitive deficits. Smaller hippocampal volume has been
cohol users, contrary to some claims (21, 40). suggested as a possible mediator of cannabis-related cogni-
Third, cognitive functioning among midlife recreational tive deficits (24), because the hippocampus is rich in type
cannabis users was similar to representative cohort norms. 1 cannabinoid (CB1) receptors and is involved in learning and
This suggests that infrequent, non–problem recreational memory. However, smaller hippocampal volume may be a
cannabis use in midlife is unlikely to compromise cognitive reductionistic explanation for cannabis-related cognitive
functioning. Our results highlight the importance of not deficits. For example, in addition to the hippocampus, other

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TABLE 5. Comparison of long-term cannabis users and five informative subgroups on informant-reported memory and attention
problems at age 45 in the Dunedin cohorta
Comparison Group
4. Midlife
Long-term 1. Cannabis 2. Long-term 3. Long-term Recreational 5. Cannabis Difference Between Long-Term Cannabis
Cannabis Nonusers Tobacco Alcohol Users Cannabis Quitters Users and Comparison Groups
Users (N574) (N5199) Users (N569) (N556) Users (N574) (N554)
LT vs. 1 LT vs. 2 LT vs. 3 LT vs. 4 LT vs. 5
95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95%
Measure Mean CI Mean CI Mean CI Mean CI Mean CI Mean CI p p p p p
Memory 0.53 0.20, –0.19 –0.31, 0.19 –0.13, 0.05 –0.16, 0.03 –0.20, 0.18 –0.11, <0.001 0.21 0.03 0.02 0.15
0.86 –0.08 0.51 0.26 0.26 0.47
Attention 0.56 0.24, –0.10 –0.23, 0.11 –0.14, –0.16 –0.32, 0.00 –0.24, 0.23 –0.10, <0.001 0.06 <0.001 0.005 0.18
0.89 0.04 0.37 0.00 0.23 0.57
Means represent unadjusted informant-reported memory and attention scores that were standardized on the full sample (mean50, SD51) prior to analyses. Higher
scores indicate worse memory and attention problems. Statistical tests of group comparisons are adjusted for sex. Boldface for p values indicates a statistically
significant difference (p,0.05) compared with long-term cannabis users. LT5long-term cannabis users.

TABLE 6. Dose-response associations between persistence of cannabis dependence or persistence of regular cannabis use from ages
18 to 45 and informant-reported memory and attention problems at age 45 in the Dunedin cohort
Statistical Testsb
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
95% 95% 95%
Domain Mean Standardized Informant-Reported Memory and Attention Scoresa b CI p b CI p b CI p

Persistence of cannabis dependence

Used but
Never never 1 2 3 $4
used diagnosed diagnosis diagnoses diagnoses diagnoses
(N5249) (N5487) (N573) (N531) (N528) (N514)

Memory –0.16 –0.07 0.35 0.70 0.88 –0.02 0.20 0.13, <0.001 0.12 0.03, 0.007 0.11 0.02, 0.01
0.27 0.20 0.19
Attention –0.13 –0.09 0.36 0.85 0.69 0.21 0.20 0.13, <0.001 0.16 0.07, <0.001 0.15 0.07, <0.001
0.27 0.24 0.23

Persistence of regular cannabis use

Used but
Never never Regularly Regularly Regularly Regularly
used regularly used 13 used 23 used 33 used $43
(N5249) (N5503) (N548) (N530) (N529) (N523)

Memory –0.16 –0.05 0.32 0.73 0.41 0.70 0.21 0.14, <0.001 0.13 0.05, 0.002 0.12 0.04, 0.005
0.28 0.21 0.20
Attention –0.13 –0.06 0.30 0.67 0.48 0.60 0.19 0.12, <0.001 0.13 0.05, 0.002 0.11 0.03, 0.006
0.26 0.21 0.19
Means represent unadjusted informant-reported memory and attention scores that were standardized (mean50, SD51) on the full sample prior to analyses.
Higher scores indicate worse memory and attention problems.
Model 1 was adjusted for sex; model 2 was additionally adjusted for persistent dependence on tobacco, alcohol, and other illicit drugs; and model 3 was
additionally adjusted for low childhood socioeconomic status, low childhood self-control, and family history of substance dependence. Beta coefficients
represent standardized estimates. Boldface indicates statistically significant estimates (p,0.05).

CB1-rich brain regions, including those involved in reward between twins in cannabis use and in cognitive functioning is
and motivation, may play a role (2). Further, neurobio- much smaller than between unrelated individuals. Hence,
logical mechanisms likely extend beyond gray matter it is unclear whether associations that are attenuated in
volume differences to include differences in structural and twin-difference comparisons, relative to comparisons between
functional connectivity (46). Finally, social mechanisms unrelated individuals, are an indication of true confounding or
could also play a role. are an artifact of reduced statistical power.
Our findings conflict with those of some studies (including In the present study, we tackled confounding by incor-
one by us) that compared the cognitive functioning of twins porating the most notable confounding variables identified
who were discordant for cannabis use and found little evi- in the literature, including childhood socioeconomic status,
dence of cannabis-related cognitive deficits (47–50). Dis- low self-control, low childhood IQ, family substance depen-
cordant twin comparisons represent a compelling approach dence history, and persistent dependence on other sub-
to controlling for shared genetics and family background. stances, using unusually strong measures derived from
However, a limitation is that the size of the differences multiple waves and data sources. These obvious confounders,

370 Am J Psychiatry 179:5, May 2022

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FIGURE 2. Long-term cannabis use and hippocampal volumes in the Dunedin cohorta
Adjusted Mean and 95% CI Group
Bilateral volume Long‐term cannabis
Tail users (N=80)
Molecular layer
Dentate gyrus

Bilateral volume
* Cannabis nonusers
Tail * (N=187)
CA1 *
Molecular layer *
Dentate gyrus *

Bilateral volume Long‐term tobacco

Tail users (N=68)
Molecular layer
Dentate gyrus

Bilateral volume Long‐term alcohol users

Tail (N=56)
Molecular layer
Dentate gyrus

Bilateral volume * Midlife recreational

Tail * cannabis users (N=60)
CA1 *
Molecular layer *
Dentate gyrus

Bilateral volume Cannabis quitters (N=52)

Molecular layer
Dentate gyrus

–1 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Hippocampal Volume, Adjusted for Sex

The figure shows a comparison of long-term cannabis users with five informative subgroups on age 45 hippocampal volumes. Mean age
45 hippocampal volumes were adjusted for sex and standardized on the full cohort (mean50, SD51). Average normative volume is indicated by the
reference line at the representative cohort mean of 0. Estimates below zero indicate smaller than average volume. Asterisks indicate mean volumes that
were statistically significantly larger (p,0.05) as compared with long-term cannabis users, after adjustment for sex. CA1, CA3, CA45cornu ammonis 1, 3, 4;
HATA5hippocampal-amygdala transition area.

considered together, could not account for many of the ob- This study has several limitations. First, cannabis use was
served associations. We also reported E-values, with larger self-reported. Underreporting for fear of admitting to illegal
E-values indicating that considerable unmeasured con- drug use is unlikely because participants were interviewed
founding would be needed to explain associations. E-values repeatedly over a lifetime and learned to trust the confiden-
ranged from 1.33 to 1.56. These E-values represent the risk tiality guarantee. Second, some group sizes were small,
ratios needed after adjustment for measured confounders, raising concerns about low statistical power. These concerns
raising the bar for unmeasured confounding to play a role. were minimized through powerful tests of dose-response

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associations and through transparent reporting of effect sizes Supported by National Institute on Aging grants R01AG069939, R01AG049789,
in a representative cohort. Third, long-term cannabis users and R01AG032282 and U.K. Medical Research Council grant MR/P005918.
The Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Research Unit is
also use tobacco, alcohol, and other illicit drugs. Disen-
supported by the New Zealand Health Research Council and the New
tangling cannabis effects from other substances is chal- Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment.
lenging. We did not limit analyses to cannabis-only users The authors thank the members of the Advisory Board for the Dunedin
because they are unrepresentative of cannabis users (51). Neuroimaging Study, the Dunedin Study members, unit research staff, and
Instead, we used two complementary approaches: 1) we Dunedin Study founder Phil Silva.
reported no midlife cognitive deficits for long-term tobacco The authors report no financial relationships with commercial interests.
and alcohol users, groups who showed polysubstance use, Received June 30, 2021; revisions received August 25 and September 15,
like long-term cannabis users, but were free from cannabis, 2021; accepted September 27, 2021; published online March 8, 2022.
and 2) we controlled for persistent dependence on tobacco,
alcohol, and other illicit drugs in analyses of dose-response
associations and found that a number of associations were
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Am J Psychiatry 179:5, May 2022 373

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Continuing Medical Education Examination Questions for Long-Term Cannabis Use and Cognitive Reserves
You can earn CME credits by read- and Hippocampal Volume in Midlife
ing this article. Three articles in every 1. Which of the following characterizes the child IQ of long-term cannabis users?
American Journal of Psychiatry issue A. Long-term cannabis users had below-average childhood IQ relative to a normative
comprise a short course for up to 1 IQ of 100.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ each. The B. Long-term cannabis users had average childhood IQ relative to a normative IQ
course consists of reading the article of 100.
and answering three multiple-choice C. Long-term cannabis users had above-average childhood IQ relative to a normative
questions with a single correct answer. IQ of 100.
CME credit is issued only online. Read-
D. Long-term cannabis users’ childhood IQ was not reported.
ers who want credit must subscribe to
the AJP Continuing Medical Education 2. In tests of dose-response associations between persistence of cannabis use from age
Course Program (psychiatryonline. 18 to 45 and age-45 neuropsychological test performance, dose-response
org/cme), select The American Jour- associations were found for which of the following neuropsychological functions,
nal of Psychiatry at that site, take the after adjustment for all covariates?
course(s) of their choosing, complete A. Learning and memory
an evaluation form, and submit their B. Learning, memory, and processing speed
answers for CME credit. A certificate C. Learning, memory, processing speed, and perceptual reasoning
for each course will be generated upon D. Only learning
successful completion. This activity is
sponsored by the American Psychiatric 3. Did smaller hippocampal volume statistically mediate associations between
Association. persistence of cannabis use and cognitive deficits?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Yes, for a subset of neuropsychological functions
D. Statistical mediation was not tested

374 Am J Psychiatry 179:5, May 2022

leonardo ferro - - CPF: 111.626.117-07

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