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#20 The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 20 For LEONARDO

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The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 20

Training 1

Session #1 Session #2
Weightlifting/Strength: Gymnastics:
Hang Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + OHS Gymnastics Skill Development
1. Find your daily max in the complex. 1. 3 x Jump to hang
2. 10min EMOM: 1 Hang power snatch + 1 Hang snatch @70 – 80% . Each of the lifts with a 3 sec pause in 2. 3 x 2 Knees to chest with slide
the receiving / bottom position. 3. Accumulate 5 rope “anchors”
*Focus on a strong and fast lockout in the receiving position of the three lifts. Keep the bar close from the 4. Accumulate 5 rope anchors + stand up
hang and avoid jumping forward. 5. 1 – 3 rope climbs trying to get as high as possible in 1 lock only

Snatch Balance Video to skill development: Rope climb progression and warm-up
5 x 3 @60 – 70% of your most recent 1RM snatch. The goal should be to be able to always do a 15ft rope climb in 2 ascents. If you have a look at Rich
Focus on staying as vertical as possible in the dip. Froning doing Tommy V back at Regionals in 2015 he does EVERY rope climb in 1 ascent only, so it is
Front Rack Lunges from rack
1. Build to a heavy weight over a 10m distance. Gymnastics Conditioning:
4 rounds, 3 min on – 2 min off:
400m Run or 500m Row
CrossFit: Max legless rope climbs 15ft
8 rounds for time: Max Rope climbs 15ft (Once you are close to failure on the legless move to using legs)
10m Front rack lunges 60/45kg The focus should be to go hard on the run/ row and then move directly up on the rope.
5 Hang squat snatch 60/45kg
15 GHD sit-ups
#FocusoftheDay Accessory:
*Aim to keep movements unbroken however, know your capacity and make sure you avoid any failures. For time:
100 Banded tricep extensions.
*Every time you break, 10 push ups

Plyometrics Circuit:
3 rounds:
6 Straight leg box jumps (20-24in) Video
6x 1 Depth jump (30 in) + 5m Sprint Video
6 Forward facing jumps over PVC pipe on box +5m Sprint
6 Lateral jumps over PVC pipe on box + 5m Sprint Video

Daily Movement Drill:

Week 2/4 Bridge:
Accumulate 75 seconds in the Bridge position. If necessary, start by scaling to feet on a bench. Scaled
Option: Video Full version: Video
Goal by the end of this cycle is to have the feet on the floor and the arms straight with hands under your

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 20

Training 2

Session #1 Session #2
Weightlifting/Strength: Gymnastics:
Power Jerk Gymnastic Skill Development:
1. Build to a heavy double. The first rep with a 3 sec pause in the bottom of the dip, the second rep without 3 rounds for quality:
pause. 3 Ring swings + 1 RMU to transition + 3 strict dips + 2-3 RMU
2. Drop down to 80-90% of the double and perform 1 power jerk every 45 seconds for 6 minutes. Focus on linking the final 2-3 RMU technically well and efficient.
*The focus is on reaching full extension during the drive, try not to go under the bar too early.
Gymnastic Conditioning:
Back Squat 3 rounds for quality reps:
1. Build to a heavy 6RM. 20 Box jump overs 24/20in
2. Keep the same weight and perform a 4 min EMOM: @ 4-3-2 then 1 rep. Max UB technical set RMU (no more than 8)
90 sec Rest
Drop down in weight and repeat for front squat: The ideal here is to really push the pace on the BJO and then go directly into the RMU to practice under
fatigue and with a high HR. Remember this isn’t to absolute failure, but technical failure.
Front Squat
1. Build to a heavy 6RM. Rest as needed, then:
2. Keep the same weight and perform a 4 min EMOM: @ 4-3-2 then 1 rep.
*The weight should be heavy, however not so heavy you lose form. 5 min AMRAP:
15 DB Hang Power cleans and jerks 2 x 22.5/15kg
2/1 Peg Board ascents 0r 10/7 Strict pull ups
For time: 3 min Rest
3 rounds for time:
15/10 Cal Assault Bike 3 rounds for time:
10 Power Jerks from floor 70/45kg 10 DB Cluster 2 x 22.5/15kg
10 sHSPU
5 min Rest *Focus on quick transitions and short rest.

3 rounds for time:

15/10 Cal Ski Accessory:
10 Back squats from floor 70/45kg 3 rounds of:
Will you be able to achieve the same split for the 2 workouts? 10 Ring rollouts Video
#FocusoftheDay 10 Shoot throughs Video
10 Hanging windshield wipers Video

Barbell TGU Daily Movement Drill:
Accumulate 20 reps (total) using an empty barbell (20/15kg) Week 2/4 Bridge:
Focus on quality movement and control getting used to balancing the bar instead of a kettlebell. Accumulate 75 seconds in the Bridge position.

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 20

Training 3

Session #1 Session #2
Weightlifting/Strength: Conditioning:
Deadlift from blocks Each machine and each distance for time:
1. Build to a heavy double from blocks (just above the knee). 3 x 1km Row, 1:1/2 Work:Rest ratio
2. Drop down to 50% and do 5 x 2 from the floor. Not TnG, reset between lifts. Then;
3 x 2km Bike erg, 1:1/2 Work:Rest ratio / 50/40 Cal Assault Bike
*Focus on keeping the back straight and extending both, hips and knees. No leaning back or overarching Then;
at the top. 3 x 1km Ski, 1:1/2 Work:Rest ratio
*With a conditioning piece of this length and work:rest ratio you can’t go all out on each distance hence
the focus of this session is to maintain splits and stroke rates on the machines throughout and avoid big
CrossFit jumps and drops. The goal should be to be able to always speed up the last 500m/10 cal.
AGOQ 19.1
3 rounds for time:
15 DL 10o/70kg
35 OHS 35/25kg Gymnastics:
90 DU Gymnastic Warm-up:
If you are interested in times to hunt check out the results from the AGOQ here. 1. 60 sec Wrist flow Video
2. 2o Wrist push-up Video
3. 60 sec L-sit against the wall Video
Accessory: For the L-sit it is important you keep the lower back in contact with the wall and elbows extended/ fully
locked out. Then fight to bring you arms to touch the wall. The goal is to have your lower + upper back,
For quality: shoulders, arms and wrists touching the wall whilst keeping the arms straight.
50 (25 each side) Seated banded hamstring curls Video
50 (25 each side) Single leg deadlifts with KB Gymnastic Skill Development:
1. 5 x 5m HSW sprint, rest as needed between sets
2. 3 x 10 sec wall facing HSH + 5m HSW + ½ Pirouette + 5m HSW

Gymnastics Conditioning:
For time:
Accumulate 120m HSW*
*Every time you break, 20 ub (Russian) KB swings 32/24kg

Gymnastic Strength:
3 rounds for quality of:
5-10 V-ups
5-10 Tuck ups
5-10 Hollow rocks
5-10 sec Hollow hold
Choose a rep-scheme that you can keep unbroken through all movements. Rest as needed between

Daily Movement Drill:

Week 2/4 Bridge:
Accumulate 75 seconds in the Bridge position.

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 20

Training 4

“Training 4/Triathlon Development/Active Recovery” Run

The focus for Training 4 will vary depending on your needs. Some athletes will take today as an active Warm up/Drills:
recovery day to keep the body moving and working at a lower intensity, some athletes may have this day 4 rounds of:
as a complete rest day which is fine. 20m High knees / 20m Bum kicks / 20m Skip run drill VIdeo
Other athletes may choose this day as one of the main focuses of the week, this should be the case if you
need to develop your aerobic capacity. If you are feeling good and time allows, you can do the session. Main set:
4 x 3 min Run at 7 RPE, in between 100m jog
4 x 1 min Run at 8 RPE, in between 100m walk
Swim Cool down:
Warm up/Drills: 800m Easy jog
200m varying styles
2 x 100m crawl (25m single arm left, 25m single arm right, 50m full stroke)
4 x 50m crawl (25m kick on front and 25m kick on back)
10 x Tumbleturn practice The Progrm Recovery
The focus of this session is an “easy recovery” to not only improve your movement but to get your body
Main set: feeling fresh before your next training session begins.
2 x 250m, 50m Back crawl in between
4 x 100m, 50m Breaststroke in between 18 min EMOM:
5 x 50m, 1-1 Work-Rest Min 1: Floor squats Video
Min 2: Active hip extension Video
Swim down: Min 3: Shinbox Video
200m Easy pace, varying styles Min 4: Kneeling German hang Video
Min 5: Lying prone angels Video
Min 6: Sitting L-Sit position Video
The goal of these sets is to be moving for 30-45 seconds of the minute.

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 20

Training 5

Session #1 Session #2
Weightlifting/Strength: Gymnastics:
Power Clean + Bouncing Hang Clean + Split Jerk Gymnastics Skill Development:
1. Find your daily 1 + 1 + 1 RM. 1. 1 min Pike stretch Video
2. Drop to 70-80% and do 3 sets of 2 + 2 + 2. 2. 20 TTB kicks Video
3. 3 x 3 Kip swings + 3 Swing to 90 degree + 3 TTB
*Focus on keeping the bar close to the body and finding a good rhythm, especially in the %-work. No
jumping forward in the cleans and quick footwork in the split jerks. Gymnastic Conditioning: Repeated from last week, look to improve the distance and time.

Strict Press 4 x 60 sec on – 60 sec off, alternate between A) and B) (2 rounds of each)
1. Find your daily 3RM. A) Max time free standing HSH
2. Drop down to 80% and do 3 x 3. B) Max distance HSW

CrossFit: CrossFit:
The Comp Qualifier 19.1 The Comp Qualifier 19.2 B

For time: For time:

75 Burpee box jump overs 24/20in* 150 cal Row
100 Air squats
*Every 30 seconds, including at the start of the workout (00:00), until the workout is over you must 50 Toes to bar
perform 1 Ground to Overhead (GTOH) @60/45kg Divide anyhow. Meaning you can choose to complete the reps in any order or set variation.

Time cap: 8 minutes For example:

Can you finish this one in the Time Cap? 10 rounds of: 15 cal, 10 air squats, 5 toes to bar
5 rounds of: 30 cal row, 20 air squats, 10 toes to bar
1 round of: 150 cal row, 100 air squats 50 toes to bar
Accessory: Once you have started the row the machine must stay on.
2 rounds for max hold:
1. Crucifix hold Video
Choose between 5-10kg DB´s in each hand and hold for as long as possible. You should be able to reach
around a minute. Daily Movement Drill:
Week 2/4 Bridge:
2. Plate hold Accumulate 75 seconds in the Bridge position.
Choose between 10-20kg plates in each hand and hold for as long as possible. You should be able to reach
around a minute.
Rest 60 sec between exercises and rounds.

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 20

Training 6

Session #1 Session #2
The Progrm Mash: Weightlifting/Strength:
For time: On this T6 session we are going to dedicate some training time to upper body pressing and pulling
15/10 Strict RMU strength and generell core strength.
Time cap: 3 min
Wide Grip Bench Press
At min 4: 1. Build to a heavy set of 3
10 rounds: 2. Keep the weight and do 10 x 1
5 Front Squat 45/30kg
35 Double-unders Close Grip Louie Push Ups
5 STOH 45/30kg 3 x 10-15 Add weight if possible Video
Time cap: 10 min
Bent over Row (with barbell)
At min 16: 5 x 5 Look to use the same weight across all sets.
For time:
10 – 1: Finisher
Deficit HSPU 6/4in 100 Ring rows*
After each round 1 legless rope climb (10 in total) *Every time you break, 5 Push ups
Time cap: 14 min

At min 32:
4 rounds with a weight vest:
Daily Movement Drill:
50m Walking lunge Week 2/4 Bridge:
400m Run Accumulate 75 seconds in the Bridge position.
20 Box jumps 20in M/F

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: Copyright © The Progrm 2019

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