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#26 The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 26 For LEONARDO

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The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 26

Training 1

Session #1 Session #2
Weightlifting/Strength: Gymnastics:
TnG Power Clean + Clean Gymnastics Skill Development:
1. Find your daily max in 1 + 1. 4 min EMOM:
Start at 50/35kg and keep adding weight until you can’t power clean anymore. 3 Kip swings + 2 Pull-ups + 4 C2B + 2 Pull-ups + 3 Kip swings
2. Once you can’t receive the bar in a power clean, continue building to a heavy double TnG Squat clean. *This isn’t a very challenging complex. The main focus should be to move efficient and smooth. Ideally
increase the speed over the 5 rounds. Squeeze a towel or knee sleeve between your feet to ensure you’re
The important aspect of the power clean here is that once you receive the bar, you don’t ride it down any staying tight.
further. Therefore if it is borderline parallel stop the weight even if it is a good lift. The goal is to practise
TnG cleans and especially the deep receiving position of the power clean. Gymnastic Conditioning:
For time:
Workout: 100 DU
Clean Ladder (anyhow) 50 GHD Sit-ups
2 @ 90% of your Daily Max 30 C2B
15/10 Cal AB 100 DU
4 @ 80% of your Daily Max 40 GHD Sit-ups
15/10 Cal AB 20 C2B
6 @ 70% of your Daily Max 100 DU
15/10 Cal AB 30 GHD Sit-ups
8 @ 60% of your Daily Max 10 C2B
15/10 Cal AB *Obviously the C2B will be affected by the DU and even more so by the GHD Sit-ups, however, the focus
10 @ 50% of your Daily Max should be to complete the C2B as fast and efficient as possible.
Time cap: 10 minutes
Kettlebell Circuit:
2 rounds for quality:
Accessory: 20 KB Power snatches (10 each side)
For quality: 20m Double KB OH Lunges
50 (total) Seated banded hamstring curls Video 20 Single Arm KB OH Squat (10 each side)
50 Hip thrusts Video 20m Lunges with KB in Front rack
For the hip thrusts, chose a light to medium weight and focus on full hip extension at the top. 20 KB Hang power clean & jerk (10 each side)
20m Waiters walk Video Alternate hands after 10m.
*Choose a weight that allows you to complete the movements unbroken, you can increase over the rounds
if possible.

Daily Movement Drill:

Week 3/4: German hang / Skin the cat
Accumulate 30 sec in German hang. Choose between standing or normal.
If you’re are already comfortable being 30 sec in German hang, accumulate 3 slow Skin the cat.Video

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 26

Training 2

Session #1 Session #2
Weightlifting/Strength: Gymnastics:
Deadlift Skill Development:
1. Build to a heavy set of 6. Reset after each rep. For quality:
2. Drop down to 70-80% and do 3 x 6. 1. 10 Straddled seated leg lifts Video
2. 5 Pistols each leg with a 3 sec pause in the bottom position
Wide Grip Bench Press 3. 5 Eccentric Pistols each leg, tempo 50×1
1. Build to a heavy double. 4. 10 alt Pistols with a light KB
2. Keep the weight and do 4 x 1.
Go every minute and move your hands in each rep till you’ve reached normal width. Gymnastic Conditioning:
16 x 1 min on – 1 min off (32 min total):
1. Ski Erg
CrossFit: 2. TTB (Alternate between strict and kipping.)
3 rounds for time: 3. Row
10 Deadlifts 100/70kg 4. Weighted pistols 16/12kg
20 Box jumps 30/24in #FocusoftheDay
1 min Rest *Goal is to get the same repetitions each round, so don’t go out too hot nor too soft.
10 Bench press 80/50kg
20m HSW
1 min Rest Accessory:
*Make sure you warm up the box jumps, ideally the HSW should be done unbroken. 3 rounds for quality:
30 Banded wood chops (15 each side) Video
30 Side bends with plate (15 each side) Video
Accessory: 1 min Straight arm plank hold
TGU + Windmill
1. Build to a heavy single on each side. Video
2. Drop down to a comfortable weight and complete 10 more reps (total) with focus on quality. Daily Movement Drill:
Week 3/4: German hang / Skin the cat
Accumulate 30 sec in German hang or 3 slow Skin the cat.Video

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 26

Training 3

Session #1 Session #2
Conditioning: Weightlifting/Strength:
Row Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
5 x 2000/1500m, 3 min rest between sets 1. Build to a heavy complex (1+1+1).
2. Accumulate 20 split jerks at the weight of the heavy complex. With a strong focus on technique.
The first 2 sets, focus on consistent split and consistent stroke rate. 3. Drop down to 50% and do 3 sets of 4 strict press + 3 push press + 2 push jerk + 1 split jerk. Rest 2
The second 2 sets, alternate between 500m hard – 500m recovery pace. Take note of the different splits minutes between sets.
you can hold. *Focus on a tight midline and good foot work. The longer the complex, the more fatigued and the more
The last 2000m, choose the tacic and stroke rate that will give you the fastest time. likely you will start to move sloppy.
After this piece you should be able to walk away from the rower easily no need to go so hard you are
rolling on the floor. Front Squat
#FocusoftheDay 1. Build to a heavy 1.5 front squat.
2. Drop down to 80-90% and do 5 x 1 as an EMOM.
*10/7.5km of rowing might look a bit terrifying however it is important to do those long conditioning *The purpose of the one and a half squat is to practise the bounce out of the bottom. Bare in mind legs will
sessions so you get to know your capacity and train your body as well as your mind to manage those be fatigued from the morning session. Prioritise the bounce and speed out of the bottom over a heavy
longer endurance pieces. weight.

Accessory: Accessory:
Grip Strength Good morning Video
3 rounds for quality of: Find todays heavy 8RM
8-10 Rope pull ups, alternate top hand Form is very important here – the low back doesn’t round at all.
10-20 KB flips Video
Seated good morning Video
4 x 10 as heavy as form allows, focus on activating the posterior chain.

Banded good morning holds Video

3 x 60 sec hold
Rest as needed between sets. At least 90 sec.

Daily Movement Drill:

Week 3/4: German hang / Skin the cat
Accumulate 30 sec in German hang or 3 slow Skin the cat.Video

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 26

Training 4

“Training 4/Triathlon Development/Active Recovery” Run

The focus for Training 4 will vary depending on your needs. Some athletes will take today as an active Warm up/Drills:
recovery day to keep the body moving and working at a lower intensity, some athletes may have this day 4 rounds of:
as a complete rest day which is fine. 20m High knees / 20m Bum kicks / 20m Skip run drill Video
Other athletes may choose this day as one of the main focuses of the week, this should be the case if you
need to develop your aerobic capacity. If you are feeling good and time allows, you can do the session. Main set:
2 x 800m
4 x 400m
Swim 6 x 200m
The first two intervals of each distance (one in the 800m), run with a weighted vest.
Warm up/Drills: In between intervals half the distance walk (400/200/100m).
100m Freestyle
4 x 25m roll to breathe, alternate arm each 25m Video Cool down:
4 x 25m 360 degrees roll, rotate 90 degrees every 4 kicks 400m Easy jog
Main set:
20 x 50m
20 sec Rest between sets. The Progrm Recovery
The focus of this session is an “easy recovery” to not only improve your movement but to get your body
Swim down: feeling fresh before your next training session begins.
200m Easy pace, varying styles
18 min EMOM:
Min 1: Narrow grip hang
Min 2: Prone BTN floor press Video
Min 3: Posterior shoulder rotations on bar Video
Min 4: Seated pike stretch Video
Min 5: Static 90/90 Video
Min 6: Active hip extension Video
The goal of these sets is to be moving for 30-45 seconds of the minute.

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 26

Training 5

Session #1 Session #2
Weightlifting/Strength: Gymnastics:
Warm up: Gymnastics Strength:
10-1 2 rounds for quality:
Power snatch + OHS 2 x 10-20 sec Top of the ring dip hold into 10-20 sec bottom of the ring dip hold
Men use 40kg, women 25kg. First do 10 PS, then 10 OHS, then 9 PS, then 9 OHS and so on. 2. 3-5 False grip ring pull-ups with a 3 sec hold at the top
Choose a maintainable pace. This is obviously a hard warm up, however it gives us the opportunity to 3. 3-5 Strict ring dips with a 3 sec pause in the bottom
practice our barbell cycling and positioning before the lifting. Use this piece to focus on a good bar path *Rest as needed between rounds and sets to keep the quality
and technically clean lifts.
Gymnastics Skill Development:
Snatch + Hang Snatch 3 rounds for quality:
1. Find your daily max in the complex (1+1). 1 False grip pull up + 1 strict RMU + 1 strict ring dip + 1 kipping ring dip + 1 RMU
2. 10 min EMOM alternate between: *Rest as needed between rounds.
a) 1 Snatch at 80-90% of 1
b) 1 Hang Snatch at 80-90% of 1 Gymnastics Conditioning:
Each with a 3 sec pause in the top and bottom position. 3 rounds for time:
If you fail a lift, pause less than 3 seconds or step forward or backward, perform 5 lateral burpees over the 4/2 strict RMU
bar. The %-work is all about technically perfect lifts and staying focused. It should be your goal not to do a 6/4 strict Ring dips
single burpee… 12 DB snatches 22.5/15kg

Snatch Deadlift from deficit Rest 5 minutes, then

5 x 1 @ as heavy as form allows
Here it is important that you keep the torso more upright and the bar close to the body in the pull. A 3 rounds for time:
snatch DL is very different to a normal DL. 4/3 RMU
7/5 Ring dips
12 KB snatches 32/24kg
Conditioning: #FocusoftheDay
Reverse Tabata Sprints for max Cals
1. 6 x 10 sec on – 20 sec off : Assault Bike
Rest until recovered and you are ready to go again. (5 – 10 min) 3 rounds of:
6-8 Bilateral active internal rotation Video
2. 6 x 10 sec on – 20 sec off : Ski Erg 6-8 Cuban rotations Video
*Score is the summary of the best and the worst round. 20 sec Dead hang
These are ALL OUT sprints, it is important you don’t leave anything in the tank. Do not skip this accessory – taking care of your shoulders is important, especially after today’s work.

Daily Movement Drill:

Week 3/4: German hang / Skin the cat
Accumulate 30 sec in German hang or 3 slow Skin the cat.Video

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: Copyright © The Progrm 2019
The Progrm Elite 2019 Week 26

Training 6

Session #1 Session #2
The Progrm Mash: Weightlifting/Strength:
For time: Bottom Up Overhead Squat Video
5 rounds for time: 10 x 1 at roughly 50% of your most recent 1RM. The goal here is to find a weight that makes you fight for
20/15 cal Row good positioning whilst at the same time allows you to complete the rep.
10 Burpees over C2
Time cap: 10 min Reverse lunge
4 x 4 alternating steps (total reps). You can choose between using a barbell or DB
5 min Rest

4 rounds for time:

20 GHD Sit-ups
80 Double Unders Lateral jumps Video
Time cap: 10 min 4 x 10
Has to be done as TnG jumps. Start with a low box and gradually build to your “limit”. Girls should look at
5 min Rest making 24 inch whilst guys should be pushing 30inch.

3 rounds for time: Burpee Broad jumps for max distance

20 SDHP 50/35kg 3x4
20 STOH 50/35kg Rest as needed between sets to stay explosive.
Time cap: 10 min

5 min Rest Daily Movement Drill:

Week 3/4: German hang / Skin the cat
2 rounds for time: Accumulate 30 sec in German hang or 3 slow Skin the cat.Video
30 BJO 24/20in
30 Alt Pistols
Time cap: 8 min

5 min Rest

For time:
20 Deficit HSPU (Max 3 sets, choose deficit accordingly)
15 BMU
Time cap: 6 min

LICENSED FOR THE SOLE USE OF: LEONARDO Website: Copyright © The Progrm 2019

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